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龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5a708575.html,






中图分类号 S664.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2018)18-0035-03

Study on Ecological Cultivation Techniques of Myrica rubra in the Northern Yangtze River Area Wu Xiaoxuan1 et al.

(1School of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China)

Abstract:Based on 11 years of growth and fruit data,and trough the application of ecological cultivation techniques such as hole planting,cover of gauze net during the fruit mature and weed control by film mulching,the results showed the northern of Ynagzi River is suitable for planting Myrica rubra. The fruit weights of Myrica rubra fruit are higher than other areas. It is also showed that Myrica rubra‘Biqizhong’is a early variety and Myrica rubra‘Dongkui’is high product variety. Both varieties are suitable plant in the north of Ynagzi River.

Key words:Myrica rubra;North of Yangtze River Area;Adaptability;Ecological planting technique

1 引言

杨梅(Myricu rubra)为我国传统栽植果树,有7000年的野生生长历史,有2000多年人

工栽植历史。我国有毛杨梅(Myricu esculentu Buch.-Ham.)、青杨梅(Myricu. udenophoru Hance),矮杨梅(M.nunu Cheval.)、杨梅(Myricu rubru)全缘叶杨梅(Myricu antegrifau Roxb.)和大杨梅(Myricu urboresceus Li et Hu.)[1,2]等6种杨梅,主要鲜食的果用栽培种为杨梅(Myricu rubru)。杨梅适生于温暖湿润的气候,耐阴,不耐强烈日照;喜排水良好的酸性土或微碱性土壤,不耐寒,为深根性树种,萌芽力强[3-5]。我国现有杨梅栽培品种(系)300多个[6],主要栽培品种4个:东魁、草荞种、丁番梅、黑炭。其中东魁杨梅果形丰满硕大,平均单果重25g,最大达50g,多出其他品种1倍以上,可溶性固形物13.5%,糖含量为
