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词汇以及固定搭配题等(英语专业2,4 级备考)


1 the girl is gentle by nature ,but ___rude this time.

A is being

B is seeming

本题选a ,要表达的意思是,这个女孩本性很温柔,但是这次有点粗鲁,表示不是经常的动作,但是确实现在进行的状态,用be being,表示这会儿,如,I am being curious ,翻译为我这会儿有点好奇。

2 the meeting _____at midnight and we all went home.

A broke through

B stopped off

C broke up

D stopped up

本题选D breakthrough 一般指在科学研究等领域取得重大的突破。Break up ,打碎驱散,分裂。Stop off 中途停留,stop up 结束,终止。所以选D

3 what is one’cloud is another man’s sunshine


4 when her parents died ,Brenda ____of the house and all its contents.

A discarded

B dispelled

C disposed

D discharged

@discard v [Tn] (a) throw (sth) out or away 扔掉, 丢弃(某物): old, discarded clothes扔掉的旧衣服. (b) stop using, wearing, etc (sth that is no longer useful) 不再使用, 不再穿戴(已没用的物品): discard one's winter clothes in spring 春天里换下冬装* (fig 比喻) discard outdated beliefs抛弃过时的信仰. (c) give up (unwanted playing-cards) 打出(无用的牌); 出(牌): She discarded a four, and picked up a king. 她打出一张四点的牌, 抓起一张K.

> discard / ?d?skɑ?d; ˋd?skɑrd/ n card or cards discarded in a card-game; discarded thing (在牌戏中)打出的牌; 废弃的东西.

@ dispel ( dispelled)[Tn] drive (sth) away; cause to vanish 驱走(某事物); 使消失: dispel sb's doubts/fears/worries 消除某人的疑虑[恐惧/烦恼] * The company is trying to dispel rumours about a take-over. 公司力图澄清有关控制权转移的流言.

@dispose v

[Tn] (fml 文) place(sb/sth) in a suitable way; arrange 安排, 编排(某人[某事物]); 布

置: troops disposed in battle formation 编成战斗队形的军队* dispose the chairs/singers in a semi-circle把椅子[唱歌的人]排成半圆形.

[Cn.t] (fml 文) make (sb) willing or ready to do sth 使(某人)愿意做某事物: His criminal

record does not dispose me to trust him. 他有前科, 我不能轻易相信他.

(phr v) dispose of sb/sth (a) get rid of sb/sth that one does not want or cannot keep

去除﹑处理﹑舍弃某人[某物]: a better way of disposing of household waste 清除家中垃圾的好办法* He was forced to dispose of (ie sell) his art treasures. 他被迫处理(卖)掉了自己的艺术珍藏. * All the furniture has been disposed of. 所有的家具都已处理掉了. (b) deal or finish with sb/sth that presents a problem 应付﹑解决﹑了结某人[某事物]: She disposed of the champion in straight sets. 她一盘未输战胜了冠军. * The president ruthlessly disposed of his rivals, eg dismissed them, had them killed. 这位总统无情地除掉了政敌(如将他们撤职或杀害). * Their objections were easily disposed of, ie successfully argued against. 他们的反对言论很容易就被驳倒了. (c) (no passive 不用於被动语态) (fml 文) have sb/sth available for use 随时可使用或支配某人[某事物]: dispose of considerable wealth, power, influence, etc随时可支配可观的财富﹑行使很大的权力﹑施加很大的影响.



[Tn] unload (a ship); unload (cargo) from a ship 从(船)上卸货; 将(货物)从船上卸

下; 卸船.

[I, Tn] give or send out (liquid, gas, electric current, etc) 放出(液体﹑气体﹑电流等);

排放: The Nile discharges (ie flows)into the Mediterranean. 尼罗河流入地中海. * Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity. 闪电是由云层放电产生的. * The wound is discharging (pus). 伤口正在流脓.

[Tn] (a) fire (a gun etc) 开(枪炮等): The rifle was discharged accidently. 步枪走火

了. (b) launch (eg a flying weapon) 射出(如飞行武器): arrows discharged at the enemy 射向敌人的箭.

[Tn] give official permission for (sb) to leave, eg after he has carried out a duty 准许(某

人)离开; 放行; 遣散; 释放: discharge a soldier, patient, etc 批准士兵退伍﹑准许病人出院* The accused man was found not guilty and discharged. 被告男子被判无罪而获释. * The members of the jury were discharged. 陪审员都解散了. * a discharged bankrupt,解除债务的破产者(已执行法庭规定而无其他义务的破产者).

[Tn] (fml 文) (a) pay (a debt) 清偿(债务). (b) perform (a duty) 执行(任务); 尽(职):

She undertook to discharge all the responsibilities of a Minister. 她承担了做部长的所有责任.


[U] discharging or being discharged 卸货; 排放; 开火; 发射; 准许离开; 获准离开; 偿

还; 行使: the discharge of cargo 卸货* the discharge of water from the reservoir 水库的放水* the accidental discharge of a rifle 步枪的走火* After his discharge from the army, he went to Canada. 他退役後到加拿大去了. * money accepted in full discharge of a debt 所收到的全部债款* the conscientious discharge of one's duties尽忠职守.

[U, C] that which is discharged (discharge1 2) 排放出的物体: The wound hasn't healed

there's still some/a discharge,伤口没好, 还有些分泌物.

原句中,加of ,并且语境符合的只有dispose,即掌控,支配之意。

5 Obviously ,his remarks at the conference were _____and not planed.

A substantial

B spontaneous

C simultaneous

D synthetic

A s?bˋst?n??l/ adj

large in amount; considerable 数目大的; 可观的: a substantial improvement, decrease

相当大的改善﹑缩减* Her contribution to the discussion was substantial. 她在讨论中做了很多工作. * obtain a substantial loan获得大笔贷款.

[usu attrib 通常作定语] solidly or strongly built or made 坚固的; 结实的: a substantial

padlock, chair, wall结实的挂锁﹑椅子﹑墙壁.

[usu attrib 通常作定语] owning much property; wealthy 有大量财产的; 富有的: a

substantial business, company 殷实的商号﹑公司*substantial farmers富有的农民. [attrib 作定语] concerning the most important part of sth; essential 实质的; 大体上的;

基本的: We are in substantial agreement. 我们的意见基本一致.

(fml 文) having physical existence, not merely seen or heard or imagined; real 实际存

在的; 实物的; 真实的: Was it something substantial that you saw, or was it a ghost? 你见到的是实物, 还是鬼魂?

> substantially / -??l?; -??l?/ adv

1considerably; greatly 可观地; 大量地: substantially improved 大为改善* They contributed substantially to our success. 他们对我们的成功做出了重大贡献.

