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中考英语选词填空习题 We can’t stop an earthquake(地震), but we can do things to make sure they don’t destroy(毁坏) whole cities. First, it is not a 1 .________ idea to build houses along lines where 2. ________ of the earth’s plates(板块) join together. Second, if you think there 3. ________be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4.________. Third, you must make the houses as 5.________ as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6. ________ .. Scientists are 7. ________ that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco(旧金山) . They call it “ The Big One ”. However, people today are still building more 8. ________. The population in and around San Francisco is 9. ________ ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that 10. ________ there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed. Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes 1 ________ him broken umbrellas, and then he took them to a big shop in London. They were 2 ________ there. One day Mr. Brown went to London by train. He 3 ________ to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing 4 _______ the seat. When the train arrived in London, Mr. Brown 5 ________ up the umbrella as he often did during his journey by train. Just as he was getting off, he was 6 ________ by the man. He said angrily, “That’s 7________ !” Mr. Brown’ s face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once. When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at 8 ________ of them, he said, “You’ve mended them very well.” In the afternoon he got into the train again. The 9 ________ man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr B rown and his six umbrellas, “You’ve had a 10 ________ day,” he said.


Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 What’s your hobby? 教学内容分析及课时分配建议: 本话题围绕业余爱好而展开。主要内容包括:由Helen和Wen Wei谈论空闲时间做什么引出话题--What’s your hobby ?在孩子们谈论业余爱好的过程中,引出本话题的语法知识used to do sth.和本话题的功能“喜欢和不喜欢”。本话题除了介绍常见的业余爱好。如:集邮、收藏物品、饲养宠物等还介绍了另类有趣的业余爱好。如:制作剪贴薄。还要求学生制作班级薄来培养学生的动手能力。通过学习本话题,学生能够交流有关业余爱好的信息,丰富自己的业余生活。 本话题建议用5个课时来完成: 第一课时:Section A—1a,1b,1c,1d 第二课时:Section B—1a,1b,1c,2,3 第三课时:Section A—2,3a,3b,Section B-4a,4b 第四课时:Section C—1a,1b,2,3 第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions,1,2,Project 第五课时(Section D-Grammar and Functions,1,2,Project) 教学设计思路: 本课主要是归纳总结used to do 句型和表达喜欢不喜欢的句型。首先在教师的引导下归纳总结句型,然后快速完成Grammar 和Functions 。做完复习后,教师通过图片,导入新词汇,为阅读1做准备。扫除词汇障碍后让学生速读1并完成表格。核对完答案,学生对短文有了大致的了解。接下来就让学生精读短文,小组合作并在教师的帮助下解决难点,完成1。接下来让学生进行小组活动,完成2。最后进行Project,完成本课时。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims: (1)学习并掌握新词汇 everyday,snake,provide,pig,dirty,owner,comfort,bath,pond,unfriendly (2)归纳总结表示喜欢和不喜欢的句型及used to do句型。


2018中考英语选词填空专项练习 1._______ stones. We can see hills, too. There is a little rain in the 2.________, but it is not 3. ______ for most plants. The animals are 4. _______ to the desert people in many ways. The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use their skins to 5. ________ shoes, water bags and even tents(帐篷). They use the camels(骆驼) for 6. _______ things. The people of the desert have to keep 7. _______ from places to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in the tents. When there is mo more food for their animals, they take down their tents, put them on the camels and move to 8. _______ place. The desert people are very 9. _______. No man in the desert would ever refuse to help the people in 10._______ and give them food and water. 二选词填空 that quite a lot of people are busy studying them. All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about 2.________ they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be. Do you know that one of the great presidents of the United States 3 ________ hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in insects(昆虫) that he began to collect them. He now has more than one thousand different kinds 4. ________ kept in the glass boxes. Come then with me, and I will help you find some of Nature’s secrets. Let us go quietly through the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for 5. ________ sleep. We shall watch bees 6. ________ in the air to let other bees know where they can find food. I will 7.________ you many other interesting things, but the 8. ________ thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes and ears 9.________ when you go out of doors. Nature tells her secrets 10.________ to people who look and listen carefully. 三用所给词的适当形式填空 beard(蓄着胡须). Since it has been 2.________ there, he has taken it off (剃掉). But his passport photo shows him with his 3. __ beard ___. An officer looks at the 4. ________for a moment, and says,"Will you excuse me? Please sit down. I shan't keep you long." With this, he walks away, shows the photo to a second 5.________, and says: "I know that face." The second officer looks at the 6. ________ and asks where Mr Hill has come from. When he hears that Mr Hill has arrived back from Paris, the 7.________officer smiles and says: "An Englishman with a beard stole a painting in Paris on Friday, And that man looks just the kind of man..." 8.________ it comes to the first officer who Mr Hill is. He returns to him, and asks: "Did you9. ____ at the No.2. High School?" When Mr Hill answers, 10. ________, that he did, the first officer smiles and says: "I thought so. I'm Jack Smith. You taught me French. You haven't changed a bit."


