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类型一记叙文写作(Narrative Writing)



Narrative Writing



(40%)?Theme is strong and well-defined;

?Setting,characters,and plot are fully fleshed out and connected;

?Writing uses multiple subplots(if appropriate);

?Ending is fitting and effective,and provides a sense of completio


Organizatio n/Developm


(30%)?Flow of action is logical and deliberate;

?Vivid and imaginative descriptive details are provided;

?Writing reflects a unique,consistent personal voice;

?Writing uses appropriate and varied rhetorical devices.


0%)?Spelling is accurate;

?Word choice is inventive,appropriate,and deliberate for illustrati

ng the topic

?and presenting character(s);

?Sentence structure is varied and complex,and serves the purpo

se of writing;

?Dialogue(when present)is believable,appropriate,and effective



Sample task1

Read the story starter and continue the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4716868651.html,plete the story in600-800word s.

The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box,and a sked me whether I had a match.

“I’m sorry,”I said.“I don’t smoke,so I haven’t any.You had better ask someon e else.”

He looked rather disappointed,hesitated,and then turned away.I watched hi m walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I mean t to dial.

I am not used to a public call box so,at my first attempt to get through,the wa rning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin.

When I was at last able to speak,I was told that the person whom I urgently w anted to give a message to had just that minute gone out.

Swearing slightly under my breath,I emerged from the box and came face to f ace with the little man,who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog.As he raised his hat again,I coul d see he was quite bald.A thin line,resembling a duelling scar,crossed one cheek.He spoke nervou sly.

“Excuse my troubling you again,”he said.“May I walk along with you a little w ay?I must confide in someone.I need help desperately.”

Sample task 2

Look at the pictures,and write a story that fits the pictures and the sequence.You r story

should be 600-800words.

类型二议论文写作(Argumentative Writing )


Argumentative Writing



(40%)?Writing effectively addresses the topic and the task;?Writing presents an insightful position on the issue;?

The position is strongly and substantially supported or https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4716868651.html,anization/


(30%)?Writing is well-organized and well-developed,using appropriate

rhetorical devices (e.g.exemplifications,classification,analysis,comp arison/contrast,etc.)to support the thesis or to illustrate ideas;

?Writing displays coherence,progression,consistency and unity;

?Textual elements are well-connected through explicit logical

and/orlinguistic transitions.


Sample task 1

Write a passage in response to the report below.You should discuss the extent to which

you agree or disagree with the report and explain your reasons for the position yo u take.In developing and supporting your position,you should consider ways in which the r

eport ’s

opinion might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.You should write about 800words.

Newsweek,the venerable weekly publication that will be remembered for its decades-long

efforts for a spot on consumers’coffee tables,has shut down its print edition at the end of 2012,

but it lives on in a new digital tablet edition known as Newsweek Global.As Tina Brown,the Newswe ek editor,said,this tablet edition will target a “new highly mobile,opinion-leading audience who want to learn about world events in a sophisticated context.”

The move should not shock.The publication has faced major financial problems in rec ent

years.The numbers tell the tale:Newsweek’s circulation has fallen in the number of subscrib ers

from 3million to 1.5million in the last decade;annual losses were thought to be $40million.More

broadly,the company faces a more existential problem in that a “weekly news”magazine has b

ecome an anachronism in the digital world.

Newsweek is not the only one that has to tackle the challenge in the digital time;ot her

outlets will continue to change their business models for a digital future.With the “imminent d eath”

of print,digital formats come out as an inevitable development that could turn the industry’s fo rtune around.Sample task 2

Read the following two paragraphs with contradicting views,and write a passage on the issue.You should clearly state your opinion and explain the reasons for your opinion.You should write about 800words.

Tablets are the ideal system of organization in schools.They are convenient,in Language (30%)?

Spelling is accurate;?

Writing displays consistent facility in use of language;?Writing demonstrates appropriate register ,syntactic variety,and

effective use of vocabulary.

which much information is stored in small sizes and kept together in one place,and cheap,as digital information is now becoming more affordable than print.As evolution continues to rock the modern world,digital devices will become more and more reliable.Someday,they will entirely replace print books,and hopefully,that day will come soon.

Many may argue that tablets are much more convenient than paper books.But not everyone shares this preference of tables or finds them convenient.In fact,in a study conducted by Book Industry Study Group(BISG),it was found that75%of college students preferred traditional textbooks in which they can highlight the key words and write notes.Also,some may suggest that it is cheaper to invest in tablets than textbooks.In fact,in a2008study of public schools in Kentucky it was estimated that the cost of textbooks and supplies totaled around$44million.The cost per school was around$988for textbooks and supplies.That is roughly the cost of only two tablets.To provide tablets to all the students in a school would be an enormous sum. Therefore,we may conclude that while tablets have their purposes,they should not replace the printed books used in schools.

类型三说明文写作(Expository Writing)



Expository Writing


(40%)·Writing effectively addresses the topic and the task;·Writing presents a clear thesis;

·Writing maintains a formal style and an objective tone.

Organization/Dev elopment

(30%)·Writing is well-organized and well-developed,using appropriate development patterns(e.g.,definition,illustration,casual analysis, process analysis,classification,comparison/contrast,etc.)to support the thesis or to illustrate ideas;

·Writing displays coherence.Progression,consistency and unity;·Textual elements are well-connected through explicit logical and/or linguistic transitions.

Language (30%)·Spelling is accurate;

·Writing displays consistent facility in use of language;

·Writing demonstrates appropriate register,syntactic variety,and effective use of vocabulary.


Sample Task1

Write a passage based on the chart below,which shows the influences of various factors on work performance in two age groups.You should summarize the features of the two groups and make comparisons.You should write about600words.

Sample Task2

Write a passage to introduce the Chinese Moon Festival to foreigners.You should write about600words.



PartⅠRead and Know(读以明己)

PartⅡRead and Reason(读以察世)

PartⅢRead and Question(读以启思)

PartⅣRead and Create(读以言志)




五、“PartⅠRead and Know(读以明己)”部分不计成绩,根据参赛选手打听情况给予个性化反馈。

六、“PartⅣRead and Create(读以言志)”部分,组委会将在赛前公布大赛推荐阅读书单。

Part I Read and Know

In this part,you will read some questions about your abilities or personalities.Read as fast as you can and choose the answer that you think best describes yourself.

