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杨敏、王克奇、王恒展.中国文化通览(Chinese Culture: An Introduction).北京::高等教育出版社(Higher Education Press), 2006

(Passage 1)地理环境




The Geographical Surroundings

China is a unitary multinational country with a vast territory and a large population. The geographical surroundings play a vital role in the formation and development of the Chinese culture. Situated in the continent of East Asia, China is located in relatively enclosed geographical surroundings. In the north stretches the vast desert and prairie; in the west, the vast expanse of Gobi and desert and Qinghai-Tibet plateau; in the southwest, Yunnan-Guizhou mountainous region and boundless tropical rain forests; in the east and southeast, the ocean. The relatively enclosed geographical surroundings provided exceptional natural advantages for the ancient Chinese culture to develop independently, for a fairly long period free from the impact of foreign cultures, especially those powerful ones. These facilitated the Chinese culture to evolve into a stable and independent system with distinctive regional features.

Since the terrain of China is high in the west and low in the east, several long rivers running from west to east are distributed evenly to form the valleys of Liaohe River, Yellow River, Yangtze River and Pearl River. The large rivers and their tributaries facilitate the agricultural development and transportation as well as the growth of regional cultures. Chinese cultural system is an organic unity with multi-elements. Different styles of regional cultures enrich the connotation of the Chinese culture. Meanwhile, conflicts among different regional cultures came into being between various nationalities as

well as regional regimes, due to the difference in geographical surroundings and the regional cultures arising therefrom. The general trend, however, is cultural fusion and political unity.

With the territory in the temperate and subtropical zones, the natural resources such as light, heat, water and soil are fit for the development of agricultural economy. Especially in the Yellow River Valley and the Yangtze River Valley, farming is the major economic mode. Ancient Chinese civilization is of agricultural nature, which is an early-maturing type of human civilization. Hence, China’s ancient civilization originated mainly in the Yellow River Valley and the Yangtze River Valley. Agricultural civilization developed early in the Yellow River Valley. People here enjoy seasonal climate of temperate zone. Besides, the thick and fertile layer of loess, and the water resources provided by the river and its tributaries also contribute to its development. For quite a long period, the Yellow River Valley has been the major birthplace and base of the ancient civilization. Agricultural civilization plays a decisive role in forming and promoting the Chinese culture, which constitutes its fundamental differences from Western culture.

(Passage 2)中国文化的历史发展

中国已有5 000年的文明发展史,中国文化是世界最古老的文化之一,而且是世界上唯一的长期延续没有中断的文化。中国文化之所以具有如此强大的生命力,主要由其本身所固有的内在结构和基本素质所决定。中国文化的结构是“多元一体”的,“多元”是指它早期由多种文化融合而成,后来又接纳了各少数民族文化,且对外来文化具有极强的包容性,从而形成了一种“多元”文化兼容并包的格局;“一体”指多元文化熔铸为一个整体,形成了有着共同的价值观念和鲜明特色的中华民族文化。中国文化“多元一体”的结构造就了它自信宽容的素质,中国文化以我为主,不断吸收外来文化,在吐故纳新中获得了生命的活力。面临当今世界的挑战,饱经风霜的中国文化从容应对,在自我改造和改造世界中展示自己的文化魅力,并永葆青春。

The Historical Development of the Chinese Culture

China has a 5000-year history of the development of civilization. The Chinese culture is one of the most ancient cultures in the world, and the only one that has lasted for thousands of years without suspension. The strong vitality could be attributed to its innate structure and essential quality. The structure o f the Chinese culture is typical of integrated pluralism. “Pluralism” refers to the fact that the Chinese culture is a blending of so many different cultures and it displays strong tolerance to embrace the cultures of ethnic groups and those from extraneou s places. “Integrated” means various cultures melt into a unity, forming a distinctly Chinese culture with common values. The integrated pluralism has developed a self-confident magnanimity so that the Chinese culture, which gives priority to itself, can absorb foreign cultures constantly, thereby getting revitalized in the process of discarding the old and embracing the new. Throughout the history, the Chinese culture has survived all kinds of ordeals and turmoil. Confronted with today’s challenges, it is sure to face them calmly, revealing its fascination and keeping its youthful vigor in the process of remolding itself and transforming the world.

