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ABCDE : Goodafternoon

(morning ) ,everybody!lamA.IamB」amC.IamD」amE.


Youknow, ?theschoolwillhold ?anEnglishspeech ?activitytointroducea ?co

un try?.你们知道吗,学校要举行一个英语演讲活动,围绕一个国家来介


BCDE : Weknow.我们知道。

A: Which ?countrytointroduce 介绍哪个国家好呢?

B: Iknowthatthereis ?averybeautifulcountry,named ?Austria我知道有个很美丽的国家,叫奥地利

奥地利共和国位于欧洲中TheRepublicofAustriaislocated incen tralEurope.


Austria nonl yhastheareaof83,858squarekilometers.However,47perce ntoft heareaiscoveredwithforests.奥地利只有83858平方公里的面积。然而,百分之47的面积被森林覆盖。

Austriameans “Orientalcountry ” .Theshapeofthemusiccityislikeaviolin.


C: It?isreallyabeautifulcountry,ofwhichthecapitalisVienna. 确实是一个美丽的


It?isaworld-re now nedculturalcity.它是一座享誉世界的文化名城。

Vie nn ahasthe nameof'theDa nu begoddess".lthasbeautifule nviro nmen t,th

echarmingscenery,warmwinter,coolsummer. 维也纟纳有多瑙河的女神”之说。环境优美,景色迷人,冬暖夏凉。

Force nturies,musichasbee nalwaysconn ectedwithVie nna. 几个世纪以来,音乐一直都离不开维也纳,与它紧密相连。

D: ?I?wanttodancethewaltzassoonasIhearyou ?talkaboutAustria,. 听你们说起奥地利,我就想跳华尔兹了

Waltzisorigi natedi ntheAustria nfolk,whichisalsocalledro un dda nce,a namus


Nowma nypeopleloveWaltz.ltisalsoverypopulari ncampus. 现在,许多人喜爱华尔兹,在校园里也很受欢迎。

E: Doyouknowthat?thereis?thebiggestAustria'smost?beautifulholiday 大家知道奥地利有一个最大最美丽的节日吗?

ABCD : Idon'tknow.

E: It?isthe?Narcissus?Festival,?annually?heldinMay,?

Elected?the"Narcissus?Pri ncess"?duri ngtheholidayseas onan dheld?float

s,sight-see in g?parade.?

Twoorthree?millionvisitors?isattractedeveryyear. 它就是水仙节,每年 5 月举



A: I'll?quiz?you;doyouknowwhatisthenationalflowerofAustria 我再考考


BCDE : Idon'tknow.


ltoldyou?itis?Edelweiss ,whichsymbolizes ?courage.Austria?has?a?folks

ong?called" Edelweiss". We?sing?together !告诉你们是雪绒花,它象征着勇



Land 意大利是一个南欧国家,国土大部在欧洲伸入地中海的亚平宁半岛上,西北—东南走同,形状狭长,西部的是撒丁王国的旧地撒丁岛,南部的西西里岛是意国另一个大的岛屿,把这个岛和意大利本土一块看,恰象一个脚在踢球.Italy is a southern European countries, most in Europe from outside the Mediterranean Apennines land on the peninsula. Northwest-Southeast take the same shape strip west of the Kingdom of Sardinia to the old Sardinian. Another is the view of the southern island of Sicily, the largest island, a piece of the island and the Italian territory, Health feet as a footballer. 意国最北部是横亘着的阿尔卑斯山脉的一部分,它把意大利和法国、瑞士、前南斯拉夫分隔开来,法、意边境上有欧洲的最高峰——勃朗峰。Italy is the most northern part of the Alps, which spans a part of its Italian and French, Swiss, The separation of the former Yugoslavia, France, Italy -- the peak of Mont Blanc, Europe border. 接着下来的是波河平原,这个平原介于北部的阿尔卑斯山脉和亚平宁山脉之间。Next is the eutrophication Plain, the plain between the Alps and the northern Appenine Hills between. 发源于阿尔卑斯山脉的冰雪溶水的波河自西北向东南流入地中海,把两岸的泥沙冲积成了现在窄三角状、西北高东南低的波河平原。Originated in the Alps, the snow dissolved water fluctuated from northwest to southeast into the Mediterranean. Now the two sides have become narrow triangular shaped alluvial silt, the lower fluctuated southeast of the northwest high plains. 意大利的河流不多,最大的水系是波河水系。Italy not in the river, the largest river systems are fluctuated stream. 最长的河是波河,长652公里。Eutrophication is the longest river, 652 km long. 其他较大的河流,北部有阿迪杰河和皮牙伟河,中部有阿尔诺河(流经佛罗伦萨)和台伯河(流经罗马)。Other major rivers in the north ADIGE Weihe teeth and skin. central Arno (channeling Florence) and the Tiber (flows through Rome). 意大利的河流由于流量有限,很少用于航运。Due to the river flow will be limited in Italy, seldom used shipping. 再下来就是亚平宁山脉,南北纵贯于意大利,它把意大利导向地中海。Further down is Appenine Hills, ran through the South and the North in Italy, the Italian Mediterranean orientation. 由于处于欧亚大陆、非洲大陆板块挤压带上,使意大利多山、多丘陵,约占其境的80%,而且多活火山,著名的火山有维苏威火山、埃特纳火山。As in Europe and Asia, the African continent onto the plates, Italy mountainous terrain, more hills, about 80% of its territory. and most active volcanoes, a famous volcanic basalt volcano, the consequent cost of the encryption software key. 意大利境内有数千个大大小小的湖泊,其中最著名有北部的马焦雷湖、科莫湖、卡尔达湖。Italy there are thousands of large and small lakes, the most famous of which is the northern Maggiore, Komodo Lake Calda Lake. 意大利境内还有两个主权袖珍国:梵帝冈教皇国和圣马利诺。Italy, there are two sovereign countries Pocket Pope : Vatican City and San Marino.