Are You Charismatic?

Charisma is the magnetic power that attracts people to you.It won’t affect the quality of your work or provide you with wonderful original ideas,but it remains one of the most vital talents if you want to make it big in life.If people who don’t even understand what you’re talking about believe that you are a genius,you will have made it.The following test will decide whether you’ve got what it takes.

1)Do people find themselves attracted to you?

A.Yes,it can be embarrassing sometimes.

B.No,no more than other people.

C.I suppose they do a bit.

2)Do you find that people agree with you regardless of the quality of your arguments?


B.Not that often.

C.All the time.

3)Would you find it easy to attract followers?

A.No,not at all.

B.Not very easy.

C.Yes,it’s really no problem.

4)Do you find casual acquaintances open up and tell you their life stories in intimate detail?



C.Happens all the time.Sometimes I just can’t get away.


Part II Read and Reason

In this part,you will read texts of different forms and genres.Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions based on your comprehension,analysis and inferences of the texts.

1.Among the four statements below,one statement is the main point,and the other three are specific support for the point.Identify the main point with P and the specific support with S.

___A.Hungry bears searching for food often threaten hikers.

___B.Hiking on that mountain trail can be very dangerous.

___C.Severe weather develops quickly,leaving hikers exposed to storms and cold.

___D.When it rains,the trail,which is very steep at some points,becomes slippery.

2.Read the following cartoon.Put a tick by the three statements that are most logically based on the information suggested by the cartoon.

___A.Lucy has just criticized the boy,Linus.

___B.Linus feels Lucy’s criticism is valid.

___C.Lucy feels very guilty that Linus has taken her criticism badly.

___D.Lucy doesn’t seem to realize that people may accept constructive criticism but reject destructive criticism.

___E.The cartoonist believes we should never criticize others.

___F.The cartoonist believes it’s best to criticize others in a constructive way.

3.Read an extract of an advertisement.Choose the answer which you think fits each question best according to the text.

Young Environmental Journalist Competition

How to Enter:

☆If you’re aged16-25,we’re looking for original articles of1,000words(or less)with an environmental or conservation theme.The closing date for entries is30December, 2015.

☆Your article should show proof of investigative research,rather than relying solely on information from the Internet and phone interviews.You don’t have to go far.A report on pollution in a local stream would be as valid as a piece about the remotest rain forest.

☆Your article should show you are passionate and knowledgeable about environmental issues.It should also be objective and accurate,while being creative enough to hold the reader’s interest.We are not looking for“think pieces”or opinion columns.

☆Your aim should be to advance understanding and awareness of environmental issues.You should be able to convey complex ideas of readers of this general interest magazine in an engaging and authoritative manner.

☆Facts or information contained in short-listed articles will be checked.

☆Read the rules carefully.

1)Before entering for the competition,young people must have_______.

A.conducted some relevant research in their local area

B.gained a qualification in experimental research

C.uncovered some of the evidence in the research by themselves

D.consulted a number of specialists on the subject under research

2)The articles submitted must_______.

A.focus on straightforward concepts

B.include a range of views

C.be accessible to non-specialist

D.reveal the writer’s standpoint

4.Read the passage below.Then choose the best answer to each question that follows.

(1)Johnny Appleseed,one of the gentlest and most beloved of American folk heroes, was born in1774in Leominster,Massachusetts.(2)His real name was John Chapman.

(3)Chapman’s early life was full of misfortune.(4)First,his father left home to fight in the Revolutionary War.(5)Then John’s mother and baby brother died before John’s second birthday.(6)However,John’s fortunes improved when his father returned and remarried,and by the time John was in his teens,he had ten brothers and sisters.

(7)As a young man,John began traveling west on foot,stopping to clear land and plant the apple seeds he always carried with him.(8)Settlers who followed John’s

path were delighted to find young apple orchards dotting the landscape.

(9)John was a friendly fellow who often stopped to visit with families along his way, entertaining them with stories of his travels.(10)Tales of his exploits followed him through Pennsylvania,Ohio,and Indiana.(11)Many of the stories were true.(12)For instance,John really did travel barefoot through the snow,lived on the friendliest of terms with Indian tribes,and refused to shoot any animal.(13)Other tales about John, however,were exaggerations.(14)Settlers said,for example,that he slept in the treetops and talked to the birds or that he had once been carried off by a giant eagle.

(15)Johnny Appleseed never stopped traveling until his death in Fort Wayne,Indiana, in1845.

1)Sentence1is a statement of_______.



C.fact and opinion

2)The details in sentences4and5support the point or points in_______.





3)The relationship between sentences3and6is one of_______.



C.cause and effect


4)We can conclude that Johnny Appleseed_______.

A.provided apples for numerous settlers

B.was quickly forgotten by the settlers

C.grew wealthy by selling his apple trees

D.left home because of problems with his family

5)The passage suggests that Johnny Appleseed_______.

A.grew weary of traveling

B.had great respect for other people and animals

C.lived a very short but rich life

D.planted many trees other than apple trees

6)The tone of the passage is_______.


B.bitter and impassioned

C.amused and excited

D.straightforward with a touch of admiration

7)Which is the most appropriate title for this selection?

A.The Planting of American Apple Orchards

B.Folk Heroes of America

C.Settlers Recall Johnny Appleseed

D.The Life and Legend of John Chapman

5.Read the passage below.Then choose the best answer to each question that follows.

(1)Television has transformed politics in the United States by changing the way in which information is disseminated,by altering political campaigns,and by changing citizens’patterns of response to politics.(2)By giving citizens independent access to the candidates,television diminished the role of the political party in the selection of the major party candidates.(3)By centering politics on the person of the candidate, television accelerated the citizens’focus on character rather than issues.

(4)Television has altered the forms of political communication as well.(5)The messages on which most of us rely are briefer than they once were.(6)The stump speech,a political speech given by traveling politicians and lasting11/2to2hours, which characterized nineteenth-century political discourse,has given way to the 30-second advertisement and the10-second“sound bite”in broadcast news.(7) Increasingly the audience for speeches is not that standing in front of the politician but rather the viewing audience who will hear and see a snippet of the speech on the news.

