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第Ⅰ卷 (选择题)



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中给出的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.Which painting did the woman buy?

A. The one of the mountains.

B. The one of some boats.

C. The one of

the houses.

2.On what does the woman spend lots of money?

A. Sports.

B. Music.

C. Furniture.

3.When will the film start?

A. At 8:00.

B. At 7:55.

C. At 7:45.

4.Why is the man making the phone call?

A. To cancel an order.

B. To check an order.

C. To place an


5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. When the woman left home for work.

B. Why the woman looks scared.

C. Where the accident happened.




6.Where are the speakers?

A. In a lecture hall.

B. In a meeting room.

C. In the woman’s office.

7.What will the man do tomorrow?

A. Listen to a lecture.

B. Attend a meeting.

C. Prepare the

sales figures.


8.Who might the woman most probably be?

A. A waitress.

B. A policewoman.

C. A coffee bar


9.When did the man find the loss of his phone?

A. When he was talking with a stranger.

B. When he was going to the toilet.

C. When he was going to leave.


10.What is the man’s attitude towards the woman’s idea?

A. Supportive.

B. Unconcerned.

C. Disapproving.

11.Why does the woman want to take a year off?

A. To travel abroad.

B. To get a full-time job.

C. To set up an organization.

12.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Work as a volunteer.

B. Take more time off.

C. Put off her plan.


13.How does the woman feel about moving abroad?

A. Annoyed.

B. Nervous.

C. Excited.

14.Why is the woman moving?

A. Her parents want to live abroad.

B. Her brother is living abroad.

C. She got a job abroad.

15.Where is the woman living now?

A. In Germany.

B. In the UK.

C. In Spain.

16.What is the woman doing in preparation for the moving?

A. Staying in contact with a house agent.

B. Applying for a college.

C. Learning Spanish.


17.What is the typical weather like in Cork?

A. Windy.

B. Sunny.

C. Rainy.

18.What do we know about Cork?

A. Cork is the second largest island in Ireland.

B. There are many bridges in Cork.

C. It is convenient to visit Cork by car.

19.What can tourists find on St. Patrick Street?

A. Churches.

B. A cafe.

C. A gallery.

20.What does the speaker say about the cafe?

A. It provides good food .

B. It lies in a university.

C. It looks

like a museum.





The annual “Hong Kong Book Fair” is one of the largest of its kind in Asia, attracting the attendance of several hundred thousand book lovers. The fair gives readers an opportunity to have a preview of new books and to communicate with book writers. It also aims at promoting local reading culture through the organization of various activities.

During the seven-day event, it’s also hoped that visitors would respond and contribute to the Fair’s appeal for environmental protection to make the Hong Kong Book Fair a green focus.

Download app to reduce papers

The HK Book Fair app is newly developed this year to provide instant fair updates to visitors. Go green and reduce the use of paper maps.

Green travel

To prevent serious traffic jams and reduce air pollution, ask your friends to visit the Hong Kong Book Fair together using public transport.

Carry own shopping bag

Plastic shopping bag charging has been fully conducted in Hong Kong. Exhibitors shouldn’t distribute plastic bags to customers for free. They’ll have to charge customers no less than 50 cents for each plastic bag. Therefore, visitors are encouraged to buy their own bags!

Waste recycle

Categorized waste recycle bins are placed inside. Please support waste recycle. Share the love for forests

During and after the Fair you must be eager to share many photos with your friends but please try to do so through your blogs or e-mails in order to reduce paper consumption thus contributing to the protection of our forests. Also, drinking machines and paper cups are available inside. But please be environmental friendly and try to bring your own bottle.

21. According to the text, the Hong Kong Book Fair __________.

A. takes place every year

B. lasts a whole fortnight

C. has had an app since its beginning

D. attracts thousands of book writers

22. What are visitors to the HK Book Fair encouraged to do?

A. Use a car with friends.

B. Bring water bottles themselves.

C. Stop using plastic shopping bags.

D. Share photos with friends in any way they like.

23. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To introduce activities of a book fair.

B. To attract attendance to a book fair.

C. To provide details about a book fair.

D. To offer green tips for a


Ever since community members found out in mid-October that Stella Chhan was ill, they’ve been arriving at Donut City in Seal Beach, south of Los Angeles, to buy doughnuts(甜甜圈) by the dozen. The intention is to allow John Chhan to close his Southern California shop early each day so he can spend time with Stella, his wife.

