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An FOB contract stipulated, “The shipment will be effected in March 2008. If the vessel fails to arrive at the port of shipment on time, the seller agrees to set aside the goods for additional 27 days, and the buyer will bear all costs of delay.”It turned out that under the seller’s repeated requests, the vessel named by the buyer finally arrived at the port of shipment on May 1. As a result, the seller refused to make the shipment.

a.Was the seller entitled to compensation for the warehouse rent, insurance and interest due

to the delay?

b.If the seller had sold the goods to a third party on April 25, should the buyer pay for the


c.If the seller had sold the goods to a third party on May 1 with a better price, was he

entitled to any compensation?

Case 2

A Chinese import and export company concluded a Sales Contract with a Holland firm on August 5, 2000, selling a batch of certain commodity. The contact was based on CIF Rotterdam at USD 2500 per MT. The Chinese company delivered the goods in compliance with the contract and obtained a clean-on-board Bill of Lading. During transportation, however, 100 metric tons of the goods got lost because of rough sea. Upon arrival of the goods, the price of the contracted goods went down quickly. The buyer refused to take delivery of the goods and effect payment and claimed damages from the seller. How would you deal with this case?

Case 3

A contract to sell grain used a CFR term. The grain was officially certified as Grade One at the time of being delivered on board at the port of shipment. After making the shipment, the seller gave the buyer timely notice. However, due to the long voyage, some grain went bad. At the destination, the grain could only be sold as “Grade Three”. Consequently, the buyer claimed compensation for the damage. Should the seller pay?

Case 4

Under a CIF contract, the goods had been loaded on board the vessel according to the terms of the contract. Then the vessel departed. An hour later, the vessel struck on a rock and sunk. The next day the seller’s bank presented the shipping documents, insurance policy and invoices to the buyer, and demanded payment.

a.Should the buyer pay?

b.Which party would have to take the loss?

Case 5

Dee Co. signed a large export contract stipulating, “Shipment will be made during August of 2008”. But due to the problems with the vessel, the shipment was not made until September 13. Upon Dee’s request, the carrier antedated the B/L to August 31.

(1)What could be the consequence of antedating?

(2)What would be the right thing to do in case of a possible shipment delay?

A Chinese exporter signed a CIF contract with a foreign importer. Payment was to be made by irrevocable sight L/C. Both the contract and the L/C prohibited transshipment. Within the validity of the Credit, the exporter shipped the cargo on board a liner sailing direct to the port of destination, and presented the direct B/L for negotiation. Later the foreign issuing bank also made payment against the direct B/L forwarded by the negotiation bank. However, in order to collect some other cargos, the carrying vessel unloaded the cargo at an intermediate port without authorization. The cargo was instead reloaded on to an old vessel, and thus arrived at the destination two months late. As a result, the buyer lodged a claim against the Chinese side for fraud, since the cargo was actually transshipped even though the direct B/L was issued. Finally the exporter accepted the claim and made compensation as requested, as he thought that he, as the person booking the vessel, should be liable for the carrier’s unauthorized transshipment.

(1)Do you think the settlement of this case appropriate?

(2)Who should bear the loss? Why?

(3)Who should be liable for the damage? Why?

(4)What should the seller do?

Case 7

On September 1, X company signed a contract to export goods to the U.S. on September 30, City Bank sent an irrevocable L/C with an amount of USD 30,000. The L/C stipulated shipment during October, and Bank of Tokyo to be the reimbursing bank. On October 2, Bank of China advised X of the L/C. But ten days later, X learned that the importer was near bankruptcy. How should X deal with the situation?

Case 8

A Chinese company exported food products to Rotterdam under L/C. The L/C stated that the exporter should provide Sanitary Inspection Certificate in which the wording “The food products are free from illness and are up to standards for eating”was required. After shipment, when the exporter negotiated for payment, the negotiating bank found that the certificated presented by the exporter didn’t show “The food products are free from illness”required in the L/C. The negotiating bank deemed it a discrepancy and the exporter had to ask the inspection body to issue another certificate that was in line with the requirement of the L/C. As a result, the exporter suffered losses resulted from the 20 day’s delay in the settlement for payment. What lesson should the exporter learn from this case?

Case 9

Company A signed a contract with a foreign importer, exporting agricultural products. The date for signature was September 1 and the time for shipment stipulated in the contract was October, November and December. However, after the mid-September, the domestic price of the contracted product was rising to a significant extent. Company A found it would suffer great loss if it exported the goods according to the contract. Upon investigation, the reason for the rising of the price was the serious flood took place in the producing area in mid-July. Can Company A resort to force majeure clause for the avoidance of its contractual obligations? Why?