史上最全 罗马尼亚 中英双语介绍

史上最全罗马尼亚中英双语介绍 History The principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia - for centuries under the suzerainty of the Turkish Ottoman Empire - secured their autonomy in 1856; they united in 1859 and a few years later adopted the new name of Romania. The country gained recognition of its independence in 1878 from the great powers following the Russo-Turkish war. However, during the Austria-Hungary (1867C1918), Romanians in Transylvania (Western and Central parts of today Romania) experienced one of the worst periods of oppression in their history in the form of Hungarianisation. In spite of its previous alliance with Germany and Austria, Romania joined the Allied Powers in World War I in a move aimed at acquiring Transylvania. At the end of the World War I, which brought the disintegration of the empires of Russia and Austria-Hungary, Bessarabia (eastern part of today Moldova) and Transylvania united with the Romanian Kingdom in 1918. Union of Transylvania with Romania was ratified in 1920. In 1940, Romania allied with the Axis powers and participated in the 1941 German invasion of the USSR. Three years later, Romania was overrun by the Soviets and signed an armistice. The post-war Soviet occupation led to the formation of a


Italy Italy is a beautiful country but is one of those countries which you probably have some questions and preconceptions, before your coming to this special country. A place of olive oil, pasta, wine, mafia and sunshine, roman ruins and renaissance palaces, Italy has a lot to give its tourists. Although some of these conceptions are amazing and interesting, it would be a shame if that was the only thing you come away with. Italy is certainly much more complex and stimulating than these concepts. EATING & DRINKING IN ITALY Italy is a country full of interesting things for the casual tourist and the educated tourist, it has deep Roman Catholic roots. The tourists can stay weeks in important tourist centers without reason to feel bored, but it is equally simple to get off the beaten track. In the north, next to the Alps and the landscapes of the Po river, many cultural gems and highly developed industrial cities fascinate. In this exciting country the people live the "la vita Italiana". Italians are very proud of their cuisine and rightly so, for their food is renowned throughout the world. Italians trace their gastronomic


场景对话内容 ABCDE:Goodafternoon(morning),everybody!: Youknow,theschoolwillholdanEnglishspeechactivitytointroduceacountry. 你们知道吗,学校要举行一个英语演讲活动,围绕一个国家来介绍。BCDE:Weknow.我们知道。 A:Whichcountrytointroduce介绍哪个国家好呢 B:Iknowthatthereisaverybeautifulcountry,namedAustria我知道有个很美丽的国家,叫奥地利 TheRepublicofAustriaislocatedincentralEurope.奥地利共和国位于欧洲中部。 Austrianonlyhastheareaof83,,47percentoftheareaiscoveredwithforests.奥地利只有83858平方公里的面积。然而,百分之47的面积被森林覆盖。 Austriameans“Orientalcountry”.Theshapeofthemusiccityislikeaviolin. 奥意为“东方的国家”。音乐城的形状像一把小提琴。 C:Itisreallyabeautifulcountry,ofwhichthecapitalisVienna.确实是一个美丽的国家,它的首都是维也纳 Itisaworld-renownedculturalcity.它是一座享誉世界的文化名城。 Viennahasthenameof"theDanubegoddess".Ithasbeautifulenvironment,th echarmingscenery,warmwinter,coolsummer.维也纳有“多瑙河的女神”之说。环境优美,景色迷人,冬暖夏凉。


