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The Differences of Tea-drinking Culture between

China and Britain


Tutor: lixuan


China is the native place of tea, and it is the first country in the world to plant, drink and export tea.When tea was discovered by Chinese, it was initially used as herb.According to records, the Tang Dynasty prosperous exchanges at home and abroad, tea is often used as gifts to the monks of China, missionaries and foreign envoys to Chinese, which is spread to the world, and in seventeenth Century to the identity of the British Isles imported luxury landing.Although,in many countries,there have tea phenomenon,but comparing with other European countries, the tea culture of Britain is the most famous and typical, and it has formed its own special tea culture.

The paper aims to illustrate the different of tea-drinking culture between Britain and China from the four points,the history of the tea drinking ,the manner of tea drinking,the spirits of tea ceremony, and the impact of tea drinking.At last, according to the comparison, the writer suggests two points to develop our own tea culture, establishing the national day of tea drinking and creating our own international tea brand.

Key words:Tea culture China and Britain Difference






I. Introduction (1)

II. Brief Review of Tea Drinking (2)

2.1 The history of tea drinking in China (2)

2.2 The export of tea from China to Britain (3)

2.3 The development of tea drinking in Britain (4)

III. Comparison of Tea-drinking Culture between China and Britain (5)

3.1 The different manners of tea drinking (5)

3.1.1 The different spirits of tea ceremony (9)

3.2 The different impacts of tea drinking (10)

3.3 The suggestions for tea drinking (12)

3.3.1 Establishing the national day of tea drinking (12)

3.3.2 Creating our own international brand (13)

IV. Conclusion (14)

References (16)

Acknowledgements (17)

错误!未找到引用源。. Introduction

At present, the cultural communication among countries has become more popular and frequent. We have to say it is the age that culture fiercely agitates each other; all countries have to face the challenge brought about by diversified and globalized society, the conflict and friction between the national traditional cultures and modernization,

as well. People like to discuss which one is much better. To be honest, people should judge on their own culture objectively, and view culture of other countries fairly in perspective. People need absorbing others cultural merits to remedy and update defects of their culture while retaining own culture feature. China, as is known to all, is the birthplace of tea and Britain is also considered as another country of drinking tea. Both of them are two big countries that have long history and strong cultural base. However, their respective cultures are quite different. This paper will just show a tiny part of difference between Chinese and British cultures by comparing the tea cultures. Tea is a kind of shrub with so fragrant white flowers and evergreen leaves. The dried leaves of this plant which are plucked in different stages of growth and prepared by various processes can be used to make a hot beverage. According to historical records and some legend, tea has been known in China since about 2700B.C.personally, I am so proud that It is Chinese who earliest discover and use tea. As the homeland of tea, China has long history, extensive and profound tea culture .In China, tea is not merely one kind of drink but it a symbol of culture that refers to the Humanities and it is always considered as a mysterious but harmonious combination; Furthermore it is a carrier of tea culture by which spread out various kinds of culture. In fact tea culture is organic integration of tea and culture, which include and

reflect a certain period of material civilization and spiritual civilization in China. Also it is invigorating as well as pacifying. Its character is flexible in different environments. For example, a different tea culture would be formed only if tea goes in a different direction. It also represents a state of peace -- peace of mind. Or it is regarded as a symbol of not seeking fame and wealth of tranquility, of recovering to the simple and coming to the nature. At present, tea culture is a very typical and important carrier of leisure

culture for Chinese. When it is introduced to Britain with popularity, tea combined with native

culture has gradually formed a new unique tea culture. Although Britain is not a country to product tea just like China, the British are absolutely and most definitely true the second largest per capita tea consumers in the world, with each person consuming on average 2.1 kg per year. In particular, the ways to drink tea of them are so popular among people all around the world even include Chinese. There are similarities and difference between western and eastern tea culture because of its own economic and traditional cultural background .This article will do make effort to explore a comparative study on tea culture between China and Britain. This paper discusses the differences between Chinese and British tea culture, to understand the difference between them,we hope to enhance the status of China tea

culture in the world, set up the tea culture symbol has the characteristics of Chinese

错误!未找到引用源。. Brief Review of Tea Drinking

With a long history, tea is drunk with a beverage. Each year more than 80 percent of all China tea is made into green tea. The ancient Chinese had lost the track of tea's true advent and were forced to imagine its beginning.

With the development of history, myths and legends have been handed down from generation to generation. Although they are inadmissible as historical evidence, myths and legends do have historical importance because they provide the only account of tea's origin. According to Chinese mythology, in 2737 B.C, the Chinese Emperor, Shen Nong, known as the father of agriculture and medicine, suddenly tasted boiling water which was added leaves of wild tea tree. When Shen Nong drank the infusion, he marveled at its delicious taste and felt vigorous. There is another account about this legend, it was said that Shen Nong risked his life to taste hundred kinds of herbs for the subject. Unfortunately, he was poisoned by some of them. It was the young leaves of tea that rescued him from danger. Later, tea drinking had been invented, and the emperor drank it from that day forward, recommending this health herb to other people.

Today, not only Chinese, but also foreigners love to drink tea. Drinking tea has become a part of their life, especially in China and Britain. The following part will be talked about tea-drinking's development in these two countries.

2.1 The history of tea drinking in China

It was recorded that tea was drunk in the western Han Dynasty, during the period of the Three Kingdom Period, drinking tea was very popular at least in the southern China, according to the history, the king Sun Hao of Wu state (the offspring of Sun Quan) firstly created tea to take place of wine in banquet, at the same time, tea had an equal position to wine in the palace affairs. During the Wei Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasty, drinking tea already became a fashion for those people with high social status to enjoy life, and the literators use tea drinking to improve their thought for writing a

good works. The Tang Dynasty was the mature period of Chinese tea culture, and drinking tea had become a common thing for ordinary people, and they were fastidious about not only the tea production place, the picking and making of tea but also the drinking appliance, and the way of drinking tea. The first book on Tea—Tea Classic, circa 780A.D, which was written by the Chinese author Lu Yu, came into being during this period, it comprises three volumes and covers tea from its growth to its drinking and making, as well as historical summary and the famous early tea plantation. In the 805A.D, the Buddhist monk, Zui Cheng of Japan brought the tea and seeds to his country, this was the earliest record that tea transported to Japan and later the world famous tea ceremony got to be formed. Drinking tea was also very popular in the Song Dynasty, and the technique for making tea greatly improved. By the Yuan Dynasty, drinking tea was very common in everyday life, and making tea was one of the seven chores for the pool housewives of that time. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, people drank tea in almost the same way as do today, and loose tea took place of compressed tea(before this period, people usually drank compressed tea.) besides , China’s tea was exported to Britain during this period, I will addressed in the following part.

