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《大学物理I 、II 》(下)重修模拟试题(1)


1.把单摆摆球从平衡位置向位移正方向拉开,使摆线与竖直方向成一微小角度θ ,然后由静止放手任其振动,从放手时开始计时.若用余弦函数表示其运动方程,则该单摆振动的初相为 (A) π (B) π/2 (C) 0 (D) θ [ ]

2.两相干波源S 1和S 2相距λ /4,(λ 为波长),

S 1的相位比S 2的相位超前π2


,在S 1,S 2的连线上,

S 1外侧各点(例如P 点)两波引起的两谐振动的相位差是

(A) 0 (B)


π (C) π (D) π23

. [ ]

3. 如果在长为L 、两端固定的弦线上形成驻波,则此驻波的基频波(波长最长的波)的波长为

(A) L /2. (B) L .

(C) 3L /2. (D) 2L . [ ]

4.一束平行单色光垂直入射在光栅上,当光栅常数)(b a +为下列哪种情况时(a 代表每条缝的宽度),k=4、8、12等级次的主极大均不出现

(A) a b a 3=+ (B) a b a 4=+

(C) a b a 6=+

(D) a b a 8=+ [ ]

S 1

S 2



5.如图所示,折射率为n 2、厚度为e 的透明介质薄膜的上方和下方的透明介质的折射率分别为n 1和n 3,已知n 1<n 2<n 3.若用波长为λ的单色平行光垂直入射到该薄膜上,则从薄膜上、下两表面反射的光束①与②的光程差是 (A) 2n 2 e -λ / 2 (B) 2n 2 e

(C) 2n 2 e + λ / 2 (D) 2n 2 e -λ / (2n 2) [ ]

6.如果两个偏振片堆叠在一起,且偏振化方向之间夹角为60°,光强为I 0的自然光垂直入射在偏振片上,则出射光强为

(A) I 0 / 8 (B) I 0 / 4

(C) 3 I 0 / 8 (D) 3 I 0 / 4. [ ] 7.在标准状态下,若氧气(可视为刚性双原子分子的理想气体)和氦气的体积比为2

121=V V ,则其内能之比21:E E 为

(A) 1∶2 (B) 5∶3 (C) 5∶6 (D) 3∶10 [ ] 8.如图,bca 为理想气体绝热过程,b 1a 和b 2a 是任意过程,则上述两过程

中气体对外作功与吸收热量的情况是 (A) b 1a 过程吸热,作正功;b 2a 过程吸热,作负功 (B) b 1a 过程放热,作正功;b 2a 过程吸热,作正功 (C) b 1a 过程放热,作负功;b 2a 过程放热,作负功 (D) b 1a 过程吸热,作负功;b 2a 过程放热,作负功 [ ] 9.1mol 理想气体的状态变化如图所示,其中1—3为等温线,则气体经历1—2—3过程的熵变ΔS 为(R 为摩尔气体常量)

(A) 0 (B) R ln4


2R ln4 (D) 4R [ ]

n 3



V b


2 a


10.一匀质矩形薄板,在它静止时测得其长为a 、宽为b ,质量为m 0。由此可算出其质量面密度为ab

m 0


作匀速直线运动,此时再测算该矩形薄板的质量面密度则为 (A) []


01)c u (ab m - (B) ab

c u m 2





(1c u ab m - (D)







c u (ab m - [ ]

11.光子的能量为0.5MeV 的X 射线,入射到某种物质上而产生康普顿散射。若反冲电子的动能为0.1MeV ,则散射光波长的改变量?λ与入射光波长λ0之比值为

(A) 0.10

(B) 0.15

(C) 0.20 (D) 0.25

[ ]

12.如图所示,一束动量为p 的电子,通过缝宽为a 的狭缝.在距离狭缝为R 处放置一荧光屏,屏上衍射图样中央最大的宽度d 等于

(A) 2Rh /(ap ) (B) 2ha /p (C) 2ha /(Rp ) (D) 2a 2/R

[ ]


1.一个质点同时参与两个在同一直线上的简谐振动,其表达式分别为 )612c o s (10421π+?=-t x , )6

52cos(10322π-?=-t x (SI)

则其合成振动的振动方程为_____________ __。

2.有A 和B 两个汽笛,其频率均为404 Hz .A 是静止的,B 以3.3 m/s 的速度远离A 。在两个汽笛之间有一位静止的观察者,他听到的声音的拍频是(已知空气中的声速为330 m/s )____________。

