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CPM制粒机 颗粒机 培训

MODEL 7900



The market of Densified Biomass Fuels (DBFs) is rapidly growing.CPM combined the latest manufacturing technology to provide the highest quality pellet mills in the world with the best production levels ever achieved, along with excellent

pellet quality.





CPM offers service through a worldwide network of local agents in nearly every country. They get supported directly from the regional headquarters by teams of pelleting technology specialists.


Our establishments are staffed with qualified sales, engineering and service personnel and are well stocked with dies, parts and accessories. This ensures prompt, efficient processing of all customer service requirements.


Please feel free to contact your local agent, our offices or our Internet sites, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5b2718293.html, or www.cpmeurope.nl.

CPM/Europe BV Distelweg 89

1031 HD Amsterdam The Netherlands

31 20 494 61 11 Phone 31 20 636 42 94 Fax Roskamp Champion 2975 Airline Circle

Waterloo, IA 50703 - USA 1 319 232-8444 Phone 1 319 236-0481 Fax 800 366-2563 Toll-Free California Pellet Mill Co. 1114 E. Wabash Avenue Crawfordsville, IN 47933-USA 1 765 362-2600 Phone 1 765 362-7551 Fax 800 428-0846 Toll-Free CPM/Pacific Private Ltd. 21, Gul Drive

Singapore 629470Republic of Singapore 65 6 265 07 01 Phone 65 6 268 64 28 Fax


The majority of the wood waste is sawdust and wood chips

from spruce and pine, which comes from the saw mills. The average moisture content is between 50-60%. Therefore drying is a necessary step in preparing wood residues for pelleting.

The wood particle size, entering the dryer, should be no more than 2"x2"x3/8" to obtain a product with a moisture content

within the range of 8-10% after the dryer. If larger pieces are

to be processed pre-shredding is necessary.

The drying accuracy of the dryer should be +/- 1% because too big of fluctuations in the moisture reflects in a similar variation in the pelleting process and pellet quality. Therefore an up-to-date online moisture-measuring instrument must be installed.

After the dryer the product is transported to the storage warehouse or temporary feed bin for the hammermill, depending on process layout. GRINDING

The product coming from the dryer can be fed directly into the

hammermill if flow is constant; otherwise a buffer bin is necessary.

For the grinding of the wood chips and shavings a heavy-duty

hammermill is needed.

Uniform particle size is important for a good pellet quality and little

dust content.

The CPM/Champion Series HM hammermill is designed for the

most demanding operations. This rugged, high efficiency hammer-

mill is capable of fine grinding either friable or fibrous materials.

The high density frame is designed to minimize noise and

vibration. The series HM features the air swept "tear circle" design

and Champion’s patented regrind chamber. The Series HM

engineering combines with the latest in manufacturing technology

to provide you with the highest quality hammermill on the market.

The material is ground down through 1/4" screens to obtain the

optimum size for pelleting.

A spark detection system is recommended to reduce the risk of

fire and increase safety.


As the world's largest manufacturer of pellet mills, CPM has

led the way in developing specialized pellet mills and dies to

produce wood pellets both efficiently and economically.

Innovative engineering and design have been combined with

the latest manufacturing technology. The pellet mills are built

to operate 24 hours a day under tough running conditions to

match the output requirements. Extensive field research has

proved the one-piece cast gearbox can produce continuously

in the most adverse condition worldwide. Most gearboxes

feature pressurized oil lubrication onto helical gears. The

smart, no-nonsense design and CPM's high standards ensure

a long trouble-free use.

CPM boasts a line of heavy-duty pellet mills for wood

production. Wood pellets can be used for both household and

industrial use. The diameters of the pellets are 1/4" for

household up to 3/8" for industrial.


After pelleting the pellets must be cooled to enhance pellet

hardness and storage stability. CPM counterflow coolers are

the most advanced in the industry. Counterflow coolers

provide efficient, trouble-free and affordable cooling. Simple in

design, mechanically trouble-free and requiring minimal space,

the CPM counterflow cooler provides improved moisture

control and low-shock tempered cooling.

CPM’s advances and product enhancements mean your

product is cooled efficiently and your equipment provides

years of trouble-free service.

Pellets will enter the cooler and are cooled by means of an

airflow, which enters the cooler through the discharge gate

and leaves the cooler from the air outlet. The discharge air

contains moisture and wood dust, which are separated in a

highly efficient cyclone. After discharge via the triple-grid

discharge mechanism, the product will be passed over a sieve

to ensure a clean and dust-free high quality product.

Raw Material



Pellet Mill


Finished Product

Typically wet wood waste is stored outside on a

concrete floor to avoid contamination with sand

or stones. The raw material is usually

transported into the dryer system by means of

a shovel. Often the shovel operator has the

possibility to take material from various sources

and feed a crude product drying system.

Drying is the most energy consuming operation

in a wood pelleting plant. Both drum-type and

belt-type dryers are used, depending on the

availability of drying energy. For example, bark

can be used to feed the burner of a drum dryer

and condensate from drying kilns can be used

to feed the heat exchangers of belt dryers.