2concerning the substance(3) of sth; essentially 实质上; 大体上; 基本上: Your assessment is substantially correct. 你的估计基本正确

B spɑnˋten??s/ adj (a) done,happening, said, etc because of a voluntary impulse from within, not caused or suggested by sth/sb outside 自发的; 主动的; 自动的: a spontaneous offer of help 主动提供的帮助* spontaneous applause自发的鼓掌. (b) natural, not forced 自然的; 非勉强的: a spontaneous gaiety of manner天真愉快的神态. > spontaneously adv.

spontaneousness(also spontaneity / ?spɑnt?ˋne?t?/) n [U] quality of being spontaneous 自发性,(举止等)自然

C simultaneous?sa?mlˋten??s/adj ~ (with sth) happening or done at the same time (as sth) 同时的; 同时发生的; 同时做出的: simultaneous demonstrations in London and New York 在伦敦与纽约同时举行的示威游行* The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane's take-off. 把爆炸的时间定在正是飞机起飞的时刻. > simul-taneously adv. simultaneousness, simul-taneity /?sa?m-; ?sa?mlt?ˋni?t?/ ns [U]

D synthetic

syn·thet·ic / s?n`θet?k / adjective

1 made from artificial materials or substances, not from natural ones:

synthetic fabrics人造纤维

synthetic hormones人造荷尔蒙

2 false or not real:虚假的

Their apparent friendliness is completely synthetic.

? syn·thet·i·cal·ly / s?n`θet?kli / adverb


6 Please ___-from smoking until the airplane is airborne.

A prevent

B resist

C refrain

D restrain


/ ?e?b??n; ˋ?r?b?rn/ adj (a) [attrib 作定语] transported by the air 空运的; 空中传播的; 空气传播的; 风媒的: airborne seeds空气传播的种子. (b) [pred 作表语] (of aircraft) in the air after taking off (指飞行器)起飞後在飞行中: Smoking is forbidden until the plane is airborne. 飞机升空时禁止吸烟. (c) [attrib 作定语] (of troops) specially trained for operations using aircraft (指部队)受过空战训练的: an airborne division空降师. Prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事。Resist 抵制,抵抗,不屈从,及物动词,一般不加介词。

Refrain from sth ,即keep away from doing sth 克制抑制,refrain from smoking,克制不抽烟。所以c 对,另外,refrain,还有名词的意思,即叠句,副歌之义。


/r?ˋstren/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth(from sth/doing sth) hold back sb/sth from movementor action; keep sb/sth under control or in check 抑制或遏制某人[某事物]; 管制; 约束: restrain one's anger, laughter, tears 抑制住愤怒﹑笑声﹑眼泪* restrain one's natural urges, impulses, etc 克制住欲望﹑冲动等* I must learn to restrain myself, eg not say what I think. 我得学会约束自己. * The police had difficulty in restraining the

crowd from rushing on to the pitch. 警方难以阻止人群涌入球场.

> restrained adj keeping one's feelings, language or behaviour in check; controlled (感情﹑言语或行为)克制的, 节制的, 受到控制的: a restrained rebuke, protest, discussion 有节制的斥责﹑抗议﹑讨论* He was furious, but his manner was very restrained. 他十分恼火, 但在态度上却很能克制.

7 when I took my shirt out of the suitcase ,founded it badly _____.

A crashed

B crushed

C pressed

D brushed

Crashed ,撞击的,crushed :treated so as to have a permanently crinkled or rumpled appearance,压碎的,变形的。

Pressed :be pressed for time or money ,to not have enough time or money.

Brushed : brushed /br??t/adj[only before noun]

brushed cloth has been made so it is soft

brushed cotton

brush off拂去刷去:The dirt will brush off easily.这个污点很容易刷掉

brush up复习重温I must brush up my French.我必须重新温习法文。

(= polish up)

本题选择B 指衣服变形了,压皱了。

8 A crash of the kitchen door caused ______in the window sill (窗框)

A reverberation

B association

C remembrance

D deliberation

A reverberation r??v?b?ˋre??n/ n

[U] reverberating or being reverberated 回声; 回响; 回荡; 反响.

[C usu pl 通常作复数] repeated echo 反复的回声: the reverberations of the explosion

爆炸的回声* (fig 比喻) the continuing reverberations (ie repercussions) of the scandal 该丑闻引起的一连串的反响.


C r?ˋm?mbr?ns/ n (fml 文)

[U] remembering or being remembered; memory 记忆; 回忆; 记性: have no

remembrance of sth 不记得某事物* a service in remembrance of those killed in the war 纪念战争中死难者的仪式.

[C] thing given or kept in memory of sb/sth; memento 纪念物; 纪念品: He sent us a

small remembrance of his visit. 他送给我们一件他观光的小纪念品.

D deliberation/d??l?b?ˋre??n/ n

[U, C] careful consideration or discussion 仔细的考虑或商议; 审议: After long

deliberation, they decided not to buy. 他们商量了很长时间後, 决定不买了. * What was the result of your deliberation(s)?你仔细考虑後结果如何?

[U] slowness of movement; carefulness 缓慢; 从容; 审慎: speak, take aim, walk with

great deliberation从容不迫地说﹑瞄准﹑散步.


9 Attendance at basketball matches have _____since the coming of tevevision.

A dropped in

B dropped down

C dropped off

D dropped out

A 顺便来访

B 卧倒顺着,向什么什么移动C下降减退减少掉下D退出退学。

10 Zeal without knowledge is fire without light


关于light 的用法,to see the light 终于领悟明白;bring sth to light 揭露,暴露

In the light of 考虑到鉴于to be in one’s light 挡住某人的视线

11 The future of this company is _____. Many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net –based business

A at odds

B in trouble

C at stake

D in vain

A at odds with sb over sth 在某事上与某人有分歧C 成败难料,有风险D徒劳,白费。stake[steik]n.桩;利害关系,股份;赌注vt.打赌

12 Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ____sicknesses.

A normal

B regular

C average

D ordinary

A 正常的常态的,普通的。反义词,abnormal normal state 正常状态

B 有规律的,定期的。反义词,irregular regular buildings 整齐的建筑,a regular meeting 例会

C 平均的,普通的,平常的students of average intelligence普通智力的学生,men of average ability 能力一般的人

D 普通的,平凡的,ordinary dress平常服装


13 in Britain ,meat is sold _____the pound.

A by

By+the+n 表示数量单位,这是具体的with the与the连用) using (sth) as a standard or unit 以(某事物)为标准或单位: rent a car by the day/week/month 按日[周/月]租用汽车* sell eggs by the dozen, material by the yard, coal by the ton 卖蛋论打﹑卖布论码﹑卖煤论吨* pay sb by the day/hour 按天[小时]付给某人款* We sell ice-creams by the thousand in the summer. 我们在夏天出售的冰激凌数以千计.;若不具体,则不要the,如by weight,weight 不是单位词,如果千克,克等就得加the,而不是具体的就不加the。

14 Failure to follow the club rules _____him from the volleyball team .

A disfavored

B dispelled

C disqualified

D dismissed

A disfavor 不喜欢, 不赞成, 反感(尤用於以下示例): regard sb/sth with disfavour 不喜欢某人[某事物] * incur sb's disfavour 引起某人的反感* be in/fall into disfavour受冷遇[失宠].名词用法很常见,也可作不及物动词。

C 使、、、、失去资格

D 解雇,免职。

所以本题应选c ,它在这个队,并不是在工作,所以d不正确。而应为使、、、失去资格。

15 The scene is so beautiful it _____my power of description.

A ascends

B descends

C transcends

D overtakes

A acend?ˋs?nd/ v [I, Tn] (fml文) go or come up (sth) 上升; 升高: The path started to ascend more steeply at this point. 这条路从这里向上就更陡了. * We watched the mists ascending from the valley below. 我们看着薄雾从下面的山谷中升起. * notes ascending and descending the scale 上升及下降音阶的音符

B d?ˋs?nd/ v

(fml 文) (a) [I, Tn] come or go down (sth) 下来; 下去; 下降: The balloon descended

gradually as the air came out. 气球空气外逸而缓缓下降. * She descended the stairs. 她走下楼梯. (b) [I] (of a hill, etc) lead downwards; slope (指山等)下倾, 下斜: We turned the corner and saw that the road descended steeply. 我们转过弯, 看到路陡然下倾.

