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当前位置:文档库 › 七年级英语上册Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 1 What can I do for you?Section C 教学设计 新仁爱版

七年级英语上册Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 1 What can I do for you?Section C 教学设计 新仁爱版

《Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 1 What can I do for you?Section C》

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn some useful words and phrases:

shop, do some shopping, need, kilo, salt, How many …? bottle, heavy, worry, fat, mouse, rabbit, ant

2.Talk about quantity:

(1)What do we need? We need two kilos of apples and some salt.

(2)How much salt do we need? Three bags of salt.

(3)How many bottles? Six bottles.

(4) Is that all?

(5) I want to buy some bread.

3.Learn some useful expressions about shopping.

(1)Is that all? Yes, I think so.

(2)Do you have any vegetables? I’d like two kilos.

(3)Here you are./Here it is.

(4)How about some bread?

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:15分钟)


1. (检查学生对Section A、B的单词记忆情况,叫几名学生到黑板前听写单词,写完之后核对。教师指出存在的问题,并解决问题。)

2. (教师拿起学生身边的实物,复习上节课的重点句型。引出本课新词汇。)

T: (拿起S1的笔。)Oh, a nice pen! How do you like it?

S1: I like it very much.

T: Do you buy it in a supermarket?

S1: Y es./No.

T: What do you think of it?

S1: I t is very nice.

T: How much is it?

S1: I t’s ten yuan.

T: I need a pen. So I need your help.



T: We need many things. We need food. We need drinks. We need clothes. We need pens. We need books … You need my help and I need yours, too. Sometimes(教师解释:“有时”。) your mother needs your help when she wants to buy something in a shop. Sometimes your mother needs you to do some shopping.


do some shopping = buy something in a sh op

T: Now I need your help. Do you have any pencils?

S1: Y es, I do. Here you are. (递铅笔给教师。)

T: Do you have any …?

S2:Yes, I do.

T: Do you have any …?

S3: N o, I don’t have any … (帮助学生回答。)

T: Do you have any …?

S4: No, I don’t have any … (帮助学生回答。)


T: I have some …, but I don’t have any …. I have some …, but I don’t have any …. I have some …, but I don’t have any …

(some与any交替出现,且语速要慢。试着让学生通过这些句子总结some和any的用法。) (板书重点语法。)

(教师运用上面I have some …句型,引出“How many …?”句型。)

T: How many pencils?(教师领着点数。) One, two, …eight. There are eight pencils. (教师继续出示图片练习How many …?句型,数量要少,一眼就可以看出最好。)

T: How many pens?

Ss: Five.



T: How many bags of salt?

Ss:Three bags of salt. (教师帮助学生回答。)


T: How many bottles of milk?

Ss: Four bottles of milk. (教师帮助学生回答。)


T: How many eggs?

Ss: Fourteen.

T: How many kilos of eggs?

Ss: Two kilos of eggs. (教师帮助学生回答。)


T: Is that all?

Ss: Yes, we think so.


father needs Ben to buy something for him. What are they? Let’s listen to 1a. (导入1a。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:5分钟)


1. (播放1a录音,回答小黑板上的问题。)

T: Listen to 1a, and answ



T: Listen to 1a again and read after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

3. (要求学生用自己的语言概括1a。)

T: Please sum up the dialog in your own words. You may begin like this:

Ben helps his father do some shopping. What do they ne ed? They need …

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:8分钟)


1. (学生阅读1a,制作Ben的购物清单。核对答案。)

2. (学生根据1b购物清单自编对话。先两人一组操练,然后教师挑选几组上台表演,完成1b。)

3. (教师出示小黑板,让学生翻译下列词句,并请五或十位学生到黑板上板书他们的答案。

Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:12分钟)


1. (教师出示3a中的动物图片,引导学生学习3a的单词。)

T: This is a mouse. Its name is Mickey. It’s fat.


T: This is a rabbit. This is an ant.


T: What would a rabbit like to eat?

Ss: Vegetables.

T: And a cat?

Ss: A mouse.

T: You are very clever(教师竖起大拇指赞扬). Do you like mice?


Ss: No, we don’t.

T: Do you like cats?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Yes, people don’t like mice. Because they eat our food. But many people like Mickey Mouse.(展示米老鼠图片) Do you like him?

Ss: Yes.

T: How about Tom and Jerry? (展示《猫和老鼠》画册。)

Ss: Yeah!

T: Look! Ants are small. But they can carry (教师解释:“搬运”) heavy food. (出示一幅蚂蚁搬重物的图片。)



T: Do you worry about it?

Ss: Yeah!

T: Don’t worry.



T: Don’t worry. I’ll help you.

Don’t worry. I’ll give it to her.

Don’t worry. I’ll tell her about it.

2. (教师引导学生阅读3a,要求学生理解大意并回答问题,然后核对答案。)

T: Read 3a please, then answer the questions.

(1)What does the rabbit want to buy? How many?

(2)How much are they?

(3)Does the ant want to buy a bag of rice?

(4)Does Mr. Cat want to buy any fish?

3. (听3a录音,感受英语,注意语音语调。再次播放3a录音,让学生跟读,然后分角色表演对话。完成3b。核对答案。)

4. (让学生再读3a,画出购物用语,并用自己的语言归纳3a的内容。)

5. (教师总结表达“想要……”的句式。)

Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)


1. (分组活动。)


领取A 卡和B 卡。相互询问价格,补全账单卡片中各物品的价格,并合计其总数。 T: Boys and girls, finish Card A and Card B with your partners.


S 1: E xcuse me. How much is the dress?

S 2: It ’s 30 yuan. How much are the cake and the book?

S 1: They are 34 yuan.


2. Homework:

(1)复习Section A 至C 的对话,整理并记忆重点短语、重点句型。




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