介绍美国文化的英语演讲稿篇一:介绍美国文化的英语演讲稿 the american heritage festival 1. united states is a cultural powers. short but rich history and unique it makes for an ethnic melting pot, and bring together the worlds culture. if the thought of this huge social and human treasures of get in, we may wish to take a short cut, that is, on his holiday to be a general understanding of the culture, because it is a microcosm of the festival. 2. day(情人节情人节)(february valentines day(情人节)(february 14)(the first sunday after the first full moon following 1, halloween is the traditional festival of the west. halloween, namely 31 october night, children enjoy a good time to play. as night fell, the children put on colorful costume, and wore a mask of all sorts, put on a pumpkin lamp ran out to with parity, the demons were


意大利中英文菜单 来源:网络文章作者:.2010—07-18 23:19:08 冷菜 SALAD沙拉 1. 蟹肉木瓜色拉 Crab with Papaya Salad 2. 各式肉盘 Assorted of Cold Cuts 3. 生刨牛肉色拉 Beef Carpaccio 4. 番茄芝士色拉 Tomato Cheese Salad 5。腌桂鱼色拉 Marinated Mandarin Fish Salad 6. 煎小明虾色拉 Grilled Prawn Salad 7. 蔬菜色拉 Vegetable Salad 8。海鲜色拉 Seafood Salad 9。风干火腿配蜜瓜 Parma Ham with Honey melon 10。意粉色拉 Mixed Noodle Salad 11. 肉肠色拉 Sausage Salad 12. 煮小牛肉配金枪鱼汁 Veal Salad with Tuna Fish Sauce

汤 SOUP 13. 奶油南瓜汤 Cream of Pumpkin Soup 14. 奶油番茄汤 Cream of Tomato Soup 15。奶油栗蓉汤 Cream of Chestnut Soup 16。鸡肉清汤配小馄饨 Chicken Consomme with Tortellini 17. 鸡肉杂菜汤 Vegetable Soup with Chicken Meat 18. 意大利杂菜汤 Minestrone Soup 19. 海鲜汤 Seafood Soup 面 PASTA 20. 烟斗面配南瓜汁 Lumaconi with Pumpkin Sauce 21。螺旋面配番茄汁 Eliche with Tomato Sauce 22. 五彩螺丝面 Fusilli 23. 青口贝番茄炒宽面 Pappardelle with Mussel and Tomato 24. 手指馄饨配青红椒粒、奶油汁 Tortellini with Cream of Pepper Sauce 25. 手指馄饨配番茄黑水榄汁 Tortellini with Tomato and Olive Sauce 26. 海鲜宽面 Pappardelle with Seafood 27. 蔬菜宽面 Pappardelle with Vegetable 28。意大利方馄饨配奶油汁 Tortellini with Cream Sauce 29。海鲜贝壳面 Conchiglie with Seafood 30。蝴蝶面配奶油野菌汁 Fa***lline with Cream of Morel Sauce 31。贝壳面配番茄尖椒汁 Conchiglie with Tomato Pepper Sauce 32. 意大利春卷 Cannelloni 33。牛肉千层面 Beef Lasagne