(Passage 3)大一统的观念和注重整体利益的价值取向





The Conception of Great National Unity and Values of Collectivism

China’s ancient society was patriarchal in nature, in which human relations were given priority. Mencius summed up human relations as “Between father and son, there should be affection; between sovereign and minister, righteousness; between husband and wife, attention to their separate functions; between old and young, a proper order; and between friends, fidelity.” Out of these five basic human relations, four were related with blood ties and family. State relationship was a copy of this kind of family blood relationship. The culture based on human relations held as essential the blood relationships, and highlighted people’s social status. With a view to the overall situatio n of the family and social interests, it

paid special attention to the internal order and cohesiveness. It was on the basis of this culture that the concept of great national unity and collectivism came into being.

Traditional Chinese values attached great importance to collective interest. In light of the slack small-scaled peasant society, in order to organize thousands of loosely connected peasant families to sustain social order and operate as complements of autocratically centralized system, the conception of great national unity emerged as the times required in ancient China. Early in the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was the notion that “all the land under the sun belongs to the king; all the people within this country are the king’s subjects.” Even in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods, plagued by internal wars among the states, it was still the common understanding of all the states of China that “each should respect the king and reject the officials” and that “there is only one king across the land”. The founding of the unified empire in the Qin Dynasty further consolidated the notion of great national unity. Inscription on First Emperor’s Langya engraved stone reads “All the land in the universe belongs to the Emperor.” Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty canonized in particular the spirit of great national unity, making it deeply rooted among the people. According to the Historical Records, written in this period, people of Eastern Yi and Western Xia, of Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties, and of the minority nationalities living around the Central Plain, such as the Rong, Di, Man and Yi, were all descendants of Huangdi, the common ancestor of all the Chinese nationalities. Thus was formed the notion of descendants of Yandi and Huangdi. Great national unity was proved from the angle of the nationality genesis, thereafter a cultural complex lingering in the mind of the Chinese people.

The Chinese value of collectivism was cultivated by the forceful tie of the patriarchal relations and the culture of ideology and institution that gave prominence to centralization and unity. The interest of the society, the country and the family was always counted number one while that of the locality, the part, or the individual sometimes ignored. Individuality gave way to universality. Uniformity was considered apotheosis whereas unconventionality, heterodoxy.

The values asserting collective interest fostered in China the spiritual tradition of patriotism and collectivism. In history, countless national heroes, at the crucial moment of national development, abandoned individual interest, even disregarding their own lives and families, to go through fire and water for the cardinal principle of national interest. The spirit embodied by them has been adored generation after generation, which has finally been condensed and crystallized into the spiritual tower of Chinese nation. During the long process of development full of twists and turns, the reason why the Chinese managed to suffer the vicissitudes of history without declining and save the critical situations by herculean efforts was mainly due to the formidable cohesive force and vitality rooted in the patriotism and collectivism.

(Passage 4)姜太公钓鱼



Fish the Same Way as Jiang Taigong Did, Who Cast a Hookless and Baitless Line for the Fish That Wanted to Be Caught

Jiang Taigong is a popular name for Jiang Ziya, statesman and strategist. As an adviser of King Wen of the Zhou State in ancient China, he, at the age of 80, helped the young King Wu overthrow the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty.

Jiang was a senior official during the reign of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty. Since the king was muddleheaded and atrocious, and the masses had no means to live, Jiang resigned and lived in seclusion on the shore of the Wei River. The State Zhou was strong and prosperous. There Ji Chang (King Wen of the Zhou State) was courteous to the wise and condescendent to the scholarly, ruling the state with benevolence and uprighteousness. He had long been in search of a virtuous assistant. One day Ji Chang went to hunt on the northern shore of the Wei River. He saw an old man fishing by the shore who, oblivious of so many people passing by, continued to fish quietly. That was Jiang. It was said he was over 70 then. Ji Chang felt curious so he stepped down from the chariot and walked to the old man, only to find the man’s fishhook was not bent, impossible to get any fish. Realizing this man was not a common one, Ji Chang began to chat with him. He found this was the right man he was in quest of, so he said, “Before he died, my grandfather had anticipated that Zhou would be come prosperous when a sage came to us. Are you the sage? My grandfather had long expected your arrival!” So he called him Taigong. He returned with Taigong, sharing his carriage with him, and treated him as his mentor. Taigong assisted Ji Chang. The Western Zhou became more flourishing, so the people of other states came over and pledged allegiance one after another. After Ji Chang passed away, his son Ji Fa (King Wu) succeeded to the throne. With Jiang Shang’s assistance, Ji Fa met the sovereigns of the o ther states in Mengjin and then they together sent an army to crusade against Zhou. As a result, King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty burned himself to death. After the downfall of the Shang Dynasty, Ji Fa established

the Zhou Dynasty. Known as King Wu in history, he honored his father with the posthumous title of King Wen.

