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一、由or, either... or... , neither... nor... , not only...but also... , whether...or...等连接并列主语时,常采用就近原则,动词与最靠近的主语保持一致。

【考例】Not only Jim but also his sister ______a few cities in the south since they came to China.[临沂市]

A.will visit B. has visited C.have visited D .visited [答案]B .[解析]本题既考查时态,又考查并列连词not only...but also的用法。由时间状语since they came to China,可判断用现在完成时,排除A、D两项;not only...but also 连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词要用“就近原则。

Neither Jim nor his cousins _______to America, but _____of them know the country very well. [07年潍坊市]

A.have been;a11 B. have been; both C has been; all D.has been; both

[答案]B.[解析]考查neither...nor的用法,以及both与all的区别。neither…nor连接两个主语时,谓语用“就近原则”,cousins是复数,谓语用have been,排除C和D项;指两者用both。

二、the number of + 复数名词,主语是the number(数量),谓语动词用单数;a number of +复数名词,主语是复数名词,a number of作定语, 相当于many,谓语动词用复数。

【考例】Look! There _______ playing with the tourists on Yinhe Square. (2004包头)

A. are a number of deer

B. are a number of deers

C. is a number of deer

D. is a number of deers

答案:A。该题考查的是主谓一致。这个句子的主语是a number of deer, 是个复数概念,因此谓语动词应用复数形式。(deer单复数相同)

The number of ________ in our class ________ fifty. (2004山东烟台)

A. student, is

B. the students, are

C. the students, is

D. students, are

[答案]: C


[试题解析]:the number of 后接复数名词,作主语时,其谓语动词用单数形式。故应选C。


【考例】As the saying ________,"Where there is a will; there is a way. "[昆明市]

A. go

B. goes

C. going

D. went

[答案]B.[解析] the saying为第三人称单数形式,所以谓语动词用goes。


What we badly need here are experienced teachers. 我们这里急需的是有经验的教师。


【考例】Trees and flowers ________every year to make our country more beautiful. [陕西省] A. is planted B. was planted C. are planted D. were planted

[答案]C.[解析] every year说明本句表示的是一般现在时的概念,去掉B、D项;trees and flowers表达复数意义,所以选C项。


---How much ________the shoes?

---Five dollars_________ enough.[年青岛市]

A.is;is B are;is C.are;are D.is;are

[答案]B .[解析] 答案为B。shoes作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式;five dollars是一个整体,应按单数对待。

How time flies! Ten years ________ passed. (2004天津)

A. have

B. has

C. is

D. are

答案:B。该题考查的是主谓一致。Ten years通常被看作是一个时间整体,谓语动词用单数形式。


--There__________ no milk in the fridge. Could you get some for me, Dick?

--All right, Mum. [福州市]

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were [答案]A.[解析]本题考查"there be”句型中be的数及时态,be在数上要与最近的主语保持一致.句子的主语是不可数名词,所以be应使用单数形式,B、D两项可以排除。

Not only Jim but also his sister ______a few cities in the south since they came to China.[07临沂市]

A.will visit B. has visited C.have visited D .visited [答案]B .[解析]本题既考查时态,又考查并列连词not only...but also的用法。由时间状语since they came to China,可判断用现在完成时,排除A、D两项;not only...but also 连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词要用“就近原则。

Neither Jim nor his cousins _______to America, but _____of them know the country very well. [07年潍坊市]

A.have been;a11 B. have been; both C has been; all D.has been; both

[答案]B.[解析]考查neither...nor的用法,以及both与all的区别。neither…nor连接两个主语时,谓语用“就近原则”,cousins是复数,谓语用have been,排除C和D项;指两者用both。



1. 语法一致的原则

2. 意义一致的原则

3. 邻近一致的原则





Much land has been deserted in this area in the past few years.在过去的几年中,这个地区的许多土地已经沙化。

To start smoking is quite easy, but to give it up needs courage.开始吸烟很容易,但是要戒烟却需要勇气。

Reading English newspapers is a good way of improving you English. 阅读英文报纸是提高你


What you need most is to have a good sleep.你所需要的就是好好睡一觉。

How you can get there is a problem. 你怎么到那儿去还是个问题。


What I bought were three English books.我买的是三本英语书。

What I say and do is (are) helpful for you.我所说的和做的对你是有帮助的。

2、由and 或both...and来连接并列主语时,谓语用复数。例如:

Swimming and walking are good exercises.游泳和散步都是好运动。

He and I were classmates when we were at college.他和我在上大学时是同学。

Both John and Ann have got pen-friends.约翰和安都有笔友。

Both Zhou Lan and Yang Pei like sports.周兰和杨蓓都爱好体育。


The manager and secretary was absent at the meeting.经理兼书记没有出席会议。

The manager and the secretary are busy now.经理和书记现在都很忙。

Their teacher and friend is Mr. Li.他们的老师和朋友是李先生。

2)由and连接的并列单数主语前如果分别被no, each, every或many a ,more than one修饰时,其谓语动词用单数形式。例如:

In our country every boy and every girl has the right to receive education.在我们国家里,每个男孩和女孩都有权利受教育。

Each man and each woman is asked to help. 每个男士和妇女都被请来帮忙。

Many a student is having practice in that factory. 许多学生正在那家工厂实习。

More than one student is interested in the book.不止一个学生对这本书感兴趣。

[注意] 在“more than one+单数名词”作主语时,若在There be句型中,亦可用复数。如:There is/are more than one man here. 这儿不止一个人。

3、如果主语是单数,尽管后面跟有(together) with, as well as, like, but, except, besides,including, no less than, rather than ,as much as,more than,along with in addition to等介词短语,其谓语