小学英语教学设计与案例分析(一) 一、名词解释 1、教学设计是指教学指导者和教师依据教育教学理论、教学艺术原理,为了达到某阶段教学目标,根据受教育者认知结构,对教学课程、教学内容、教学组织形式、教学方法和需要使用的教学手段进行的策划。 2、教学目标是对学生通过教学以后能做什么的一种明确、具体的表达。它是具有可操作性的一种评估教学的标准。设计的教学目标是课堂教学诸因素的核心,它明确课堂上学生应掌握什么,掌握到什么程度。使检测与评估有明确的标准。 3、教学“广度”,一是指注意不同类型的学生,让各类学生都应得到发展,二是指教学内容的“广度”,既包括教学的重点,又注意到不同的知识和内容之间的联系及它们之间的迁移关系。 4、总结性评价是一种目标参照评价,其目的在于检测教学目标的达成度。总结性评价通常给予成绩或等第,以资鼓励。 二、简答题 1、教学策略应包括哪几个方面? 教学策略分为教的策略和学的策略,应包括情感策略、管理评价策略、认知策略和交际策略等。 2、英语教学中如何运用网络资源? 教师一方面要充分利用各种网络资源为教育教学工作服务,同时也要积极参与网络资源的建设,运用网络技术贡献自己的教育教学经验和成果,使之成为网络资源的一部分,与广大同行交流和分享;另一方面,还要鼓励学生学会合理选择和有效利用网络资源,从而增加和丰富自己的学习生活。 3、如何创造性地使用教材? 结合教学需要,灵活地有创造性地使用教材,如可以根据学生的实际对教材内容、编排顺序、教学方法等进行适当的取舍或调整。 4、为什么要提倡教师写教学反思? 为了课后能及时小结课堂教学情况,调控课堂教学,教师应在教案最后写上教学反思。记下该教案实施过程中最成功的方面和不足的方面,以及完善的措施或方法。写教学反思能提高教师在实践中积极探索的自觉性,也是教师积累教学经验,从而不断改进教学方法,提高教学质量的有效措施。 5、面向全体学生的核心思想是什么? 面向全体学生的核心思想是使每一个学生都得到发展。 三、辨析题 1、教案是教师上课的“讲纲”,是“备忘录”。这句话是正确的。教案也称课时计划,是教师经过备课后,以课时为单位设计的具体教学方案,是课时备课的书面形式。教案是上课的重要依据,是教师上课的“讲纲”,是“备忘录”。 2、英语课上游戏设计越多越好。 这句话是错误的。游戏的设计是有所讲究的,它只有在合适的时间、合适的环节出现,才能够对我们的英语课堂起到锦上添花的作用,否则就会适得其反,过多的游戏设计会使学生觉得整堂英语课更象一堂游戏课,久而久之也会降低学生对于游戏的兴趣。 四、观点论述题 1、如何分析教材? 分析教材时首先要对全套教材有一个基本的了解,如有可能可将全套教材通读一遍。在通读教材时,要对教材的基本结构、内容作一个简要的分析,如这本教材有多少单元、每一个单元需要多少课时,本册教材的主要功能意念、话题有哪些,单元与单元之间前后有些什么联系,重点难点的分布等等。 分析某一课教材时,要对这一课教材作全面分析,如本课在本单元的地位,是新授课还是巩固拓展课、是综合课还是复习课、是以听说为主的课还是以读写为主的课、本课的重点难点、如何处理教学内容等等。备教案时,教师首先要钻研教材,做到彻底理解;分析教材,找出教学的重点和难点;掌握教材,做到灵活运用。 2、传统的秧田式教学组织形式有哪些局限性? (1)学生的主体地位或独立性受到一定的限制。教学活动多由教师直接作主,学生的探索性、创造性不易发挥,主要以接受学习为主。 (2)难以照顾学生的个别差异。教学面向全班学生,全体学生被迫接受同一个进度,不利于因材施教。(3)不能容纳和适应更多的教学内容和方法,因为它一切都固定化、形式化而缺乏灵活性。 (4)单纯的言语讲授容易引起学生的注意力随着时间的延长而迅速下降。 (5)不适宜完成动作技能目标,对情感领域的教学目标也效果甚微。 五、案例分析 1、请分析下面这位老师的教学媒体的设计好在何处。 “Is it a/an ...? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.”教学设计片段 在学习Is it a/an ...? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.这个句式时,教师设计了一个简单的多媒体课件:在一个精美的礼物盒里有许多礼物,礼物盒打开,露出物品的一小部分让学生用Is it a /an...?来猜,如果学生猜对了,界面就会出现一个物品单词并显示这个物品,否则就会继续呈现物品的局部并请学生继续猜。 这位老师的教学媒体的设计很好。他正确把握了使用教学媒体的时机和“度”,他遵守少而精的原则,不搞花架子,在教学中真正做到了恰到好处。这样既能集中学生的注意力,激发学生的学习积极性,又能培养学生对单词的认读能力和良好的思维习惯。学生自然而然地学会句式,并懂得在实际生活中对不确定的东西可以用Is it a/an...?来问,用Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.来回答。可见多媒体教学能激发和保持学生的学习兴趣,使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学习语言。 2、请从任务设计要面向全体入手,对下面的案例进行分析。


