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江苏省四星级高中部分学校2019届高三第一次调研联考英语试卷 含答案

江苏省四星级高中部分学校2019届高三第一次调研联考英语试卷 含答案
江苏省四星级高中部分学校2019届高三第一次调研联考英语试卷 含答案










1. Where does the man want to go?

A.A railway station.

B.A post office

C.The seaside.

2.What happened to the woman?

A.She woke up late.

B.She got to work late.

C. She went to sleep late.

3. What is the woman doing now?

A.Baking cookies.

B.Making a list.

C.Shopping for groceries.

4. How does the woman feel about the zoo?




5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Young people lose their jobs easily.

B. Young people are too quick making decisions.

C. Young people seldom stay long in the same job.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话成独内前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.When will the man start his new job?


B.Next week.

C.Next month.

7. Why is the man paying for the woman's lunch?

A.She helped him a lot.

B.It is turn to pay.

C.He wants to congratulate her.


8. What is Anna's chemistry grade now?

A.B. B.B+. C.D.

9. When does Anna's study group meet?

A.After school.

B.On the weekends.

C.During lunch hour.

10. Who is Anna speaking to?

A. A study group member.

B. Her teacher.

C. Her father.


11. How old was Jonathan s mother when she started doing laundry.

A. 8 years old.

B.10 years old. d 16 years old.

12. Which temperature will Jonathan use for now?

A. Hot.

B. Cold.


13. What is the “light” spin cycle used for?

A. Jeans and towels.

B. Most of Jonathan s clothes.

C.Sheets and pillow cases.


14. Which decorations are on the sofa?

A. The Christmas ones.

B. The Halloween ones.

C.The Thanksgiving ones.

15. What did ihe man use to get the box out?

A. A pole.

B. A chair.

C. A ladder.

16. Where might the conversation lake place?

A. In the basement.

B.In the bedroom.

C.In the living room.


17. What does the Golden Rule ask people to do?

A. Develop personal rules.

B. Respect their families and ancestors.

C. Treat others as they themselves wish to be treated

18. Which is a teaching of Confucius?

A. Governments should be moral

B. Husbands should respect wives.

C. People should memorize rules of behavior.

19. How did Confucius teach lessons?

A.Through arguments.

B. Through reasoning.

C.Through personal examples.

20.what does the speaker say about Confucius' influence?

A.He used to be even more important

B.He has influenced mnny cultures.

C.He has little effect on people today.




21. As the evidence begins to , we are convinced that the earth and the rest of

the universe arc in fact changing with time.





22.Personal space is the region surrounding a person he regards psychologically his.

A. who

B. where

C. when

D. which

23. The school has made it a rule that no students carrying cell phones be allowed to enter the campus.

A. must


C. shall need

24.The little girl in the competition of her excellent spoken English and quick response.

A. stood out

B.picked out

C. broke out C. put out

25.—Do you mind if 1 smoke here?

—I suggest you go to the separate room for smokers.

A.to reserve


C. reserved

D.beinR reserved

26.This nationwide smog should serve as a reminder to all,indicating a high time

that we on what we've done to the environment.

A.have reflected

B.are reflecting

C.will reflect

D. reflected

27. Children who stay away from school do for different reasons.


B. nothing


D. theirs.

28.I enjoyed myself so much I visited my friends in Shanghai last month.





29.一We really have had a good dinner tonight I am so full.

一That’s too bad. Bui some dessert .

A.has been ordered

B.will be ordered

C.was going to order

D.has ordered

30. Hearing the alarm, the students all hurried to they thought was an emergency exit door.

A. what




31. The art of will help you find a solution that satisfies everybody.

A. command



D. composition

32.一You look pretty tired.

—That's right. I until early this morning,preparing a report for the coming meeting. 1 can hardly keep my eyes open. A.sat up B.have sat up

C.have been sitting up

D.am sitting up

33.World Bank warned that China’s working-age population would fall by 10% by 2040

a recent relaxation of itsone-child policy.

A.in favor of

B.in terms of

C.in response to

D. in spite of

34. While taking part-time jobs indeed provide,many obvious benefits,its effects

on students shouldn't be ignored.




D. negative

35.-Have you got your everything packed yet?

- ,It will be several days before I leave for school.