太多著名的音乐家了,我挑了我喜欢的莫扎特 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791) was a prolific and influential Austrian composer of the Classical era. His more than 600 compositions include works widely acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music, and he is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers. Mozart was born in Salzburg into a musical family and showed indications of prodigious abilities at a very young age. When he was five years old, he could both read and write music and had precocious skills as a keyboard and violin player. Much of his childhood and adolescence was taken up with tours, which included performances before many of the royal courts of Europe. In 1773, aged 17, he accepted a post as a court musician in Salzburg, but was unhappy with his low pay and limited opportunities. Over the next eight years, he frequently traveled in search of a better position and composed abundantly. This situation continued until his dismissal from Salzburg in 1781 by his employer, the Prince-Archbishop, and his subsequent departure for Vienna. He spent the rest of his busy life in Vienna, where he achieved relative fame. However, his finances remained precarious, with periods of prosperity and of penury. In 1782, he married Constanze Weber against the wishes of his family; six children were born, of whom two survived infancy. Musically, this was a period of outstanding creativity which saw the production of many of his best known symphonic, concertante and operatic works, and his final, incomplete Requiem. The circumstances of his death, at the age of 35, have been much mythologized, but were most likely commonplace. In his youth, Mozart had used his gifts of imitation and mimicry to learn from the works of others. From these lessons, in maturity, he fashioned a style that ranged in mood from the light and pleasant to the dark and violent, from a vision of humanity "redeemed through art, forgiven, and reconciled with nature and the absolute". His influence on all subsequent classical music has been profound. Beethoven wrote much of his early music in Mozart's shadow. Joseph Haydn, sometime mentor and later friend and admirer, wrote, "Posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years". Others claim that, more than two centuries after his death, his talent remains unsurpassed.


意大利英文简介 Italy (Italian: Italia), officially the Italian Republic, (Italian: Repubblica Italiana), is located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland. Italy has been the home of many European cultures, such as the Etruscans and the Romans, and later was the birthplace of the movement of the Renaissance, that began in Tuscany and spread all over Europe. Italy's capital Rome has been for centuries the center of Western civilization, and is the seat of the Catholic Church. Today, Italy is a democratic republic, and a developed country with the 7th-highest GDP, the 8th-highest Quality-of-life index,[1] and the 20th-highest Human Development Index


场景对话内容 ABCDE : Goodafternoon (morning ) ,everybody!lamA.IamB」amC.IamD」amE. A: Youknow, ?theschoolwillhold ?anEnglishspeech ?activitytointroducea ?co un try?.你们知道吗,学校要举行一个英语演讲活动,围绕一个国家来介 绍。 BCDE : Weknow.我们知道。 A: Which ?countrytointroduce 介绍哪个国家好呢? B: Iknowthatthereis ?averybeautifulcountry,named ?Austria我知道有个很美丽的国家,叫奥地利 奥地利共和国位于欧洲中TheRepublicofAustriaislocated incen tralEurope. 部。 Austria nonl yhastheareaof83,858squarekilometers.However,47perce ntoft heareaiscoveredwithforests.奥地利只有83858平方公里的面积。然而,百分之47的面积被森林覆盖。 Austriameans “Orientalcountry ” .Theshapeofthemusiccityislikeaviolin. 奥意为东方的国家”。音乐城的形状像一把小提琴。 C: It?isreallyabeautifulcountry,ofwhichthecapitalisVienna. 确实是一个美丽的

国家,它的首都是维也纳 It?isaworld-re now nedculturalcity.它是一座享誉世界的文化名城。 Vie nn ahasthe nameof'theDa nu begoddess".lthasbeautifule nviro nmen t,th echarmingscenery,warmwinter,coolsummer. 维也纟纳有多瑙河的女神”之说。环境优美,景色迷人,冬暖夏凉。 Force nturies,musichasbee nalwaysconn ectedwithVie nna. 几个世纪以来,音乐一直都离不开维也纳,与它紧密相连。 D: ?I?wanttodancethewaltzassoonasIhearyou ?talkaboutAustria,. 听你们说起奥地利,我就想跳华尔兹了 Waltzisorigi natedi ntheAustria nfolk,whichisalsocalledro un dda nce,a namus edanee.华尔兹起源于奥地利民间,也被称为圆的舞蹈,逗舞 Nowma nypeopleloveWaltz.ltisalsoverypopulari ncampus. 现在,许多人喜爱华尔兹,在校园里也很受欢迎。 E: Doyouknowthat?thereis?thebiggestAustria'smost?beautifulholiday 大家知道奥地利有一个最大最美丽的节日吗? ABCD : Idon'tknow. E: It?isthe?Narcissus?Festival,?annually?heldinMay,? Elected?the"Narcissus?Pri ncess"?duri ngtheholidayseas onan dheld?float s,sight-see in g?parade.?

