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War of Independence can not be prevented

If i were the George III, i still think independence of America is irresistible. In order to control the thirteen colonies in America, Britain and France fought against with each other. In the end, we Great Britain defeated France and controlled the America colonies.However, Britain also owed a large amount of money because of this war. In order to pay for the debt ,Britain took some harsh measures to get money from the colonies. Nevertheless, the colonies wanted to get rid of the control of Britain and get the freedom , they protested against the British government and started their independence war.

As far as I am concerned, the war of the independence can not be prevented. There are some reasons support my point of view.

To begin with, from the economic aspects ,the British capitalist economy was increased rapidly at that time. In order to develop and become the strongest country, they must found the colonies which can provided the amount of materials and cheap labor power and so on to support them.Meanwhile , American colonies owned these resources and it could also offered the broad market to Britain. Therefore,we took strict measures to control the colonies. We gave the colonials heavy taxes that they can not afford and we limited the freedom of the trade among the colonies,etc. These conducts definitely hindered the development of the capitalist economy in these colonies. So the suppression of the economy

became the most important reason for the War of Independence.

Secondly, from the political aspect, the parliament did not give the colonials rights to decide the public policy. The colonials argued that their "Rights as Englishmen" meant that taxes could not be imposed on them without the consent of their local representatives. At the same time the colonists rejected the solution of being provided with representation in Parliament,claiming that "their local circumstances" made it impossible.So the colonials wanted to build their own government rather than rely on the British government,and these actions aggravated the conflicts between the Britain and the colonies.

Finally , in 1700s, due to the Enlightenment, the colonials were affected by the democratic ideology and liberalism, they wanted to get the freedom form the Great Britain and persue their own happiness.Because of this, they were no longer as obedient as before. In the future, they would oppose whatever policies we make. So their independence is irresistible.

All in all,as the king of the Great Britain, i have to admit that the independence of America colonies is irresistible.As what I have mentioned above, from economic aspect, politic aspect and ideological aspect, the war is definitely going to happen no matter what we do.



英语泛读教程(第2册)参考答案 Unit One Comprehension Points 1.Every year at the same time the stars were in the same place in the sky. 2.They are the planets. 3.He thought that … (Page 2, parag. 12) 4.The idea was that the stars and the sun did not turn around the earth. Instead, it was the earth that was turning. The sun and the stars were not really moving. 5.Because they would upset the whole science of astronomy and cause cruel persecution by the Church. 6.Content/details. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5a2069064.html,mon. 8.Because radio telescopes find out new stars by picking up radio waves from them. 9.It means the group of stars that our earth is a member of. 10.The implication is that probably by then the earth has already been melted. 11.Every three days it gets very dim. It stays dim for a few hours, then it gets bright again. 12.Because a comet isn’t solid. It is thin like a cloud. Its tail is nothing but glowing gas. And its head is made of small pieces that could not hurt the earth. Exercises I. True or false 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F II. 1.略。 2.Four stages. Childhood, manhood, old age, and the last stage. 3.The very hottest ones are blue. Those not quite so hot are white, and those less hot than the white ones are yellow and red. 4.略。 5.They help sailors to find their way and they help us to tell time. Unit Two Comprehension Points 1.It means to function properly. 2.电气史上最伟大的人物之一迈克尔·法拉第写了一篇报告,介绍了一种叫做gutta percha 的类似橡胶的物质,这种物质是从生在在马来西亚的一种树上提取出来的。 3.It means to bring out of the water on to the land. 4.To lay a cable under the Atlantic. 5.To become weaker. 6.第一个it指的是the telegraph failed,第二个it指的是it ever worked,第三个it指的是 the cable. 7.Because a big ship can’t carry the end of the cable on to the shore, it will get stranded.