A.Fly off the handle

B.Hold you horses

C.Give it a shot

D.Don't be a wet blanket



It was the first time in four years that my daughter Kate had been able to have a face-to-face chat her Chinese grandfather through WeChat. Her grandfather 36 showed us his apples. Kateeagerly asked when she could eat them.Since her birth,we can't 37 time to take her back to China.Year after year,her grandfather would save us a box of the 38 apples just in case we visited.They were kept in the cold store 39 and they must have been sweet.I vividly remember my first 40 of an apple picked straight from the tree.

A few weeks after the 41,when new blossoms(花)began to appear on the trees,an idea

42 Kate's grandfather.If we couldn't take our 43 back this year,he would take the apples to us.He 44 the ladder,carefully examingg blossoms.Those that 45 his emaminition were picked off the trees.When the blossoms 46 small apples ,he covered each apple with a special 47 consisting of three layers,which would 48 the young ap-ples from brown sports and also

help them 49 an even coloring.Several weeks passed and the apples were almost almost ready. He spent days 50 the outer layers of the bags. The innerred layers remained.If they were removed too early,the fruits would be damaged by the sun-light.Once they adapted to the 51, he removed the final layers.

From his _52_,he Mill kept one box of his finest apples but this time he deliver he was 53 to deliver them himself._54_ for his passport and visa approved,he delicately 55 his 2-kilogram bag of best apples and headed for Scotland.

36. A. carefully B. proudly C.secretly D. briefly

37. A. devote B. cost C.spend D. afford

38. A. biggest B. sourest C.ripest D. finest

39. A. waiting B. expecting C.growing D. working

40. A. touch B. sight C. bite D. purchase

41. A. interview B. discussion C.chat D.appointment

42. A. amused B. occurred to C. crossed D. appealed to

43. A.father B. mother C. son D.daughter

44. A.climbed B. designed C. made D. fixed

45. A.escaped B. passed C. failed D. lost

46. A.burst into B. gave out C.grew into D. let out

47. A.paper B. bag C. sheet D.package

48. A.protect B. discourage C.hide D. cover

49. A. win B.achieve C. acknowledge D.undertake

50. A.sticking B.applying C.carrying D.removing

51. A.sun B.weather C.climate D.air

52. A.visit B.harvest C.experiment D.product

53. A.accustomed B.advised C.engaged D.determined

54. A.Instructions B.Recreations C.Applications D.Resevations

55. A.packed B.filled C.empited D.delivered




Good volunteers bring a lot ot energy to the project. The efforts of volunteers prove in-valuable for worthy causes such as helping the needy at soup kitchens or digging a well to povide an undeveloped village with fresh water. But there may be such a volunteer who wanders around with his head buried in his smartphone, which is not much better than having no volun-teers at all. What qualities does a good volunteer need to possess?


First and foremost,a volunteer should care about the people-or animabs-who need his help. This means the volunteer looks past cultural, religious and social differences and is only concerned that his efforts are making a positive impact on the lives of others. He must also re- spect the privacy of the people he helps. Lending a hand at a homeless shelter,for example,doesn't give a volunteer the right to discuss the situations of the people who need the shelter outside of the volunteer group.


Passion is an important quality that a good volunteer should possess. Volunteering for his favorite cause isn't just another way to spend a Saturday, it's something he looks forward to doing,something he feels a need to do. His enthusiasm is so genuine

that he tells other people about the work he does and encourages other people to get on board. A volunteer with this kind of passion can be a one-person advertising agency for a worthy cause.


A good volunteer is reliable and dependable. He treats volunteering with the same level of professionalism that he does his job, and he respects the rules that come with it. He does what he says he's going to do and fights through obstacles to make it happen. He also doesn't lower his level of quality output because he isn't being paid for it; he puts his best effort for-

ward because his reward is the difference he s making.

Team Player

It's important for a volunteer to be a self-starter, but it's equally important for him to know how to work as part of a team. He knows how to collaborate (合作,协作)With other volunteers with passions. No matter what differences in personality. upbnng.ng (抚育,教养) or outlook.everyone involved is in it for the same purpose: to help those who are unable to help themselves.

56.A good volunteer should possess the following qualities EXCEPT .

A. a compassionate heart

B.enthusiasm for volunteering work

C.sense of responsibility

D.personal purpose

57.We know from the reading that a good volunteer.

A.can discuss those he has helped

B.obeys the rules as a volunteer.

C.gets well paid

D.always act alone

58. The underlined phrase “get on board” in paragraph 3 probably refers to .

A.get knowledge of volunteering

B.get self-trained

C.take part

D.behave well


Friendship is one of the basic bonds between human beings. While the

characteristics of friendship might vary from one country to another,people from all cultures not only enjo>

friends but need them.