2.2 The export of tea from China to Britain

At the beginning of the seventeenth century, tea was spread to West Europe and became the favorite drink of European people. It is not exactly certain time when tea was first coming to Britain, there are a lot of points on it, the writer agrees with the point that China’s tea was appeared in Britain in 1657, and there China’s tea was come from Holland. In 1607A.D, the ship of Holland which came from Java transported tea from Macao to Europe, and this was the earliest record that China’s tea was directly sold to Europe. Later, the China’s tea was sold from Holland to Britain. Most of scholars consider that tea was appeared in Britain in the mid-seventeenth century, but they don’t ascertain the exact year that China’s tea comes to Britain. It can be only confirmed that tea was sold in Britain in1657, according to the book, A Social History of Tea written by Pettigrew Jane, she said that China’s tea was transported to the landing of London by the Eastern India Company in the mid-seventeenth century, assuring the selling time of China’s tea was in 1657, furthermore, the advertisement about tea was appeared in the next year. On the other hand, Chinese scholar Chen Yuan also expressed the

same view in his book of The History of Tea (茶叶通史), and he said that a coffee shop of Britain sold China’s tea from Holland during the fourteen reign of emperor Shun Zhi of Qing Dynasty(1657).

Later, in 1662, the princess of Portugal Catherine married Charles错误!未找到引用源。, and brought with her the preference for tea, which had already become common in Europe. As tea was her drink of choice, it gained social acceptance among aristocracies as it replaced wine ale and spirits with tea as the court drink. In an attempt to please Charles错误!未找到引用源。, the Britain East India Company brought small gifts of tea from Europe for Catherine in 1664 and in 1666, other than these gifts, the Britain East India Company did not consider tea to be worth importing from China until in 1668. From that time, tea was selling in markets, and the East India Company treated it as a part of their regular trade. It was no longer only a special item brought back by a ship’s captain for special use.

2.3 The development of tea drinking in Britain

Above all is that tea is just a fashion pursued by upper class. Until the end of eighteenth century, tea drinking was become prevailing in populace due to the great fall of price—Transformations of the custom policy in China and changed of the demand of tea drinking in Britain, both caused a great tea import of the East India Company, that made the tea price play down. Before that time, tea was very expensive for ordinary people, for example, in 1658, the fifth Earl of Beford county, Woburn Abbey paid all staff in manor a total of only 600 pounds, and these staff included temporary and full time maid, cook, butler, doorman, gardeners, lawyers etc, at that time, an annual income of an estate lawyer was only 20 pounds, and the salary of butler was 2~6 pounds, if a butler buys a pound of tea, he would have paid a whole year’s salary, so it is impossible for populaces to have it.

Besides, a great number of smuggling tea from other European countries before 1785 also made the tea price play down, and the performance of the Commutation Act after 1785 declined the tea price too, then, some private trade decreased the price. The other main reason is that British love tea very much, and another interesting evidence pointed out by an Italian who was travelling to Britain in1755 illustrates the last reason, he said that even if a common maid must drink tea twice each day, showing her status, and she must write the condition to

her bond. In addition, the characters in the famous British novel, Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen often take a cup of tea and drink. As time is going, Britain has formed its own culture of tea drinking, and the following part will discuss the different tea-drinking culture between China and Britain.

错误!未找到引用源。. Comparison of Tea-drinking Culture between China and Britain

China is the homeland of tea. Of the three major beverages of the world—tea, coffee, and cocoa, tea is consumed by the large number of people in the world, especially in Britain. China had tea plants as early as five to six thousand year ago, and human drinking of tea dates back to two thousand year. British have and drink tea for three to four hundred year, that is far more behind us, however, it has already shaped its own special culture and habit of tea drinking. It is said that Britain averagely drink eight cups of beverage everyday, and among them, tea possesses five cups. That is to say, about two thousand cups of tea will be drunk by British in a whole year. According to the report of newspaper of Times in London, one percent of British do not drink tea, twenty-three percent of British who are called Heavy drinker drink above six cups of tea, thirty-eight percent of British named Middle drinker drink four to five cups of tea, and the rest of thirty-nine percent called Light drinker drink below three cups of tea. A typical English man, at least, has six times to drink tea everyday. Apart from three times of drinking tea at breakfast, lunch, and supper, first, when he wakes up in the morning and leans against the bed, he usually drinks a cup of tea—early morning tea. The second is the Elevenses, which drinks tea at 11a.m. At this time, he has gone through long time of hard working, and he needs to have a break and relax himself. At last, it is the Afternoon tea at 4-5p.m.

3.1 The different manners of tea drinking

Before discussing the manner of tea drinking, the types of tea are analysed first. Tea comes in more varieties than you may suspect. However, based on the way the leaves are processed, all teas are divided into four basic types: green, black, oolong, and the very rare white.

Green tea is the variety which keeps the original color of the tea leaves without fermentation during processing. It is quickly dried, preserving the healthful flavonoids and grassy flavors. This category of Chinese green tea is longing of Zhejiang province, Maofeng of Huanshang, mountain in Anhui province, and Biluochun produced in Jiangsu. The British green teas include Lung Ching Bancha and Sencha.

Black tea undergoes a full fermentation process, which darkens the leaves and produces a robust tea with higher caffeine content. It is a later variety developed on the base of green tea. The best brands of Chinese black tea are Qihong of Anhui, Dianhong of Yunnan, Suhong of Jiangsu, Chuanhong of Sichuan, and Huhong of Hunan. The Earl Grey, English Breakfast, and Darjeeling are some examples of English black teas.

Oolong tea represents a variety half way between the green and the black tea, retaining the healthful qualities of green tea and robustness of black tea. It is a speciality from China’s southern coast: Fujian, Guangdong, and Taiwan. Tieguanyin and Rougui of Fujian are this type of Chinese oolong teas. And Black Dragon and Orange Blossom are a couple of British oolong tea.

White tea is produced from young leaves that are steamed and sun-dried rather than fermented, creating a subtle and sweet quality with minimal caffeine content, Snowflakes and Noble Beauty are a type of English white teas.

Next, the Chinese tea drinking can be classified into mixed drinking and non-mixed drinking, and the first one is categorized by the personal favor with salt, sugar, milk, green onion, orange peel, mint and longan etc. It derives from the method of boiling tea in the mid Tang Dynasty: from the point of eatable aspect, people cook with fresh leaves or dried leaves into a soup or drink, often adding salt to modulate the flavor; from the point of medicinal aspect, fresh leaves and dried leaves accompanied by ginger, pepper, orange peel and mint boil down into a soup for people drinking. And now this way was mainly concentrated in ethnic minority areas, for instance, Tibetan’s Suyoucha(酥油茶) is brick tea with salt, butter, milk, and so on, and the Ganwancha(盖碗茶) of Hui nationality is tea brewed with longan and rock sugar, commonly known as “ Sanxiangcha(三香茶)”.

The second one is non- mixed drinking, known as “Qingyin(清饮)” in Han nationality, that is the tea does not include any ingredients destroyed the fragrance and the flavor of tea,

just making tea soup with boiling water. It inherits the tradition of Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Initially, British were drinking green tea. Later, they changed it for drinking robust black tea with nutrient content. It was said that green teas were not easy to store and mutable to mildew, but the black teas which were full fermentation just compensated its shortage, besides, the more credible reason was that green teas were habitual to grow in cold climate, but the black teas grew in warm climate. The British Isles surrounded by the sea are cold and humid throughout the year. So weather determines people’s choice and lets more time for people staying home to enjoy tea. British imports black tea from China, India, Sri Lanka etc, were added by milk and sugar in order to get rid of there bitter flavor, similarly changing the bitter coffee from equatorial countries into the sweet arome of coffee. In addition, they also add honey, whiskey, egg, butter, and whatever they want to join into the tea, this is quite different from the flavor of Chinese tea. On the other hand, British invent the tea bag instead of the end piece of tea leaves, known as instant tea. Putting the bag into the cup, a bag is only for a cup of tea. Home teapot has filter to separate tea bag from water, and it is dissimilar from the way of putting whole leaves into the boiling water in China.