An English teacher together with some students has climbed to the top of the mountain.一位英语老师和几个学生已经爬到了山顶。

Mary as well as her friends likes this painting.玛丽和她的朋友都喜欢这幅画。

No one except my close friends knows anything about this matter.除了我的亲密朋友谁也不知道这件事。

She, like you and Tom, is very tall.像你和汤姆那样她很高。

4、不定代词each, either, neither 和由some, any, no, every 构成的复合代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。例如:

Each (of us) takes a cup of coffee.(我们)每人喝一杯咖啡。

Everyone knows smoking cigarettes is bad for health.大家都知道吸烟不利于身体健康。Nothing is to be done 没有什么要干的事。

Everybody obeys the school rules; anybody who breaks the rules is punished.每个人必须遵守学校规则,任何人违反了规则将受到惩罚。


None of the sugar was left.没有剩下什么糖了。

None of us has (have) been to America.我们中没有人去过美国。

5.不定代词none 以及由"none/either/neither+of+复数合词(或代词)"构成的短语作主语时,谓语用单复数均可,这取决于说话人的意思。当说话人着眼于“每一个都不.......”或“两个中的任何一个都不.......”时,谓语动词用单数;当说话者着眼于“所有的都不.......”或“两个中的全部都不.......”时,谓语动词用复数。例如:

None know when that was. (强调所有的人) 没人知道这是什么时候的事。

None is so good as he.(强调每一个人) 没有人像他那么好。

None of them have / has a car.他们都没有小汽车。(他们没有一个人有小汽车。)

Neither of them know / knows the answer.他们两个全都不知道答案。(他们两个人谁也不知道答案。)

Neither of the article is (are ) interesting.其中没有哪篇文章有趣。

Neither of them have replied. 他们两个谁也没有答复。

Neither of them has replied. 他们两个谁也没有答复。


It sounded like a train which/that was going under my house.那声音听起来就像有一列火车从我的房子底下开过似的。

People who study the think that there will be another big one soon.研究地震的人认为不久将还有一次大的地震。

The horse which is tied to the tree belongs to John.拴在树上的那匹马是约翰的。

Those who want to go on a journey please sign your name here.要去旅游的请把名字签在这儿。Some of the energy that is used by man comes from the sun.被人类使用的一些能源来自太阳。[注意]在以“one of the+复数名词”为先行词的定语从句中,关系代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数;但如果“one of the+复数名词”这个结构前有the only之类的修饰语时,其从句的谓语动词用单数。例如:

This is one of the questions that have been asked by the students.这是学生提出的许多问题的一


Bob is one of my friends who are helping me with English.鲍勃是帮助我英语的朋友之一。

He is the only one of the officers who was invited to the ball here. 他是办公室唯一收到邀请参加舞会的人。

The head master is the only one of the teachers who knows Esperanton.校长是老师中唯一懂得


6、“a lot of (lots of,plenty of,a head of,heaps of,the rest(majority)of ,some (many,anymore,most,all等)of++名词”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词的数要与of后面的名词(短语)保持一致。例如:

Some of us do not know much about the theatre.我们中有一些人还不太懂得戏剧。

Some (of the sugar) is wet. 有些(糖)是湿的。

Most of the students in our class are league. 我们班上大多数学生是团员。

Most of the food tastes delicious. 大多数食物味道很好。

Half of the work is left unfinished.一半的工作没有完成。

Half of the apples are given to the children.一半的苹果送给孩子们。

Lots of damage was caused by smoking.许多损害是由吸烟引起的。

Plenty of English books are on the shelf.许多英语书在书架上。


All are present. 所有的人都出席了。(表人)

All is well. 一切都好。(表示整个事情或情况)

2)“a number of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;“The number of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:

A large number of buildings were burnt down.许多楼房被毁了。

A number of students in our class are out by the lake.我们班有些学生到湖边去了。

The number of students in our school is 2500.我们学校的学生人数是2500名。

The number of books on women published in China is growing.在中国,有关妇女书籍出版数目在增加。

The number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place.每分钟摆


7、由“分数或百分数+of +名词(或代词)”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词的数要与of 后面的名词(短语)保持一致。例如:

Two thirds of the country is dry or desert.这个国家的三分之二的地方气候干燥或者是沙漠地区。

Two thirds of the people present are against the plan.在场的三分之二的人反对这个计划。More than 70 percent of the surface of our earth is covered by water.我们地球的70%的表面被水所覆盖。

30 percent of the students in our class are girls.我们班的30%是女生。

8、如果主语是由“a kind of, 或this/that kind of, a series ( a species) of ,a pair of等+ 名词”构成谓语动词通常用单数形式。例如:

This kind of men is dangerous.这种人是危险的。

Is this kind of car made in Shanghai ?这种汽车是上海制造的吗?

