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1.When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill Clinton , most people say the affair involves a purely private matter . But many other people regard his actions as deplorable . I personally think the president committed impeachable offences .


2. When it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing , some people think that use should be limited . Others argue that the opposite is true . There is probably some truth to both arguments,but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles.


3. There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers . Those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability . They believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering China ' s cities . But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force , on the other hand , maintain that migrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program .


4. It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding . Experts argue that China must introduce a massive afforestation program . But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem .


5. Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems . But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides , I believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness .


6. Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime . But although criminologists have conducted exhaustive research regarding the subject , little evidence exists to support the claim . 很多人相信极刑能阻止犯罪。但是,虽然刑事学家就这一课题做了详尽的研究,几乎没有证据能支持这种说法。

7. An increasing number of people are joining the " Information Age " via the Internet . In reaction to the phenomenon , some say the Internet has removed barrters and provided people with immediate access to the world . But do they raelize that rapidly advancing information technology can also lead to intrusions of privacy ?


8. The use of guanxi is a widespread method for conducting business , but is it a wise one ? The method is now being challenged by more and more people .利用关系是做生意的普遍做法,但这种做法明智吗?现在,越来越多的人对这种方法提出了质疑。

9. These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor . Some argue the developed world has totally ignored the problem . But has it ? Close examination fails to bear out the argument .


10. We ' re often told that the world is tethering on the brink of destruction . But is this really the case ?


11. One of the pressing problema facing our nation ( China ) today is overcoming disparities in urban and rural income levels .


12. One of the most serious problems many people talk about centers on the lack of adequate housing space .


13. Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption , which is pervasive in all levels of government .


14. Inflation is yet another new and bitter truth we must learn to face .


15. The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land , and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . The government has attached greater importance to the problem and an increasing number of redundant projects are being terminated .


16. There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for strengthened environmental protection .


17. There has been a dramatic increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS in recent years , with a new study projecting that the dreaded disease will affect over 30 million people worldwide by the year

2005 .


18. Working with the disabled cannot help but leave one impressed with their indefatigable desire . 与残疾人一起工作使一个人不得不对他们坚持不懈的渴望印象深刻。

19. Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion , both of which involve taking the life of a human being .


20. Never before in history has the issue of overpopulation been more evident than now .


21. Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that college degrees are a guarantee of intelligence .


22. A growing number of people are beginning to realize that wealth is not the sole prerequisite for happiness .


23. In spite of the extraordinary progress made in science and technology , problems remain in terms of guaranteeing that achievements benefit the greatest number of people .


24. A famous thinker once wrote that " the greatest threat to mankind is mankind itself ! " If this is indeed the case , then the current situation should make us ponder our futuer existence .


25. U.S. President Harry Truman once remarked : " The buck stops here ! " His view has been confirmed by numerous world leaders who have assumed full responsibility for their actions .


26. Large families were once seen as a blessing . Today , however , things are changing and an increasing number of Chinese parents realize that fewer is better .


27. People used to place total reliance on the government . The so-called " iron rice bowl " prevailed in the past , but things are quite different today .


28. Several years ago , Chinese streets were filled with people wearing identical drab clothing .

Today , however , things are quite different and the streets are awash with people wearing fashionable bright colored outfits . Why has the change taken place ?


29. Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the individual concerned . Successful individuals consistently seek advancement , while their less industrious contemporaries are merely content with the status quo .


30. Traditional way of thinking have changed dramatically . The pendulum has swung and people are exhibiting greater open-mindedness and a burning desire to detemine their own destiny .


31. There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money . A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority , compared to X percent only a few years ago . Why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily bring happiness ?


32. Some months ago , a friend of mine was killed in a tragic automobile accident involving a drunk driver . The incident was far from rare , and was in fact typical of thousands of cases involving people dricing under the influence of alcohol .


33. I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant spread of child abuse . The deplorable problem of the widespread abuse of innocent children has aroused public concern nationwide .


34. Should parents spare the rod and spoil the child ? Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely . Some view strict discipline as nothing more than a form of abuse , while others argue it is an essential factor for instilling appropriate social behavior .


35. What do you think of the increasing openness accompanying the ongoing sexual revolution ? Do you ever fantasize ? Answers to these questions should be based on a determination between

appropriate and inappropriate behavior .


36. Why do some governments persist in spending billions of dollars on space exploration when starvation and poverty continue to grip many countries throughout the world ? This particular question is being raised by an ever increasing number of people .


37. Judging from the reams of evidence presented , we can safely conclude that the Three Gorges Project will change the lives of an untold number of people forever .


38. The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonably conclude that the scourge of AIDS will be brought under control in the foreseeable future .


39. We must seek immediate solutions for problems leading to the rapid depletion of the earth's ozone layer . If allowed to proceed unchecked , the problem will undoubtedly exacerbate global warming and threaten life as we know it today .


40. Quite obviously , immediate action is needed to extricate 80 million Chinese people from the grips of poverty in order to remove the danger of social unrest and ensure continuing stability .


41. China needs to reexamine the results of political and social modernization in order to ascertain the benefits and indeed the detrimental aspects from a new perspective . Otherwise , various perceived accomplishments might in fact prove to be far from beneficial .


42. It is essential to heed warnings of potentially catastrophic consequences associated with the Year 2000 computer bug and , in turn , to attach top priority to finding effective solutions to ensure a smooth transition into the new century .


43. It is high time we put an end to the deplorable practice of infanticide.


44. There is little doubt that immediate action is required to eliminate the scourge of corruption once and forever .


45. In short , we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations . We must not persist in pursuits harmful to the environment .


46. We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption . We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity .


47. It is absolutely essential to reverse the irrational misuse of nonrenewable resources . For example , fuel-efficient motor vehicles must be developed to reduce oil consumption and alternative energy sources must be found to replace coal .


48. While achieving success is easier said than done , persistence does in fact pay off . One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence , another is desire , and still another is determination .


49. Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution .


50. Many of the explanations offered thus far are at least to a certain extent valid , but none fully address the problem and the issue must be examined in a wider context .