3.1.1 The different spirits of tea ceremony

Genuine Chinese art is respectfully called Cha Tao (tea ceremony), meaning the Way of Tea. Tea is the only gastronomic art to attain the title of Dao in Chinese culture. Dao refers to the source of universe, the process of change, and the path to achieve harmony, virtue and enlightenment. When the tea ceremony is understood and practiced to foster harmony in humanity, promote harmony with nature, discipline the mind, quiet the heart, and attain the purity of enlightenment, the art of tea becomes the Way of Tea. China’tea drinking pays attention to tea ceremony, that is called the “Four essences”: purity, respect, joy, and truth.

Purity means quiet, pure and uncluttered. The art of tea requires clear surroundings, especially the immediate surrounding like the table, but more importantly a clear and uncluttered mind. The mind should focus on the pleasant aroma and taste of tea.

Respect is the root of everything on the earth, for people, respect embodies honesty in both attitude and actions toward each other. When drinking tea together, the host and the guests’ mind must be synchronized.

Joy means pleased, happy and content. Harmony is in forms and manners, but joy is in the spirit and heart. When we drink tea, we can taste the pleasure of living thus training one’s heart to be generous.

Truth means knowledge, and a holy mind combines truth with the spiritual unknown. In a word, we should make use of the scientific way to embrace the sincerity of all things. The essence of drinking tea can enlighten our capacity and consciousness to achieve greatness and direction.

Generally speaking, purity is the basic method of cultivating Chinese tea ceremony, respect is the philosophical idea of it, also is the soul of it, joy is the sensory feelings of it, and truth is supreme pursuit of it. So it can be known that Chinese is not only for entertainment and relaxation, but also for the inspiration of spirit and deposit of emotion, however, the British tea ceremony is lack of this factor.

Being different from the Chinese tea ceremony, the emphasis of British tea drinking is on presentation, conversation and a kind of elegant style. Victorian Afternoon Tea is the core content of British tea culture, as a comprehensive art, it is simple but not pool, beautiful but not vulgar. The tradition of the Afternoon Tea goes back many years to the late seventeenth century. At that time, there were two main meals—breakfast and dinner. Dinner was served very late in the evening, so there was a very long time between meals. The duchess of Bedford, Anna complained about a “sinking feeling” in the late afternoon, and the Afternoon Tea was her invention to keep her going until dinner. She would invite friends to join her for tea at 5p.m. Other hostess quickly imitated her ideal.

Traditionally, the hostess must use the best room and the chinaware welcomes guests. The Darjeeling black tea and the exquisite snack act the leading role of the Afternoon Tea. Under the warm sunlight, following the melodious classical music, people are relaxing their body and mind in this kind of comfortable environment. In the Victoria era, man was in a tuxedo, and lady was in a robe. Now, the formal Afternoon Tea will be held every year at Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, male guests are still wearing tuxedoes, caps and holding umbrellas, the hats stuck in variety of feather is a beautiful landscape. Commonly, it is hostess worn formal dress that serves for the guests, maids cannot but be in special occasions, so as to show respect for the guests. Food at tea includes such things as sandwiches

(customarily cucumber, egg and cress, fish paste, ham and smoked salmon), scones (with clotted cream and jam, see cream tea), cakes and pastries (e.g. fruit cake).

A formal Afternoon Tea is, nowadays, usually taken as a treat in hotel, cafe or tea shop. In everyday life, many British take much simpler refreshment, consisting of tea and biscuits at teatime. On the other hand, different versions of Afternoon Tea can be found worldwide especially in commonwealth countries.

3.2 The different impacts of tea drinking

Drinking tea has already deeply rooted in Chinese people’s traditional customs. Since the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, tea has been one of seven family chores: firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea. It can’t separate from populace’s everyday life. Today, no matter where you are in southern China, northern China, or even in foreign countries, there are Chinese, there is tea drinking custom. Tea is always offered immediately to a guest in a Chinese home. Serving a cup of tea is more than a matter of mere politeness, it is a symbol of togetherness, a sharing of something enjoyable and a way of showing respect to visitors. To not take at least a sip might be considered rude in some areas. This custom was maintained even though the very hard years, when families offered “white tea”, that is, a cup of boiling-hot water. The hostess will freshen up the cup with more tea from the pot. Some Chinese people used to consider refilling the pot and offering a third cup the signal that was time to leave, but this custom does not apply among close friends and many people pay no attention to it today. Another fact is that offering tea is considered to be a sense of etiquette in marriage in ancient time. It is said that tea can not be transplanted, only to plant by sowing seeds. Then the seeds sprout large trees, so it has seen as a symbol of loyalty. Today, this custom still exists in some area of China.

China is a multi-ethnic country, even if each nationality locates in different geographical environment, having the same hobby- drinking tea, for instance, as the proverb runs in Naxi minority nationality of Yunnan “a cup of morning tea, refreshing mind and getting away with pain”. With the development of China’tea culture, tea has become a national beverage, the necessities of material life, and a symbol of traditional culture.

When the tea enters into the culture of Britain, there is nothing which can divide up the

tea and the Britain, once a dramatist said “while there is tea, there is hope.” The English open- tea drinking do not become more proficient in one’s profession compare to it in China, but the Afternoon Tea of Victoria adds new blood and energy to the culture of world.

Discussing the impact of tea drinking in Britain, it can be researched from the following points. Firstly, tea drinking brings special tea culture in Britain. As it was referred before, British like add milk and sugar into the tea, often accompanying with a special silver scoop. It turns a bitter tea beverage into a sweet one, making it full of protein, fat, carbohydrate, and vitamin, thus, tea has changed into a robust beverage with nutrient content. Tea sets also have English style. At first, they were transported from China with no handles, with the uprising of tea set industry, Britain began to manufacture tea sets, basing on the imitation of China’s, besides, they improved them according to their need, adding handles and taking away of the cover of cup, also because chinaware was too ponderous, they created exquisite silver tea sets.

Secondly, tea drinking changes dietary structure of English men and builds their corporeity up. Before Chinese tea transported to Britain, British had no healthy beverage for thirstiness, and people usually drank wine everyday. In the family which can afford wine, people drank all kinds of wine every meal. With the development of industry, whiskey had become more and more popular in Scotland. However, wine was not for thirstiness, what’s more, it cultivated men’s fighting and rude characters, and drinking too much wine was harmful for people’s health. People began to drink tea instead of wine on table, for tea is not only for thirstiness, but also good for health. It can make people full of energy, clear one’s mind, and behave civility. On the other hand, drinking tea also changes the time and habit for meal. In the early seventeenth century, rich people had breakfast at 6:00 or 7:00, and the food was meat, fish, cheese and beer. At the end of seventeenth century, drinking tea had become a part of family everyday life, and tea began to appear on table together with butter bread, coffee, or chocolate. Until to the end of eighteenth century, the time for breakfast changed at 9:00, so that people had more time to drink tea and enjoy breakfast. Similarly, the Afternoon Tea also altered the time for dinner from 4-5p.m. to7-8p.m.

