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David is my new friend coming from the United States.The first time I see him,I liked him right away.David is outgoing and active.He also likes communicating with others and plays football.Now we all study in Helping International school.David was strict in everything.He always listens to the teachers attentive in class,after that he often asks some questions and discusses over maths and English with other classmates.He's always ready to help others.He thinks much of others than of himself.So he often receives praises from both teachers and classmates.We all love him very much and regard him as good friend.



必修三【知识梳理】语文 《林黛玉进贾府》《祝福》 《林黛玉进贾府》 1、重点字词: 阜盛fù:(人家)兴盛;阜,多。敛声屏气:恭敬严肃得屏住呼吸,不敢说话。纳罕hǎn:感到奇怪。轩xuān峻:高大貌。憨hān顽:天真顽皮;憨,朴实天真。懵měnɡ懂:糊涂,不明事理。纨袴wánkù:纨绔,富家子穿细绸裤,借指富家子。 潦倒:颓丧;这里指不约束检点行为。嗔chēn视:怒时瞪眼看。草莽:杂草;这里指没有才学。颦pín:皱眉。杜撰zhuàn:虚构、编造的。忖度cǔnduó:推测。 劳什子:北方方言,东西、物件。盥ɡuàn沐:洗浴。翠幄Wò敕Chì造 便biàn宜惫bèi懒放诞dàn 嫡dí亲狡黠xiá内帏wéi 两靥y è宫绦(tāo)錾银(zàn)驯(xùn)骡罥(juàn)烟 2、古今异义: 偏僻古偏激不端正今偏远交通不便之地 / 便宜古方 便今价钱低 态度古神态今对事情的看法 / 风流古风韵今有功绩又有文采,有才学而不拘礼法 风骚古姿容俏丽今妇女举止轻佻 / 可怜古可惜今值得怜悯,怜悯,不值得一提

《西江月》二词: 无故寻愁觅恨,有时似傻如狂。纵然生得好皮囊,腹内原来草莽。潦倒不通世务,愚顽怕读文章。行为偏僻性乖张,那管世人诽谤! 富贵不知乐业,贫穷难耐凄凉。可怜辜负好韶光,于国于家无望。天下无能第一,古今不肖无双。寄言纨袴与膏粱:莫效此儿形状!———(似贬实褒) 4、文学常识: 曹雪芹,名霑(zhān ),字梦阮,号雪芹、芹圃、芹溪。大约生于康熙五十四年(1715),卒于乾隆二十八年(1763)或二十九年(1764),确切的生卒年尚待考证。在“曹雪芹印”中有这样一首诗:我也曾金马玉堂,我也曾瓦灶绳床。你笑我名门落拓,一腔惆怅,怎知我看透了天上人间、世态炎凉!褴(lán)裳藏傲骨,愤世写群芳。 《红楼梦》,原名《石头记》。全书以贾、史、王、薛四大家族的兴衰为背景,以林黛玉和贾宝玉的爱情故事为中心,揭露了封建统治阶级的罪恶和腐朽本质,揭示了封建社会必然崩溃的历史发展趋势,是中国封建社会的百科全书,是中国古典文学的巅峰之作。 《林黛玉进贾府》是中国古典名著《红楼梦》中的精彩篇章,是全书的序幕之一,它由林黛玉的所见所闻,对这个封建大家族进行了介绍。这一节除了环境描写,最主要的作用还是通过不同的描写手法刻画了贾府的主要人物。人物的出场,历来为人们所称道。环境描写细致真实,人物语言个性鲜明,动作描写生动形象。标题点出了中心事件,题眼是“贾府”──全书的典型环境。 《林黛玉进贾府》k


