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○1Accustom [?'k?st?m]
vt. 使习惯
??Accustom oneself/sb/sth to sth使自己等习惯於某事物:
??Be accustomed to sth. 习惯於某事物
??Accustomed [attrib 作定语] 通常的; 惯常的
○2Alienate [?eili?neit]
??Alienate sb (from sb/sth) 使某人疏远或冷淡; 离间某人
??Transfer the ownership of (property)
from one person to another 转让(财产)所有权; 让渡. (law 律)
○3Allegiance [?'li:d??ns]
n.忠诚, 效忠
??Allegiance (to sb/sth) :support of or loyalty to a
government, ruler, cause, etc
(对政府﹑ 统治者﹑ 事业等的)拥护, 忠诚 金凌虹考研英语词汇 2
○4Ape [eip]
n.猿 vt.模仿
??Any of the four (usu tailless) primates
(gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-utan, gibbon) most closely related to man 猿(通常指无尾猿, 大猩猩﹑ 黑猩猩﹑ 猩猩或长臂猿).
??Go ape (sl 俚) start behaving crazily 变得狂热; 发疯似的.
??Imitate (sb/sth)学(某人[某事物])的样; 模仿.
○5Archaeology [?ɑ:ki??l?d?i] n.考古学
??Archaeological / ?ɑ?k???l?d??kl/ adj 考古学的; 与考古学有关的
??Archaeologist / ?ɑ?k???l?d??st / n expert in archaeology 考古学家.
○6Bail [beil] n.保释, 杓,把手,保证金, 担保人 vt.保释, 往外舀水, 使摆脱困境 vi.舀空
??n. Money paid by or for a person accused of a crime保释金.
??n. Permission for a person to be released on such security 准许保释
??v. bail sb out (a) obtain or allow the release of sb on bail 保释某人.
??v. bail (out)/sth (out) throw (water) out of a boat with buckets, etc; clear (a boat) in this way 用桶将(水)从船内舀出; 以这种方式给(船)清除积水
○7Blog [ bl?g ]
n.博客, 网络随笔,日志
??A type of DIARY on a WEB SITE that is changed
regularly, to give the latest news.
○8Botany ['b?t?ni]
n. 植物学, 植物
??Botanical[b??tn?kl] adj植物学的; 与植物学有关的.
??Botanist [?b?t?n?st] n植物学家.
??Botanize[?b?t?na?z]v研究﹑ 采集野生植物.
○9Buzz [b?z]
vi.发出嗡嗡声;忙乱 n.嗡嗡声(嘈杂) 金凌虹考研英语词汇 3
○10Censorship ['sens??ip] n. 审查员(或检查员)的职位;
??The process of removing parts of books, movies, letters, etc. that are considered inappropriate for moral, religious, or political reasons 因为某些道德、宗教、政治原因,将书本、电影和书信中的某些部分删除的过程
??Censor [?sens?] v.检查(书报)
○11Comet [?k?mit]
??A comet is a bright object with a long tail
that travels around the sun.
○12Contagious [k?n?teid??s]
??(of a disease) spreading by contact (指疾病)(接)触(传)染的
??Spreading easily from one person to ano

ther 容易感染他人的; 感染性的:
○13Converge [k?n?v?:d?]
??Converge (on sb/sth); ~ (at sth)(指线条﹑运动物体等)会於一点; 聚集
??(tend to) become similar or identical (趋於)相似或相同
○14Culprit [?k?lprit]
??Person who has done sth wrong; offender 犯过者; 犯罪者
??A fact or situation that is the reason
for something bad happening 起因,原因
○15Daunt [d?:nt]
??Frighten 使(某人)气馁; 威吓
??Nothing daunted (fml or joc 文或谑)毫无惧色; 毫不气馁
??Daunting adj discouraging; frightening 使人气馁的; 吓人的
??Dauntless adj勇敢的; 无畏的
金凌虹考研英语词汇 4
○16Debut [?deibju:]
??n. first appearance in public as a performer (on stage, etc)
○17Default [di?f?:lt]
n.违约;弃权;预设 vi.不履行义务,拖欠
??n.(esp law 尤用於法律) failure to do sth, esp to pay a debt or appear in court
不做某事; (尤指)不还债, 不出庭.
??In default of sth/sb (fml 文) because or in case sth/sb is absent
因某物[某人]未在场; 在无某物[某人]时
??v.Fail to do what one is supposed to do (eg to appear in a lawcourt)
未做应做的事(如出庭); 不履行; 不到场; 不出庭:
??Default (on sth) fail to pay (a debt, etc) 未付(债等):
??Defaulter:person who defaults
不履行职责者; 未到场者; 不出庭者; 未付款者.
○18Defer [di?f?:]
vt.推迟,拖延 vi.(to)遵从,听从,服从
??Defer sth (to sth) delay sth until a later time; postpone sth
使(某事)延期; 推迟
??Deferred shares延期付息股份
??Defer to sb/sth give way to sb or sb's wishes,
judgement, etc, usu out of respect
服从某人的意愿﹑ 判断等; (通常为)遵从
○19Deplore [di'pl?:]
vt. 悲叹, 谴责, 对 ... 深感遗憾
??Be shocked or offended by (sth); condemn 被(某事物)震惊或触犯; 谴责:
??Feel sorrow or regret about (sth) 对(某事物)感到悲伤或悔恨.
??Deplorable [d??pl??r?bl] adj that is, or should be, condemned
○20Diabetes [?dai??bi:ti:z]
??Diabetes is a medical condition
in which someone has too much sugar in their blood.
一种医学状况,血液当中含有过多的糖分 金凌虹考研英语词汇 5
○21Dinosaur ['dain?s?:]
n.恐龙 n.(俚)过时、落伍的人或事物
??A type of reptile which stopped existing
about 60 000 000 years ago.
??An old-fashioned person or thing
that people no longer consider to be useful.
○22Dioxide [dai??ksaid] n.二氧化物
○23Embryo ['embri?u] n. 胚胎, 萌芽
??Young animal or plant in the early stages.胚;