There is a kind of rose in his garden.他的花园里有玫瑰花。

This kind of apple/apples is rather expensive. 这种苹果相当贵。

That kind of snake/snakes is dangerous. 那种蛇很危险。

[注意]但"there/those kinds of+复数名词"作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。如:

There kinds of tests are good . 这种测试很好。

Those kinds of apple trees have not yet grown up. 那种苹果树还没有长。


There are many kinds of pears.有很多种梨子。


1、表示总称意义形单意复的名词,如people, police, cattle 等作主语时,只当作复数看待,谓语在任何情况下都用复数。如:

Cattle are one cause of the problem.造成戈壁滩的原因之一是牲畜问题。

The police are searching for a murderer in that mountain.警察正在山中搜寻一名杀人犯。

2、以集体名词army, class, enemy, family, government, group, team,crew,crowd,public等集体名词作主语时,谓语应视其情况而用不同形式:当作主语被看作一个整体时,谓语用单数,如果被看成是其中的个体成员时,谓语就用复数。如:

Our class is better than any other classes at playing basketball in our school. 在打篮球方面,我们班胜过我们学校的任何一个班。

Our class are playing a basketball match tomorrow. 我们班同学明天要举行一场篮球赛。Our family is not poor any more. 我们家已经不再贫困了。

My family all speak the Intuit language.我一家人都讲因努伊特语。

[注意]population 单独使用作主语时,谓语动词用单数;而前面有some, most 或与分数、百分数连用作主语时,则谓语动词用复数形式。例如:

Most of the population of the city are workers.这个城市人口的大多数是工人。

One third of the population now smoke.三分之一的人口在吸烟。

The population in our country is very large, and eighty percent of the population are farmers.我们国家人口众多,而80%的人口是农民。

3、当一些有两部分构成的表示衣物或工具的名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数形式,如glasses, trousers(裤子), shoes ,chopsticks(筷子),goods(货物),scissors(剪刀),socks, compasses(圆规),但如果这些名词前有a pair of,等量词修饰时,(clothes被修饰a suit of),谓语动词一般用单数形式。例如:

Your trousers need washing. 你的裤子该洗了。

My glasses are new. 我的眼镜是新的。

A pair of compass is an instrument for drawing circles.圆规是画圆的工具。

A pair of new shoes is in your suitcase.一双新鞋在你的手提箱里。

Two pairs of socks are enough for me. 对我来说,两双袜子就足够了。

4、由“pair, piece of +名词/ 代词”作主语时,谓语动词与pair, piece等词保持一致与后的代词、名词无关。例如:

There is a pair of shoes left.只剩下一双鞋。

The pieces of stone were then carried to the new place for the temple.所有的石块被运到新建寺



Twenty years is a long time to us. 对于我们来说,20年是一段很长的时间。

One thousand pounds is a lot of money. 一千英镑是很大一笔钱。


Zhangjiajie is really a good place which is famous for its beautiful mountains.张家界的确是个好地方,它是以美丽的山而闻名的

Physics is a difficult subject to learn, I think. 我想,物理是一门难学的目。

The United States is in North America. 美国在北美洲。

News is travelling fast nowadays. 如今新闻播得很快。

The American film True Lies was directed by a world-famous director.美国影片《真实的谎言》是由一位世界著名的导演导演的。


The old is taken good care of in our country. 在我们国家老人受到很好的照顾。

The sick is one of the students in our class. 那位病人是我们班的一个学生。

The beautiful lives forever. 美是永存的。


The baker's is on the side of the street.理发馆在街道的另一边。

My uncle's is not very far from here.我叔叔的家离这儿不太远。


Ten is a round number. 十是个整数。

Ten times five is / are fifty. 十乘五等于五十。

Three hundred and forty plus six hundred and sixty is / are one thousand.340 加660等于1000。10.疑问代词who, what, which作主语时,谓语动词的形式取决于它产本身的含义。如:

Who teaches you English? 谁教你们英语?

Who have gone there? 谁都已经去那儿了?

Which is your room? 哪一间是你的房子?

Which are your rooms? 哪几间是你的房子?

11、表示数量的短语“one and a half+名词复数”及“a+单数名词+and+a half”作主语时,谓语用单数。如:

One and a half oranges has been left on the table. 桌子上只剩下一个半桔了。

A month and a half has passed. 一个半月时间过去了。

12.某些单数同形的名词作主语时,依照意义一致的原则,表示单数意义时,谓语动词用单数;反之谓语动词则用复数形式。这类名词有:sheep,deer,fish,means(方法、手段)species (种类)-ance及以-ese/-ss结尾的表示民族的名词等)。例如:

One day this white sheep was lost. 有一天,这只白色的绵羊丢了。

There are many fish in the Jia Ling River. 嘉陵江时有很多鱼。

A Japanese is coming to visit our school tomorrow.明天有个日本人要来参观我们学校。

We Chinese are realizing the four modernizations. 我们中国人正在实现四个现代化。


1、当or,either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also...,not...but....,whether...or...等连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于最靠近于它的名词或代词。例如:

Either you or Lily is to do the cleaning after supper. 不是该你,就是该莉莉在晚饭后打扫卫生。

Not only the mother but also the children were there.不但母亲在那里,而且孩子们也在那里。

2、在倒装句中如一个句子由there 或here引起,而主语又不止一个,谓语动词往往与最邻近的一个主语保持一致。例如:

Where is your mother and younger sisters? 你的母亲和妹妹们在哪儿?

There is a desk a table and three chairs in the room. 房间里有一张书桌,一张桌子和三把椅子.【语法过关】

1.How time flies! Ten years ________ passed.

A. have

B. has

C. is

D. are

2.Not only his parents but also his brother ________ to the Summer Palace. They haven’t been back.

A. have been

B. have gone

C. has been

D. has gone 3.Neither my father ________ going to see the patient.

A. nor I am

B. nor I are

C. or me are

D. or me is 4.Look! There _______ playing with the tourists on Yinhe Square. (2004包头)

A. are a number of deer

B. are a number of deers

C. is a number of deer

D. is a number of deers

5.The number of ________ in our class ________ fifty.

A. student, is

B. the students, are

C. the students, is

D. students, are

6.The number of the students in our class _____ 54.

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have

7.Not only I but also Jane and Mary________ tired of having one examination after another.A.is B.are C.am D.be

8.A library with five thousand books ____to the nation as a gift.