3.某时刻驻波波形曲线如图所示,则a 、b 两点振动的相位差是 。


的各条正入射光线间距相等,那么在P 点衍射角的方向,单缝处波阵面可分成的半波带数目为

个,P 点应为


5. 用波长600=λnm 的单色光垂直照射到牛顿环装置上,第二级明纹与第五级明纹所对应的空气膜厚度之差为 nm 。

6.图示的两条f (v )~v 曲线分别表示氢气和

氧气在同一温度下的麦克斯韦速率分布曲线。由此可得 氢气分子的最概然速率为_____________m/s ;

氧气分子的最概然速率为_____________ m/s 。

7.一定量的某种双原子分理想气体在等压过程中对外作功为200J ,则需吸热 J 。

8.以速度v 相对于地球作匀速直线运动的恒星所发射的光子,其相对于地球的速度的大小为______ 。(光速用c 表示)

9.低速运动的质子和α 粒子(氦核)。若它们的德布罗意波长相同,则它们的动量之比P P ∶αP =

;动能之比P E ∶αE =


1.(本题10分)如图所示为一平面简谐波在t = 0 时


(1) 该波以O点为原点的波动方程的表达式;

(2) 在距原点O为100 m处质点的振动方程;

(3) 在波的传播方向上距原点分别为x1=50m、x2=200m两点间的相位差大小。


(1) 求A→B过程中系统对外所作的功

W AB,内能的增量?E AB以及所吸收的热量Q AB;

(2) 整个循环过程中系统对外所作的净功W以及从外界吸收的热量Q1;

(3) 循环过程的效率η。

3) 5



4.(本题5分)设光栅平面和透镜都与屏幕平行,在平面透射光栅上每厘米有5000条刻线,用它来观察钠黄光(λ=589 nm)的光谱线。当光线以30°的入射角(入射线与光栅平面的法线的夹角)斜入射到光栅上时,能看到的光k'是多少?(1nm=10-9m)



5.(本题5分)已知某粒子的静止能量为 200MeV ,平均寿命为τ0。试求动能为 150 MeV 的该粒子的速度v 是多少?此时平均寿命τ 是τ0多少倍?


x a


a x ψ2sin 2=

)( )0(a x ≤≤,试求: (1)粒子在a x 12



处出现的概率密度; (2)粒子在哪些位置出现的概率最大。


【典型题】七年级数学下期末模拟试题及答案(1) 一、选择题 1. 1 16 的平方根是( ) A .± 12 B .± 14 C . 14 D . 12 2.在平面直角坐标中,点M(-2,3)在( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象 限 D .第四象限 3.下面不等式一定成立的是( ) A . 2 a a < B .a a -< C .若a b >,c d =,则ac bd > D .若1a b >>,则22a b > 4.下列方程中,是二元一次方程的是( ) A .x ﹣y 2=1 B .2x ﹣y =1 C . 1 1y x += D .xy ﹣1=0 5.已知方程组276359 632713 x y x y +=??+=-?的解满足1x y m -=-,则m 的值为( ) A .-1 B .-2 C .1 D .2 6.小明对九(1)、九(2)班(人数都为50人)参加“阳光体育”的情况进行了调查,统计结果如图所示.下列说法中正确的是( ) A .喜欢乒乓球的人数(1)班比(2)班多 B .喜欢足球的人数(1)班比(2)班多 C .喜欢羽毛球的人数(1)班比(2)班多 D .喜欢篮球的人数(2)班比(1)班多 7.已知关于x ,y 的二元一次方程组231ax by ax by +=??-=?的解为1 1 x y =??=-?,则a ﹣2b 的值是 ( ) A .﹣2 B .2 C .3 D .﹣3 8.不等式4-2x >0的解集在数轴上表示为( ) A . B . C .

D . 9.在直角坐标系中,若点P(2x -6,x -5)在第四象限,则x 的取值范围是( ) A .3<x <5 B .-5<x <3 C .-3<x <5 D .-5<x <-3 10.若点(),1P a a -在x 轴上,则点()2,1Q a a -+在第( )象限. A .一 B .二 C .三 D .四 11.已知:ABC ?中,AB AC =,求证:90O B ∠<,下面写出可运用反证法证明这个命 题的四个步骤: ①∴180O A B C ∠+∠+∠>,这与三角形内角和为180O 矛盾,②因此假设不成立.∴90O B ∠<,③假设在ABC ?中,90O B ∠≥,④由AB AC =,得 90O B C ∠=∠≥,即180O B C ∠+∠≥.这四个步骤正确的顺序应是( ) A .③④②① B .③④①② C .①②③④ D .④③①② 12.关于x ,y 的方程组2, 226 x y a x y a +=??+=-?的解满足0x y +=,则a 的值为( ) A .8 B .6 C .4 D .2 二、填空题 13.若方程33x x m +=-的解是正数,则m 的取值范围是______. 14.2018年国内航空公司规定:旅客乘机时,免费携带行李箱的长,宽,高三者之和不超过115cm .某厂家生产符合该规定的行李箱.已知行李箱的宽为20cm ,长与高的比为8:11 ,则符合此规定的行李箱的高的最大值为 cm . 15.不等式71x ->的正整数解为:______________. 16.不等式组1 1{2320 x x ≥--<的解集为________. 17.如果一个数的平方根为a+1和2a-7, 这个数为 ________ 18.如图,已知AB 、CD 相交于点O,OE ⊥AB 于O ,∠EOC=28°,则∠AOD=_____度; 19.为了了解某商品促销广告中所称中奖率的真实性,某人买了100件该商品调查其中奖率,那么他采用的调查方式是______.