51. There are no immediate solutions for reversing the Asian financial crisis , but convincing affected nations to practice fiscal restraint will be highly beneficial .


52. Immediate solutions for solving problems surrounding poverty remain elusive . However , public recognition of the necessity to provide a better quality of life for millions of people will represent the first step in finding effective solutions .


53. What dose the future hold if mankind persists in wasting natural resources ? While no one knows for sure , scientists do exhibit a degree of certainty when predicting that future generations will face a dramatically diffrernt world .


54. Reversing undesirable social trends will be far from an easy task and will require a dramatic change in attitudes . A keen awareness of right from wrong is essential for determining appropriate social behavior .


55. We owe a debt of gratitude to the many individuals who dedicated their lives to making the world a better place . However , we must not rest on their accomplishments , but must instead work assiduously to record even greater achievements .


56. The two major challenges facing China today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 1.2 billion people with only seven percent of the world's cultivable land . Despite the monumental difficulties involved , Chinese people will undoubtedly exhibit their indefatigable resilience and achieve great success in both regards .


57. We do , in fact , have a long way to go to reach our final goal , but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility .


58. The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities .


59. While it remains to be seen whether or not environmental deterioration can be controlled , the current prospects are far from encouraging . People around the world must act immediately to prevent the situation from deteriorating even further .


60. The methodology suggested may not guarantee ultimate success , but the eventual pay-off could well be worth the effort . Achieving even partial success will benefit mankind and contribute to creating a better world .



61. Admittedly , ensuring sustainable development will require a certain level of sacrifice and arduous efforts on the part of all people . Nonetheless , the accrued returns will both strengthen the nation and ensure a better life for all Chinese citizens .


62. The rapid emergence of homes for senior citizens represents a sharp divergence from the traditional Chinese practice of maintaining the nuclear family at all costs .


63. Participating in interactive experiences beneficial to all is something that no one should miss . The valuable lessons learned therefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed , but should instead be treasured .


64. Abortion advocates may be correct in their assertion that the practice is a necessary tool of population control , but they seem to neglect the preciousness of human life in its earliest stages . 人工流产的提倡者认为它是控制人口的一种必要手段。他们也许是对的,但他们可能忽略了人的生命在最初阶段的宝贵。

65. Some people assert that nothing is impossible . Such people should get a grip on reality and understand it's impossible to create another Universe . In more down-to-earth terms , it's impossible to know with any certainty whether you will live or die tomorrow .


66. Two major factors contributed to devastating summer flooding along the Yangtze River and its tributaries . First , erosion resulting from excessive deforestation in the upper reaches of the river and , second ,heavy silting which raised the riverbed in the main channel .


67. Greed and a total lack of social consciousness have been cited as major reasons for the dramatic rise corruption .


68. There are several reasons for the marked increase in China's crime rate—the dramatic influx of itinerant workers in urban areas ; declining social values ; and widening disparities between the haves and have-nots .



69. Why are an increasing number of elderly Chinese parents living apart from their children ? One reason is the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation . Another is expanding social opportunities for the elderly . Perhaps the main reason , however , centers on dramatic changes in traditional concepts .


70. What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise ? For one thing , people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness . For another , the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues . The main thing perhaps centers on the healthcare and psychological benefits exercise provides .


71. Identifying the reasons for an emerging phenomenon which involves several complicated factors is far from an easy task . For example , some scientists attribute environmental deterioration to a series of natural factors , while others place the blame solely on inappropriate human behavior .


72. One doesn't have to look far to realize the direct correlation between smoking and cancer .


73. The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suicide rate involves many complicated factors . Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success , others point to mounting peer pressure , and still others to confusion over changing social values .


74. The reasons for antisocial behavior are both complicated and varied . I suggest the phenomenon results from inappropriate role models and the lack of well-defined norms of behavior . However , the main reason is quite likely the continuing degeneration of social values . 反社会行为的原因既复杂又多样。我认为这种现象是不恰当的角色典型和缺少行为规范的很好的定义造成的。然而,主要原因很可能是不断贬低的社会价值。

75. The causes of racial hatred are not readily definable . Sociologists , however , attribute them to the misguided concept of a superior race and an innate mistrust of people of color . Perhaps the main cause is quite simply ignorance .



76. The scourge of HIV/AIDS currently engulfing the world will quite likely be brought under control within the next few years thanks to the untiring efforts of scientists and researchers worldwide .


77. The incidence rate of cancer mainly stems from several factors , including inappropriate diets , poor healthcare practices and the lack of early detection . Continuing medical advances and rising awareness do , however , offer promising hope for the future .


78. Increased urban pollution levels and the mounting death toll from motor vehicles accidents can mainly be attributed to the glut of automobiles appearing on city roads in recent years . Detrimental factors will quite likely outweigh the benefits of rising automobile usage .


79. The rising divorce rate in China can , at least in part , be attributed to spousal incompatibility , disparities in education levels , changing social attitudes and the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation .


80. State-owned enterprises are not only failing because of inefficient management , but also because of their inability to awitch operational modes from the former planned economy to the new market economy .


81. Although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation , we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress .


82. One can raedily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event .


83. The raesons for poverty are many , but for the most part center on illiteracy , the lack of opportunities and in some cases pure laziness .


84. Child development depends on a number of factors , both physical and psychological . Correct

parental nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines both the physical and mental profile of a mature individual .


85. Factors such as self-condidence and ambition , combined with determination and willpower , contribute to eventual success or failure .


86. Various factors will weigh heavily on China's eventual entry into the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) . One centers on the total abandonment of protectionism , and the other on the adoption of generally accepted international accounting norms .


87. One of the most common failures of people today is to avoid telling the truth . People must realize that avoidance and lying have never in the past and , in fact , never will right a wrong .


88. Central planning has , at least in part , been blamed for the current demise of state-owned enterprises . Perhaps , however , the greatest blame should be placed on factors such as grossly inefficient management ; the rampant practice of " guanxi " , cronyism and nepotism ; excessively large work forces ; abuses of social benefits ; and without a doubt corruption .


89. A recent survey revealed large disparities in the income levels of male and female workers holding the same position . The determining factor should be qualifications , rather than gender , when determining both the salary and position of an individual .