Dawn Caviola, 58, has been a regular customer of Donut City. But during her most recent visit she found out that John Chhan, 62, was keeping the shop on his own because Stella Chhan, 63, had suffered an aneurysm(动脉瘤) in late September and was recovering at a hospital.

“I went home and I just couldn’t get it out of my head,”Caviola told NBC News. “They’re just such hardworking people.” So she wrote a blog post on the private community network, Nextdoor, to urge local people to help. The post immediately went popular on social media and Facebook.

For the past 28 years, the couple and their baker have gotten to the shop at 2 am every day to bake the doughnuts. They then open the shop to the community by 4:30 am, seven days a week. It’s a routine they’ve more or less kept to since opening the store in 1990.

Caviola said she wanted to help. “People can just do a simple thing for their neighbours,” she said. “There are people who don’t even eat sugar who are buying doughnuts from Mr. Chhan and giving them out to strangers. I really didn’t think it would become this big.”

On Saturday morning, John Chhan was preparing to close his shop by 8:30 am. “We have sold everything already,”he told NBC News. “I feel very warm and happy. Thank you to everyone.”

Chhan also said that his wife was recovering well and he hoped to have her back in the shop shortly. “She’s much better,” he said.

24. How was John Chhan’s difficulty discovered?

A. His wife was seen to be ill at hospital.

B. He closed his store earlier

C. Caviola chatted with his wife at home.

D. He was found to work alone at the shop.

25. What is the function of paragraph 4?

A. To describe a harmonious community.

B. To tell the couple’s hard work.

C. To explain a very successful business.

D. To show the love for the couple.

26. What was beyond Dawn Caviola’s expectation?

A. People’s eagerness for helping the couple.

B. People’s enthusiasm for doughnuts.

C. The way some people help the strangers.

D. The attitude John holds to others’ help.

27. What kind of person is Dawn Caviola?

A. Smart and energetic.

B. Conservative and indifferent.

C. Considerate and kind.

D. Straightforward and fascinating.


Have you ever argued with your parents about putting away the tablet(平板电脑) or turning off a video game? Most families are having these battles. In 2018, Brigham Young University and Deseret News conducted their American Family Survey. It showed that the Number 1 fear for parents of teenagers was too much technology.

If you’re in school now, you may not remember a time before there were smartphones and tablets everywhere. The iPhone was introduced in 2007, and the iPad came out in 2010. But screen time is nothing new. When your parents were growing up, they watched as much television as you do now, or even more. They probably played video games, too.

Mobile devices are different, though, because they can come with us everywhere we go. But it also means they’re always disrupting us when we’re trying to have family time or fun with friends. And unlike with TV, which people often watch as a

family, everyone-including parents-is now distracted(使分心) by his or her own little machine.

Scientists who study the effects of media say more than two hours a day of screen time raises your risk of being overweight. Too much screen time at night stops you from getting healthy sleep. Children who grow up with the most screen time can have a hard time focusing and doing well in school. And many families fight about screen time, which is no fun for anyone.

The solution is to talk about screen time. Make an agreement with your family about where, when, and how you’re going to use computers and other devices. No more than an hour a day is recommended for kids during the school week. Parents, too, should put down their phones. When you do use a device, consider enjoying it with your family, perhaps by playing games or watching a movie.

28. Which of the following is a finding of the American Family Survey?

A. Most families argue about tablets or video games.

B. Screen time is something that hasn’t been in existence for long.

C. What parents worry most is that their teens use too much technology.

D. Kids used to watch less television before the arrival of iPhone and iPad.

29. What does the underlined phrase “disrupting” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Reminding.

B. Interrupting.

C. Accompanying.

D. Entertaining.

30. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

A. Why screen time brings about problems.

B. What bad effects media have on families.

C. It’s necessary to fight against screen time.

D. Too much screen time can cause problems.

31. What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A. Families should share a device together.

B. Schools should limit students’ screen time.

C. Children should stay away from computers.

D. Adults should avoid using phones with their kids.


Ancient languages, including Greek, Chinese, Hebrew and Japanese, didn’t have a word for blue. And there wasn’t an English word for the color “orange” until 200 years after the fruit of the same name arrived in Europe. Before then, the color was called by the two other colors that, when mixed, make orange: “yellow-red”.