A.is offered B.has offered C.are offered D.have offered 9.When and where to build the new factory _________yet.

A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not decided

10.The number of people invited __fifty,but a number of them ______absent for different reasons.

A.were,was B.was, was C.was,were


11.Between the two buildings __________a monument.

A.is standing B.standing C.stands D.stand 12.Many a student ___that mistake before.

A.had made B.has been made C.have made D.has made 13.None of the money ____his.

A.is B.are C.belongs D.were 14.About three—fifths of the work ________done yesterday.

A.had B.was C.were D.have 15.Neither your sister nor mine _______the good news.Let's tell them.

A.know B knows C.knew


1.B.[解析]该题考查的是主谓一致。Ten years通常被看作是一个时间整体,谓语动词用单数形式。

2.D.[解析]该题考查的是主谓一致。如果由not only…but also连接两个并列主语,其谓语动词同相邻的

主语保持一致,谓语动词应用单数形式。又因为他们还都没有回来,所以用has gone而不用has been。

3.A.[解析]该题考查的是主谓一致。Neither…nor是一组连词,可连接连个并列主语,其谓语动词应同靠近的主语I保持一致, 因此应选A。

4.A.[解析]该题考查的是主谓一致。这个句子的主语是a number of deer, 是个复数概念,因此谓语动词应用复数形式。(deer单复数相同)

5.C.[解析]本题考查主谓一致的用法。the number of 后接复数名词,作主语时,其谓语动词用单数形式。故应选C。

6.A.[解析]本题考查主谓一致的用法。the number of 后接复数名词,作主语时,其谓语动词用单数形式。故应选A。7.B。“不仅是我而且简和玛莉都已厌烦了一个接着一个的考试。”not only…需用到就近原则,but also之后又是两个人,是复数。故选B。

8.A.[解析] “一座藏书量是5000册的图书馆作为礼物送给了那个国家。”要找出这句话的主说是a library还是books,根据主谓一致原则with后面的短语是修饰、补充主语的情况的,故主语应是a library,又因为此题是被动语态,因此选择A。

9.A.[解析] “还未决定何时何地建设新工厂。”“两个并列连词+主语+谓语”作主语看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数,根据题意又应用被动语态,故选A。

10.C.[解析] “邀请人的数目是50人,但是许多人由于各种原因都缺席了。”“the number of+复数名词”意为“……的数量”,作主语,谓语动词用单数;“a number of+复数名词”意为“许多”,作主语,谓语动词用复数。

11.C.[解析] “一座纪念碑耸立在两楼之间。”倒装句的谓语动词要与后面的主语保持一致。

12.D.[解析] “许多学生以前就犯过这种错误。”“many a”虽然表达复数概念,意为“许多”,但当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

13.A.[解析] “钱都不属于他。”none作主语,谓语动词单复数都可,但这里的money为不可数名词,因此用单数形式为好,而belong to才是“属于”的意思,所以选A。14.B.[解析] “昨天做了大约3/5的工作。”主语含有分数,百分比等等,谓语动词要根据其后面的名词而定,是不可数名词和单数可数名词,谓语动词用单数,是复数名词,谓语动词用复数。

15.B.[解析]句中的主语是your sister和mine,由并列连词neither…nor连在一起,所以谓语动词要与后一个主语mine相一致,这里mine指my sister。


人教部编版初中英语中考高频考点语法知识汇总 。 1、意为“在……旁”,“靠近” Some are singing and dancing under a big tree。Some are drawing by the lake。 有的在大树下唱歌跳舞。有的在湖边画画儿。 2、意为“不迟于”,“到……时为止”。 Your son will be all right by supper time。 你的儿子在晚饭前会好的。 How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term? 到上个学期末你们已经学了多少首英语歌曲? 、“乘坐” 、“通过” 3、表示方法、手段,可译作“靠” 、“凭借” 、“用” 等。 The monkey was hanging from the tree by his tail and laughing。 猴子用尾巴吊在树上哈哈大笑。 The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by railway telegraph。 孩子的父亲是那么的感激,于是他教爱迪生怎样通过铁 路电报来传达信息。

4、表示“逐个”,“逐批”的意思。 One by one they went past the table in the dark。 他们一个一个得在黑暗中经过这张桌子。 5、表示“根据”,“按照”的意思。 What time is it by your watch? 你的表几点了? 6、和take ,hold等动词连用,说明接触身体的某一 部分。 I took him by the hand。 我拉住了他的手。 7、用于被动句中,表示行为主体,常译作“被”、“由”等。 English is spoken by many people。 英语被许多人说。(即“许多人讲英语。”) 动名词相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 1、作主语 Fighting broke out between the South and the North。 南方与北方开战了。 2、作宾语 Would you mind turning down your radio a little,please? 请问你介意调小一点收音机的音量吗?