胚胎; 萌芽时期
??Plan, scheme, etc in its very early stages 初步的计划﹑ 方案等
??In embryo已存在但尚未发展的
??Embryology [embr???l?d??] 胚胎学
??Embryologist [embr???l?d??st]胚胎学家.
??Embryonic[embr???n?k]adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]
in an early stage of development 在发育的最初阶段的; 胚胎的
○24Endorse [in?d?:s] vt.赞同;签名于…背面
??Write one's name on the back of (esp a cheque)
在(尤指支票)的背面签字; 背书.
??Give one's (official) approval or support to (a claim, statement, etc)
(正式)赞同或支持(某要求﹑ 言论等)
??Say in an advertisement that one uses and approves of (a product)
??Endorsement n (a) [U] act of endorsing
背书; 批注; (在执照上的)违章记录; 赞同; 支持
○25Ethic [?eθik]
??System of moral principles; rules of conduct 道德标准; 行为准则
??Ethics n (a) [sing v] science that deals with morals 伦理学
○26Fiscal [?fisk?l] a.国库的,(政府)财政的
??Connected with (public) money.
○27Franchise ['fr?n?t?aiz] n.特许经销权, 选举权, 特权
??[U] right to vote at public elections
(公众选举的)投票权, 选举权
??Formal permission to sell a company's goods
or services in a particular area (正式授予在某地区销售某某公司的货物或经营某业务的)特权
○28Freelance [?fri:lɑ:ns] n./ a.自由职业者(的) vi.从事自由职业
??Doing particular pieces of work for different organizations,
rather than working all the time for a single organization: 为不同的组织做特定的工作,而不是为单个组织一直工作
○29Genre [???nr?] n.(文学、艺术等的)类型,体裁,风格
??Particular style or kind, esp of works of art or literature
grouped according to their form or subject matter 种类; 类型; (尤指按形式或主题划分的文艺作品的)风格, 体裁
○30Glacier [?gl?si?] n.冰川,冰河
??Mass of ice, formed by snow on mountains,
moving slowly down a valley 冰川; 冰河.
○31Guild [gild] n.行会,同业公会,协会
??Society of people with similar interests and aims,
esp one of the associations of craftsmen or merchants in the Middle Ages 协会; 行会
○32Herald [?her?ld]
vt.预示…的来临;宣布,欢呼 n.信使;预兆
??Person or thing that announces or shows
that sb/sth is coming 报信者; 先兆
??Herald sb/sth (in):announce the approach
of sb/sth 宣布某人[某事物]即将来临
○33Hormone [?h?:m?un] n.荷尔蒙,激素
34Hygiene [?haid?i:n] n.卫生,保健学
??Study and practice of cleanliness as a way
of maintaining good health and preventing disease 卫生(学)
??Hygienic adj free from germs that cause disease;
clean 卫生的; 清洁的
○35Inaugurate [i?n?:gjureit] vt.开始;