90. Social finesse , willingness to relocate and language capacity are also determinant factora in assessing job qualifications .


91. The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China .


92. Traditional beliefs do not in themselves explain the lingering prevalence of outdated concepts in China .


93. Some lay the blame for falling exports squarely on financial turmoil sweeping many Asian countries . The fact of the matter is , however , that proportionate blame should be assigned to the lackadaisical approach to developing new markets , failure to improve product quality and government inaction in the realm of support .


94. We often ignore the real problem and instead search for a needle in a haystack . Solving problems of any kind requires one to adopt a direct approach which addresses all relevant issues . 我们经常忽略实际问题,而是大海捞针。解决任何类型的问题都需要一个人采取直接的办法处理所有相关事情。

95. Claiming a lack of opportunities is nothing more than a superficial excuse for justifying failure . The fundamental reason for failure is most often the lack of drive on the part of the individual involved .


96. We can , and quite often do , blame our contemporaries for personal failures , but the fact of the matter is that the root causes for most problems go much deeper .


97. The rapidly emerging sexual revolution has been accompanied by many disturbing trends . Perhaps the most serious consequences center on the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) , rising prostitution and the rise in AIDS cases .


98. The deep impact of opening to the outside world is readily discernible in a number of areas : the adoption of many Western habits , both good and bad ; changing social and moral values ; the trend towards individualism ; and the introduction of state-of-the-art concepts and technology . The key to adopting Western way centers on accepting the good and rejecting the bad .


99. The arrival of the so-called " Information Age " will undoubtedly have a profound influence on our lives . The task at hand center on using the technology for beneficial purposes , while at the same time preventing intrusions of privacy and use of the electronic highway for deceitful purposes .


100. No one can doubt that the reform and opening policies introduced in 1979 have had a

profound impact on the lives of Chinese citizens . Changes resulting therefrom have not only impacted the economic system , but the social system as well .


101. Effluent discharges of industrial wastewater and raw sewage into rivers , lakes and inshore coastal areas have not only adversely affected marine life and aquatic resources , but have also jeopardized one of the major necessities for sustaining life—Potable Water .


102. It will have a direct bearing on the matter under discussion .


103. Rapid economic growth may lead to an overextension of resources and lead to an eventual catastrophic meltdown .


104. The immediate results of economic growth have created the illusion of unending prosperity . The best approach at this particular time is to perhaps err on the side of caution .


105. The benefits of technology are undeniable . Nonetheless , the fact that technology often negates the need for human beings in the workplace deserves careful consideration and retraining programs for affected individuals must be introduced .


106. The lack of faith in government is the direct result of the prevailing distrust of politicians .


107. The advantages of harmonious relations far outweigh the disadvantages of confrontation .


108. Independence offers many advantages , the first and foremost of which is self-determination . 独立带来很多好处,首先也是最重要的是自决。

109. The contrast between right and wrong is highlighted by the benefits accruing from the former .


110. The most striking conclusion that can be reached when weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the market economy is quite frankly prosperity .


111. The ridiculous amount of money some countries spend on military hardware is absurd when considering the number of people starving in many developing countries .


112. The loss of perquisites enjoyed by government officials and business executives pales in comparison to the plight of refugees in many war-torn countries .


113. While the long-term problem of global warming is indeed serious , its significance diminishes somewhat when considering immediate problems such as rapid environmental deterioration and the rampant misuse and abuse of nonrenewable resources .


114. Owning a car might be preferable to owning a bicycle , but the problems associated with owning the former far outweigh those of the latter . For one thing , automobiles are exponentially more expensive and require greater maintenance . For another , bicycles don't pollute .


115. The advantages of family planning more than compensate for the disadvantages .


116. Claims of gender equality are laced with contradictions . The principal fallacy centers on the workplace and concept of equal pay for equal work . Another , but no less important , aspect revolves around the entry of women into top management positions .


117. Both limitations and problems will quite likely be encountered during the ongoing transition to the market economy . For one thing , urgent measures are required to resolve problems involving state-owned enterprises . Another thorny issue involves controlling inflation in the face of emerging market forces .


118. Will the Three Gorges Project prove to be a monumental achievement or nothing more than a giant fiasco ? Opposition voices point to drawbacks such as the massive cost of the project , the need to relocate millions of local residents and destruction of the unique natural environment . Supporters , on the other hand , contend that the advantages—i.e. improved flood control ,

increased power generation capacity and desirable impact on economic development in related areas —will far outweigh the disadvantages . Time will tell and history will judge the wisdom of the project .


119. Nothing approaches the love of a mother for her child .


120. Few scientific and technological achievements equal the success of landing men on the moon .


121. A question begging an answer centers on whether violence is more directly related to the innate characteristic of human being , or whether it is simply a manifestation of the ills of society . Determining the answer will be far from an easy proposition , but is nonetheless one that deserves careful and deliberate consideration .


122. From the standpoint of success , a good work ethic is no less important than an education . Success does , in fact ,depend on the total integration of both aspects .


123. The growing trend for wives to work outside the home even when their husbands are present and employed is in part a sharing of the financial burden with the husband , and in part a reflection of the need these women feel to have a measurable sense of personal worth .


124. Just as honor is a prerequisite for respectability , so is unblemished character a barometer of integrity .


125. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the same is true for both the appreciation of art and music .


126. The direct correlation between self-esteem and success also applies to one's ability to achieve .


127. Improving the plight of teachers is indeed a priority item . However , improving the overall education system is likewise no less important .


128. China and United States share many things in common . Firstly , both are major world powers . Secondly , the two nations offer mutually beneficial factors for development—China with its vast potential market and labor force , and the U.S. with its advanced technology and management expertise .


129. The shaky truce in the Middle East bears little resemblance to the realization of ultimate peace .


130. Idleness spawns discontent , whereas overwork leads to mental and physical exhaustion .


131. Large and small enterprises differ in that the former usually involves conglomerates and the latter private individuals .


132. Both automobiles and bicycles offer a convenient means of public conveyance , with one of the marked differences between the two centered on pollution caused by the former .