[Ipr] ~ from sb (of properties, qualities, rights) pass from father to son; be inherited by

sb from sb (指财产﹑气质﹑权利)由父传子, 从某人处继承, 传下, 遗传: The title descends to me from my father. 这个头衔是由我父亲传给我的.

[I] (fml文) (of night, darkness) fall (指夜﹑黑暗)降临: Night descends quickly in the

tropics. 热带地区黑夜来得很快.

(idm 习语) be descended from sb have sb as an ancestor 为某人的後裔: She claims

to be descended from royalty. 她声称她是皇室後裔.

(phr v) descend on/upon sb/sth (a) attack sb/sth suddenly 袭击某人[某物]: The

police descended on their hide-out. 警察突袭了他们的藏身处. (b) visit sb/sth unexpectedly or inconveniently 出乎意料地或不合时宜地去见某人[来到某处]: My sister's family is descending on us this weekend. 想不到我姐姐一家本周末要到我们这里来. descend to sth (no passive 不用於被动语态) do or say sth that is mean and unworthy of one; stoop to sth 做或说卑鄙无耻的事; 降低身分或人格做某事: descend to fraud, abuse, bad language堕落到去欺诈﹑辱骂﹑使用下流语言.

> descendant/ -?nt; -?nt/ n person descended from another 後代; 後裔: the descendants of Queen Victoria维多利亚女王的後裔.

C transcend tr?nˋs?nd/ v (fml 文)

[Tn] be or go beyond the range of (human experience, belief, powers of description, etc)

超出或超越(经验﹑信念﹑描写能力等)的范围: Such matters transcend man's knowledge,这些问题人类是无法了解的.

[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (in sth) be much better or greater than sb/sth; surpass 优於或

胜过某人[某事物]: She far transcends the others in beauty and intelligence. 她才貌出众. Dovertake?ov?ˋtek/ v (pt overtook / -?tuk;-ˋt?k/ pp overtaken / -?te?k?n; -ˋtek?n/) [I, Tn] come level with and pass (esp a moving person or vehicle) 追上, 超越(尤指运

动着的人或车): It's dangerous to overtake on a bend. 在转弯处超车十分危险. * overtake other cars on the road 在路上超越其他汽车* (fig 比喻) Supply will soon overtake demand, 供很快就要过於求. *Italy's economy has overtaken that of its nearest competitors.意大利的经济已超过其最接近的几个竞争者.

[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (of unpleasant events) come to (sb/sth) suddenly and

unexpectedly(指不愉快的事情)突然降临(某人[某事物]): be overtaken by/with fear, surprise, etc 不胜恐惧﹑惊奇等* be overtaken by events,受意外事情影响(情况剧变以致计画过时等)* Disaster overtook the project. 工程为突发灾难所阻. * On his way home he was overtaken by a storm. 他在回家的路上遭遇暴风雨.


15 by turns=in turn 轮流,交替。On the turn 在转变中,在变质,out of turn ,表示做某事不合时宜,不该做。

For years he struggled in turn as teacher ,an agent and the president.

The book ,by turns, funny and very sad 这部书时而妙趣横生,时而悲悲戚戚。

16 Please put your empty cigarette packet and pager bags in the _____bins provided.

A junk

B litter

C scrap

D deposit

A junk1

/ d???k; d???k/ n [U]

(infml 口) things that are considered useless or of little value 无用的或无价值的东西:

all that junk in the boot of the car 汽车行李箱中的所有废旧杂物* You read too much junk, ie low-quality books. 你看低水平的书看得太多了.

old or unwanted things that are sold cheaply 廉价出售的废旧杂物: pick up some

interesting junk 买些有趣的旧货* [attrib 作定语] a junk shop旧货店.

(sl 俚) narcotic drug; heroin 麻醉药; 海洛因.

# `junk food (infml derog 口, 贬) food (eg potato crisps) eaten as a snack and usu thought to be not good for one's health 通常认为不利健康的小吃(如炸马铃薯条). junk2

/ d???k; d???k/ n flat-bottomed Chinese sailing-ship 中国帆船.

B litter

/ ?l?t?(r); ˋl?t?/ n

(a) [U] light rubbish (eg bits of paper, wrappings, bottles) left lying about, esp in a

public place 乱扔的杂物(如纸屑﹑包装纸﹑瓶子); (尤指在公共场所乱扔的)垃圾: Please do not leave litter. 请勿乱扔垃圾. (b) [sing] state of untidiness 杂乱; 凌乱: Her desk was covered in a litter of books and papers. 她的书桌上都是乱七八糟的书和纸. * His room was a litter of old clothes, dirty crockery and broken furniture. 他的屋子里到处都是旧衣物﹑脏陶器和破家具.

[U] straw, etc used as bedding for animals 动物铺窝的草等.

[CGp] all the young born to an animal at one time (一胎所生的)小动物, 一窝: a litter

of puppies一窝小狗.

[C] (a) type of stretcher(1) 担架. (b) (formerly) couch carried on men's shoulders or by

animals as a means of transport (旧时)轿, 舆.

> litter v

1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) (with sth) make (a place) untidy with scattered rubbish 乱扔垃圾使(某处)凌乱: Newspapers littered the floor. 报纸扔了一地. * He's always littering up the room with his old magazines. 他老是乱扔旧杂志, 弄得房间凌乱不堪.

2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (down) supply straw, etc as bedding for (an animal) 给(动物)的窝铺草等.

3 [I] (of animals) bring forth young (指动物)下崽, 产仔: The sow's about to litter. 这母猪要下崽儿了.

# `litter-bin, `litter-basket ns container for rubbish 废物箱,litter bins垃圾箱

`litter-lout (Brit) (also esp US `litter-bug) n (infml derog 口, 贬) person who leaves litter untidily in public places (在公共场所)乱扔废物的人.

C scrap1

/ skr?p; skr?p/ n

(a) C] small, usu unwanted, piece; fragment 碎片; 碎屑; 小块: scraps of paper, cloth,

wood, etc 纸片﹑布头﹑木屑* (fig 比喻) Only a few scraps of news about the disaster have emerged. 那场灾祸的情况只获知一些零星的消息. (b) scraps [pl] items of left-over food 剩下的食物: Give the scraps to the dog. 把剩下的东西喂狗吧.