Book3 unit1 —Festivals around the world期末复习 I. 单词拼写 1. The students have to be __________ (提醒) about their homework. 2. __________ (明显),the work is going to take some time. 3. You should __________ (道歉) to your brother for your behavior. 4. With your______________ (许可),I should like to visit Mrs. Thorne. 5. Lewis was much ____________(羡慕) for his work on cancer. 6. It is my ___________(相信) that we’ll find a cure at last. 7. Shortly after our ____________(到达) in London, Lisa was attacked. 8. _____________(农业) land is getting smaller, which demands government’s attention. 9. The guide offers information on local _____________(风俗)。 10. The heavy snow ended hopes of a good ___________ (收成)that year. 11. Do you know when India gained its _______________ (独立) from Britain. 12It is not his custom to ___________(淹没)sadness in wine. 13. I will never ___________(原谅) you for what you said to me last night. 14.The story has attracted ______________(世界性的) attention. 15.She was ______________(奖赏) medal for her great contribution to the country. II. 完成句子 1. Children’s Day ____________ ____________ on June 1. 六一儿童节是在每年的六月一号。 2. Great changes have ____________ ____________ in little Tom since his brother went to university.自从哥哥上了大学,小Tom身上发生了很大的变化。 3. A big earthquake ____________ ____________ in Japan, in 2011. 2011年日本发生了一次大地震。 4. A film will be made ______ ____________ ______ those brave fire fighters. 为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。 5. They ____________ ______ and try to frighten people.他们乔装打扮去吓唬别人。 6. We ____________ ______ for the school ball on Christmas Day.我们为参加学校圣诞舞会盛装打扮。 7. He often ____________ ____________ ______ me in public, which makes me angry. 他经常在公共场合开我的玩笑,这使我很生气。 8. The fellows likes ____________ ____________ ______ their manager.这群年轻人爱捉弄他们经理。 9. I have been ____________ ____________ to ____________ a chance to visit Huangshan. 我一直盼望有机会去黄山观光。 10. He ____________ ____________ to seeing who was making a loud noise in the crowd. 他特想看看谁在人群里吵闹。 11. In order to finish the task on time, they worked _________ _________ _________.为了按时完成任务,他们日夜工作。 12. My teacher looked _________ _________ he had known about it completely. 老师好像已经知道了。 13. People love to get together to eat, drink and _________ _________ with each other. 人们喜欢聚在一起吃喝玩乐。 14. We were _________ _________ when you phoned me.你给我打电话的时候我们正玩得开心。 15. Why do they plan to meet at the _________ _________ at 8 o’clock? 他们为什么在停车场见面? 16. She promised to come, but so far hasn’t _________ _________.她答应来,但现在还没露面。 17. It is a great advantage to him that he always _________ _________ _________. 他总是守信,这一点对他十分有利。 18. I _________ _________ _________, but he didn’t. 我守诺了,但他没有。 19. We all _________ _________ _________ till he landed safely. 我们屏住呼吸直到他安全落地。 20. We ________ ________ at 7:00, while the roads were empty.我们7点出发,趁那是路上没什么车。 21. We had planned to _________ _________ at 7:00, but something unexpected happened.我们本打算7点出发,但发生了没预料到的事。 22. The photo _________ _________ _________ the days we spent in the summer camp. 这张照片总让我想起在夏令营我们一起度过的日子。 23. My memory becomes worse; I have to be _________ _________ everything.我的记性越来越差,什么事都得提醒。 24. _________ _________ _________ _________ the teacher has known about it.很明显老师已经知道这事儿了。 25. I’m not sure what I am doing this Saturday, but I _________ _________ to the Rolling Stones concert. 我不知道这周末做什么,可能我去听音乐会。III.句义,完成B 句, 使其句义相同或相近。 1. A: Do you know how the accident happened? B: Do you know how the


English Exercises (B3 Unit1 词汇) 1.Being short of food, many people _______ to death. A. hungered B. starved C. sentenced D. brought 2.–No matter how hard she worked, she couldn’t ______ her boss. --Isn’t that the reason why she decided to resign A. satisfy B. meet C. suit D. adapt 3.She is ______ her daughter’s progress in her study. A. satisfying with B. satisfied with C. satisfied at D. satisfying at 4.After moving into the town, my wife did some washing for the rich so that we had just enough to ______ our expenses. A. serve B. support C. satisfy D. cover 5.: 6.You have ______ time to get to the station. A. a plenty of B. plenty of C. a number of D. a great deal 7.What a hard life they ______! You should have helped him. A. had B. led C. played D. made 8.Have you found the path ______ to the forest A. leading B. lead C. led D. is led 8. –For what reason did you build that monument --In ______ of the people’s heroes. A. memory B. hope C. praise D. favour 9.You can turn to the manager who is ______ the company for help. A. in the charge of B. in charge C. in charge of D. under charge of 10.~ 11.______ in her best clothes, the girl tried to make herself ______ at the party. A. Dressed; noticed B. Dressing; to be noticed C. Get dressed; noticed D. Dressing; noticing 12.You will have nothing to ______, if you refuse to listen to our advice. A. gain B. grasp C. seize D. earn 13.People generally think that smoking is a bad ______. A. custom B. habit C. behavior D. action 14.Three university departments have been ______ $600,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning. A. promoted B. included C. secured d. awarded 15.It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because acts lead to ______. 、 A. rewards B. prize C. awards D. results 16.The old man got nothing ______ for his kindness. A. in prize B. for award C. in reward D. due to 17.She always wears beautiful ______.