(8)In these abbreviated forms,much of what constituted the traditional political discourse of earlier ages has been lost.(9)In15or30seconds,a speaker cannot establish the historical context that shaped the issue in question,cannot detail the probable causes of the problem,and cannot examine alternative proposals to argue that one is preferable to others.(10)In snippets,politicians assert but do not argue.

(11)Because television is an intimate medium,speaking through it requires a changed political style that was more conversational,personal,and visual than that of the old-style stump speech.(12)Reliance on television means that increasingly our political world contains memorable pictures rather than memorable words.(13) Schools teach us to analyze words and print.(14)However,in a world in which politics is increasingly visual,informed citizenship requires a new set of skills.

(15)Recognizing the power of television’s pictures,politicians craft televisual, staged events,called pseudo-event,designed to attract media coverage.(16)Much of the political activity we see on television news has been crafted by politicians,their

speechwriters,and their public relations advisers for televised consumption.(17) Sound bites in news and answers to questions in debates increasingly sound like advertisements.

1)What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Citizens in the United States are now more informed about political issue because of television coverage.

B.Citizens in the United States prefer to see politicians on television instead of in person.

C.Politics in the United States has become substantially more controversial since the introduction of television.

D.Politics in the United States has been significantly changed by television.

2)The word“disseminated”in sentence1is closest in meaning to_______.





3)It can be inferred that before the introduction of television,political parties_______.

A.had more influence over the selection of political candidates

B.spent more money to promote their political candidates

C.attracted more members

D.received more money

4)The author mentions the“stump speech”in sentence6as an example of_______.

A.an event created by politicians to attract media attention

B.an interactive discussion between two politicians

C.a kind of political presentation typical of the nineteenth century

D.a style of speech common to televised political events

5)The word“that”in sentence7refers to_______.


B.broadcast news



6)According to the passage,as compared with televised speeches,traditional political discourse was more successful at_______.

A.allowing news coverage of political candidates

B.placing political issues within a historical context

C.making politics seem more intimate to citizens

D.providing detailed information about a candidate’s private behavior

7)The author states that“politicians assert but do not argue”in sentence9in order to suggest that politicians_______.

A.make claims without providing reasons for the claims

B.take stronger positions on issues than in the past

C.enjoy explaining the issue to broadcasters

D.dislike having to explain their own positions on issues to citizens

8)The purpose of paragraph4is to suggest that_______.

A.politicians will need to learn to become more personal when meeting citizens

B.politicians who are considered very attractive are favored by citizens over politicians who are less attractive

C.citizens tend to favor a politician who analyzed the issue over one who did not

D.citizens will need to learn how to evaluate visual political images in order to become better informed

9)Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?

A.Political presentations today are more like advertisements than in the past.

B.Politicians today tend to be more familiar with the views of citizens than in the past.

C.Citizens today are less informed about a politician’s character than in the past.

D.Political speeches today focus more on details about issues than in the past.

Part III Read and Question

In this part,you will read about related or contradictory views on a variety of issues. You will be required to identify the writer’s position and evaluate the effectiveness of the writer’s arguments.

Read the following two passages and answer the questions.

Passage A

While On the origin of Species created a great stir when it was published in1859, Darwinian thought was almost completely out of vogue by the turn of the twentieth century.It took Ronald Fisher’s“Great Synthesis”of the1920s,which combined the genetic work of Gregor Mendel with Darwin’s ideas about natural selection,and Theodosius Dobzhansky’s“Modern Synthesis”of the1930s,which was built upon Fisher’s work with genetics within a species by focusing on how genetic variation could cause the origin of a new species,to begin to rehabilitate Darwin.

Yet,what is remarkable is how very prescient Darwin,working without knowledge of the mechanisms of heredity,proved to be.As prominent biologist Ernst Mayr notes, what made Darwinian theory so remarkable was his emphasis on“population thinking”.This contrasts to Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s theory of evolution,popular throughout the nineteenth century,which posited that individuals changed personal actions and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4716868651.html,marckian theory is often exemplified by a giraffe constantly

reaching up to eat leaves off high branches and passing on its lengthened neck to its children.

Such explanations bore a strong resemblance to children’s fables(and indeed Rudyard Kipling’s late-nineteenth-century Just So Stories was built upon Lamarckian theories).Where Darwin differed was his insistence that significant variation was not based within one particular individual,but rather in the breeding population as a whole.Natural selection was not based on the actions or goals of one individual,but variations in the average character of the species.

Passage B

As Peter Bowler points out in his aptly named The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth,nineteenth-century Darwinism was quite different from the Darwinism of today.Thomas Huxley,“Darwin’s Bulldog”,so called because of his tireless public campaigning for Darwinian thought,exemplifies this difference. As a result of his advocacy,by the end of the nineteenth century Huxley was the vehicle for Darwinian thought.Noted science fiction writer H.G.Wells,for instance, garnered all of his information about natural selection and evolution through Huxley’s lectures.Yet Huxley’s theory varied significantly from that of Darwin,focusing on the will of humankind.

In the preface to Evolution and Ethics,Huxley wrote that“We cannot do without our inheritance from the forefathers who were the puppets of the cosmic process;the society which renounces it must be destroyed from without.Still less can we do with too much of it;the society in which it dominates must be destroyed from within.”According to Huxley,humankind has moved past physical evolution to the realm of self-directed moral evolution.Huxley,then,acknowledges that humankind has evolved under the pressure of natural selection and must remain aware of the fact or be“destroyed from without”,but he argues that a society that continues in the path that Nature has placed it will be“destroyed from within”because it will no longer be adapted to itself.

1)Based on the information in the passage,Rudyard Kipling most likely wrote stories ______.

A.dedicated to enlightening humans by using animals as positive examples of proper behavior

B.based on futuristic worlds which were populated by evolved subjects

C.featuring individuals developing variation through the power of their desires

D.seeking to exhibit the effects of population thinking in breeding populations

E.portraying the effects of parental inheritance through examining the lives of children

2)Which of the following best represents Huxley’s beliefs?

A.Focusing on physical evolution leaves man as nothing more than a“puppet”of

forces beyond his control;to succeed in life it is necessary to reject physical evolution in favor of moral change.

B.The ideas of Charles Darwin needed to be carefully delineated through lectures so that his ideas about individual variation could be fully understood.