(Passage 5)卧薪尝胆


Gou Jian Slept on Firewood and Tasted Gall to Avenge a National Humiliation

Historical Records·The Heritary House of the Yue’s King Gou Jian: During the Spring and Autumn Period, remitted by the monarch of Wu State, the defeated monarch of the Yue State, Gou Jian, returned to his state. He underwent self-imposed hardships and was mentally worried. Placing a bitter gall in front of his seat, he had a look at it when he sat or slept and tasted it when he had meals to remind himself of his humiliation and steel his determination to avenge it. About four years later, Yue State launched another attack on Wu State and defeated it. There is no mention of “sleeping in firewood”.In “A Fabricated Reply Letter from Sun Quan to Cao Cao”, Su Shi first used the allusion to Gou Jian’s “sleeping in firewood and tasting gall”. Now it is used to depict the spirit of the painstaking self-inspiration.

(Passage 6)开天辟地

据《艺文类聚》卷一引徐整《三五历纪》及清马《绎史》卷一引《五运历年纪》记载:在天地还没有开辟之前,天和地是合在一起的,就像个浑浑沌沌的鸡蛋一样,漆黑一团,没有星星,更没有人类。人类的始祖盘古就在这一片浑沌之中沉睡着。就这样过了18 000年,盘古醒来了,他站起身来,浑沌的世界也随之裂成了两半:阳清者上升为天,阴浊者下沉为地。天地从此开辟了。盘古在天地之间,随着天地的变化而变化。天日高一丈,地日厚一丈,盘古也日长一丈。如此又过了18 000年,天变得极高,地变得极厚,盘古也变得极长,天地之间的距离有90 000里。从此有了高高的天空和厚厚的大地。又不知过了多少年,盘古终于倒下了。就在盘古临死的时候,世界突然发生了奇异的变化:他呼出的气变成了风云,声音变成了雷霆,左眼变成了太阳,右眼变成了月亮,四肢五体变成了四极五岳,血液变成了江河,筋脉


The Creation of the Earth

According to Classified Anthology of Literary Works, the sky and the earth were, at the initial stage, one blurred entity like an egg. The separation of the sky and the earth took eighteen thousand years —the yang which was light and pure rose to become the sky, and the yin which was heavy and murky sank to form the earth. Between them was Pangu, the earliest ancestor of humanity, who went through nine changes every day. Every day the sky rose ten feet higher, the earth became ten feet thicker, and Pangu grew ten feet taller. Another eighteen thousand years passed, and there was an extremely high sky, an extremely thick earth, and an extremely tall Pangu. So the sky was ninety thousand li from the earth. Nobody knows how many years passed and then Pangu finally fell down. Just before his death, the earth underwent a miraculous change: Pangu’s breath turned into wind and cloud, his sound thunderbolt, his left eye the sun, his right eye the moon, his four limbs the four corners of the sky, his five body constituents the Five Famous Mountains in China, his blood the rivers, his veins the roads, his muscles the fields, his hair and moustache the stars, his skin and hair the grass and trees, his teeth and bones the metals and stones, his marrow the pearls and jades, and his sweat the rain. The vitality in Pangu, touched by the wind, turned into the common people. Thus came the dawn of the vigorous earth.



Nüwa Made Man

In Taiping Anthologies for the Emperor, the record goes like this. It is said that there were no men when the sky and the earth were separated. It was Nüwa who made men by molding yellow clay on her own shape. Those made in this way were rich and noble, while those made when the mud dropped down to the ground were poor and low.

