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Update Conscious Bitmap Indices

Update Conscious Bitmap Indices
Update Conscious Bitmap Indices

Update Conscious Bitmap Indices Guadalupe Canahuate,Michael Gibas,Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu

The Ohio State University

Department of Computer Science



Bitmap indices have been widely used in several domains such as data warehousing and scienti?c applications due to their ef?ciency in answering certain query types over large data sets.However,their utilization has been largely limited to read-only data sets or to static snapshots of data due to the cost associated with the update and append of new data. Typically,several bitmaps are associated with each indexed attribute in a table,i.e.one for each attribute value,bin, or range.Each one of these bitmaps needs to be updated to re?ect a new,appended row.Since a given table could be represented by hundreds or even thousands of bitmaps, the insertion of a single record can be prohibitively costly. In order to transfer the fast query response times offered by bitmap indices to dynamic database domains,we propose an update conscious bitmap index that provides a mecha-nism to quickly update bitmaps to re?ect dynamic database changes.For an insert operation only the bitmaps that rep-resent the values being inserted need to be updated.We formalize the insert and delete operations of the proposed technique and provide a cost model for bitmap updates. We compare the update conscious bitmaps to traditional bitmaps in terms of storage space,update performance,and query execution time.


Bitmap indices are widely used in data warehouses and scienti?c applications to ef?ciently query large-scale data repositories.They are successfully implemented in com-mercial Database Management Systems,e.g.,Oracle[1,2], IBM[15],Informix[7,13],Sybase[6,8],and have found many other applications such as visualization of scienti?c data[10,18,19].Bitmap indices can provide very ef?cient performance for point and range queries thanks to fast hard-ware supported bit-wise operations over the bitmaps.

Traditionally,the use of bitmaps has been restricted to read-only or read-mostly(data warehouses)data environ-ments.Even though commercial RDBMS,such as Oracle, support updates to bitmap indexed tables,the general con-census is that updating bitmapped indexes take a lot of re-sources and time and the recommendation is to use nightly batch updates,drop the index,apply the changes,and re-build the bitmaps[5,3,12].In Oracle,“the bitmap index is an extreme case of resource consumption single row DML on tables with bitmap indexes can result in massive amounts of undo and redo being generated,combined with a huge space wastage inside the index that results in lots of un-necessary I/O as the index is both written or read”[11]. The reason is that bitmaps were not originally designed to handle updates ef?ciently.The main goal of a bitmap in-dex is to execute queries fast and ef?ciently for large vol-umes of data.Within a bitmap index,a single bitmap is a bit vector that identi?es the tuples that have attribute-values that match the value,category,or range associated with the bitmap.The entire bitmap index is made up of multiple bitmaps for each indexed attribute.The main reason why updates are so costly is that all the bitmaps,often hundreds of them,need to be updated when a new row is inserted. Insertion is the most common update operation.

As a sample application,consider High Energy Physics (HEP)experiments consisting of accelerating sub-atomic particles to nearly the speed of light and forcing their colli-sion.Sequences of events notable for physicists are stored with all the details.The number of events stored and an-alyzed in one year is on the order of several millions and the number of attributes per each event is above100[17]. Bitmap indices provide ef?cient query support for such data[18].New events are periodically appended to the database as more experiments are performed.Bitmap up-date is done periodically in batches.This means that the new data is not accessible from the index structure until the next scheduled update of the bitmap index is done.In or-der to update the bitmap index,the new data needs to be encoded into the bitmap,compressed,and appended to the existing bitmaps.

For the most commonly used bitmap encoding,where bits are only set for tuples that match the bitmap value,and

in the case where updates were performed in real time,the insertion process would need to access all the bitmaps for the table,add a‘0’for those bitmaps that are not relevant for the value(s)inserted and a‘1’on the relevant bitmaps. Considering this domain,the number of bitmaps per table makes this insertion process prohibitively costly.

However,if it were possible to propagate database changes to only those relevant bitmaps and still maintain consistency between index and database,then the cost of bitmap updates would be greatly reduced.By updating bitmaps ef?ciently,we can expand the domain of applica-tions for which bitmap indices can be useful.We could es-sentially make the same number of changes to the bitmap index structure as would be necessary for an equivalent set of B+-tree indices over the attributes and maintain index-data consistency.

In this paper,we propose a bitmap index design for equality encoded bitmap indices for which new records can be added by updating a single bitmap per indexed attribute. Using compressed bitmaps,we add an extra word as the last word of each bitmap.This extra word is a compressed large run of0’s that pads the number of rows encoded in the bitmap to a?xed number,much bigger than the actual number of rows in the table.When we insert a new row, we set the bit in the corresponding position of the relevant bitmaps,and compress the last words accordingly.Dele-tions are handled by maintaining a compressed existence bitmap(EB)[14].When a record is deleted,the appropriate bit is set to0in the EB.Query execution is performed in the same manner as traditional bitmaps with one additional AND bit operation with the existence bitmap.Updates of existing data are handled by performing a delete operation followed by an insertion.

These changes expand the applicable domain of bitmap indices.For record insertions,the number of changes that need to be made to the index structure are reduced by a fac-tor equal to the average cardinality of the indexed attributes of the dataset.These changes make bitmap indices feasible for some dynamic databases and makes them more attrac-tive for high cardinality data domains.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Sec-tion2provides some background on bitmap indices and bitmap compression.Section3presents the update con-scious bitmap approach.Section4provides the cost model for bitmap updates and query execution.Section5shows the experimental results and the performance comparison with traditional bitmap indices.We conclude in Section6.


Bitmap tables are a special type of bit matrices.Each binary row in the bitmap table represents one tuple in the database.The bitmap columns are produced by quantizing


Tuple b1b2b3b1b2b3







Figure 1.Simple bitmap example for a ta-

ble with two attributes and three bins per at-


the attributes in the database into categories or bins.Each tuple in the database is then encoded based on which bin each attribute value falls into.

For the simple bitmap encoding(also called equality en-coding)[14],if a value falls into a bin,this bin is marked “1”,otherwise“0”.Since a value can only fall into a sin-gle bin,only a single“1”can exist for each row of each attribute.After binning,the whole database is converted into a huge0-1bitmap,where rows correspond to tuples and columns correspond to bins.Figure1shows an exam-ple of the equality encoded bitmap using a table with two attributes,each partitioned into three bins.The?rst tuple t1falls into the?rst bin in attribute1,and the third bin in attribute2.

Bitmap indices can provide very ef?cient performance for point and range queries thanks to fast bit-wise opera-tions over the bitmaps,which are ef?ciently supported by hardware.

With equality encoded bitmaps a point query is executed by ANDing together the bit vectors corresponding to the values speci?ed in the search key.For example,?nding the data points that correspond to a query where Attribute 1is equal to3and Attribute2is equal to5is only a mat-ter of ANDing the two bitmaps together.Equality Encoded Bitmaps are optimal for point queries[4].Range queries are executed by?rst ORing together all bit vectors speci?ed by each range in the search key and then ANDing the answers together.If the query range for an attribute queried includes more than half of the cardinality then we execute the query by taking the complement of the ORed bitmaps that are not included in the range query.

No matter which bitmap encoding we use,the bitmap in-dex table is a0-1table.This table needs to be compressed to be effective on a large database.General purpose text compression techniques are clearly not suitable for this pur-pose since they signi?cantly reduce the ef?ciency of queries [9,21].Specialized bitmap compression schemes have been proposed to overcome this problem.These schemes are based on run-length encoding,i.e.,they replace runs of0’s or1’s in the columns by a single instance of the symbol and


31-bit groups1,20*0,4*1,6*062*010*0,21*19*1 groups in hex400003C00000000000000000001FFFFF000001FF WAH(hex)400003C080000002001FFFFF000001FF Figure2.An example of a WAH compressed bit vector.

a run count.These methods not only compress the data but also enable fast bitwise logical operations,which translates into faster query processing.

Run length encoding[16]can therefore be used over ev-ery column to compress the data when long runs of“0”or “1”blocks become available.Pure run length encoding is not a good strategy because of its accessing inef?ciency. The two most popular compression techniques for bitmaps are the Byte-aligned Bitmap Code(BBC)[1]and the Word-Aligned Hybrid(W AH)code[22].Unlike traditional run length encoding,these schemes mix run length encoding and direct storage.BBC stores the compressed data in Bytes while WAH stores it in Words.W AH is more CPU ef?cient because it only has two types of words:literal words and ?ll words.In our examples it is the most signi?cant bit that indicates the type of word we are dealing with.Let w de-note the number of bits in a word,the lower(w?1)bits of a literal word contain the bit values from the bitmap.If the word is a?ll,then the second most signi?cant bit is the?ll bit,and the remaining(w?2)bits store the?ll length.W AH imposes the word-alignment requirement on the?lls.This requirement is key to ensure that logical operations only ac-cess words.

Figure2shows a W AH compressed bit vector represent-ing133bits.The?rst line is the original bit vector.The vector starts with one1,followed by twenty0’s,four1’s seventy eight0’s,and thirty1’s.In this example,we as-sume32bit words.Under this assumption,each literal word stores31bits from the bitmap,and each?ll word represents a multiple of31bits.The second line in Figure2shows how the bit vector is divided into31-bit groups,and the third line shows the hexadecimal representation of the groups.

The last line shows the values of W AH words.Since the ?rst and third groups do not contain greater than a multiple of31of a single bit value,they are represented as literal words(a0followed by the actual bit representation of the group).The fourth group is less than31bits and thus is stored as a literal.The second group contains a multiple of 310’s and therefore is represented as a?ll word(a1,fol-lowed by the0?ll value,followed by the number of?lls in the last30bits).The?rst three words are regular words, two literal words and one?ll word.The?ll word80000002 indicates a0-?ll of two-word long(containing62consecu-tive zero bits).The fourth word is the active word,and it stores the last few bits that could not be stored in a regular word.Another word with the value9,not shown,is needed to store the number of useful bits in the active word.Log-ical operations are performed over the compressed bitmaps resulting in another compressed bitmap.