《国际贸易实务》案例分析题六答案 合同的磋商与签订 1、经常会有一些动机不好的外商,很轻易地下订单,而且言明在收到样品后才肯开信用证。当我方寄出样品后,外商却销声匿迹了,我方这样做的结果就是样品白白被骗。请问遇到这种情况我方应如何处理? 评析,一是在寄样品之前应做好调查工作,特别是客户的资信。二是可以对样品内收取一定的费用。 2、请分析下列情况,试问A与B之间的合同是否成立?为什么? (1)11月1日,A邮寄一份实盘给B。 (2)11月8日,A邮寄一份撤回通知给B。 (3)11月11日,B收到A的实盘,并立即用电报发出接受通知。 (4)11月15日,B又邮寄一份确认函,确认他于11月11日发出的接受电报。(5)11月20日,B收到A邮寄的撤回通知。事后双方对该项合同是否成立,发生纠纷。 评析:A与B之间的合同已经成立。理由,首先,11月1日A邮寄的实盘于11月11日送达B处时已经生效,B于当天就发出有效的接受通知。根据一方发出实盘,经另一方有效接受而合同成立的原则,A与B之间的合同已经成立。其次,A在寄出实盘以后,又于11月8日寄出一份撤回通知。但是实盘已于11月11日送达B处而生效。由于撤回通知于11月20日才送达B处,即发盘通知到达在先,撤回通知到达在后,因此该项撤回通知没有撤回的效力。 3、买方发盘要求卖方凭买方提供的规格、性能生产供应某机械设备,发盘规定了有效期为1个月,以便卖方能有足够的时间研究自己是否能按所提供的条件生产供应。卖方收到发盘后,立即组织人员进行设计,探寻必要生产设备添置的可能性和成本核算。两周后,突然买方通知,由于资金原因,决定不再订购该项机械设备,并撤销发盘。此时,卖方已因设计、寻购生产设备,核算成本等付出了大量费用。问,卖方能否提出异议? 评析:卖方可以提出异议。理由根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》第十六条规定“在未订立合同之前,发盘得予撤销,如果通知于被发盘人发出接受通知之前送达被发盘人,但在下列情况下,发盘不得撤销,发盘写明接受发盘的期限或以其他的方式表示发盘是不可以撤销的,被发盘人有理由信赖该项发盘是不可撤销的,而且被发盘人已本着对该项发盘的信赖行事。”据此,买方的发盘不能任意撤销,因为本案中的发盘具备一项有效发盘的必备条件,它规定了1个月的有效期,该发盘是不可撤销的发盘,且卖方已本着此项信赖行事。卖方如果认为按买方发盘条件达成交易有利可图,可以拒绝买方撤销发盘,并在期限内表示接受订立合同,如买方坚持撤销发盘,卖方可按实际支出的费用加上如果达成合同可望获得的合理利润向买方提出损害赔偿要求。


国际贸易实务英文名词解释(英to英) What’s International Trade? The international trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goods and services produced in another country. EXPORTING Exporting is the process of earning money by providing the right product at the right price at the right time in the right place beyond your home boundary. The ultimate goal is to make sure that the exporter is to be paid for the goods he sells. EXW EXW means the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises (法定地址) or another named place. The seller doesn’t not declare the goods for export and he needn’t load goods on any collecting vehicle. FAS Free alongside ship means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of the goods from that moment. FOB Free on Board means the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all the costs and risks from that point. The FOB terms require the seller to clear the goods for export. CFR Cost and freight means that the seller delivers when the goods pass ship’s rail at the named port of shipment CIF CIF means that the seller bears the same obligations as under CFR. In additional that he has to procure marine insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss or damage to the goods during the carriage. The seller contracts for insurance and pay the insurance premium. FCA, Free carrier (…Named place) It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when he has handed over the goods, cleared for export, into the custody of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point. If no precise point is indicated by the buyer, the seller may choose within the place or range stipulated where the carrier shall take charge of the goods. When, according to commercial practices, the seller’s assistance is required in making the contract with the carrie r, the seller may act at the buyer’s risk and expenses.


