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Jason Mraz - LOVE is a four letter word歌词本

Jason Mraz - LOVE is a four letter word歌词本
Jason Mraz - LOVE is a four letter word歌词本


Test of the 21st Century Newspaper Issue 576 挑战版 实战演练 1. I am going to _____ from my school soon, but I will be thankful to it forever. A. move B. graduate C. stay D. remain 2. Tom _____ in the exam again though he tried his best. A. passed B. failed C. crossed D. showed 3. Scientists and doctors are trying their best to come up with ways to treat the terrible _____. A. disease B. decision C. danger D. deal 4. – How can we protect ourselves _____ the earthquake?– We should stay calm first. (2014) A. with B. about C. for D. from 5. – What will the phone ____?– The same as you said, eight hundred dollars each. (2016 ) A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford 6. – It is reported that Chinese ____ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat. – It is true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. (2015 襄阳) A. spend B. cost C. pay D. Take 7. – It is important for us to know _____ all the subjects.– Yeah, group work is my favorite. (2015 ) A. how to study B. when to study C. which to study D. what to study 8. Nowadays, each of the students ____ a new dictionary in the countryside. (2013 ) A. has B. had C. have 原版挑战Talking through your problems Yesterday, my 15-year-old brother Tommy had a fight with my 12- year-old broth er Kevin. I didn’t notice. I knocked on the door and asked, “Kevin, do you want to (1) ?”Later, as I was walking upstairs I heard Kevin crying in his room. No one (2) . I tried again. Still nothing happened. So, I took some cards an d wrote, “If you don’t, we can write notes.” An hour later I was still sitting on the floor outside his door with two pads of paper in my hands. One pad was new and the other was from Kevin. As I read one of Kevin’s notes, tears came to my eyes. It(3) , “Nobody in this family cares about me. Tommy thought I was too weak and Dad (4) me he wished he had the other Kevin as a kid because he’s better at basketball. You’re never around to even notice me.” He was right about my part. I wrote back, “Kevin, I do love you an d you know that. I’m here for you and you are loved in this family.” I wrote back “For what?” It returned to me with “Loving me” on it.He didn’t reply for a while, but then I heard he cried a little bit. Kevin ran out of cards and wrote “Thanks” on a p aper cup. Since then, I try my best to pay more attention to my family members. Kevin and I have a closer relationship now and when one of us notices that the other is unhappy, we’ll smile and say, “Write it on a paper cup.” Teens c ouldn’t contact the author of this story. The author can contact Teens if necessary. Task 1Discuss the questions: 1. Who is the closest member to you in your family? Please share one or two stories about you two. 2. If one of your family members has some trouble, what will you do?


一、补肾壮阳中药配方 中医认为:“肾为先天之本”“肾藏精,主生长,发育,生殖”,“肾主骨,生髓,通脑”,“肾主纳气,肾主水液”“肾开窍于耳”“肾司二便”“腰为肾之府”等等。总之肾脏的健康说明人体生长,发育,生殖系统的活力。推荐阅读:男性在何种情况下需要补肾?饮食调理方补肾 1、白术(土炒)、青皮、生地黄、厚朴(姜沙)、杜仲(姜炒)、破故纸(微炒)、广陈皮、川椒、巴戟肉、白茯苓、小茴香;肉苁蓉各30克,青盐15克,黑豆(炒香)60克,白酒1500毫升。将前14味共研粉末,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡7-10天后,过滤去渣,即成。补肾健脾。口服。每次空腹温服15-30毫升,每日早、晚各服1次。主治:脾肾两虚、男子阳症。忌食牛、马肉。 2、红参30克,海马15克,鹿茸9克,海沟肾(炙)1对,淫羊藿、菟丝子、肉苁蓉各30克,韭菜子60克,白酒1000毫升。将前8味捣碎,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡,过滤去渣,即成。口服。每天晚临卧前服30毫升。主治:阳痿不举、腰膝酸软、精神倦怠等症。补肾壮阳。 3、千金秘精方:早莲蓬、头粉、莲花芯、莲子心各均和。制法、用法:碾为细末,炼蜜为丸,如鸡头子大,一二丸口含。功用:任意采战不洩。 4、惹意牵裙散:牡丹花、天仙子、天茄花各均和。制法、用法:上为末,放在茶酒内与妇人食之。如增产交合后果,蛇床子加倍;增产坚度,远志加倍;若欲长大,鹿茸加倍;增产射精量,钟乳加倍。 5、长相思:淀粉、蛇床子、川椒(去目)、狗骨(烧灰)各均和。碾为细末,津调涂于玉茎上。功用:初交一次,令女刻骨铭心。 6、浴炉散:香、甘松、青皮、荆芥、五味子、蛇床子、朴硝个均和。制法、用法:每用一服水二钟,连根葱三枝,温洗阴户。功用:行事兴阳。 二、中医推荐补肾壮阳药酒配方 1、人参枸杞酒