3Update Conscious Bitmaps(UCB)

3.1The General Idea

Let us consider the update operations over a traditional bitmap indexed attribute A of table T.We denote as B= {b1,b2,...,b C}the set of bitmaps over the domain of A and as n the number of tuples in T.The simple uncompressed bitmap encoding would have n bits in each bitmap.To in-sert a new tuple with value corresponding to b i,one would need to add a‘1’at the end of bitmap b i and a‘0’at the end of all other bitmaps.

To delete a record,we use the Existence Bitmap (EB)[14].Originally,the EB was proposed to handle non-existent rows.The bits corresponding to non-existing tuples are set to zero in all bitmaps.Therefore,the EB needed to be used(ANDed together with another bitmap)after a NOT operation to make sure that only existing rows are reported as answers.

In the uncompressed bitmaps,to update a row we need to change two bitmaps.The old value bitmap to unset the corresponding bit and the new value bitmap to set the corre-sponding bit to1.However,given the amount of space they require,it is not feasible to store the bitmaps in an uncom-pressed form.Several compression techniques have been proposed for bitmap indices.While these techniques effec-tively reduce the space required by the bitmaps,they have the disadvantage that there is no longer a direct mapping between the bit position in a bitmap and the position of the row in the table.In this case,for example,updates become even more expensive because we need to scan(decompress) the bitmap in order to locate the corresponding bit in the two bitmaps.This is the reason why we handle updates by performing a delete followed by an insert operation.

We modify the current equality encoded bitmaps in the following ways:

?To each bitmap we add a number of non-set bits,called pad-bits,that would be used for the new tuples.By padding the bitmaps with zeros we can insert a new tu-ple by setting the corresponding bit only in the bitmap that corresponds to the inserted value.

?We maintain a total bit counter,TBC,for the number of non-pad bits currently in the bitmaps.

?We also pad the Existence Bitmap(EB)with non-set bits to indicate non-existing rows.As in the original approach,the EB is ANDed with the resulting bitmap after a NOT operation to make sure that only existing rows are reported as answers.

In the following section we detail the update conscious bitmap index approach.From here on,we refer to the equal-ity encoded WAH-compressed bitmaps as original or tradi-tional bitmaps.

3.2Bitmap Creation

We based our implementation of the Update Conscious Bitmaps on equality encoded bitmaps using Word-Aligned Hybrid(W AH)compression.W AH has been proven to provide faster query execution(2X-20X faster)than Byte-aligned Bitmap Code(BBC)with a smaller compression ra-tio(compressed bitmaps are typically40-60%larger)[20]. WAH is currently considered the start-of-the-art in bitmap compression due to its simplicity and ef?ciency.

Bitmaps are created as usual and compressed using WAH.For the rest of this paper the word size is set to w=32bits.The number of words encoded in each bitmap is T0= n/(w?1) ,where n is the number of rows in the table.We divide by w?1because with W AH com-pression,one bit is reserved to indicate the type of word, whether a literal or?ll word.The compressed size of each bitmap can be smaller than T0words,however,a total of T0words are encoded in each bitmap.We then add a?-nal word,called a pad-word,which is the?ll representation of words of0s.With one pad-word,each bitmap encodes T1=2w?2?1words.The pad-word would be the0-?ll word of T2=T1?T0words.In case more bits are needed, one could add one or more pad-words to encode T1more words for each pad-word.For the rest of paper we assume that T1words are enough to encode all the rows in the table, i.e.at any given time we have less T1?(w?1)rows in the indexed table(including the rows that would be inserted in the future).

Figure3shows an example of a compressed bit vector for both the original W AH compressed bitmap(3rd line) and the update conscious bitmap(4th line).It is worth not-ing that we changed the encoding of the active word in the W AH implementation so incoming bits of zeros do not re-quire a bitmap update.In the original implementation the active word would be represented as000001FF,in which case,adding a zero would update this word to be000003FE. However,by encoding the rows from the most signi?cant bits,the active word7FC00000in the UCB would remain unchanged when we add a zero.The last word in the update conscious bitmap(BFFFFFFA),represents the pad-word, i.e.a0-?ll word for a run of33,285,996,358zeros.The total bit counter(TBC),not shown in this example,is set to 133.


Let us consider the insertion of a new row where attribute A is appended with the value encoded by bitmap b i.In this case,only b i needs to be accessed to perform the insertion. The basic idea is to use the TBC and the number of words in the pad word to decide how many zeros we need to put before the new1in the current bitmap.We also update the number of words encoded by the pad word so the total num-ber of words in the bitmap remains the same.We change the EB to include the new row and increment the TBC by1.

We have two cases when inserting a new row for attribute A depending on whether the inserted value is encoded by an existing bitmap.In the?rst case,when the value is already encoded by a bitmap b i,we compute the number of words encoded by the non-pad words of b i,T0=T1?T2.Note that even when T0is initially the same for all the bitmaps, as we insert new rows,T0remains the same for all the un-changed bitmaps.If all the bitmaps were updated on an insertion then the number of words encoded by the bitmaps would be T 0= TBC/(w?1) and T0would always be equal to T 0.In the case when T0=T 0we only need to change the bit corresponding to position(TBC mod(w?1)) in the active word.In the case when T0

As an illustration,consider the following example.In Figure4we present the last7compressed words for the bitmap index over the attribute sex,which only have two possible values M or F,for a table with200rows.Both bitmaps have6regular words,1active word and1pad-word (BFFFFFF8).The TBC is200,and the number of words needed is7(T 0= 200/31 ).Now consider the insertion of a new row where sex=M.TBC is updated to201.We only access the bitmap corresponding sex=M and update the active word(W1)to be3FCF0000(since the number of words needed remains to be7,i.e.T0=T 0).After16more insertions of rows where sex=M,TBC=217,and W1= 3FCFFFFF.When a new insertion comes where sex=M, TBC=218and the words needed are now8(T0


31-bit groups1,20*0,4*1,6*062*010*0,21*19*1



Literal Word Fill Word Literal Word Last Word Pad Word Figure3.WAH compressed bit vector for original bitmaps and Update Conscious Bitmaps(UCB).

Symbol Description

W0The pad word in a UCB

W1The last non-pad word in a UCB

W2The previous to the last non-pad word in UCB

W i.value or just W i The literal value of the i th word

W i.isFill Indicates whether the i th word is a?ll or not

W i.?ll The?ll value of the i th word

W i.nWords The number of words encoded by the i th?ll word

w The word size,we set it to32

TBC The global total bit counter

word[i]The literal word with only the i th bit set.

T1The total number of words encoded in each bitmap,including the pad word,in our examples T1=2w?1?1 T2The number of words encoded by the pad word,T2=W0.nW ords

T0The number of words encoded by the non-pad words in this bitmap,T0=T1?T2

T 0The number of literal words needed to encode TBC rows, TBC/(w?1)

Table1.Notation list and their meaning.

so we need to add one word and subtract1from the total words in W0.Since(218mod31=1),the new word is 40000000and W0is updated to be BFFFFFF7.

Now consider the insertion of a new row where sex=F. TBC=219and the number of words needed is8.Since there are only7words encoded in the bitmap(T0

For the second and special case of insertions,when the value being inserted is not encoded by an already existing bitmap,i.e.the new row is the?rst row with such a value, we do not need to access any of the bitmaps for attribute A, we just add a new bitmap with at most two non-pad words. The?rst word corresponds to the?ll words for(almost)all the previous rows and the second one is the active word with a1in the position corresponding to(TBC mod(w?1)). We also add as many pad-words as needed,e.g.1in our experiments.


We propose to handle deletes by unsetting the corre-sponding bit in the EB and leaving the rest of the bitmaps unchanged.Since the bit corresponding to the deleted row remains set in some bitmaps,when we execute the query we need to AND the EB with the?nal result to ensure that no deleted row is retrieved as an answer.4Bitmap Index Cost Model

The cost to modify a set of indices associated with a database update is the cost to propagate all database changes to the set of indices such that all possible operations over the indices exactly re?ect the state of current database.This section describes the bitmap modi?cations that need to oc-cur so that the indices are up to date after a record inser-tion for both traditional bitmaps and our update conscious bitmaps.

In our?nal update cost estimates,we assume that reads and writes dominate the cost of updates compared to the bit comparisons and bit operations that need to be performed. We also assume that I/O operations have a consistent cost, but they may in fact differ based on disk locality.The exper-imental results will show to what extent these assumptions are valid.


4.1.1Traditional Bitmaps

For traditional bitmaps,when a new row is inserted every bitmap for each indexed attribute needs to be updated in order to maintain consistency with the database.

Assuming the bitmap index is not in memory and bitmap B i is a pointer to a binary?le that contains the compressed bitmap,the insertion routine involves reading at most the


Value W6W5W4W3W2W1W0 Initially M7C3B773F6D75B7FF38F427F87E95B5FA6FFFE3AF3FCE0000BFFFFFF8 (200rows)F03C488C0128A4800470BD807016A4A0510001C5040300000BFFFFFF8 Insert1row M7C3B773F6D75B7FF38F427F87E95B5FA6FFFE3AF3FCF0000BFFFFFF8 (sex=M)F03C488C0128A4800470BD807016A4A0510001C5040300000BFFFFFF8 Insert16rows M7C3B773F6D75B7FF38F427F87E95B5FA6FFFE3AF3FCFFFFF BFFFFFF8 (sex=M)F03C488C0128A4800470BD807016A4A0510001C5040300000BFFFFFF8 Insert1row M6D75B7FF38F427F87E95B5FA6FFFE3AF3FCFFFFF*40000000*BFFFFFF7 (sex=M)F03C488C0128A4800470BD807016A4A0510001C5040300000BFFFFFF8 Insert1row M6D75B7FF38F427F87E95B5FA6FFFE3AF3FCFFFFF40000000BFFFFFF7 (sex=F)F128A4800470BD807016A4A0510001C5040300000*20000000*BFFFFFF7 Figure4.Insertion operations for Update Conscious Bitmap Index over Attribute sex.