[U] waste or unwanted articles, esp those still of some value for the material they

contain 废弃材料(尤指其中仍有些价值的): sell an old car for scrap, ie so that any good parts can be used again 把旧汽车当废弃材料卖掉* A man comes round regularly collecting scrap. 有个男子按时来收破烂. * [attrib 作定语] scrap iron 废铁* a scrap (metal) merchant 收破烂(金属)的人* a scrap car报废的汽车.

[sing] (usu with a negative 通常与否定词连用) small amount of sth 少量; 一点儿:

There's not a scrap of truth in the claim. 这种说法毫无真实性. * `Does he have evidence

to support this?' `Not a scrap!'‘他有证据证明此事吗?’‘完全没有!’

> scrap v (-pp-) [Tn] throw away (sth useless or worn-out) 抛弃, 抛掉(无用的或用坏的东西): scrap a car, ship, bicycle, etc 遗弃报废的汽车﹑船﹑自行车等* (fig 比喻) Lack of cash forced us to scrap plans for a new house. 我们现款不足, 只好打消买新房子的念头.

D deposit1d?ˋpɑz?t/ v [Tn, Tn.pr]

(a) put (money) into a bank, esp to earn interest, etc 将(钱)存入银行: The cheque was

only deposited yesterday, so it hasn't been cleared yet. 这张支票昨天才存入银行, 所以尚未兑现. (b) ~ sth (with sb) give (sth valuable or important) to sb to be kept in a safe place 将(有价值的或重要之物)交与某人保管: deposit papers with one's lawyer将文件交与律师保管.

(a) pay (sth) as part of a larger sum, the rest of which is to be paid later 付(定金): I

had to deposit 10% of the price of the house. 我必须先付房价的10%作定钱. (b) pay (a sum) as a guarantee in case one damages or loses sth one is renting 付(押金): You must deposit 500 as well as the first month's rent. 你必须付500英镑押金及第一个月的租赁费. ~ sth (on sth) (fml 文) (a) lay or put sth down 放下某物: He deposited the books on

the desk. 他把书放在办公桌上了. * Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground. 有些昆虫把卵产在地上. (b) (esp of liquids or a river) cause (mud, silt, etc) to settle (尤指液体﹑河流)使(淤泥等)沉积: The Nile floods the fields and deposits mud on them. 尼罗河泛滥, 在田野上淤积一层泥.

deposit2/ d??p?z?t; d?ˋpɑz?t/ n

[C] sum paid into an account, eg at a bank 存款: a 10 deposit 10英镑的存款* She

made two deposits of 500 last month. 她上月存了两笔500英镑的款.

[C] ~ (on sth) (a) payment of a part of a larger sum, the rest of which is to be paid

later 定金; 定钱: The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit. 商店答应, 倘若我付定金就给我保留这批货. (b) sum that sb pays in advance, in case he damages or loses sth he is renting 押金; 保证金: I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house. 我得付给房东500英镑押金才能搬进房里去.

[C, U] (a) layer of matter laid down by a liquid, river, etc (液体﹑河流等的)沉积物:

A thick deposit of mud lay on the fields when the flood went down. 洪水退後, 田野上留下一层厚泥. (b) layer of matter (often deep in the earth) that has accumulated naturally (常为在地层深处的)沉积物, 矿床: Valuable deposits of oil have been found by drilling. 通过钻探发现很有开采价值的油层.

(idm 习语) on de`posit in a deposit account 在定期存款帐户中: have 2000 on deposit


# de`posit account type of account, usu at a bank, in which money earns interest but cannot be taken out unless the bank is warned in advance 定期存款帐户.

16 合成名词变复数的规则为;grown-up,grown-ups go-between,go-betweens;brother-in-law ,brothers-in –law;Comrades-in-arm,comrades-in-arms;

17 the idea of traveling through ____space to other planets interests many people today.

A the

B /

Space 在此处做太空讲,不可数n,并且不特指。所以,B

18 How long did it take you to realize he was dishonest? ----I ______from the start.

A looked him through

B saw through him

C look forward to him

D saw him through

A无此搭配Bsee through sb 识透看破,see through sth 快速浏览,see sb through sth 帮助某人度过难关,see sth through 把工作坚持完成,所以本题选B

18 Sharp stomachs make short graces. So don’t laugh at those lesser beings who do not have enough to support themselves.

19 behind bars 蹲班,做牢房。

20 The army got the order to arrive at the front immediately ,but their advance was _____by bad weather.

A confused

B hampered

C hammered

D perplexed

B hamper1/ ˋh?mp?/ n

large basket with a hinged lid, esp one containing food, wine, etc (有带铰链的盖子的)


(esp Brit) box or parcel containing food, wine, etc sent as a gift (装有食品﹑酒等礼

物的)盒子或包裹: a Christmas hamper 圣诞礼物篮.

hamper2/ˋh?mp?/ v [Tn] prevent the free movement or activity of (sb); hinder (sb/sth) 束缚(某人); 妨碍(某人[某事物]): Our progress was hampered by the bad weather. 我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍.

C hammer[?h?m?(r)] N1.锤子,榔头2.音锤;当锤子用的东西3.〈解〉(中耳的)锤骨

习惯用语:come under the hammer以最高出价拍卖掉

throwing the hammer掷链球

vt., vi.1.用锤敲打

He hammered the nail in the wood.他往木头里钉钉子。


The police hammered at the door but there was no response. (喻)



4.(与at, away at连用)埋头工作

常用词组:hammer out



to hammer out a plan经过仔细研究订出计划

D perplex/ p?ˋpl?ks/

v [Tn] make (sb) feel puzzled or confused; bewilder 使(某人)困惑﹑糊涂或迷惑: The question perplexed me. 那问题把我难住了. * We were perplexed by his failure to answer the letter. 他何以不覆信, 我们大惑不解. * The whole affair is very perplexing. 整件事令人感到莫名其妙.

> perplexed adj puzzled or confused 困惑的; 糊涂的: The audience looked perplexed. 听众看样子都没听懂. * She had to explain her behaviour to her perplexed supporters. 她要向那些不明所以的拥护者解释自己的那种行为. * He gave her a perplexed look. 他茫然地看了她一眼. perplexedly / -?dl?; -?dl?/ adv: `What is this?' he asked perplexedly. ‘这是什麽?’他困惑地问道.

perplexity / -?t?; -?t?/ n [U]

state of being perplexed; bewilderment 困惑; 混乱: She looked at us in perplexity. 她


state of being complicated or difficult 复杂; 困难: a problem of such perplexity that it

was impossible to solve复杂得无法解决的问题.


21 yield to 向。。。低头、投降、让步

They are not the king of people to yield to threats.

The town soon yielded to the attackers 这座城马上就要失守了。

yield up [yield sth?up] phr v

to show or produce something that was hidden or difficult to find, or that people did not know about= throw up

New research has yielded up some surprising discoveries.

BrE formal to give something that belongs to you to someone else, because you are forced to= surrender

He would never yield up the castle to the English.

It is still polite to yield up your seat on the bus to an old lady.

22 they offered me a loan on very ______terms.