Many studies have shown that teenagers who have no friends often suffer from psychological disorders. It has been shown that teenagers, perhaps more than any other age group, need companionship and a sense of belonging. The negative consequences of loneliness have also been observed among the elderly. The death of a spouse often leaves a widow or a widow or totally bereft. If, however, they are surrounded by

friends and relatives and if they are able to express their feelings, they are more likely to recover from their grief.

“No man is an island ” In other words,we are all parts of society. We all need the love, admiration. respect and moral support of other people. If we are fortunate. our friends will

vide us with all of these necessary aspects of life.

As most people observe, there are many levels of friendship. The degree or

intensity of friendship varies depending on the personality of the individuals involved and the context of the relationships. Outgoing persons enjoy being surrounded by

many people whereas shy per-sons are perhaps content with fewer but more intense friendships.

Everyone is not equally open with all their friends. The degree of closeness is determined factors. Close friends can be formed at any stage in one's life but they are usually by very rare.Not very many people have more than a few really close friends. Regardless of the very all friendships arc based on reciprocity (互惠),honesty and a certain amount of love and affection.

59.Who are more likely to suffer from psychological disorders without friends?


B. Adults.

C. The elderly.

D. A couple.

60.What does the sentence “No man is an island" really mean?

A.No man is willing to live on an island.

B.Man usually doesn't go to island.

C.Everyone s related with our society.

D.Our society is just like an island.

61. What can we learn about outgoing people?

A.They like being alone.

B.They are fond of making friends.

C.They have intense friendships.

D.They have fewer close friends indeed.

62.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The formation of close friends.

B. The number of real friends.

C. Honesty, love and affection.

D. Factors to determine the degree of closeness.


New York's long awaited bike share program, which arranged the distribution of

10,000 bicycles along some of the city's busiest street, will be sponsored by Citi financial group, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced on Monday.

Citi Bike will be the largest public bike share system in the USt with bikes placed in 600 stations in Manhattan and Brooklyn. The program will be operated by Alta bicycle share, which runs similar projects in Washington D. C. and Boston.

“The idea behind bike share is simple: give people one more way to get around the Bloomberg said in a restaurant. “The new Citi Bikes will be an affordable transporta- network that will help New Yorkers get where they*re going faster. When the walk seems a little far. New Yorkers can choose to skip the hike, and take a bike. ”

The program was announced in September 2011. and the department of transport has spent the last eight months planning locations for the stations. Full details on the locations have not been released yet. but they will include Times Square,Penn Station and close to Centra! Park.

journeys scriptions are av

Annual membership of the program will cost $95, which entitles (授权)users to m up to 45 minutes. For those unwilling to commit to a year's cycling, seven-day sub-scriptions are

available for $25 or 24-hour access for $9.95,with the first 30 minutes of any journey free. The official website for the program -citibikenyc. com—says the pricing strategy is likely to ensure that riders keep their trips short. Although short journeys are free. The official website for the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/58970773.html,-says the

pricing strategy is likely to ensure that riders keep their trips short.Althought short journeys are free,anyone wanting to take a bike for the day will face very high charges.People who do not sign up to an annual menbership-tourists,for example,would pay $49 for a three-hour ride, Plus the $9.95 24-hour access fee. making a total of $ 59.

The departtnent of transpon said the bikes and stations, which will begin to be fixed from“late July”,wil1 be hoping the losing money since it launched in 2010

,the mayor said New York City would“split system profits with the operator”,creating a potential new income program.

to .

A. make profits from the bike users

B. discourage people from going hiking

C. reduce people s expenses on transportation

D.help people travel around the city more easily

64. According to the passage, which of the following locations is NOT available for the Citi Bike service?

A. Central Park.

B.Time Square.

C. Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

D.Penn Statioa

65. What can be learned from paragraph 5?

DOOJP*thelrta-l llict

A.It is wise of people to use the bikes for short trips.

B. Anyone can use the bike free of charge for45 minutes.

C. Most people are unwilling to pay for the annual membership.

D. Tourists are charged more for the use of bikes than local people.

66. In what sense does Bloomberg hope the New York program differs from that of London?

A.Better accepted

B.Better operated.

C.More profitable,

D.More widespread.