人教版高中英语必修三《Unit1 语法要点》教案

Grammar Teaching Goals: 1. To check what has been learned yesterday. 2. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions. 3. To get Ss to have knowledge of the grammar point: the model verb Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Revision 1. Ask Some Ss to retell the reading text. 2. Ask Ss to answer the following question to see whether they did their homework or not. How many festivals are mentioned in our text? Step 2. Word study Purpose: To consolidate the words and phrases in the text. Finish Ex1 Purpose: To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions. Ex2 Many people think that Christmas is a western __________, but in fact it is really a worldwide holiday. Christmas actually as a _______ festival celebrated by _________ around the world. Its ______ is around the 3rd or 4th century AD, when the _______ of remembering Jesus’ birth on December 25th first started. Today, of course, many people celebrate Christmas __________ it were just a holiday to ______________ family, rather than a holiday about a


一、完成句子 1.现在你可以在拥有锻炼的热情的同时和孩子们享受快乐时光。Now you can find your passion for exercise and your 二1. 汤姆食言了,并没有出现在会场 Tom broke his word and didn’t at the meeting.

2.我们又见面了,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅他。 When we met again, he apologized to me for not having and asked me to forgive him. 3.我们都屏住呼吸以免被发现。 We all in order not to be discovered. 4.他们担心会下雪而受到耽搁,就早早出发了 They early fearing that the snow might delay(耽搁) them. 5.这个人向他的经理道歉因为没有提醒他开那个重要的会议 The man apologized to the manager for not him that important meeting 5.对你昨天晚上对我所说的话,我决不原谅。 I'll never you what you said to me last night. 6.竞争智能,或者换句话说,弄清楚谁是你的竞争者,以及他们做什么和怎样在做,是任何商业的要义。 Competitive intelligence or knowing who y our competitors are and what they do and how they do it is essential (重要)for any business. 7.那张照片使我想起我在那个村庄度过的童年。 The picture reminded me of my childhood in the village. 8.在没有得到允许的情况下不要拿朋友的东西,即使你知道朋友不会介意。Never take something even 三、单句语法填空 1.You must keep your word.Please set early. 2.I'll never forgive myself making such a mistake. 3.She apologized the shopkeeper having no ready cash on her. 4.Keep up your courage,since life is made up of joy and (sad)

新人教版高一必修三 unit1 知识点讲解及练习

Unit 1 知识点 1.take place / happen / occur / come about / break out ①take place表示“发生、举行、举办”,多指按计划或设想发生。 ②happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件。 sth happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上,sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事③occur作“发生、想到、突然想起”解,其意义相当于happen。 sth occur to sb某人(突然)想到某事 ④come about表示“发生、产生”,指事情已发生,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句。 ⑤break out意思为“发生、爆发”,常指战争、灾难、疾病、火灾或者争吵等 1). Great changes have ________(发生) in our hometown during the past ten years. 2). It _____________________ (我突然想起) I saw him on my way home yesterday. 3). I _________ (碰巧) to see your sister crying on my way to school yesterday. I was in such a hurry that I had no time to ask what had happened ________ (介词) her? 4). When the Second World War ________(爆发), Tom was only a newborn infant. 5). I’ll never understand how it _____(发生) that you were late three times a week. 6). A big earthquake _________ (发生) in the south of China last year. 2. celebrate / congratulate ①celebrate“庆祝”,后面跟某个节日或物。celebrate sth 庆祝某事 in celebration of 为庆祝...... ②congratulate“祝贺”,congratulate sb. on (doing)sth.“祝贺某人某事”。 1). We all ________ Jessica on her winning the first prize in the writing competition. 2). At Christmas the people in the western countries will _______the birth of Jesus. 3). Let’s hold a party to ___________ your birthday and at the same time ________ you ___________ your passing the examination. 4). They hold a party_________________ their victory . 3. award / reward ①award n.“奖品”、“奖金”,win/get/receive an award for sth.因......获奖vt.“授与”、“颁发”、“判给”award sb. sth. = award sth. to sb. ②reward n.“赏金”、“酬金”或一些非金钱的报酬as a reward vt. 表示“报答”、“酬谢”之意reward sb. for(doing)sth. / reward sb. with sth. 【练习】根据句子的意思在括号里填入适当的词。 1). They ________ John the first prize in the contest. 2). Is that how you ________ me for my help? 3). The film won an ________ ________ its photography.