133. Alcohol and tobacco are both highly addictive substances . However , unlike tobacco , which is known to cause cancer , studies indicate that alcohol does offer some health benefits when consumed in moderation .


134. One man's treasure is another man's junk .


135. AIDS is no longer one of the Top 10 American killers , but the same cannot be said for many countries .


136. Individualism was unheard of a short 30-odd years ago during the tumultuous Cultural Revolution . Things have changed today , however ,with color returning to the streets of Chinese streets , people gaining a greater degree of self-determination and reform yielding monumental

changes in traditional practices .


137. Social inequities of the past are rapidly giving way to expanded social consciousness .


138. Many claim that the world's highly developed countries bear sole responsibility for the plight of less-developed nations . I seriously doubt their contentions will bear the brunt of close scrutiny . 许多人声称世界上最发达的国家应该对欠发达国家的困境承担全权责任。我非常怀疑他们的观点能经受住仔细审查的冲击。

139. Although media reports expound on the volume of scientific and technological achievements , recent surveys indicate that the rapidity of transforming same into productive forces leaves much to be desired .


140. The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man's fallibility .


141. While the inclination to procrastinate is common , one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays .


142. The tendency to take things for granted is understandable , but the need for one to rationally evaluate the circumstances of any situation is absolutely essential .


143. Most people are under the illusion that a college degree guarantees success . There is no such guarantee without hard work .


144. Some stubbornly hold to the correctness of traditional practices , but in so doing they seem to totally ignore the fact that progress depends on change .


145. Generally speaking , previous parliamentary policy debates ignored the relevance of transparency .


146. A precise definition of poverty is actually very difficult to determine . Where does one draw the line between those who are poor and those who are not ?


147. Admittedly , bribery and corruption are endemic to our political and economic systems , but it doesn't necessarily follow that all politicians and business people resort to illicit behavior .


148. There's little doubt that a third World War is avoidable , but it is highly unlikely that regional conflicts will disappear in the foreseeable future .


149. Some people assume that investing in stock is a safe pursuit , but their assumption fails to hold water when considering the substantial risk involved .


150. Some people have called for accelerated across-the-board changes . Their approach quite frankly ignores the need for gradual but effective changes .

一些人要求更快速的全盘改变。他们的做法的确忽略了渐进而有效的改变的必要性。151. There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary , but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes .


152. Many people assume that the extinction of a plant or animal species is of little consequence . Careful examination , however , reveals that the extinction of any one species disrupts the food chain , and the loss of a plant species leads to the disappearance of a key ingredient which might yield a cure for cancer .


153. At first glance , the characteristics of Bugs BUnny seem comical . However , a closer examination reveals the cartoon character never creates a problem , and instead simply hopes for quiet and peaceful life . This suggests that cartoons most often teach children the difference between good and evil .


154. Logically , calls for a New World Order sound valid , and I whole-heartedly agree with some points , but the absurdity arises when considering that the world's 200-odd nations have diverse agendas when it comes to development and diplomacy .



155. In spite of claims to the contrary , it is common knowledge that corporal punishment most often has the exact opposite affect intended .


156. We were brought up to believe that the role of a man was to provide and the role of a woman was to care for the household and family . Today , however , role reversal is becoming increasingly commonplace .


157. Some people tend to tenaciously cling to the misguided concept of racial superiority . Their persistence in doing so , however , does readily reveal the inferior mentality and social incompatibility of certain human beings .


158. Some people claim the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) far exceeds that of Western-style pharmaceuticals . More often than not , however , the exact opposite is true .


159. Workers commonly complain that causes for labor disputes rest solely on the shoulders of management . Quite likely the opposite is true .


160. There are those who claim that competition brings out the best in people . Others contend it simply forces one person to prove he/she is better than another . Advocates vociferously support one position or the other . I suggest the former proposition bears greater relevance than the latter . 有些人认为竞争促使人们发挥出最优秀的东西。另一些人认为它只是强迫一个人证明他/她比别人更优秀。提倡者叫嚣着支持其中的一个立场。我认为前一个立场比后一个立场更恰当。

161. Claiming something is true misses the point , while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness .


162. Suggesting that one thing ... is better than another thing ... bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white .


163. Ignoring cause and effect is exactly the same thing as failing to look both ways when crossing a busy intersection .


164. One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerent

stance of opposition forces .


165. The greatest problem with political and religious zealots is their total inability to consider the views of others .


166. The basic stumbling block to global peace rests with the self-serving ambitions of many nations .


167. The overemphasis on one particular aspect of a problem often obscures the relevance of other issues .


168. Any presumption that smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous .


169. The fallacies of many arguments are quite obvious .


170. Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy . An even more foolish mistake would center on denying the need for extensive sex education programs worldwide .


171. There is absolutely no reason for us to believe that a brighter future for the world is an impossibility .


172. Meteorologists offer computer models leaving little doubt that this year's El Nino phenomenon has disappeared .


173. Facts prove the unjustifiability of claims that China will be unable to feed itself by the year 2020 .


174. Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in China are simply untenable . The fact is that many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands .


陈琦 戈弋GRE长难句300例unit 7

1.However, none of these high-technology methods are of any value if the sites to which they are applied have never mineralized, and to maximize the chances of discovery the explorer must therefore pay particular attention to selecting the ground formations most likely to be mineralized. 但是,如果这些方法所应用的地点没有被矿化的话那么这些高科技方法就毫无价值。因此,探索者为了最大化发现矿产的机会,必须对选择最有可能被矿化的地质构成给予特别的关注。 2.Rather,the coincidence of increased United States government antidiscrimination pressure in the mid-1960s with the acceleration in the rate of black economic progress beginning in 1965 argues against the community theorists’ view. 20世纪60年代中期,美国政府反对歧视的压力不断升高,与此同时,从1965年开始,黑人经济状况改善的步伐越来越快。确切的说,这两个事件的同时发生违背了连续性理论家的观点。 3.Although at first the colonies held little positive attraction for the English—they would rather have stayed home—by the eighteenth century people increasingly migrated to America because they regarded it as the land of opportunity. 虽然起初对于英国人来说没有什么正面的吸引力,他们宁愿呆在家里,但是到了18世纪的时候,越来越多的人移民到美国,因为他们将美国视为一片充满机会的土地。