2020中考英语语法丨主谓一致 主谓一致的概念 主谓一致是指“人称”和“数”方面的一致关系。一般情况下,主谓之间的一致关系由以下三个原则支配: 语法一致原则、意义一致原则、就近原则。 “主谓一致”考查内容涉及名词单数或复数作主语、不可数名词作主语、不定式作主语、并列结构作主语、特殊名词作主语时与谓语动词的一致等。 一.名词作主语 1.某些集体名词,如family,team等作主语时,如果作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,如果就其中一个个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式。比如:His family is a happy one.他的家庭是一个幸福的家庭。 The whole family are watching TV.全家人都在看电视。 这类名词有audience,class,club,company,crew,enemy,crowd,government,group,party,public,team等。名词population一词的使用情况类似。

“a group(crowd) of+复数名词”等短语之后的谓语动词也同样可用单数或复数,前者强调整体,后者强调各个部分。 2.某些集体名词,如people,police,cattle等,只当复数看待,谓语动词必须用复数。 The police are searching for the thief.警察正在搜捕那个贼。 3.单、复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语动词应根据意义决定单、复数。比如: A sheep is over there.那边有只羊。 Some sheep are over there.那边有些羊。 4.名词所有格之后的名词被省略,这种情况一般只指商店、工厂、住宅等,作主语时,动词一般用单数。比如: The doctor’s is across the street.诊所在街道的对面。 My uncle’s is not far from here.我叔叔家离这儿不远。 常见的省略名词有the baker’s,the barber’s,the carpenter’s,the Zhang’s等。 表示店铺的名词,一般作集体名词看待,但用作主语时,谓语动词往往用复数。比如: Richardson’s have a lot of goods to sell.理查德店有很多货物要卖。


1. 2. 2010届高一上期末综合练习之 主谓一致练习 Neither he nor I ___ for the pla n. A. were B. is C are My family as well as I __ glad to see you. D. am A. was B. is C. are D. am My father, together with some of his old frien ds, __ there already. A. will be B. had been C. has been bee n 4. 3. D. have 5. 6. 7. 8. There are two roads and either ___ t o the stati on. A. is lead ing B. are lead ing Nine plus three ___ twelve. A. are mak ing B. is mak ing Twenty miles __ a long way to cover. A. seem to be B. is Very few ___ his address in the tow n. A. has known B. are knowing Whe n and where this took place _ A. has B. is C. were C. lead D. leads C. make D. makes C. are D. were 9. C. know still unknown. D. ar D. knows I know that all ___ gett ing on well with her. A. were B. are C. is D. was 10. The rest of the no vel __ very in terest ing. A. seem B. is C. are D. were 11. Our family ___ a happy one. A. are B. was C. are D. is 12. The boy sitting by the window is the only one coun tryside in our school. A. was B. were 13. More tha n one an swer __ t o the questi on. A. had give n B. were give n bee n give n of the stude nts who from the C. is D. are C. has bee n give n D. have 14. The stude nts in our school each __ an En glish dict ionary. A. are hav ing B. had C. has 15. The pair of shoes __ worn out. A. had bee n B. have bee n C. were D. was 16. A professor and a writer __ prese nt at the meeti ng. A. had bee n B. were 17. Those who __ singing may join us. A. is fond of B. enjoy liki ng 18. There ___ a knife and fork on the table. A. are B. is seem ing to be to be 19. Over 80 perce nt of the populatio n _ workers. A. will be B. are C. is 20. The whole class __ greatly moved at his words. A. is B. had 21. The woun ded __ good care of here now. A. is tak ing B. are tak ing taken 22. Deer __ faster tha n dogs. A. will run B. are running 23. The police ___ a pris oner. A. are searched for B. is searchi ng searchi ng for 24. It was reported that six A. had killed killed ,in clud ing a boy. B. was killi ng C. is C. likes C. seem to be C. were C. are being take n C. runs D. have D. was D. are D. seems D. was D. was D. is D. run C. are search ing for C. were killed D. is D. was


中考英语语法考点重点解析 中考英语语法考点重点分析(一) 中考是一种比较激烈的选拔性考试,它承担着为高级中学挑选优秀学生的任务,所以它一定要有必要的难度和区分度,我们在认真分析了近五年上海中考原题语法和词汇部分后(20xx年至20xx年),下面扼要的总结了些上海中考的重点和考点,帮助广大学生熟悉考试的具体要求和重点,为学生们备战中考提供必要的帮助。 初中生因为刚涉及英语学习,语法方面还没有过多学复合句等问题,中考的考核绝大多数是以词法为主,20xx年到20xx年语法单项选择15道题,涉及句法的题寥寥,一般在2道左右。20xx年单项选择增加到20道考核句法的题也没有超过两道。这体现了中考英语语法考核重在考察各种词法,强调最基础的学习和积累,为以后的高中学习打下牢固的基本功。 冠词和代词注意的问题: 例:The scientists from United States live in Ninth street.(20xx 上海中考题) A. the……the B. /……the C. /……/ D. the……/ 解析:这是考察冠词的一道典型试题,需要强调的是学生要牢牢记住一些冠词的特殊用法,如普通名词构成专有名词一定要用the 如:the Great wall长城 the Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆 the New Oriental School 新东方学校。另外注意零冠词的用法:街道、广场、

公园的前面不用任何冠词。所以这道题是选择D。 例:Liu xiang and Yao ming are world-famous sports stars.____ of them have set a good example to us .(20xx年上海中考题) A. all B. neither C. both D. none 例:There are many new high-rises on ___ side of Huaihai Road .What a magnificent view!(20xx年上海中考题) A. either B. neither C. both D. all 解析:代词部分尤其是不定代词部分历来是考试的重点。Both 是指两者的全肯定,是说都怎么样,而all是说全部都,这是在指三个人或者以上;none是指三个人或者以上都不怎么样,是否定的概念,neither是说两者的都不怎么样,也是否定的概念;最重要的是either这个单词,它表示两者都怎么样和both一样是肯定的,但是只说一个或者是任何一个。就上面这道题来讲,第一题说刘翔和姚明都给我们树立了榜样,两者的都肯定,所以选择C. 后一题是说淮海路两旁都是高楼大厦,按道理来讲应该是选择both,但是注意side 是一边,这是个单数,所以是说任意一边都是高楼大厦,选择A. 动词方面需要注意的问题: 一、近意动词的辨析选择 例:The VIPs from 21 countries will ___the APEC in Shanghai this autumn.(20xx年上海中考题) A. hold B. take part in C. join D. attend


马上就要中考了,祝大家中考都考上一个理想的高中!欢迎同学们下载,希望能帮助到你们! 2020最新中考英语语法知识点汇总

一、词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see .