七年级(上)期末考试数学试卷 一、选择题(每题3分,共36分) 请将正确的答案填入下表: 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 答案 1.已知4个数中:(―1)2005,2-,-(-1.5),―32,其中正数的个数有( ). A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 2.某种药品的说明书上标明保存温度是(20±2)℃,则该药品在( )范围内保存才合适. A .18℃~20℃ B .20℃~22℃ C .18℃~21℃ D .18℃~22℃ 3.多项式3x 2-2xy 3- 2 1 y -1是( ). A .三次四项式 B .三次三项式 C .四次四项式 D .四次三项式 4.下面不是同类项的是( ). A .-2与 21 B .2m 与2n C .b a 22-与b a 2 D .22y x -与222 1y x 5.若x =3是方程a -x =7的解,则a 的值是( ). A .4 B .7 C .10 D .7 3 6.在解方程 123 123 x x -+-=时,去分母正确的是( ). A .3(x -1)-2(2+3x )=1 B .3(x -1)+2(2x +3)=1 C .3(x -1)+2(2+3x )=6 D .3(x -1)-2(2x +3)=6 7.如图1,由两块长方体叠成的几何体,从正面看它所得到的平面图形是( ). A . B . C . D . 8.把图2绕虚线旋转一周形成一个几何体,与它相似的物体是 ( ). A .课桌 B .灯泡 C .篮球 D .水桶 9.甲、乙两班共有98人,若从甲班调3人到乙班,那么两班人数正好相等.设甲班原有 图1 图2


20XX年人教版八年级下英语期末考试试题姓名 一、单项选择:(20) ( ) 21. Although he isn’t adult, he should understand importance of protecting the environment. A.a;an B.an;a C.an;the D.an;an ( ) 22. With the of science technology,our country is becoming stronger and stronger. A. achievement B.amusement C.excitement D.development ( ) 23. careful you are in the exam, mistakes you’ll make. A. The more; the fewer B. The most; the fewer C. The less; the more D. A or C ( ) 24. --- As a middle school student , we must have a good study habit. --- Yes, first we mustn’t today’s homework till tomorrow. A. put off B.put out C. take off D.give out ( ) 25. Kate was ill last week. But she is to go to school today. A.good enough B.enough good C.well enough D.enough well ( ) 26. ---Where’s Mr Green? Could you tell me? --- Sure, he Beijing to attend an important meeting. A. went B.has been to C.has gone to D.has gone back ( ) 27.The story made the girl her family back in her home town . A. miss B. missing C. misses D. to miss ( )28. I was going out to play with my friends my mother asked me , “ Tom, Please finish your homework first!” A. when B.while C. unless D.until ( ) 29. I have never read book that I can’t put it down . A.so an excellent B. a such excellent C. such excellent a D. such an excellent ( ) 30. --- Do you have lots of homework every day? --- No, I only have . But none is easy. A. a little B. a few C. few D. little ( ) 31. My father watched me basketball when I took part in our school sports meeting. A. play B. playing C. to play D. played ( ) 32. ---Have a lot of travelers visited the museum? ---Yes, and they are foreigners. A. luckily B.mostly C.recently D.brightly ( )33. ---He’s never tasted Indian food. How about you,Jack? ---. It’s said to be very hot. A. So have I B.So I have C.Neither have I D. Neither I have ( ) 34. --- How long have you a League member? ---Since two years ago. A. joined B.been C.been joined D.been in ( ) 35. --- Please look at the sign, “ No smoking here !” --- Sorry, . A. I didn’t see it B. I won’t see it