如何备考GRE阅读 GRE长阅读对考生们来说是一个大难点,那该如何备考GRE阅读呢?我们一起看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 如何备考GRE阅读 众所周知长阅读是GRE阅读中的一个难点,文章长已经不是问题了,而是在有限的时间内不仅要读完这么长的一篇文章,还要快速理清文章的脉络和逻辑帮助你作答。 要想提高长阅读的做题能力,就必须要以提高阅读速度为首要目标,从而,提高重要信息的抓取能力,主要逻辑线的整理能力,以及视角功能词,逻辑词等的标记能力。 提高单词的识别能力 提高单词的识别能力并不是说需要你认识文章中的所有单词,比如一些抽象名词,需要根据上下文来推测,不认识也没有关系。 而需要识别的是一些重要的具有态度方向的形容词,负向动词,因为这些词恰恰反映了作者的态度和文章的转折、递进等逻辑结构。 长难句训练 GRE考试的题目句子大都比较长,所以长难句的训练是必要的,每天都看一点GRE 长难句图解与精练,自己尽量分析,画逻辑图的方式,差不多每天5-10句花费10-20分钟左右的时间即可。 GRE 逻辑框架训练 逻辑框架的训练就是要求同学们在分析文章时,要注重预测下文

的行文方向,理清楚文章的框架和主旨,是什么观点,是怎么论证的,有哪些重要的证据。 要多去思考及分析,做到主动阅读而非被动阅读。 限时训练 就如前文所说,咱们的核心就是要提高文章的阅读速度,读文章的时候,把握住文章的逻辑结构和主要观点即可,不需要深究细节,把握阅读及做题的pace,这需要一定时间的练习,所以在备考后期要逐渐开始进行限时训练,考前进行模考练习,专门针对考试的时间分配进行适应性训练。 综合练习 做GRE阅读的时候切忌完全的翻译成中文去理解,而是去分析文章的逻辑结构,可以利用逻辑单项里的题型: 比如:recognizethe assumption,review/evaluate the argument : weaken,strengthen, find the missing but must-be-true informationthat can be inferred and mostly supported by the passages, and apply theprinciples from the authors。 或者,也可以运用Argument作文中的驳论结构去找文章的行文结构。切忌翻译理解哦~~ GRE阅读记忆训练的三个步骤 如何培养考试所需的短期记忆能力呢?下面的将为你介绍具体步

陈琦 戈弋GRE长难句300例unit 6

1.Granted that the presence elements need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable that of Herry James, their presence does encourage attempts to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts. 诚然小说中出现这些元素并不代表作者如Herry James一样,有着构思小说的作家意识,但是小说中的这些元素确实可以激励一些统一小说中不同部分的尝试。 2.As she put it in The Common Reader, “It is safe to say that not a single law has been framed or one stone has been set upon anther because of anything that Chaucer said or wrote; and yet, as we read him, we are absorbing morality at every pore. 正如她在《普通读者》里所说的那样,“Chaucer所说的或所写的并不能形成一部法律,也不能让石块逐个累加起来(注:也就是‘平地高楼拔地起’的意思);但是,我们阅读他的作品时,我们的每一个毛孔中都能感受到道德的气息。 3.As rock interface are crossed, the elastic characteristics encountered generally changed abruptly, which causes part of the energy to be reflected back to the surface, where it is recorded by seismic instruments. 当震波穿过岩层分界线时,岩层分界线的弹性特征会突然改变,地震波的部分能量将会被反射回地面,地震仪器在此记录反射回来的地震波。


GRE写作如何用好长难句 GRE写作备考请勿依赖高频题 ,学习这3个技能才能实现提分,快来看看吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 GRE写作如何用好长难句?恰当运用比大量使用更重要 GRE写作请勿滥用长难句 举例:Recent years, this problem has appeared in the cities of China, the tendency of which is more and more serious. 上面的这句话在中国考生看来,是既亲切又熟悉吧。但是这种啰嗦的运用从句是非常不可取的,这句话完全可以用一个句子说明白:This is a recent and growing problem in cities in China. 考生要注意,在GRE写作考试中,考试目的是为了考察考生是否具有和他人进行学术交流的语言能力。如果你不能这样和别人交流沟通,那么,即便是你的句子写的再长,也不会拿高分。 GRE写作如何做到高效表达? 究竟要如何做到convey meaning effectively呢?其实很简单,就是用最简洁的语言把意思表达清楚。但是,这绝对不是完全不用长难句的意思,究竟什么时候该使用长句呢?当我们用简单的话不能把意思表达清楚,反复地使用短句反而是啰嗦的,这样不以利于交流。此时,我们就要使用从句,来把分成几个句子表达的意思用一个句子说清楚,从而

达到简洁的要求。 所以,考生不要认为写长越难的句子会为作文加分,因为这不是重点,如果想要提高自己的GRE作文成绩,要清楚的表达自己的作文主旨,这样才能让评卷人看懂也不觉得厌烦。 大家看完了这篇针对GRE作文长难句的文章,是不是有所收获呢?看看你的作文是否有不必要的长难句,有则改之,无则继续努力吧! GRE写作:必背15句长难句 1. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted. 2. Hardy’s weakness derived from his ap parent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. 3. Virginia Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the