10-11学年度第426期7版Quiz time答案: 高二版 Reading D1 1-4 CDCB D2 1. The mobile phone/The cell phone/The mobile. 2. Russia and Singapore. 3. 1) One gives its user safety, security and instant access to information. 2) One changes the nature of a relationship. 3) One can be used as an alarm clock and a camera and to play games. 4. 很多人从未不带手机出门,而且如果让他们选择的话,他们宁愿丢掉钱包也不愿丢掉手机。 D3 1-5 DDCBA D4 1-4 CDBA D5 1-5 DCADA 6-10 ABABC 11-15 DAABA 16-20 BACDD 答案解析 D1 1. C. 根据文章最后一句If you push a kid to do well, and they’re good at it, they benefit. It’s good to have high expectations.”可知,Amy Chua 的支持者们认为父母对于孩子的期望高是又好处的。 2. D. sympathize是“表示同情”的意思。 3. C. 文中提到Children need parents who can guide them, not force them to do things they’re probably not interested in. 所以Jeffrey Seinfeld 认为父母在教育孩子的时候要认真考虑孩子的需求。 4. B. 纵观全文,主要讲述了Amy Chua的书所引发的关于严厉管教孩子的教育方式的激烈辩论。 D3 1. D. 文章开头列举了母女的事例,之后开始介绍深度阅读的内容,可见事例的使用是为了引出话题。 2. D. 文章提到Instant messages and 140-character tweets appear to be reducing our ability to concentrate on a single idea or theme in a book, 只供学习与交流




男性食疗补肾6个经典秘方 1.补肾壮骨方: 用于因肾阳虚损引起的腰膝酸软,下肢无力,头晕目眩,手足不温等症状。 做法:猪或羊腔骨500克,文火炖熟,虫草20克去灰渣,清水漂洗干净后,加入桂圆50克,文火共炖,酌加调料即可。 2.健脑补肾方: 因肾精亏虚引起的脑髓不充、失眠健忘、头晕耳鸣等症状。 做法:核桃仁300克、枸杞子200克、女贞子200克、炒莲子200克、炒大枣50克,装瓶或罐内,加入低度白酒,酒应超过中药约3厘米,每天搅动一次,半月后酌加蜂蜜,每天适量饮用。 3.补肾壮腰方: 用于因肾虚肾寒或先天禀赋不足引起的腰膝酸软、下肢无力、遗精早泄、头晕健忘等症状。 做法:羊肉500克煲汤至肉烂,加入山药500克切成块,枸杞子100克,文火炖半小时,酌加调料即可。 4.补肾强身方: 适于脾肾虚弱引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、纳谷不香或放化疗引起的面色晦暗、乏力倦怠等。 做法:猪或羊肾一对,剖开去筋膜,冷水泡半天。黑木耳100克,凉水泡开,花菜200克掰小块,洗净开水焯过。猪或羊肾切丁,与黑木耳爆炒,酌加姜、蒜末及盐,炒至八分熟时加入花菜,翻炒至熟即可。 5.滋补肝肾方: 用于因肝肾阴虚而引起的眩晕、眼花、关节屈伸不利、烦热、盗汗等症状。 做法:枸杞子30克,冬虫夏草10克,百合50克,洗净后加水炖开,文火慢煮约20分钟左右,加入猪肝或羊肝50克及调料适量,再煮约30分钟即可,分次吃肝喝汤。