??Inaugurate sb (as sth) introduce (a new public official
or leader) at a special ceremony
??Mark the beginning of (an organization or undertaking)
or open (a building, an exhibition, etc)
with a special ceremony (组织或工程的创立或开工)
举行仪式; (建筑物﹑ 展览会等)举行落成或开幕仪式
??Be the beginning of (sth); introduce
开创, 创始, 引进(某事物)
○36Ivory [?aiv?ri] n.象牙;象牙色,乳白色
??An ivory tower象牙塔(对日常生活中烦恼的现实视而不见者的退身之所或处境):
○37Lyric [?lirik] a.抒情的 n.[常 pl.]歌词
○38Marathon ['m?r?θ?n]
n.马拉松, 耐力比赛
??Long-distance running race
(of about 42 km or 26 miles)
??Long-lasting event which is hard to endure
○39Memorandum [?mem??r?nd?m] n.备忘录;记录
??Note made for future use,
esp to help oneself remember sth (备忘的)记录; 备忘录
??(law 律) record of an agreement that has been
reached but not yet formally drawn up and signed (已达成但尚未拟就及签字的)协议记录; 意向书.
○40Module [?m?dju:l] n.组件,模块,模件;(航天器的)舱
○41Neutron [?nju:tr?n] n.中子
○42Nostalgic [n??st?ld?ik] a.怀旧的,引起对往事怀恋的
??Nostalgic things cause you to think
affectionately about the past.
○43Obesity [?u'bi:siti]
n.肥胖, 肥大
??A condition in which someone
is too fat in a way that is dangerous for their health. 金凌虹考研英语词汇 9
○44Overhaul [??uv?'h?:l]
vt.翻修, 仔细检查, 革新, 赶上
n.彻底检查, 全面检修
??Examine (sth) carefully and thoroughly
and make any necessary repairs 彻底检修(某物):
??Catch up with and overtake (sth)
○45Portfolio [p?:t'f?ulj?u]
n.文件夹, 公事包,作品集, 投资组合, (大臣或)部长职务
??Flat case (often made of leather)
for carrying loose papers, documents, drawings, etc
公事包, 文件夹(常为皮制的).
??Set of investments (eg stocks and shares)
owned by a person, bank, etc
(个人﹑ 银行等所有的)投资组合(如债券和股票):
??Position and duties of a minister of State
○46Recession [ri?se??n]
??Temporary decline in economic
activity or prosperity (经济)衰退; 不景气
??Recessionary [attrib 作定语]
of a slowing of economic activity (经济)萧条的, 疲软的
○47Redeem [ri?di:m]
??Redeem sth (from sb/sth)
buy back sth by paying the required sum; recover sth 买回或赎回某物
??[Tn] (fml 文) keep (a promise); fulfil 遵守(诺言); 履行
??Redeem sb (f

rom sth) (a) obtain the freedom of sb,
esp by payment; rescue sb 使某人获得自由; (尤指)为某人赎身; 解救某人
??Redeemable / -?bl; -?bl/ adj that can be redeemed
可赎回的; 可补救的; 可偿清的; (债券等)可兑现的 金凌虹考研英语词汇 10
○48Rehearse [ri'h?:s]
vt.预演, 排演, 预先演习, 详述, 复述
??Practice(a play, piece of music, etc) for public performance
排练(戏剧﹑ 乐曲等); 排演
??Give an account of (sth), esp to oneself; recite
讲述(某事物); (尤指)自述, 背诵
??Rehearsal n.排练; 排演; 训练; 讲述; 背诵
○49Salient ['seilj?nt]
adj.突出的, 显著的, 跳跃的
??Most noticeable or important; main 显着的; 重要的; 主要的
??(Of an angle) pointing outwards (指角)凸出的
○50Scenario [si?nɑ:ri?u]
??Written outline of a film, play,
etc with details of the scenes and plot
(电影﹑ 戏剧等的)脚本﹑ 剧情概要等
??Imagined sequence of future events 想像中的未来事情的顺序
○51Snobbish ['sn?bi?]
adj.势利的, 自命不凡的
??Sb who is too proud of their social status, intelligence, or taste.
○52Stagnant ['st?gn?nt]
adj.不流动的, 停滞的, 不景气的
??(of water) not flowing and therefore dirty and
smelling unpleasant; still and stale
(指水)因不流动而污浊﹑ 腐臭的, 静止而不新鲜的
??Showing no activity (and therefore not developing
or progressing); sluggish 停滞的; 不景气的
○53Statistics [st??tistiks]
??Collection of information shown in numbers
(一组)数据, 统计数字, 统计资料
○54Taboo [t?'bu:]
n.禁忌, 禁止接近, 禁止使用 adj.禁忌的 vt.禁忌
??(in certain cultures) ban or prohibition
on sth that is regarded for religious or other reasons
as not to be done, touched, used, etc
(某些文化的)禁忌, 忌讳.
○55Toil [t?il]
n.辛苦, 苦工, 罗网, 圈套
v.费力地做,苦干, 跋涉
??Toil away (at/over sth) work long or hard
??Move slowly and with difficulty in the specified direction
○56Transit [?tr?nzit, -sit]
??Process of going or being taken or transported
from one place to another 搬运; 载运; 运输
○57Turmoil [?t?:m?il]
??Great disturbance, agitation or confusion
骚动; 混乱; 动乱
○58Vaccine [?v?ksi:n]
??Substance that is injected into the bloodstream
and protects the body by making
it have a mild form of the disease 疫苗; 菌苗
○59Plaintiff [?pleintif] n.原告
??Person who brings a legal action against sb 原告
○60Defendant [di?fend?nt]
Person accused or sue

d in a legal case 被告; 被告人

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