英语长句一般指的是各种复杂句,复杂句里可能有多个从句,从句与从句之 间的关系可能包孕、嵌套,也可能并列,平行。所以翻译长句,实际上我们的 重点主要放在对各种从句的翻译上。从功能来说,英语有三大复合句,即:① 名词性从句,包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句;②形容词性从句,即我们平常所说的定语从句;③状语从句。 一、什么是长难句,特点和分析方法 复合长句即包含各种语法关系和特殊句型的句子。英语多长句,这是因为英 语可以有后置定语。扩展的后置定语可以是带从句或长修饰语的复杂句。这些 句子结构复杂,逻辑性强。但是,无论多长的句子、多么复杂的结构,它们都 是由一些基本的成分组成的。只要弄清英语原文的句法结构,找出整个句子的 中心内容及其各层意思,然后分析各层意思之间的逻辑关系。下面我们从结构、逻辑以及gre考试中的长难句(最有典型性)来解析长难句的翻译以及理解。 二、英语长句的特点是什么? 英语长句一般指的是各种复杂句,复杂句里可能有多个从句,从句与从句之 间的关系可能包孕、嵌套,也可能并列,平行。所以翻译长句,实际上我们的 重点主要放在对各种从句的翻译上。从功能来说,英语有三大复合句,即:① 名词性从句,包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句;②形容词性从句,即我们平常所说的定语从句;③状语从句。 一般说来,英语长句有如下几个特点: 1)结构复杂,逻辑层次多; 2)常须根据上下文作词义的引申; 3)常须根据上下文对指代词的指代关系做出判断; 4)并列成分多; 5)修饰语多,特别是后置定语很长; 6)习惯搭配和成语经常出现。 三、GRE难句分析分为四大类 第一类:复杂修饰成分 句子本不难,但是修饰成分多且长。1、从句(定语、状语、同位语从句等等);2、介词短语修饰;3、分词修饰;4、不定式修饰。经常是在同一个句子里既有从句又有介词短语,且都不止一个。


两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5b1692768.html,/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:GRE长难句分析 1、Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of grazers. (5)由哈格雷夫(Hargrave)和吉恩(Geen)所进行的研究,对自然条件下的群落捕食速率进行了估计,其手段是通过测量出实验室内单独的浮游动物种类的捕食速率,然后利用已知的食草动物种群密度,计算出实地状况下的群落捕食速率。难句类型:复杂修饰解释:本句对阅读者的阅读能力提出了更高的要求,不但要求读者读清楚句子的复杂的结构,而且对读者的词汇能力也提出了更高的要求。By以前结构无需解释,by以后有两个作介词宾语短语的动名词结构,measuring和后面表示并列和顺接的and then之后的computing,说的是计算方法;前一个measuring说的是先算出实验室中浮游动物品种的单位捕食速率,后面的computing前其实省略了一个by,而且在这个动名词结构中还包括一个分词结构using the known population density of grazers,用已知的捕食者的种群密度计算出其野外的群体捕食速率。整个的by以后的计

2019年gre长难句图解与精练-范文word版 (13页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == gre长难句图解与精练 篇一:剖析gre阅读长难句结构必看! 剖析gre阅读长难句结构必看! gre阅读长难句困扰了许多在gre阅读备考中的同学,对此天道留学小编为大家介绍一下关于长难句结构的gre阅读解析,大家可以参考学习一下,希望对您gre阅读备考有所帮助,大家想了解更多关于gre考试的信息,请关注天道留学gre考试频道。 在gre阅读复习中,在gre阅读长难句上有苦难的同学可以参考下面关于长难句结构的gre阅读解析,希望可以帮助大家解决难题。 1、长成分 1)长从句做主语、宾语及其他成分 a、主语从句 b、宾语从句 2)长状语 3)层层修饰 4)并列成分 2、常见倒装搭配 (1)及物动词加介词:固定词组的固定搭配中,经常出现倒装情况,如:bring A to B,写作:bring to B A 例:Yet Waltzer’s argument , however deficient , does point to one ofthe most serious weaknesses of capitalism-namely , that it brings topredominant positions in a society people who ,no matter howlegitimately they have earned their material rewards , often lack thoseother qualities that evoke affection or admiration.


GRE阅读长难句解答对策 做好GRE阅读,考生首先要学会攻克长难句问题。应对长难句不仅需要考生对各类复杂句式有充分认识和掌握,下面就和大家分享GRE阅读长难句解答对策,来欣赏一下吧。 GRE阅读长难句解答对策 新GRE阅读长难句例题 Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law---notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactment are concerned---that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena。 新GRE阅读长难句解析 初步读完这句话我们发现这个句子的难句类型是:复杂修饰+插入语+抽象词,其中插入语是理解这个句子的关键。 (1)Islamic law (2)is a (3)phenomenon (4)so different from all other forms of law---notwithstanding, of course,(5)(it has) (6)a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the

陈琦 戈弋GRE长难句300例unit 16

1.In addition, the style of some Black novels, like Jean Toomer’s Cane, verges on expressionism or verges on surrealism; does this technique provide a counterpoint to the prevalent theme that portrays the fate against which Black heroes are pitted, a theme usually conveyed by more naturalistic modes of expression? 除此之外,一些黑人小说(例如Jean Toomer的《公民凯恩》)的写作风格接近于表现主义或者说是超现实主义。然而,目前流行的小说是以黑人主人公与命运抗争为主题的,这种小说的写作风格更接近于自然主义。那么,是不是说表现主义或者超现实主义的写作手法是自然主义的写作手法的对立面呢? 2.Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then by computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of grazers. Hargrave 和Geen的研究是这样估计食草群落在自然状态下的捕食速率的:他们首先测量单个浮游生物在实验室环境下的捕食速率,然后再利用食草动物的数量密度算出其在野外的群体捕食速率。 3.Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to

陈琦 戈弋GRE长难句300例unit 4

1.Unfortunately, the documentation of these and other epidemics is slight and frequently unreliable, and it is necessary to supplement what little we do know with evidence from recent epidemics among Native Americans. 不幸的是,对这些流行病和其他流行病的记录的数量很少而且经常不可靠,因而有必要把美国土著中最近发生的流行病的证据补充到我们知之甚少的信息中。 2.Scientists have begun to suspect that this intergalactic gas is probably a mixture of gases left over from the “big bong” when the galaxies were formed and gas was forced out of galaxies by supernova explosions. 科学家们开始推测,这种星际间的气体可能是一种从“大爆炸”遗留下来的一些气体的混合物,当时形成了许多星系而且超新星的爆炸使得这些气体脱离了星系。 3.However,recent investigations have shown that the concentrations of the most mRNA’s correlate best, not with their synthesis rate, but rather with the equally variable rates at which cells degrade the different mRNA’s in their cytoplasm. 但是最近的调查已经表明,大多数mRNA的浓度并不是与其合成速率最相关,而是与细胞在其细胞质中降解不同的mRNA的速率最为相关,降解速率与合成速率一样是易变的。 4.In recent studies, however, we have discovered that the production