C.By exerting personal will,humankind will be able to enact significant,lasting variation which will be demonstrated through the bodies of the children of those who seek change.

D.While humankind is inescapably linked to its physical past and the material conditions of its evolution,it must be wary of being too attached to the path dictated by natural selection.

E.Certain elements of Darwin’s theory about evolution had to be discarded so that the public would be willing to accept the thrust of the theory as a whole.

3)Which of the following would the authors of Passage A and Passage B mostly likely agree to be most closely aligned in their thinking?

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4716868651.html,marck and Huxley.

B.Kipling and Wells.

C.Mayr and Bowler.

D.Mendel and Huxley.

E.Dobzhansky and Wells.

4)Which of the following statements about Darwin is supported by both passages?

A.Darwin differed significantly from other theorists of evolution because he focused on breeding populations as a whole.

B.The modern understanding of Darwin varies significantly from nineteenth-century beliefs about his theories.

C.It was not until the early twentieth century that Darwinism as we know it began to emerge.

D.Fiction writers were particularly interested in disseminating ideas about Darwin.

E.Delineating the specific inheritance of the child is crucial to understanding how natural selection proceeds.

5)Which of the following best represents the difference between the two passages?

A.The first passage begins with current understandings of Darwinism and moves back in time,while the second passage begins with older understanding and moves forward in time.

B.While the first passage focuses on the difference between two theories of evolution,the second paragraph traces differences between two individual interpreters of evolution.

C.The first passage introduces a general theory,offers specific evidence,and then considers the ramifications of that theory,while the second passage does not consider the ramifications of the evidence it represents.

D.The first passage is concerned with demonstrating a way in which Darwin is

closely linked with modern thinkers,while the second passage is focused on how he differed from one of his contemporaries.

E.The first passage provides a historical retrospective of the primary interpreters of Darwin,and the second passage centers on one particular interpreter.

6)Based on the information in Passage B,which of the following claims in Passage A would Thomas Huxley be most likely to object to?

A.It is impossible to truly understand natural selection without the benefit of modern genetic theory.

B.It is likely that the giraffe developed a long neck due to the fact that it constantly stretched it to gain access to food.

C.There are different ways to understand how evolution functions to change individuals.

D.Variations in the average character of a population are the most crucial factor in the proper evolution of man.

E.Allowing natural selection to dominate our society will lead to the destruction of humankind.

7)Which of the following situations is most closely analogous to the Lamarckian mode of variation?

A.An adult bird tries to change the environment for the benefit of its children.

B.Seeking to morally adapt to its environment,a chimpanzee changes the way it woos its mate.

C.A giraffe’s bodily shape changes because it is unable to fit into the caves it traditionally sleeps in.

D.Because of a change in the environment,a number of chimpanzees die out while others thrive and pass on their genes.

E.Because it hunts for salmon with its mouth wide open,a bear gradually develops a straining mechanism between its teeth.

Part IV

Read and Create

In this part,you will be required to write a short essay on a given topic based on your general reading.You should write with clarity,logic and creativity.

1.Write an essay of about200words on one of the following topics.

1)Hamlet is characterized by his melancholic mood and delay in action.Give a character analysis of Hamlet and list the possible reasons for his melancholy and delay.

2)A Tale of Two Cities can be regarded as a historical novel,a moral novel and a novel strongly concerned with themes of resurrection,redemption and patriotism,as well as of guilt,shame and love.What is your understanding of the themes of the novel?

2.Read the essay below.Answer one of the following questions by writing an essay of about200words.

Of Studies

Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring;for ornament,is in discourse;and for ability,is in the judgment and disposition of business.For expert men can execute,and perhaps judge of particulars,one by one;but the general counsels,and the plots and marshalling of affairs come best from those that are learned.To spend too much time in studies is sloth;to use them too much for ornament is affection;to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humor of a scholar.They perfect nature and are perfected by experience:for natural abilities are like natural plants,that need pruning by study, and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large,except they be bounded in by experience.Crafty men contemn studies,simple men admire them,and wise men use them,for they teach not their own use;but that is a wisdom without them and above them,won by observation.Read not to contradict and confuse;nor to believe and take for granted;nor to find talk and discourse;but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested;that is some books are to be read only in parts;others to be read,but not curiously;and some few to be ready wholly,and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy and extracts made of them by others;but that would be only in the less important arguments,and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are,like common distilled waters,flashy things.

Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man. And therefore,if a man write little,he had need have a great memory;if he confer little,he had need have a present wit;and if he read little,he had need have much cunning to seem to know that he doth not.Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.Abeunt studia in mores.Nay there is no stond or impediment in the wit,but may be wrought out by fit studies:like as diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises.Bowling is good for the stone and reins;shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach;riding for the head;and the like.So if a man’s wit be wandering,let him study the mathematics;for in demonstrations,if his wit be called away never so little,he must begin again.If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences,let him study the schoolmen;for they are cymini sectores.If he be not apt to beat over matters,and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another,let him study the lawyers’cases.So every defect of the mind may have a special receipt.

1)We are now living in the age of“information explosion”.What lessons can we learn from Bacon’s“Of Studies”to access information”

2)In what sense does reading make a full man?


2018“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛样题 比赛考查题型说明: 1. 初赛和复赛:比赛题型为议论文写作1篇(500词左右)、说明文/应用文写作1篇(300-500词), 写作时间共120分钟,满分100分。 2. 决赛:比赛题型为议论文写作1篇(800词左右)、记叙文写作1篇(600-800词),写作时间 共180分钟,满分100分。 注:本样题中,说明文和应用文以初/复赛赛题为例,议论文和记叙文以决赛赛题为例。样题仅供了解题型,不提供参考答案。 类型1 说明文写作(Expository Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇说明文写作(300-500词)。侧重考查选手解说事物、阐明事理的能力,以及运用知识、观察理解、梳理分析、提炼总结、跨文化沟通的综合能力。 评分标准(总分50分):

Sample task 1 Write a passage based on the chart below. The chart shows the hourly AQI (Air Quality Index) in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou on the same day. In your writing, you should summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 300 words but no more than 500 words. (Suggested completion time: 60 minutes) Note: AQI 0-50 Good 51-100 Moderate 101-150 Lightly polluted 151-200 Moderately polluted 201-300 Heavily polluted >300 Severely polluted 类型2 应用文写作(Practical Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇应用文写作(300-500词)。侧重考查选手使用得体的格式、内容和语言实现有效沟通、达到交际目的的能力。