6.补肾壮阳方: 用于肾气虚损,肾阳不足引起的阳萎早泄、遗精尿频、腰痛、下肢无力等症。 做法:枸杞子250克,蛤蚧一对去头足,肉苁蓉200克,大枣50克,装广口瓶,兑入低度白酒,酒需高于中药约3厘米,每天搅动一次,封存半月后饮用。



EAMS伊姆斯椅——没有伊姆斯椅的小店一般都不文艺 历史: 伊姆斯休闲椅是伊姆斯夫妇设 计的,已经成为美国最重要的 现代艺术博物馆MOMA的永久收 藏品!Eames Lounge Chair诞 生于1956年,至今仍备受世人 宠爱;在2003年被列入世界最 佳产品设计之林,在2006年的 ICFF上,吸引众人眼球,光芒 四射;金像奖的电影导演Billy Wilder的生日礼物;Herman Miller和Vitra的宠儿。 做工: 1、弯板由七层曲木合成,贴酸枝木皮、樱桃木皮或胡桃木皮,具有天然的色彩和纹理。 2、铝脚:有黑色烤漆五星铝脚(Herman Miller版本)或银色抛光铝脚(Vitra版本)可选。 3、坐上去舒适,优雅大方。从而达到减轻压力,消除疲劳的效果。 设计师: 美国夫妻档设计师查尔斯(Charles,1907-1978)和蕾·伊姆斯(Ray Eames,1912-1988)是20世纪最有影响力的设计师,是建筑、家具和工业设计等现代设计领域的先锋设计师。他们于1946年开办设计事务所,1947年加盟著名的米勒公司,1949年底带来惊世之作——伊姆斯躺椅和脚凳。他们的代表作除了伊姆斯躺椅和脚凳,还有伊姆斯办公椅、伊姆斯餐厅扶手椅、餐厅比基尼木制椅和层压板椅等。这对设计界的超级夫妇档有近百件作品被各大博物馆

永久典藏。 伊姆斯夫妇是20世纪美国设计界最完美的一对伴侣,在分工上依姆斯主要从技术、材料和生产的角度来考虑问题,而雷则更多地考虑形式、空间和审美。这种结合有助于他们将结构、功能、心理、美学以及文化等诸多问题结合起来贯穿于产品设计的各个方面。他们的设计实践极大地丰富了现代设计的理论。伊姆斯椅Eames Chair 餐椅时尚椅子 名椅来历: 1950年,Charles and Ray Eames面临一个新的挑战,他们要设计出一款既经济,又要轻便、坚固,还要高质量的椅子。灵感来自法国艾菲尔铁塔,他们利用弯曲的钢筋和成形的塑料制造这款经典的餐椅,优美的外形和实用功能使艾菲尔餐椅立即大受欢迎,流行至今。 名椅特征: 1.本单品为Eames Plastic Chair系列成员之一,舒适的椅座外壳设计是以添加了玻璃纤维强化的塑料来制作,再搭配上各式不同的脚座来增添使用的多样化,值得一提的是Eames Plastic Chair的创新技术与材质,使它得以成为全世界第一张被大量制造的单椅。 2.现今创新的科技,使全系列的Eames Plastic Chair终于再次复刻制造,使用环保可回收的聚丙烯材质,来制作线条优美的椅座外壳,不但重量更轻,同时更具有更好的耐热性及抗化学性。