Finally, tea drinking is beneficial to achieve equal status for men and women. From the end of the seventeenth century to the beginning of the eighteenth century, the coffee house in Britain began to sell tea (mainly the China’s Wuyicha). The famous was Tom’s coffee house

created by Thomas Twining in 1706. This was the first coffee house opened for women, before that, women were forbidden to enter in coffee house. Later, drinking tea was very popular among women, and coffee house became the only place for single females to date friends, and their reputations were not destroyed, so this measure that coffee house was open for women, in some sense, promoted the equalization between men and women.

3.3 The Suggestions for Tea Drinking in China

One is the biggest tea drinking country in the east, the other one is the biggest tea drinking in the west, and both of them have better formed their own tea culture. After the comparison of tea culture between the two, the following will be talked about two suggestions: establishing the national day of tea drinking and creating our own international brand.

3.3.1 Establishing the national day of tea drinking

Whereas the experience of the Afternoon Tea in Britain, China should build the realization of healthy tea drinking among people, demonstrating the less of smoking and drinking wine, by contrast, more of drinking tea, and sponsoring tea culture simultaneously builds people’s corporeity up. The association of tea drinking with good health transcends recorded history to the very legends upon which the origins of tea are based. Within a medical book, called Shennong’s Herbal Classic, and in another called Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, there are references which credit tea with being good for tumors or abscesses that come about the head, or for ailments of the bladder. In addition, there are also references which state, “It dissipates heat caused by the phlegm’s, or inflammation of the chest, it quenches thirst, it lessens desire for sleep, it pleases and cheers the heart.” Recently research, tea has potential in the prevention or associated treatment of several diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Of course, tea has regarded as national drink, starting from government, enterprises and institutions, and it can take tea banquet or tea party as the premium etiquette. Besides, the national day of tea drinking should have multi-functions, such as entertainment, knowledge impartment, and art cultivation. During the period, it can hold calligraphy exhibition, tea party and all kinds of social and cultural activities, making more and more people love this “festival”, and spontaneously taking part in it. At last, hoping the relevant activities about this

ideal can get the understanding, supporting, and respecting of people.

3.3.2 Creating our own international brand

The Lipton tea brand in Britain created by Thomas J. Lipton in 1890 wins the worldwide fame, it is the world’s best-known and best-selling brand of tea with sales of nearly £3 billion today. Lipton is the global market leader in both leaf and ready-to-drink tea, with a global market share nearly three times larger than its nearest rival, available in over 110 countries. Lipton is particularly popular in Europe, North America, and the Middle East and part of Asia. Almost people buy Lipton tea in their life, one lesson for its continues success in the market was mainly because of Lipton positioning itself in the middle of the price spectrum for tea, other than their original black leaf teas, Lipton has also created large range of other varieties, for example, Lipton Iced Tea, Lipton Green Tea and other soft drinks. Nowadays, it is not only represented the expert of tea, but also the symbol of international fashion and metropolitan life.

Next, on the base of Lipton brand, some ideals about creating our own international brand will be discussed. Firstly, let tea become the real necessity of ordinary people. With the progression of society and the promotion of people’ life level, the opinion of life necessity is changeable. Comparing with the role of tea drinking in Britain, China is not enough and doesn’t shape the real habit of tea drinking. The writer suggests that we should consider tea drinking as a part of every day life. Secondly, we should positively demonstrate that tea is good for health, attributing to enrich people’s material and spiritual life, so that it can promote the consuming of tea, and the national drink of tea is not far away and the necessity of people’s life is on the way. Thirdly, the series of tea products in Lipton unifies the quality and taste in the world. We can learn from it, that is the pursuit of stability and high quality of tea , besides, we should put the security and hygiene of tea at the first place. Last but not the least, the creating of our own brand must learn from the successful experience of Lipton, but also implement under the condition of our country.

IV. Conclusion

The paper has researched a theme of the different cultures of tea drinking between

China and Britain. China and Britain are the world’s greatest tea drinking nations, each represents the different cultural charming of tea drinking. From the paper, it is known that early British tea is directly or indirectly transported from China. Initially, British imitated Chinese to begin to drink tea, with the transportation of tea from China to Britain, it also brought China’s tea set to Britain, later, more and more people in Britain learned about the health effect of tea, and they started to love this eastern beverage—tea, together with some changes which were different from China’s habit of tea drinking. The changes have been discussed from the four points: the different manners of tea drinking, the different spirits of tea ceremony, the different cultures of tea house and the different impacts of tea drinking. However, throughout the evolution of the history of tea drinking between China and Britain, though the time of beginning to drink tea is several thousand years apart, we can still discover some similarities about tea drinking in these two countries. On the one hand, both of them begin to drink tea under the condition of realizing the tea’s medicinal value, and gradually tea has become a common beverage among ordinary people. On the other hand, the custom of tea drinking similarly penetrates every aspect of economy, social life and literature, and it has a certain effect on them.

As to research of the culture of tea drinking between China and Britain, it includes many aspects and the paper has just contained some of them. It is the only little suggestion that the culture of tea drinking can be researched from the two aspects, the tea ritual and literature about it.

Nowadays, we are in multi-culture era, with the rapid development of science and technology, the competition between countries are more and more intense, if we don’t want to fall behind others, we should learn from the advantages of them and better develop our own culture. China has the history of possessing tea as early as five thousand year ago. We should grasp this opportunity to show our tea culture to the world, so that let the world better understand of China.


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[15]余敏. 魏剑超. 刘艳. 浅析中西方茶文化的差异[J]. 内江师范学院院报,2008.

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I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to supervisor, other teachers and my friends who had helped me in completing this thesis.

Special thanks go to my supervisor Tang Xiangqian for her constant encouragement, great support and patience during the whole process of my thesis writing. I was deeply moved when seeing my first draft was read and corrected by Miss Wang. I am also grateful to the end every single grammatical mistake was corrected by Miss Wang. I am also grateful to all the teacher from Foreign Language department who had taught during the four years of study for their help, support and instructions.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my parents, my friends who have given me a perfect life which I am enjoying and will enjoy all my life long.


2.称呼方式 近年来,很多说英语的人倾向于用名来称呼别人,这个现象在美国人当中尤其普遍,甚至是初次见面的时候。这个不仅适用于同龄人,也适用于年龄不同的人。听到一个小孩称呼一个年龄很大的人为joe, ben, may, helen是很平常的事。很多大学生直呼他们教授的名字,教授不把这个看作是一种不尊敬或不熟悉,而是把他看作是一种谦恭有礼和平等。 中国人称呼自己的家人、亲戚或近邻为二哥,三姐,四婶,周大伯,而这些不应当被转译成英语。中国人的称呼方式通常是使用一个人的头衔、办公室、职业等,比如,黄局长、林经理、马校长,但是很少听到说英语的人说“bureau director”, “manager jackson”, “principle morris”。 英汉亲属称谓的文化差异与互译 中文摘要 语言是文化的载体,称谓不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种文化现象。英汉语言中亲属称谓的不同,可以说从一个侧面反映了东西方文化的差异。本文试图从人们较为熟悉的英汉亲属称谓习惯和语义进行比较分析,揭示其中所隐含的文化意蕴。它们属于不同的称谓制度,具有不同的称谓习惯和泛化现象。家庭类型、血缘关系、宗法观念、文化取向、礼貌原则等是造成两者文化差异的主要原因。因此通过对亲属称谓的属性和用法的分析和对比,可以对一个民族的传统文化窥见一斑。汉英称谓在形式、语用意图、文化内涵上存在诸多差异,通过两种语言称谓系统的归纳对比,挖掘各自的文化内涵,对中英称谓语的翻译提出三种方法。关键词: 亲属称谓;文化差异;比较;翻译

