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Neural Networks: MATLAB examples

Neural Networks course (practical examples) ? 2012 Primoz Potocnik

Primoz Potocnik

University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

LASIN - Laboratory of Synergetics

www.neural.si | primoz.potocnik@fs.uni-lj.si


1. nn02_neuron_output - Calculate the output of a simple neuron

2. nn02_custom_nn - Create and view custom neural networks

3. nn03_perceptron - Classification of linearly separable data with a perceptron

4. nn03_perceptron_network - Classification of a 4-class problem with a 2-neuron perceptron

5. nn03_adaline - ADALINE time series prediction with adaptive linear filter

6. nn04_mlp_xor - Classification of an XOR problem with a multilayer perceptron

7. nn04_mlp_4classes - Classification of a 4-class problem with a multilayer perceptron

8. nn04_technical_diagnostic - Industrial diagnostic of compressor connection rod defects [data2.zip]

9. nn05_narnet - Prediction of chaotic time series with NAR neural network

10. nn06_rbfn_func - Radial basis function networks for function approximation

11. nn06_rbfn_xor - Radial basis function networks for classification of XOR problem

12. nn07_som - 1D and 2D Self Organized Map

13. nn08_tech_diag_pca - PCA for industrial diagnostic of compressor connection rod defects [data2.zip]

Neuron output

Neural Networks course (practical examples) ? 2012 Primoz Potocnik PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Calculate the output of a simple neuron Contents

q Define neuron parameters

q Define input vector

q Calculate neuron output

q Plot neuron output over the range of inputs

Define neuron parameters

close all, clear all, clc, format compact

% Neuron weights

w = [4 -2]

% Neuron bias

b = -3

% Activation function

func = 'tansig'

% func = 'purelin'

% func = 'hardlim'

% func = 'logsig'

w =

4 -2

b =


func =


Define input vector

p = [2 3]

p =

2 3

Calculate neuron output

activation_potential = p*w'+b

neuron_output = feval(func, activation_potential)

activation_potential =


neuron_output =


Plot neuron output over the range of inputs

[p1,p2] = meshgrid(-10:.25:10);

z = feval(func, [p1(:) p2(:)]*w'+b );

z = reshape(z,length(p1),length(p2));


grid on

xlabel('Input 1')

ylabel('Input 2')

zlabel('Neuron output')

Published with MATLAB? 7.14

Custom networks

Neural Networks course (practical examples) ? 2012 Primoz Potocnik

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Create and view custom neural networks


q Define one sample: inputs and outputs

q Define and custom network

q Define topology and transfer function

q Configure network

q Train net and calculate neuron output

Define one sample: inputs and outputs

close all, clear all, clc, format compact

inputs = [1:6]' % input vector (6-dimensional pattern)

outputs = [1 2]' % corresponding target output vector

inputs =







outputs =



Define and custom network

% create network

net = network( ...

1, ... % numInputs, number of inputs,

2, ... % numLayers, number of layers

[1; 0], ... % biasConnect, numLayers-by-1 Boolean vector,

[1; 0], ... % inputConnect, numLayers-by-numInputs Boolean matrix, [0 0; 1 0], ... % layerConnect, numLayers-by-numLayers Boolean matrix [0 1] ... % outputConnect, 1-by-numLayers Boolean vector


% View network structure


Define topology and transfer function

% number of hidden layer neurons

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5b1038427.html,yers{1}.size = 5;

% hidden layer transfer function

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5b1038427.html,yers{1}.transferFcn = 'logsig'; view(net);

Configure network

net = configure(net,inputs,outputs); view(net);

Train net and calculate neuron output

% initial network response without training initial_output = net(inputs)

% network training

net.trainFcn = 'trainlm';

net.performFcn = 'mse';

net = train(net,inputs,outputs);

% network response after training

final_output = net(inputs)

initial_output =

final_output =



Published with MATLAB? 7.14

Classification of linearly separable data with a perceptron

Neural Networks course (practical examples) ? 2012 Primoz Potocnik

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Two clusters of data, belonging to two classes, are defined in a 2-dimensional input space. Classes are linearly separable. The task is to construct a Perceptron for the classification of data.


