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当前位置:文档库 › 2016年学历考试补测科目试题














1.电路如题1图所示,C1=C3=6 μF,C2=3 μF,C2上的电压U2为20 V,则该电容器组的等效电容C AB和电压U AB分别为

A. 3. 6 μF, 40 V

B. 3. 6 μF,50 V

C. 8 μF, 40 V

D. 8μF, 50 V

2.电路如题2图所示,当电流源产生的功率为40 W时,则变阻器R P的值为

A. 0

B. 5Ω

C. 10Ω

D. 15Ω

3. 电路如题3图所示,已知U.=v,R =1 Ω,XL=Xc = 10Ω,则表述错.误.的是

A. Z=1Ω

B. I=10 A

C. U L = U C = 100V

D. Q=100

4.电路如题 4 图所示,已知i1=1002sin(100πt—30°)A,i2

=1002sin(100πt+90°)A,R= 6 Ω,XL = 8Ω,则电阻R中的电流有效值IR为

A.50 A

B.60 A

C.80 A

D.100 A


5.对于三相正弦交流电源,通常所说的380 V、220 V电压指的是






A. I R1方向向上;IR2方向向下

B. IR1方向向上;IR2方向向上

C. I R1方向向下;IR2方向向下

D. IR1方向向下;IR2方向向上


7.在题7图所示各电路中,晶体管的U BE=0. 7 V,则工作于放大状态的电路是
























12. 8-3线优先编码器74LS148正常工作时,若输人信号70~I I 的逻辑电平值为11010011。则输出210Y Y Y 的逻辑电平值为(提示:7I 的优先级最高,0I 的优先级最低)

A. 101

B. 010

C. 110

D. 001

13. 计数电路如题13图所示。其中74161为模16集成计数器,CR 为异步清零端,LD 为

同步置数端。D 3、Q 3为输入、输出的高位,D 0、Q 0为输入、输出的低位。则该计数电路的进


A. 八进制

B. 九进制

C. 十进制

D. 十一进制

14. 当被测量不是同一个值时,常用相对误差的大小来衡量测量的准确度,即用公式

=100%A A γ??y=fx 100%表示。在实际测量中,被测量的真实值A 0通常可采用的是 A. 估算值 B. 多次重复测量的平均值

C. 绝对误差值

D. 修正值

15. 在多量程磁电系电流表中,其分流器一般采用闭路连接方


A. 只影响该挡量程的测量

B. 会影响其他


C. 会影响其他低量程的测量

D. 会影响


16. 用电动系功率表测量负载电阻上的功率时,一般根据负载电



A. 两种接线方式测得值均大于真实功率

B. 两种接线方式测得值均小于真实功率

C. 电压线圈前接法测得值大于真实功率,电压线圈后接法测得值小于真实功率

D. 电压线圈前接法测得值小于真实功率,电压线圈后接法测得值大于真实功率

17. 某交流电压波形如题17图所示,则该交流电的平均值和有效值为 A. 3V,1.5V B. 1.5V, 3V

C. 1.5V ,3V

D. 3V, 3V

18. 当用双踪示波器测量2个频率较低的信号时,为了能在屏幕上较好地同时显示这2个波形,应将示波器的垂直方式选择开关置于

A. “断续”位置

B. “交替”位置

C. “叠加”位置

D. 各位置均可

19. 低频信号发生器在电子线路的设计、测试及维修中得到了广泛的应用,它输出低频信号的频率范围一般为

A. 1 Hz ?1 kHz

B. 1 kHz ?1 MHz

C. 1 MHz ?1 GHz

D. 1 Hz ?1 MHz

20. 三相异步电动机处于稳定运行状态,当负载转矩突然变小时,表述正确的是

A. 转差率变小.输出转矩下降.定子电流变大

B. 转差率变小,输出转矩下降,定子电流变小

C. 转差率变大,输出转矩增大,定子电流变小

D. 转差率变大,输出转矩增大,定子电流变大

21. 能耗制动中的三相异步电动机定子绕组恒定磁场是由

A. 直流电流流入定子回路产生的


C. 直流电流流入转子回路产生的


22. 若异步电动机采用恒转矩调速.表述正确的是

A. 保持电源电压U1不变

B. 保持电源频率f1不变

C. 保持电源电压U1与电源频率f1的比值不变

D. 保持电源电压U1`与电源频率f1的比值不变


23. 将电阻两端电压由220V降为110V,所消耗的功率降为原来的1/4。

24. 平行板电容器的电容量,仅与极板的正对面积和极板间的距离有关。

25. 在感性负载两端并联电容器可提高整个电路功率因数,且并联的容量越大,功率因数越高。

26. 变压器在空载运行时,铜损耗远大于铁损耗。

27. 三相负载采用何种接法接人电源,要由负载的额定电压和电源电压的数值来决定。

28. 在单级放大电路后再增加一级放大电路,不仅可获得更高的增益而且频带更宽。

29. 由单运放构成的放大电路中,必须在运算放大器的输出端与反相输人端之间接入反馈电阻。

30. 在各类正弦振荡器中,因石英晶体的Q值最高,故所构成的振荡器的频率稳定性也最高。

31. 在乙类功率放大器中,引起交越失真的原因是晶体三极管的输入特性的非线性。

32. 在乙类功率放大器中,输出信号的幅度越大,晶体管的管耗也越大。

33. 在选择电工仪表时,不能片面地追求仪表的准确度等级,还应根据被测量的要求,合理选择仪表量程。

34. 在电磁系测量机构中.若对排斥——吸引型结构进行精心设计,可以制成0. 1或0. 2级高准确度仪表。

35. 与比较型数字电压表相比,积分型数字电压表不仅抗干扰能力强、测量精确度高,而且具有测量速度快的特点。

36. 通用示波器的偏转因数的上限是表示示波器输入端所允许加的最大电压的峰-峰值。

37. —台三相异步电动机利用自耦变压器降压起动,当抽头为80%时的起动转矩为直接起动的0.64倍。

38. 三相供电线路中,接有照明和电热负载线路的熔断器。若某相熔丝熔断,则该熔断器下






1. 答第Ⅱ卷前,考生务必将密封线内的各项目及第6、14页右下角的座位号填写


2. 第II 卷共12页,考生须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔将答案直接答在试卷上,