语文必修三知识梳理 一:重点词语 阜盛敕造顾盼神飞厮认有天无日膏粱弱柳扶风少不更事沸反盈天执拗诡秘一夫当关万夫莫开如距深渊畏葸不前艰难困苦玉汝于成抱恨终生青衫泪湿 二:重点文常 1:《红楼梦》与曹雪芹2:《祝福》与鲁迅3:《老人与海》与海明威 4:《蜀道难》的体裁5:《孟子》《荀子》二书作者的时代和思想 6:韩愈与古文运动7:巴尔扎克与《高老头》 三:出自课本的作文素材 1:两弯似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目。态生两靥(yè)之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘微微。闲静时如姣花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风。心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。 2:“一艘船越过世界的尽头,驶向未知的大海,船头上悬挂着一面虽然饱经风雨剥蚀却依旧艳丽无比的旗帜,旗帜上,舞动着云龙一般的四个字闪闪发光——超越极限!”作者海明威是这样评价他的作品《老人与海》的。“一个人并不是生来就要被打败的”,“人尽可以被毁灭,但却不能被打败。”这就是《老人与海》想揭示的哲理。不可否认,只要是人就都会有缺陷。当一个人承认了这个缺陷并努力去战胜它而不是去屈从它的时候,无论最后是捕到一条完整的马林鱼还是一副空骨架,这都已经无所谓了,因为一个人的生命价值已在那追捕马林鱼的过程中充分地体现了。曾经为自己的理想努力追求过、奋斗过,难道他不是一个胜利者吗?老渔夫就是敢于挑战自身缺陷及自己勇气和信心的胜利者。从世俗胜利观的角度看,老渔夫不是最后的胜利者,因为尽管开始他战胜了大马林鱼,但是最终大马林鱼还是让鲨鱼吃了,他只是带着大马林鱼的白骨架子回到了岸上,也就是说,鲨鱼才是胜利者。可是,在理想主义者眼里,老渔夫就是胜利者,因为他始终没有向大海没有向大马林鱼更没有向鲨鱼妥协和投降。就如音乐大师贝多芬所说“我可以被摧毁,但我不能被征服”。 3:活又不能,死也不敢的祥林嫂。对于封建礼教横加给她的种种迫害与摧残,她进行过不间断的挣扎与抗争:在被虐待、被迫再嫁时,她挣扎她抗争;面对人们的嘲弄、侮辱与伤害,她给以无言的抗议;对灵魂的有无,她表现了怀疑。这一切都表明,她是一个很顽强而不容易被摧垮的人,但是在封建礼教和封建迷信的双重打击和人们的风刀霜剑中,她不但连起码的做人的资格都没有争到,反而被吞噬被毁灭了。祥林嫂的挣扎与抗争,完全是出于自发的,而且本身就带有浓厚的封建礼教和封建迷信色彩。她要维护人的尊严,她要争取参与年终祝福盛宴的基本人权。然而,她捐了门槛赎了“罪”后,仍被鲁四爷、四婶视为不洁不祥的人,她争取不到这第五权———人权。一句“你放着吧,祥林嫂”使她失神落魄,形体也差了。“受了炮烙似的”是《祝福》的高潮所在,震撼力接近希腊悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》中俄王刺瞎自己双目那一幕。祥林嫂从此“下滑”,离开鲁家,成为乞丐,后来“穷死”了。性格上执着地维护她的尊严,争取应有的人权,是她悲剧的致命性成因。《诗学》说悲剧人物的不幸,“不是由他的败德或邪恶而来,而是来自某些错误或软弱”。这就是悲剧性弱点(hamartia)。祥林嫂的悲剧性弱点是她性格上的执着。 4:学者柏杨先生认为,中国固然繁华,但与王昭君何干?她只能困在宫廷的小小天地。而宫廷的小小天地,在匈奴汗国也是一样,拥有顶尖的享受。并且,就在王昭君辞行后当年,公元前33年汉元帝刘奭就死了。如果把她留下,最好的结局不过一个被汉元帝偶尔玩过的普通小宫女而已。她将守着灵枢,老死坟园。事实上,王昭君嫁给呼韩