选词填空技巧教案 一、选词填空的练习分析 二、选词填空的常考知识点 三、选词填空的技巧 一、选词填空的例题练习分析 Bob and David are good friends, but they like to joke on each other sometimes. One day they went to London for their holidays. They went to the (1)___________and bought their tickets. When the train arrived, Bob got on the train first, but he dropped his (2)_______________ on the platform(站台)without knowing it. David was behind him and quickly (3) _________it up. Without saying a word to his friends, he put it in his (4)_______After they had been in the (5) _________for a little while, they saw the conductor(列车员)coming along, shouting,“ Ticket, please!” Bob(6)__________ for his and of course he couldn’t find it.“ Oh, dear, I can’t (7)__________ my ticket, David.” he said. “Have another look, Bob; it must be (8)___________”said David.“No, I can’t find it anywhere. What shall I do ?”“Perhaps you’d better hide under the(9)___________so that the conductor won’t see you.”So Bob crawled(爬)under the seat and lay there quietly. Soon the conductor stood in front of David.“Ticket, please.” he said.David handed him (10) __________tickets and said, “This is mine. The other is my friend’s. He prefers to travel under the seat.” 1,2,4,5,9根据上下文意思填名词。3,6,7,8根据上下文意思填入动词,并注意动词的形式及语态。10考数词。 二、选词填空的常考知识点 1、名词 新课程标准要求初中毕业生要掌握1500-1600个单词,200-300个词组和短语;名词需要注意单复数 2、动词 动词的时态及语态。动词的时态:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、现在完成时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时。动词的语态(动词的主动语态及被动语态)。 3、数词:基数词和序数词的转化(结合语境提示例如one,the other可推出two tickets) 4、副词(结合语境) 5、介词(固定搭配) 6、代词:(人称代词主格、宾格的转化;人称代词、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的转化);固定搭配:each of(每个)


Unit6 Topic1 Section B教学案例分析 Section B (1a-1c) The main activity is 1a .本课重点活动是1a.本课共需30钟 Ⅰ.teaching aims 教学目标 1. Learn the new words : sleeper pay 2. Go on learning the usage of infinitives. 3. Learn how to book tickets. Ⅱ. Leading-in Show some pictures about my travel experience, then turn to the topic about travel,and the vehicles T: From sectionA we know going by bus is too slow, and it takes too long; going by plane is fast, but it is too expensive; going by train is comfortable, and it doesn't cost so much. Which is the best way for Maria's class to travel? Ss: By train. T: Yes, they have decided the best way to go to Mount Tai by train..Now kangkang is booking the train tickets to Mount. [设计说明]复习SectionA ,转入sectionB,承上启下。