UpdateBitmap(Bitmap Index B,Total Bit Counter TBC) 1:read W2,W1,and W0from B

2:if T0=T 0

3:W1=W1|word[TBC mod(w?1)]

4:if(TBC mod(w?1)=0)and(W1is all1s)

5:if W2.isFill and W2.?ll=1


7:delete W1

8:else if W2is all1s


10:delete W1

11:else if T0

12:W0.nWords=(T1?T 0)

13:nWords=T 0?T0

14:if nWords=1

15:add word[TBC mod(w?1)]before W0

16:else if nWords=2

17:add words0and word[TBC mod(w?1)]

before W0


19:W.isFill=true,W.?ll=0,W.nWords=(nWords-1) 20:add words W and word[TBC mod(w?1)]

before W0

Bitmap Indices.

last two words of the bitmap?le,making the appropriate modi?cations,and writing the updated?le to disk.All the bitmaps,including the existence bitmap(EB),need to be accessed and updated.

The cost to perform this update is:

t ins=(tbm+1)?(rt+ut+wt)

where t ins is the estimated time to update the complete bitmap index upon a record insert,tbm is the total num-ber of bitmaps excluding the EB,rt is the time to read the last words of the bitmap?le,ut is the time to update the last words of the bitmap to be consistent with the record insertion,and wt is the time to write the bitmap?le.

4.1.2Update Conscious Bitmap

For update conscious bitmaps,when a new row is inserted, only one bitmap for each indexed attribute needs to be up-dated to maintain consistency with the database.

With the same assumptions as with the traditional bitmaps,insertions using UCB involve reading at most the last three words of the bitmap?le,making the appropri-ate modi?cations,and writing the updated?le to disk.One bitmap per indexed attribute,as well as the existence bitmap (EB),needs to be accessed and updated.

The estimated cost associated with a record insert is:

t ins=(atts+1)?(rt+ut+wt)

where atts is the number of attributes.

Assuming that the read,write,and bit manipulation op-erations require similar times for the traditional and update conscious bitmaps,the speedup for the insertion of a new row is:



4.2.1Traditional Bitmaps

The brute force schema for handling row deletes in tradi-tional bitmaps would be to remove the bit corresponding to the deleted row in all bitmaps.However,this is clearly very inef?cient since it involves decompressing all the bitmaps and altering the(w-1)-bit groups created to compress the bitmaps.A more clever way would be to use the EB to?ag the deleted row as inexisting.There would then be two al-ternatives.The?rst one is to keep the rest of the bitmaps unchanged in which case we would need to exclude the deleted rows during query execution by AND-ing the?nal

bitmap with the EB.The second one is to change the cor-responding bits to0in the relevant bitmaps in which case query execution is not affected since deleted rows are0s in all bitmaps.In order to maintain the query execution performance of traditional bitmaps,we chose the second al-ternative for traditional bitmaps.When a row is deleted, the bitmaps corresponding to the values of each indexed at-tribute in the row need to be updated,i.e.the set bit needs to be unset,and then,the bit corresponding to the deleted row in the existence bitmap needs to be unset as well.Now, recall that since the bitmaps are compressed,the bitmaps need to be scanned(decompressed)and the change in the bit value could mean increasing or decreasing the size of the bitmap by at most three words.

The estimated cost to perform a delete is:

t del=atts?(rt bc+dt+ut+ct+wt bc)

where t del is the estimated time required to update the entire index upon a record deletion,rt bc is the time it takes to read the bitmap?le,dt is the time required to decompress/scan the bitmaps to locate the relevant bit,ct is the time to update the?le,and wt bc is the time needed to write the?le to disk. These times will vary depending on the compressed length of the bitmap.

Note that one could choose the?rst alternative to handle deletes with traditional bitmaps,in which case the deletion cost and the query execution cost would be the same for both,traditional and update-conscious bitmaps.

4.2.2Update Conscious Bitmaps

For the update conscious bitmaps,we decided to only mod-ify the existence bitmap and handle the extra set bits during query execution by ANDing the?nal results with the exis-tence bitmap in case there are deletions.Assuming the exis-tence bitmap is not in memory,the operation requires read-ing the existence bitmap,scanning it,changing the bit asso-ciated with the deleted row to‘0’,compressing the bitmap, and writing it to disk.The estimated cost is:

t del=rt bc+dt+ut+ct+wt bc

Assuming similar times associated with the compressed ex-istence bitmap and the average bitmap size,the estimated speedup for deleting a row is:


4.3Query Execution

For both approaches,when a bitmap is negated during query execution the?nal answer needs to be ANDed with the EB in order to prune nonexistent rows.However,for update conscious bitmaps,this additional operation needs to be performed for every query if there are deletions.

The following analysis refers to queries where no bitmap is negated and there are deletions,i.e.the update conscious bitmaps require one bit-wise operation more than the tra-ditional bitmaps.Note that in other cases,the UCB will exhibit the same query execution performance as the tradi-tional bitmap.For simplicity,and without loss of general-ity,we will express the queries in terms of the number of bitmaps that need to be accessed to answer the query.

For point queries,the number of bitmaps that need to be accessed is equal to the number of attributes queried.

For range queries,the number of bitmaps that need to be accessed depends on the range of each attribute queried. However,it is bound by half of the bitmaps for each at-tribute.

4.3.1Traditional Bitmaps

For traditional bitmaps,the time required to execute a query over b bitmaps is:

t ex=(b?1)?t bo

where t ex is the estimated time to execute a query,b is the number of bitmaps that need to be accessed to answer the query,and t bo is the time to perform a bitwise operation. The time t bo will vary depending on the size of the bitmaps.

4.3.2Update Conscious Bitmaps

For update conscious bitmaps,query processing is identical as before with the addition that the?nal answer obtained from the bitwise operations is ANDed with the existence bitmap.The time to perform a query is:

t ex=b?t bo

And the speedup(slowdown)is:


5Experimental Results

5.1Experimental Setup

We performed experiments in order to measure the im-pact on bitmap update time,query execution time,and in-dex storage for update conscious bitmaps compared to tra-ditional bitmaps.

Four data sets were used in the experiments.Each data set contains2million rows and attributes of varying car-dinalities.The HEP data set is a set of real bitmap data generated from High Energy Physics experiments with12

Figure5.Index Update Time vs.Number of

Rows Inserted.

attributes.Each attribute has between2and12bins,for a total of122bitmaps.The UR data set is a synthetically gen-erated data set of uniformly distributed random data.The Z1and Z2data sets are synthetically generated data sets following the zipf distribution with parameters1and2re-spectively.

Experiments are performed using a Windows XP Pro-fessional Operating System on a Pentium42.26GHz pro-cessor with512MB of RAM.A Java implementation of traditional bitmaps and update conscious bitmaps was de-veloped to measure the relative differences between tech-niques and to compare to predicted results.Each bitmap is stored in a separate binary?le.The bitmap update time in-cludes time to read the relevant bitmap?les,update the last word(s)of the?le,and write the updated?le back to disk. Query execution time is the time to run point queries using the appropriate bitmap query execution technique.For HEP data,the query points are randomly selected from the last 100,000rows which were not used during bitmap creation. For synthetic data,the point queries correspond to randomly generated data points following the same distribution as the data set.

5.2Update Time

5.2.1Insertion Time versus Rows Appended

Figure5shows the index update time required as the num-ber of records appended is varied for the synthetic data sets. Each append is done individually,not in a batch fashion. In this experiment we append one attribute with cardinal-ity of50.For both the original bitmap representation and the UCBs,the update of the Existence Bitmap is included in this experiment.Both techniques exhibit linear perfor-mance with respect to the number of rows appended.The data sets,which vary in compressibility,have little effect on the append times.The ratio between the update


Figure6.Index Update Time vs.Number of



Figure7.Index Update Time vs.Cardinality

of the Attribute Indexed.

for the original technique and the UCBs is close to the pre-dicted https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4011198011.html,ing our experimental setup,on the average, one insertion is done in7ms for UCB as opposed to212ms for traditional bitmaps.

Figure6shows index update time for the real HEP data set.This graph shows the linear performance of insertions and includes the time to append all12attributes of an in-serted record.Appends to the real data show the same pat-tern of append time as the synthetic data.To insert one new row,the average time is50ms using UCB as opposed to470 ms using traditional bitmaps.The speedup is9.46(123/13).

5.2.2Insertion Time versus Attribute Cardinality Figure7shows the record append time for the synthetic data as attribute cardinality varies.For each stated cardinality, 1,000rows of a single attribute are appended.The UCBs shows constant update time with respect to attribute cardi-nality while the original bitmaps exhibit update times that linearly increase with respect to attribute cardinality.

Figure8shows the relationship between append time and attribute cardinality for the real HEP data set.It shows

Figure 8.Index Update Time vs.Cardinality of the Attribute


Figure 9.Index Update Time vs.Number of Attributes Indexed.

similar performance to the synthetic data sets.5.2.3

Insertion Time versus Number of Attributes

Figure 9shows how insertion time is affected by the num-ber of attributes indexed.Insertion time measures the time needed to append 1,000rows with a varying number of at-tributes.The attributes involved are equally taken from the UR,Z1,and Z2data sets and all have cardinality 10.As ex-pected,the performance for both the original and UCBs is linear with respect to the number of indexed attributes and the ratio between original bitmap and UCB append time is as predicted.The real HEP data performance is similar and is not shown here due to space considerations.

5.3Query Execution Time

Figure 10shows how the average query execution time compares using original bitmaps and UCB.Times are pro-vided for performing 100point queries using the indicated bitmap type as the number of attributes involved in


Figure 10.Point Query Execution Time vs.Number of Attributes


Figure 11.Point Query Execution Time for best case EB and worst case EB.

query vary.Times are provided for both the original bitmaps and UCB with and without an extra AND operation with a compressed existence bitmap.UCB and original bitmap query execution time is nearly identical when both use ex-istence bitmap and when both do not.