Hammermill grinders are the most suitable

machines to reduce the particle size of the

fibrous shavings, dust or chips. The Champion

hammermills are very robust, provide an

extremely high hammer tip speed, as well as a

minimum clearance between hammer and

screen. These features guarantee the most

energy efficient grinding process.

CPM pellet mills provide all the tools to

produce pellets at high capacity, low energy

consumption and with superior pellet quality.

Due to special die and roller design, the

production cost has been reduced to a

minimum. Because of the heavy duty gearbox

construction, the CPM pellet mills have proven

to be the strongest and most reliable machines

on the market.

Cooling of the pellets is required to obtain a

stable end product. The pellets can now be

sifted and stored. Often the pellets are stored in

either silos or in a flat storage. In some cases

pellets are supplied in 40 lb bags. WOOD CHIPS ? SHAVINGS ? AFTER HAMMERMILL ? WOOD PELLETS


上下肢CPM操作流程 一、概念 关节康复器是在关节手术之后帮助关节功能康复的术后治疗方法。20世纪70年代初由Salter等人提出,80年代初用于膝关节人工关节术后,以后应用逐渐推广。它得用专用器械(下肢关节运动器CPM)使关节进行持续较长时间的缓慢的被动运动。主要用于防治制动引起的关节挛缩,促进关节软骨、韧带和肌腱的修复,改善局部血液淋巴循环,促进肿胀、疼痛等症状的消除,最终目的是配合肌肉功能练习等其他康复治疗,促进肢体功能的恢复。 二适用范围 CPM关节康复器系列,可用于上肢(手指、手腕、肘和肩等部位)、下肢(膝、踝、髋等部位)的被位运动康复治疗 三评估 四操作 -- 上肢关节康复器的使用 绑缚用柔软的绑带或纱布,把患肢的前臂以手心向上的位置绑缚在设备的托架上,绑缚的紧度要合适,以在运动过程中前臂既不转动又不移动为准。 调节身体与设备的距离上肢的弯曲程度是靠身体与设备的距离来调节的,其两者距离近,上肢的弯曲程度就大;其距离远,上肢的弯曲程度就小。这要根据患肢的病情来决定。患肢比较僵硬,其距离可远一些;反之,可近一些。同时,也可不断调节其距离,使患肢能在较大范围内进行被动运动。但要使上臂和前臂之间的夹角α<180°,绝不要α﹦180°,从机械运动角度来说这是“死点位置”。 患者的姿势根据患者的实际情况,可以坐式、仰卧式、倚靠式,只要符合上肢的运动特点即可。 速度的调节患肢的病情不同,所允许的运动强度也不一样。因此,设备设有调速装置,根据需要可选择不同的转速。 时间的设定设备设有定时装置,可预先设定运动的时间,当达到设定时间时,设备自行停止。 上肢关节康复器使用注意事项:在使用上肢关节康复器时需在专门人员的指导下进行。同时要注意:转速要从低到高调节,患者先坐式后卧式,上肢的弯曲程度先小后大,被动运动的时间由短到长。 -- 下肢关节康复器的适用范围


CPM机概述 (一)原理 CPM为continuous passive morion 缩写,即连续被动运动机。是用以维护关节的活动范围或预防其发生功能障碍的一种工具,是进行连续被动运动的辅助机器,应用于下肢手术后及下肢康复活动,达到膝踝关节同步连续活动,模拟人体大腿肌肉带动骨骼的方式作用于膝关节。 (二)适用证 1.膝关节置换术。 2.髌骨、胫骨、股骨骨折。 3.各种原因引起的膝关节周围肌力减退。 4.脑卒中引起的膝关节疼痛、挛缩。 (三)人员资格 1.具有职业资格证书的护士。 2.经过“膝关节CPM机护理指南”培训合格的护士。 (四)运动幅度 1.膝关节0°~120° 2.髋关节8°~80° 3.踝关节足背伸40°,足跖屈30° (五)养护要点 1.使用时动作轻柔。 2.及时收回,放置固定地点保存。 3.发现污垢及时清理干净。

4.如果使用过冲中发现异常及时送专业维修部门进行维修。 (六)评估要点 1.评估患者精神状况、配合程度、伤口情况。 2.评估患者有无深静脉血栓。 3.评估患者病情变化。 (七)宣教要点 1.告知患者使用CPM机进行功能锻炼的作用及意义。 2.治疗过程中,增加患肢锻炼角度时要循序渐进,速度由慢到快,以患者能够接受为宜。 CPM机使用流程

注意事项: 1.使用过程中如有伤口渗血、疼痛等不良反应时要及时停止使用并及时处理。 2.放置负压引流的患者,应用CPM机时应关闭负压引流管,停机时再放开,防止负压作用使引流管内液体回流而造成感染发生。 3.护士将患肢放于CPM机支架上,脚套要套实,与水平线呈90°,患肢脚到膝关节距离要与脚套到机器夹角的距离相等,患肢膝关节与机器夹角要处于同一水平线。 4.使用前调节机杆长度,拧紧旋钮,肢体摆放符合要求,绑好固定带,防止肢体离开机器支架,从而达到要求的活动角度。