21世纪英语报阅读理解A Do you want to know about how busy stude nts are in the Un ited States? Well, we are always busy. We have a lot of homework, but not as much as Chin ese stude nts. But we are not just busy work ing on our studies. First, we have after-school clubs. We finish school early, around 2:40 pm. Then we go to our clubs from 3 pm to 4 pm. There are several kinds of clubs, such as those for arts, sports and culture. I love after-school clubs because I can lear n and socialize (社交). Ano ther ki nd of com mon after-school activity is playi ng on school sports teams. These teams train hard so they can win games aga inst other teams duri ng the competitive seas on. I have a friend who is on a girl ' s basketball team. It is basketball seas on now, so she trains every day afteh sol from 3 pm to 8 pm. There is just a on e-hour break. The school band ' rehearsal (排练)period is also held after school. I am in a school band. We rehearse once a week every Mon day from 4 pm to 7 pm. Fin ally, a lot of us do volun teer work on the weeke nds. We n eed 15 to 20 volun teer hours each term in order to graduate. I ' m usually pretty tired after I finish volunteering each week. The work is sometimes boring, but I know I ' m working for the good of society. So I enjoy it. 1. Why does the writer like after-school clubs? A. Because she fini shes school early. B. Because there are differe nt kinds of clubs. C. Because she enjoys lear ning and talk ing with others. D. Because she doesn ' t have anything better to do. 2. School sports teams train stude nts hard to ___ . A. keep them busy after school B. help them socialize with each other C. win games duri ng the competitive seas on D. help them get scholarships 3. Which after-school activity is n ecessary for graduati on? A. Arts club. B. Sports team. C. School band. D. Volun teer activity. 4. How long can the writer ' s friend have a rest in basketball team when she trains? A. One hour B. Five hours C. Six hours D. Seven hours 5. What is the main idea of the story? A. America n stude nts lear n more tha n Chin ese stude nts. B. There are better after-school activities in the US than in China. C. School activities are popular in the world. D. America n stude nts are busy with activities after school. 21世纪英语报阅读理解B 2018 is the Year of the Dog. Although dogs are see n as friends and part of the family today, China and Wester n coun tries have differe nt cultural beliefs about dogs. In Chinese, some words about dogs have derogatory(贬义的)meanings, such as "Lead a dog's life. "In English, however, the situation is different. People use "every dog has his day" to describe a period of good luck, "work like a dog ” to describe a hard worker and "a gay dog" to describe a happy pers on. The dog-huma n relati on ship goes right back to the begi nnings of Wester n civilizati on Perhaps the most movi ng example is from the 8th cen tury BC, i n Greek poet Homers The Odyssey. Whe n Greek hero Odysseus fin ally returns home after 20 years away at war, no one but his dog Argos recog ni zes(认出)him. The Argos is an old, sick dog, and is about to die; but he is overjoyed to see his owner aga in after so many

21世纪报(26edition)答案 - 副本

Language study for the 26th edition Best actor from Eton 1. Not in the days before this year’s Academy Awards. 译:_______________________________________________________ 2. Then, on Feb 22, Redmayne of Eton won the award, beating (beat) his longtime friend, Harrow-educated Cumberbatch, 38. 3. It follows him as he develops his big bang theory while losing (lose) the use of much of his body. 4. While (译:不过,尽管) Redmayne’s performance means he is now seen as one of the best actor in the world, he has also talked about his teenage days in the elite(精英) school. 5. “It’s the strange thing Eton does -you’re at school next to lords(勋爵) and earls(伯爵)and, in my case, Prince William, so you end up being used to deal with( 译:对付,处理) those sorts of people,” he told The Telegraph. 6. the ability to shut down (译:关闭,停止) facial muscles one by on 7. …“made William quite an easy target (译:容易被关注的目标) on the pitch”. 8. battle it out 决出胜负、奋力争夺9. headline (报纸的)大字标题 10. versus 对抗 11. tackle 绊倒12. apply to 申请 Time for potatoes


