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Unit 19 Lesson 1 Get ahead with Your English

It was predicted as early as the 1700s ______ English would one day be the global language and that __________(prove) to be the case in the last few decades. The _______ (grow) of international companies and the great advances in communications have started the trend for learning English _____ a foreign language. In today’s world, _____ (be) able to speak more than one language, including English, is how you stand out and get ahead.

However, ________ (learn) English as a foreign language is very difficult in the ________ (absent) of a native language environment. Some respected theories ____ language acquisition believe that) _____ attain a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need ________________ (surround) by it. But _________ (sad), the chances _____ we will all have the opportunity to live in an English __________ (speak) country are small. ____________, most of us have to rely on _______we can learn at school as part of the school curriculum.

Our latest English curriculum encourages teachers to create a rich language environment in the classroom. ________ this means is that they make sure there is an adequate amount of input in English ___________(convey) to the students through various mediums. This can ______ the form of reading and listening materials which must be ______ the highest quality. Quality input ensures quality __________, __________ it is speaking or writing.

To really get ahead, however, means ______ (put) in extra work outside of the classroom. Experts say that just 15 minutes of extra__ curricular study a day can really accelerate language learning. Here are _______ they recommend:

-Setting achievable targets. For example, enlarge your vocabulary ______ ten new words every day. _____ five times a week _____ then revise the words on the weekend. 50 new words a week means 200 new words a month.

-Listening to an English song several times in one week after _______ (read) the words.

-Watching the news ____ your own language and then reading an English newspaper or news website. Knowing the main stories before reading will guarantee greater comprehension when reading in English.

-Watching the news _____ your own language and then reading an English newspaper or news website. Knowing the main stories before reading will guarantee greater ___________ (comprehend) when reading in English.

-Watching a favorite DVD, but adjusting the language ____ English in parts you know well.

-Studying with friends. Test each other and share learning strategies —this makes learning more ___________( enjoy).

-Rewarding yourself. If you reach a target, treat yourself. Inform a friend ______ your targets so they can help motivate you as _______. -These ______________(recommend) are easily achieved and are ________worth the extra effort.

However, putting in those extra 15 minutes a day does take _________ (dedicate). To stay _______ (dedicate), you need _________ (keep) in mind why you are learning English. Quite simply, in today’s world, English hold the key ____ a brighter future and a world of _____________ (possible).

Unit 19 Lesson 3 Body Language Speaks for Itself

If you saw a father patting his son _____ the back while _______ (smile) happily, what would you think was going on? You would probably think that the father was congratulating his son _____ doing something well, maybe ______ (pass) an exam or _______ (win) a race. You would know what was going on because you understood the message _________ (convey) by the father’s body language. Across the world, a pat on the back and a smile usually means, ―______done‖.

Body language is used every single day by people of different nationalities all over the world. It is a language _______ words that consists _____ gestures, _______(face) expressions and body movement that greatly add to —and sometimes even replace —spoken language. Body language _________ (use) communicate both attitudes and feelings from affection ___ anger just like any other languages, but it differs_______ spoken language as it is not always explicit. Somebody jumping for joy is easy to see _________ a raised eyebrow conveying doubt is_____(easy)to miss.

People often use body language ____ purpose. Someone ______ does not know the answer _______ a question will move their shoulders upwards away from their _________( up) body and then let them fall, meaning, ―I don’t know.‖ However, body language can be __________(conscious) as well. A person ______ is feeling _______________ (comfortable) or nervous will often hold their body ____ a very rigid manner and have a tight look about their months. They might also cross their arms and move _____an abrupt way resembling a robot more than a human. They might not even realize how they are acting but their body language will tell anyone ______ cares to look closely enough how they are feeling. Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more transparent as _________ we can lie with words, it is not as easy to do so with our bodies.

Learning to ____aware ____ your body language can be a very useful too. For example, in a job interview, you will probably be feeling nervous ______ you don’t want to appear _____ a state of unrest. You will want to appear calm with _____ much dignity ____ possible. Merely _____ uncrossing your arms, you will look more _____________ (confidence)

Body language can be very useful when people do not share a common __________ (speak) language. For example, in foreign countries, ____ is very easy to purchase something simply ___ smiling and pointing _____ what you want. On the ______ hand, you can also easily show what you don’ t like _____ shaking your head.You can negotiate the price ____ using your hands to outline the shapes of things you want —although this can cause confusion and a few laughs.