(Passage 7)大禹治水



Da Yu Led People in Curbing Floods

Legend in Book of Mountains and Seas and Huai Nan Zi has it that four or five thousand years ago there came a flood in the Yellow River Valley which rose as high as the sky, washing away whole villages with their houses and inundating large areas of cropland. Many people lost their lives in the flood and those who were fortunate enough to survive were forced to abandon their homes and go and live on hillsides or migrate to places far away. To stop the flood Gun stole some of the growing earth possessed by the Heavenly Emperor without asking for permission. For this the emperor ordered Zhu Rong to execute him near Yushan Mountain. Nevertheless, out of Gun’s belly Yu was born. Yu carried on the work of fighting the flood. It was barely four days after he got married when Yu received Shun’s order. Determined to have the flood under control and remove the menace to the people, he left his wife behind and set off for the worksite. Before, under Gun’s leadership, the people spent nine long years building dams and dykes to stop the flow of the rivers. All the efforts had however ended only in more disastrous floods. Yu first made a study of the causes that had led to his father’s failure. Then he made a careful survey of the afflicted areas and asked for advice from experienced workers. Knowing that water tends to flow from higher to low er regions, he abandoned Gun’s method of building dams and dykes to stop the flow of waters. Instead he led his men in digging ditches and canals to divert the flood and also in dredging the river channels so as to provide outlets for the flood into the sea. In those days there was a high mountain in the upper reaches of the Yellow River that blocked the way of the river. In order to cut a canal into the mountain, Yu turned himself into a bear and stole into the mountains to do the digging. Rain or shine, Yu worked in the midst of his men, digging and taking earth away all through the four seasons of a year. He was so dedicated that it was said that he had three times refrained from entering the door of his home when he was passing by. Missing Da Yu so much, his wife visited the worksite. In the shape of a bear, Da Yu was dredging the watercourse. His wife was greatly frightened so she ran away. Da Yu chased his wife, forgetting to convert himself back into a human being. The wife saw no chance to escape and turned herself into a stone. Da Yu was greatly depressed. He said to the stone, “Give back my son!” The stone split and revealed a child — the son of Da Yu, named Qi. After thirteen long years of continuous efforts, Yu and his men succeeded in dredging all the rivers, big and small, and in doing away with the evil of flood. After the death of Shun, Yu became the head of the tribal confederation.

(Passage 8)牛郎织女


The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver

The Cowherd was brought up by his brother and sister-in-law and was often maltreated by them. Later they broke up the family and lived apart from him. As a result, he only got an old cow. The Girl Weaver, the granddaughter of the God of Heaven, often descended with the other fairies from on high and took a bath in the secular world. Once the Cowherd, following the advice of the old cow, stole her heavenly dress. Unable to return to the heaven, the Girl Weaver married the Cowherd and had a son and a daughter. They led a happy life with husband tilling the land and wife weaving. When the God of Heaven learned it, he was outraged, and he sent heavenly troops to catch the Girl Weaver. The Cowherd could do nothing but weep with his children. At that time, the cow, who was dying, told the Cowherd that after his death his skin could help the Cowherd rise up to the heaven. Wrapping the skin around him, the Cowherd went to the heaven with his children shouldered in two baskets. Just as he almost caught up with the Girl Weaver, the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens drew a line in the Heaven with her gold hair clasp. Immediately appeared a temptuous heavenly river (the Milky Way). The couple were separated. Later, the affection between the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver moved the God of Heaven, who allowed the Girl Weaver to join her husband only once a year. According to legend, on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the Cowherd and the Weaver met on the east bank of the river on that evening, and magpies were made to form a bridge for them.

(Passage 9)梁山伯与祝英台



Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai (The Butterfly Lovers, Leon and Jo)

Zhu Yingtai, the daughter of a ministry councilor, disguised herself as a male and left her hometown to study. During the three years of study, she fell in love with Liang Shanbo, who was unaware of her real identity. At departing, Zhu invited Liang to visit “his” family, and told him “he” would ask parents to marry “his” sister to Liang. But since Liang was short of money, he delayed the visit. Councilor Zhu betrothed Zhu Yingtai to childe Ma. Two years later, Liang Shanbo went to visit Zhu. Only then did he realize that the “sister” was actually Zhu Yingtai herself. Liang was in deep remorse. He fell ill and failed to recover. He succumbed to the disease soon. On the day of wedding, childe Ma sent a flower boat to Zhu’s home to bring her over. When the flower boat for the bride passed Liang’s tomb, there came a fresh gale, which caused the wave to surge so that the boat could not go any further. Informed that Liang’s tomb was on the shore, Zhu ran there and knelt down in front of the tomb wailing bitterly. Suddenly the skies fell and the earth cracked. Liang’s tomb split open. Seizing this opportunity, Zhu jumped into the tomb and soon the tomb closed, burying Zhu inside. Then the rain passed off and the sky cleared up; the wind abated and waves calmed down. A couple of butterflies danced gracefully among the wild flowers.