【精品】人教版高中英语必修三Unit1 课后提升练习及答案

人教版英语精品资料 Unit1课后提升练习 一、单项选择(每题1分,总分10分) 1. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _____ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting 2. Many people ______ death in the earthquake as a result of the delay of the supplies. A. was starved to B. starved to C. were starved of D. starved for 3. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was ______ it. A. in honor of B. in memory of C. in favor of D. in search of 4. Could you tell me where you bought the shoes you _____ yesterday? A. tried on B. put on C. had on D. pulled on 5. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _____. A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken 6. The World Cup ______ in Germany this year. A. took place B. hold C. played D. happened 7. Daddy didn’t mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, ______ fun. A. had B. have C. to have D. having 8. When the snake is slowly crawling toward his face, he ____ his breath. A. take B. lost C. held D. caught 9. My friend hasn’t _____ till now——I hope she isn’t ill. A. come up B. made up C. gone up D. turned up 10. The day _____ he was looking forward ____ in the end. A. when, to come B. which, to come C. which, to came D. when, to came 二、用所给短语的适当形式填空(每题一分,总分10分) day and night take place in memory of dress up look forward to keep one’s word hold one’s breath have fun with play a trick on as though 1. You don’t need to ___________________; j ust to go to the pub—jeans and a T-shirt will do. 2. We may never discover what ____________________ that night. 3. A ceremony was held ______________________ those who had died in the earthquake. 4. She was ______________________ seeing the grandchildren again. 5. I felt ______________________ I’d been lying in the sun for hours.


必修3基础知识梳理 第1章:人体的内环境与稳态 第1节细胞生活的环境 一、体内细胞生活在细胞外液中 (一)体液:由细胞内液(约占2/3)和细胞外液(约占1/3)组成。 细胞内液 体液 细胞外液组织液 (内环境)淋巴 二、细胞外液的成分 1 三、细胞外液的渗透压和酸碱度及其与外界环境的关系 (一)渗透压 1、血浆渗透压的决定因素:主要由无机盐和蛋白质含量决定,其中细胞外液的渗透压90% 以上是由Na+和Cl-决定的。 (二)酸碱度: 1、正常人的血浆近中性,pH为7.35~7.45。 2、维持因素:与含有HCO3-、HPO42-等离子有关。 (三)温度: 四、内环境与外界环境的关系:内环境是细胞与外界环境进行物质交换的媒体。 物质交换过程如图所示: 1、直接与内环境的物质交换有关的系统有四个:消化、呼吸、泌尿、循环四大系统。 2、人的呼吸道、消化道、膀胱等由孔道与外界相连。储存的液体也直接与外界接触,所以 这些液体不属于体液。

第2节内环境稳态的重要性 一、稳态:稳态是指正常机体通过调节作用,使各个器官系统协调活动,共同维持内环境的相对 稳定状态。 二、稳态调节机制的认识和意义 1、认识 ①稳态的基础是各器官系统协调一致地正常运行 ②调节机制:神经-体液-免疫 2、稳态意义:机体进行正常生命活动的必要条件 第2章动物和人体生命活动的调节 第1节通过神经系统的调节 一、神经调节的结构基础和反射 1、神经元 神经元的结构:由细胞体、树突、轴突构成 2、反射:是神经系统的基本活动方式。是指在中枢神经系统参与下,动物体或人体对内外 环境变化作出的规律性应答。 3、反射弧:是反射活动的结构基础和功能单位。 组成:感受器、传入神经、神经中枢、传出神经、效应器 二、兴奋在神经纤维上的传导 1、兴奋传导形式:是以电信号的形式沿着神经纤维传导的,这种电信号也叫神经冲动。 2、兴奋传导过程:静息电位(外正内负)→刺激→兴奋部位(外负内正)→兴奋部位与未 兴奋部位间形成局部电流(膜外:未兴奋部位→兴奋部位;膜内:兴奋部位→未兴奋部位)→兴奋向未兴奋部位传导(注意区分膜内和膜外的变化不一样) 3、兴奋的传导的方向:双向 三、兴奋在神经元之间的传递 (1)神经元之间的兴奋传递就是通过突触实现的 突触:包括突触前膜、突触间隙、突触后膜