5.4Worst Case Existence Bitmap

As deletes occur over time,the existence bitmap be-comes less compressible (the 0’s associated with deleted records interrupt runs of 1’s).Since query execution time over bitmaps is dependent on the compressed length of those bitmaps,queries that involve the existence bitmap can become more time consuming as the existence bitmap in-creases in size.Figure 11demonstrates this effect and the magnitude of the effect.We compare the results using a best case (all 1’s existence bitmap)to a worst case existence bitmap (alternating 1’s and 0’s,no WAH-compression pos-sible).The graph displays results for the Z2dataset using

cardinality10attributes.The results show that a worst case existence bitmap adds less than20ms in query execution time for this experiment.Other data sets provide similar results.

5.5Compressed Size

Considering the case when we only add one pad-word, there is no overhead in terms of storage space when the last word of the compressed bitmap is zero,since this word would be subsumed by the pad-word.If the last word of the compressed bitmap has a one,then we are increasing the compressed size by1word.In general,if we add p pad-words,the overhead would be between|B|?(p?1)?w and|B|?p?w bits,where|B|is the number of bitmaps for the given table.For example,if we add one32-bit pad-word to each bitmap and the number of bitmaps for the ta-ble is1,000bitmaps,in the worse case we are increasing the size of the bitmap indices by4KB.This is clearly a small overhead when compared with the overall bene?ts achieved using this technique.


In this paper,we have introduced an update conscious bitmap index structure.In order to insert a record,only those bitmaps associated with attribute-value pairs that match the new tuple need to be updated.This means that for each attribute appends are performed in constant time regardless of the attribute cardinality.This contrasts to traditional bitmaps which would require all bitmaps to be updated in order to maintain the index up-to-date.The speedup of bitmap index insertion using an update con-scious bitmap index is on the order of the average indexed cardinality.In addition,query performance using UCB is as ef?cient as traditional bitmaps when the updates are in the form of appends.The storage overhead is minimal since the compressed size of each bitmap is increased by at most one word.Even in the case when there have been so many deletes and modi?cations of existing records that the Exis-tence Bitmap becomes incompressible,there is only a mi-nor impact on query execution time.Furthermore,there is nothing in the update conscious bitmap architecture that prevents periodic rebuilds of the bitmap index to mitigate this effect.

Update conscious bitmaps are particularly a good choice for domains where new data is added to the data set at a rate which allows for updates to take place,and it is desirable to keep the index up-to-date in real time.This approach ex-pands the applicable realm of bitmap indices to include a wide range of dynamic data domains,such as scienti?c ap-plications where data is appended as experiments are con-ducted.To the best of our knowledge,this is the?rst work that addresses the update of bitmap indices and proposes a solution to handle appends of new data ef?ciently. References

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传统村落保护实施方案 传统聚落作为人们生产和生活的承载体,孕育了独特的人文环境和建筑风格,是中国社会发展过程中不可忽视的结构单元。下面是小编为大家整理的传统村落保护实施方案,一起来看看吧! 传统村落保护实施方案一根据国务院、省、州、市关于保护和弘扬优秀传统文化的精神,加大传统村落保护力度,特制订如下鱼木村传统村落保护实施方案: 一、指导思想 以党的十八大、十八届三中全会精神为指导,深入贯彻落实各级关于传统文化精神,遵循科学规划、整体保护、传承发展、注重民生、稳步推进、重在管理的方针,加强传统村落保护,改善人居环境,实现传统村落的可持续发展。 二、基本原则 整体保护与特色保护相结合。对鱼木寨实施整体保护,保护的方法由古寨—古民居—古墓葬—历史建(构)筑共四个层面,严格保护古寨的传统空间风貌,历史建筑,保护传统建筑的空间布局、群体组合、结构形式、色彩材料与门窗细部等。鱼木寨内的寨墙、门楼、是鱼木寨内最有特色的文化遗产,采取特色保护的原则。此外,古寨内的古墓葬是古寨的传统文化的象征,针对这一特色,进行系统的整合。 一般保护与重点保护相结合。古寨的民居根据现存的条

件,新湾、学堂以维护现状,适度修复为主。对国家重点文物保护单老房子、六吉堂实施重点保护,保护历史遗存的原真性,保护历史环境的整体性,保护历史信息的过程性。 适度修复与合理利用相结合。针对文物古寨及自然环境的现状特征,以整治环境为主要方法,对严重损坏的历史遗存进行适度修复,避免过度、过量修复而丧失其中的历史信息。本着合理利用、永续利用文化资源的原则,在保护的前提下,进一步发挥历史遗产的持续价值,实现将资源转变为产业的目标。 三、主要目标 力争通过三年时间的努力,使谋道镇鱼木村的文物和文化遗产得到基本保护,具备基本的防灾安全保障、基本的保护管理机制、逐步增强传统村落保护发展的综合能力。以鱼木寨整体格局和历史环境风貌的保护和利用为核心,以保护鱼木寨的真实性、完整性、延续性为目标,使鱼木寨成为自然、现代与历史和谐共生的历史文化名村和优秀传统村落。 四、项目需求 除文物局已经纳入实施的项目外,在保护发展规划基础上,提出以下几大类项目需求: (一)传统建筑保护利用示范类 1、学堂古民居改造: 学堂古民居为清代遗址,均为典型的四合院式,学堂,


尊重的素材(为人处世) 思路 人与人之间只有互相尊重才能友好相处 要让别人尊重自己,首先自己得尊重自己 尊重能减少人与人之间的摩擦 尊重需要理解和宽容 尊重也应坚持原则 尊重能促进社会成员之间的沟通 尊重别人的劳动成果 尊重能巩固友谊 尊重会使合作更愉快 和谐的社会需要彼此间的尊重 名言 施与人,但不要使对方有受施的感觉。帮助人,但给予对方最高的尊重。这是助人的艺术,也是仁爱的情操。—刘墉 卑己而尊人是不好的,尊己而卑人也是不好的。———徐特立 知道他自己尊严的人,他就完全不能尊重别人的尊严。———席勒 真正伟大的人是不压制人也不受人压制的。———纪伯伦 草木是靠着上天的雨露滋长的,但是它们也敢仰望穹苍。———莎士比亚 尊重别人,才能让人尊敬。———笛卡尔 谁自尊,谁就会得到尊重。———巴尔扎克 人应尊敬他自己,并应自视能配得上最高尚的东西。———黑格尔 对人不尊敬,首先就是对自己的不尊敬。———惠特曼

每当人们不尊重我们时,我们总被深深激怒。然而在内心深处,没有一个人十分尊重自己。———马克·吐温 忍辱偷生的人,绝不会受人尊重。———高乃依 敬人者,人恒敬之。———《孟子》 人必自敬,然后人敬之;人必自侮,然后人侮之。———扬雄 不知自爱反是自害。———郑善夫 仁者必敬人。———《荀子》 君子贵人而贱己,先人而后己。———《礼记》 尊严是人类灵魂中不可糟蹋的东西。———古斯曼 对一个人的尊重要达到他所希望的程度,那是困难的。———沃夫格纳 经典素材 1元和200元 (尊重劳动成果) 香港大富豪李嘉诚在下车时不慎将一元钱掉入车下,随即屈身去拾,旁边一服务生看到了,上前帮他拾起了一元钱。李嘉诚收起一元钱后,给了服务生200元酬金。 这里面其实包含了钱以外的价值观念。李嘉诚虽然巨富,但生活俭朴,从不挥霍浪费。他深知亿万资产,都是一元一元挣来的。钱币在他眼中已抽象为一种劳动,而劳动已成为他最重要的生存方式,他的所有财富,都是靠每天20小时以上的劳动堆积起来的。200元酬金,实际上是对劳动的尊重和报答,是不能用金钱衡量的。 富兰克林借书解怨 (尊重别人赢得朋友)


Photoshop 教学大纲 一、课程概述 1.课程性质、任务与目的 课程主要任务是介绍PHOTOSHOP CS3版工作界面,图像设计基本操作,选区的创建、编辑与应用,图像的填充、绘制与修饰,路径、形状的绘制与应用,色彩艺术,文字魅力,图层的应用,蒙版与通道的应用,神奇滤镜,动作和输入、输出等,最后通过综合实战演练的方式进行案例实训。学习Photoshop的目的在于使学生熟练掌握现代化的设计工具的使用技巧,进行各种公益广告设计、商业广告设计、商业包装设计、网页设计,提高设计效率,适应社会要求,能够顺利的走上社会,并为以后独立的设计打下坚实的基础。 2.教学基本要求 (1)能够了解数字图像的基本理论、有关色彩理论和颜色模式的理论知识。 (2)熟练掌握PHOTOSHOP CS3的工作界面以及一些基础操作,例如:对图像 文件的新建、打开和保存操作,以及使用PHOTOSHOP CS中的各种辅助 工具等。 (3)" (4)能够熟练利用PHOTOSHOP CS3中的工具和命令创建、编辑和保存选区; 熟练掌握创建、编辑路径的方法与技巧。 (5)熟练掌握图层的一些概念、基本操作。 (6)对通道与蒙版的概念有一个清晰的认识,轻松掌握通道与蒙版的操作方 法与技巧。 (7)掌握滤镜的一些基础的操作。 3.课程特点 《计算机图形图像处理Photoshop CS3实用教程》是一门实践性很强的课程,必须通过大量的上机实例操作才能熟练掌握所学的知识,在上课的全过程必须保证大部分的时间来上机。 ` 二、教学内容和要求 1、教学内容 项目一Photoshop CS3快速入门 项目二制作滑稽小狗 项目三制作圣诞电子卡片 项目四制作完美婚纱照 项目五制作时尚皮包宣传页 项目六制作舞会门票 ; 项目七制作时尚照片 项目八制作室内装饰效果图 项目九制作学院网站首页