However, body language can sometimes be ambiguous. Although every culture ______ the world uses the same gestures and expressions, they use them ___ different ways. For example, an

American tourist at a German hotel might give an ―OK sign ____ making a circle _____ his fingers. ________ in American _______ this sign means everything is fine, in Germany, this gesture can cause _________(offend). Another example is that in most cultures to nod one’s head means ―no‖_________ in some cultures the opposite is true.

Regardless _____ these differences, experts agree that across the globe there is one form of body language that receives ___________ (universe) __________( approve).—the smile. Smiling has a high success rate so neve r be afraid to use it —even when you are ________(nerve) —and ___________( especial) in foreign countries.

Unit 20 Lesson 1 Hannah Jones looks into the future

I love talking about the future —and I am not the only one. Over the centuries, people _______ always _______ (wonder) about the future. Some like to read fantasy stories and imagine what the world will be like _____ 10, 50 or even 1,000 years’ time. _______ write about the future themselves. In the 18th and 19th century, ___________ (especial) the latter, the most common theme in science fiction novels was the future. Some authors even predicted things ______ have since happened, for example, landing on the moon! But ______ some people, thinking about the future is not juts _______ fun. They plan the future of the world _____ a living. These people are called ______________ (future).

This weekend, hundreds of futurologists are meeting at Newcastle University. The seminar starts _____ Friday and the experts _________________ (discuss) the endless ____________( possible) of the future. The future is now big business and many people will attend the seminar with dreams of starting new enterprises ____________ (base) on the ____________( predict) they will hear this weekend. I clicked ________ the websites of a few futurologists and here is what they are predicting.

●In the _______ few years, computers will become ____________ (handy). Shortly all of us

are going to use out voices to give _____________ (instruct) to computers. We will be able to download any file or update our computers just ______ saying a few words.

●By the year 2015, the clothing industry ____________ (produce) new types of material that

will remain __________ (stain) no mater ______ you spill on them. Red wine stains will no longer ruin clothes. Garments will also be so strong ______ they will never get old and ___________ (wear).

●By the year 2025, no one will die of ______________ (starve) _________ there will be

food for everyone. No one will have to live ______ welfare as everyone will have jobs and ________________( discriminate) will be a part of

●By the year 2030, development in biochemistry and medical science will have made it

_____________ (theory) possible ____ us ___ live for at least 150 years. Tiny, insect –like robots may be sent

●By the middle of the century, computers that are millions of times smarter ______ us

__________________ (develop). We will be linking our brains ___ these computers and a

huge database. A new type of electronic human might have developed.

●By the end of the century, we ___________________ (discover) other places in our solar

system suitable ______ living and we will have discovered ways to go __________(far) into space.

I’ll be there in Newcastle this weekend. At nine o’clock _____ Saturday morning, I _______________( sit) in the front row and __________( listen) to the great Professor Williad talking about the future of my brain. If you can’t beat the future, join it _____ it is the dawn of

a new world.

Unit 20 Lesson 3 Scientific Breakthrough Pioneers of Science

If you had to choose the single most important discovery of the 20th century, you _______ (have) a real dilemma on your hands. In just 100 years, the world changed _______ (complete). Amazing discoveries were made in medicine, communications and transport, _______ to mention our discovering the causes of diseases under microscopes to surgical procedures replacing _______ (disease) organs with donated ones. Communications changed the introduction of mobile phones and the way we correspond went _______ writing letters to emailing. We started flying around the world and meanwhile, scientists figured how to split the atom, previously thought to be the _______ (small) particle of matter in the universe.

_______ it is impossible to choose the most important discovery, it is possible to single out a few pioneers of the 20th century, Here are five of them.

One of the 20th century’s premier scientists was Albert Einstein. In the summer of 1905, this outspoken young man ___ (rock)his one-year-old baby when he was suddenly inspired.

―E=mc2‖ was born. E=mc2showed how a small piece of mass could produce ____ unbelievable amount of energy. Einstein then showed in his ―theory of relativity‖that not even time, mass or length are constant—they change according our experience of them.