【揭秘奉献】2012上海中考英语新题型精练(共9套)2012年上海中考英语题型已确定,词汇与语法部分新增选词填空题,根据文章意思,选择方框中最恰当的词语,不需要进行词性转换。但也增加不少难度,首先需要读懂文章,才能选择最正确的词,以下为2012年上海中考英语新题型选词填空专项练习,供学生学习参考。 2012年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空1 destroy(毁坏) whole cities. First, it is not a 1 .________ idea to build houses along lines where 2. ________ of the earth's plates(板块) join together. Second, if you think there 3. ________ be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4. ________. Third, you must make the houses as 5. ________ as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6. ________ Scientists are 7. ________ that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco(旧金山) . They call it " The Big One ". However, people today are still building more 8. ________ . The population in and around San Francisco is 9. ________ ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that 10. ________ there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed. 参考答案: 1.good 2.two 3.may 4.sand 5.strong 6.stayup 7.afraid 8.houses 9.now 10.if 2012年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空2 forget, bring,mend,beside,luck,pick,same,differently, I ,every , stop,each Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes 1 ________ him


教学案例的写法 一、案例的结构要素 (1)背景教学案例应该把背景交代清楚,即说明故事发生的环境和条件,以便案例的使用者更好地理解。如介绍一堂课,就有必要说明这堂课是在什么背景下进行的,是普通班还是实验班,是经过准备的“公开课”还是平时的“家常课” ,等等。这样就能让读者既能设身处地思考案例中的问题,也能摆脱情境的束缚,去探讨更深层的问题。 (2)主题案例应有一个主题,常常用一个醒目的标题来衬托。主题对于一个案例来说是不可缺少的,它通常应关系到课堂教学的核心理念、常见问题、困扰事件,例如:你是想说明怎样转变差生,还是强调怎样启发思维,或者是介绍如何组织小组讨论等等。写作时应该从最有收获、最有启发的角度切入,选择并确立主题。 (3)细节有了主题,写作时就不会有闻必录,而是要对原始材料进行筛选,突出重点,有针对性地向读者交代特定的内容。特别是要把关键性的细节写清楚。对于教学案例故事中真实事件的细节选取,常常要考虑这样几个要素: *选择充满内部矛盾、存在相互冲突、看似无法解决的事件。*案例故事所选取的事件必须是以大量细致的研究为基础。 *案例故事必须倾向于对资料进行归纳分析,是能促进个人自省的。 (4)结果一般来说,教案和教学设计只有课前的预案、设想而没有实施的结果,教学实录通常也只记录教学的过程而不介绍教学效果;而案例则不仅要说明教学的思路、描述教学的过程,还要交代教学的结果,即这种教学措施的即时效果,包括学生的反映和教师的感受等。读者知道了结果,将有助于加深对整个过程内涵的了解。 (5)评析对于案例反映的主题和内容,包括教育教学的指导思想、过程、结果,对其利弊得失,作者要有一定的看法和分析。评析是在记叙基础上议论,可以进一步揭示事件的意义和价值。比如同样一个“后进生”转化事例,我们可以从教育学、心理学、社会学等不同的理论角度切入,揭示成功的原因和科学的规律。评析不一定是理论阐述,可以是就事论事、有感而发,引起人的共鸣,给人启发。 最实在,最适用的教学案例,应该是发生在自己身边的“一个个生动、真实的故事再加上发自内心的一些感悟”。 二、写好案例的关键写文章要考虑方法,但有了完整的故事结构,并不等于有了好的案例。写好一个教学案例,有三个关键问题需要注意: (1)选择复杂的情境 所谓复杂的情境,是指教学故事的发生、发展具有多种可能性。教师在教学活动中面临着各种各样的问题情境,需要进行判断、选择、决定。复杂的情境提供了更多的选择、思考和想象的余地,因而会给人以更多的启迪。 学校教学中有许多典型事例和两难问题,应该怎样处理?案例可以从不同角度反映教师的行为、态度和思想感情,提出解决的思路和例证。在这里,案例是坦率的、中立的、可读性强的叙述,它描述了一系列教学事件而又不仅仅只是描述或描写一些特定的一连串的事件,其间包含了教师的心理活动、观念冲突、反思等。 (2)揭示人物的心理面对同一个情境,不同的教师可能有不同的处理方式。案例能够深入人的内心世界,让读者“知其所以然”。好的案例应该能够发挥这个特点和优势。 人物心理的另一个重要方面是学生的心理活动。由于案例一般是教师撰写的,注意力容易偏重于教师这一方。比如自己怎么想的,怎么教的,效果如何,可以娓娓道来,自我感觉良好;但学生的心里是怎么想的,对教学效果的看法是否与教师一致,往往被忽略了。人们常说“备课要备两