数字图像处理的发展现状及研究内容概述人类传递信息的主要媒介是语音和图像。据统计,在人类接受的信息中,听觉信息占20%,视觉信息占60%,所以作为传递信息的重要媒体和手段——图像信息是十分重要的,俗话说“百闻不如一见”、“一目了然”,都反映了图像在传递信息中独到之处。 目前,图像处理技术发展迅速,其应用领域也愈来愈广,有些技术已相当成熟并产生了惊人的效益,当前图像处理面临的主要任务是研究心的处理方法,构造新的处理系统,开拓更广泛的应用领域。 数字图像处理(Digital Image Processing)又称为计算机数字图像处理,它是指将数字图像信号转换成数字信号并利用计算机对其进行处理的过程。数字图像处理最早出现于20世纪50年代,当时的电子计算机已经发展到一定水平,人们开始利用计算机来处理图形和数字图像信息。数字图像处理作为一门学科大约形成于20世纪60年代初期。早期的数字图像处理的目的是改善数字图像的质量,它以人为对象,以改善人的视觉效果为目的。数字图像处理中,输入的是质量低的数字图像,输出的是改善质量后的数字图像,常用的数字图像处理方法有数字图像增强、复原、编码、压缩等。 1:数字图像处理的现状及发展 数字图像处理技术在许多应用领域受到广泛重视并取得了重大的开拓性成就,属于这些领域的有航空航天、生物医学工程、工业检测、机器人视觉、公安司法、军事制导、文化艺术等,使数字图像处理成为一门引人注目、前景远大的新型学科。随着数字图像处理技术

的深入发展,从70年代中期开始,随着计算机技术和人工智能、思维科学研究的迅速发展,数字图像处理向更高、更深层次发展。 人们已开始研究如何用计算机系统解释数字图像,实现类似人类视觉系统理解外部世界,这被称为数字图像理解或计算机视觉。很多国家,特别是发达国家投入更多的人力、物力到这项研究,取得了不少重要的研究成果。其中代表性的成果是70年代末MIT的Marr提出的视觉计算理论,这个理论成为计算机视觉领域其后十多年的主导思想。数字图像理解虽然在理论方法研究上已取得不小的进展,但它本身是一个比较难的研究领域,存在不少困难,人类本身对自己的视觉过程还了解甚少,因此计算机视觉是一个有待人们进一步探索的新领域。如今数字图像处理技术已给人类带来了巨大的经济和社会效益。不久的将来它不仅在理论上会有更深入的发展,在应用上意识科学研究、社会生产乃至人类生活中不可缺少的强有力的工具。 数字图像处理进一步研究的问题,不外乎如下几个方面: (1)在进一步提高精度的同时着重解决处理速度问题。如在航天遥感、气象云图处理方面,巨大的数据量和处理速度任然是主要矛盾之一。 (2)加强软件研究、开发新的处理方法,特别要注意移植和借鉴其他学科的技术和研究成果,创造新的处理方法。 (3)加强边缘学科的研究工作,促进数字图像处理技术的发展。如:人的视觉特性、心理学特性等的研究,如果有所突破,讲对团向处理技术的发展起到极大的促进作用。


第一章概述 一.填空题 1. 数字图像是用一个数字阵列来表示的图像。数字阵列中的每个数字,表示数字图像的一个最小单位,称为__________。 5. 数字图像处理包含很多方面的研究内容。其中,________________的目的是根据二维平面图像数据构造出三维物体的图像。 解答:1. 像素5. 图像重建 第二章数字图像处理的基础 一.填空题 1. 量化可以分为均匀量化和________________两大类。 3. 图像因其表现方式的不同,可以分为连续图像和________________两大类。 5. 对应于不同的场景内容,一般数字图像可以分为________________、灰度图像和彩色图像三类。 解答: 1. 非均匀量化 3. 离散图像 5. 二值图像 二.选择题 1. 一幅数字图像是:( ) A、一个观测系统。 B、一个有许多像素排列而成的实体。 C、一个2-D数组中的元素。 D、一个3-D空间的场景。 3. 图像与灰度直方图间的对应关系是:() A、一一对应 B、多对一 C、一对多 D、都不对 4. 下列算法中属于局部处理的是:() A、灰度线性变换 B、二值化 C、傅立叶变换 D、中值滤波 5. 一幅256*256的图像,若灰度级数为16,则该图像的大小是:() A、128KB B、32KB C、1MB C、2MB 6. 一幅512*512的图像,若灰度级数为16,则该图像的大小是:() A、128KB B、32KB C、1MB C、2MB 解答:1. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 三.判断题 1. 可以用f(x,y)来表示一幅2-D数字图像。() 3. 数字图像坐标系与直角坐标系一致。() 4. 矩阵坐标系与直角坐标系一致。() 5. 数字图像坐标系可以定义为矩阵坐标系。() 6. 图像中虚假轮廓的出现就其本质而言是由于图像的灰度级数不够多造成的。() 10. 采样是空间离散化的过程。() 解答:1. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 10. T 1、马赫带效应是指图像不同灰度级条带之间在灰度交界处存在的毛边现象(√) 第三章图像几何变换 一.填空题 1. 图像的基本位置变换包括了图像的________________、镜像及旋转。 7. 图像经过平移处理后,图像的内容________________变化。(填“发生”或“不发生”) 8. 图像放大是从小数据量到大数据量的处理过程,________________对许多未知的数据的估计。(填“需要”或“不需要”) 9. 图像缩小是从大数据量到小数据量的处理过程,________________对许多未知的数据的估计。(填“需要”或“不需要”) 解答:1. 平移7. 不发生8. 需要9. 不需要


城市设计方法与理论·课程论文·2013年6月 浅析传统街区街道空间 姓名 (学校) 摘要:传统街区以独特的空间环境形态和场所魅力焕发起人们的思考。分析研究传统空间的环境形态及其特征,探讨传统街区场所营造的城市设计原则, 是传统街区改造更新的基本方法和途径。研究了传统街区的街道空间,并对街巷的平面形态、街巷的比例与尺度、街巷的结点及其结点的形态进行了分析,指出充分了解街道空间对传统街区的物质文化和非物质文化具有重要意义。 关键词:传统街区建筑空间场所营造设计理念 1引言 传统街区带着信息的建筑,蕴含着改变人和历史的力量。这些衰败的建筑从单点的保存,延伸至再生使用,更延伸到周围新建筑在设计时也会考虑与它们配合,这样就从点连成线,再发展成面,使地方呈现更和谐的面貌。而它们之所以能扩展,也是因为再生或设计的着眼点都在于如何使生活更好和环境更好。传统街区是指具有城市发展历史文化载体的城市区域,由具有历史文化特征的建筑群,传统街道以及广场空间组成,反映了历史文化和城市的特色。传统街区应当具有城市历史风貌的相对完整性而且应是具有真实生活性的街区,我国传统街区的空间形态明显受到了传统文化的影响,特别是古代哲学、政治、社会伦理等因素,传统街区的空间形态按照其表现和感知形式我们可以将其分为显性的物质空间环境要素和隐性的社会文化要素两部分。下面由传统空间形态规划的特征进行分析: 2特有的空间组合观念 从我国古代的城市和建筑的布局中可以看出都非常地重视建筑之间的空间院落的组合变化$建筑组合一般表现为多层次多院落和多变化,一个院落接着一个院落从而形成不断发展下去的空间组合形式,从我国不同地区的同性质的民居的比较来看,如北京的四合院、山西晋中一带的窄形多进深住宅以及安徽徽州地区的民宅等多是在建筑空间的组合上追求叠屏封闭曲折幽静小中见大的空间环境,从这里我们可以看出我国传统城市中普遍采用的院落组织的空间形式是传统生活个性观念的强烈反映。 3传统街区空间构成要素 传统街区空间的组成形式是多种多样的在不同的地域不同的文化习俗下有着自己的地域文化特色,就其传统街区空间构成要素依其表现形式和感知的空间形态可以划分为显性的物质空间环境要素和隐性的社会文化要素两种表现形式,物质空间要素是街区空间构成的基础!但是社会文化对传统街区空间的影响也是不容忽略的显性的物质环境要素街巷空间在传统街区空间中!街巷空间占有极其重要的地位!可以说街巷是传统街区的骨架,决定着街区形态的大致结构,传统街巷是在街区的发展过程中逐渐形成的,是建筑的衍生是由周边建筑所围合而成的"街巷空间的丰富的变化,正是由于建筑的自发建造。才形成了如此丰富多变的形式。 4传统街区空间内涵与特征 传统街区是经历了一个相对漫长的历史过程形成的人类生活聚居的场所。它的空间环境承载着