Tens of thousands of ancient pictures carved into the rocks at one of France’s most impor-tant tourist sites are being destroyed Scientists and researchers fear that the 36,000 drawings on rocks in Mont Bego in the French Alps are being damaged so rapidly that they will not sur-vive for future generations.

The mountain, believed to have once been a site (or prayer, is scattered (散布)with 4,000-year-old drawing cut into bare rock.They include picture of cows with

hours,culti-vated fields(耕地)and a variety of gods and goddesses.But as the popularity of site goes up,the pictures are being ruined by

Jean Clottes is the chainnan of the International Committee on Rock Art. He says, -People think ,hat because the pictures have been there so long they will always continue to be ther, But if the damage continues at this rate there will be nothing

left in 50 years.”

He describes seeing tourists stamping on the drawings, wearing away the rock and

defini-tion (清晰度)of the artwork as

they do so. Some visitors, he says, even cut off parts to take

home as souvenirs.“When people think they can't take a good enought photograph,they rub the drawings to get a clearer picture,”he said.“The drawing are polished by the weather,and if the sun is shining and the visitors can't see them properly they simply rub them to make them look fresher.”Other researchers describe how people arrive carring long stichs with sharp ends to scratch (刮)their own drawing ,or even their names,in the rocks.

But experts are divided over the best way to preserve the drawings.Henry de Lumley,director of the Museumm of Natural History in Paris,believes that the only way to the site is to turn the whole mountain into a -no-go" area, preventing the public from going there ex-cept on guided tours. Otherwise, he says, not only will the site be completely destroyed but important research work will be reduced.

Clones disagrees, “The measure suggested by Henry de Lumley is the most severe, and while it is the most effective, it is also certain to bring about protests from people who live there.” he said, “The site was classified as a historic monument years ago by the Ministry of Culture, and we must do as much as possible to save what

is there.”

David lavergne. the regional architect, also wants to avoid closing the site. "Henry de Lumley's idea isn't ideal." he said. “Our department feels that the best solution

is to let people look at the site, but because the area is very big it is difficult to prevent visitors from dam aging it. I would prefer that everyone was able to look at it,but the main problem is money. We do not have the funds to employ the necessary number of guards. We may have to consider charging a fee. It doesn’t seem to be possible to get the government support.

In Nice, Annie Echassoux, who also worked on researching the site, is alarmed that as the mountain becomes easier to reach—tourists can now avoid the three-and-a-half hour walk by hiring vehicles—the damage will increase rapidly. She thinks that the only solution is to rope off the area and provide guides. “You can’t say the plan can’t go ahead because there is no money,” she said. “That is not good enough. Money must be provided because the Ministry of Culture has classified this area as a historic site. If we don’t take steps* we will be responsible for losing the drawings for the next generation. ”

67.According to Jean Clottes. some of the visitors to the area have.

A. helped to clean the drawings

B. taken bits of the rock home

C. been unable to take photographs

D. misunderstood what the pictures mean

68. Henry de Lumley is eager to .

A. set up research projects

B. protect public rights

C.keep out individual visitors

D. ban traffic in the area

69. Which word best describes Annie Echassoux attitude towards saving the historic site?

A. Supportive.


C. Worried


70. This passage has been written about Mom Bego to .

A. advertise the closing of the site

B. warn visitors about the dangers of the site

C. encourage scientists to visit the site

D.describe fears for the future of the site




Nearly 80 percent of Americans own a smartphone, and a growing proportion of them use smartphones to surf the Internet, not just when they’re on the go. This leads to people storing considerable amounts of personal and private data on their mobile devices.

Often there is just one layer of security protecting all that data一emails and text messages,social media profilesf bank accounts and credit cards even other passwords to on line services. It s the password that unlocks the smartphone s screen. Usually this involves entering a number? or just laying a fingertip on a sensor.

Over the past couple of years,my research group, my colleagues and I have designed* created and tested a better way. We call it “user-generated free-form gestures,” which means smartphone owners can draw their own security pattern on the screen. It’s

a very simple idea that is surprisingly secure.


It might seem that biometric (生物识别的)authentication (认证),like a fingerprint,could be stronger. But it's not. because most systems that let a user allow fingerprint

access also require a PIN (Personal Identification Number)or a password as a backup method. A user一or thief—could skip the biometric method and instead just enter (or guess) a PIN or a password.

Compared to other methods, our approach dramatically increases the potential length and complexity of a password Users simply draw a pattern across an entire touchscreen,using any number of locations on the screen.