【好题】七年级数学下期末第一次模拟试题含答案(1) 一、选择题 1.如图,直线BC 与MN 相交于点O ,AO ⊥BC ,OE 平分∠BON ,若∠EON =20°,则∠AOM 的度数为( ) A .40° B .50° C .60° D .70° 2.已知二元一次方程组m 2n 42m n 3-=??-=? ,则m+n 的值是( ) A .1 B .0 C .-2 D .-1 3.已知关于x 的不等式组 的解中有3个整数解,则m 的取值范围是( ) A .3,c d =,则ac bd > D .若1a b >>,则22a b > 6.将一副三角板和一张对边平行的纸条按如图摆放,两个三角板的一直角边重合,含30°角的直角三角板的斜边与纸条一边重合,含45°角的三角板的一个顶点在纸条的另一边上,则∠1的度数是( ) A .15° B .22.5° C .30° D .45° 7.为了绿化校园,30名学生共种78棵树苗,其中男生每人种3棵,女生每人种2棵,设男生有x 人,女生有y 人,根据题意,所列方程组正确的是( )

A .783230x y x y +=??+=? B .78 2330x y x y +=??+=? C .30 2378x y x y +=??+=? D .30 3278x y x y +=??+=? 8.点P 为直线m 外一点,点A ,B ,C 为直线m 上三点,PA =4cm ,PB =5cm ,PC =2cm ,则点P 到直线m 的距离为( ) A .4cm B .2cm ; C .小于2cm D .不大于2cm 9.如图,把一个直角三角尺的直角顶点放在直尺的一边上,若∠1=50°,则∠2= ( ) A .20° B .30° C .40° D .50° 10.下列说法正确的是( ) A .两点之间,直线最短; B .过一点有一条直线平行于已知直线; C .和已知直线垂直的直线有且只有一条; D .在平面内过一点有且只有一条直线垂直于已知直线. 11.在平面直角坐标系中,点A 的坐标()0,1,点B 的坐标()3,3,将线段AB 平移,使得 A 到达点()4,2C ,点 B 到达点D ,则点D 的坐标是( ) A .()7,3 B .()6,4 C . ()7,4 D .()8,4 12.如图,动点P 在平面直角坐标系中按图中箭头所示方向运动,第1次从原点运动到点()1,1,第2次接着运动到点()2,0,第3次接着运动到点()3,2,···,按这样的运动规律,经过第2020次运动后,动点P 的坐标是( ) A .()2020,1 B .()2020,0 C .()2020,2 D .()2019,0 二、填空题 13.若关于x 、y 的二元一次方程组21 33 x y m x y -=+??+=?的解满足x +y >0,则m 的取值范围 是____. 14.如图,已知AB ,CD ,EF 互相平行,且∠ABE =70°,∠ECD =150°,则∠BEC =________° .


【冲刺卷】七年级数学上期末模拟试卷带答案 一、选择题 1.下列图形中,能用ABC ∠,B D,α∠表示同一个角的是( ) A . B . C . D . 2.下列说法: (1)两点之间线段最短; (2)两点确定一条直线; (3)同一个锐角的补角一定比它的余角大90°; (4)A 、B 两点间的距离是指A 、B 两点间的线段;其中正确的有( ) A .一个 B .两个 C .三个 D .四个 3.实数a b ,在数轴上对应点的位置如图所示,则必有( ) A .0a b +> B .0a b -< C .0ab > D .0a b < 4.一家商店将某种服装按照成本价提高40%后标价,又以8折优惠卖出,结果每件仍获利15元,这种服装每件的成本是多少元?设这种服装每件的成本是x 元,则根据题意列出方程正确的是( ) A .0.8×(1+40%)x =15 B .0.8×(1+40%)x ﹣x =15 C .0.8×40%x =15 D .0.8×40%x ﹣x =15 5.下列计算正确的是( ) A .2a +3b =5ab B .2a 2+3a 2=5a 4 C .2a 2b +3a 2b =5a 2b D .2a 2﹣3a 2=﹣a 6.下列运算结果正确的是( ) A .5x ﹣x=5 B .2x 2+2x 3=4x 5 C .﹣4b+b=﹣3b D .a 2b ﹣ab 2=0 7.把四张形状大小完全相同的小长方形卡片(如图1)不重叠地放在一个底面为长方形(长为m 厘米,宽为n 厘米)的盒子底部(如图2所示),盒子里面未被卡片覆盖的部分用阴影部分表示,则图2中两块阴影部分周长和是( ) A .4m 厘米 B .4n 厘米 C .2()m n +厘米 D .4()m n -厘米 8.如图,数轴上有A ,B ,C ,D 四个点,其中表示互为相反数的点是( )