q Define input and output data

q Create and train perceptron

q Plot decision boundary

Define input and output data

close all, clear all, clc, format compact

% number of samples of each class

N = 20;

% define inputs and outputs

offset = 5; % offset for second class

x = [randn(2,N) randn(2,N)+offset]; % inputs

y = [zeros(1,N) ones(1,N)]; % outputs

% Plot input samples with PLOTPV (Plot perceptron input/target vectors)



Create and train perceptron

net = perceptron;

net = train(net,x,y);


Plot decision boundary



Published with MATLAB? 7.14

Classification of a 4-class problem with a perceptron

Neural Networks course (practical examples) ? 2012 Primoz Potocnik

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Perceptron network with 2-inputs and 2-outputs is trained to classify input vectors into 4 categories Contents

q Define data

q Prepare inputs & outputs for perceptron training

q Create a perceptron

q Train a perceptron

q How to use trained perceptron

Define data

close all, clear all, clc, format compact

% number of samples of each class

K = 30;

% define classes

q = .6; % offset of classes

A = [rand(1,K)-q; rand(1,K)+q];

B = [rand(1,K)+q; rand(1,K)+q];

C = [rand(1,K)+q; rand(1,K)-q];

D = [rand(1,K)-q; rand(1,K)-q];

% plot classes


hold on

grid on




% text labels for classes

text(.5-q,.5+2*q,'Class A')

text(.5+q,.5+2*q,'Class B')

text(.5+q,.5-2*q,'Class C')

text(.5-q,.5-2*q,'Class D')

% define output coding for classes

a = [0 1]';

b = [1 1]';

c = [1 0]';

d = [0 0]';

% % Why this coding doesn't work?

% a = [0 0]';

% b = [1 1]';

% d = [0 1]';

% c = [1 0]';

% % Why this coding doesn't work?

% a = [0 1]';

% b = [1 1]';

% d = [1 0]';

% c = [0 1]';

Prepare inputs & outputs for perceptron training

% define inputs (combine samples from all four classes)

P = [A B C D];

% define targets

T = [repmat(a,1,length(A)) repmat(b,1,length(B)) ...

repmat(c,1,length(C)) repmat(d,1,length(D)) ];


Create a perceptron

net = perceptron;

Train a perceptron

ADAPT returns a new network object that performs as a better classifier, the network output, and the error. This loop allows the network to adapt for xx passes, plots the classification line, and continues until the error is zero.

E = 1;

net.adaptParam.passes = 1;

linehandle = plotpc(net.IW{1},net.b{1});

n = 0;

while (sse(E) & n<1000)

n = n+1;

[net,Y,E] = adapt(net,P,T);

linehandle = plotpc(net.IW{1},net.b{1},linehandle); drawnow;


% show perceptron structure


How to use trained perceptron

% For example, classify an input vector of [0.7; 1.2] p = [0.7; 1.2]

y = net(p)

% compare response with output coding (a,b,c,d)

p =



y =



Published with MATLAB? 7.14

ADALINE time series prediction

Neural Networks course (practical examples) ? 2012 Primoz Potocnik

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Construct an ADALINE for adaptive prediction of time series based on past time series data Contents

q Define input and output data

q Prepare data for neural network toolbox

q Define ADALINE neural network

q Adaptive learning of the ADALINE

q Plot results

Define input and output data

close all, clear all, clc, format compact

% define segments of time vector

dt = 0.01; % time step [seconds]

t1 = 0 : dt : 3; % first time vector [seconds]

t2 = 3+dt : dt : 6; % second time vector [seconds]

t = [t1 t2]; % complete time vector [seconds]

% define signal

y = [sin(4.1*pi*t1) .8*sin(8.3*pi*t2)];

% plot signal


xlabel('Time [sec]');

ylabel('Target Signal');

grid on

ylim([-1.2 1.2])

Prepare data for neural network toolbox

% There are two basic types of input vectors: those that occur concurrently % (at the same time, or in no particular time sequence), and those that

% occur sequentially in time. For concurrent vectors, the order is not

% important, and if there were a number of networks running in parallel,

% you could present one input vector to each of the networks. For

% sequential vectors, the order in which the vectors appear is important.

p = con2seq(y);

Define ADALINE neural network

% The resulting network will predict the next value of the target signal

% using delayed values of the target.

inputDelays = 1:5; % delayed inputs to be used

learning_rate = 0.2; % learning rate

% define ADALINE

net = linearlayer(inputDelays,learning_rate);

Adaptive learning of the ADALINE

% Given an input sequence with N steps the network is updated as follows.