Multiple experiments suggest that these words don’t simply reflect what we see, but they influence our perception and are shaped by our cultures.

In one recent study, published in Psychological Science, researchers showed groups of Greek, German, and Russian speakers (103 people in total) a rapid series of shapes, and they were told to look out for a grey circle. This circle appeared alongside a triangle in different shades of blue and green, and participants later reported whether they saw a complete triangle, a slight or strong impression of the shape, or didn’t see it at all.

Researchers found that Greek and Russian speakers, who have words for light and dark blue, were more likely to see a light blue triangle against a dark blue background, than they were to identify green triangles against green backgrounds. Speakers of German, which has no such distinction, were no better at seeing shades of blue triangles than green. Similar research has found that Russian speakers distinguish between shades of blue faster than English speakers, and Greek speakers start to see all shades of blue as similar after living in the UK for a long time.

Scientists have identified 11 basic color terms in English: black, white, grey, red, green, blue, yellow, pink, orange, purple, and brown. But, of course, it wasn’t too long ago that those who spoke English couldn’t enjoy an orange sunset—they had to settle for one that was yellow-red.

The idea that language influences reality is called the “Sapir-Whorf Theory”, after its creators Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf.

32. What does the author intend to do in the first paragraph?

A. Summarize the main idea of the text.

B. Help readers make different colors.

C. Show the differences of the languages.

D. Lead in the subject for discussion.

33. What does the underlined word “perception” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Sense.

B. Action.

C. Thought.

D. Imagination.

34. Who is more likely to notice the light blue patterns on a dark blue curtain?

A. A German speaker.

B. An ancient Greek speaker.

C. A Russian speaker.

D. An ancient Chinese speaker.

35. What can be the best title for the text?

A. How Were Basic Colors Created?

B. Colors Influence the Languages.

C. What Is the “Sapir-Whorf Theory”?

D. Language Affects Colors We See.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


Being an independent person is a very important aspect of any person’s life. It’s very vital that you not be a burden or depend in the slightest way on another person. With independence you’ll realize life is so much easier and of course happier because you don’t expect others to do things for you. 36

The biggest advantage of being independent is that one is able to be confident in himself/herself. If you’re financially independent and have all the necessary qualifications needed to help increase your knowledge, then you’re all set in life. You don’t have to depend on anyone for anything in life. 37 And being confident of yourself is surely a healthy sign in life!

Not depending on others for the requirements of your life means you’re able to dream big and achieve more in life. The only thing you need to do is to work hard to achieve you dream goal. 38 Even something as simple as going for driving lessons needs you to work hard and be determined.

However, being able to find contentment in life is such a rare thing because most often people, especially the females, are dependent on others. And it’s natural that one will expect the others in the family to help them out in all that they do. 39 You need to make your sacrifices, be independent and achieve through your own efforts.

40 You have to take responsibility for your life at every step along the way. If you want to be able to enjoy the freedom of doing what you like when you want, then you need to try your best to become as independent as possible!

A.The reason is that nothing comes easy.

B.Making decisions on your own isn’t hard to learn.

C.Instead, you depend on yourself for your happiness.

D.Being independent also allows you to make your own decisions.

E.Your independence will undoubtedly make you a confident person.

F.The only thing in the way of your achieving the goal is your doubts.

G.However, depending on them for everything will make you a burden.



Ten years ago, my wife and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon. I 41 to carry all my keys in my pocket, so I took off the car key and left the rest in the car. When we returned, I put the key somewhere in the 42 without reattaching it to the key ring.

The next morning, while preparing our breakfast outside, I saw a magpie(喜鹊) inside my car. It flew away 43 I approached it. When we got in the car, we couldn’t find the key. We searched and searched, even emptying out the car 44 , but it was gone. It suddenly 45 me that it must have been 46 by the magpie. After all, they have the 47 of stealing shiny things to decorate their nests. 48 , cursing(咒骂) the magpie, I set out in search of its 49 .