初二英语综合复习及模拟试题 (答题时间:80分钟) 一. Choose the best answer. 1. ——What is_______ food in China? A. most popular B. popularest C. the most popular D. the popularest 2. The English teacher asked ________ to go to his office. A.I, Jim and Kate B. Jim, Kate and I C. Jim, Kate and me D. me, Jim and Kate 3. —— Betty goes to the cinema once a month. ——________. A. So I do B. So do I C. Do I so D. I do so 4. Congratulations ________ you all ________ your success. A. to; on B. for; to C. to; to D. for; on 5. ——What’s the matter? ——_______. A. That’s all right B. I have got a pen C. I have got a cold D. It doesn’t look well 6. —— What would you like to drink, girls? ——_______, please. A. Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffees C. Two cups of coffee D. Two cup of coffees 7. What’s _______ way of saying TV? A. other B. others C. the other D. another 8. —— Will your mother_______ you if you ______ the English exam? ——Of course not. Because I’m trying my best. A. be angry with, don’t pass B. be angry with, won’t pass C. be angry to; don’t pass D. be angry to; won’t pass 9. He asked me________. A. what did it mean B. what it means C. what does it mean D. what it meant 10. —— May I_______ your Chinese-English dictionary? ——Sorry. I_______ it at home. A. borrow, forgot B. lend, left C. lend, forgot D. borrow, left 11. Each of us has to write a_______ composition every two weeks. A. two-hundred-word B. two-hundreds-word C. two-hundred-words D. two-hundreds-words 12. —— There is a ticket on the floor, is it your? ——Oh, yes, it’s mine. ——Let me______ for you.


初一数学模拟试题及答案 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分): 1。下列变形正确的是() A。若x2=y2,则x=yB。若,则x=y C。若x(x—2)=5(2—x),则x=—5D。若(m+n)x=(m+n)y,则x=y 2。截止到2010年5月19日,已有21600名中外记者成为上海世博会的注册记者,将21600用科学计数法表示为() A。0。216×105B。21。6×103C。2。16×103D。2。16×104 3。下列计算正确的是() A。3a—2a=1B。x2y—2xy2=—xy2 C。3a2+5a2=8a4D。3ax—2xa=ax 4。有理数a、b在数轴上表示如图3所示,下列结论错误的是() A。b C。D。 5。已知关于x的方程4x—3m=2的解是x=m,则m的值是() A。2B。—2C。2或7D。—2或7 6。下列说法正确的是() A。的系数是—2B。32ab3的次数是6次 C。是多项式D。x2+x—1的常数项为1 7。用四舍五入把0。06097精确到千分位的近似值的有效数字是()

A。0,6,0B。0,6,1,0C。6,0,9D。6,1 8。某车间计划生产一批零件,后来每小时多生产10件,用了12小时不但完成了任务,而且还多生产了60件,设原计划每小时生产x个零件,这所列方程为() A。13x=12(x+10)+60B。12(x+10)=13x+60 C。D。 9。如图,点C、O、B在同一条直线上,∠AOB=90°, ∠AOE=∠DOB,则下列结论:①∠EOD=90°;②∠COE=∠AOD;③∠COE=∠DOB;④∠COE+∠BOD=90°。其中正确的个数是() A。1B。2C。3D。4 10。如图,把一张长方形的纸片沿着EF折叠,点C、D分别落在M、N的位置,且∠MFB=∠MFE。则∠MFB=() A。30°B。36°C。45°D。72° 二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分): 11。x的2倍与3的差可表示为。 12。如果代数式x+2y的值是3,则代数式2x+4y+5的值是。 13。买一支钢笔需要a元,买一本笔记本需要b元,那么买m支钢笔和n 本笔记本需要元。 14。如果5a2bm与2anb是同类项,则m+n=。 15。900—46027/=,1800—42035/29”=。 16。如果一个角与它的余角之比为1∶2,则这个角是度,这个角与它的补角之比是。


。 八年级上册模拟试题 (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 班级 座号 姓名 成绩 一. 选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, hurry up. It ’s late! —Oh, I ’m so tired, we ’ve run for half hour. A 、a B 、an C 、the 2. This is iPhone. Yours is over there. A 、she B 、her C 、hers 3. —How far is your home from here? —It ’s about ten walk. A 、minutes B 、minute ’s C 、minutes ’ 4. —Longyan is a very beautiful city and there ’re many places of interest. —So it is. Why not stay here for two days? A 、another B 、others C 、the other 5. —Why weren ’t you at the meeting? —I for a call from my husband in Guangdong. A 、waited B 、had waited C 、was waiting 6. David, you drop litter everywhere. It ’s bad for the environment. A 、didn ’t B 、mustn ’t C 、needn ’t 7. —Helen here for almost 7 years and she has many friends. —That ’s true. She is friendly to everyone here. A 、came B 、has come C 、has been 8. —Have you got your school things ready? We in two minutes. —Sure. Everything is ready. A 、are leaving B 、left C 、have left 9. —What a great factory! I haven ’t seen it before. —Of course you haven ’t. It when you were abroad. A 、is built B 、built C 、was built 10.—There is a girl in front of our classroom. Do you know ? —She is an English teacher. A 、who is she B 、who she is C 、what she is 11. —Do you know Confucius. Mike? —Yes. He was a great thinker had many wise ideas about behavior. A 、who B 、whom C 、whose 12. Which of the following is NOT a traffic sign? 13. Beidou Satellite System was the rescue work in the Ya ’an earthquake. A 、used by B 、used to C 、used for 14. I ’ve never this place before, but it really attracts many visitors. A 、heard from B 、heard of C 、heard about 15. Only by everyone ’s efforts can our Chinese Dream . A 、come true B 、come about C 、come into being 二. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) Reading is important to children. It can influence the 16 children think. However, choosing the right book for a child maters much. 17 parents choose an easy book for their child, he or she needn ’t deal with a challenge, and he or she will make 18 progress in reading. If they choose a difficult book, the child can lose his or her 19 and even stop reading. The following