A favorable

B favorite

C favored

D favor


A favorable/ `fe?v(?)r?bl / adjective **

1 showing that someone likes or approves of someone or something:(好印象的)Reaction to the plan has been generally favorable.

favorable to: Most senior staff were favorable to the idea.

2 giving someone or something an advantage or a benefit:(给某人好处的,十分优惠的)They decided to delay the trip until conditions were more favorable.

Part-time workers should not receive less favorable treatment than full-timers. favorable to: Government policies were overwhelmingly favorable to employees.

2a. a favorable price is cheap or reasonable:(价格十分廉价的,合理的)

We are offering very favorable terms to our regular customers.

3 showing that something good is likely to happen:

a favorable weather forecast

Analysts said the outlook was favorable after stocks closed on Friday.

4 giving agreement to something:

We are hoping for a favorable reply from the committee.

make a favorable impression (on someone)

to behave in a way that makes people have a good opinion of you:

I'm sure he made a favorable impression on my parents.

? fa·vor·a·bly adverb:

American reviewers have compared him favorably with John Irving

I believe we were favorably impressed with one another

B favorite[?fe?v?r?t]

adj.心爱的;中意的;喜爱的my favorite book我爱读的书

Oranges are my favorite fruit.柑橘是我最喜爱的水果。

Baked apples are his favourite dish.烘苹果是他爱吃的菜。



David's a great favourite with his teacher.


These novels are my favourites.



A teacher shouldn't have favorites.一个教师不应过分宠爱某些学生。


The favourite came in second.


C favor[?fe?v?(r)]


3.恩惠;善意的行为May I ask you a favor?我可以请您帮个忙吗?

Will you do me a favor and phone for me?你能否帮个忙给我打个电话?

习惯用语:in favor of赞成;支持I am in favor of stopping work now.

我赞成现在停止工作。in favor of开支票)付与draw a check in favor of Warner开一张向沃纳付款的支票


The child favors his father with his brown eyes.这个孩子的棕色眼睛像他的父亲。4.也做favour

23 I wish the man behind me wouldn’t have _____their newspapers while the play was going on.

A cracked

B giggled

C screeched

D rustled




vi., vt.1.尖叫,吼叫2.(在刹车时轮胎发出的)尖锐刺耳的声音

The car tires screeched on the road as it turned too fast.



vt., vi.-tled, -tling


The wind rustled the dead leaves.风把枯叶吹得沙沙地响。

The leaves rustled in the wind.树叶在风中飒飒作响。

2.带着沙沙声移动The tiger rustled through the bushes.老虎穿过丛林弄出飒飒的响声。


n.沙沙声;飒飒声the rustle of paper(翻动)纸的沙沙声张罗;费寻找:to rustle up some food设法找到食物

24 Confronted with the absolute proof , he admitted _____ an old man of seventy who was crossing the street

A to run over and cross

B to have run over and injured

C running over and injuring

D having run over and injured

D admit doing 承认做过某事,admit to do 承诺要去做某事,过去做过的事情,用现在完成时,表示对现在有影响。

25 I won’t pay 2000 dollars for the shirt :it is not worth _____

A all that much

B that all much

固定用法,not all that much ,没有那么多。

Not。。。(all)that 。。。不是那么。。。

26 I believe there is ____a ghost in the world .

A no such thing as

B no such a thing as

A 记住,当such之前有no some any one 等词时,such 后的单数名词就不用冠词了。

27 The company has employed a girl who is ____ at operating the computer.

A sufficient

B proficient

C efficient

D inefficient

A,足够的,充足的,B熟练的C 效率高的,D反之。

28 The ______that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed

A tension

B strain

C stress

D intensity

tension/ˋt?n??n/ n

[U] state or degree of stretching or being stretched 拉力; 张力; 紧张的状态或程度:

adjust the tension of a violin string, a tennis racket, etc 调小提琴弦﹑网球拍等的松紧* Massage helps relieve the tension in one's muscles. 按摩可使僵硬的肌肉松弛.

[U] mental, emotional or nervous strain; tenseness 心理﹑情绪或神经方面的紧张:

suffer from(nervous) tension 感到(神经)紧张* Tension is a major cause of heart disease. 精神紧张是引起心脏病的主要原因.

[U, C usu pl 作不可数名词或可数名词, 後者通常作复数] condition when feelings are

tense or relations between people, groups, etc are strained 心情紧张的状态; (人﹑团体等间)关系紧张的状态(本题出处)racial/political/social tension(s) 种族间的[政治上的/社会生活中的]紧张状态* The incident has further increased the tension between the two countries. 该事件导致两国关系更趋紧张.

[U] voltage 电压: high-tension cables高压电缆.


vt., vi.

1.拉紧,扯紧They strained on the rope to pull the boat in.他们拉紧绳子以便使船靠岸。

2.竭尽全力to strain one's eye竭尽全力看


4.损伤,损耗I strained my back when I lifted the box.我抬箱子的时候扭了背。

5.紧抱,紧握She strained the boy to her bosom.她把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。

6.滤There are tea leaves in my cup - you haven't strained the tea.


n.1.拉紧;拉力;张力2.紧张Do you suffer from the strain of modern life


5.语调;笔调;措词;谈吐in a dismal strain以一种忧郁的语调



/ stres; str?s/ n

[U, C] (pressure or worry resulting from) mental or physical distress, difficult

circumstances, etc 精神上或肉体上的痛苦﹑困难的情况等(所造成的压力或忧虑): be under/suffer from stress 在压力下[受到压力] * in times of stress, ie difficulty, trouble, etc 在困难时期* the stresses and strains of modern life现代生活的压力和紧张.

[U] ~ (on sth) special emphasis or significance 强调; 重要性: He feels that there is

not enough stress on drama at the school.他觉得这所学校对戏剧不够重视. * She lays great stress on punctuality, ie regards it as very important. 她非常强调要遵守时刻. [C, U] (a) (result of) extra force used in speaking a particular word or syllable 重读; 重

音: In `strategic' the stress is/falls on the second syllable. strategic这个字的重音在第二个音节上. * Stress and rhythm are important in speaking English. 说英语时, 重音和节奏是很重要的. * You must learn where to place the stresses.必须掌握在什麽地方重读. 2. (b) (result of) extra force used when making a sound in music (音乐中声音的)加强, 加强音: Put a stress on the first note in each bar. 每一小节的第一个音符要加强.

[C, U] ~ (on sth) (esp in mechanics) force that acts on a thing or between parts of a

thing, and tends to pull or twist it out of shape; tension (尤指力学的)应力: High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用於该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力. * [attrib 作定语] a stress fracture of a bone in the leg腿部的应力性骨折.

> stress v [Tn, Tf] put stress or emphasis on (sth) 着重, 强调(某事物); 重读(某音节); 加强(某音符): You stress the first syllable in `happiness'. happiness一字的第一个音节要重读. * He stressed the point that.... 他强调这一点.... * I must stress that what I say is confidential. 我要强调我说的话是保密的.

stressful / -fl; -f?l/ adj causing stress(1) 有压力的: She finds her new teaching job very stressful. 她觉得新的教学工作非常紧张.