初三英语选词填空专项训练 一、选词填空。 The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty”on the sports ground shines in basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans. Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia (亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Women’s NBA) in the US. It’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was ready for the challenges ahead. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English. “My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!”She likes speaking English to 7 . Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper. This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二、选词填空。 All the students at school 1 Mr Green. He 2 at the school for a long time. Mr Green cleans the floors and keeps everything 3 . He is very nice too 4 , too. He helps them 5 their work and often finds things 6 have lost in school. One day the students 7 , “Let’s do 8 nice for Mr Green.”They bought him a 9 shirt, The 10 morning when Mr Green came to work, everyone shouted, “Surprise!”Mr Green said it was the surprise he ever had. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、选词填空。 Many years ago, there was a family 1 Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five 2 and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1760, another baby boy 3 . The boy’s mother and his father 4 the boy a name-Benjamin. Benjamin was the 5 of all the children. He could read when he was five and he 6 write by the time he was seven. When he was eight he was sent to school. In school Benjamin had been good at 7 and writing but not good at math. He read all of 8 father’s books. And whenever(每当) he had a little money, he bought a book with it. He liked books. They told him how to do 9 . At that time he invented the paddles(脚蹼) for 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 四、选词填空。 Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to school to learn languages, geography(地理), history, science and many other subjects. That is 1 true. But 2 do they learn these things for ? And are these things all that they learn at school? We send our children to school to get ready for their future(未来的) work and life. Many of the things they study at school are useful 3 their life, but is that the 4 reason why they go to school? There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn or teach 5 . If a man really 6 how to learn, he will 7 to do 8 new, he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the 9 way. The uneducated(没受过教育的) person, on the other hand, is 10 unable to do it, or does it badly, So the purpose(目的) of modern education is not only to learn languages, geography, history, science and many other subjects, but to teach students the way to learn. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 7. 8. 9. 10. one she other play open think speak keep both wide work next love something with student beautiful clean they call swim anything clever bear can his give girl read only either what learn good something quite know in always 第 1 页共 3 页


任务型英语教学案例分析(仁爱版七年级下Unit 8) 英语教学作为一门语言的教学,其主要是培养学生的言语技能,即运用语言 的能力,因此其课堂教学具有不同于其他课程课堂教学的特点。我认为英语的课堂教学应当反映这种特点,采取指导性的学案模式,强调师生之间、学生之间的双向运用。以用为主,树立一种“大英语教学观”,让英语教学走出课堂,走向社会,走一条“开放”与“搞活”之路。本人认为教师必须转变另一观念——由以本为本向以用为本转变。英语教材只是学生学习英语的基础、媒介,学生要学好英语就必须融入英语的海洋,跟上英语发展的步伐。因此教师应当在教材教学的基础上随时把鲜活的英语输入教学,例如当今流行的email(电子邮件),surf on the internet(网上冲浪)等。让学生能够感受英语,能够使用英语表达自己的思想。单一、呆板的教学方法容易使学生失去学习的兴趣,而且不能体现语言的生动性,而多种教学方法可以刺激学生的不同兴奋点,抑制大脑疲劳。无论哪种教法,其基本出发点是学生,学生是课堂的主体。课堂应当是学堂,是学生学习的天堂。课堂教学应当充分发挥学生主体的积极性。英语学习的特点决定了讨论法在英语课堂教学中的特殊意义。英语课的讨论法应具有更广泛的内容,更自由的民主气氛,不但可以讨论本课的问题,而且可以用英语发表自己的见解。总之就是让英语真正“活“起来,发挥其应有的工具作用。 现在的英语课堂教学提高了对学生语言应用能力的要求,要求教师从单纯传授语言知识转变为对学生语言实践能力的培养。英语课堂教学的“开放”与“搞活”恰恰在这些方面进行了实践,促进了英语教学目的的实现。然而,英语课堂教学如何改革,怎样改革才能更符合语言学习的规律,更能提高学生的言语技能,仍然需要我们广大英语教师的不懈探索和实践。 初中英语七年级unit 8以对话的形式呈现了反意疑问句,反意疑问句是这一课也是这一单元的重点。我为本课设计了一个中心任务——用反意疑问句谈论不同季节的天气。在设计教学任务时,对本课进行了整合,正如新课标中指出,“教师要善于结合实际教学需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材的内容、编排顺序、教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整”,而且程晓棠教授说过,好的任务型活动应该具有系列性,即在同一个话题下开展不同的活动,下一个活动在前一个活动的结果中产生。经重新整合过的教学内容,更好的体现了任务与任务之间环环相连,所有的活动始终围绕大的中心任务展开。我想通过展示以下不同的教学活动过程来谈一下我的课后思考与启示。 Theme: Dates, months and seasons Function: Talking about the weather in different seasons Structure: Tag questions Main and difficult points: How to form tag questions and answer them Teaching aids: recorder and computer aids Teaching aim: Learn to talk about the weather by using tag questions Teaching process: Step 1. Leading-in Daily report (A story about polar bears) Step 2. Pre-task 1.Talk (Make up dialogues about their favourite seasons) / Report (The seasons in