商务英语写作技巧 How to Become a Good Writer and Particularly, Business Writer Writing is not an easy task,一位优秀的作者总是发现连写满一页纸都是一件困难的事,因为每句字词的组织都花费心力、每个语气都须反复斟酌。词汇、语法和风格的正确性是基础,但还有更多是超越这些基础之外的,比如say what you think and reach for the best word。 写作是输出,它已经相距思想跳跃了一步。一位思想者可能不是一位优秀的写作者,正如孔子、苏格拉底的思想都须他们的学生记录。A good writer is a writer who does not say more than he thinks:他/她能用最熟悉简单的语言,最精确地传递思想,没有歧义,也没有冗长拖沓,段落干净整洁,读来流畅自然。一位优秀的作者也不会过分使用时髦的词语

(overuse of vogue words),这就像一位摩托车手不会时刻按新装上的喇叭一样,因为时髦的词语通常总与深邃的思想相矛盾,也可能只折射出骄傲自大(pretentiousness),它会削弱对内容的把握。 细节总是competent (有能力的)writer 注意的,他们会检视写下的内容,看自己作为读者能否理解自己全部想要说的,同时也看内容是否完整、是一个整体。他们有时会联想、会发明,甚至有时候写出的东西跳出了原先的预期,边写就边自行发展了,这也就是“the book writes itself”的境界。 当然,他们也懂得叙述展开与清楚明了的界限,能够将最难理解的部分用最简单的文字表达,也不会让不该出现的思绪不知不觉地渗透到字里行间(sifting in unnoticed),和差的作者相比,他们的突出点在于是思想的控制者、组织者,sorting it out later而不是任其泛滥。


2017“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛初赛 Task 1 Argumentative Writing Write an essay in response to the passage below. You should state clearly whether you agree or disagree with the passage and explain your reasons for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the author’s opinion might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. You should write about 500 words. If you still think of the Internet as a means of opening up a vast world of information to people, you may be completely wrong. Playing a positive role in its early days, the Internet is now enclosing people in a walled room. Have you noticed that when different people google the same thing, for example, “Chinese culture” or “America”, they get different search results? Websites selectively guess which information is appropriate to a user based on his/her location, past-click behavior and search history, and tailor information and recommendations accordingly. The more one uses the Internet, the more likely one is kept away from different opinions, and trapped in one’s own cultural ideological bubble. The situation worsens when Internet-boosted social networks creep into every corner of our lives. Although there seems to be a large amount of information updated almost every second, the information is only available from people’s friend-circles or the subscriptions (公众号) they choose. Beyond these circles and choices, people do not really have access to the unknown. They become imprisoned in a confined world.


2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”决赛样题及评分细则 类型一记叙文写作(Narrative Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇记叙文写作(600 - 800 词)。侧重考查选手的阅读理解、语言运用、细节描写、形象思维、创意构思、人文素养等综合能力。 评分标准: 比赛样题: Sample task 1 Read the story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 600-800 words. The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whet her I had a match. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t smoke, so I haven’t any. You had better ask someone else.” He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial. I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin. When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out. Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the lit


《商务英语写作》教学大纲 一、课程性质、任务和基本要求 1.课程性质 《商务英语写作》是商务英语专业的专业核心课程,也是文秘、国贸等涉外专业的重要选修课程,旨在培养学生英语五项技能中的英语写作能力。此课程涵盖了商务英语基本写作类型、写作规、写作格式和写作方法,课程容与现实商务生活紧密结合,既提供各种实例,又设计了一体化的实训,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通。 2.课程任务 开设本课程旨在使学生对商务情景中最常见和最常用的各种应用文的用途及格式有一个总的了解,使其不仅能熟悉商务文体的各种惯用英文表达法,而且能广泛增加有关商务知识,并在模拟及实景中运用这些知识进行商务交际。 3.基本要求: 充分利用教材中的商务材料以及老师所给的案例,并结合所学商务知识,与现实商务活动进行多种形式的联系,提高学生对各种商务写作材料的准确理解和把握。经过反复学习、模仿和套用,掌握商务应用文的书写规律和方法,逐渐学会撰写各类商务应用文,力求语言正确,表达得体,在实际操作中活学活用。 二、学时分配建议 本课程教学总时数为66课时,具体学时分配可参见下表。 学时分配建议表

三、教学目标: 1.课程能力目标: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书(4)能够比较规地撰写英语名片、简章、商品使用说明书、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2.课程知识目标 (1)掌握英文求职信、应聘信和个人简历的基本格式和主要容; (2)了解英文书信的基本格式和不同书信类型的写作特点;


2014“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、全国英语写作大赛 (校内选拔赛)报名通知 各学院: “‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”与“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”是由外语教学与研究出版社联合教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和教育部高等学校英语专业教学指导分委员会共同举办、面向全国高校在校大学生的公益赛事。两项大赛以高远的立意和创新的理念,汇聚全国优秀学子,竞技英语表达与沟通艺术。同一赛场,两个舞台,既各具特色,又互促互进,为全国大学生提供展示外语能力、沟通能力与思辨能力的综合平台。 “重庆市第二十四届大学生英语演讲比赛、写作大赛暨2014年“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、写作大赛重庆赛区选拔赛”将于11月2日在西南大学举行,为做好我校此次竞赛的组织工作,现将校内选拔赛有关事项通知如下: 一、参赛对象:全体在校学生 二、竞赛时间和方法

演讲大赛: 校内初赛定于2014年9月25日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:命题演讲(3分钟),命题演讲题目:Change the Unchangeable。 校内决赛定于2014年10月16日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:命题演讲(3分钟)+即兴演讲(2分钟),命题演讲题目:Change the Unchangeable。 写作大赛: 校内初赛定于2014年9月25日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:现场命题写作 校内决赛定于2014年10月16日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:现场命题写作 三、校内初、决赛具体安排 1、报名时间:9月10日——9月18日 2、报名方式:请各学院将学生报名表(纸质和电子各一份)在9月20日前交/传到6113办公室陈奇老师处(电话:64289419;邮箱:2956929566@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4716868651.html,),过期不予受理。 此外,根据组委会要求,所有写作大赛参赛选手均须在9