# `stress mark mark (as used in this dictionary) to indicate the stress(3a) on a syllable in a word 重音符号


in·ten·si·ty / ?n`tens?ti / noun [count or uncount]

1 strength:

The cross-examination increased in intensity.过级考试强度加大

low/moderate/medium/high intensity

intensity of: A warmer ocean will change the distribution, frequency, and intensity of hurricanes.

the intensity of emotion

1a. the strength of color, sound, light, or temperature

1b. a very strong level of thought and attention:

Sometimes I would catch her looking at me with such intensity that it made me nervous.

2 the degree to which something makes you concentrate a lot or use a lot of emotion: The intensity of their relationship had become exhausting



28 A word processor (电脑文字处理机)is much better than a typewriter(打字机)in that it enables you to enter and ____your text more easily .

A register

B dictate

C edit

D print


29 ignorant of /about sth 忽略,忽视。

At that time I was ignorant of events going on elsewhere .

30 In ______of expert help ,we have to rely on our own efforts

A default

B fault

C defense

D defiance

A default1/d?ˋf?lt/ n

[U] (esp law尤用於法律) failure to do sth, esp to pay a debt or appear in court 不做某

事; (尤指)不还债, 不出庭.

(idm 习语) by default because the other party, team, etc does not appear 因对方﹑

他队等未出场: win a case/a game by default因对方未出席[未出场]而赢得诉讼[比赛]. in default of sth/sb (fml文) because or in case sth/sb is absent 因某物[某人]未在场; 在无某物[某人]时: He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt. 因无确凿证据而判他无罪. * The committee will not meet in default of a chairman. 没有主席委员会就不开会.

default2/ d?ˋf?lt/ v (a) [I] fail to do what one is supposed to do (eg to appear in a lawcourt) 未做应做的事(如出庭); 不履行; 不到场; 不出庭: A party to the contract defaulted. 订契约的一方未到场. (b) [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) fail to pay (a debt, etc) 未付(债等): default on hire purchase payments未付应分期付的款.

> defaulter n

person who defaults 不履行职责者; 未到场者; 不出庭者; 未付款者.

soldier guilty of a military offence 触犯军纪的士兵.

D defiance/ d?ˋfa??ns/ n

[U] open disobedience or resistance; refusal to give way to authority or opposition;

defying 违抗; 反抗; 藐视; 蔑视: The protesters showed their defiance of the official ban on demonstrations. 抗议者藐视官方的示威禁令.

(idm 习语) glare defiance at sb/sth 愤怒而轻蔑地瞪着某人[某物]..in defiance of

sb/sth in spite of sb/sth; ignoring sb/sth 不顾某人[某事物]; 无视某人[某事物]: act in defiance of orders 违抗命令的行动* She wanted him to stay, but he left in defiance of her wishes. 她要他留下来, 但他并不理会, 还是走了.


31 Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barn ,the milkmaid fought hard to _______her laughter.

A hold out

B hold back

C hold up

D hold off

A 伸出

B 隐瞒,控制住感情

C 支持住,举起

D 战胜,克服

32 digestion is process which is not under the control of the will. It is a(n)_____process.

A simultaneous

B voluntary

C anonymous

D compulsory

A 同时存在发生的

B 自愿的,自发的,主动的故意的

C 匿名的

D 必须做的


33 When I asked him to pay me what he owed ,he went purple with _______.

A rage

B anger


34 当word 不要限定词或为复数形式时,其意义为“消息”。

Have you ever received word of what has happened to her ? 你收到了有关她的任何消息吗?

35 In general ,the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-forth the total ______for living expense.

A acceptable

B advisable

C applicable

D available

A 可接受的,合意的

B 可取的,明智的

C 能应用的,可适用的D可供利用的



36 I should like to rent a house ,modern, comfortable and ____in a quiet neighborhood.

A all in all

B above all

C after all

D over all


造成干扰的选项是over all ,没有该短语,有overall[??uv?r?:l]

a.全面(部)的ad.总的来说n.[ pl.]工作服

37 They _____in spite of the extremely difficult conditions

A carried away

B carried on

C carried off

D carried through

A 激动,失去自制力,carrysb away

B 继续做

C carry sth off 获得某物,成功的对付Dcarry sb through sth 帮助某人度过难关carry sth through 成功的完成某事‘

在本题中,a c d 是合者的,没有这样的用法。所以,应为B.

38 The discovery of new oil-fields in various parts of the country filled the government with


A eternal

B infinite

C ceaseless

D lasting


eternal adj

without beginning or end; lasting or existing for ever 永久的; 永恒的; 不朽的: the

Eternal God 上帝eternal life,永生eternal love永恒的爱.

[attrib 作定语] (infml 口) seeming never to stop; (too) frequent 似乎不停的; (过於)

频繁的: Stop this eternal chatter! 不要罗嗦个不停! * I am tired of your eternal arguments. 我讨厌你那没完没了的争论.

(idm 习语) the eternal `triangle 三角恋爱. the eternal `verities fundamental

moral principles; laws of God 基本的道德准则; 永恒的真理.

> eternally /?ˋt?nl?/ adv 1 throughout all time; for ever 永远地; 永久地. 2 (infml 口) (a) always 永远: I'll be eternally grateful to you. 我永远感激你. (b) (too) frequently (过於)频繁: He's eternally telephoning me early in the morning. 他总是大清早给我打电话. # the Eternal `City Rome 不朽之城(即罗马).

infinite/ˋ?nf?n?t/ adj (a) without limits; endless无限的; 无穷的: infinite space无限的空间. (b) that cannot be measured, calculated or imagined; very great 无法衡量的; 无法估计的; 难以想像的; 极大的: the infinite goodness of God 上帝无限的恩惠* have infinite faith/an infinite amount of faith in sb 对某人绝对的信心* a painting restored with infinite care 经极度精心修复的画* You need infinite patience for this job. 做这项工作要有极大的耐心.

> the Infinite n [sing] (rhet 修辞) God 上帝.

infinitely adv

to an infinite degree 无限地; 无穷地; 极其: The particles in an atom are infinitely small.


(esp with comparatives 尤与比较级连用) very much 远; 甚: infinitely better, taller,

wiser, etc (than sb/sth else) (比某人[某事物])好﹑高﹑聪明...得多* infinitely preferable (to sb/sth else)远胜(於某人[某事物]).

Ceaseless 不绝的,不停的,ceaseless fire

Lasting :Continuing or remaining for a long time; enduring: a lasting peace strong enough, well enough planned etc to continue for a very long time= long-lasting

39 advice sb to do sth ,建议某人做某事,但suggest 无此结构。

40 One cannot make bricks without straw (麦秆),意思为巧妇难为无米之炊。

41It is very difficult to ______the superstitious (迷信的) practices in our dailt life.

A eradicate

B exterminate

C extinguish

D abolish

A 根除消灭某事物,尤其是不好的疾病严重罪行等。

B 消灭,通常指灭杀一个地区的物种或一个地区的人群

C 熄灭,扑灭。Extinguisher,灭火器

D 废除(法律、制度、习俗)


42 They all ____their neighbor immediately ,not knowing that this sweet looking man was actually a cold-blooded murderer.