Einstein had already become world-famous _______ a young ex-lawyer, returning from the First World War, started work in California. (use的分词形式) the most high-powered telescope of the time, he began the long ,slow process of exploring our galaxy. Edwin Hubble was about to make astronomy’s greatest breakthrough of the century. He discovered small areas of mist _______ were in fact galaxies like our own millions of light years farther than had previously been thought,

In 1929, another far-reaching finding was made the son of a Scottish shepherd. _______ he went on holiday, biologist Alexander Fleming left a dish _______ bacteria in it in his laboratory. When he came back, he noticed strange. He double-checked and saw a blue mould in the dish around the bacteria had been destroyed. This blue mould was in fact the natural form of penicillin, which Fleming realized could be used to kill bacteria.

Unit 21 Lesson 3 Epidemics Explained

Epidemics throughout history

With recent press reports _______ (draw) parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks the history of epidemics for clues about what the future might hold.

Since Bird Flu first appeared in 1997, it has taken more than a hundred lives. Many people fear _______ could be the next global epidemic, especially as scientists _______ studied tissue from the bodies of people who died __ the 1918 Spanish Flu proved that Bird Flu is a modern adaptation of the same virus.

Bacteria and viruses _______ (be) around since the _______ (begin) of life on Earth and many of today’s diseases have existed as long humans have. It is important to look at the spread of diseases throughout history to discover the causes and effects of epidemics, and _______ (hopeful), foresee and prevent them in the future.

One of the earliest epidemics on record happened about 500-550 AD when the Roman emperor at the time was (attempt )to rebuild the Roman Empire. This epidemic swept through North Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

Scientists now guess that up 50%of the area’s population died from this epidemic _______ (make) it one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire.

In the 1330’s, the epidemic returned, this time in Asia. It spread (rapid)and became known as ―The Black Death‖ _______ one symptom was black spots on the body. The conditions in much of Asia and Europe—war, crowded cities and a lack of basic health routines—provided the perfect conditions for the disease _______ (spread) d worldwide.

In urban areas all _______ Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, up to one half of the population was lost to the Black Death.

_______ epidemic that spread in similar conditions was the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, also called the Spanish Flu. It struck near the end of the _______ World War and left families _______(mourn)worldwide.

Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike _______ young and fit rather than the old, the Spanish Flu _______ (believe) to have been the most acute epidemic in history. _______ people died of the flu than died in the war. Yet, somehow, it was forgotten by history _______ very recently when SARS became a cause for concern.

The SARS epidemic began in 2002 with a lung disease in Guangdong Province and spread quickly after Dr Liu Jianjun, the carrier, came to Hong Kong _______ passed the virus to people _______ carried it to Canada, Vietnam and Singapore.

Over nine months, the number of global cases passed 8,000 and 774 people died. Although these statistics are much impressive than those for the Spanish Flu, SARS was still very alarming _______ a few key reasons.

No one really knew much about SARS as it was completely new. This meant that there were no prescription drugs _______ tablets to treat it and doctors were not sure _____ to prevent it either. Since most people had no natural defenses _______ the disease, it was also harmful to the doctors and nurses _______ (treat) SARS patients.

Since the SARS epidemic ended, scientists _______ (do)trials on treatments to prohibit any future outbreaks. Modern communication technology and medical research techniques allow health experts all over the world _______ (unite), share knowledge, and work together without pause to help put SARS behind us.

Meanwhile, governments worldwide have also underlined the fact thorough and systematic medical research on Bird Flu needs to lead a cure as as possible. Countries will need to work together to do this as the SARS epidemic proved how teamwork among nations can save lives. _______ all the international effort being made we have to have faith that _______ will be solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic _______ its tracks.

Unit 21 Lesson 1 Super Athletes 100 meters in 8 seconds?

Many contemporary amateur athletes would ___ (break)world records if they _______ (take) part in the first Olympic Games. Since then, records have fallen in track and field year _______ year as athletic performances have _______ (continue) improved.

If records fall, it is usually due better equipment, training and diet, _______ recently, improvements have begun to slow . At the 2000 Olympics, only three runners achieved Olympic bests with no world records. Some experts predict a ceiling for many events, such as 9.5 seconds for the 100 meters—Maurice Greene’s current record is 9.79 seconds. , past predictions have nearly always been proved wrong.