Beijing Opera

Beijing Opera is a refined classical art. It is a treasure of the Chinese nation as well as a cultural symbol of China. Rich in content, perfect in form and unique in style, Beijing Opera, with a long history, is still enjoyed by a large Chinese audience.

There is a long list of Beijing Operas with a wide range of subjects. Beijing Opera can be divided into different types according to different criteria or approaches.

According to the time of the story, Beijing Opera falls into four categories. They are traditional operas, costume operas, new or contemporary operas and modern operas. Traditional operas reflect life in ancient times, and their subjects are all from the traditional Chinese culture such as Yuefei’s Mother Tattooing His Back, General Wen Tianxiang, Fisherman’s Revenge, Entering the Palace for the Second Time, Farewell My Concubine, Gatherings of Heroes, The Story of the Black Basin, Picking Up a Jade Bracelet, Madame White Snake, The Lotus Lamp, etc. After the Revolution of 1911, there appeared a new form of opera, called the costume opera, in which the Dan players wear costumes, with song and dance dominating the show. The representative pieces are Chang E Flying to the Moon and Lin Daiyu Burying A Dead Flower. The new or contemporary operas refer to the newly written plays in the late Qing Dynasty, plays reflecting the real life of the people, such as The New Camellia and Wronged Ghosts Soul in an Opium Den. Modern Operas mirror the real life of modern people, such as The Story of Qiu Jin, The Legend of the Red Lantern, The Story of Shajiabang, Takeover of Tiger Mountain, etc.

According to the performance style, Beijing Opera can be divided into “civil” pieces, which are characterized by singing and acting, and “martial” ones, which feature acrobatics and stunts. Some operas are the combination of both.

According to the duration of time, Beijing Opera can be classified into ben xi and zhezi xi. The former refers to the whole play, which could even be staged several days on end. The latter refers to an act or the highlight of a play, which is a complete story on its own.

According to the number of characters in a play, Beijing Opera can be grouped into dui xi or a play involving only two major characters and qun xi or a play involving many characters, each playing an equally important role in the play.

Beijing Opera can also be categorized according to the type of role. The major roles in Beijing Opera include laosheng(virtuous old men wearing beards), xiaosheng(handsome young men), wusheng(young warriors), qingyi(sedate ladies with dignities), daomadan(warrior women), wudan (military or non-military women capable of martial arts), huadan(either vivacious young girls or viragoes), hualian (male characters with a painted face), jiazi hualian (male characters with a painted face, often associated with rude persons and outlaws), tongchui hualian (male characters with a painted face, usually associated with upright, strong and resolute persons). And the operas are therefore named after the names of the roles such as laosheng show, and the like.

The roles of Beijing Opera are strictly classified. There were altogether ten types of roles in the beginning, which were sheng, dan,jing, chou, mo, fu, wai, wu, za, and liu. Later, they were reclassified into four major roles, namely sheng (male), dan (female),jing (painted face), chou (clown). And each role was further divided. With Beijing Opera becoming better and approaching perfection day by day, there have appeared many outstanding performers regarding each type of role. Yu Shuyan, Yan Jupeng, Ma Lianliang, Tan Fuying, Zhou Xinfang, Gao Qingkui, and Li Shaochun are famous laosheng (old men) players; Yang Xiaolou, Shang Heyu, Ge Jiaotian wusheng (young warriors) players; Mei Lanfang, Cheng Yanqiu, Shang Xiaoyun, Xun Huisheng, Zhang Junqiu, Yan Huizhu and Guan Sushuang dan (female) players; Gong Yunpu and Li Duokui laodan (old women) players; Jin Shaoshan, Hao Shouchen, Hou Xirui, Qiu Shengrong, Fang Rongxiang, and Yuan Shihai jing (painted face) players; Wang Changlin, Xiao Changhua and Ye Shengzhang chou (clown) players. All of them have a style of their own, playing an important role in the development of Beijing Opera, serving as a link between past and future, and have developed a school of their own. There are many schools of Beijing Opera, with distinctly different styles, each having its own merits.