2013年“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛决赛样题及评分细则 类型一:记叙文写作(Narrative Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇记叙文写作(600-800词)。侧重考查选手的阅读理解、语言运用、细节描写、形象思维、创意构思、人文素养等综合能力。 评分标准: 比赛样题: Sample task 1

Read the story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 600-800 words. The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whether I had a match. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t smoke, so I haven’t any. You had better ask someone else.” He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial. I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin. When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out. Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. As he raised his hat again, I could see he was quite bald. A thin line, resembling a duelling scar, crossed one cheek. He spoke nervously. “Excuse my troubling you again,” he said. “May I walk along with you a little way? I must confide in someone. I need help desperately.” Sample task 2 Look at the pictures, and write a story that fits the pictures and the sequence. Your story should be 600-800 words.


《商务英语写作》课程教学大纲 课程名称:商务英语写作(英文) Business English Writing 课程性质:必修课适用层次:专升本 学时:80 学分:5 一、课程的作用、地位和任务 1、课程作用 本课程是商务英语/英语(方向:外贸英语)专业的一门重要课程.培养学生掌握商务英语写作的基础知识,商务英语书信的基本格式和写作技能,了解主要的商务英语写作类型, 提高商务英语书面表达能力, 为毕业后成为适应社会需要的应用型涉外商务工作者打下良好的基础。 2、教学方法 以课程讲授、案例分析法和课堂训练法为主, 辅以大量的课外练习。 3、课程学习目标和基本要求 1)学习目标 通过学习商务英语写作, 学生应能独立撰写一般的英语商务函件(包括电子邮件)和简单的业务报告等,意思表达清楚,用词恰当,无重大语法错误。 2)基本要求 能够熟练使用基本的商务英语写作方法和技巧, 在规定时间内写出语法无重大问题、用词恰当、条理清楚、符合国际标准的商务英语信函和业务报告等。 4、课程类型:专业课 二、课程内容和要求 第一部分英语写作基础 教学要求:英语的基本写作知识和写作要求 第二部分商务书信写作 教学要求: 各种商业书信和业务报告的写法和形式, 重要的表达形式, 内容及格式等 教学内容: 第1章查询信 第2章复查询信 第3章销售信 第4章订购信 第5章催款信 第6章付款信 第7章投诉信 第8章复投诉信 第9章求职信 第10章查证信 第11章证明信 第12章社交信:便签和电子邮件 第13章会议记录 第14章通告 第15章业务报告 第16章年度报告 第17章业务建议及方案

第18章合同 第19章说明书 三、学时分配表 四、考核内容及要求 1. 考试形式:闭卷笔试 2. 考试内容:考核学期所教内容,包括英语写作基础知识和商业信函、业务报告等的写作知识及其格式等。要求在规定时间内写出语法无重大问题、用词恰当、条理清楚、符合国际商务标准的商务英语信函和业务报告等。 3.考试题型:填空(例如表格填空)题、选择题、信函写作、说明书写作、业务报告写作等等中短篇的商务文本的写作题型。难度从易到难,分值随之提高。 五、课程参考资料 1、教材:《新编商务英语写作》(一、二)总主编:虞苏美主编:张春柏,高等教育出版社(2005.2) 2、参考书: (1)《英语写作手册》,丁往道等编写,外语与研究出版社 (2)《商务英语写作》,羡锡彪主编,高等教育出版社,2009 六、说明 1. 该课程属于实践性极强的教学,需要布置大量的课外作业加以实践;


题目:The number of foreign study tours by Chinese students is expected to hit 1 million this year, involving 30 billion yuan in expenditure, according to China's biggest online travel agency . Study travelers are also getting younger. The average age of travelers who took their first study tours overseas is 12.1 years old.Students of a younger age seem to be the upward trend. Why more and more Chinese young students choose overseas study tours?Write an essay with YOUR OWN TITLE, clearly stating your opinion and supporting your ideas with reasons or examples. You should write 350-400 words. 厦门大学徐滢杰 Overseas Study Tour: A Web of Lies and Deceit Overseas study tours are increasingly popular among Chinese students and parents, and the age of participants has the trend of becoming younger and younger. Recently, more and more Chinese pupils are putting overseas study tours on their agenda. However, is it really so simple to realize “teaching goes together with pleasure”? Some people who strongly support the "overseas study tours" would list numerous advantages, including enhancing the self-care ability, improving the English level, contacting different cultures, obtaining more open and tolerant ideas, accepting active and positive educational ideas, and so on. There is no denying that these advantages of overseas study tour indeed exist, but the advantages' rate of returning and its disadvantages cannot be ignored. Firstly, it is very difficult for a fast trip to fully realize the above advantages. Studying abroad, with a long time span and wider contact area, is a better replacement undoubtedly. Secondly, travel agencies have uneven level, some of them did not arrange sufficient study content, they just simply provide the tour. My little sister once participated in an overseas study tour of Canada, when she came back, she just said "there is no difference between this travel and other ones, just the sightseeing in some scenic spots" In a disappointed tone. In addition, not all the children with low age are suitable for overseas study tour. Some children who have low sense of security naturally probably yearn more for parents' accompany. When they are put in an unfamiliar environment suddenly, some psychological shadow would leave in their heart, which would not be beneficial to their growth. Lastly, disordered pricing of travel agencies cannot be ignored, too. Some unscrupulous businessman make use of parents' willingness that they would sacrifice everything for their children, deliberately raise the prices. As a result, the children have a low-quality travel with a high price. This is a kind of cheating and squeezing for the consumers, which cannot be forgiven. In my eyes, the trend of overseas study tours reflects many Chinese parents' unreason and blind consumption. Overseas study tours’starting point is good, but the feasibility in reality is not strong. The over-package by travel agency could mislead the consumers. Owner of travel agency earn a lot of money and become the ultimate winner. Therefore, Chinese parents should think deeply and calmly what is the most suitable for their children before consuming, instead of