小学英语教学案例分析及反思范文 案例:一次英语课上,教学内容为“Is there...?”句型,我的课上得很投入,学生们的反应也非常活跃。正当我得意时,我发现一个小男生始终低着头,右手来回地在一个本子上快速地画着什么。他很投入,根本没察觉到我在他身边。我看到他正在画一台电脑,转眼间,一个主意闪现在我的脑海中。我微笑地对他说:“May I use your picture?”他如梦初醒的站起来,双眼惊恐地盯着我。我重复了一遍:“ May I use your picture?” 他愣了一下,机械地回答道:“Sure, here your are!” 回到讲台,我开心地向全班同学问道:“What’s in the picture? Can you use“Is there..”to guess ?”或许全班都想帮他,大家纷纷举手猜测。他呢,正在为老师用他的图片做教具而得意呢,刚才的恐慌一扫而光,很快投入到课堂当中。(关注学生) 分析:这样做的方式很妥,教师做到真诚地关注每一个学生,关注教案设计以外的信息。教案是课堂教学设计的图纸,虽然很重要,但它并不能包罗课堂所有活动,也很难全部预计到学生的反应和各种随时发生的教学信息的出现。这位教师关注来自学生的信息和课堂随时出现的情况,并及时加以利用,增强语言的真实性,使它成为教学的有机组成部分。 小学英语教学案例分析及反思范文

案例:那是开学第一周的下午的一节课,学生懒懒洋洋,我满脸微笑地跟同学们问好之后,有意识地转动一下我的身体,说:“Look at me, boys and girls. Am I beautiful today?” 看着我满脸微笑,看着我的连衣裙,学生们都回答: “Yes!” 行!有点效果。再来一个。我摆出个挑战的手势,示意他们谁能和我玩“剪刀、石头、布”的游戏,说道:“Can you play?” 学生顿时兴奋起来,教室里一片:“Let me try!”的声音。 我随意挑选了一个男学生上讲台来。于是我们玩了“剪刀、石头、布”的游戏。我获胜。我以胜利者的姿态,我得意洋洋地说道:“I won!” 学生争先恐后,看学生情绪已调动,我便进入了课堂。 分析:这个教师热情的教态充分感染着每一学生,使晕晕欲睡的学生马上精神饱满投入到课堂中。英语是一门实践性、操作性都很强的学科。要掌握和运用英语的基本知识,需要学生不断进行交流和实践,而要保证这个交流和实践活动顺利的进行,教师要为学生创设一个宽松、和谐、欢快的课堂气氛,让学生外于快乐、饱满、振奋的情绪状态,从而帮助学生建立良好自信心,积极思考、克服畏惧心理,勇于交流发言,达到理想的教学效果。因此,在整个英语课堂教学过程中,教师应保持快乐、饱满、振奋的情绪状态。心理学的研究表明,当学生处于在愉悦、兴奋的情绪状态时,他们的感知能力、思维能力、记忆能力、创新能力均会增强。 小学英语教学案例分析及反思范文

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