When we talk about (break)records, we come _______ the issue of performance-enhancing drugs. These drugs are originally developed _______ (help) people with illnesses, but _______ the wrong hands, they create supreme athletes making them faster and stronger than is normal for human beings. _______ (take) these drugs is known _______ ―doping‖and _______ they enhance performance, they also cause serious health problems in later life for those _______ abuse them.

The sports world does not tolerate (dope) as it is a fundamental form of cheating. Ben Johnson would still be the 100 meters world record holder if he had not been caught _______(take) drugs in the 1988 Olympics. Other records remain doubtful, like Florence Griffith’s 100 meters record back in 1988. Did she take drugs? _______ current Olympic champion, Marion Jones, took such drugs, she would probably have broken that world record more than once.

Doping is not only a problem in athletics, it is part of every sport athletes seek to achieve beyond their natural limits and are prepared to cheat to do _______. In 2006 cycling fans worldwide were shocked when the winner of the annual cycling race, the Tour de France, was caught

doping. Floyd Landis made several lame excuses blaming medicine he ___________ (take) for an injury but these were all _______ vain. He failed two drug tests.

Unfortunately, _______ is not easy to catch athletes (use)illegal drugs. It is compulsory winners to be tested but _______ participants are only tested at random. New drugs are developed all the time and drug tests for sporting events are often one step behind.

However, doping is not the only thing we need to worry _______. _______ we are careful, ―gene-therapy‖ will be the next big threat. For medical purposes, scientists have already found ways to build muscle and increase strength by (change) people’s genes. Gene-therapy is very controversial and many people oppose further research into _______. If gene-therapy _______ (use) now, it would be almost _______ (possible) to find out. In the future, athletes who have _______ genes changed might be able to do the 100 meters dash just 8 seconds or the marathon in _______ than two hours. However, _______ a generation of sports stars with enhanced genes were created, it would contradict the whole spirit of sport.

The Olympic spirit—the spirit of competition which emphasizes (take)part rather _______ winning—has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs. In today’s world, winners are celebrated and treated _______ heroes, but if doping and gene-therapy continue to affect the outcome of major sporting events, the word ―hero‖ will have lost all meaning.


高考英语单句语法填空2018.5.13 1. (guarantee)good air quality, the government is replacing coal fuel with natural gas. 2. leaves the classroom last should turn off the lights. 3.On Sunday morning, Nancy (review)plans for the trip when her mother walked in. 4.Once (accept)by the soccer team, yourself need to train three times a week. 5.— Have you heard that Space X sent a Tesla car into space? —Yes. they have achieved is amazing. 6.It is through decades of hard work China has progressed to a new stage. 7.Across the street is the research center Stephen Hawking made his ground-breaking discoveries in physics. 8.Rosa (use) this washing machine for more than ten years. She is thinking about buying a new one. 9.—Vivien, you look blue. What’s wrong? —There are so many papers ( finish). I’m really busy recently. 10. (confuse)at the differences between her culture and theirs, Annie wanted to return home. 11.The old bank, appearance is not a pretty sight, is extremely beautiful on the inside. 12.The famous player tried again and again after each failure. That’s he succeeded at last. 13. annoys the teacher most is that all the students are too quiet in class. 14. (Learn)to manage time wisely, and you can make the most out of each day. 15.Since 18th January, 2018, some airlines in China (allow)mobile phone use on their aircrafts. 16.The dictionary has 100 new words (add)into its latest edition. 17.Moving abroad means entering a culture the customs and the language are different. 18.Once Jason becomes interested in some topic, he can’t help thinking about it he goes.