贸易术语 1. 我国某出口公司与外商按CIF Landed London 条件出口一批货物,合同规定,商品的数量为500箱,以信用证方式付款,5 月份装运。买方按照合同规定的开证时间将信用证开抵卖方。货物顺利装运完毕后,卖方在信用证规定的交单期内办好了议付手续并收回货款。久,卖方收到买方寄来的货物在伦敦港的卸货费和进口报关费的收据,要求我方按收据金额将款项支付给买方。 问:我方是否需要支付这笔费用?为什么?答:对于在伦敦港的卸货费,应该由我方支付;但是进口报关费,不应由我方支付。因为我某出口公司与外商按CIF Landed London 条件成交,所以支付的运费应该包括卸至伦敦港码头的卸货费。但是CIF 贸易术语项下的进口清关是买方的义务,因此,我方不需支付进口报关费。 2. 我方以FCA 贸易术语从意大利进口布料一批,双方约定最迟的装运期为4月12 日,由于我方业务员的疏忽,导致意大利出口商在4月15日才将货物交给我方指定的承运人。当我方收到货物后,发现部分货物有水渍,据查是因为货交承运人前两天大雨淋湿所致。据此,我方向意大利出口商提出索赔,但遭到拒绝。 问:我方的索赔是否有理?为什么?答:无理。因为FCA 项下,我进口方负责运输,但我方未在合同约定的装运期内派去运输工具,导致卖方无法及时交货,所以在运输工具晚到的时间内发生的损失应该由我进口方承担。 3. 我方与荷兰某客商以CIF 条件成交一笔交易,合同规定以信用证为付款方式。卖方收到买方开来的信用证后,及时办理了装运手续,并制作好一整套结汇单据。在卖方准备到银行办理议付手续时,收到买方来电,得知载货船只在航海运输途中遭遇意外事故,大部分货物受损。据此,买方表示将等到具体货损情况确定以后,才同意银行向卖方支付货款。 问:1)卖方可否及时收回货款,为什么? 2)买方应该如何处理此事? 答:(1)卖方可以及时收回货款。首先,CIF 术语成交属于象征性交货,其特点是卖方凭单交货,买方凭单付款;其次,CIF 术语成交的条件下,卖方在办理了装运后,并制作好单据后,已完成了交货义务且风险也已转移给了买方。 (2)买方应及时与保险公司取得联系,凭保险单及有关的证据向保险公司提出索赔。 4. 我方以CFR贸易术语与B国的H公司成交一批消毒碗柜的出口合同,合同规定装运时间 为4月15日前。我方备妥货物,并于4月8日装船完毕。由于遇星期日休息,我公司的业务员未及时向买方发出装运通知,导致买方未能及时办理保险手续,而货物在4月8日晚因发生了火灾被火烧毁。 问:货物损失责任由谁承担,为什么?答:货物损失的责任由我方承担。因为,在CFR 术语成交的情况下,租船订舱和办理投保手续分别由卖方和买方办理。因此,卖方在装船完毕后应及时向买方发出装运通知以便买方办理投保手续,否则,由此而产生的风险应由卖方承担。本案中,因为我方未及发出装运通知,导致买方未能及时办理投保手续,未能将风险及时转移给保险公司,因风险应由我方承担。 品质 1、买卖合同中的数量条款规定“ 100M/T 5% more or less at seller ' s option”, 则根据《公约》的规定,卖方最多和最少可交多少公吨货物?多交部分如何作价?若双方未约定多交部分如

《国际贸易实务》(英文版) 词汇

《国际贸易实务》(英文版)词汇 Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Trade Frictions 贸易摩擦 Portfolio Investment 间接投资 Chapter 2 International Trade Policy Acquisitions 购并 Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States(HTS)美国协调关税明细表 Harmonized System 商品名称及编码协调制度 International Harmonized Commodity Coding and Classification System 商品名称及编码协调制度 World Customs Organization 世界海关组织 Customs Tariff of Import/Export of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国进出口关税条例 Voluntary Export Restaint(VER)自动出口限制 Multi-Fiber Arrangement 多种纤维协定 Domestic Content Requirements 国内成分要求 Government Procurement Policies 政府采购政策 Buy America Act of 1933 1933年购买美国货法案 Red-tape Barriers Export Enhancement Program(EEP)美国的出口促进计划 Dairy Export Incentive Program(DEIP)奶制品出口激励项目 Chapter 3 Trade Bloc and Trade Block


《国际贸易实务》案例分析 第六章国际货物运输 【案例1】我公司与外商签订销售合同,出售中国大米10000公吨,合同规定:“自2月份开始,每月装船1000公吨,分十批交货。”卖方从2月份开始交货,但交至第五批大米时,大米品质霉变,不适合人类食用,因而买方以此为由,主张以后各批均应撤销。 问:在上述情况下买方能否主张这种权利?为什么? 【分析】买方可以撤销第五批以后的各批货物。依据国际贸易惯例对分批装运的规定,如果合同和信用证中规定出允许分批装运,并规定了具体的装运时间和每批的数量,只要其中任何一批为按合同规定的条款交付货物,则本批及以后各批均告失效。 在本案例中,第五批大米虽然按时装运,但货物品种不符合合同要求,所以该批以后各批都违背了合同及信用证要求。买方可以予以撤销。 【案例2】有一批货物共1000箱,自A国港口装运至B国某港口,承运人签发了“已装船清洁提单”,但货运到目的港后,收货人发现下列情况:(1)少10箱货;(2)20箱包装严重破损,内部货物大部分散失;(3)50箱包装外表完好,箱内货物短少。 试问上述三种情况是否应属承运人的责任?为什么? 【分析】在本案例所列的几种情况中,属于承运人责任的是(1)和(2)。因为提单是承运人或其代理人在收到货物后签发给托