A took to

B took on

C took in

D took over

A take to sb/sth 对。。。产生好感。

B take on 开始雇佣,呈现,同。。。较量,承担,从事。

C take in 接受,吸收,领悟,理解包括,欺骗

D take over 接受,接管,承袭,借用。本题为A

43 tame,驯服。It took him several months to tame the wild house.

44 If you are under 18,you are not _____to join the club.

A legitimate

B capable

C eligible

D permissible

A 正常合法的,法律认可的

B be capable of doing sth 有能力做某事

C 有被选资格的,应选的

eligibleˋ?l?d??bl/ adj ~ (for sth/to do sth) suitable or fit to be chosen; having the right or proper qualifications 适宜被选中的; 有恰当资格的; 合格的: eligible for a pension, a job, an award 有资格领取养老金﹑得到工作﹑获得奖品* eligible for promotion, membership 适宜提升﹑得到会员身分* eligible to join a club 有资格加入俱乐部* an eligible young man, eg one who would be a satisfactory choice as a husband 合意的年轻人(如可做佳婿者).

> eligibility / ?el?d???b?l?t?; ??l?d??ˋb?l?t?/ n [U]state of being eligible 适宜入选; 有资格; 合格: Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job. 她的资历和经验决定她适宜做这项工作.

permissive/ p?ˋm?s?v/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (often derog 常作贬义) (a) allowing great freedomof behaviour, esp to children or in sexual matters 纵容的, 放任的(尤指对儿童或性关系): a permissive upbringing 放任的教养* permissive parents纵容子女的父母. (b) showing this freedom 显示纵容或放任的(尤指对儿童或性关系): permissive attitudes, behaviour 放任的态度﹑行为* the permissive society, ie the one resulting from social changes that began in the 1960s, with eg greater freedom of sexual behaviour, lessening of censorship, etc 放任的社会(60年代社会变化的产物, 如性解放﹑放宽审查尺度等).

> permissively adv: children who have been brought up permissively娇生惯养的儿童. permissiveness n [U] being permissive in outlook or behaviour (看法或行为的)纵容, 放任.

44 She is very interested in the work of certain charities ,and made a regular ____to them.

A subscription

B contribution

C allowance

D subsidy

A 捐款,多用于不可数名词,所以不能选

B 捐款,可数,正确

C 津贴,补助,折扣,可数名词

D subsidy/ˋs?bs?d?/ n [C, U] money paid, esp by a government, to help an industry, to support the arts, to keep prices down, etc 补助金; (尤指政府为扶持工业﹑资助艺术事业﹑平抑物价等而发放的)津贴, 补贴

45 The _____wind in this areas is from the south-west

A controlling

B prevailing

C persisting

D continuous

这个地区的盛行风是西南风。应为B ,prevailing,占优势的,主要的,主流的

试比较continual和continuous. Continual usually describes an action which is repeated again and again *continual一般指多次重复的动作: Please stop your continual questions. 请不要再接二连三地提问了. * He was continually late for work. 他上班总是迟到. Continuous indicates that the action or object carries on without stopping or interruption *continuous: They chattered continuously for an hour. 他们唠唠叨叨足有一个小时. * a continuous flow of traffic 接连不断的来往车辆.

46 We shall _____ the question of the new swimming-pool at the next committee meeting .

A bring about

B bring round

C bring up

D bring off

A bring sth about (a) (nautical 海) cause (a sailing-boat) to change direction 使(帆船)改变方向: The helmsman brought us (ie our boat) about. 那舵手把我们的船掉过头来.

(b) cause sth to happen 使(某事物)发生; 导致: bring about reforms, a war, sb's ruin 导致改革﹑战争﹑某人的毁灭* The Liberals wish to bring about changes in the electoral system. 自由党人想要改变选举制度.

B bring sb round cause sb to regain consciousness after fainting 使某人恢复知觉: Three women fainted in the heat but were quickly brought round with brandy. 有三个女子中暑昏倒, 全靠白兰地使她们很快苏醒过来了. bring sth round (nautical 海) make (a boat) face in the opposite direction 使(船)掉头. bring sb round/around (to...) cause sb to come to sb's house 使某人来串门: Do bring your wife round one evening; we'd love to meet her. 哪天晚上把你妻子带来, 我们都想见见她. bring sb round (to sth) convert sb, esp to one's point of view 改变某人的观点(尤指使之与自己一致): He wasn't keen on the plan, but we managed to bring him round. 他本来不太喜欢这个计划, 但我们设法把他说服了. bring sth round to sth direct (a conversation) to a particular subject 把(话题)转移到某事物上: He brought the discussion round to football. 他把讨论的话题转到足球上去了.

C bring sb up (a) (esp passive 尤用於被动语态) raise, rear or educate sb 培养, 养育或教育某人: She brought up five children. 她养育了五个孩子. * Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. 她出生後不久父母双亡, 是由姑母抚养大的. * a well-/badly-brought up child 有教养的[教养不良的]孩子* He was brought up to (ie taught as a child to)respect authority. 他从小就受到尊敬师长的教育. Cf 参看upbringing. (b) (law律) cause sb to appear for trial 使某人出庭受审: He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving. 他被控醉後开车而出庭受审. (c) cause sb to stop moving or speaking suddenly 使某人突然停止移动或谈话: His remark brought me up short/sharp/with a jerk. 他的话我听後一下子楞住了. bring sb/sth up move or call (soldiers, guns, etc) to the front line 把(士兵﹑枪炮等)调往前线: We need to bring up more tanks. 我们需要多调些坦克到前线. bring sth up (a) vomit sth 呕吐某物: bring up

one's lunch吐出午饭吃的食物. (b) call attention to sth; raise sth 使注意某事物; 提出某事物: These are matters that you can bring up in committee. 这些事你可以在委员会上提出. bring sb up against sth make sb face or confront sth 使某人面临或面对某事物: Working in the slums brought her up against the realities of poverty. 她在贫民区工作, 使她正视贫困的现实. bring sb/sth up to sth bring sb/sth to (an acceptable level or standard) 使某人[某事物]达到(认可的水平或标准): His work in maths needs to be brought up to the standard of the others. 他的数学功课需要赶上别人的水平.

D bring sb off rescue sb from a ship 从船上救出某人: The passengers and crew were brought off by the Dover lifeboat. 乘客及船员都被多佛尔的救生艇救出. bring sth off (infml 口) manage to do (sth difficult) successfully 设法把(困难的事情)做成功: The goalkeeper brought off a superb save. 守门员漂亮地救出了险球. * It was a difficult task, but we brought it off. 那工作很困难, 但是我们圆满完成了.

我们提出这个问题供讨论,用bring up 选C

47 He tries to keep ____of the latest development in IT industry .

A up

B abreast

选B ,Keep abreast 了解最新情况,跟上某事物发展。Keep up doing,持续做某使。

48_____we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision (修订,复习)work.