% Each step in the sequence of inputs is presented to the network one at

% a time. The network's weight and bias values are updated after each step,

% before the next step in the sequence is presented. Thus the network is % updated N times. The output signal and the error signal are returned, % along with new network.

[net,Y,E] = adapt(net,p,p);

% view network structure


% check final network parameters

disp('Weights and bias of the ADALINE after adaptation')



Weights and bias of the ADALINE after adaptation

ans =

0.7179 0.4229 0.1552 -0.1203 -0.4159

ans =


Plot results

% transform result vectors

Y = seq2con(Y); Y = Y{1};

E = seq2con(E); E = E{1};

% start a new figure


% first graph


plot(t,y,'b', t,Y,'r--');


grid on

xlabel('Time [sec]');

ylabel('Target Signal');

ylim([-1.2 1.2])

% second graph



grid on

legend('Prediction error') xlabel('Time [sec]'); ylabel('Error');

ylim([-1.2 1.2])

Published with MATLAB? 7.14

Solving XOR problem with a multilayer perceptron

Neural Networks course (practical examples) ? 2012 Primoz Potocnik

PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 4 clusters of data (A,B,C,D) are defined in a 2-dimensional input space. (A,C) and (B,D) clusters represent XOR classification problem. The task is to define a neural network for solving the XOR problem.


q Define 4 clusters of input data

q Define output coding for XOR problem

q Prepare inputs & outputs for network training

q Create and train a multilayer perceptron

q plot targets and network response to see how good the network learns the data

q Plot classification result for the complete input space

Define 4 clusters of input data

close all, clear all, clc, format compact

% number of samples of each class

K = 100;

% define 4 clusters of input data

q = .6; % offset of classes

A = [rand(1,K)-q; rand(1,K)+q];

B = [rand(1,K)+q; rand(1,K)+q];

C = [rand(1,K)+q; rand(1,K)-q];

D = [rand(1,K)-q; rand(1,K)-q];

% plot clusters



hold on

grid on




% text labels for clusters

text(.5-q,.5+2*q,'Class A')

text(.5+q,.5+2*q,'Class B')

text(.5+q,.5-2*q,'Class A')

text(.5-q,.5-2*q,'Class B')

Define output coding for XOR problem

% encode clusters a and c as one class, and b and d as another class a = -1; % a | b

c = -1; % -------

b = 1; % d | c

d = 1; %

Prepare inputs & outputs for network training

% define inputs (combine samples from all four classes)

P = [A B C D];

% define targets

T = [repmat(a,1,length(A)) repmat(b,1,length(B)) ...

repmat(c,1,length(C)) repmat(d,1,length(D)) ];

% view inputs |outputs

%[P' T']

Create and train a multilayer perceptron

% create a neural network

net = feedforwardnet([5 3]);

% train net

net.divideParam.trainRatio = 1; % training set [%]

net.divideParam.valRatio = 0; % validation set [%]

net.divideParam.testRatio = 0; % test set [%]

% train a neural network

[net,tr,Y,E] = train(net,P,T);

% show network


plot targets and network response to see how good the network learns the data



hold on


grid on

legend('Targets','Network response','location','best')

ylim([-1.25 1.25])

Plot classification result for the complete input space

% generate a grid

span = -1:.005:2;

[P1,P2] = meshgrid(span,span);

pp = [P1(:) P2(:)]';

% simulate neural network on a grid

aa = net(pp);

% translate output into [-1,1]

%aa = -1 + 2*(aa>0);

% plot classification regions



colormap cool