必修三Unit1 Festivals around the world 考试时间:100分钟总分:100分姓名: 一.请从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空。(每题1分, 满分10分) energy, religion, play tricks on, in memory of ,look forward to, day and night, as though, dress up, took place, in the shape of eed to ________, just to go to the pub — jeans and a T-shirt will do. 1. You don’t n 2. The police may never discover what ________ that night, because Mr. Smith, the only eyewitness, died last night. 3. Luckily, help arrived ________ a police officer. 4. It’s acceptable to ________ your friends on April 1st. 5. The government set up a monument ________t he heroes who died in the war. 6. I’m ________ hearing from you. 7. He behaved ________ he hadn’t known anything about it. 8. Those workers worked ________ to finish the task. 9. I tried aerobics (有氧运动) but it was too ________ for me. 10. He’s deeply ________ and goes to church twice a week. 二:单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (每题1分,满分20分) 1.With the development of modern science and technology, changes in the ways that people perform their work are sure to _______. A. to be taken place B. take place C. be happened D. be replaced 2. Many festivals are held _______ our ancestors for their contribution to the world. A. in honor of B. in the honor of C. in memory of D. in the memory of 3. Different people _______ at different festivals in different ways because of their cultural or religious _____. A. dress up; beliefs B. put on; believes C wear; belief D. dress up; believes 4. ______his arrival at the classroom on his first day at school, the teacher _______. A. At; was played a trick on B. On; played a trick at his students C. To; played a trick on his students D. On; was played a trick on 5. The old professor travelled from one school to another, _______ first-hand information about the education situation in China. A. to gather B. collecting C. getting together D. to get together 6. Handsome, young, energetic and talented, the manager ________ both by the male and female in the company. A. is admired B. is fond of C. is enjoyed D. is appreciated 7. _______ the project completed, all the workers anxiously looked forward to _______what they should. A. With; be paid B. After; pay C. After; being paid D. With; being paid 8. She promised to ______ at the meeting but she didn’t ______. A. turn up; keep her word B. present; keep her promise C. attend; turn up D. appear; keep her words


单元要点 必修三复习 U n i t1F e s t i v a l s a r o un d t h e w o r l d



Ⅲ.重点词汇 1.mean (meant, meant) vt.&vi. 意思是;意味着;打算;预定

[典例] 1).The sign means that the road is blocked. 这个标志表示此路不通。 2).What do you mean to do with it? 你打算把它怎样处理? 3).I mean you to work as our spokesman. 我想请你当我们的代言人。 [重点用法] (sth.) mean doing sth. 意味着…(sb) mean to do sth. 打算做… had meant to do sth. 本来打算做某事be meant for 打算作……用;打算给… (sth.) be meant to do sth. 被预定/指定/认为做某事 What do/did you mean by...? “你……是什么意思?” [练习] 按要求填空或翻译。 1).Can you tell me what this sentence (mean)? 2).Your friendship (mean) a great deal (介词) me. 3).In some parts of London, missing a bus means (wait) for another hour. 4). What did he mean (介词) saying that remark? 5).I (本来打算来)yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor. 6).这些房间是打算用作少年活动中心的。 2.starve vi.&vt. (使)饿死;饿得要死starvation n.[u] 饿死 [典例] 1).The enemy is trying to starve us to death. 敌人正在企图饿死我们。 2).I’ m starving; let’ s have a big dinner. 我饿得要死了,让我们吃一顿丰盛的晚餐吧。 3).He said he would starve rather than beg for food. 他说他宁愿挨饿也不要饭吃。[重点用法] starve to death = die of starvation/hunger 饿死 starve sb to death 把某人饿死 starve for sth. = be starved of sth. = hope/long for sth. 希望/渴望得到某物

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