(1) In the United States, there were 222 people ____1____ (report) to be billionaires(亿万富翁) in 2003. The ____2_____ of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41 billion, who made his money ____3____ starting the company Microsoft. Mr. Gates was only 21 years old _____4____ he first helped to set up the company in 1976. He was a billionaire _____5___ the time he was 31. ____6____, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even ____7____ (young) ages. Other young people who have struck it rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple. ____8____ of these child actors made over a million dollars ___9____ (act) in movies before they were 14. But ___10___ youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und T axis of Germany, who, in 2001, inherited (继承) a billion dollars when he turned 18! (2) Finishing their shopping at the mall, a couple discovered that their new car ____1_____ (steal) .They filed a report____2____ the police station and a detective drove them ____3____ to the parking lot to look for evidence. To their ____4____ (amaze), the car had been returned ___5____ there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car. My wife was having a baby and I had to rush her to the ____6_____. Please forget the inconvenience. There are two tickets ____7____ tonight's Mania Twain concert.” Their faith in humanity restored. The couple attended ____8____ concert. But when they returned home, they immediately found ____9______their house had been ransacked (洗劫). On the bathroom mirror was ____10_____ note: “I have to put my kid through college somehow, don't I?” (3) People _____1___ (live) in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred _____2_____ in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four ___3___ five hundred thousand words. But we do not need ____4____ these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. ____5_____ you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more. The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary ______6___ (big). Read as many books as we can. There are a lot of books _____7____ (write) in easy English. You will enjoy them. When you meet _____8____ new word, look it ____9_____ in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your _____10_____ (much) useful book. (4) When you are in England you must be very careful in the streets ____1_____ the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street you must look to the right first _____2____ then the left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from ____3____, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most ____4___ (danger) then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, ____5____. Always


语法填空试题与答案 I.单句语法填空 1.I had trouble ________ (figure) out what he meant. 2.Her bike was broken, so she had to get it ________ (repair). 3.While ________ (cross) the road, he was knocked over. 4.He let out the secret ________ purpose ________ order to earn money. 5.I often talk with my daughter face ________ face ________ dusk. 6.It was the first time she ________ (witness) such a heavy snowstorm. 7.It's no pleasure ________ (go) camping on such a foggy day. 8.We suffered from ________ series of natural disasters in ________ 1980s. 9.We fell ________ love with the village and got along well ________ the local people. 10.He set ________ everything he went ________ in the small down. II.单句语法填空 1.The reason ________ he changed his job was that the pay was too low. 2.________ (base) on his own experience, he wrote a novel. 3.The number of the students in our school ________ (be) five thousand, and a large number of them ________ (be) keen on sports. 4.Believe ________ or not, we haven't seen each other for twenty years. 5.At present, the farmers ________ (get) in their crops. 6.Because ________ the heavy fog, the flight was called off. 7.We should make good use ________ this chance. 8.Tom came up ________ a good idea that we would build a tree house. 9.She was expected ________ (deliver) a good speech. 10.They live in the same department ________ Mr. Green does. Ⅲ.单句语法填空 1.My sister is fond ________ going for a walk after supper. 2.Her attitude ________ learning English has changed. 3.________ (dress) in a new dress, she looks more beautiful. 4.Don't give ________ to difficulties, and you will succeed. 5.It was my mother ________ put forward a good solution to the problem. 6.How I wish I ________ (can) make up for the lost time. 7.We found ourselves ________ (cycle) through clouds. 8.He was about to close the window ________ a beautiful flower caught his eye. 9.Ever since 1990, the Greens ________ (live) a peaceful life in this village. 10.She insisted we ________ (keep) pace with society. IV.单句语法填空 1.I can't imagine ________ (live) without water. 2.The meeting was ________ an end at ten o'clock. 3.My patience gave ________ at last.