Cultural Differences and Translation between English and Chinese Kinship Terms Abstract Language is the carrier of culture, kinship term is not only a part of language but also a kind of culture. The differences between English and Chinese kinship terms reflect the cultural differences between East and West to some extend. From the comparative analys is of usages and meanings of kinship addressing system between Chinese and English which people familiar with,the paper is to reveal the cultural implication in it. They belong to different kinship addressing systems also have different usages of kinship terms and developments. The main reasons for cultural differences lie in the family structure, consanguinity, patriarchy concept, culture adoption and courtesy principle. The comparative analysis of its features and usages can help us to understand the cultural differences between Chinese and English. Based on the great differences in the title and kinship addressing system between Chinese and English, and their complicated pragmatic intentions and cultural implications in use, the paper systematically compares the two systems, and reveals their respective culture specific implications. Finally, three methods are presented on how to translate addressing forms between Chinese and English. Key words: kinship term; cultural difference; comparison; translation 语言是文化的载体,称谓不仅是一种语言现象,更是一种文化现象。英汉语言中亲属称谓的不同,可以说从一个侧面反映了东西方文化的差异。因此通过对亲属称谓的属性和用法的分析和对比,可以对一个民族的传统文化窥见一斑。 一、英汉亲属称谓的差异 (一)、英汉亲属称谓的复杂程度差异 汉语亲属称谓复杂,英语简单。“亲属称谓(Kinship term)是一定的亲属制度(Kinship system)所产生的文化符号,它以简单的术语形式反映复杂的亲属制度。”[1](P139)汉语称谓语要比英语称谓语繁杂细致得多,汉语要区分血亲姻亲,如伯父、叔父、姨母和伯母、婶母、姨父;区分宗族非宗族,如爷爷、侄儿、孙子和外公、外甥、外孙等;区分父系母系,如叔叔、姑妈、堂兄和舅舅、姨妈、表兄等;区分长幼辈份,如哥哥、姐姐和弟弟、妹妹等。而英语的亲属称谓就显得简单得多,仅用几个词就能全部涵盖,如grandparent(爷爷,外公,奶奶,外婆),brother(哥哥,弟弟),sister(姐姐,妹妹),uncle(伯父,叔父,姨父,舅舅,姑父),另外,英语中的一些亲属称谓非常笼统,没有指明具体关系。所以像Linda?s bother married Michelle?s sister这句话就很难准确地译成汉语,因为不知道brother是Linda的哥哥还是弟弟,sister是Michelle的姐姐还是妹妹。还有cousin这个称谓,有时连男女都不分了。在西方国家,亲属关系的涵盖和延伸范围远没有中国那么广阔。 (二)、英汉亲属称谓关系表达清楚性差异


1.美国人的自我意识和独立意识很强。 Self-awareness and independent consciousness of Americans are very strong. 2.美国文化鼓励人民开拓创新,做一番前人未做过的、杰出超凡的事业。 In America, innovation often is encouraged and people often do something nobody has done. 3.美国基础教育实践,注重创造的教学形式. American education based on practice, pay attention to teaching form of creation. 4. 中国的家庭结构比较复杂,传统的幸福家庭是四代同堂。 China's family structure is more complex, the traditional happy family is four generations. 5. 中国人的婚姻相对来说比较稳定。这是因为中国人把婚姻当作一个严肃的道德问题,喜新厌旧,或是第三者插足都会被认为是极不道德的。 The Chinese marriage is relatively stable. Because Chinese people treat marriage as a serious moral problem, propensity or a third people involvement is considered highly unethical. 6. 新中国虽已建立了六十年,但传统的君臣,父子等级观念在中国人的头脑中仍然根深蒂固。The traditional manner, parent-child hierarchical remains entrenched in the Chinese mind. 7. 主动帮助别人或接受别人帮助在西方常是令人难堪的事。在中国,主动帮助别人,给人以无微不至的体贴是一种美德。 Take the initiative to help others or accept others help is embarrassing thing in America. However, help others is a virtue. 8. 在个性自由与团结协作上:美国人十分珍视个人自由,喜欢随心所欲,独往独行,不愿受限制。中国文化则更多地强调集体主义,主张个人利益服从集体利益,主张同甘共苦,团结合作,步调一致。 On the personality freedom and cooperation, Americans cherish personal freedom and don't want to be limited. Personal interest obedience collective interests and cooperation were advocated in China. 9. 美国家庭教育目的是把孩子培养成具有适应各种环境和独立生存能力的“社会人”;中国家庭教育的目的是把孩子培养成“才”,将来有出息,有个好职业,一生能在顺境中度过。 The education purpose of American family is to help children to adapt to the environment and improve the independent ability, and finally make children become a "social person". The education aim of Chinese family is to make children become a person with ability, and hope they can have ambition in the future, have a good career, life can be spent in prosperity. (You are very handsome! 或赞扬你Your English is very good时,中国人一般很谦虚地说:I do not think so! 或说 No ,no ,my English is poor. Thank you !; Have you had your meal? Where are you going? 他们则会认为你想请他吃饭或者干涉其私事,会引起误解。美国人见面,通常打招呼道:Hello! How do you do! Nice to meet you.) (American culture:The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals' value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓,经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. Its core is individualism: self-first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design. This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity. egocentric:.自我中心的,利己主义的 American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes.Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind.Americans have very strong senses of success.Success is the pursuit of most Americans,it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward.They believe that one's personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career.Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs,scientists,artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes.The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children. incentive:Serving to induce or motivate: American society has great movements within itself. These movements are shown in two aspects:movements amongst locations and movements inside the society.The United States are relatively more open and have more freedom.Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities,from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land,from one city to another.Unlike European countries,the social classes in America is not so stable.Further more,with the advocation of public education,movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible.Many people living in


漯河食品职业学院 毕业设计(论文) (2017 届) 设计(论文)题目发动机冷却系统的维护 系部汽车工程系 班级14汽修2 学生姓名张三 指导教师李参 二0一七年三月十五日 摘要 一台发动机,冷却系统的维修率一直居高不下,往往会引起发动机其他构件损坏,特别是随着车辆行驶里程的增加,冷却系统的工作效率逐渐下降,对发动机的整体工作能力产生较大影响,对维护发动机常温下工作有着至关重要的作用。本文论述了冷却系统的作用、组成、主要构造、工作原理、日常维护、故障的检测步骤和排除方法,同时论述了冷却系统系统化、模块化设计方法,以及冷却系统的智能控制。 关键词:冷却系统,冷却系统维护,温度设定点,冷却系统智能控制 目录 1 引言 (1) 2 冷却系的概述 (1) 3 风冷却系 (1) 4 水冷却系统的组成及维护 (2)