As users draw a shape or pattern on the screen,we track their fingers, recording the directions and speed. Wc compare that track to one recorded when they set up the gesture based login. This protection can be added just by software changes, it needs no specific hardware or other modifications to existing touchscreen devices. As touchscreens become more common on laptop computers, this method could be used to protect them too

Our system also allow? people to use more than one finger-though some participants wrongly assumed .hat making simple gestures w.th mult.ple fingers would be more secure than the same gesture with just one finger. The key to improving security using one to make a design that is not easy to guess.

3. EASYT()IX) and remember, hard to break

Some people who participated in cur Judies created gestures that could be

articulated as symboles,such as digits, geometric shapes (like a cylinder) and musical notations which are easy for them to remember. Even a recatively simple symbol,

like an eight note,can be drawn in so many different ways that calulating the possible variations is computationally in-tensive and consumes plenty of time.This is unlike text passwords,for which variations are simple to try out.


Our research has extended beyond just using a gesture to unlock a smartphone. We have explored the potential for people to use doodles instead of passwords on several websites appeared to be as easy as to remember multiple gestures than it is to recall different passwords for each site.

In fact, it was faster:Logging in with a gesture took two to six seconds less time than do-ing so with a text password. It s faster to generate a gesture than a password, too. I spent 42 percent less time generating gesture credentials than people we studied who make up new passwords. We also found that people could successfully enter gestures spending as much attention on them as they had to with text passwords.

Gesture-based interactions are popular and prevalent on mobile platforms, and in-creasingly making their way to touchscreen-equipped laptops and desktops. The owner of those types of devices could benefit from a quick, easy and more secure authentication

method like ours.


2020年高三【名校、地市联考】精选仿真模拟卷01 英语 (考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A(2019年东北三省三校高三第二次联合模拟) Moringa Farm Internship Program DA TE:5 May?30 November 2019 LOCATION: Jaipur India EVENT TYPE:Twining EVENT INDUSTRY/TOPIC: Clean Energy, Climate & Environment, Food & Agriculture and Quality/Process Managem Moringa (辣木), a kind of miracle tree, has come a long way today to become a symbol of the fight against growing nutrition deficiency (营养不足) across the globe. It is also a crop suited to the climatic conditions of the region, which is unusually rich in its nutrition content literally from top to bottom. Supporting learning: The Moringa Farm Internship Program is sort of like a live, interactive slideshow of agriculture making of Moringa from “Soil to Super food” that touches all the participant’s senses. The Program’s Objectives: The Moringa Farm Internship Program is devoted to enriching the knowledge and lives of young people by providing them with a unique educational experience on an organic Moringa Farm in rural Jaipur, India. Program participants can learn about conservation, maintenance (维护), care, and management of Moringa Farming by means of hands-on work experience with local Moringa Farm staff. Participants will be able to interact with Moringa specialists and educators, on all issues that may affect their operations. Experts will let you know management strategies and equipment operation up close on hand to answer your specific questions. 1