A :c B 1-5 baccd 6-8 cdd D.1-5 daaba 6-10 dadca Fast Reading:1 dbcca 2 cbbcd 3 dcdcd Home Reading:abcccbac Unit 2 A:c B 1-5 cdada 6-10 bdacb D 1-5 dcbad 6-10 cbbad 11-15 cabdc Fast Reading:1 bbcad 2 bbbdd 3 cddda Home Reading: abadcadbcd Unit 3 A :c B 1-5 dccad 6-10 ddcaa D 1-5 badcd 6-12 bbcdacb Fast Reading:1 dbacc 2 abdcbd 3 dabc Home Reading:abdccccbab Unit 4 A :c B bdcaab D 1-5 dbacb 6-12 ccdcdcb Fast Reading:1 cdabd 2 cdcdd 3 dccbb Home Reading:bcddcdccdd Unit 5 A: c B 1-5 cacbd 6-10 bdabc D 1-5 abacd 6-10 ababa Fast Reading:1 ddbdb 2 dbddc 3 cdbcd Home Reading:cbdcbaacbd Uint 6 A:a B 1-5 bbbad 6-10 bdddc D 1-5 ccbaa 6-12 dabada Fast Reading:1 cabdd 2 addaa 3 bccdb Home Reading:bcacbbbb Unit 7 A:b B 1-5 cadbd 6-11 abcbad D 1-5 badca 6-14 bcbbadcab Fast Reading:1 cabdb 2 dbbdd 3 dccbd Home Reading:dcdbaccadb Unit 8 A:b B 1-5 badda 6-8 bac D:dacdcabbdab Fast Reading:1 cdbbd 2 dcacb 3 adcab Home Reading:accbdbacdb Unit 9 A:c B 1-5 bdcac 6-8 bcd D:aaabccdacbb Fast Reading:1 bcdda 2 adccd 3 dcbdc Home Reading:bcbadcab Unit 10 A:a B 1-5 acdcb 6-10 dadcc D:aaadbbcdabb Fast Reading: 1 ddccc 2 bbbca 3 cdacc Home Reading:bddcddcba Unit 11 A:c B 1-5 bdbba 6-7 bc D:aabbadab Fast Reading:1 bcbcb 2 ccbdd 3 abccd Home Reading:cdddddbcba


U n i t1R e a d i n g R t r a t e g i e s Section A Word Pretest 1----5 B C B B B 6----10 A A C C B Reading Skill 2----5 CBCA 6----9 BBAA Vocabulary Building 1 d. practicable/practical e. practiced 2. a.worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d.worth e.worth 3. a.vary b.variety c.variation d.various/varied e.Various 4. a.absorbing b.absorbed c.absorb d.absorption e.absorbent 2 1.a.effective b.efficient c.effective 2.a.technology b.technique 3.a.middle b.medium c.medium Cloze Going/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answers Predictions/expectations tell know/foretell end Develop/present worth Section B 1----4 TFTT 5----8 CBCC 9----11 TFF 12----17 CAACCA Section C 1----4 FFTF 5----8 FTTT Unit 2 Education Section A Word Pretest 1----5 ABACC 6----11 ABABCC Reading Skill 4----6 CBB 1----6 FTFFTT Vocabulary Building 1 1. mess 2. preference 3. aimlessly 4. remarkable/marked 5.decisive 6.shipment 7. fiery 8.physically 9.action 10.housing 2 1. a.aptitude b.attitude 2. a.account b.counted c. counted 3. a.talent b.intelligence


Extensive Reading (Book 2) Unit 1 The Shadowland of Dreams I. Teaching Objectives Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage Get some information about the author Master the Reading skills II. Teaching Importance and Difficulties 1. The usage of new words and phrases 2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3. Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea. 4. Reading skills: Using the Dictionary III. Teaching Methods: Discussing, Practicing, and Exercising. IV. Teaching Time: 4 periods V. Teaching Content 1. Lead-in What are your dreams? What will you do if you meet some troubles on the course of realizing your dream? 2. Related information 1) author亚历克斯?哈利(1921-1992) Alexander Murray Palmer Haley (August 11, 1921-February 10, 1992) was an American writer. He is best known as the author of Roots. 非洲裔的美国作家。他以根据自己家族史完成的小说《根》。 Haley was born in Ithaca, New York, on August 11, 1921, and was the oldest of three brothers and a sister. Haley lived with his family in Henning, Tennessee before returning to Ithaca with his family when he was five years old. Haley’s father was Simon Haley, a professor of agriculture at Alabama A&M University, and his mother was Bertha George Haley (née Palmer) who was from Henning. The younger Haley always spoke proudly of his father and the obstacles of racism he had overcome. After retiring from the Coast Guard, Haley began his writing career, and eventually became a senior editor for Reader’s Digest.2) Roots The novel, loosely based on Haley’s own family, presented an interpretation of the journey of African Americans from their homeland to the US and the subsequent search for freedom and dignity. 《根》的主题,美国的黑人奴隶制问题,是美国历史上持续最久、争论最烈的一个论题。 涉及美国种族问题的文学作品里,有三部称得上是鼎鼎大名:《汤姆大叔的小屋》uncle tom’s cabin is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, 《飘》(Gone with the Wind)是一部出版于1936年的美国小说,作者为Margaret Mitchell玛格丽特?米切尔,在1937年获得普利策奖。 3) The Pulitzer Prize is a U.S. award for achievements in newspaper and online journalism, literature and musical composition. It was established in 1917 by provisions in the will of American (Hungarian-born) publisher Joseph Pulitzer, and is administered by Columbia University in New York City. Prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of these, each winner receives a certificate and a


Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Word Search — 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid.、 Stems 7proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 8percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 9confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 10affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 11centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 12exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose … Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B Section C


大学英语泛读中的阅读方法和技巧 Tag:英语学习方法我要评论 (0)大学英语泛读中的阅读方法和技巧:如何指导学生 通过阅读训练掌握正确的阅读方法和技巧,从而加快阅读速度和提高理解能力,成为英语泛读教学中的首要任务。文章结合日常教学工作谈谈常用阅读方法和技巧的分类及在日常阅读 中的应用。一、大学英语泛读适合的场景及对象 大学英语泛读教学主要是针对英语专业的学生来说的。在大学阶段,英语阅读分成精读和泛读两种形式。大学英语泛读作为精读课的重要补充。不仅有助于学生巩同在精读课上学到的词汇,不断地扩大学生的知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,最重要的是能够帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,掌握重要的阅读方法和技巧。目前.许多高中生虽然能通过高考进入大学学习,但他们的阅读能力比大学英语教学所要求的相差太大。为了使学生今后的学习更加轻松愉快。大学英语泛读教学应运而生。 从“泛读”二字的字面意义就可以看出.“泛读”就是要广泛地读,大量地读。所谓 广泛地读、大量地读.就是阅滨的题材要广泛,包括社会、科技、文化、经济、日常知识、 人物传记等。还要体材多样.包括记叙文、描写文、说明文、广告、说明书、图表等。它不 仅要求学生读得广、凑得多、而且要渎得快、理解准确.因此它是扩大阅读馈,培养学生阅 读能力,提高阅读速度的有效途径。所以,泛读课也成为培养学生技能,传播知识的综合课程。我们都知道,大部分英语专业的学生把过四六级作为学习英语的一个重要目标。而在考试中,阅读理解又是非常重要的一部分。学生在进行测试的时候都有一个共同的难题“阅读量大,时问紧。题目的答案拿不准”。从表面上看是学生英语语言水平的不足,但从其根本 原因来看是他们阅读方法的不正确,阅读技巧的不熟练。泛凑教学以其特有“不但要读得广、读得多,而且要读得快、理解准确” 的教学同标和要求,对学牛提高阅读方法和技巧有着不可低估的作用,是精读教学所不能取代的。 二、常用泛读方法的分类及 在日常阅读中的应用泛读教材不同于精读课文。精读课文要求学生逐词、逐句地阅读, 细嚼慢咽,其目的在于透彻理解。而泛读也可称为普通阅读,只要求学生对全文的主旨英语学习。大意、主要思想及作者的观点有明确的了解。对全文只做一般性的推理、归纳和总结,无需研究细节问题和探讨语法问题。所以不能照搬精读的阅读方法。在大学英语泛读的阅读活动中,常用的阅读方法有以下几种: (一 )略读 (skimming) 略读又称跳读(skipping) 或浏览 (glancing) ,是一种专门的、非常实用的快速阅读技能。 它在朗文词典当中的解释是:“ to read something quickly to find themain facts or ideas in it”.可以看出这种阅读方法要求以尽可能快的速度进行阅读,目的是为了找出文章的中心思 想和主要观点。因此,略读时只需注意文章的关键部分,如阅读时抓住每本书中的标题、 每章前的内容提要或章节后的重要结论,然后把全书或全文中的主题和中心连贯起来,得出文章的丰旨。换句话说,略凑是要求读者有选择地进行阅读,可跳过某些细节,以求抓住文章的中心,从加快阅读速度。