4.1 冷却介质 (3) 4.2 水泵 (4) 4.3 节温器 (4) 4.4 风扇 (4) 4.5 散热器 (5) 4.6 汽缸水套及其他密封装置 (5) 4.7 冷却系统智能控制 (5) 4.7.1 系统组成 (5) 4.7.2 单片机控制系统工作原理 (6) 4.7.3 单片机系统控制过程 (6) 5 冷却系统的检修 (7) 6 温度设定点 (7) 6.1 提高温度设定点 (8) 6.2 降低温度设定点 (8) 结论 (9) 参考文献 (10) 谢辞 (11)

1 引言 一台发动机,冷却系统的维修率一直居高不下,往往会引起发动机其他构件损坏,特别是随着车辆行驶里程的增加,冷却系统的工作效率逐渐下降,对发动机的整体工作能力产生较大影响,冷却系统的重要性在于维护发动机常温下工作,尤如人体的皮肤汗腺,如果有一天,人体的汗腺不能正常工作,那么身体内的热量将无法散去,轻则产生中暑,重则休克。 2 冷却系的概述 冷却系的主要功用是把受热零件吸收的部分热量及时散发出去,保证发动机在最适宜的温度状态下工作。 冷却系按照冷却介质不同可以分为风冷和水冷,如果把发动机中高温零件的热量直接散入大气而进行冷却的装置称为风冷系。而把这些热量先传给冷却水,然后再散入大气而进行冷却的装置称为水冷系。由于水冷系冷却均匀,效果好,而且发动机运转噪音小,目前汽车发动机上广泛采用的是水冷系。 不论采何种方式冷却,正常的冷却系统必须确保引擎在各样行驶环境都不致过热。 3 风冷却系 风冷却系是利用高速空气流直接吹过气缸盖和气缸体的外表面,把从气缸内部传出的热量散发到大气中去,以保证发动机在最有利的温度范围内工作。 发动机气缸和气缸盖采用传热较好的铝合金铸成,为了增大散热面积各缸一般都分开制造,在气缸和气缸盖表面分布许多均匀排列的散热片,以增大散热面积,利用车辆行驶时的高速空气流,把热量吹散到大气中去。 由于汽车发动机功率较大,需要冷却的热量较多,多采用功率、流量较大的轴流式风扇以加强发动机的冷却。为了有效地利用空气流和保证各缸冷却均匀,在发动机上装有导流罩和分流板和气缸导流罩。 虽然风冷却系与水冷却系比较,具有结构简单、重量轻、故障少,无需特殊保养等优点,但是由于材料质量要求高,冷却不够均匀,工作噪音大等缺点,目前在汽车上很少使用。


汽车检测与维修专业毕业论文范文模板 ——桑塔纳轿车防抱死制动系统及检修 目录 一、概述 (2) 二、ABS组成及工作原理 (3) (一)ABS的组成 (3) (二)ABS的主要部件结构工作原理 (5) (一)ECU的基本结构 (9) (二)ECU的工作原理 (11) 三、常见故障诊断分析 (15) (一)打开点火开关,ABS故障灯常亮不灭 (15) (二)行车中ABS故障灯亮起 (16) (三)ABS有时起作用,有时不起作用 (17) 四、小结 (18)

摘要 本文主要介绍汽车防抱死制动系统的定义、结构组成及工作原理分析,同时还介绍ABS系统的电子控制部分的组成和原理,轮速传感器,液压控制装置的组成和原理;并能进行控制电路的分析。 关键词:ABS系统、组成、原理、控制电路 一、概述 1906年ABS首次被授予专利,1936年博世注册了一项防止机动车辆车轮抱死的“机械”专利。所有的早期设计都有着同样的问题:因过于复杂而容易导致失败,并且它们运作太慢。1947年世界上第一套ABS系统首次应用于B-47轰炸机上。Teldix 公司在1964年开始研究这个项目,其ABS研究很快被博世全部接管。两年内,首批ABS测试车辆已具有缩短制动距离的功能。转弯时车辆转向性和稳定性也被保证,但当时应用的大约1000个模拟部件和安全开关,这意味着被称为ABS 1系统的电子控制单元的可靠性和耐久性还不能够满足大规模生产的要求,需要改进。博世在电子发动机管理的发展过程中获得的技术,数字技术和集成电路(ICs)的到来使电子部件的数量降低到140个。 1968年ABS开始研究应用于汽车上。1975年由于美国联邦机动车安全标准121款的通过,许多重型卡车和公共汽车装备了ABS,但由于制动系统的许多技术问题和卡车行业的反对,在1978年撤消了这一标准。同年博世作为世界上首家推出电子控制功能的ABS系统的公司,将这套ABS 2的系统开始安装作为选配配置,并装配在梅赛德斯-奔驰S级车上,然后很快又配备在了宝马7系列豪华轿车上。在这一时期之后美国对ABS的进一步研究和设计工作减少了,可是欧洲和日本的制造厂家继续精心研制ABS。 进入20世纪80年代以后,由于进口美国的汽车装备有ABS,美国汽车制造厂对美国汽车市场上的ABS显示出新的兴趣。随着微电子技术的飞速发展和人们对汽车行车安全的强烈要求,ABS装置在世界汽车行业进一步得到广泛应用。1987年美国大约3%的汽车装备有非常可靠的ABS。在随后的时间里,研发者集中于简化系统。在1989年,博世的工程师成功地将一个混合的控制单元直接附在了液压模块上。这样他们就


吉林森工北京分公司 汽车修理工技师论文 (设计) 题目:基于离合器、变速器的故障分析及维修 题目:基于离合器、变速器的故障分析及维修职业(工种):汽车修理 姓名:宋树杰 参评资格名称:技师

摩擦离合器应能满足以下基本要求: (1)保证能传递发动机发出的最大转矩,并且还有一定的传递转矩余力。 (2)能作到分离时,彻底分离,接合时柔和,并具有良好的散热能力。 (3)从动部分的转动惯量尽量小一些。这样,在分离离合器换档时,与变速器输入轴相连部分的转速就比较容易变化,从而减轻齿轮间冲

击。 (4)具有缓和转动方向冲击,衰减该方向振动的能力,且噪音小。 (5)压盘压力和摩擦片的摩擦系数变化小,工作稳定。 (6)操纵省力,维修保养方便。 3. 离合器的种类 汽车离合器有摩擦式离合器、液力偶合器、电磁离合器等几种。摩擦式离合器又分为湿式和干式两种。 液力偶合器靠工作液(油液)传递转矩,外壳与泵轮连为一体,是主动件;涡轮与泵轮相对,是从动件。当泵轮转速较低时,涡轮不能被带动,主动件与从动件之间处于分离状态;随着泵轮转速的提高,涡轮被带动,主动件与从动件之间处于接合状态。 电磁离合器靠线圈的通断电来控制离合器的接合与分离。如在主动与从动件之间放置磁粉,则可以加强两者之间的接合力,这样的离合器称为磁粉式电磁离合器。 目前,与手动变速器相配合的绝大多数离合器为干式摩擦式离合器,按其从动盘的数目,又分为单盘式、双盘式和多盘式等几种。湿式摩擦式离合器一般为多盘式的,浸在油中以便于散热。 采用若干个螺旋弹簧作为压紧弹簧,并将这些弹簧沿压盘圆周分布的离合器称为周布弹簧离合器(如图所示)。采用膜片弹簧作为压紧弹簧的离合器称为膜片弹簧离合器。 2.2.2离合器常见故障和诊断 1)分离不彻底