运人的一种证件,即承运货物收据,证明其已按提单的记载收到托运人的货物。本案例中承运人签发的是“已装船清洁提单”这说明承运人所收到的货物是“表面状况良好”的货物,即货物未受损、包装也完好。货到目的地后发行的(1)、(2)两种情况是表面状况不良好的表现,可见其责任应当由承运人承担。 【案例3】我国对澳大利亚出口1 000吨大豆,国外开来信用证规定:不允许分批装运。结果我们在规定的期限内分别在大连、新港各装500公吨于同一航次的同一船上,提单也注明了不同的装运地和不同的装船日期。 请问:这是否违约?银行能否议讨? 【分析】(1)不是真违约,银行也能议付。 (2)国际《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定,同一船只、同一航次中多次装运货物,即使提单表示不同的装船日期及(或)不同装船港口,也不作为分批装运论处。 (3)因此,符合合同规定,银行不能拒绝议付。 【案例4】外箱尺寸计算不准造成损失案 国外客户C 在2001年5 月份向A公司下了1X40’H集装箱的产品P3的订单中,由于很多产品的包装为新的包装,我司在下了订单1个月后还不能得到确切的装箱尺寸。由于其中一个工厂货物体积与刚下订单时的所报体积多出7CBM,其他部分工厂在给报装箱尺寸


国际贸易实务案例分析题 第一章国际贸易术语与价格 1.按CIF贸易术语出口,卖方按照合同的规定装船完毕取得包括提单在内的全套装运单据.但是,载货船舶在启航后第二天就触礁沉没.买方闻讯后提出拒收单据、拒付货款.试问,卖方应如何处理?为什么? 买方必须收取单据,并支付货款。 因为以CIF术语达成交易,货物风险和费用的划分点在装运港船舷,买方承担越过船舷以后的风险。 CIF贸易术语下交货属象征性交货,卖方凭单据交货,买方凭单据付款。只要卖方提交的单据齐全且正确,卖方无权拒收拒付。 2.有一份CFR合同,甲公司出口卡车500辆,该批货物装于舱面.这500辆卡车中有40辆是卖给某国的乙公司的.货物运抵目的港后由承运人负责分拨.航行途中遇到恶劣气候,有50辆卡车被冲进海中.事后甲公司宣布出售给乙公司的40辆卡车已在运输途中全部损失,并且因为货物已经越过船舷,甲公司未履行交货义务,要求赔偿损失.请叛别孰是孰非?为什么? 第二章商品的品质,数量与包装 1.中方某公司与国外某客商成交龙井茶一批,合同要求二级茶叶.卖方实际交货时发现二级茶叶库存已罄,便在未征得买方同意情况下,以一级茶叶抵充二级茶叶交货,并电告买方“一级茶叶仍按二级茶叶计价,不另外收费”。问:卖方这种做法是否妥当?为什么? 中方公司的这种做法不妥当. 因为在合同达成后,卖方交货品质低于合同的要求是违约行为.未经买方允许,擅自将品质高于合同规定的货物交付买方同样也构成违约.尽管中方所交茶叶适用于原来的用途,并且在价值上还高于二级茶叶的价值,但卖方已经违约,在市场行情的变化不利于买方,或由于卖方交货品质高于合同的规定使买方在办理进口清关手续中遇到麻烦时,往往会成为买方拒收货物并要求赔偿损失的借口. 2.合同中数量条款规定“10 000M/T 5% MORE OR LESS At SELLER'S OPTION.”卖方正待交货时,该货物国际市场价格大幅度上涨,问(1)如果你是卖方拟实际交付多少数量?为什么? (2)如果站在买方立场上,磋商合同条款时,应注意什么? 答:(1)可交付9500公吨,作为卖方,此时尽可能在合同允许范围内少装货物, 因为该商品国际市场价格大幅度上涨,使订约时合同价格对卖方不利,多交 意味着多损失。 (2)作为买方,为了避免卖方利用市场行情的变动获得额外的利润,在磋商 合同时,可在合同中规定,溢短装部分的货价按装运时的市场价格计算。