泛读、速读技巧专项练习 李仕才 Back in 2006, as my father was dealing with advanced dementia(痴呆), our family faced a serious set of challenges. In addition to his health problems, we struggled with the lack of transparency in what his health insurance plan covered, and with substantial out-of-pocket costs. We were often left with unexpected bills after appointments and medical procedures with little recourse(援助). At times-it felt as though the system was set up against us. On several occasions, his insurance company interfered with his treatment, dictating important decisions about his care rather than his doctors. And there was little we could do about it. Helping my mom navigate the process proved to be a frustrating and expensive burden on us. Throughout it all, I would often wonder how many other families were in the same boat struggling with rising health care costs and the worst insurance industry abuses. Not long after my dad passed away, I first heard then Senator Obama speak about his own mother’s struggles with health insurance and the need to pass health reform. I knew that I had to be a part of making that change. Since joining the Obama Administration in 2009, I’ve worked hard to help implement the Affordable Care Act. It’s an honor to come to work every day at the White House to help make this landmark legislation a reality for millions of hard-working Americans who will benefit from the security and peace of mind of having health insurance. 1. Which of the following is NOT included in the writer’s family challenges? A. The problem of payment. B. The problem of wealth plan. C. The problem of unexpected costs. D. The problem of health insurance plan. 2. What’s the writer’s attitude towards the old health insurance system? A. Favorable. B. Disapproving. C. Doubtful. D. Unconcerned. 3. The underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”. A. going by ship B. taking the same boat C. in the same good state D. in the same difficult situation 4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?


英语泛读理解技巧 为了提高泛读理解胜任,同学们在做泛读理解时,就要在以下几个方面下功夫: (一)要注意养成良好的泛读心理。泛读时要去掉杂念,心绪要安定,精神要专一,要形成一种惬意的顺向心理。造成大脑皮层的优势兴奋中心。切不可一遇到几个生词难句,就心烦意乱,失去自控胜任。心理学家告诉我们,任何恐慌,过分紧张的情绪都会形成一种消极因素妨碍大脑的正常思维功能。因此,遇到困难一定要从容不迫,心无旁骛。这样才能对所读的文章印象清晰,理解深刻。 (二)要提高视读的速度。考泛读理解,从另一个方面来说,考的是exam速度。慢读是不行的。因此做泛读理解时,要注意培养自己快速泛读的习惯。泛读时眼球总是不断地移动———停顿———移动着。理解是在“眼停”的瞬间进行的。我们要使眼停的时间相对增加,就要扩大视读的广度,把逐词逐句的点式泛读变成一次扫描一句的线式泛读,并且把看到的东西迅速报告给大脑,形成眼脑较快的直映胜任。切不可在个别难懂的词句上磨蹭,只要全篇理解了,个别难懂的词句可以根据上下文和构词法去猜测,去推断。 (三)泛读时要注意培养语感。所谓语感是指人们对Language中词语搭配及句型结构的熟练程度。语感好的人,理解力就强,视读的速度就快。泛读时要留心词语的搭配,即惯使用。必要时可用笔划一划或

记下来。读完每一篇文章,都应总结归纳一下,积累了多少英语字词,惯使用和句型,这样语感自然就会好起来。 (四)读完一篇文章后,要回味一番对文章的段落结构,中心思想,人物事件,论点论据要做到心中有数。对不清楚的地方可以再看几次。要留心关键词句,注意弦外之音。对文章的评价分析,一定要坚持“词不离句,句不离篇”,要理解文章作者的原意,而不能按你自己的意愿去想当然。切记:一想当然,就会出错。 如果文章太长,你可以先把文章后面的问题看一遍,带着问题去看文章。这样可以帮助你去掉杂念,提高泛读速度和解题的正确性。要善于找关键句,特别要注意文章的第一段和最后一段的头一句话,往往就是关键句,可以帮助你把握文章的全貌,理解文章的主题。此外,还应该细读文章,因为有时的试题是考细节。可以边读边用铅笔做点标记,把有关的人物、事件、时间、地点、原因即五个W划出来。凡逢人物就圈起来,看完一数,有几个圈就是几独立个体,一目了然