高二英语语法填空提高训练及解析 一、语法填空 1.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Since ________ first fully artificial plastic was invented in 1907, humans ________(find) innumerable uses for the material. It has found ________(it) way into our tools, our clothes and even our bodies. In a new study in ________(environment) science and technology, researchers estimate the average American eats more than 50,000 pieces of microplastic particles, ________(small) than 5 millimeters in length every year and breathes in another 50,000. Although the health ________(effect) of consuming these tiny bits of plastic are unclear, researchers stress the real volume that people are ________(casual) swallowing is alarming. The largest contributor came ________ drinking bottled water, in ________ the bottle itself added more than 32 times more plastic to a diet ________(compare) with tap water, The Guardian reports. 【答案】the;have found;its;environmental;smaller;effects;casually;from;which;compared 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章提出了人工塑料渗入到我们生活的方方面面。在环境科学与技术的一项新研究中,研究人员估计,美国人平均每年吃掉5万多块塑料微粒,这些微粒的长度小于5毫米,再吸入5万粒塑料微粒。主要诱因是饮用瓶装水。(1)考查冠词。句意:自从1907年第一个完全人工塑料被发明以来。根据first可知此处用冠词the。故填the。 (2)考查时态。句意:人类已经发现了这种材料的无数用途。since引导的时间从句要用一般过去时,主句要用现在完成时。分析句子成分可知,主语是humans,故谓语动词为have found。故填have found。 (3)考查代词。句意:它已经渗入我们的工具、我们的衣服甚至我们的身体。way是名词,此处应该用形容词性物主代词修饰名词。故填its。 (4)考查形容词。句意:在环境科学与技术的一项新研究中。此处要用形容词修饰名词science and technology(科学与技术)。故填environmental。 (5)考查形容词。句意:美国人平均每年吃掉5万多块塑料微粒,这些微粒的长度小于5毫米,再吸入5万粒塑料微粒。根据than可知此处要用形容词比较级。故填smaller。(6)考查名词。句意:尽管食用这些小塑料碎片对健康的影响尚不清楚。根据the health 是主语的一部分,可知此处用名词作主语,且谓语动词是are,故用可数名词复数,填effects。 (7)考查副词。句意:但研究人员强调,人们随意吞下的塑料碎片的实际数量令人担忧。此处要用副词修饰动词swallowing 。故填casually。 (8)考查介词。句意:最大促成物来自饮用瓶装水。come from,固定短语,“来自”。故填from。 (9)考查定语从句。句意:瓶装水在日常饮食中添加的塑料量是自来水的32倍多。分析句子成分可知,先行词为drinking bottled water,指物,且作in的宾语,故此处填which。故填which。


Book One词汇语法专练 I.单句语法填空 1.________ upset him that his father didn’t take him to Shanghai. 2.Never before has our country been so ________ (power) as it is today. 3.The professor expressed his satisfaction, ________ (add) that he was happy. 4.The woman teacher devotes herself ________ (entire) to teaching and has won a good reputation. 5.The Chinese government has begun a campaign ________ (calm) the crazy housing market. 6.The meeting was concerned ________ reforms and everyone present was concerned ________ their own interests. II.单句语法填空 1.—What are you mailing,Ryan? —A textbook ________ (base) on a new method of teaching physics.I want my friends to take a look at it. 2.I will give him a present as an ________ (express) of gratitude. 3.As we joined the big crowd I got ________ (separate) from my friends. 4.With ________ good command of both Chinese and English,she had an advantage over the other interviewees. 5.Duty is an act or a course of action that people expect you ________ (take) by social customs,law or religion. 6.At first,he didn’t realize he was ________ (recognize) by his old friend. III.单句语法填空 1.Suddenly I saw a ________ (cycle) fall off his fast running bike. 2.________ (judge) from what you said,you are satisfied with the result. 3.He could have finished it ________ schedule,but somehow he fell behind. 4.________ (determine) to visit the science museum,she set off at once. 5.After the flood,many things have been __________ (transportation) to the flooded area. 6.Bob gave me much help when I was in trouble.He is really a ________ (rely) person and you can depend on him. IV.单句语法填空 1.Water got into the radio,and now it is completely ________ (use). 2.He wrote her a long poem as a(n) ________ (express) of his love. 3.What is the name of the hotel __________ you recommended I stay at when visiting Tokyo? 4.________ (judge) from what he said just now,he must be an honest man. 5.It’s ________ great honor for me to be invited to make a speech here.