h叶利带 明主旦 件 央语 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂 黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在 答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交囚。 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选工页。 A Why go to Madrid? There may be a slight chill (寒冷)in the air, with temperatures staying a r ound 15。C in March, but Spain’s handsome capital is slowly starting to _warm up. Even more a位ractive are the cultural events. A new exhibition on the living and working spaces of Spain’s greatest artist, Picasso, has just opened in the studio at the Fundaci6n Mapfre at Paseo de Recoletos 23. It runs until 11 May with rarely seen pieces borrowed from his family. Later this summe几the400th anniversary of the death of the Renaissance (文艺复兴) painter El Greco will be marked with an exciting exhibition at也e Museo del Prado at Paseo de! Prado from 24 June to 5 October. How togo? The widest range of flights is offered by Easy J et一企om Bristol, Edinbur驹,Gatwick, Liverpool and Luton. B ritish Airways and its sister airline Iberia combine forces from Heathrow and London City. Ryanair flies from Manchester and Stansted; Air Europa flies from Gatwick. 英语试题第1页(共9页〉 Bar梆ai叩ort is 13km north-east of the city centre and is served by frequent trains on Metro line 8, but the shortest underground journey is a bit complex with at least one change at Nuevos Ministerios station and takes about 30 minutes. The也re to any station in the city centre is €4.50. The airport express bus runs eve可15to 35 minutes around the clock;白one way. It takes 40 minutes to reach the city centre. A taxi takes half the time. A flat rate ofε30、 covers most of central Madrid. I.When will the exhibition about Picasso close? A.On 23 March. C.On 24 June. B.On 1 l沁fay. D.On 5 O ctober. 2.Which airline operates flights from Manchester to Madrid? A.EasyJet. C.Air Europa. B.Ryanair. D.BritishAirways. 3.What is the fastest way to reach central Madrid from Bar苟as ai叩ort? A.Take a taxi. B.Take a city bus. C.Take Metro line 8. D. Take the airport express bus. B My school appeared on the news last week because we had made an important change in our local area. Our class had planted a large garden in what was once only a vacant lot. It was a lot of work but it was all worth it. I got blisters (水泡)企om digging, and we all got insect bites, too. I learned a lot about 伊dening and collaboration (合作),and then I learned about the media. Our teacher telephoned the TV station and informed them of what we had accomplished. She spoke with the produce汇The producer checked with the directors, but they said there were plenty of stories similar to ours. They wanted to know what was special about our p缸t icular garden, since many schools plant them. The teacher explained that, after going on the Internet to learn about the prairie (大草原), we had made a prairie garden. We had gone to a prairie and gotten seeds from the plants, and then we planted them. We did not water the garden, but we did weed it. We decided to let nature water it with rain, since that was how prairies grew in the past. We sent a picture of t he garden to the news station. In the picture, the grass was so high that it stood taller than the fourth grade students. 英语试题第2页(共9页)


2019年浙江省十校联盟高三10月联考 英语试题 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息; 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上。 第I卷(选择题) 一、阅读理解 One evening last summer, 11-year-old Owen and his mom put on white suits and taped their rain boots to their pant legs. Then they each grabbed a wooden pole with a large white cloth attached to it and started dragging the tools through the trees and grass in their Wisconsin backyard. They were looking for ticks(扁虱虫). Owen’s mom, Amy Prunuske, teaches microbiology at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Wausau. She studies diseases that ticks carry. Owen, though, is known as a citizen scientist. Citizen scientists are people—young or old—who help collect data for research projects. They usually aren’t professional scientists, or if they are, not in the field of the project. Still, their work can be incredibly important. Citizen scientists can help trained scientists gather data from all over the world—even from space. They can provide new ideas and new ways of thinking. Kids often make great citizen scientists because they tend to be curious and good at following precise directions. Sometimes they’re even better at these things than adults. And schools are convenient places for scientists to recruit big groups of helpers. As a bonus, citizen science often gets kids more excited about science. Citizen science takes advantage not just of many sets of eyeballs, but also of many minds. When professional European scientists in Austria were trying to find how best to encourage people to use less energy, they partnered with student citizen scientists. The adult scientists had a long list of questions for people about how much energy they used. Right away, the students noticed some problems the adults hadn’t thought of. There were too many questions, the kids said. And some of those questions were too complicated.


2019-2020年高三第三届联考试题英语 考生注意: 1.本试卷分第一卷和第二卷两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。 2.请将各题答案填在试卷后面的答题卷上。[来源:学科网ZXXK] 3.本试卷主要考试内容:高中综合 第一卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What are the speakers talking about? A.A relative.B.A room.C.A present.[来源:Z§xx§https://www.wendangku.net/doc/58970773.html,] 2.What do we know about the woman? A.She's excited about the trip. B.She's uninterested in the trip. C.She's regretful for the trip. 3.How far will the man have to walk to get to the nearest bank? A.Two blocks.B.Three blocks.C.Five blocks. 4.Where will the woman get cigarettes for the man? A.At the drugstore.B.At her aunt's.C.At the supermarket. 5.What do we know from the conversation? A.The woman is dishonest. B.The man and John are good friends. C.The woman's mother has a low opinion of John. 第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.What day does the conversation probably take place? A.On Saturday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Tuesday.7.Where does the conversation most likely take place? A.At school.B.In the park.C.In the hospital. 8.What caused the woman’s illness? A.Her not getting proper meals.