一、教学目的与要求 泛读课并非仅仅让学生大量而广泛地阅读课外读物,教师要有意识地培养学生的正确理解语篇的能力,加强学生阅读技能的训练和阅读能力的培养,巩固学生的语音、词汇、句法等基本语言能力,扩充学生的文化知识背景,同时也要增强学生的认知能力、逻辑思维能力等从而使学生达到英语专业四级的考试要求。 1. 加强基础知识 词汇和语法是学好英语的关键。要扩大学生词汇量,教师可以要求学生通过大量阅读来熟悉掌握词汇;其次,可以向学生介绍一些记忆单词和在阅读中猜测词的方法,如:利用构词法、词类归纳法、联想法等记忆单词;利用上下文、同义词、反义词、举例、等猜测词义;另外教师可以要求学生运用阅读中出现的新词汇来进行写作,以促使学生更加有效地掌握所学词汇。 2. 培养阅读技能 阅读速度是反映语言能力和衡量阅读水平的重要标志。泛读课教学的一个重要的任务是教授学生阅读方法,训练各项阅读技能,努力引导学生养成组视阅读、集中关键词阅读、抓主题句阅读、利用词缀和上下文推测词义阅读以及用外文思维阅读等良好习惯,来培养学生的阅读速度。此外可以训练其它的一些技巧,如略读法,即通篇浏览,了解文章大意和中心内容;寻读法,即有目的地寻找文章的主要信息;评论阅读法,即弄清作者在文章中表露出来的态度和倾向,对其主要观点加以评论。 3. 扩大知识面 泛读课中的阅读材料,题材广泛、体裁多样,涉及各个学科、各个领域的知识。教师可提前要求学生预习有关主题,从网络或资料中查阅相关的背景文化知识,这样既可提高学生对语篇内容的熟悉度,免得教师占用大量的课堂时间进行冗长的背景知识介绍,又可避免扼杀语篇的交际性和学生的阅读兴趣。课堂上教师再适当地补充介绍相关的历史、政治、背景知识、重要人物、名作家及作品等知识,为学生推荐一些好的课外阅读材料,鼓励学生进行大量课外阅读,使其尽可能多地接触到丰富多样的真实的语言运用场境,拓展他们的各种图式结构。 二、教材及参考书 1.教材:《英语泛读教程》 2.参考书:《古希腊罗马神话与西方民间传说》《傲慢与偏见》《希腊罗马神话及典故成语》《西洋圣典·古希腊罗马神话》《希腊罗马神话词典》 三、授课单元及学时分配


U n i t 1 R e a d i n g R t r a t e g i e s Section A Word Pretest 1----5 B C B B B 6----10 A A C C B Reading Skill 2----5 CBCA 6----9 BBAA Vocabulary Building 1 d. practicable/practical e. practiced 2. a.worthless b. worthy c. worthwhile d.worth e.worth 3. a.vary b.variety c.variation d.various/varied e.Various 4. a.absorbing b.absorbed c.absorb d.absorption e.absorbent 2 1. a.effective b.efficient c.effective 2. a.technology b.technique 3. a.middle b.medium c.medium Cloze Going/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answers Predictions/expectations tell know/foretell end Develop/present worth Section B 1----4 TFTT 5----8 CBCC 9----11 TFF 12----17 CAACCA Section C 1----4 FFTF 5----8 FTTT Unit 2 Education Section A Word Pretest 1----5 ABACC 6----11 ABABCC Reading Skill 4----6 CBB 1----6 FTFFTT Vocabulary Building 1 1. mess 2. preference 3. aimlessly 4. remarkable/marked 5.decisive 6.shipment 7. fiery 8.physically 9.action 10.housing 2 1. a.aptitude b.attitude 2. a.account b.counted c. counted 3. a.talent b.intelligence Cloze