6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、 程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、 状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通 常用名词或代词担任。如:I’m Miss Green.(我是格林小 姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词 担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打 扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者 “怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由


中考英语主谓一致专项练习1 ( ) 1 -Have you got some water to drink? -Here you are. There___ still some in the bottle. A. are B. were C. is D. was ( ) 2 _____ there many American friends in the school last Friday? A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were ( ) 3 There ____ a great many accidents last year. A. were B. are C. is D. was ( ) 4 -How many children ____ in the picture? -Three. A. has there B. is there C. have there D. are there 2 ( ) 1 In 1850, about a third of U. S. A___ covered by forests. A. were B. has been C. / D. was ( ) 2 Most of our earth____ covered by water. A. are B. is C. was D. were ( ) 3 Sunday ____ the first day of the week. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 4 Neither___right. A. answers are B. answers aren't C. answer is D. answer isn't 3 ( ) 1 The population of the world ____ still ____ now. A. has; grown B. will; grow C. is; growing D. is grown ( ) 2 There ____ many people running in the park every morning. A. is B. were C. are D. have ( ) 3 These police often___the children across the street.


名词与主谓一致 1. Where and when to go for the on-salary holiday _____ yet. a. are not decided b. have not been decided c. is not being decided d. has not been decided 2. Mary is the only one of the girls who _____ by the headmaster at the meeting. a. uis praised b. are praised c. was praised d. were praised 3. Mary is one of the girls who _____ by the headmaster at the meeting. a. uis praised b. are praised c. was praised d. were praised 4. All life on our planet _____, in one way or another, upon the sun. a. depend b. depending c. depends d. depended 5. Whisky and soda _____ always my favorite drink. a. is b. was c. are d. were 6. Kate as well as her sisters _____ interest in studing Chinese. a. are b. take c. takes d. is 7. More than one graduate _____ sent to the hardest place since 1979. a. is b. are c. has been d. have been 8. The secretary of the Party branch and director of the factory often _____ with the workers. a. works b. work c. is working d. are working 9. His family _____ always quarrelling among _____. a. is; itself b. are; themselves c. is; themselves d. are; itself 10. Some folk _____ never _____ with the present situation. a. is; satisfying b. are; satisfied c. are; satisfying d. is; satisfied 11. Each of the students in our class _____ great interest in English and they each _____ a copy of A New English-Chinese Dictionary. a. shows; have b. have; has c. is; have d. takes; has 12. ---- _____ ypur clothes? ---- No, mine _____ hanging over there. a. Is it; is b. Are these; are c. Is it; are d. Are these; is 13. Either you or the headmaster _____ which student will go to attend that meeting. a. is not decided b. are to decided c. are deciding d. is to decided 14. All but one _____ here just now. a. is b. was c. has been d. were 15. Light and heat _____ often sent out together with heavy smoke. a. is b. was c. are d. being 16. No chair and no desk _____ permitted to be taken away from the reading room. a. are b. were c. is d. be 17. Strangely enough, a pair of new trousers _____ among the rubbish. a. were found b. was found c. found d. had found 18. Large quantities of fruit _____ all over the world from China today. a. is shipped b. are shipped c. has shopped d. have shipped 19. It _____ William and Carol who helped me the other day. a. has been b. are c. was d. were 20. Growing around the lake _____ wold flowers of different colors. a. is b. are c. has d. have


中考英语语法专项复习:主谓一致 主谓一致的原则有三个:语法一致、意义一致和就近原则。 ◆一语法一致 语法一致即单数主语要用单数谓语动词,复数主语要用复数谓语动词。如: ①Mybike is under the tree.我的自行车在树下。 ②These books areold .这些书是旧的。 1. and和both…and连接两个或三个名词、代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 ①Mike and John aregood friends.迈克和约翰是好朋友。 ②Both breadand milk are goodforyou .面包和牛奶对你都有好处。 2. 主语后接with, as wellas , including ,besides , except , but 等词或短语时,谓语动词的数由主语的单复数形式决定。 ①Hewith his parents is workingin the fields.他正和他的父母在地里干活。 ②Sheas wellas otherstudentslikesplayingcomputergames.她和其他学生一样,也喜欢玩电脑游戏。 3. 当主语前有every . each . either. neither修饰或each . either. Neither作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。如: ①Everyminute is important tous. 每分钟对我们都很重要。 ②Each student has a book.每一个学生都有一本书。 ③Eachofthe girls hasabig applein their hands .每一个女孩的手里都有一个苹果。 ④Either answeris correct.两个答案都是正确的。 4.不定代词either,neither, each one ,the other,another, anybody ,anything ,someone ,nobody ,nothing 等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: ①Somebodyis waiting foryou outside.有人在外面等你。 ②Is everybody here today?今天大家都到齐了吗? 5. “a number of +名词复数” (许多、一些)=many 作主语时,谓语动词


中考英语重点语法解析 一.英语语法重点与难点 1、as…as…结构:你和汤姆是一样好的孩子。 You’re a boy as good as Tom.=You’re as good a boy as Tom. 2、(1)too…to与so…that sb. can’t…的句型转换:前者为简单句,主语只有一个,而后者为复合句,主语有两个,试比较: The man was too angry to be able to speak. The man was so angry that he wasn’t able to speak. (2) too…to…与not enough to句型的转换: He is too young to get married.=He is not old enough to get married. The book is too difficult for me to read.= The book is not easy enough for me to read. 3、形容词原级表示比较级含义: 约翰不象迈克那么苯。 John is not so stupid as Mike. John is less stupid than Mike. John is cleverer than Mike. 4、用比较级表示最高级:约翰是班里最高的男生。 John is taller than any other boy in the class. John is the tallest boy in the class. 5、the more….. the more….表示“越……越……”: The more books you read, the wider your knowledge is.