全球最经典的六把椅子 一、Womb Chair 子宫椅【一款讲究情怀的椅子】 子宫椅,由Eero Saarinen在1946年设计,内部是玻璃钢材质,由模具出模成型,坚固完美。椅表面是进品羊毛绒布,整个产品表面光滑,不起皱。整个椅子的布下面都有垫弹性海绵。椅子脚为不锈钢管,很好的镜面效果,光亮照人,每个细节都顺畅无坑洼。 埃罗·沙里宁(Eero Saarinen,1910-1961)是美国著名建筑设计师和工业设计师,他的家具设计具有高度艺术性和强烈的时代气息,而且与其建筑设计一样,具有鲜明的特色。沙里宁不断在家具,特别是在椅子上进行创新设计,他设计的椅子都经过严格的物理、力学、人体工程学的试验,表明了他严格的科学态度。他创造了球椅(Ball Chair)、子宫椅(Womb Chair)、郁金香椅子(Tulip Chair)、泡沫椅(Bubble Chair)、香皂椅(Soap chair)等世界著名设计。 二、BARCELONA 巴塞罗那椅【都敏俊教授家中的玄关沙发】 巴塞罗那椅,它到底有什么牛逼之处?这么说吧,它基本上可以出现在任何国家任何一期的任何家居设计杂志上,而西方有钱人或者设计师的家里都会摆上几把装装样子。这把椅子是现代家具设计的经典之作。 巴塞罗那椅由设计师密斯在1929年巴塞罗那世界博览会上,为了欢迎西班牙国王和王后而设计,同著名的德国馆相协调。这件体量超大的椅子也明确显示出高贵而庄重的身份。当年的世博会德国馆是密斯的代表作,但由于建筑的设计意念独特,竟没有合适的家具与其搭衬,所以他不得不专门设计了巴塞罗那椅来迎接国王和王后。 它由成弧形交叉状的不锈钢构架支撑真皮皮垫,非常优美而且功能化。两块长方形皮垫组成座面(坐垫)及靠背。椅子当时是全手工磨制,外形美观,功能实用。简单来说,它奠定了当代沙发的一个发展方向—皮与钢的结合。它的正品售价要几万块人民币。 三、ToliX 金属椅【任何一个有吧台的地方,都有ToliX】 法国经典的Tolix金属椅,一把有味道有态度的椅子,1934年由Xavier Pauchard设计,实际上,它早期是作为户外用家具设计,被全世界时尚设计师所宠爱之后,它顺利从室外扩展到家居、商业、展示等多个用途。 而此椅也不负众望在各类空间中均有上佳表现,户外材质能够搭配美式乡村,流畅廓型非常适合北欧简约,慵懒气质就是典型法式复古,无愧时尚界第一百搭椅的赞誉。 四、PANTON 潘东椅【只因太美,你可能需要为了它再买一套房子】 美人潘东椅,它的年龄或许比我们这些使用者还大,但外表却要比我们年轻得多。丹麦人Panton 在1968年做成这款椅子,作为世界第一张一次成型的S形单体悬臂椅,它开创了一个时代。

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第一单元 课后答案

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第三册)本册主编:余建中第一单元课后答案 Unit 1 TextA P 17--21页 第5题:1、Curious 2、affect 3、eme rgency 4、lock 5、relatively 6、complaining 7、protested 8、react 9、mood 10、unique 11、consciousness 12、surgery. 第6题:1、the bottom line 2、thanks to 3、go through 4、lose touch 5、reflect on 6、follow around 7、look on 8、wake up 9、take action 10、after all. 第7题:1、前加Each time ………………….照搬填。2、前加Every ttime ………………….照搬填。3、前加Each time ………………….照搬填。4、前加Every ttime ………………….照搬填。5、前加Every ttime ………………….照搬填。6、前加Each time ………………….照搬填。 第8题:1、improve the sination intead of look on the negative 2、when you instead of go to work in a bad mood3、If you had an axe intead of a knife4、they choose him instead of you5、under a tree instead of in the library 6、look younger instead of older. 第9题:(1)、to (2)、It (3)、failure (4)、or (5)、make (6)、choice (7)、that (8)、thing (9)、attitude (10)、react (11)、charge (12)、basis. 第10题:翻译:1.每当我的兄弟抱怨他工作中的困难时,我总要求他看到光明的一面. Each time my brother complained about the difficulty of his work, I asked him to look on the bright side. Every time my brother complained about the difficulties he met in his work, I asked him to look on the bright side. 2.当有报告说附近大楼里两个孩子被人持枪劫持时,警察立刻作出了反应。 The police reacted immediately when report came that two kids had been held up (were held up ) at gunpoint in a nearby building. 3.当我指出玛丽的计算错误时,她没有尽快地改正它们,却申明那不是她的错。 When I pointed out the mistakes in her calculation, instead of correcting them as soon as possible, Mary protested that it was not her fault. 4.汤姆对我跟同事们说的笑话感到好奇,但他没有听懂。 Tom was curious about the joke I told my colleagues, but he didn’t get it. 5.由于杰克的积极心态,在急诊室里他在失去知觉前采取了行动并且挽救了自己的生命。 Thanks to his positive attitude, Jack took action and saved his own life before he lost consciousness in the emergency room. 6.当我细想我在过去所取得 的成绩时, 我不得不说,成功来自艰苦的工作。那是关键。 When I reflect on what I have achieved in the past, I have to say that success comes from hard work. That’s the bottom line. When I think carefully about my achievements in the past, I have to say that success comes from hard work. That’s the bottom line. TextA P 32--33页 第16题:1、recent 2、 characteristic 3、whatever 4、interview 5、condition 6、regular 7、traditonal 8、occupation 9、external 10、optimistic 11、pessimistic 12、institute. 第17题:1、have in common 2、regardless of 3、on a regular basis 4、in cintrast 5、stive for 6、have little/much to do with 7、go a long way 8、be related to. w w w .k h d a w .c o m