关于传统村落保护发展的几点思想 发表时间:2015-11-17T16:46:49.703Z 来源:《基层建设》2015年14期作者:陆芳芳 [导读] 临安博驰建筑规划设计咨询有限公司近期的两会会议上传统村落保护话题引起代表委员们的强烈关注。 临安博驰建筑规划设计咨询有限公司,陆芳芳,3210000; 自2012年9月,经传统村落保护和发展专家委员会第一次会议决定,将习惯称谓“古村落”改为“传统村落”后,“传统村落”这四字词逐渐进入人们的视眼,并引起社会各界的关注。近期的两会会议上传统村落保护话题引起代表委员们的强烈关注。习主席也提出“农村要留得住绿水青山,系得住乡愁”。 传统村落的保护如此迫不可待,但如何保护却是传统村落保护与发展的硬伤,保护与村庄自身的发展存在众多的矛盾。1、从交通区位上来讲,传统村落大都位置偏远、交通闭塞,发展相对落后,一些古老建筑、自然风光、传统习俗才得以留存和传承。那么保护的人力物力上的费用必定会很高。2、传统村落由于交通因素,通常会以农业产业为主导,农业劳作与街巷保护也会存在一定的矛盾。以福建建瓯市郑魏村为例,村落为上千年的古村,周边群山环绕,十分优美,村庄产业以毛竹、杉木为主。村内传统街巷路面以卵石块石铺地为主,十分具有历史沧桑感,但几年前,村内道路全部替换为水泥路面。因为对于村民来讲,卵石路面不适宜农业劳作,在卵石的路面上运输农作物及杉木毛竹等十分不便。同时卵石路面不适宜穿高跟鞋的女子行走,在一次传统村落规划调研中,村中的老人曾开玩笑的说,就因为村里都是卵石路,女子穿着高跟鞋都不愿进村,导致村中都是光棍。3、传统村落建筑内部通常基础设施落后,满足不了现代人的居住要求。传统建筑内部排水系统基本采用原有天井、沟渠自然渗水,经常会造成排水不畅、污水横流等现象。厨房设施,基本沿用传统建筑内原先的厨房、灶台设置,存在火灾隐患。现传统建筑内最为突出的基础设施问题为卫生设施。传统建筑内电力管线现也是随意拉接,存在火灾隐患。建筑内居住人口普遍感觉到居住舒适度低,生活质量差。社会发展过程中,村民需要舒适的人居环境,良好的通风采光,合理的居住空间,那么势必会拆除老房建新房,传统村落风貌会受到很大的破坏4、传统村落人口流失与传统建筑保护的矛盾。由于产业结构的变化和对居住舒适性的要求,大量人口搬出传统建筑,建筑日常无人照看,破损速度惊人。由于经济条件与维修技术上的限制,历史建筑普遍存在年久失修的问题。屋面瓦件破损、渗漏严重,建筑梁架虫蛀、歪闪、霉烂,地面泛潮破损,墙体酥碱、歪闪等现象屡见不鲜,有的建筑更是存在随时倒塌的危险。5、非物质文化遗产保护与社会发展、人口流失的矛盾。保护发展村落非物质文化遗产需要传承人及人气作为支撑,而传统村落中人口流失严重,由于地域条件等因素的制约,村落年轻人口大都以外出打工为主,很多非物质文化遗产因无传承人而消失。而同时在日新月异的现代生活中,人们的生活方式转变,娱乐活动及审美角度也存在一定的转变,很多非物质文化遗产得不到年轻人的认可与青睐。6、此外还有传统村落保护的资金从何而来等等。这些都是传统村落保护的矛盾。 针对上述传统村落保护的众多问题,那么我们该如何应对?我们的传统村落中有许许多多的历史文物古迹,古建筑等,他们的又该如何保护与发展?首先我们来看看欧洲各国是如何保护古建筑的。1、法国:保护面广,国家财政负担不轻。1984年开始发起文化遗产日活动,1913年实施《历史古迹法》,至1964之间颁布了多部关于古建筑保护的法律。同时又对文化遗产进行总量调查,如被列为建筑保护单位,则国家提供修缮费的50%。如果在建筑遗产清单上注册备案的建筑,则国家提供15%的修缮费。国家每年平均用于历史古迹修缮的预算达到3.05亿欧元。2、荷兰:志愿参与,虔心守护国家文化之根。荷兰地区风车众多,由个人成立保护基金会,政府拨一部分的预算用于风车的保养、维护。3、西班牙:商业开发,促进旅游也引争议。将古建筑与酒店开发,商业设施结合起来,改建古建筑各部结构,成立皇家驿站,寄希望于企业把古建筑重新利用起来。4、波兰:珍爱文物,宪法中有专门条款。波兰宪法中有两项条款涉及文物保护的内容,把保护文物放在与保护国家主权和领土完整、保障公民自由和人身安全的同一条款中。 作为参考,针对国情的不同,在此我对传统村落的保护提出几点看法:1、传统村落立法的必要性,将传统村落保护提升到法律层面。2002年10月28日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议通过《中华人民共和国文物保护法》,中华人民共和国主席令第76号公布施行。明确提出了国有文物所有权受法律保护,不容侵犯。同时国家也颁布了多个历史文物保护方面的条例与办法。2008年4月2日国务院第3次常务会议通过《历史文化名城名镇名村保护条例》,自2008年7月1日起施行。对历史文化名城、名镇、名村的申报、批准、规划、保护进行了明确的规定。2003年11月15日建设部第22次常务会议审议通过《城市紫线管理办法》,自2004年2月1日起施行。2013年住房城乡建设部关于印发传统村落保护发展规划编制基本要求(试行)的通知。从现行的法律法规层面来看,传统村落保护的法律体系已基本完善。2、转变传统村落产业发展方式,将现有农业产业与乡村旅游业结合起来;在规划中要高瞻远瞩,做到远近结合,长短兼顾,在安排当前开发项目的同时作长远考虑,根据旅游市场的变化和地方利益,做到多层次、多方位的有序开发。促进农民增收、扩大农民就业,在推进过程中要注重保护农民的利益,通过提升农民组织化和经营集约化水平,实现农民利益的最大化。同时选择与保护相协调的利用方式和发展方向,避免出现过度开发和利用的现象。对旅游容量、开发强度等进行严格的控制,使得保护和利用两者能够相辅相成,互为促进。3、人居环境改善是重点。要使传统村落原住民“留得住”,就要有效提升和改善传统村落原住民的生活质量。整治重点是处理好村庄协调发展的问题,既要对村落建筑进行维护与改造,维护好文化遗产,又要重视村民的居住环境,同时把传统村落的建筑保护与新农村建设、美丽乡村建设有机结合起来,形成传统村落的文化、人、自然环境都“活”起来的全新保护格局,让传统村落文化以鲜活的形式重返广大农村舞台。4、转变原住民的价值观与消费观,保护村落非物质文化遗产,首先就要使非物质文化的价值得到村民的重视,防止传统村落“空心化”成为演变态势。要正确引导原住民的价值观与消费观,帮助农民建立并强化留守和保护意识。5、国家政策补助与私人投资保护相结合。要安排传统村落保护开发、特色文化村建设的专项经费。同时鼓励私人投资保护古建筑,形成自发性的保护意识。传统村落内古建筑部分为村民自有住宅,古建筑的保护与他们的生活栖息相关,保护古建筑一方面是保护国家财产,另一方面也是保护自身利益。


谈如何尊重人尊重他人,我们赢得友谊;尊重他人,我们收获真诚;尊重他人,我们自己也 获得尊重;相互尊重,我们的社会才会更加和谐. ——题记 尊重是对他人的肯定,是对对方的友好与宽容。它是友谊的润滑剂,它是和谐的调节器, 它是我们须臾不可脱离的清新空气。“主席敬酒,岂敢岂敢?”“尊老敬贤,应该应该!”共和 国领袖对自己老师虚怀若谷,这是尊重;面对许光平女士,共和国总理大方的叫了一 声“婶婶”,这种和蔼可亲也是尊重。 尊重不仅会让人心情愉悦呼吸平顺,还可以改变陌生或尖锐的关系,廉颇和蔺相如便是 如此。将相和故事千古流芳:廉颇对蔺相如不满,处处使难,但蔺相如心怀大局,对廉颇相 当的尊重,最后也赢得了廉颇的真诚心,两人结为好友,共辅赵王,令强秦拿赵国一点办法 也没有。蔺相如与廉颇的互相尊重,令得将相和的故事千百年令无数后人膜拜。 现在,给大家举几个例子。在美国,一个颇有名望的富商在散步 时,遇到一个瘦弱的摆地摊卖旧书的年轻人,他缩着身子在寒风中啃着发霉的面包。富 商怜悯地将8美元塞到年轻人手中,头也不回地走了。没走多远,富商忽又返回,从地摊上 捡了两本旧书,并说:“对不起,我忘了取书。其实,您和我一样也是商人!”两年后,富商 应邀参加一个慈善募捐会时,一位年轻书商紧握着他的手,感激地说:“我一直以为我这一生 只有摆摊乞讨的命运,直到你亲口对我说,我和你一样都是商人,这才使我树立了自尊和自 信,从而创造了今天的业绩??”不难想像,没有那一 句尊重鼓励的话,这位富商当初即使给年轻人再多钱,年轻人也断不会出现人生的巨变, 这就是尊重的力量啊 可见尊重的量是多吗大。大家是不是觉得一个故事不精彩,不够明确尊重的力量,那再 来看下一个故事吧! 一家国际知名的大企业,在中国进行招聘,招聘的职位是该公司在中国的首席代表。经 过了异常激烈的竞争后,有五名年轻人,从几千名应聘者中脱颖而出。最后的胜出者,将是 这五个人中的一位。最后的考试是一场面试,考官们都 作文话题素材之为人处世篇:尊重 思路 人与人之间只有互相尊重才能友好相处 要让别人尊重自己,首先自己得尊重自己 尊重能减少人与人之间的摩擦 尊重需要理解和宽容 尊重也应坚持原则 尊重能促进社会成员之间的沟通 尊重别人的劳动成果 尊重能巩固友谊 尊重会使合作更愉快 和谐的社会需要彼此间的尊重 名言 施与人,但不要使对方有受施的感觉。帮助人,但给予对方最高的尊重。这是助人的艺 术,也是仁爱的情操。———刘墉 卑己而尊人是不好的,尊己而卑人也是不好的。———徐特立 知道他自己尊严的人,他就完全不能尊重别人的尊严。———席勒 真正伟大的人是不压制人也不受人压制的。———纪伯伦 草木是靠着上天的雨露滋长的,但是它们也敢仰望穹苍。———莎士比亚


传统村落街巷空间的保护与更新 ——以金丘村“民俗历史文化展示区”为例 杭州中联程泰宁建筑设计研究院沈一凡 景宁畲族自治县规划设计室柳晓杰 浙江理工大学建筑工程学院洪艳 摘要:传统的街巷空间是一个传统村落的空间精华所在,也是村落风貌的重要组成部分。如果把村落视作一个肌体,那么街巷无疑就是它的血脉。随着科技的发展、现代城市规划理论的出现,传统街巷的设计变得越来越理性,现代生活的需要使其布局、交通、管线等物质功能被强化。然而,街巷不仅仅是物质的载体.它还是人们生活的场所和舞台,承载着人们的生活和记忆。 关键词:传统村落街巷空间;传统建筑;保护与更新;文化传承 Abstract:The traditional street space is the space of a traditional village in essence, is an important part of village character. If the village as a body, then the street is no doubt that it's blood. With the development of technology, the emergence of modern urban planning theory, the traditional street design become more rational, modern life need to layout, traffic, pipelines and other physical function is strengthened. However, the street is not only the carrier substance. It is a place people live and the stage, carrying the people's life and memory. Key words:historical and cultural streets; traditional building; protecting and updating 1.金丘村“民俗历史文化展示区”保护与更新的背景 1.1 畲族传统文化慢慢流逝 金丘村村民缺乏民族文化的自我保护意识。在汉族文化的强势冲击下,畲民们看到的恰恰是强势的汉族文化和与之对应的物质利益,加上对强势文化的崇尚心理,于是出现盲目趋向外来文化的现象。 ·468·