主谓一致 主谓一致(Subject-Verb Concord)即谓语动词在人称和数上要和主语保持一致,主谓一致包括语法一致、意义一致和就近一致,语法一致即谓语动词在单复数形式上要和主语保持一致,意义一致就是谓语动词要和主语意义上的单复数保持一致,就近一致就是谓语动词要和靠近它的主语部分保持一致。 表里不一 主谓一致中的"表里不一"现象 1,"more than one +名词"作主语时,谓语动词常用单数.例如: More than one teacher gets the flowers. 不止一个教师得到了花. 2,"many a +名词"作主语时,从意义上看是复数,但谓语动词常用单数.例如:Many a student has been sent to plant trees. 很多学生被派去植树. 3,"half of ,the rest of ,most of ,all of及百分数或分数+of 等后接名词"作主语时,谓语动词形式根据of后的名词而定.例如: Three fourths of the surface of the earth is covered with water.地球表面四分之三为水所覆盖. 4,all指人时,动词用复数;all指物时,动词用单数.例如: "All are present and all is going well." 所有人全部到场了,一切进展顺利 5,what引导的主语从句,谓语动词可视表语而定:表语是单数名词时,动词用单数,相反,则用复数.例如: What they want to get are a number of good books.他们想得到的是大量的好书. 6,and连接的两个单数名词前若用each ,every ,no修饰,该名词短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式.例如: No book and no pen is found in the schoolbag.书包里没有书和钢笔. 7,当主语后面有as well as ,with ,along with ,together with ,but ,like ,rather than ,except,逗号加and连接几个名词等引导的短语时,谓语动词要与最前面的主语保持一致.例如: My father as well as his workmates has been to Beijing. 我父亲和他的同事曾去过. 8,each作主语的同位语时,谓语动词由主语来决定,与each无关.例如:They each have a bike. 他们每人有一辆自行车. 9,动词不定式,动词-ing形式短语作主语时,谓语动词常用单数.例如: Going out for a walk after supper is a good habit.晚饭后出去散步是一个好习惯. 10,the following作主语时,谓语动词的数与后面名词的数保持一致.例如:The following are good examples下面是一些好例子. 11,以-ics结尾的学科名词,如politics ,physics ,mathematics等作主语时,谓语动词用单数.以-s结尾的名词news ,works ,plastics等同属此类.例如:


初中英语主谓一致和就近原则讲解及练习 标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]

英语语法——主谓一致(就近、就远原则) 就近原则: 也称“邻近原则”“就近一致原则”(Proximity),即:谓语与靠近的名词、代词(有 时不一定是主语)在“人称、数”上一致。 在正式文体中: 1.由下列词语连接的并列主语:"there be+句型; or ; either …or;nor; neither…nor;whether…or;not…but; not only…but also" ; 等。. ①What he does or what he says does not concern me . 他的行为或言谈都与我无关。 ②Neither you nor I am wrong . 你和我都没错。 ③Not you but your father is to blame . 不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。 ④Not only you but(also) he is wrong .不仅你错了,他也错了。 2. 在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。. ①In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people . 在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。 ②There is (are) a pen and some books on the desk .桌上有一支钢笔和几本书。 II. 非正式文体中: 有时依“就近一致原则”,但也可依“意义一致原则”或严格地依“语法一致原则”。. Neither she nor I were there (意义一致) 我和他当时都不在那儿。(非正式) Neither she nor I was there .(就近一致)(译文同上句)(正式)

高中英语语法知识点 主谓一致

考点 03 主谓一致
【命题解读】 在英语句子里,谓语受主语支配,其动词必须和主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就叫主 谓一致。近几年来,高考关于该内容的考查主要集中在语法形态一致、逻辑意义一致以及就 近一致三个方面上。 【命题预测】 主谓一致在高考中常与名词结合在一起进行综合考查,多以语法填空和短文改错的形 式出题,在完形填空中也会有所涉及,总体难度系数较低,纵观近年的高考真题,主谓一 致中的固定搭配是考查的重难点。预计 2018 年高考仍会沿袭这一命题规律。 【复习建议】 1. 掌握主谓一致的三个原则:语法形态一致、逻辑意义一致和就近一致; 2. 掌握主谓一致中的固定搭配; 3. 掌握定语从句中的主谓一致; 4. 掌握倒装句、强调句中的主谓一致。
高考主谓一致的知识结构 一致原则 考点详解 例句 His father is working on the farm. 1. 以单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语、 To study English well is not easy. 动名词短语或从句作主语时, 谓语动词一 语法一致 般用单数形式;主语为复数时,谓语动词 用复数形式。 The children were in the classroom two hours ago. Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes. What he said is very important for us all.