国际贸易实务英文名词解释(英t o英) What’s International Trade? The international trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goods and services produced in another country. EXPORTING Exporting is the process of earning money by providing the right product at the right price at the right time in the right place beyond your home boundary. The ultimate goal is to make sure that the exporter is to be paid for the goods he sells. EXW EXW means the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises (法定地址) or another named place. The seller doesn’t not declare the goods for export and he needn’t load goods on any collecting vehicle. FAS Free alongside ship means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of the goods from that moment. FOB Free on Board means the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all the costs and risks from that point. The FOB terms require the seller to clear the goods for export. CFR Cost and freight means that the seller delivers when the goods pass ship’s rail at the named port of shipment CIF CIF means that the seller bears the same obligations as under CFR. In additional that he has to procure marine insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss or damage to the goods during the carriage. The seller contracts for insurance and pay the insurance premium. FCA, Free carrier (…Named place) It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when he has handed over the goods, cleared for export, into the custody of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point. If no precise point is indicated by the


国际贸易实务案例分析 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

国际贸易实务案例分析 1.我方出口苹果酒一批,国外开来信用证上货物的名称为:“Apple Wine”,于是为了单证一致,所有单据上均用了“Apple Wine”,不料货到国外后被海关扣留罚款,因该批酒的内外包装上均写的是“Cider”字样,结果外商要求我方赔偿其罚款损失——问我方对此有无责任? (1)我方对此承担一定的责任。按照有关的法律和惯例,对成交商品的描述是构成商品说明的一个主要组成部分,是买卖双方交接货物的一项基本依据,它关系到买卖双方的权利和义务。若卖方交付的货物不符合约定的品名或说明,买方有权提出损害赔偿要求直至拒收货物或撤销合同。本案例中的“Cider”一词既有苹果酒也有苹果汁的意思,因此货到目的港后海关以货物与品名不符,对该货物扣留罚款我方应承担一定的责任。 (2)在贸易实践中如果出现此种情况,我方应在收到信用证后要求改证,即对信用证中的品名进行修改,这样既可以做到单证一致,收款有保障,同时又避免了实际货物与单据上的商品品名不符,从而遭受海关扣留罚款的不利损失。 2. “凤凰”自行车在我国可谓家喻户晓,人人皆知。可在90年代初,“凤凰”自行车参加了意大利米兰的国际自行车展览会。展览会上,与国外五颜六色、灵巧轻便、多档变速的自行车放在一起,显得品种单调、款式陈旧。尽管最后“凤凰”自行车只卖到欧美名牌自行车价格的1/10,可仍无人问津。 请分析,“凤凰”为何飞不起来呢? 3. 我某出口公司有一批言明为降价品的罐头,英商看货后订货。但货到英国3个月后,发现罐头变质,英商要求退货。问:我方是否应该满足英商的退货要求? 分析:我方不应退货,因为该笔交易是看货买卖,我方只需保证所交货物为买方看货时确定的商品。 4.我方某外贸公司向某外国公司出口一批货物,双方在签订合同中,明确规定了商品的规格、等级等品质标准。我方业务员在合同签订后,又给对方寄了一个样品。后我方货物运抵对方时,外方认为我方售给的商品只符合合同的品质标准,而与样品不符,要求我方赔偿。请问我方是否承担赔偿? 5.我方一进出口公司和日本一公司签定了大米出口合同,价格条款为:US$275 per ton FOB Shanghai。问:若目标市场行情看涨,我方可能陷入何种纠纷? 在贸易价格条款中不用ton,一般用“公吨”。 6. 2002年3月,广西某粮油进出口C公司向南非出口食糖。合同规定:食糖,数量500公吨,每公吨l20美元,可有3%增减,由卖方选择;增减部分按合同价格计算。如果在交货前食糖市场价格上涨,在不违反合同的情况下,卖方要想获利,可装多少公吨?如果市场价格下降呢?同年5月,C公司又向俄罗斯出口小麦,合同规定:数量为1000公吨,每公吨100美元,以信用证方式支付。合同签订后,俄罗斯进口商开来信用证,金额为100000美元,问我方最多、最少可交多少公吨小麦?为什么?贸易合同签订后,合同内容价格是确定的,如果在交货前食糖市场价格上涨,再按合同价格交货,应少量减少合同规定的500MT及少装3% 省下的3%可按涨价后的价格卖给别家。及可以装485MT 。如果市场价格下降,可以多装3% 及515MT 按未降前的价格结算。 在国际惯例中可以允许合同标的不大于5%的上下浮动及最多 1050MT 最少950MT的小麦,原因:国际惯例信用证条款规定允许不超过合同规定装货量5%的公差。