新目标人教版初中七年级英语下学期精品模拟试题附答案 本试卷满分95分考试时间90分钟命题人: 一、选择填空(15分) ()1. It is ____________interesting book, ____________ book is written by Mark Twin. A. a, the B.an, a C. an, the D. a, a ()2. -Would you please go out for a walk with me? -_______, but I'm too busy now. A.That's right. B. I'd love to C. Of course not D.That's all right ()3. -I'm hungry ,Mom. --__________ A. What about a pizza? B.I'm hungry ,too C.It's time for lunch D.What about you? ()4. _________interesting dolphin it is! A.How an B.How a C.What an D.What a ()5. Thank you for________ me the good news A.tell B.to tell C.telling D.told ()6. In South Asia people's favorite food is ________ A.rice B.hamburger C.hot dog D.lemon nada ()7. --________do you want to be an actor? --It's very interesting. A. What B.When C. How D.Why ()8. --Would you like some drink? --_______. A. Here you are B.Yes, just a little C. Please give me some D. Yes, I like


八年级上英语期末试题 (时间:90分钟总分:100分) 第一部分听力(共20分)略 第二部分基础知识运用 第一节.单项选择题(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) ( )1.If you wear jeans to go to the party, the teachers_______. A. don’t let you in B. won’t let you in C. not let you in D. let you not in ( )2.―Can you come to my party this weekend? ―_______ A.I hope so B. Go ahead C. Sure, I’d love to D. You’re welcome ( )3.―_______ cups of yogurt do you need? ―Two. A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How far ( )4.―Will people use money in 100 years? ―_______. A. Yes, they can B. No, they won’t C. Yes, they do D. Yes , they won’t ( )5.―What are going to be when you grow up? ―_______. A. I am a teacher B. I want to be a teacher C. I wanted to be a teacher D. I hope so ( )6.―What do you think of the TV shows? ―_______. A. How wonderful they are! B. I hope to watch it C. I don’t mind it D. I can’t stop laughing ( )7.Yao Ming plays basketball_______ in China. A. better B. the best C. good D. bad ( )8.He is taller than any other_______ in your class. A. students B. student C. them D. us ( )9.―_______ do you go to the doctor? ―Three times a month. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How about ( )10.Did you buy_______ in Hainan? A. something special B. special something C. anything special D. special anything 第二节.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) There is nobody in the world the same 1 you; you are unique (独特唯一的)! Everybody is 2 from everyone else. That is good! 3 it makes the world (世界) an interesting place. There are people taller 4 you, and shorter than you. Maybe your hair is the same color as your friend's hair, but maybe it is longer than 5 . Another difference is your hair may be straight, hers may be curly. I am sure you have some friends who are 6 than you. And you also have some friends, they are as 7 at sports as you. But there are also people around you who are not good at some things. 8 does your best friend look like? Do you both 9 to finish your homework at school? Do you both want to wear the same clothes every day? I think 10 some ways you are the same, but in many other ways you are different. So say loudly to the world, "I am who I am-I'm unique!" ( )1. A. with ( )2. A. better B. as B. different C. of C. smart D. from D. good