Lucy and Lily are twins. 2. 由连接词 and 或 both …… and 连接起来 的合成主语后面, 要用复数形式的谓语动 词。 She and I are classmates. The boy and the girl were surprised when they heard the news. Both she and he are Young Pioneers. 3. 主语为单数名词或代词, 尽管后面跟有 with,together with,except,but,like, as well as, rather than, more than, no less than, besides,including 等引起的短语, playground. 谓语动词仍用单数形式;若主语为复数, 谓语用复数形式。 She,like you and Tom,is very tall. Mr. Green , together with his wife and children,has come to China. Nobody but Jim and Mike was on the
4. either,neither,each,every 或 no + Each of us has a new book. 单数名词和由 some,any,no,every 构 Everything around us is matter. 成的复合不定代词,都作单数看待。
He is one of my friends who are working 5. 在定语从句中,关系代词 that,who, hard. which 等作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与 He is the only one of my friends who is 句中先行词的数一致。 working hard.
考点详解 6. 如果集体名词指的是整个集体, 它的谓
例句 Class Four is on the third floor. Class Four are unable to agree upon a
语动词用单数;如果它指集体的成员,其 monitor. 谓语动词就用复数形式。 语法一致 这些词有 family, class, crowd, committee, population, audience 等。 注:people,police,cattle 等名词一般都 用作复数。如:The police are looking for the lost child. 7. 由“a lot of, lots of, plenty of, the rest of, There are a lot of people in the classroom.


中考英语语法之主谓一致、就近原则讲解 【导读】就近原则也称“邻近原则”“就近一致原则”(Proximity),即:谓语与靠近的名词、代词(有时不一定是主语)在“人称、数”上一致。小编在此搜集整理了中考英语语法之就近原则讲解,希望对大家有所帮助。 I.在正式文体中: 1.由下列词语连接的并列主语:"there be+句型;or;either…or;nor;neither…nor;whether…or;not…but;not only…but also";等。e.g. ①What he does or what he says does not concern me.他的行为或言谈都与我无关。 ②Neither you nor I am wrong.你和我都没错。 ③Not you but your father is to blame.不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。 ④Not only you but(also)he is wrong.不仅你错了,他也错了。 2.在倒装句中:谓语可与后面第一个主语一致。 e.g. ①In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people.在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。 ②There is(are)a pen and some books on the desk.桌上有一支钢笔和几本书。 II.非正式文体中: 有时依“就近一致原则”,但也可依“意义一致原则”或严格地依“语法一致原则”。e.g. Neither she nor I were there(意义一致)我和他当时都不在那儿。(非正式) Neither she nor I was there.(就近一致)(译文同上句)(正式) 但是,如果依“就近一致原则”而与其他两项原则相矛盾时,则常常认为是不太合符规范的。e.g.

中考英语语法精讲 主谓一致教案

2017中考英语语法精讲:主谓一致 【教学目标】 熟练掌握语法一致原则,意义一致原则,就近原则。 【教学内容】 语法一致原则 主语和谓语通常是在语法形式上取得一致,即主语是单数形式时,谓语动词也采用单数形式; 主语是复数形式时,谓语动词也采用复数形式。 1.当and或both... and...连接表示不同概念的名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:Tom and Mike are good friends.汤姆和迈克是好朋友。 Both Lucy and Lily are students.露西和莉莉都是学生。 2.不定代词either,neither,each one,the other,another,anybody, anyone, anything, someone, somebody, som ething, everyone,everybody,everything,nobody,no one,nothing 等作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如: Is there anything wrong with your bike? 你的自行车有什么毛病吗? Everyone is ready for the sports meeting. 大家都为运动会做好了准备。 3.由each...and each...,ever...and every...作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如: Each boy and( each) girl was given a new book. 给了每一个男孩和每一个女孩一本新书。 4.主语后接由with,along with,together with,as well as,rather than,including,besides,like,except' but等词或短语连接的名词时,谓语动词的单复数形式由主语的单复数形式决定。如: Mr. Green with his wife and two daughters is coming to Beijing. 格林先生将和他的夫人及两个女儿一块儿来北京。 5.“a number of+名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;“the number of+名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如: A number of trees are cut down.许多树木被砍倒了。 The number of students in our class is 32.


中考英语语法填空知识点梳理及经典练习(超详细) 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you" What is the most important in your life? ", maybe you will say" Computers and the Internet". The________(one)computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked________(slow). Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But________work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, "People can't live________computers today." The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-three years later than computers. But now it can________(find) almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, write letters, do________(shop), play games or make friends. Many students like the Internet very much. They often surf the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don't know their real________(name), ages, and even sex(性别). They are so________(interest) in making the "unreal friends" that they can't put their hearts into study. Many of them can't catch up with others on many subjects________of that. We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at________same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.【答案】first;slowly;they;without;be found;shopping;names;interested;because;the 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章介绍了电脑的发明时间,以及电脑的用途。还有电脑对我们生活的影响。 (1)句意:第一台电脑是在1946年制造的。根据定冠词the,可知应使用序数词first,故答案是first。 (2)句意:它很大,但是工作得很慢。slow修饰动词worked,应使用副词slowly,故答案是slowly。 (3)句意:但是他们工作的越来越快了。空缺处指代前文的computers,因此使用they,故答案是they。 (4)句意:现在没有了电脑人们不能生活。因为电脑在我们日常生活中越来越重要。所以没有电脑就不能生活,没有without,故答案是without。 (5)句意:但是现在到处都可以发它。主语it 和find是被动关系,应使用被动语态,含有情态动词的被动语态是:情态动词+be+过去分词,故答案是be found。 (6)句意:我们可以用电脑读书、写信和购物,购物do shopping,固定搭配,故答案是shopping。 (7)句意:他们不知道他们真正的名字。name名字,可数名词,根据their可知应使用复数形式,故答案是names。 (8)句意:他们对于结交不真实的朋友那么感兴趣,以致于不能把心思用在学习上。be interested in,对……感兴趣,故答案是interested。 (9)句意:因为这个原因,他们中的许多人在许多课程山上跟不上其他学生。because of

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