英语泛读教程3 第三版 学生用书 答案

U1 Text Main idea: C Comprehension the text: Bdabb ddc Understanding vocabulary: addad cdb Fast reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc Home reading: dacdd aab U2 Text Main idea: b Comprehension the text:ddbcd cca Understanding vocabulary: baada caac Fast reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd Home reading: cbdcc dbbd U3 Text Main idea: d Comprehension the text: badab bdddc Understanding vocabulary: bddba cbcaa Fast reading: cbbbac cdda ccdad Home reading: dbcbd dbdb U4 Text Main idea: c Comprehension the text: ddbcd dc Understanding vocabulary: abdbb ADDAD BC Fast reading: DBCCD BDADD BAACD Home reading: DCDAC BCD U5 Text Main idea: C Comprehension the text: ABDAA DCBD Understanding vocabulary: DBABD DABCB DA Fast reading: CAABD CBDDC CDBAA Home reading: BCCDB DC U6 Text Main idea: B Comprehension the text: CDCAB DDAD

英语泛读教程2 词汇

1. requited- rewarded prospects- chances of future success stationed- working on the side- as a secondary occupation welled up- rose like water veteran- experienced wilted- less than fresh limelight- full of daylight exhilarating- delighting and exciting corroded- rusted 2. ethics- the study of moral issues assesses- evaluates overlapping- covering in part conceiving- conceptualizing transcend- go beyong undermines- weakens sanctioning- approving orchestrated- coodinated encompasses- includes intensifying- incresing 3. diverted- sidetracked stacked- piled impacts- influences insulate- protect casual- chance demolition- destruction fad- fashion discard- throw away garbage- trash viability- practicability consistently- regularly hold down- restrain 4. dilapidated- collapsing reedy- shrill luscious-delicious genuinely- seriously commenced- started admonishing- advising incongruous- inharmonious infectious- contagious


Unit 9 First Aid Section A Word Pretest 1.B. 2.A. 3.C 4.B. 5.B. 6.B. 7.B. 8.A. 9.C. 10.B Reading comprehension 1.B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. B/D/A/C. 5.C. 6.C. 7.A. 8.C/A/B/D Vocabulary Building Word Search 1.ambulance 2.urgent 3.emergency 4.massage 5.yell 6.vein 7.artery 8.fracture 9.blister 10.tetanus Use of English 1.The government has come in for a lot of criticism. 2. It’s hard to come to terms with the government’s defense policy. 3. After retiring in 1980 he has decided to make a comeback to the political scene. 4. The situation has come to the boil now that the government has to face a vote of confidence. 5. The tax cuts announced in the Budget do not come into effect until next year. 6. The miners came out on strike against the government’s


Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. B Reading Comprehension l. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F Vocabulary Building Word Match rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognized various different panic sudden fear consolidate s trengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed strenuous stressful; requiring effort and energy master overall recreation way of spending free time estimate calculate roughly routine regular; usual priority first concern relaxation rest 1. flexible 2. established 3. panic 4. strenuous 5. priority 6. routine 7. Rationally 8. recreations Suffix 1. familiarize 2. visualize 3. merely 4. idealize 5. finalize 6. necessarily 7. physically 8. highly Cloze favorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changes Section B 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. D Section C l. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A Unit 2 Culture Shock Section A Word Pretest 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D Reading Comprehension 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. C


上外泛读教程第四册答案 Unit 1 Language Testing Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. works his fingers to the bone 3. falls down on the job 5. does back-breaking work General Vocabulary Exercise Analogies Cloze its progress leaving one refer both which with leads that since made Section B Section C Unit 2 Exploration Section A Word Pretest Reading Comprehension 2. burns the midnight oil 4. hits the books 6. works like a dog

Vocabulary Building Idioms 1. has a green thumb 3. has two left feet General Vocabulary Exercise 4. persistent 5. resistance 10. have amused 11. magical 12. ignorant 13. survive 14. explored 15. intimidate 16. bulky 17. pilgrimage 18. galaxy 19. transformation 20. alienated Analogies Cloze until Most reached from ice combined and deep over includes in Section B Section C Unit 3 Refugee Section A Word Pretest 6. Contamination 7. invalid 8. fantastically 9. specifically 2. is a breeze 4. has a golden touch 5. has a nose for 6. is easy as pie 1. illegality 2. ambitiously 3. discriminative