商务英语写作 课程标准

《商务英语写作》课程标准 课程名称:商务英语写作 课程类别:专业必修课 教学学时:32 课程学分:2 先行课程:基础英语,商务英语,英语写作等 适用专业:英语专业(商务方向) 参考教材:1、《商务英语写作实例精解(第七版)》,外语教育与研究出版社,2014年3月(主编:Shirley Taylor) 2、《商务英语写作(修订版)》,外语教育与研究出版社,2013年8月(主编:胡英坤,车丽娟) 3、《成功商务英语写作(第9版)》,北京大学出版社,2011年1月(主编:(美)柯林) 4、《商务英语写作》,外语教育与研究出版社,2014年8月(主编:蔡运荃,张文波) 一、课程性质 《商务英语写作》是英语专业(商务方向)学生的专业必修课程,旨在培养学生英语五项技能中的英语写作能力。该课程强调综合知识与实践相结合,突出商务写作能力的培养。此课程涵盖了商务英语基本写作类型、写作规范、写作格式和写作方法,课程内容与现实商务生活紧密结合,既提供各种实例,又设计了一体化的实训,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规范得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通。 二、课程目标 《商务英语写作》是一门实用性相当强的课程,此课程以真实的商务情景为蓝本,以日常商务工作目标为导向,旨在培养学生的商务英语写作能力,提高学生通过书面的形式进行跨文化交际的技能。本课程各模块均围绕学生精心设计,体现“在现实的商务场景中学商务写作知识”的理念。通过本门课程的学习,能为其将来从事一般性商务工作及进一步的国际贸易专业学习打下基础。 本课程的培养目标是培养学生熟练运用语言的能力和商务英语写作的实践能力之上,使他们在毕业后能较好较快地适应商务工作,成为商务工作的合格人才。 1.知识目标 (1)了解英文书信的基本格式和不同书信类型的写作特点; (2)掌握英文求职信、个人简历的基本格式和主要内容; (3)掌握英文备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书的格式和要素; 2.素质目标 各项目锻炼同学们交流、合作、竞争、分析、总结等方面的素质。 3.能力目标 (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、个人简历等求职类文书。 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感谢信等常见社交类文书。



b)活动目的:为丰富校园文化生活,以及迎接即将到来的大学英语四、六级考试,特开展主题为英语写作的比赛活动,以锻炼在校大学生的英语能力,培养大学生学习英语的乐趣。 七、具体流程: a)提前一周张贴海报通知。 b)选手报名,在公寓楼前十字路口。 b)给参赛者一周的时间进行英语散文的创作。文章以电子稿或打印稿的形式提交。电子稿发到群邮箱,打印稿安排会员进行收取。 c)由工作人员负责整理收集稿件 d)作品由专业老师评选优秀作品。 e)公布比赛结果并颁发证书。 附录 一、赛事要求:

1、本次作文比赛面向所有山工艺在校大学生。 2、本次活动主题鼓励积极向上、能够真实体现大学生生活的文章。 3、字数不限,以400字以上为佳; 4、主题鲜明,语言流畅、生活性强、内容丰富,真实感人,意境独到; 5、文章应有独立的观点及创新的理念、文字通畅; 6、作品须原创,没有在其他地方发表过。若有抄袭嫌疑,将被取消参赛资格。 7、投稿要求: a)认真填写姓名、院系、班级、学号及电话号码。 b),字体为小四,黑体。 二、评分细则: 本次活动将本着“平等、公平、公正”的原则,对所有参赛作品进行评定,评定程序及标准如下:


附件一:2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛” 决赛样题及评分细则 类型一记叙文写作(Narrative Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇记叙文写作(600 -800 词)。侧重考查选手的阅读理解、语言运用、 细节描写、形象思维、创意构思、人文素养等综合能力。 评分标准: Narrative Writing Content/ Ideas ( 40% ) Theme is strong and well-defined; Setting, characters, and plot are fully fleshed out and connected; Writing uses multiple subplots (if appropriate); Ending is fitting and effective, and provides a sense of completion. Organization /Development ( 30% ) Flow of action is logical and deliberate; Vivid and imaginative descriptive details are provided; Writing reflects a unique, consistent personal voice; Writing uses appropriate and varied rhetorical devices. Language ( 30% ) Spelling is accurate; Word choice is inventive, appropriate, and deliberate for illustrating the topic and presenting character(s); Sentence structure is varied and complex, and serves the purpose of writing; Dialogue (when present) is believable, appropriate, and effective. 比赛样题: Sample task 1 Read the story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 600-800 words. The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whether I had a match. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t smoke, so I haven’t any. You had better ask someone else.” He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial. I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin. When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out. Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. As he raised his hat again, I could see he was quite


摘要 商务英语应用文在外贸业务和商务活动中使用越来越广泛而频繁,它在互通商业信息,联系商业事务及促进贸易关系等方面起着重要作用。了解和掌握商务英语应用文写作对国际商务、外贸业务从业人员来说是非常重要的。商务写作的语言具有专业术语丰富性、商务文体多样性、缩略词常用性等特征。因此,商务英语写作需要坚持生动具体、内容完整、清楚简洁、有礼有节等原则。文章重点探讨了商务信函的写作技巧,即选用四部式结构(引言、详情、应答、结束语)、遵循语言原则、注意信函语气等,期望有助于商务写作能力的提高。 关键词:商务写作;商务信函;原则;方法 第2/13页 目录 摘要 (1) 目录 (2) 引言 (3) 1 商务英语写作概述 (3) 1.1 商务英语写作的种类 (3) 1.2 商务英语写作的语言特点 (3) 2 商务英语写作原则 (5) 2.1 生动具体 (5) 2.2 内容完整 (5) 2.3 准确无误 (5) 2.4 清楚简洁 (6) 2.5 有礼有节 (6) 3 商务英语写作基本策略 (6)