The singing in Beijing Opera is melodious and sensational; the recitation vividly brief, and harmoniously rhythmic. The music is graceful and charming, and the stage art is bright and colorful. And the facial make-up is a distinctive feature of Beijing Opera. It is very Chinese and national in color. All this has made Beijing Opera a unique flower in the world garden of performing arts.








The Dragon-Boat Race

The dragon-boat race is a boating game involving dragon-shaped long canoes propelled by a crew of many paddlers in unison. As a traditional folk sporting contest, the dragon-boat race is held annually in May 5th of the lunar calendar in some renowned rivers and lakes in various regions.

The dragon-boat race originated in the State of Chu in the Warring States Period. It started as a sacrificial activity to commemorate the death of Qu Yuan, the greatest romantic poet. According to some historical records, Qu Yuan was an aristocrat in the State of Chu and he once served as the minister of state. Because Chu Huaiwang, the head of state, believed the false accusation against him, Qu Yuan was exiled to the north of Hanshui. Later on, Qing Xiangwang, the successor to the late head of state, sent Qu Yuan into exile again in the south of the Yangtze River. Feeling hopeless to save the State of Chu from its fall, Qu Yuan commited suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River on the fifth of May. The sympathetic local people raced out onto the river to drive away the fish and turtles and threw their rice dumplings into the river in an attempt to prevent fish and turtles from eating his body. This event has been documented in some Chinese history books. The Boat Race, which was based upon the re-enactment of the race to save Qu from drowning, thus came into existence.

From the Qin and Han dynasties onward, the boat race began to spread from the State of Chu to the whole country, especially to the various parts of the south. The boat race gradually dropped its sacrificial service as part of its subject matter, leaving only the race as a sporting event. By the time of Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern dynasties, the dragon-boat race had become a very popular event. The tradition was passed on from generation to generation until today.

Dragon boats in a broad sense fell into three types in ancient times. The first type was an ancient type of dragon boat referring to the boat painted with dragon design. The second type referred to em peror’s special boat. The third kind was a long canoe specifically made for the dragon-boat race. In its narrow sense, a dragon boat only refers to the third type, that is, the dragon-shaped long canoe for a dragon-boat race.

Traditional dragon-boats can also be categorized into two types in terms of their roles: the show boat and the race boat. The former is an attractively adorned big boat for demonstration and performances with musical instruments like drums and gongs, and various feat shows to activate the atmosphere in the course of the race. The latter, on the other hand, is a narrow and long canoe decorated only on the bow and stern like the head and tail of a dragon. The race boat can be small, medium or big in size according to the number of paddlers it carries inside. Usually the small race boat is about 4 to 6 meters in length with the capacity of carrying 10 paddlers, the middle one 17 to 23 meters with 20 to 50 paddlers, while the large one can be as long as 30 to 33 meters and carry within it 60 to 100 paddlers. Occasionally there are exceptionally huge race boats with a capacity of 200 paddlers.

As a sporting activity, a traditional folk dragon-boat race differs greatly from an international dragon-boat race. The former is launched by the villagers themselves, with amateur competitors. The dragon boats, decorated on the head and tail, are about 20 to 30 meters in length and one meter in width, enough for two paddlers to sit abreast. The number of participants in a boat varies from 10 to over 30, usually including one flagman, also called helmsman, who directs the whole team by waving a colored flag to give orders, one who beats the drum and one who strikes the gong to cheer for the team. The paddlers must be in even number and they must work in unision. Synchronicity is more important than strength. A perfectly synchronized team will almost always beat a stronger, less coordinated team. The race is usually held in turbulent rivers and the one that reaches the destination first is the winner. Spectators are free to go and watch.

Specific rules of this game have been set: the race vessel must be made into dragon shape; each competing team is composed of 23 people with 20 paddlers, one steersperson, one gongmen and one drummer. The racing events include a male team, a female team and a mixed team, three types competing on a 500 meter or 800 meter straight line river course. For the mixed crew, the minimum number of female paddlers is eight, though no restriction is imposed on the sex requirement for steersperson, drummer or gangman. In addition, the participants are required to have the capacity of swimming with clothes on for at least 100 meters. So far many dragon-boat races have been held in various parts of China which have been successful and influential both at home and abroad. Examples are the Canton Dragon-boat Festival held on Pearl River, Guangzhou; the dragon-boat race on the Suzhou River in Shanghai; the dragon-boat race on Mochou Lake in Nanjing; and dragon-boat races among the Miao ethnic groups and the Dai ethnic groups.