高二英语语法填空题20 套( 带答案 ) 一、语法填空 1.下面材料,在空白填入适当的内容(1 个 )或括号内的正确形式。 A few months ________(early), Stephanie Heller, had finished her workout in the gym when she ________(notice)a woman in the parking lot struggling to bend down. Ms. Heller offered to help her. The woman blamed old age for her incapacity, ________(explain)that she was 70. But Ms. Heller was 71. "This woman felt every bit her age." she recalled. "I don't let age stop me. I need a good mood, really. I love singing and dancing with all the young friends I ________ (make)over the years. I'm only as old as I feel." Each of us has ________actual age, the number we celebrate on birthdays. But some 50-, 60-and 70-year-olds look and feel ________(youth), while others do not. Scientists measure these differences by looking at age-related things like skin elasticity, blood pressure and so on, finding some ________(connect)among them. People ________a healthy lifestyle and a fortunate genetic inheritance( 承 )tend ________(score) "younger" on these assessments. When scientists ask, "How old do you feel, most of the time?" the answer can reflect the state of people's physical and mental health. The age given is a virtual one, ________is called "subjective age". 【答案】earlier ; noticed ; explaining ; have made ; an ; youthful/young;connection/connections ; with ; to score ; which 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇明文,有的人看起来比年小,是因健康的生活方 式,好的基因人看起来更年,研究一个人的心可以反他的主年。 ( 1)考形容。根据后文的had finished 去完成,可判断事情生在去之前,a few months earlier几个“月之前”,可以和去完成用,故填earlier 。 ( 2 )考。根系句子可知此是从句,此考固定句型 had done ? when(从句用一般去 )做完某事突然就??,故填 noticed 。 ( 3)考非。分析句子可知此是非作状,主the woman 和explain(解)之是主关系,用在分,故填explaining 。 ( 4)考。分析句子可知此是定从句,根据下文的over the years(在 去几年里 )判断句在完成,主I,故填 have made。 ( 5)考冠。age 的可数名,此是泛指,用不定冠,又actual 是元音音素开,故填an。 ( 6 )考形容。此填形容作feel的表,youth的形容是young和youthful ,故填young/youthful。 (7)考名。此填名作 finding 的, connect 的名形式 connection 可数名, some 可以理解“一些 / 某个”,故此可以用名数形式,也可用复数形式, 故填 connection/connections 。 (8)考介。句意:有健康生活方式和好的基因的人向于在些价中得 高分。分析句子可知此填介,再合句意表示“有”的介是with ,故填 with 。 ( 9)考非。tend to do sth 固定短,“ 向于做某事”,故填 to score。


高二英语语法填空真题汇编(含答案) 一、语法填空 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的形式。 "Living within 300 metres of green space ________ (associate) with greater happiness, sense of worth and life satisfaction," says a new study. ________ (use) data from UK government's Annual Population Survey (APS) of 25518 people, the researchers show that people ________ live within 300 metres of green space have significantly better mental well-being. "A lot of research focuses ________ poor mental health, or single aspect of well-being like life satisfaction. What makes our work different is the way we consider multi-dimensional mental well-being in terms of happiness, life satisfaction and worth," said Victoria Houlden from the University of Warwick. The study, ________ (publish) in the journal Applied Geography, found that there is a very strong relationship between the amount of green space around a person's home ________ their feelings of life satisfaction, happiness, and self-worth. Green space within 300 metres of home made the greatest ________ (differ) to mental well-being. The study found that access to green space was ________ (important) than lifestyle factors such as employment, income and general health. "By ________ (combine) advanced statistical and mapping methods, we've shown that the effect is real. ________ (basical) we've proven what everyone has always assumed was true," said Scott Weich, Professor at the University of Sheffield. 【答案】is associated;Using;who或that;on /upon;published;and;difference;more important;combining;Basically 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,一项新研究称居住在300米以内的绿地能带来更大的幸福感、价值感和生活满意度。这项发表在《应用地理》杂志上的研究发现,一个人的家周围的绿地数量与他们对生活的满意度、幸福感和自我价值感之间存在很强的关系。这种影响以及得到证实,它是真的。 (1)考查时态语态。句意:居住在300米以内的绿色空间,会带来更大的幸福感、价值感和生活满意度。be associated with sth.固定短语,"与某事联系在一起",且描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语为动名词短语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填is associated。(2)考查非谓语动词。句意:根据英国政府对25518人的年度人口调查(APS)数据,研究人员表明,居住在绿色空间300米以内的人心理健康状况明显更好。本句中use做非谓语动词,与逻辑主语researchers构成主动关系,故用现在分词,填Using。 (3)考查定语从句。句意:根据英国政府对25518人的年度人口调查(APS)数据,研究人员表明,居住在绿色空间300米以内的人心理健康状况明显更好。本句为定语从句修饰先行词people,且先行词在从句中做主语,指人,个用关系代词who或that。故填who或that。 (4)考查介词。句意:很多研究都集中在心理健康方面,或者说是像生活满意度这样的幸福方面。focus on/upon固定短语,"集中于,专注于",故填on或upon。 (5)考查非谓语动词。句意:这项发表在《应用地理》杂志上的研究发现,一个人的家周围的绿地数量与他们对生活的满意度、幸福感和自我价值感之间存在很强的关系。本句中publish做非谓语动词与逻辑主语study构成被动关系,故用过去分词,填published。