2020-2021七年级数学下期末第一次模拟试题(含答案)(1) 一、选择题 1.下列各式中计算正确的是( ) A .93=± B .2(3)3-=- C .33(3)3-=± D .3273= 2.如图,已知∠1=∠2,∠3=30°,则∠B 的度数是( ) A .20o B .30o C .40o D .60o 3.将一个矩形纸片按如图所示折叠,若∠1=40°,则∠2的度数是( ) A .40° B .50° C .60° D .70° 4.估计10+1的值应在( ) A .3和4之间 B .4和5之间 C .5和6之间 D .6和7之间 5.《九章算术》中记载一问题如下:“今有共买鸡,人出八,盈三;人出七,不足四,问人数、物价各几何?”意思是:今有人合伙购物,每人出8钱,会多3钱;每人出7钱,又差4钱,问人数、物价各多少?设有x 人,买鸡的钱数为y ,依题意可列方程组为( ) A .8374x y x y +=?? +=? B .8374x y x y -=?? -=? C .8374x y x y +=?? -=? D .8374x y x y -=?? +=? 6.小明对九(1)、九(2)班(人数都为50人)参加“阳光体育”的情况进行了调查,统计结果如图所示.下列说法中正确的是( ) A .喜欢乒乓球的人数(1)班比(2)班多 B .喜欢足球的人数(1)班比(2)班多

C.喜欢羽毛球的人数(1)班比(2)班多D.喜欢篮球的人数(2)班比(1)班多 7.方程组 2 3 x y a x y += ? ? -= ? 的解为 5 x y b = ? ? = ? ,则a、b分别为() A.a=8,b=﹣2B.a=8,b=2C.a=12,b=2D.a=18,b=8 8.如图,如果AB∥CD,那么下面说法错误的是() A.∠3=∠7B.∠2=∠6C.∠3+∠4+∠5+∠6=180°D.∠4=∠8 9.下列四个说法:①两点之间,线段最短;②连接两点之间的线段叫做这两点间的距离; ③经过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线与这条直线平行;④直线外一点与这条直线上各点连接的所有线段中,垂线段最短.其中正确的个数有() A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 10.在直角坐标系中,若点P(2x-6,x-5)在第四象限,则x的取值范围是( ) A.3<x<5B.-5<x<3C.-3<x<5D.-5<x<-3 11.如图所示,点P到直线l的距离是() A.线段PA的长度B.线段PB的长度C.线段PC的长度D.线段PD的长度12.已知a,b为两个连续整数,且a<191 -


最新七年级数学下期末模拟试题及答案 一、选择题 1.如图,将一张长方形纸条折叠,如果∠1=130°,则,∠2=( ) A .100° B .130° C .150° D .80° 2.同学们喜欢足球吗?足球一般是用黑白两种颜色的皮块缝制而成的,如图所示,黑色皮块是正五边形,白色皮块是正六边形.若一个球上共有黑白皮块32块,请你计算一下,黑色皮块和白色皮块的块数依次为( ) A .16块,16块 B .8块,24块 C .20块,12块 D .12块,20块 3.为了绿化校园,30名学生共种78棵树苗,其中男生每人种3棵,女生每人种2棵,设男生有x 人,女生有y 人,根据题意,所列方程组正确的是( ) A .783230x y x y +=??+=? B .78 2330x y x y +=??+=? C .30 2378x y x y +=??+=? D .30 3278x y x y +=??+=? 4.若|321|20x y x y --++-=,则x ,y 的值为( ) A .1 4x y =??=? B .2 0x y =??=? C .02x y =??=? D .1 1x y =??=? 5.16的平方根为( ) A .±4 B .±2 C .+4 D .2 6.已知关于x 的不等式组321 123 x x x a --?≤-? ??-?? -≤?的解集是( )

七年级语文上册模拟试题 1

模拟考试 语文试卷 (考试时间:150分钟分值:150分) 一、(本大题共7小题,共30分,第6题7分,第7题8分,其余每题3分) 1.下列词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是 A. 惩罚(chěnɡ)比较(jiào) 订正(dìng) 情不自禁(jīn) B. 倔强(jué)联袂(mèi) 拮据(jié)断壁残垣(yuán) C. 瞥见(piē)氛围(fēn) 追溯(shù)鲜为人知(xiǎn) D. 魁梧(wú)憎恶(zènɡ)膝盖(xī)言简意赅(ɡāi) 2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是 A.安详合谐各行其是进退维谷 B.游弋急躁相辅相承明察秋毫 C.细腻元霄无精打采张灯结彩 D.蒙蔽偶像销声匿迹自出心裁 3.下列句子中加点词语使用恰当的一项是 A.进入初三以来,一些基础较弱的同学却进步很大,叫人不得不刮目相看。 B.小说不仅情节曲折生动,而且字里行间充满强烈的感情,读来楚楚动人。 C.“嫦娥一号”卫星的成功发射,无疑是为我国航天事业建立了一座巍峨的海市蜃楼。 D. 房租、邮费、电话费等,每个月都要近千元,若再开展活动,开支是左右为难了。 4.依次填入下面横线上的词语,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是 它一出来,便宣告了它的生命,寻着自己的道路要流动了。正因为寻着自己的道路,它的步伐是艰辛的。然而,它从石板上滑下,便有了自己____;它从石崖上跌落,便有了自己_____;它回旋在穴潭之中,便有了自己______。 A.白练般的颜色不可测的深沉铜的韵味的声音 B 不可测的深沉铜的韵味的声音白练般的颜色 C 铜的韵味的声音白练般的颜色不可测的深沉 D 铜的韵味的声音不可测的深沉白练般的颜色 5、下列相关文学常识连线,不恰当的一项是() A、《孙权劝学》司马光《资治通鉴》----北宋