名称 设计师 特点及意义 高背椅(1902-1903) 英国设计师查尔斯·马金托什 他的设计在传统与现代具有承上启 下的意义。采用直线和几何造型,以 黑白为基本色彩,细部稍加花饰,藤蔓等自然图案装饰,作品典雅而具有整体感,造型夸张的黑色或白色高背 椅是他的经典之作,迄今具有影响 力。 红蓝椅(1917-1918) 荷兰设计师里特维特 由直线木条和矩形木板制成,黑色机 制木条垂直形成椅子的基本空间结 构,红色靠背,蓝座面,黄色木条截面,虽然从功能上说它不舒服,但它证明了产品最终形式取决于结构,而 且这种标准结构为以后的批量生产 家具提供了潜在可能性。 瓦西里椅(1925) 匈牙利籍,德国著名设计师马谢·布鲁尔(另一音译布劳耶) 是为了纪念他 和他的老师瓦西 里·康定斯基的友谊而命名,采用钢管和皮革,设计出一系列轻巧优美,结构单纯合理的新型家具,开创了现代钢管家具的历史篇章,在现代家具 史上具有重要意义。 巴塞罗那椅(1929) 德国设计师米斯·凡·德·罗 由弧形交叉状不锈钢构架支撑真皮 皮垫,非常优美而且功能化,全手工磨制,外型美观功能实用,时至今日, 巴塞罗那椅已经成为一种风格。 中国椅(1944) 丹麦设计师汉斯·华格纳 是西方设计模仿中国家具设计最杰 出的例子,看似极简,其实蕴含无限, 达到了极高的审美境界。 胎式椅及郁金香椅(1955) 芬兰籍美国设计师艾洛·萨里宁 他的设计避免了刻板冰冷的几何形 态,而且力求外形来表达丰富的内涵,把有机形式与现代功能结合起来,开 创了有机现代主义设计的新途径。 蚂蚁椅、蛋椅、天鹅椅(1958) 丹麦设计师安尼·雅各布森 以模压玻璃纤维板与可延展的海绵泡 沫合成材料粘合,整体成形,呈现出流畅的曲线造型效果,具有极高的现 代美学价值。 潘顿椅(1960) 丹麦设计师维纳·潘顿 “潘顿椅”的设计具有划时代的意 义,它是世界上首件用玻璃纤维增强塑料一次性模压成型的座椅,其造型 别致,色彩艳丽,具有强烈的雕塑感。 球椅(1963-1965) 芬兰设计家艾洛·阿尼奧 球椅又称太空椅,它将扶手靠背和坐 垫包容于半球之中,为使用者创造了一种极似航天舱的不寻常感受,“球 椅”成为宇宙时代的一种象征。