毕业设计说明书基于ARM的嵌入式数字图像处理系统 设计 学生姓名:张占龙学号: 0905034314 学院:信息与通信工程学院 专业:测控技术与仪器 指导教师:张志杰 2013年 6月

摘要 简述了数字图像处理的应用以及一些基本原理。使用S3C2440处理器芯片,linux内核来构建一个简易的嵌入式图像处理系统。该系统使用u-boot作为启动引导程序来引导linux内核以及加载跟文件系统,其中linux内核与跟文件系统均采用菜单配置方式来进行相应配置。应用界面使用QT制作,系统主要实现了一些简单的图像处理功能,比如灰度话、增强、边缘检测等。整个程序是基于C++编写的,因此有些图像变换的算法可能并不是最优化的,但基本可以满足要求。在此基础上还会对系统进行不断地完善。 关键词:linnux 嵌入式图像处理边缘检测 Abstract This paper expounds the application of digital image processing and some basic principles. The use of S3C2440 processor chip, the Linux kernel to construct a simple embedded image processing system. The system uses u-boot as the bootloader to boot the Linux kernel and loaded with file system, Linux kernel and file system are used to menu configuration to make corresponding configuration. The application interface is made using QT, system is mainly to achieve some simple image processing functions, such as gray, enhancement, edge detection. The whole procedure is prepared based on the C++, so some image transform algorithm may not be optimal, but it can meet the basic requirements. On this basis, but also on the system constantly improve. Keywords:linux embedded system image processing edge detection


《中国传统村落保护与发展》读书笔记 一:综述 《中国传统村落保护与发展》作者:周建明 传统村落既是世界各地历史文化的象征,又是文化过程的产物,带有明显的地域文化特征。历史上形成的村落,作为仅次于语言的人类的第二大创造,成为其灿烂文明的最好见证和世世代代人民的集体记忆。 然而,不知从何时起,传统民居,历史街区甚至连文物古迹,在一些人看来似乎成了社会发展建设的绊脚石。在房地产开发时,数百年来形成的富有人情味和鲜明特色的古老村落,经过一场脱胎换骨的打造,消失殆尽;迅猛且快速推进的城市化,以旧貌变新颜换来千城一面的无个性的都市空间。今天的部分地区正面临着环境危机,特色危机、文化危机。 与此同时,越来越多的人士已经认识到:历史环境保护、文化资产活用、地方特色维护等课题,是社会发展过程中不可或缺的因素。然而,现实却不容乐观。大量的文物古迹、近代建筑、历史街区、文化名城遭遇到了严重的建设性破坏;假古董泛滥成灾、欧陆风盛行不衰,人造景观蔓延各地;大广场,大草坪,形象工程、献礼工程成为少数领导者与新闻媒体的关注重点;等等。这一切都告诉人们,需要反思我们的城市规划理念,城市设计手法,城市管理目标,传统村落保护政策。 本书的写作即是基于上述时代背景,在对中国传统保护规划理论进行多年研究,以及参与大量保护规划设计实践的基础上,以对国外文化遗产和历史环境保护的理论与实践的分析为中心,试图全面论述文化遗产的概念,保护的含义与意义,并以历史城市保护为核心,阐述整体性保护的理论与规划方法。 我认为全书可以是分为四部分来阐述的。分别是 ①传统村落的概念和类型 ②传统村落的保护 ③传统村落的发展 对全书进行概述和总结如下: 二:传统村落的概念和类型 中国有着数千年的悠久历史,传统村落正是中 国几千年文明历程,尤其是农耕文明历程的最佳见 证。传统村落是传统文化的主要产生地和传承地, 具有很高的历史价值、文化价值。在中华文明的历 史长河中,各民族各地区的人们,通过不断的经验 积累和创造性的建设,形成了各具特色的民居,这 些民居巧妙地融合了自然、文化以及周边环境的独 特优势,并围绕其独特的功能形成了各具特色的传统村落。同时,各传统村落的空间形态、选址、布局业务不显示出高超的技术和智慧。传统村落正是我国传统营造文化最重要得载体。 1.传统村落基本概念


尊重他人的写作素材 导读:——学生最需要礼貌 著名数学家陈景润回厦门大学参加 60 周年校庆,向欢迎的人们说的第一句话是:“我非常高兴回到母校,我常常怀念老师。”被人誉为“懂得人的价值”的著名经济学家、厦门大学老校长王亚南,曾经给予陈景润无微不至的关心和帮助。陈景润重返母校,首先拜访这位老校长。校庆的第三天,陈景润又出现在向“哥德巴赫猜想”进军的启蒙老师李文清教授家中,陈景润非常尊重和感激他。他还把最新发表的数学论文敬送李教授审阅,并在论文扉页上工工整整写了以下的字:“非常感谢老师的长期指导和培养——您的学生陈景润。”陈景润还拜访了方德植教授,方教授望着成就斐然而有礼貌的学生,心里暖暖的。 ——最需要尊重的人是老师 周恩来少年时在沈阳东关模范学校读书期间 , 受到进步教师高盘之的较大影响。他常用的笔名“翔宇”就是高先生为他取的。周恩来参加革命后不忘师恩 , 曾在延安答外国记者问时说:“少年时代我在沈阳读书 , 得山东高盘之先生教诲与鼓励 , 对我是个很大的 促进。” 停奏抗议的反思 ——没有礼仪就没有尊重 孔祥东是著名的钢琴演奏家。 1998 年 6 月 6 日晚,他在汕头

举办个人钢琴独奏音乐会。演出之前,节目主持人再三强调,场内观众不要随意走动,关掉 BP 机、手提电话。然而,演出的过程中,这种令人遗憾的场面却屡屡发生:场内观众随意走动, BP 机、手提电话响声不绝,致使孔祥东情绪大受干扰。这种情况,在演奏舒曼作品时更甚。孔祥东只好停止演奏,静等剧场安静。然而,观众还误以为孔祥东是在渴望掌声,便报以雷鸣般的掌声。这件事,令孔祥东啼笑皆非。演出结束后,孔祥东说:有个 BP 机至少响了 8 次,观众在第一排来回走动,所以他只得以停奏抗议。 “礼遇”的动力 ——尊重可以让人奋发 日本的东芝公司是一家著名的大型企业,创业已经有 90 多年的历史,拥有员工 8 万多人。不过,东芝公司也曾一度陷入困境,土光敏夫就是在这个时候出任董事长的。他决心振兴企业,而秘密武器之一就是“礼遇”部属。身为偌大一个公司的董事长,他毫无架子,经常不带秘书,一个人步行到工厂车间与工人聊天,听取他们的意见。更妙的是,他常常提着酒瓶去慰劳职工,与他们共饮。对此,员工们开始都感到很吃惊,不知所措。渐渐地,员工们都愿意和他亲近,他赢得了公司上下的好评。他们认为,土光董事长和蔼可亲,有人情味,我们更应该努力,竭力效忠。因此,土光上任不久,公司的效益就大力提高,两年内就把亏损严重、日暮途穷的公司重新支撑起来,使东芝成为日本最优秀的公司之一。可见,礼,不仅是调节领导层之间关


精心整理 “在全球化和城市迅速转变的年代,城市本身的特征应集中体现在历史地区及其文化之中,城市发展的一个基本因素是历史地区的保护和延续。”这是中、欧各国市长在1998年“中国—欧洲历史城市市长会议”上所达成的共识。苏州是我国重要的历史文化名城,1986年国务院在批准苏州城市总体规划时,确定了“全面保护古城风貌”的城市建设方针,并提出了“重点保护、合理保留、局部改造、全面改善”的16字原则。而随着苏州园林列入世界文化遗产,在保护、保留、改造和改善过程中,如何保护古城风貌,如何更好地保护文化遗产又一次成为人们关注的焦点。 传统的街巷空间(包括巷道和水巷)是苏州古城城市空间的精华所在,它是苏州园林的背景和依托,也是古城风貌的重要组成部分。随着城市建设的全面进行,这种传统的街巷空间正在不断地消失。在旧城改造过程中,如何延续这些传统的街巷空间,保持原有的城市形态和肌理,从而保持原有的城市特色和风貌,是建筑师和规划师所要解决的问题。城市设计是以城市空间为对象,以建筑形态的组织为主要内容的空间环境设计,在整合城市空间形态方面起着重要的作用,因此本文将探讨在街坊改造和更新过程中,如何运用城市设计的方法去找回失去的传统街巷空间。 1. 延续街巷空间的意义 1.1街巷空间是苏州古城风貌的重要组成部分 苏州古城风貌主要体现在以下几个方面:水陆并行的双棋盘式城市格局;以水、桥、民居形成的“小桥、流水、人家”的水乡城市特色;精美无比、各具特色的古典园林;淡雅朴素、粉墙黛瓦的特色民居以及幽深的街巷;古塔以及城门、城墙、寺庙等城市空间要素;星罗棋布的文物古迹名胜[1]。