高中英语语法填空训练(单句)(附答案详解) 1.(2017·天津高考)My room is a mess, but I ________ clean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in the morning. 2.(2017·天津高考)I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train________ (catch). 3.There is a limit ________ the amount of pain we can bear. 4.The beautiful lady sat a little straighter and tried to look ________ (slim) and younger. 5.Nowadays more and more people have come to realize the importance of a ________ (balance) diet to their health. 6.Children are always curious ________ everything they see and hear. 7.Being a good teacher, you should know your students' ________ (strong) and weaknesses. 8.Low-income residents can't afford ________ (consult) a doctor or purchase medicines when they get sick. 9.We can't always combine work ________ pleasure. 10.John's ________ (weak) lies in his bad temper. 11.(2017·北京高考)The national park has a large collection of wildlife,________ (range) from butterflies to elephants. 12.Shopping is no longer just a necessity; it has become a form


An old farmer was about to die. He wanted to make 61 that his sons would stop fighting among 62 (they).He hoped to encourage them to manage the farm 63 (success).The old man called his sons together and said, “My sons, I'm about 64 (leave) this life. You will find all that I have in the farm.” Some time later, after their father had died, the sons started to spend long hours 65

(work) in the fields. They thought their father 66 (bury) a treasure in the ground. They kept ploughing from morn till night, turning the soil over again and again, 67 still failed to find any treasure. That year's crops, however, were 68 (good)than any of their father's crops and sold for 69 very good price. 70 the end, the young men found that working hard is truly a treasure in itself.


必修(4)语法单句训练 Unit one (主谓一致) (用所给词的正确形式填空) 1.What we need (be) more time and what they need (be) more workers. 2. This is one of the most exciting theme parks that I (have) visited, and Lily is the only one of the cleverest students who (have) worked out the problem. 3. A large amount of damage (be) done to the city in a very short time and large amounts of money (be) spent in rebuilding the city. 4. The wounded (be)sent to the hospital immediately and the dying person (be) seriously injured. 5. A number of students (have)gone to the countryside to help the farmers and the number of the students remained (be) one hundred. 6. About three—fourths of the earth’s surface(be) covered with water and three—fifths of workers here (be) women. 7. Neither you nor I nor anybody else (know) anything about it. 8. Tom or his brothers (are) waiting in the hall. 9. Truth and honesty (be) the best policy. 10. Going to bed early and getting up early (be) a good habit. 11. The farmer as well as his wife and children (be) very sad for their damaged crops. 12. The peasant and scientist (have) produced a special strain of super hybrid rice. 13. More than one person (have) seen the explosion. 14. The family (be)going to move abroad and now the whole family(be) packing luggage. 15. Two hundred miles (be) quite a long distance, but one hundred yuan (be) a small sum of money. 16. The crowd (be) running for their lives and the news (be) very exciting. 17. This glass works (be) set up in 1980 and these glass works (lie) near the railway station. 18. The police (be) searching for the murderer everywhere when he suddenly disappeared in a theatre. 19. Between the two rows of trees (stand) the teaching building. 20. “All (be) present and all (be) going on well.” Our monitor said. Unit two and unit three (动词v-ing 形式作主语、表语、宾语、同位语和定语) (用动词的适当形式填空) 1. It is no use (complain) the bad weather. 2. It is worth (visit) this wonderful marine park with only 80 yuan. 3. There is no sense in (forbid) the children to play outside. 4. No one can escape (punish) by the law if he breaks the law. 5. You (speak) English will surely improve if you practice (speak) it every day. 6. Mary’s (迟到) made the boss very angry. 7. Seeing the scene, I can’t help(laugh). 8. Peter had great difficult in (communicate) with others. 9. (expose) to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. 10. I remember to mail the letter but forget (buy) the stamp. 11. I advise (leave) early and forbid Tom (follow). 12. I want to tell my father that our computer needs (repair). 13. The key to (solve) the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers. 1

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