《国际贸易实务》(英文版)词汇 2010-03-03 21:42 Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Trade Surplus 贸易顺差 National Development and Reform Commission 国家发展和改革委员会Export Tax Rebates 出口退税 Export Taxes 出口关税 Export-driven Economic Growth 出口导向型经济增长 Excess Liquidity 流动性过剩 Trade Frictions 贸易摩擦 International Trade 国际贸易 World Trade 世界贸易 Foreign Trade 对外贸易 Overseas Trade 海外贸易 Trade in Goods 货物贸易 Trade in Services 服务贸易 Self-sufficient 自给自足 Economic Resources 经济资源 Barter 物物交换,以货易货,实物交易,易货贸易 Visible Trade 有形贸易 Invisible Trade 无形贸易 Transportation 运输 Insurance 保险 Tourism 旅游业

Balance of Trade 贸易差额 A Favorable Balance of Trade 贸易顺差 Trade Surplus 贸易顺差 An Unfavorable Balance of Trade 贸易逆差 Trade Deficit 贸易逆差 Balance of Payments 国际收支平衡,国际收支差额 A Favorable Balance of Payments 国际收支顺差 An Unfavorable Balance of Payments 国际收支逆差International Monetary Fund(IMF)国际货币基金组织 Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)对外直接投资,外商直接投资Portfolio Investment 间接投资 Chapter 2 International Trade Policy Protectionism 贸易保护主义 Free Trade 自由贸易 The National Interest 国家利益 Doha Trade Talks 多哈贸易谈判 Acquisitions 购并 Trade Barriers 贸易壁垒 Infant Industries 幼稚产业 Tariffs 关税 Subsidies 补贴 Quantitative Restrictions 数量限制 Encouragements 鼓励


国际贸易实务》案例分析题一答案 合同的标的——品名、品质、数量和包装 1、 如果甲国某A 公司在乙国设立了一个分公司 B ;乙国C 公司与A 公司签定了一份来料 加工合同,合同规定乙国 C 公司从A 公司购买机器设备,从B 公司购得原材料并加工为 成品,由B 公司负责将加工后的成品回购再转卖给 A 公司,由A 公司在国际市场上销售。 此项交易是否为国际贸易 评析:C 公司从B 公司购买原材料,B 公司从C 公司回购产品的交易,两个公司的营业地 均在同一国家,因而他们之间的贸易不具有国际性,不是国际贸易,属于国内贸易。 C 公司从A 公司购买机器设备,B 公司将回购的产品再卖给A 公司的交易属于营业地不同国 家的两个公司之间的贸易,具有国际性,属于国际贸易。 2、 港商准备购买“华升”牌农产品转口中国台湾,但是要求包装上不得使用“中华人民 共和国制造”和“华升”牌商标,而改用他提供的“美育”商标。我方可以接受吗如果 能接受,应注意什么问题 评析, 这是一笔外商要求采用中性包装的交易,我方可以接受,但是应注意知识产权的 保护问题,即要注意对方所用的商标在国内外是否已有第三者注册,如果有,则不能接 受。如果我方一时无法查判明,则应在合同中写明“若发生工业产权争议,则应由买方 负责”。此外,还需要考虑我品牌在对方市场的销售情况,如果我方产品已在对方市场树 立了良好的信誉,很畅销,则不要接受中性包装条款,否则会影响我方产品的地位,造 成市场混乱。 3、 中国甲公司向美国乙公司出口一批 AA 级茶叶,交货期是2006年12月1日,但到了 交货时,仓库没有AA 级茶叶了,只有BB 级的茶叶,但是BB 级的茶叶质量比AA 级的质 量要好得多,且价格也比AA 级的茶叶贵很多。在这种情况下,甲公司后来用了质量比较 好的BB 级茶叶交给了乙公司,而价格还是和 AA 级的茶叶一样。货物到达乙公司以后, 遭受了乙公司的拒绝。请问买方拒绝接收是否合理 评析, 合理。在国际贸易中,卖方所交货物必须与合同规定完全一致,否则买方有权提 出拒收和索赔。该公司以好顶次的做法,与合同不符合,买方仍有可能拒绝接受。出现 本题这种情况,我方应采取主动措施,将情况电告对方,与买方协商寻找双方均可以接 受的解决办法。但是需要注意无论采取何种解决措施, 以免日后发生合同纠纷。 4、 我方某公司从国外进口一批手套,合同上规定每箱 圳海关以后,经检验发现外商把它改为每箱 50双, 绝接收或索赔是否合理 评析, 合理。在国际贸易中,卖 方所交货物必须与合同规定完全一致,否则买方有权提 出拒收和索赔。 5、 我公司出口罐头给美国商人, 言明为降价品, 美国商人看货后订货。 但货到三个月后, 发现罐头变质,要求退货,我方是赔还是不赔 评析, 不赔偿。因为我方言明质量不好,但是合同中没有提,并且也没有其他指标,美 国商人看货,所以是凭样品买卖,美国商人订货,表示他已经认可质量,所以我方可以 不赔偿。由此可见,能用文字说明的,尽量不要凭样品买卖。 6、 某出口公司对中东出口电风扇 1000台,信用证规定不允许分批装运。但在装船时, 发现有 40台严重损坏,临时更换又来不及。为保证质量起见,发货人认为根据《跟单信 用证统一惯例》规定,即使合同未规定溢短装条款,数量上仍允许有 5%的增减,所以决 定少交 40 台风扇,即少交 4%。结果,遭到银行的拒绝付款。为什么 评析,《跟单信用证统一惯例》 关于允许 5%伸缩的规定并不适用于整件计价的货物。 如大 米 100 公吨,即使不规定可增 发货前要征得买方同意和确认, 60 双,共 100 箱。但货物运抵深 共计 120 箱。请问我方若拒此提出拒