1. However, none of these high-technology methods are of any value if the sites to which they are applied have never mineralized, and to maximize the chances of discovery the explorer must therefore pay particular attention to selecting the ground formations most likely to be mineralized. 但是,如果这些方法所应用的地点没有被矿化的话那么这些高科 技方法就毫无价值。因此,探索者为了最大化发现矿产的机会, 必须对选择最有可能被矿化的地质构成给予特别的关注。 2. Rather,the coincidence of increased United States government antidiscrimination pressure in the mid-1960s with the acceleration in the rate of black economic progress beginning in 1965argues against the community theorists 'view. 20世纪60年代中期,美国政府反对歧视的压力不断升高,与此同 时,从1965 年开始,黑人经济状况改善的步伐越来越快。确切的 说,这两个事件的同时发生违背了连续性理论家的观点。 3. Although at first the colonies held little positive attraction for the English—they would rather have stayed home—by the eighteenth century people increasingly migrated to America because they regarded it as the land of opportunity. 虽然起初对于英国人来说没有什么正面的吸引力,他们宁愿呆在 家里,但是到了18 世纪的时候,越来越多的人移民到美国,因为 他们将美国视为一片充满机会的土地。

陈琦 戈弋GRE长难句300例unit 9

1.During the nineteenth century, she argues, the concept of the “usefl” child who contributed to the family economy give way gradually to the present-day notion of the “useless” child who, though producing no income for, and indeed extremely costly to, its presents, is yet considered emotionally “priceless”. 她认为,在19世纪,能对家庭经济有所贡献的“有用的”小孩的概念逐渐让位于现在“无用的”小孩的观点,即虽然这些小孩不能为父母创造收入,而且对于父母来说的确极其费钱,但他们在情感上仍被认为是无价的。 2.“Expulsion of children from the …cash nexus?… although expulsion is clearly shaped by profound changes in the economic, occupational, and family structures,”Zelizer maintains, “was also part of a cultural process …of sacrelization? of children?s lives.” Zelizer认为,:“将孩子排除在‘金钱关系?之外。。。。。。虽然明显的被经济、职业、家庭结构的深刻变化所塑造,但这也是孩子生命‘神圣化’的文化进程的一部分。” 3.The question of whether decrease in plant fecundity caused by the spraying of pesticides actually causes a decline in the overall population of flowering plant species still reminds unanswered. 喷洒杀虫剂是否引起了植物结果率的下降,继而真的引起开花植物品种的整体种群数量的下降,这个问题仍未解决。 4.Automakers could schedule the production of different components

陈琦 戈弋GRE长难句300例unit 18

1.Portrayals of the folk of Mecklenburg County, North California, whom he remembers from early childhood, portrayals of the jazz musicians and tenement roofs of his Harlem days, portrayals of Pittsburgh steelworkers, and his reconstruction of classical Greek myths in the guise of the ancient Black kingdom of Benin, attest to this. 他描述了居住在北卡罗来纳梅克伦堡县的平民百姓,他自童年时代就记得这些人。他还记载了自己在哈莱姆地区的公寓屋顶上的日子以及该地区的爵士乐手,并且还记载了匹兹堡地区的钢铁工人。他还假借黑色王国贝宁来重新诠释了古典希腊神话。所有这一切,都是在证明这一点。 2.The hydrologic cycle, a major topic in this science, is the complete cycle of phenomena through which water passes, beginning as atmospheric water vapor, passing into liquid and solid form as precipitation, thence along and into the ground surface, and finally again returning to the form of atmospheric water vapor by means of evaporation and transportation. 作为科学中的一个重要课题,水循环是指这样一种现象的周而复始,即:水首先以大气水蒸气的形态存在,以液态或固体的方式到达地面,并沿着地表分布或者进入地层,最后又以蒸发或者蒸腾的方式变成水蒸气重新回到大气层。 3.A recent generation of historians of science, far from portraying

陈琦 戈弋GRE长难句300例unit 5

1.A very specialized feeding adaption in zooplankton is that of the tadpole-like appendicularian who lives in a walnut-sized(or smaller) balloon of mucus equipped with filters that capture and concentrate phytoplankton. 浮游生物为了满足某一特定的捕食需求,会做出相应的身体调整。 比如,像蝌蚪一样的尾海鞘纲动物的适应性,这些动物存在于胡桃大小(或更小)的球状粘液中,这个粘液球具有过滤装置,可以捕捉和聚集浮游生物。 2.The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels, from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently. 正是这种有意义的关系的多样性和复杂性,使得小说在各个层面不断展现与再现这些关系,不管是在抽象的理性层面还是在深刻的感性层面,使得Proust难以连贯的将这些关系展现出来。 3.Now we must also examine the culture as we Mexican Americans have experienced it, we passing from a sovereign people to compatriots with newly arriving settlers to, finally, a conquered people—a charter minority on our own land. 现在,我们也必须用我们墨西哥裔美国人的经历来审视这个文化:我们本来是一个有主权的民族,接着变成了刚刚到此定居者的同胞,最后沦落为一个被征服的民族,变成了自己土地上的特


Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and that the recognition process becomes correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar. 虽然一些实验表明,当人们对某一物体熟悉之后,这个物体在内心中的形象变得更加完整,相应的对其的认知过程也更趋于平行,但是似乎有更重要的证据能够证明辩识过程是一系列的假说,至少对于不是特别简单或者熟悉的物体而言。 As a representative system in which elected officials both determine government policy and elected officials are accountable to a broad-based electorate, polyarchy reinforce a diffusion of power away from any single center and a diffusion of power toward a variety of individuals, groups, and organizations. 多元民主政治制度是一种代议制体制,在这个体制中,被选出来的官员不仅制定了政策,还要对广泛的选民负责。多元民主政治制度加强了权力从单一的中心向四周的扩散,并且使得权力流向不同的个人、团体和组织。 Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law—notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactments are concerned—that its study is indispensible in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena. 就主题和积极立法而言,伊斯兰法律不可避免的与其他法律存在着众多的相同之处。尽管如此,伊斯兰法律与其他所有形式的法律差异很大,为了尽可能的充分理解所有可能的法律现象的各个方面,对它的研究是必不可少的。 The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found in oceanic islands, island believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle, are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the mid-ocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle. 这个既定事实最足以支撑地幔分层说:地层地幔上升形成了地幔柱状,地幔柱状又形成了一些海岛,这些海岛上的火山岩的成分完全不同于中部海脊的成分。大部分地质学家认为,中部海脊主要来源于上层地幔。 In order to understand the nature of ecologist’s investigation, we may think of the density-dependent effects on growth parameters as the “signal” that ecologists are trying to isolate and interpret, one that trends to make the population increase from relatively low values or that trends to make the population decrease from relatively high ones, while the density-independent effects act to produce “noise” in the population dynamics. 为了了解生态学家研究的实质,我们也许应该将关于增长参数的种群密度无关的效应视为一个“信号”,一些生态学家正在尝试分离这个效应,并解释其中的原因。这个“信号”一旦出现,就说明种群数量将会维持在一个相对稳定的水平,尽管与种群密度无关的效应将会使种群数量出现“异常值”。 Yet those who stress the achievements of a general consensus among the colonists cannot fully understand that consensus without understanding the conflicts that had to be overcome or that had to be repressed in order to reach it. 可是,虽然那些人不断强调殖民者之间成功的达成一项普遍共识,但是如果他们不明白为了达成这项共识就必须客服或者压制殖民者之间的冲突,那么他们就不能完全明白这项共识的


GRE阅读长难句练习汇总 gre阅读长难句练习1 The physicist rightly dreads precise argument,since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumptions on which it is based are slightly changed,whereas an argument that is convincing though imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations of its underlying assumptions. (5+) 物理学家恐惧于那些精确无误的论据不无道理,因为某种只有在它是精确无误的条件下才令人置信的论据,一旦它赖于建立其上的假设稍有变化,便会失去它一部的作用;而与此相反,一个尽管并不精确无误但却令人置信的论据,在其基本假设(underlying assumption)稍微受干扰的情况下,仍然有可能是站得住脚的。 难句类型:复杂修饰 解释:本句在文章中就是一个自然段,虽然长度比不上前面第一章中所举的那个长达10行的例子,但是难度绝不在那句话之下。本句堪称句子的大杂烩,连主句带从句居然一共有八个。从大往小说,由whereas连接了两个大句子,whereas后面的句子中的主语an augument之后又跟了一个定语从句that is convincing though imprecise,修饰augument。whereas前面共有六个句子,由the physicist作主语的主句;由since引导的原因状语从句,修饰since 从句中主语an augument的由that引导的定语从句,此定语从句中的条件状语从句only if it is precise; since从句中的条件状语从句if the assumptions on which it is based are slightly changed,以及修饰此从句中的主语assumptions的定语从句on which it is based一共八个句子,从句套从句,实在令人叹为观止。 然而,在考试现场去数句子的数目,是只有呆子才会干的事,读者们惟一要干的事就是反复阅读这句话,什么时候练到不必去想其语法结构就能按原文顺序读懂,才算初步掌握;再进一步把它读顺,直到你看不出这个句子有什么特别的地方,看上去还挺舒服就算训练成功。 gre阅读长难句练习2 However,as they gained cohesion,the Bluestockings came to regard themselves as a women’s group and to possess a sense of female solidarity


也不知道杨鹏先生是否同意(应该不会反对,呵呵,一样么?),我将其《GRE&GMAT 阅读难句教程》中的G部分全部摘录下来,希望能够对大家有所帮助,不过在摘录的过程中,发现电子版的好像跟正规出版的差几个句子,也罢,全部原封不动了! 真的很感谢杨先生,我的阅读水平显著提高了,就在这个5、1长假,而且我还玩了好长时间,呵呵 不过路漫漫,不知何时是尽头,我准备7月份考G,8月份考T,呵呵,年底申请,最好是能够申请Marketing了,与同道中人一起努力了,呵呵!感谢ECUST 的Miss Hu提供的资料。 我在berrain抄录所有难句的基础上加了杨鹏的解释和意群训练,这样此文档基本已涵盖全书的内容,希望它对各位G友的阅读能力能有所帮助。 GRE难句解读——提高GRE阅读必须要过的第一关 作者:杨鹏 读者学习指导: 大原则:以实战的要求为目的。难句子不仅出现在阅读中,还出现在句子填空、逻辑但体中,因此,对难句子得攻克变得相当重要。 原则一:迅速读懂 原则二:利用语法、不靠语法 即在Gre中,考生永远也不需要再考场上分析一句话的语法成分,也不要想这句话有没有语法错误,考生的唯一任务就是现场迅速的读懂文章。然而在初期可以少量的运用语法,目的有二:一为初学者如果看不懂句子得结构,往往会感到心情沮丧,或大脑混乱,根本就读不尽文章,因此引入语法能够给读者以信心;二为运用语法,可以了解文章的语法结构,并最终完全熟悉各种类型的句子,达到一遍就可以读懂句子得效果。 原则三:学练结合,以连为主 训练的类别:1、难句阅读训练;2、阅读理解力训练;即“懂”3、阅读速度与阅读习惯训练,即“迅速”。 实际上,对于英语语法得学习,包括对英文单词的中文释意的记忆和对英语句子得中文翻译,都只是我们学习英语的辅助工具;我们最终的目的,是为了提高对英语的实际使用能力。具体到Gre的考试的应用上,就是看到英语句子时,正确的做法不应该是现场分析出其余法结构,再背出每个单词的中文释意,再把这些中文单词串成句子,最后才根据翻译出来的中文来想这句话的意思是什么,而是读到每个单词、每一句话的时候,大脑中的第一反映是其意思而不是中文释意。 同时,对于阅读习惯的培养相当重要,阅读过程中绝对不可以出声浪读,也不可以心读,而是意读,也不能单单得对一个词进行死抠,要知道阅读考的是句子和文章。为此,建议如下: 要点一:在难巨资进行的阅读和训练中,只以在大脑中反映出所读英文的意思(不是中

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