4 商务英语信函写作技巧 (7) 4.1 选用四部式结构 (7) 4.2 遵循语言原则 (8) 4.3 注意信函语气 (9) 结束语 (9) 致谢................................................................... 10 参考文献................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 第3/13页 商务英语的写作技巧 引言 随着对外开放的不断扩大和外贸体制改革的不断深化,特别是中国加入WTO后,我国的对外贸易取得较快的发展,国际商务和对外贸易活动日益频繁。对国际商务活动从业人员来说,英语能力是最基本的,也是最重要的。而商务英语应用文在外贸业务和商务活动中使用也越来越广泛而频繁,它在互通商业信息,联系商业事务及促进贸易关系等方面起着重要作用。了解和掌握商务英语应用文写作对国际商务、外贸业务从业人员来说是非常重要的。 众所周知,要写好商务英语应用文,首先要具有一定的英文写作水平与经济贸易知识[1]。其次,应熟悉和掌握各种应用文的写作格式和特点,特别是掌握商务英语的语汇、句型套语和谋篇布局的写作技巧[2]。除此之外,更要了解商务写作和一般性写作的区别,以及商务写作的原则[3]。经过反复地学习、模仿和套用商务英语应用文范例,才能掌握商务英语应用文的书写规律、要求与方法技巧,逐步学会写各类商务英语应用文。 1 商务英语写作概述 1.1 商务英语写作的种类 广义的应用文(Applied writings in broad sense)泛指一切应用文字,文体大致有别于记叙文、抒情文和论说文,界限不太明显;狭义的应用文(Applied writing in narrow sense),主要指政府、机关、群众团体或企业法人间用于交往的文字,如公文(official documents)、函电(1etters or correspondences)等。而随着社会经济的发展,英语应用文的应用范围越来越广泛,以商业为主体的和为商务活动服务的各类实用文体都应包括在英语应用文范畴之内,例如,请柬、

范文比赛 英语(精选多篇)

征文比赛英语(精选多篇) 英语征文比赛总结 为了在我院营造一种英语写作氛围,为了帮助忙于过英语四级,b 级和一些弱于英语写作的同学能找到一个学习展示自己的空间,并开始着手消除今年b级考试极低通过率对同学们产生的不良影响,努力发挥英协的职能特长,协会决定开展我校第二届英语写作比赛(英语征文比赛)。我们协会对整个比赛进行了详细的策划,而后按部就班地进行全校班级宣传工作,海报宣传工作,校内英语人才特邀参赛工作,比赛现场主持工作,赛后为校内英语报纸编辑收集优秀稿件,赛后省赛培训等等。比赛于2014年3月6日下午于李冰楼101顺利举行。 此次征文大赛虽然稿件数量一般,不过据阅稿老师反应,作品质量有保证,不乏优秀文章。在所有征文稿件中我们发现,无论是内容还是主旨,我们都可以感受到当代大学生身上洋溢着青春气息。不过今年的宣传太过于注重省赛,虽然引起一些英语写作方面精英的兴趣,不过也使得一些同学胆怯,故我们会认真考虑这个问题,争取在下次的活动中让更多的同学参与其中来,让一股清新的英语文学风,弥漫在我们的菁菁校园。 总结人:英语协会庄东强2014.3.9

英语协会英文征文比赛策划书一、二、三、四、活动目的:活动目的:目的活动时间:活动时间:2014年10月15~21日活动对象:活动对象:中大南方全体学生活动地点:活动地点:初赛地点不定,以投稿方式上交参赛作品;决赛地点在大课室里进行(待定)。活动形式:五、活动形式:英语作文的征集、评比(请收藏好范文,请便下次访问:)以及展示。前期准备工作:六、前期准备工作:12制定比赛评分细则两张宣传海报(海报细分为前期宣传、征集作品、刊登优秀范文3个阶段)宣传方式:海报宣传,各个q群上宣传,会员管理小组向会员宣传,向大英部请求老师们在各个班上宣传,南方后院宣传,blog上(包括比赛细节)各个部门的工作组织策划部:担任本次活动的组织和策划工作。外联交流部:为本次比赛寻找赞助商,提供奖品。宣传部:1、制作海报两份,向社联申请把海报贴于东西区宣传栏。 2、在q群上,blog上,南方后院上尽量在班上宣传…总之尽一切保证足够宣传力度。 3、负责布置决赛现场和清除会后垃圾。办公室:1、写好通讯稿,发给宣传部并一起宣传。登记好选手参赛报名的信息。2、将比赛后获得名次的征文,准备交到社联那刊登上报。网络信息部:1、拍摄宣传期工作图像,存档并发给社联的负责人。2、帮忙在网上宣传比赛事项。3、摆摊时、初赛投稿时、决赛现场和颁奖典礼上负责摄影。 4、在决赛现场,准备好课室的设备。 5、把决赛得奖作


2016“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、写作大赛、 阅读大赛南昌大学选拔赛报名通知 各学院: “外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛(原“CCTV杯全国英语演讲大赛”)和“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛是由外语教学与研究出版社主办、教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会合办的全国性公益赛事,“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”于2015 年全新举办。为推动英语教学,提高学生英语实际运用能力,同时为2016年“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛、写作大赛、阅读大赛”江西省复赛和全国决赛选拔优秀参赛选手,决定分别举办2016“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、写作大赛、阅读大赛南昌大学选拔赛。现将赛事的有关具体事宜通知如下: 一、2016年“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛南昌大学选拔赛 ? 凡报名学生均获得初赛资格,并按照以下方式进行比赛准备,时间和地点如有变动将另行通知,比赛的具体分组在报名的微信公众号上会有通知,或在10月15日7:45之前直接前往外经楼大厅查看张贴的名单。 比赛时间:预赛10月15日(周六)上午8:00—11:30

复赛10月15日(周六)下午2:00-- 5:00 比赛地点:预赛初定于前湖校区外经楼六个教室。 复赛初定于前湖校区外经楼其中一个教室。?比赛内容:定题演讲Communication is wonderful 演讲的定题题目请上大赛官网看视频,网址为: ),大赛官网为http: ? 预赛形式:三分钟定题演讲; 复赛形式:三分钟即兴演讲和一分钟简短回答问题 (提前15分钟抽取话题准备)。 奖项设置:特等奖3名,一等奖7名,二等奖10名,三等奖16名(共36人) 各预赛赛场的前几名(共前24名)选手进入下午决赛,决赛前十名获得演讲培训资格,最后挑选三名优秀选手代表南昌大学参加江西赛区“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛选拔赛 特别提醒: 2016“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”包括“地面赛场”和“网络赛场”两种形式。网络赛场报名形式请参看附件中的大赛章程,可同时参与两种形式比赛。 二、2016“外研社杯”全国英语写作及阅读大赛南昌

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