史上最全 克罗地亚 Croatia 中英双语介绍

史上最全克罗地亚Croatia 中英双语介绍 History The Croats are largely Slavic-speaking people who lived in an area of what is today Galicia (in Ukraine and Poland). They migrated further south to present-day Croatia during the 7th century. Nominally under East Roman and then Frankish authority, Croatia became a strong independent kingdom, but in 1102 the Croatians ended a decade-long dynastic struggle by agreeing to submit themselves to Hungarian authority. By the mid-1400s, the Hungarian kingdom was hurt by the Ottoman expansion as much of the country now known as Bosnia and Herzegovina fell to the Turks. The Battle of Mohács in 1526 led the Croatian Parliament to invite the Habsburgs to assume control over Croatia. Habsburg thwarted the Ottomans, and by the 18th century, much of Croatia was free of Turkish control and came under Habsburg Monarchy (Austrian Monarchy or simply Austria) between 1797 and 1815. Following World War I and the demise of Austria-Hungary, Croatia joined the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (which became Yugoslavia in 1929). Yugoslavia was invaded during World War II and Croatia was became a fascist state named the Independent State of Croatia. After the defeat of the Axis powers, Yugoslavia became a federal socialist state under the strong hand of Josip Broz Tito.


American culture Literature Review Like the Hollywood coverage of the American culture,the culture over …the Holl ywood culture”exhibiton highlighted the gap between scholarly trends and pop ular understandings of history.But rather than make this a cause for lamentatio n or the occasion for propagating a correct view,we should decide to study Am erican culture in Hollywood film further more. For a century, Hollywood, …a district of Los Angeles, California. The principal Centre of the American film industry, plays an important role in the circulation of American culture. It serves as the nation's preeminent instrument of cultural expression. It?s well known for its representation of modern American culture, and attracts thousands of movie fans and visitors every year. Movies offer a wi ndow into American cultural and social history, it provide a host of insights into Americans' shifting ideals, fantasies, and preoccupations.America?s Culture A daptation and adoption from one culture to the next is prevalent within any cult ure and country. When examining the effects of this, finding its original root is key. Oftentimes a country will adapt an aspect of another culture; however it w on?t be preserved and practiced identically given only a few years to be foster ed in its new civilization. America culture in Hollywood is a prime example. Du ring the American germination ,we were known as the melting pot of every her itage—each immigrant internally packed his or her previously known culture. A lthough that was over two-hundred years ago, the American culture really cha nged too much in relation to mixing a little of this and a little of that. Even if Am ericans tried to avoid dabbling in the cultures of countries abroad or even right next door, it couldn?t be possible to preserve any type of American Culture. The most significant of reasons preventing this is due to the foundation Ameri can culture was settled upon, that being of a melting pot. This concept of an A merican culture or way of life is created only because each one of the Europe ancestors arrived with their own religious practices, holiday traditions, and eve n recipes to European Favorite dishes that make the American culture so commonly deem as it in Ho llywood film. Relating this on a more contemporary level beyond the original in habitants arriving from places abroad on boats, the American culture is still as dynamic as ever. With modern technology enabling travel, communication, an d information from one place to the next, Hollywood films create an accessible means to share ideas, beliefs, and values between places on opposite ends of the earth. On an even broader perspective, due to the economic structure o f international trading and developing, each country is exposed to products an d practices of another. Although this concept of sharing cultural components is widespread, the American culture in Hollywood films adaptation patterns are li mited by that very same economic structure. That?s the reason why we should research about the American culture in Holly wood films.

摩纳哥 中英双语介绍

摩纳哥中英双语介绍 History The early history of Monaco is primarily concerned with the protective and strategic value of the Rock of Monaco, the area’s chief geological landmark, which served first as a shelter for ancient peoples and later as a fortress. From the 1200s to the early 1400s, the area was contested for primarily political reasons; since that point, excepting a period of French occupation from 1789 to 17 May 1814, it has remained steadily under the control of the House of Grimaldi. Designated as a protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1815 by the Congress of Vienna after Napoleon’s defeat, Monaco’s sovereignty was confirmed by the Franco-Monegasque Treaty of 1861. The Prince of Monaco was an absolute ruler until a constitution was promulgated in 1911. In July 1918, a treaty was signed providing for limited French protection over Monaco. The treaty, written into the Treaty of Versailles, established that Monegasque policy would be aligned with French political, military, and economic interests. Prince Rainier III acceded to the throne following the death of his grandfather, Prince Louis II, in 1949. A new constitution, proclaimed in 1962, abolished capital punishment, provided for female suffrage, and established a Supreme Court to guarantee fundamental liberties. In 1993, Monaco became an official member of the United Nations with full voting rights. In 2002, a