Unit one I. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following: protectionism domestic market interference direct investment restriction be first voiced by dominate mercantilism consume outflow of currency currency portfolio investment II. Fill in the blanks with proper English terms: 1) Merchandise exports 2) Service exports and imports 3) Merchandise imports 4) International trade 5) Direct investment (FDI) 6) Portfolio investment III. Choose a suitable word for each of the blanks in the following paragraph: trade; liberalization; facilitate; competition; increasingly V. (P10) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese: 一个国家出现贸易盈余或贸易顺差,是指该国当前进口货物和服务的价值小于出口货物和服务的价值。在重商主义时期,这一差值通过转移黄金弥补,但是在今天是通过持有贸易赤字国家的货币或以该国货币表示的投资来弥补。实质上,盈余国家在给予赤字国家信贷。如果此


1.International Settlement 国际结算2.International Customs 国际惯例 3.booklet of authorized signatures 签字样本 4.test key 密押5.Correspondent Bank代理行 6.SWIFT 环球银行金融电讯协会1.bill of exchange 汇票 2.b anker’s draft 银行汇票 3.commercial bill 商业汇票 4.banker’s acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票 5.trader’s acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票6.documentary bill 跟单汇票 7.clean bill 光票 8.sight draft,demand draft 即期汇票 9.time bill,usance bill 远期汇票 10.drawer,payee,drawee 出票人,收款人,付款人;11.endorsement 背书 12.acceptance 承兑 13.without recourse 免于追索 14.notice of dishonour 拒付通知 15.protest 拒绝证书16.promissory note 本票 17.cheque / check 支票 18.cash cheque 现金支票 19.cheque for transfer 转帐支票 20.crossed check 划线支票 1.T/T:Telegraphic Transfer,电汇 2.M/T:Mail Transfer,信汇 3.D/D:Banker's Demand Draft,票汇 4.O/A:Open Account,赊销交易 5.CAD:Cash against documents,交单付现 6.B/O:By order of,汇款人 1.Remittance:汇款 2.payment order:汇款委托书 3.M/T advice:信汇委托书 4.telegraphic transfer:电汇 5.banker's demand draft:票汇 6.mail transfer:信汇 1.Financial Documents金融单据2.Commercial Documents 商业单据3.Collection 托收 4.Principal 委托人 5.Remitting Bank 托收行 6.Collecting Bank 代收行


国际贸易实务(下划线为重点记忆和理解,无的为一般记忆和了解) Chapter one 1.国际贸易概念:International trade is also known as world trade, foreign trade, overseas trade. It refers to the process of fair and deliberate exchange of goods or services between two or more countries, involving the use of two or more currencies. Besides, international trade concerns trade operations of both import and export and includes the purchase and sale of both visible and invisible goods. 2.国际贸易产生的原因:(了解) 1)Resource reasons (natural resource, human resource and technology) 2)Economic reasons (economic benefits, comparative advantage and economies of scale) 3)Other reasons (political reasons, differences in tastes, preferences and consumption patterns) 3.国际贸易与国内贸易的不同: In particular, international trade is more subject to: 1)Language habits and cultural differences 2)Foreign laws, customs and regulations or international rules 3)Exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate 4)Higher level of political, financial and transportation risks 5)More complex business procedures therefore managers need a broader range of management skills