A For now

B Now that

C Since that

D By now

既然我们已经完成了我们的课程,我们应该做更多的复习功课。选B ,记住,无since that 结构。For now 暂时,目前。

49 The dictionary is very thick and it ____10000 pages.

A runs after

B runs out of

C runs through

D runs to

A 追逐,追赶

B 用完用尽

C 快速穿越,迅速传遍

D 达到某一数量或规模。

50 The ______improvement in her typing has made her boss very pleased.

A distinct

B distinctive

C distinguished

D distinguishing

A 独特的,明显的,a man of very distinct character 一个个性很强的人。

B 特别的,有特色的。

C 有尊严的,高贵的,杰出的D至今没见过做adj用。

51 A last –minute goal ______the team of victory

A stolen

B excluded

C robbed

D mobbed

A steal (sth) (from sb/sth)偷走

B exclude sb/sth (from sth)防止某人进入某处,防止某人参加某事,把某人排除在外。

C rob sb of sth抢夺,抢劫,盗窃。

D mob m?b; mɑb/ n

[CGp] large disorderly crowd,esp one that has gathered to attack or cause mischief无

秩序的民众; (尤指)暴民: The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob. 球迷群情激昂, 一窝蜂涌进球场. the mob [sing] (derog 贬) the masses or the common people


[C esp sing尤作单数] (sl俚) gang of criminals 犯罪集团; 匪帮: Whose mob is he with?


> mob v(-bb-) [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] crowd round (sb) noisily in great numbers, either to attack or admire 聚众包围(某人)(为攻击或赞赏): The pop singer was mobbed by teenagers. 那个唱流行歌曲的歌手被一群青年团团围住.

本题选C ,句义为最后一分钟进球了,这使得这支球队失去了获胜的机会。

52 he is that kind of man who is penny wise and pound foolish .大事聪明,小事糊涂。

53 After reading these books ,the student was ____to the Darwinian theory of evolution .

A charged

B converted

C transferred

D adjusted

本题主要是B C 选项不太清楚。

convert1/ k?nˋv?t/ v

(a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (from sth) (into/to sth) change (sth) from one form or

use to another 改变(某事物)的形式或用途: Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971. 英国於1971年改行十进制货币体系. * a ferry that was converted to carry troops during the war 战争期间改作运兵船的渡轮* a converted flat, ie made by dividing up a large house 改建而成的一套房间(将大的房屋分隔而成者)* convert rags into paper, a house into flats, pounds into francs 用碎布屑造纸﹑把一所房屋改建成几个单元﹑把英镑兑换成法郎* The room was converted from a kitchen to a lavatory. 这房间由厨房改成了厕所. (b) [Ipr] ~ into/to sth be able to be changed from one form or use to another 可改变形式或用途: a sofa that converts (in) to a bed可改为床铺的沙发.

[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb) (from sth) (to sth) change one's beliefs, esp one's religion;

persuade sb to change his beliefs (使)改变信仰(尤指宗教信仰): He's converted to Catholicism. 他已皈依天主教. * convert sb from atheism to Christianity使某人放弃无神论, 改信基督教.

> converter, convertor ns

1 (physics物) (a) device for converting alternating current to direct current or vice versa 变流器, 逆变器. (b) device that changes the wavelength of a radio signal 变频器.

2 vessel for refining molten metal 转炉(冶炼金属的容器).


/ ?k?nv??t; ˋkɑnv?t/ n ~ (to sth) person converted to a different belief, esp a different religion 改变信仰(尤指宗教信仰)的人; 皈依者: a convert to socialism 改而信奉社会主义的人* Already the new newspaper is winning/gaining converts, ie people who used to read other newspapers. 这家新报纸已经逐渐把其他报纸的读者争取过来.

Transfer sb/sth from … to…, 转移,从一处到另一处。


54 The old gentleman was a very ______ looking person, with gray hair and gold spectacles (文雅语,眼镜).

A respectful

B respective

C respectable

D respecting

A adj ~ (to/towards sb); ~ (of sth) feeling or showing respect 恭敬的;表示尊敬或尊重的

B adj [attrib 作定语] of or for or belonging to each as an individual 各自的; 各个的; 分别的respectively adv separately or in turn, in the order mentioned 各自地; 分别地; 轮流地

C of acceptable social position; decent and proper in appearance or behaviour 体面的; 有身分的; 正派的;值得尊敬的

D 介词,由于鉴于。

这个老年男子张得非常值得人尊敬,选C 而不是A,仔细体会一下,说得是张得一副值得人尊敬得相,而不是说我们对他都尊敬。

55You should know better than _____ your little sister at home by herself .

A to leave

B have left

Should know better than to do ,固定搭配,译为,①应该懂得做什么更好。


56In the last ten years ,there have been many changes in family life .Are these changes _______?

A for the better or for the worse

B for the good or for the bad


57The local newspaper has a _____ of 10000 copies a day.

A manipulation

B combination

C reproduction

D circulation

A 处理操作

B 结合

C 繁殖再生产

D 循环,流通,发行量。


58He is jack of all _____ and master of none .

A trades

B businesses

C fields

D areas

本题选A ,jack of all trades 博而不精的人,万金油,三角猫。背住就好。

59 Animals are quick to be _____of danger .

A sensitive

B sensory

C sensible

D sentimental


A easily hurt or damaged ;affected greatly or easily by sth ;easily offended or emotionally upset ;having or showing perspective feeling or sympathetic understanding ;指仪器灵敏的;

B感觉官能的,感觉的,感受的,sensory organs 感觉器官。

C having or showing good sense ;reasonable ;(作表语)aware of sth;(做定语)可感觉的,that can be perceived by the sense;

D of or concerning the emotions ,rather than the reason,情感的,情绪的;(通常做贬义) (of things) expressing or arousing tender emotions, such as pity, romantic love or nostalgia, which may be exaggerated or wrongly directed (指事物)表达或引起柔懦情感的(可为夸张的或滥施的): sentimental music 令人感伤的音乐* a sloppy, sentimental love story伤情感心的爱情小说.

本题句义为,动物对危险的反应非常灵敏,即有好的感官,of good sense,所以用sensible。

60 transmission tr?nzˋm???n/ n

[U] action or process of transmitting or being transmitted传送; 传播; 传递; 传达; 传

染: the transmission of disease by mosquitoes 由蚊子引起的疾病传染* a break in transmission (ie of a radio or TV broadcast) due to a technical fault由於技术故障造成的(广播或电视)播送中断.

[C] radio or TV broadcast (无线电或电视的)播送: a live transmission from Washington


[C, U] connected set of parts (clutch, gears, etc) by which power is passed from the

engine to the axle in a motor vehicle (机动车的)传动装置, 变速器: a car fitted with (a) manual/(an) automatic transmission装有手动[自动]变速器的汽车.

Transportation 不可数名词,运输,运输系统,运输工具。

Transformation 可数,彻底的变化,改观。

transaction/ tr?nzˋ?k??n/ n

[U] ~ (of sth) transacting 办理; 处理: the transaction of business处理事务.

[C] piece of business transacted 业务; 交易: Payments by cheque easily outnumber

cash transactions.用支票付款在数量上大大超过现金交易. * transactionson the Stock Exchange证券交易所的业务.

transactions[pl] (record of the) lectures and discussions held at the meetings of an

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