图1传统巷道空间 (资料来源:苏简亚.江南古镇.古吴轩出版社,2002.) 首先,园林、古塔以及各种文物古迹名胜是古城的“图”,而街坊是古城的单元细胞,它是古城的“底”,对于园林及各种文物古迹的保护不应是“博物馆式”的保护,更重要的是对文物建筑周围的环境及其街坊整体的传统风貌、空间环境和人文环境进行保护,如街巷空间、街坊平面肌理等进行继承和延续。园林等文化遗产以传统的街巷空间为“底”,对于街巷空间意象的延续正是实现了对于“图”的整体空间环境的保护。 其次,古城的肌理主要是由街坊形成的,街坊中建筑体量的集聚方式及密度直接反映了城市的肌理。街巷空间及院落空间是古城肌理的组织结构,对于建筑的集聚起到组织和驾驭的作用,原有的古城肌理依赖于街巷空间与院落而存在,所以要保持古城的肌理,一个重要的方面就是要延续街巷空间体系。 1.2延续街巷空间是保持原有历史文脉的物质保证 “历史是延续的,保护历史传统就是要保护原有好的东西,包括原有的空间环境、文化环境、视觉环境以及社会网络结构等所谓的历史文脉”[2]。保护古城风貌不仅仅是延续原有的物质环境,同时也包含着对于社会网络和生活网络的延续,文化的缺失、社会网络的断层会直接导致许多生活性“贫民窟”。街巷空间的古城居民生活与社会生活的物质载体之间具有相对稳定的结构。街巷的家庭化使用,使得街巷空间充满了多色彩、多情调的公共生活,同时也使古城环境体现出一种场所精神。当然,在古城改造过程中,对于街巷空间的延续也是原有社会网络和生活网络得以延续的保证。


尊重_议论文素材 "礼遇"的动力 --尊重可以让人奋发 日本的东芝公司是一家著名的大型企业,创业已经有90 多年的历史,拥有员工8 万多人。不过,东芝公司也曾一度陷入困境,土光敏夫就是在这个时候出任董事长的。他决心振兴企业,而秘密武器之一就是"礼遇"部属。身为偌大一个公司的董事长,他毫无架子,经常不带秘书,一个人步行到工厂车间与工人聊天,听取他们的意见。更妙的是,他常常提着酒瓶去慰劳职工,与他们共饮。对此,员工们开始都感到很吃惊,不知所措。渐渐地,员工们都愿意和他亲近,他赢得了公司上下的好评。他们认为,土光董事长和蔼可亲,有人情味,我们更应该努力,竭力效忠。因此,土光上任不久,公司的效益就大力提高,两年内就把亏损严重、日暮途穷的公司重新支撑起来,使东芝成为日本最优秀的公司之一。可见,礼,不仅是调节领导层之间关系的纽带,也是调节上下级之间关系,甚至和一线工人之间关系的纽带。世界知识产权日 --尊重知识 在2000 年10 月召开的世界知识产权组织第35 届成员国大会上,我国提议将 4 月26 日定为"世界知识产权日"。这个提案经世界知识产权组织成员国大会得到了确定。2001 年4 月26 日成为第一个"世界知识产权日"。这是我国尊重知识的具体表现。 屠格涅夫与乞丐 --尊重比金钱更重要 俄罗斯文豪屠格涅夫一日在镇上散步,路边有一个乞丐伸手向他讨钱。他很想有所施与,从口袋掏钱时才知道没有带钱袋。见乞丐的手伸得高高地等着,屠格涅夫面有愧色,只好握着乞丐的手说:"对不起,我忘了带钱出来。"乞丐笑了,含泪说:"不,我宁愿接受您的握手。" 孙中山尊重护士 --尊重不分社会地位 有一天,孙中山先生病了,住院治疗。当时,孙中山已是大总统、大元帅了。但是,他对医务人员很尊重,对他们讲话很谦逊。平时,无论是早晨或是晚间,每当接到护士送来的药品,他总是微笑着说声"谢谢您",敬诚之意溢于言辞。 1925 年孙中山患肝癌,弥留之际,当一位护理人员为他搬掉炕桌时,孙中山先生安详地望着她,慈祥地说:"谢谢您,您的工作太辛苦了,过后您应该好好休息休息,这阵子您太辛苦了! "听了这话,在场的人都泣不成声。 毛泽东敬酒 --敬老尊贤是一种美德 1959 年6 月25 日,毛泽东回到离别30 多年的故乡韶山后,请韶山老人毛禹珠来吃饭,并特地向他敬酒。毛禹珠老人说:"主席敬酒,岂敢岂敢! "毛泽东接着说:"敬老尊贤,应该应该。" 周恩来不穿拖鞋接待外宾 --衣着整齐体现对人的尊重 周恩来晚年病得很重,由于工作的需要,他还要经常接待外宾。后来,他病得连脚都肿起来了,原先的皮鞋、布鞋都不能穿,他只能穿着拖鞋走路,可是,有些重要的外事活动,他还是坚持参加。他身边的工作人员出于对总理的爱护和关心,对他说:"您就穿着拖鞋接待外


关于尊重的论点和论据素材 关于尊重的论点 1.尊重需要理解和宽容。 2.尊重也应该坚持原则。 3.尊重知识是社会进步的表现。 4.尊重别人就要尊重别人的劳动。 5.尊重人才是社会发展的需要。 6.人与人之间需要相互尊重。 7.只有尊重别人才会受到别人的尊重。 8.尊重能促进人与人之间的沟通。 9.我们应该养成尊重他人的习惯。 10.对人尊重,常会产生意想不到的善果。 关于尊重的名言 1.仁者必敬人。《荀子》 2.忍辱偷生的人决不会受人尊重。高乃依 3.尊重别人的人不应该谈自己。高尔基 4.尊重别人,才能让人尊敬。笛卡尔 5.谁自尊,谁就会得到尊重。巴尔扎克 6.君子贵人而贱己,先人而后己。《礼记》 7.卑己而尊人是不好的,尊己而卑人也是不好的。徐特立 8.对人不尊敬,首先就是对自己的不尊敬。惠特曼

9.为人粗鲁意味着忘记了自己的尊严。车尔尼雪夫斯基 10.对人不尊敬的人,首先就是对自己不尊重。陀思妥耶夫斯基 11.对于应尊重的事物,我们应当或是缄默不语,或是大加称颂。尼采 12.尊重老师是我们中华民族的传统美德,我们每一个人都不应该忘记。xx 13.尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造。《xx 大报告》 14.对别人的意见要表示尊重。千万别说:你错了。卡耐基 15.尊重人才,培养人才,是通用电器长久不败的法宝。杰克韦尔奇 16.君子之于人也,当于有过中求无过,不当于无过中求有过。程颐 17.施与人,但不要使对方有受施的感觉。帮助人,但给予对方最高的尊重。这是助人的艺术,也是仁爱的情操。刘墉 18.要尊重每一个人,不论他是何等的卑微与可笑。要记住活在每个人身上的是和你我相同的性灵。叔本华 19.要喜欢我们所不尊重的人是很难的;但要喜欢

第一章 图形概述

第一章图形概述 一、图形释义 图形的英文是Graphic,原义为图解、图示,引申为说明性的视觉符号。 图形是介于美术与文字之间的视觉传达形式,能在纸或其他表面上表现,能够通过印刷及各种媒体进行大量复制和广泛传播,它通过一定的形态来表达创造性的意念,将设计思想可视化,是设计造型成为传达信息的载体。在图形的设计中,符号学的运用影响着图形设计的表形性思维的表述。也由于它的存在,是平面图形设计的信息传达更加科学准确;而作为视觉语言的图形,它具有极强的象征性和寓意性,表达方式隐晦而含蓄,但最终通过设计师深思熟虑的提炼,以最快最深刻的方式把信息传达给人们。 二、现代图形设计原则 从现代图形的特征上我们可以把设计原则分为一下三点: 1.传达性 图形是种具有象征性的符号,通过形象来完成传达信息的过程。要实现传达性,必须要建立在符号的通俗性和意义表达的准确性上。作为设计者在创作中选择符号时必须建立在一般受众对该符号的理解之上,以免造成误解。要站在以人为本立场上尊重受众,了解受众文化背景,了解符号的一般社会含义。 2.创造性 创造性有两层含义,一是创造性的挖掘图形词汇。要选择不易被想到又存在切实关联的因素往往可以出奇制胜。二是表现手法上的创新。通过大胆想象,用同构方式创造出生活中本没有的形态,使熟悉事物陌生化,引起注意,创造视觉的新鲜感。 三、图形设计功能和特点 图形是现代信息传播中的特殊文化现象,是种国际话的视觉语言,是具有说明性的图画想象,其特性不同于摄影、绘画和插图。充分、准确地传播信息是图形设计的主要功能和首要任务。 图形符号更具有直观性、生动性、概况性、这些都是文字不能比拟的。任何艺术都有自己独特的表达方式,图形具有源于文化的认知意义和象征意义。 四、图形与符号 符号是利用一定的媒体来代表或指示某一事物的视觉信息。例如:戏曲、小说等象征性的资料都可以传达出相关信息。狭义的符号是指语言意外地额符号,广义的符号是指具有符号意义和注意用的而一切事物,例如语言、表情、礼仪等交流方式和手段。 图形设计是视觉的艺术,核心功能是概念性、传达性、说明性,目的是使人解读,这些特征可以说明图形设计是一种艺术中的符号,是一种编码的图像信息,也就是被赋予内涵的图像符号。图像符号:图像符号是通过模拟对象或与对象的相似而构成的。指示符号:指示符号与所指涉的对象之间具有因果或时空上的联系。如路标象征符号:象征符号与所是指涉的对象间无必然或是内在的联系,它是约定俗成的结果,它是指涉的对象以及有关意义的获得,是由长时间多个人产生的联想。如麦穗代表丰收五、图形的语义学要素 语义学是研究自然语言中词语意义的学科,也可以指对逻辑形式系统中符号解释研究。它的要素主要为: (1. 语言的可理解性:应无认知障碍、易于理解并易于学习记忆,于文化背景相关的语义内容也应具有可认知性质。 (2. 传达方式的内在性:尽量以比喻、象征等隐含的或外显的方式使我们体认意义, 而非用图解或文字说明性的方式,应对功能意义和使用等给予直观的启示。

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