21世纪英文报阅读三整理王玉杰 1 Make the interview a success 大学面试应该注意什么? WHAT is the main purpose of the interview from the college’s perspective (角度)? Most colleges would say that they are trying to find out if the student is a good fit. They want to know how interested you are and how you’ll contribute to their campus. So beyond the obvious interview tips related to a nice haircut, appropriate clothes and effective eye contact, there are lots of ways you can make a good impression. Bring your résumé(简历) –make sure it specifically spells out your achievements. The résumédetails what you’ve been doing outside of school besides homework. It gives the interviewer a window into your interests and how you might get involved at their college. Bringing a résumé may also provide you with the opportunity to talk about topics you?re familiar with. Be prepared. Make a list of your talking points. What are the three or four items you want to make sure you mention? Conduct wide research on the college. You should be able to list the most popular majors, name a few extracurricular (课外的) activities that interest you and know what the college is famous for. You should be able to demonstrate that you have completed a thoughtful college search and that you know why their college is a good fit for you. Be confident. Of course, it is nerve-wracking (让人紧张的) to be interviewed. However, how you deal with your nerves may shed some light on (表明) how you will deal with other obstacles (困境). College interviewers often say they are looking for students who they would want for a roommate. That means that it’s important that you are confident enough to share your unique personality traits (性格). You want to stand out and distinguish yourself, but in an acceptable way. So, don’t tap your fingers or your feet, play with your phone, twirl (捻弄) your hair, slouch (无精打采地坐) in your chair or get too comfortable. Watch your language. Avoid slang such as “sweet”, “my bad”and “dude (家伙)”. Also stay away from words such as “um,”“like”and “you know”. 1. What is the author?s purpose in writing the article? A. To discuss the main purpose of the interview from the college?s perspective. B. To inform readers about how to communicate with college interviewers. C. To introduce how to prepare resumes before the college interview. D. To give tips on how to make a good impression during the college interview. 2. What are the benefits of bringing your resume to the interview according to the article? a. It shows your respect for the interviewer. b. It helps the interviewer to know more about you. c. It shows the research you have done on the college. d. It may lead the talk in the direction you desir e. A. a, b B. a, c C. b, d D. c, d 3. The underlined word “demonstrate” in Paragr aph 5 is closest in meaning to _______. A. imagine B. show C. handle D. demand 4. Which of the following are you advised to do during the college interview? A. Play with your phone while waiting for your turn to speak. B. Tap your fingers or your feet when you feel nervous. C. Avoid saying “um” “like” and “you know”. D. Introduce to the interviewer all the achievements that you?ve made in the past year. 2 Best cabs in the world 伦敦出租车获评全球最佳。 WHICH city has the best taxis in the world? The answer is London, of course. Or at least, that was the result of a recent survey on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4910727698.html,. I?m a London girl and I agree, London cabs are special. They look rather London-y, too –black and round, like a London policeman?s helmet. The drivers –“cabbies” – are amazingly reliable. Getting the job requires at least two years of training and an infamous final test called “The Knowledge”. Cabbies know the best shortcuts (捷径) down forgotten streets. They tell great stories about the famous people they?ve driven. They talk about how the politicians of the day are incapable of running the country and convince you that cab drivers could do a better job. But taxis in London are special in another way –they?re expensive, about £25 (250 yuan) for a 10-minute journey. Anyway, my favorite cabs are in a different city: Beijing. Beijing taxis can be … interesting. Once, my Beijing driver stopped suddenly, got out of the car and challenged a bus driver to a fight. The bus driver jumped down from his bus and the two argued loudly. Once or twice I ended up in the wrong place entirely, either because of my terrible Chinese or because the driver decided to pick up a friend on the way. Another time, my taxi wasn?t even a taxi: I rode on the back of a fruit truck for 20 minutes along the Fourth Ring Road. The driver laughed hysterically (歇斯底里地) all the way, thinking that he must have found the maddest foreigner of them all. But I learned as much Mandarin while driving through Chaoyang District as I did in language classes. Beijing taxi drivers were some of my kindest and best Chinese teachers. I even became a teacher myself –some drivers gave me discounts (折扣) for practicing English with them. Unlike London cabs, Beijing taxis were never totally reliable. But they were reliably unpredictable. And that made every journey special. Oh, and I almost forgot: Beijing taxis are a lot cheaper, too. London taxis are known for their round design. MCT 1