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 国际贸易实务英文版练习题 SUPERB AIM (HONG KONG) LTD. WESTERN DISTRICT BILLS CENTER 128 BONHAM STRAND E. H.K I.C.ISAACS & CO.,LTD. 3840 BANK STREET, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21224, U.S.A. Dear Smith, We are very pleased to receive your inquiry of May 15th and enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for. Also by separate post we are sending you some samples and feel confident that when you have examined them you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. On regular purchase in quantities of not less than 300 dozen of individual items we would allow you a discount of 2%. As to the payment terms, we do business on the basis of L/C. We invite your attention to our other products, details of which you will find in the catalogue, and look forward to receiving your first order. Your sincerely SUPERB AIM (HONG KONG) LTD. We thank you for your enquiry of September 10th and enclose our quotation for wall paper. 1. We have made a good selection of patterns and sent them to you today by separate post. 2. Their fine quality, attractive designs and the reasonable prices at which we offer them will convince you that these materials are really of good value. 3. There is a 1/ 13


1.国内某公司以D/P付款交单方式出口,并委托国内甲银行将单证寄由第三国乙银行转给进口国丙银行托收。后来得知丙银行破产收不到货款,该公司要求退回有关单证却毫无结果,请问托收银行应负什么责任? 收银行不负任何责任,理由如下:根据《托收统一规则》的规定,在托收方式下,银行只作为卖方的受托人行事,为实现委托人的指示,托收银行可选择委托人指定的银行或自行选择或由别的银行选择的银行作为代收行;单据和托收委托书可直接或间接通过别的银行寄给代收行。但与托收有关的银行,对任何文电、信件、或单据在寄送途中的延误和丢失所引起的后果,或由于电报、电传、或电子通讯系统在传递中的延误、残缺和其它错误,以及由于不可抗力、暴动、内乱、战争或其它不能控制的任何其它原因致使业务中断所造成的后果,不承担义务或责任。 所以,在本案例中,托收银行只要尽到“遵守信用,谨慎从事”的义务,对托收过程中所发生的各种非自身所能控制的差错,包括因代收行倒闭致使委托人货款无法收回且单据也无法收回,不负任何法律责任。 托 2.我某外贸进出口公司与德国某贸易公司洽商某商品的出口交易,我方提出付款条件为30%的定金,货物装运后凭单传真T/T付款,德国商人要求降价,否则付款条件应修改为D/P90天,并通过其指定的代收行代收方可接受。请问:德国商人提出修改付款条件的意图是什么?德国商人提出修改付款条件,将T/T改为D/P90天,其目的在于推迟付款,争取了90天的资金周转时间。德国商人要求指定代收行,其目的在于凭信托收据向代收行借单,及早提货销售,达到利用我方资金的目的。 信托收据借单是代收行自己向进口商提供的信用便利,与出口商无关,如代收行借出单据后,到期不能收到货款,则代收行应对委托人负全部责任。因此,只有资信较好、实力较强的进口商、代收行才允许进口商凭信托收据借取货运单据,先行提货。 如果出口商主动授权代收行借单给进口商,即所谓“远期付款交单凭信托收据借单”(D/P. T/R),进口商在承况汇票后可以凭信托收据先行借单提货。日后如果进口商在汇票到期时拒付,则与银行无关,应由出口商自己承担风险。 3.我某贸易发展进出口公司向非洲地区某贸易公司出口一批冻野味食品。合同规定3月份装船,付款条件为D/A见票后30付款。卖方3月5日装船完毕,3月8日向托收行办理D/A30天托收。3月17日买方在汇票上履行了承兑手续。货抵目的港后,买方提取货物并售出,但亏损严重。4月16日汇票到期时,买方因此借故提出拒付。我方只好委托我驻外机构直接与买方谈判,最终该批货物折价25%,货款在第二年分四次偿还而结案,我公司损失严重。请问:我方应从此事件中吸取什么教训? 本案的问题主要在于D/A托收方式。其特点是买方只要在汇票上签字承兑,银行即可在买方不付款的情况下交单给买方,买方就可持有单据提货,等汇票到期时再付款。D/A方式对卖方而言,无疑存在极大的风险,如果买方资信不好,卖好能否收回货款就受制于买方,甚至可能“货、款两空”。可见,采有D/A方式付款,一定要调查买方的资信,在不了解买方资信的情况下不要轻易接受D/A方式结算。 4某公司与外商就某商品按CIF、即期信用证付款条件达成一项数量较大的出口合同,合同规定11月装运,但未规定具体开证日期,后因该商品市场价格趋降,外商便拖延开证。我方为防止延误装运期,从10月中旬起多次电催开证,终于使该商在11月16日开来了信用证。但由于该商开证太晚,使我方安排装运发生了困难,遂要求对方对信用证的装运期和议付有效期进行修改,分别推迟一个月。但外商拒不同意,并以我方不能按时装运为由单方面宣布解除合同,我方也就此作罢。请分析我方如此处理是否适当,应从中吸取哪些教训?处理不恰当。吸取的教训有:

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