Chinese Culinary Arts

Chinese culinary arts are rather complicated, and in different places, there are different ways for preparing dishes. Many different cuisines unique to certain areas are formed, for instance, Shandong cuisine, Beijng cuisine, Shanghai cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Anhui cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Hubei cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Shannxi cuisine, Henan cuisine, north-eastern China cuisine, royal style cuisine, Muslim style cuisine and vegetarian cuisine.

Each cuisine has its own specialty. For example, the Fujian cuisine has a dish called “happiness and longevity”. Its preparation is like this: first put some of the most nutritious ingredients (sea cucumber, dried scallop, shark’s fin, ham, tendons of beef, dove’s eggs, chicken, duck, etc) into a jar, then add some bone broth, Shaoxing rice wine and spices, next, cover the mouth of the jar with a lotus leaf, and last, simmer it on the stove. It’s not hard to imagine how delicious and nutritious the dish would be. This dish has another well-known name—“Buddha jumping over the wall”. It may sound strange, but there’s an interesting story behind it. It is said that during the Qing Dynasty, a restaurant in Fuzhou (the capital city of Fujian Province) was very famous for its dishes. One day, the restaurant made the dish “happiness and longevity”, the aroma of the dish was so appetizing and spread so far that a monk in a nearby temple just couldn’t resist the temptation. In the end, he put aside the Buddhist discipline, jumped over the wall into the restaurant, and ate to his heart’s content. What happened to the monk afterwards, we do not know, but the reputation of the dish “Buddha jumping over the wall” spread afar.

Generally speaking, there are three essential factors by which Chinese cooking is judged, namely: “color, aroma and taste”. “Color” refers to the layout and design of the dishes. “Aroma” implies not only th e smell of the dish, but also the freshness of the materials and the blending of seasonings. “Taste” involves proper seasoning and fine slicing techniques. These three essential factors are achieved by careful coordination of a series of delicate activities: selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing and cooking, adjustment of the heat, and laying out the food on the plate.

What is worth mentioning is that there’s a lot of cultural background knowledge involved in the naming of Chinese dishes. Often, it’s hard, even for the Chinese people themselves, to tell what is actually in a certain dish until it is served on the table. Of course, one can always turn to the waiter or waitress for explanation. In most cases, waiters and waitresses are ready to satisf y one’s curiosity. Apart from having regard for the above-mentioned three essential factors —“color, aroma and taste”, Chinese cuisine attaches great importance to nutrition. As a matter of fact, Chinese cuisine has long been closely related to traditional Chinese medicine. Ginseng, walnut, Chinese angelica and the fruit of Chinese wolfberry are often used as ingredients in certain Chinese dishes.



The True Story of Ah Q

This novel by Lu Xun is a masterpiece in the history of modern Chinese fiction. It is also the first modern Chinese novel that is introduced to the world. Through t he description of Ah Q’s misfortunes and his style of personality, the novel elaborates profoundly upon the historical lessons left by the failure of the 1911 Revolution. A poor peasant being deprived of all his belongings, Ah Q epitomizes the image of a simple and ignorant farmer who is corroded and poisoned deeply by the feudal conception, and who is characterized by the common conservativeness and lack of self-consciousness of a petty producer. What is most striking in his personality is his self-satisfied spiritual triumph. Though he is at the bottom of the society as an eternal loser, who suffers frequently setbacks and disgrace, he takes an incredible attitude to defend and gloss over his doomed destiny and his enslaved status. To some extent, Ah Q’s self-satisfied spiritual triumph is representative of the frailties in the Chinese national character. The True Story of Ah Q portrays vividly the national soul and exposes fully the national weaknesses, thus stimulating the awakening of the people. Comedic in form while tragic in content, the novel is endowed with an enormous artistic charm with its strong tragic flavor.