全国名校大联考 2017~2018学年度高三第四次联考 英语 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How does the woman suggest going to New York? A.By plane.B.By train. C. By car 2.When will the man leave? A.On September 3rd.B.On September 12th. C. On September 13th 3.What does the woman think of the trip? A.It’s disappointing.B.It’s fantastic. C. It’s dull 4.What are the speakers talking about? A.Preparing for a meeting. B.Fixing a copying machine. C.Using a copying machine. 5.How long did the woman wait alter work yesterday? A.One hour.B.Two hours.C.Three hours. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下而5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a hotel.B.In a schoo1.C.In a shop. 7.When will the pool open? A.At six o’clock tomorrow morning. B.At five o‘clock in the afternoon. C.At eight o’clock in the evening. 听笫7段材料,同答第8拿10题。 8.What does the man think of the tea the woman makes? A.Good.B.Bad. C. Ordinary. 9.What’s the most important thing to make a pot of tea? A.Having a china teapot. B.Washing the teapot. C.Pouring boiling water over the tea. 10.How long does it take to make the teapot stand before drinking? A.At the most two minutes.


2020届首都师范大学附属中学2017级高三联考 英语试卷 ★祝考试顺利★ 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) A My classmates and I had a really unforgettable experience,which made us very happy. We paid a visit ___1___ Lucy’s house yesterday. We didn’t have difficulty finding her house because she ___2___ (give) us clear directions. When we arrived at her house, her mother was preparing food for us. Then we began to help with the cooking. About an hour later, the food was ready, and we sat at the table enjoying the delicious food including fish and ___3___ (vegetable). Finally we went to Ann’s room where we watched our favourite TV programme together. ___4___ (decorate) with flowers and balloons, the room was warm and comfortable. 【答案】1. to 2. had given 3. vegetables 4. Decorated 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章记叙了作者和同班同学昨天到露西家做客的愉快经历。 【1题详解】 考查介词。表示“参观……”,应用pay a visit to sp.,是固定表达。故该空填介词to。 【2题详解】 考查时态。句意:因为她已经给了我们清楚的说明,所以,我们毫无困难的找到了她的家。根据语境,“她给我们说明”发生在“我们找到她的家”之前,即过去的过去,故该句应用过去完成时态,填had given。


江淮十校2019届高三第二次联考 英语试题 2018. 11 命审单位:宣城中学命审人:林琚徐淑贞 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where are the speakers? A. At an airport. B.At a bus stop. C.At a railway station. 2.What time is it now? A.8:45. B.8:15. C.7:45. 3. What does the man dislike about his new job? A. The salary. B.The working hours. C.The location of the company. 4.What will the woman do? A. Buy a new Apple Watch. B. Change for a new Apple Watch. C. Have the Apple Watch repaired. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A TV program. B.Some dancers. C.A dance competition. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6.7题。


高考状元学习提醒 一、课本是最好的老师。要注重基础,反复研读课本,巩固基础知识。 二、要养成良好的学习习惯。良好的学习习惯是高效率掌握知识的保障。 三、要保持良好的学习状态,自信踏实,刻苦努力,以饱满的精神迎接新一天的挑战。 四、课堂上:专心听讲是第一位。事实证明,自以为是的确是不好的习惯。同样的例题,自己看懂与听老师讲懂是完全不同的两种效果。 五、建议同学们在课外多投入些时间做题,并且要从心里重视数学。还应该准备一个错题本,老老实实地将每次错过的题抄在上面,并写上正确的解题思路,变不懂为精通。 特别提醒:请学习稍差的同学一定不要放弃,哪怕到最后一学期,也不能放弃。只要按照老师说的去做,只要塌实地付出了,就一定会有奇迹出现。永远不要放弃拼搏,因为奇迹只发生在相信奇迹存在的人身上!!!

(全国II卷)2020届高三英语联考试题 注意事项: 1?本试卷分为四部分。 2?答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。 3?全部答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 4.本试卷满分150分,测试时间120分钟。 5?考试范围:高考全部内容。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the man think of the bike? A.It's ugly. B.It's expensive? C.It's lovely. 2.How does the woman like to go to school? A.By bicycle. B.On the school bus. C.On foot? 3.What does the woman advise the man to do? A.Eat some food? B.Drink some water. C.Take some medicine? 4.What does the woman think more about? A.Driving home. B.The boat race? C.An English exam. 5.Why is Amy nervous? A.She is seeing the doctor.