英汉习俗文化对比(选修课) 题 目 __中西文化差异_______ 姓 名 周超 ________ 学 号 3090311120 _________ 专业班级 英语094 ________ 分 院 外国语分院 _____ 宁波理工学院

文化是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产物。确切地说,文化是指一个国家或民族的历史、地理、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、思维方式、价值观念等。不同的文化背影和文化传统,使中西方在思维方式,价值观念,行为准则和生活方式等方面也存在有相当的文化差异。在跨文化交际中,文化障碍会导致的信息误解,有时善意的言谈会使对方尴尬无比,礼貌的举止会被误解为荒诞粗俗。 例如在言谈方面,在中国对别人的健康状况表示关心是有礼貌的表现,但是西方人就不是这么认为了。当我们向西方人表示关切地问候时,他们可能反而觉得很不高兴。因为在他们看来这不需要任何人来指教。如果就某种小事给人以忠告,那显然是对其能力的怀疑,从而大大伤害其自尊心。另外中国人在饭桌上的热情好客经常被西方人误认不文明的行为。因为西方人认为客人吃多吃少完全由客人自己决定,用不着主人为他添酒加菜,而且他们认为饮食过量是极不体面的事情。类似的例子还有很多很多。这些都给我们的日常生活交际带来不少困惑。 同样的一件事物,不同的文化背景,看法也大相径庭。中国人的家庭观念很强,血缘关系,亲情伦理,在脑中根深蒂固,父母、子女始终是一家人。哪怕成家立业,另立门户,和父母仍不分彼此,中国人把赡养父母,侍奉父母,看作是自己应尽的责任。然而西方人却不同,子女一到成年,就会离巢而飞,父母不再抚养他们,而子女一旦独立,对父母家的事也不再理会,更别说赡养父母或几代同堂了。美国式的家庭结构比较简单:父母及未成年孩子,称之为核心家庭。子女一旦结婚,就得搬出去住,经济上也必须独立。父母不再有义务资助子女。这种做法给年青人提供最大限度的自由,并培养其独立生活的能力,但同时也疏远了亲属之间的关系。中国人如果一大家子来购物,父母为小孩买东西天经地义,已成年子女为父母代付钱也是理所当然。中国式的家庭结构比较复杂,传统的幸福家庭是四代同堂。在这样的家庭中,老人帮助照看小孩,儿孙们长大后帮助扶养老人,家庭成员之间互相依赖,互相帮助,密切了亲情关系。然而,这种生活方式不利于培养年青人的独立能力。老外却不同,父母、子女各自理财,互不搭界。现实中的美国,儿子可以是百万富翁,父母却照旧穷困潦倒,和中国人的“母以子贵”,“一人得道,合家升天”的中国传统实在天差地别。 中西方的文化差异还表现在很多方面。西方人崇拜个人奋斗,尤其为个人取得的成就自豪,从来不掩饰自己的自信心、荣誉感,以及在获得成就后的狂喜。相反,中国文化不主张炫耀个人荣誉,而是提倡谦虚。中国人反对王婆卖瓜式的自吹自擂,然而中国式的自我谦虚或自我否定却常常使西方人大为不满。在西方人看来,谦虚不仅否定了自己,还否定了赞扬者的鉴赏力。在自我中心与无私奉献方面,西方人自我中心意识和独立意识很强,他们认为自己应该为自己负责。在弱肉强食的社会,每个人生存方式及生存质量都取决于自己的能力,因此,每个人都必须自我奋斗,把个人利益放在第一位。他们也不习惯过问他人的事情,比较注重隐私。因此主动帮助别人或接受别人帮助在西方常常是令人难堪的事。因为接受帮助只能证明自己无能,而主动帮助别人会被认为是干涉别人的私事。中国人的行为准则是“我对他人,对社会是否有用”,个人的价值是在奉献中体现出来的。中国文化推崇一种高尚的情操——无私奉献。在中国,主动关心别人,给人以无微不至的体贴是一种美德,因此,中国人不论别人的大事小事,家事私事都愿主动关心,而这在西方会被视为“多管闲事”。 西方人平等意识较强,无论贫富,人人都会尊重自己,不允许别人侵犯自己的权利。同时,人人都能充分地尊重他人。很少人以自己显赫的家庭背景为荣,


Differences between Chinese and Western culture As we know the differences between the our estern cultures and western cultures are quite obvious.I would like to state some of my opinions in this paper. I.difference in the thinking style People on the earth are homologous,but different people in different place have different performance on the way of thinking. Differences between Chinese and Western way of thinking reflected in many aspects.Such as the difference between abstract and concrete, reflected in their attitudes towards life can be understood as Westernersare more practical, and the Chinese are much more biased towards some spiritual experience. Westerners pay attention to logical thinking, but Chinese pay more attention to dialectical thinking and so on. As Chinese and western way of thinking are different, there are differences in expression of the order. For example,we can see that the names of western style are not like ours,they put their given names at the first place,while we put them after our family names,that is to say,we regard our family more important than ourselves,and it's the traditional way of estern thinking.Westerners have another way of thinking,they think that each person is important in our world and society,and a person should play a important role among our human beings. II.differences in daily communication Westerners are frank,but chinese are humility.The reflection between westerners and chinese on the treatment of praise is different.In the West, people can accept it generously. As the Chinese have long term impact of Confucian education, we treat others’ praise and recognition not often take the attitude of ourselves, or there is suspected of arrogant. When meeting acquaintances, chinese and westerners greet each other are also different. Chinese people often say "Have you eat ?" "Where are you going?"except the general asked”hello”. In western culture, this is not a greeting, but substantive issues. When British and American people meet,they usually use a polite phrase like "How are you?" or "Nice to meet you!" In addtion,when westerners accept gift from others,they are willing to open it and praise it directly,but chinese do not do like that. III.differences in customs Chinese people regard ourselves as descendants of the Dragon.Chinese have a supreme respect for the dragon, we think dragon is a symbol of our nation. In the dynasty time,Chinese emperors generally self-styled "dragon".However,in the West, the dragon was regarded as the devil, and it was killed by the legendary god of protection, so they set a day as a festival to celebrate the lifting of a disaster, and thank the protection of God.For this reason, when the students describe a person's lively, they say "He / She is full of vim and vigor." not"He / She is as lively as a dragon and tiger". Everyone has their favorite color, so does a country and a nation. Chinese like the red colour ,because chinese think red is a symbol of luck and enthusiam. But westerners perfer to the blue colour,they think blue can make themselves calm. Thus,the preferences of different colors can reflect the whole of a country’s aesthetic taste. IV. differences in eating cultrue Chinese and Western diets are very different, so the differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only one form, that is, everyone sit around one table. People toast each other,and eat the same food in one plate,,It reflects the mutual respect between people even the traditional courteous virtue. Although from the health point of view, this dietary approach has obvious shortcomings, it is consistent with our