Fortress Besieged

Fortress Besieged, written by Qian Zhongshu, is an outstanding satirical novel in modern Chinese literature. Based on the vagrant life experience of Fang Hongjian, the young hero, after his return from France on completion of his overseas studies and with a lively and humorous style of pen, the author makes an extensive description of various types of people and numerous aspects of the Chinese society. He vividly depicts the country which was then involved in a historically transitional period, focusing on the rupture, dislocation, perversion and conflict in regard to culture and values. He elaborates with great profundity on the confrontation between the modern and traditional Chinese culture and on the confusion and discomfiture in terms of cultural values. Applying the traditional customs of familial and marital relationships as a metaphor, the writer makes an attempt to elucidate the self-besiegement of modern China. To quote the characters of the book, “Marriage is nothing but a gold-plated birdcage, those without are eager to get in while those within long to get out.” “It is just a fortress besieged, those outside are anxiou s to rush in while those inside yearn to get out.” The writer exposes the abnormal personalities and filthy souls of the new generation of intellectuals typified by Fang Hongjian, Gao Xinmei and Su Wenwan, who either sink into degeneration or accomplish nothing, idling away their life in the besiege of traditional customs. Through them, the writer makes an elaborate and multi-layered survey of the westernized intellectuals and the localized Western civilization from both ideological and philosophical perspectives. Adept at applying vagarious, incisive and diverse figuration and at extending his imageries into symbols, the writer creates an irony which runs through the book as its consistent style. Abundant in witty and humorous remarks and rich in wisdom and philosophical ideas, the book is recognized as a successful work about “scholars”.



The Song of Mulan

The Song of Mulan, a long epical poem, is a masterpiece of the folk songs of the Northern Dynasty. Describing in simple and natural language the story of Hua Mulan, a legendary heroine, the poem creates a glorious image of the heroine who is dressed up as a man to serve in the army in place of her father. Mulan, an ordinary working class woman, disguises herself resolutely as a man to replace her father’s service in the army, which demonstrates her outstanding courage and self-sacrificing spirit. For ten years in commission with hundreds of battles fought, she goes through numerous narrow escapes from death. Upon her return in triumph, she neither accepts any official positions nor admires any honors, thus displaying a simple and honest, noble and unsullied sentiment. She embodies not only the outstanding noble morality of the working class women, but also their extraordinary wisdom, legendary experience and heroic character. The noble quality and optimism of the working class people she incarnates have been admired by people of later generations. Her story is still being staged or made into movies today. Mulan Verse and Peacocks Flying Southeastward are highly regarded as “a pair of jade” in the history of Chinese poetry.







Traditional Chinese Landscape Painting

Traditional Chinese landscape painting takes natural landscape as its object of description. While creating rich and colorful natural landscapes, it embodies the Chinese people’s conception of nature, their aesthetic awareness, and their wisdom and sentiment. It is a vivid manifestation of the aesthetic thinking of the oriental art.

Unlike Western landscape paintings, traditional Chinese landscape paintings go beyond the passive copying of nature. It is a unique tradition of Chinese landscape painting to create artistic conception, viz. to seek a unity of form and spirit, of human feelings and natural settings, with an emphasis on the expression of the painter’s own thoughts and feelings. Landscape paintings appeal to viewers by the creative compos ition that results in “meaning beyond the picture and picture beyond the meaning”. They try to preserve the painter’s understanding and perception of the whole natural world, his / her thoughts and emotions, ideals and hopes, in the limited picturesque scene. What traditional Chinese landscape painting expresses is a dialectical relationship between subjectivity and objectivity; and what it builds is a scene in which man and nature, feelings and settings are in harmony. The depiction of the landscape should express the painter’s feelings, and only when landscape and feelings become one can artistic perception be created. In short, artistic conception is the soul of traditional Chinese landscape painting.

Traditional Chinese landscape painting has a long history. As far back as the pre-Qin period, Confucian scholars believed that a true man loves the mountains; a wise man loves the sea. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, and the Northern and Southern dynasties, landscape (e.g. mountains and rivers) became a spiritual home for people to stay away from the maddening society. It was at this time that independent landscape painting came into being. Gu Kaizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was a landscape painter. In fact, landscape then was nothing but the background for the figure in the painting, and the techniques were very simple and shallow. However, landscape painting theories were elaborate. Preface to Landscape Painting and Xu Hua were the first two essays on the theory of landscape painting written by Zong Bing and Wang Wei of the Southern Dynasty respectively. In the Sui and Tang dynasties, landscape painting matured. Li Sixun, Li Zhaodao (father and son), and Wang Wei were deemed as the forerunners of landscape painting representing the Southern and Northern styles, or the attitudes of nobles in the royal court and secluded literati towards landscape painting. The landscape paintings of the Five Dynasties and the Northern and Southern dynasties emphasized the likeness of objects, or

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