绝密★启用前 全国名校联盟2020届高三质量检测联考 英语 (满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上相应的位置。 2.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案用 mm黑色笔迹签字笔写在答题卡上。 ) 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt A. £ . B. £ . C. £ 答案是C。 ( 1. Where does the conversation most probably take place A. In a gift shop. B. On campus. C. On a bus. 2. What caused Michael to be late this morning A. The freezing weather. B. An urgent call. C. An unexpected accident. 3. When does the flight leave A. At 11:15. B. At 10:45. C. At 10:15. 4. What does the man plan to do this evening


“超级全能生"2020届高三全国卷第一次在线联考 英语 注意事项: 1. 本试题卷共8页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡的相应位置。 3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题卷上无效。 4. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 5考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19. 15. B.£9.18. C. £9. 15. 答案是C。 1 .W hat does the man mean? A. H e doesn't want to invite Sam. B. S am will bring his children. C. H e forgets to invite Sam. 2.What is the man doing now? A. B ooking film tickets. B. C limbing the mountain. C. S itting at the back of the cinema. 3.Why does the man turn down the invitation? A. H e dislikes table tennis. B. H e can't beat the woman. C. H e has some lessons. 4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. C oach and pl ay er. B. M other and son. C. H usband and wife. 5. W hat should the woman do first? A. F ind the fruit shop. B. Walk to the traffic lights. C. Walk for two blocks. 英语试题卷笫1页(共8页)



第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分) 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 A.Making action-packed schedules in advance. B.Getting the job done effectively and punctually. C.Working around the clock every day. D.Establishing a harmonious relationship with colleagues. 22.Which of the following phrases has the closest meeting to the underlined word “procrastinate”in paragraph 2? A.amuse oneself B.hang out C.drag on e’s feet D.hold up 23.Which can be concluded from the text? A.Time tries all. B.Time works wonders. C.Time is effectiveness. D.Time is money. B A Gift of God One fine summer morning-it was the beginning of harvest, I remember-Mr. Earnshaw came down stairs, dressed for a journey; he turned to Hindley and Cathy, and me and spoke to his son, "Now, I'm going to Liverpool today. What shall I bring you? " Hindley named a fiddle (a kind of violin), and then he asked Cathy. She was hardly six years old, but she could ride any horse in the stable. She chose a whip(鞭子).He did not forget me; He promised to bring me a pocketful of apples and pears. Then he set off. The three days of his absence seemed a long while to us all. Mrs. Earnshaw expected him by supper-time on the third evening. She put off the meal hour after hour. There were no signs of his coming, however. About eleven o'clock the door opened and in stepped the master. He threw


高三联考英语试题卷 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分) 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. In which department does Ben work now? A. Engineering. B. Marketing. C. Sales. 2. What does the woman dislike about the sofa? A. The style. B. The color. C. The size. 3. How much will it cost the woman’s son to go to New York? A. $60. B. $30. C. $12. 4. What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. The weather. B. Their hobbies. C. Sports to do. 5. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel. C. In a cinema. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the man doing? A. Expressing his dissatisfaction. B. Asking the woman for advice. C. Trying to make an appointment. 7. Who could the woman most probably be? A. The man’s colleague. B. A nurse. C. A doctor 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8 Why is the man still living with his parents? A. He can’t afford his own apa rtment. B. His parents ask him to do so. C. He likes living at home. 9. How can we describe the man? A. He is lazy. B. He is independent. C. He is understanding. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What does the woman think of the Star War film? A. It’s exciting. B. It’s boring. C. It’s attractive. 11. What do the speakers have in common? A. They both like watching films online.


2021届湖南四大名校联考新高考模拟试卷(十) 英语试题 ★祝考试顺利★ 注意事项: 1、考试范围:高考范围。 2、试题卷启封下发后,如果试题卷有缺页、漏印、重印、损坏或者个别字句印刷模糊不清等情况,应当立马报告监考老师,否则一切后果自负。 3、答题卡启封下发后,如果发现答题卡上出现字迹模糊、行列歪斜或缺印等现象,应当马上报告监考老师,否则一切后果自负。 4、答题前,请先将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在试题卷和答题卡上的相应位置,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A后的方框涂黑。 5、选择题的作答:每个小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非选择题答题区域的答案一律无效。 6、填空题和解答题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域的答案一律无效。如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。 7、选考题的作答:先把所选题目的题号在答题卡上指定的位置用2B铅笔涂黑。答案用0.5毫米黑色签字笔写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非选修题答题区域的答案一律无效。 8、保持答题卡卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损,不得使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带等。 9、考试结束后,请将本试题卷、答题卡、草稿纸一并依序排列上交。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。 1. What does the woman think of the food? A. Delicious. B. Fatty. C. Terrible. 2. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. They are strangers. B. They are friends. C. They are neighbors.

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