2018-2019学年第一学期八年级英语模拟试题 (时间:120分钟 分值:120分) 第I 卷 一. 听力选择(略) 二.单项选择(每小题1分,共30分) 1. What _______ interesting film ! It’s _______ unusual one. A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a 2. –Would you mind _____ the music a litt le? Don’t you think it’s too loud? --Sorry! I’ll do it in a minute. A. turning on B. turning off C. turning up D. turning down 3. —Do you still remember ______ me somewhere in Shanghai? —Yes, of course. Two years ago. A. to see B. seeing C. see D. saw 4. Smoking is a bad habit, you should ______________. A. give up it B. give it up C. give it in D. give away 5. The Sutong Highway Bridge, a ________ bridge, is already open to traffic. A. 32 kilometre long B. 32-kilometre-long C. 32 kilometres long D. 32-kilometres-long 6. The children ______ not to play with the fire. A. are told B. tell C. are telling D. told 7. ---Sorry ,I am late. ---It doesn’t matter. The meeting ___ for just several minutes A. has begun B. has started C. has been on D. had been on 8.—Why do you speak in such a loud voice? —Because I want to make myself _____ clearly. A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear 9.I won’t take part in Julia’s birthday party_________ I am invited. A. unless B. after C. because D. if 10.The flowers ________ well if they__________. A. won’t grow; don’t take good care of B. don’t grow; are taken good care of C. don’t grow; don’t take good care of D. won’t grow; aren’t take good care of 11. ---What did you ____ just now?---I _____ you if you could follow me. A. say, said B. speak, asked C. speak, said D. say, asked 12. How time flies! We’ll graduate. Three years _______really a short time. A. is B. are C. was D. were 13. It _______ ten years since they _______ to France . A. was ; moved B. was ; have moved C. is ; have moved D. is ; moved 14.—Mum, I’ve got the first prize in the photo competition. --_________! A. Good luck B. Not at all C. Good idea D. Congratulations 15. – Which do you like better, tea or coffee? –_____ of them. I like water. A. All B. Both C. Neither D. Either 16. – Do you miss your parents far away? – Yes, very much. They _____ the hometown for over two years. A. left B. have left C. were away from D. have been away from 17. The girl _____ mother is ill is staying at home today. A. whose B. who C. whom D. that 18. ---You've dropped _____ "s ?? in the word "acros ? ?---Oh, ____ letter "s ? should be doubled like this "across ?. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, the D. an, the 19. —I wonder when you________ in New York. --I will send an e-mail to you as soon as I _________ there. A. arrive; will get B. will arrive; get C. will arrive; will get D. arrive; get 20. --- I’m too busy_______ to my family often. ---Why not call them instead? A. writing B. to write C. written D. write 21. —Jenny, you have got the first prize in the competition. Congratulations. —______ . A. That’s my good luck B. Oh, it’s nothing C. Thank you D. You can do it, too 22. These novels _____ by Lu Xun. A. write B. were wrote C. was written D. were written 23. So far this year, many new houses ______ in this area with the help of the government. A. build B. are built C. will build D. have been built 24. ______ healthy, you should take more exercise. A. Keep B. To keep C. Keeping D. To keep out 25. —Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow? —______ . It has rained for a whole week. It’s too wet everywhere. A. I hope not B. I’m sure it is C. I’m afraid so D. I hope so 26. All the _____teachers and the_____ students there are playing basketball on the playground. A men, boys B men, boy C man, boy D man, boys 27. —What___________ honest boy Jim is! —So he is. Now he is studying at _________ university in China. A. a; an B. an; a C. the; a D. the; an 28. —We will have a new foreign teacher this term. Do you know ____ when he was in his hometown? —A policeman. A. what he did B. what did he C. what was he D. what his job is 29. These are the story books _____ by Mr Smith. A. write B. wrote C. written D. writing 30. —I wonder _________ at 8:00 last night? --I was watching NBA. A. What were you doing B. What did you do C. What you were doing D. what are you doing 学校__________________ 班级 _________________ 姓名_________________ 考号_________________ 座号___________ ------------------------------------------------密----------------------------------------封---------------------------------------线------------------------------------------

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