郑州工业应用技术学院 毕业论文 题目:汽车润滑系统的常见故障及排除 指导教师:郭斌峰职称:老师 学生姓名:赵鑫学号:1302020157 专业:汽车运用技术 院(系):机电工程学院 答辩日期:2016年6月01日 2016年6月01日

摘要 发动机的润滑是由润滑系来实现的。润滑系的基本任务就是将润滑油不断地供给各零件的摩擦表面使其润滑,减少零件的摩擦和磨损。润滑系虽然不参加发动机能量转换,却能保证发动机正常工作,使其有较长的使用寿命。 作为汽车业维修人员,我们应该知道润滑系的组成和功用,并应对润滑系的常见故障现象、故障部位、故障的检测、诊断和排除有一定的认识,明确其检测和诊断的基本思路。本设计讲述了发动机润滑系的组成与功用,润滑方式,机油的使用性能,润滑系常见故障诊断与排除,以及普桑的维修案例。随着汽车科技的发展,汽车的结构越来越复杂。我们只有掌握更多的知识和实践经验,才能更好地运用检测仪器快速准确地查找汽车的故障原因,并把故障排除。 关键词:润滑系,功用,故障排除,维护

目录 第一章概述 1.1 润滑系的概述 (1) 1.2 发动机润滑方式 (1) 1.3 发动机润滑系的油路 (2) 1.4发动机润滑系的组成 (3) 1.5 润滑系的主要部件 (3) 1.5.1 机油泵 (3) 1.5.2 安全阀 (5) 1.5.3 机油滤清器 (5) 1.5.4 机油散热器 (6) 1.5 .5曲轴箱通风 (6) 第二章润滑剂 (7) 2.1润滑剂的分类和作用 (8) 2.2润滑油的使用特性及机油添加剂的性能 (8) 2.2.1机油的使用特性 (8) 2.2.2 机油添加剂的作用 (8) 2.3机油的更换及注意事项 (9) 第三章润滑系常见故障的诊断 (9) 3.1机油压力过低 (9) 3.2机油压力过高 (10) 3.3机油消耗过多 (11) 第四章普桑润滑系故障维修实例 (13) 4.1 机油报警灯闪亮,报警器响 (13) 4.2机油警报器响个不停 (13)


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 汽修毕业论文 题目:空调制冷不良故障的原因及分析 专业:汽车检测与维修 班级:汽修091 姓名: 指导教师: 日期:2012年5月 1

目录 摘要………………………………………………………… 绪论………………………………………………………… 1.汽车空调制冷系统的工作原理…………………… 2. 汽车空调制冷不足的故障检修方法………………………… 2.1制冷剂过多造成制冷不足 2.2制冷剂过少造成制冷不足………………………… 2.3制冷剂与冷冻机油内含杂质过多、微堵而引起制冷不足……………… 2.4空调制冷系统中有水分渗入造成制冷不足………………………………………………… 2.5空调系统中有空气也会导致制冷不足……………………………2.6冷凝器散热能力下降,也会导致空调制冷能力下降………………………… 2.7压缩机驱动带过松的检查…………………………………… 结论………………………………………………………… 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 摘要

随着汽车工业的迅猛发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,汽车开始走进千家万户。人们在一贯追求汽车的安全性、可靠性的同时,如今也更加注重对舒适性的要求。现在空调系统已经作为现在轿车的基本装备了。本文主要论述了汽车空调制冷系统的组成,基本工作原理与控制。进一步分析汽车空调制冷不良的故障原因及并作出详细分析。 关键词:舒适性,组成,基本原理,制冷不良, 绪论 现在轿车上都装有空调器,不同季节都能提供舒适的车内环境,但当空调在长时间的工作之后也会出现各种各样的故障,尤其是制冷不足的这种故障现象较为多见。而引起制冷不足的原因可能源于汽车空调的不同系统(制冷系统、暖风系统、通风系统、控制系统等)。 1.汽车空调制冷系统的工作原理 汽车空调制冷系统主要分为膨胀阀制冷系统和孔管制冷系统,由压缩机、冷凝器、储液干燥器或储液罐、膨胀阀或节流管、蒸发器和鼓风机等组成。如图1所示,各部件之间采用铜管(或铝管)和高压橡胶管连接成一个密闭系统。制冷系统工作时,制冷剂以不同的状态在这个密闭系统内循环流动,一次循环包括了四个基本过程: 1-膨胀阀;2-储液干燥器;3-冷凝器;4-压缩机;5-蒸发器;6-节流管;7-储液 罐 图1 空调制冷系统结构图 (1)压缩过程:压缩机吸入蒸发器出口处的低温低压的制冷剂气体,将其压缩成高温高压的气体排出压缩机。 (2)放热过程:高温高压的过热制冷剂气体进入冷凝器,由于压力及温度的降低,制冷剂气体冷凝成液体,并放出大量的热。 (3)节流过程:温度和压力较高的制冷剂液体通过膨胀装置后体积变大,压力和温度急剧下降,以雾状(细小液滴)排出膨胀装置。 (4)吸热过程:雾状制冷剂液体进入蒸发器,因此时制冷剂沸点远低于蒸发器内温度,故制冷剂液体蒸发成气体。在蒸发过程中大量吸收周围的热量,而后低温低压的制冷剂蒸汽又进入压缩机。 上述过程周而复始的进行下去,便可达到降低蒸发器周围空气温度的目的。 2. 汽车空调制冷不足的故障检修方法


石家庄科技信息职业学院顶岗实习岗位技术工作论文 汽车转向器的故障分析 学号:131208038 姓名: 李鹤 专业:汽车检测与维修技术 年级:13 级 企业指导老师:王振华 校内指导老师:乔晓英

转向系是汽车行驶的指南针,它的好坏关系着汽车能否安全行驶。本文首先讲述了汽车动力转向系的整体结构;具体介绍了它的功用;分类和工作原理。然后具体对轿车动力转向系统常见的几种故障:一转向沉重,二转向时有噪声, 三方向盘自由行程过大,四左右转向时轻重不一,五转向时转向盘强烈抖动,六汽车直线行驶时,转向盘发飘或跑偏。最后讲述了轿车动力转向系中转向盘的自由行程,转向储液罐的液面高度,液压泵的泵送压力,液压系统的密封性, 转向柱的检查方法以及通过轿车动力转向系的故障现象进行了诊断分析和检修。对使用和维护汽车有着很现实的意义。 关键词轿车,转向器,故障分析,检查维修

引言 (4) 1汽车转向系统的简介 (5) 1.1汽车动力转向系的组成 (5) 1.2汽车动力转向系的工作原理 (6) 2轿车动力转向系故障诊断分析 (9) 2.1转向沉重 (9) 2.2 转向时有噪声 (10) 2.3方向盘自由行程过大 (10) 2.4左右转向时轻重不一 (11) 2.5转向时转向盘强烈抖动 (11) 2.6汽车直线行驶时,转向盘发飘或跑偏 (12) 3轿车动力转向系的检查与维修 (12) 3.1转向盘的自由行程的检查 (12) 3.2转向储液罐的液面高度的检查 (13) 3.3液压泵的泵送压力的检查 (13) 3.4液压系统的密封性的检查 (13) 3.5转向柱的检修 (13) 4 汽车故障事例分析 (14) 4.1故障事例一 (14) 4.2故障事例二 (15) 结论 (15) 参考文献 (16)