As the Grand Canyon is so large, it’s almost 50 to find a particular nest belonging to a particular magpie in a particular tree in all that space. But what other 51 did I have? After two hours of searching, I finally 52 and returned to the car. To get a new key made, I gave a locksmith(锁匠) a(n) 53 . Five hours later, he showed up. Because of how 54 we were, he charged me nineteen times the 55 amount for making a new key. On the way back, I pulled out the recessed(嵌壁

式的) cup holder in my car, and the key was sitting right there. Imagine my 56 . It was the only place we 57 .

My wife has acquired much happiness from repeating this 58 at family gatherings in the past decade. Whenever we can’t find something and neither of us 59 who lost it, she simply asks, “ 60 the Grand Canyon?”

41. A. failed B. refused C. forgot D. hated

42. A. bag B. car C. drawer D. pocket

43. A. before B. once C. although D. if

44. A. obviously B. specially C. completely D. skillfully

45. A. led to B. stuck to C. turned to D. occurred to

46. A. taken B. eaten C. hidden D. broken

47. A. custom B. dream C. habit D. chance

48. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Besides D. However

49. A. shadow B. companion C. food D. nest

50. A. worthless B. impossible C. doubtless D. unnecessary

51. A. intention B. ambition C. choice D. decision

52.A. gave up B. put off C. came down D. got through

53. A. reward B. call C. excuse D. origin

54. A. content B. nervous C. generous D. faraway

55. A. unique B. precise C. normal D. compulsory

56. A. feeling B. loss C. shame D. concern

57. A. disliked B. deserted C. suspected D. ignored

58. A. fiction B. experience C. adventure D. exploration

59. A. knows B. admits C. argues D. considers

60. A. Miss B. Enjoy C. Remember D. Accept

第II卷 (非选择题)





How can kids be made to be more honest? Angela Evans and her colleagues found

that children—like 61 (adult) are more honest after making a commitment.

Ninety-nine Canadian children, aged three to five, played a guessing game. They were randomly divided 62 three groups. The children in the first group were

told not to peek(偷看) when the researchers 63 (step) out of the room. Children

in the remaining two groups were also told not to peek and either said “OK” in agreement 64 repeated, “I won’t turn around and peek.”

The findings? Generally, 74% of children peeked. Children 65 repeated

the full verbal(口头的) commitment were 66 (likely) to peek compared to

the other two groups; simply saying “OK”didn’t seem 67 (promote) honesty. Besides, children repeating the verbal commitment but still peeked, took longer to

do so, 68 (suggest) that they were more aware of the tension between wanting

to peek and wanting to make good on their work.

What does this finding mean for parents? Talk with your kids about your 69 (expect) for them to be honest and, rather than just seeking agreement, ask them to

70 (sincere) explain how they will be truthful.





增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last week, I received a group of foreign students, that came to China to learn about the tea-making culture.

First, I introduce the history of tea-making and different kinds of tea to them

in the tea room, which aroused their great interest. Then I showed them how to make

from tea. I sat at a table, explained every step. All of them were surprising and couldn’t wait to have a try. When their turn came, they had a lot of funs making and enjoying their own tea. In end, we took a group photo, with cups in their hands. It was a very nicely experience.

I hope more so meaningful activities will be organized to introduce our culture.


假定你是扬帆,你的澳大利亚笔友David对我国的中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)非常感兴趣,他希望更多的了解中医并打算到中国来学习它,因此来信请你给他推荐一所学校。请你回一封信,内容包括:





2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________



阅读理解:21.ABD 24. DBAC 28. CBDA 32.DACD 36.CEAGD

完形填空:41.DBACD 46. ACBDB 51. CABDC 56. ADBAC


61. adults 62. into 63.stepped 64.or 65.who/that 66.less likely 67.to promote 68.suggesting 69.expectation(s) 70.sincerely


1. that—who,


3. from去掉,




7. in和end之间加the,


9.nicely—nice, 10.so—such


Dear David,

I am glad to hear from you. As a Chinese, knowing that you are interested in

Traditional Chinese medicine, I am very excited. In addition, if you can study in China, we will see each other more easily and play together.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is an important part of Chinese culture and has a long history. With its unique treatment methods and excellent effects, it is being widely used in the world. If you really want to learn it, I recommend you to go to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, because it represents the authority in this field. You are surely to learn more in it.

Looking forward to seeing you in China.


Yang Fan

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