如需作图,须用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗。

3. 考试结束,考生将第I 卷、第Ⅱ卷和答题卡一并交回。


39. 题39图所示电路,电流I 1为 A ,6V 电压源产生的功率为 W 。

40. 题40图所示电路,电流I 为 A ,电压U 为 V 。

41. 题 41 图所示电路,i u =2202sin100tV π,103C X =Ω,u 0比u i 滞后 60°,则 R = Ω,U 0 = V 。

42. 已知负载端电压U .=

,电流I .

=8—j6A ,则电抗X = Ω,有功功率P = W 。 43. 题43图所示电路,已知三相电源线电压为1003V ,Z 1=30Ω,Z 2=320Ω,Z 3=10Ω。则中

线电流I N = A ,三相电路的有功功率P = W 。

44. 题44图所示电路中,VD 1 、V D 2为理想二极管。若V 1=3 V ,V 2=6 V 时,则输

出电平V 0 = V ,流过VD 2中的电流值大小为 mA 。

45.场效应管的跨导心是指当漏源极电压为常数时的 (“DS U ?与

GS U ?”或“D I ?与GS U ?”或“GS U ?与D I ?”)之比,g m 的大小反映了 (“u GS 对u DS ”或

“u GS 对i D ”)的控制能力。

46.在乙类功率放大器中,需要双电源供电的是 (OTL/ OCL)功放电路;功放输出端与负

载之间采用电容耦合的是 (OTL/ OCL)功放电路。

47. 在OTL 功率放大器中,若负载R L =4Ω,电源电压V cc = 12 V 。则在理想情况下,该功放

的最大输出功率P OM 为 W 。

48. TTL 门电路带同类门的个数 (大于/小于)CMOS 门电路;TTL 门电路静态功耗 (大于/小于)CMOS 门电路。

49. 若将D 触发器的D 端连在Q 端上,经100个脉冲后,它的状态Q(t + 100)=0,则此时的

状态Q( t)应为 。当某JK 触发器的J = K = l,CP 脉冲的频率为4 kHz 时,在Q 端

输出信号的频率为 kHz 。

50. 采用正负误差补偿法的测量方法,主要是为了减小 对测量的影响。(系统误差


51. 在使用磁电系电流表测量电路中的电流时,除了合理选择量程外还应尽量选择低内阻的

电流表,通常要求电流表的内阻要小于被测电路内阻阻值的 。(十分之一 /


52. 采用具有补偿线圈的低功率因数功率表测量电路的功率时。补偿线圈的作用主要是为了

补偿 的功率损耗。(电压线圈支路/电流线圈/电压线圈支路和电流线圈)

53. 信号发生器的频率准确度是指输出频率的实际值与示值之间的偏差,可用 或者


54. 通用示波器中,Y 通道放大器的基本任务是将被测信号不失真的放大,故多采用 放大器。(宽带/低频/高频)

55. 有一台三相异步电动机,额定功率为6 kW ,额定转速为980 r /min ,则该三相异步电动

机是一台 极电动机,电动机的额定转矩为 N 2m 。

56. 在三相异步电动机中通入三相交流电时,电动机以顺时针方向旋转,若任意对调电动机

的两个电源接线端,则电动机将以 方向旋转。


57. (4分)若有一台单相理想变压器的额定容量为10 kVA,额定电压为3300 V/220 V,在满载时,问:


(2)可接人额定电压为220 V、额定功率为200 W、功率因数为0. 8的电动机多少台?58. (4分)题58图所示电路。当t= 0时,开关S由“1”转到“2”实现换路,且换路前电路处于稳态。问:

(1)u c(0+)为多少伏?


(3)写出t错误!未找到引用源。时电容元件上的电压u c的表达式。

59. (4分)在题59图电路中,为了实现±15V直流稳压输出,请问各部分电路之间应如何正确连接(请在图中直接画出连接线)。

60. (9分)甲、乙两校举行联欢会,人场票分红、黄两种,甲校学生持红票入场,乙校学生持黄票入场。会场入口处设一自动检票机.符合条件即可放行,否则不能入场。试用二输入与非门74LS00设计此检票机放行逻辑电路。要求:

(1) 列出真值表;

(2) 写出最简与或表达式、最简与非一与非表达式;

(3) 按要求画出逻辑电路图。

(提示:设A = 1表示甲校学生,A = 0表示乙校学生;B = 1表示红票;C=1表示黄票;F=1 表示放行,F=0表示禁行。)

61. (8分)已知某磁电系测量机构,满偏电流为100 μA,内阻为500 Ω,问:



(2)现有三种规格的外附分流器“45mV 150 A,75mV

150A,100mV 150A”,若利用(1)中改装好的1A电流




62. (8分)电子计数器在使用前应先进行“自校”



(2)已知E312A型通用计数器内部时钟信号频率固定为10 MHz。闸门时间有10 ms、0. 1 s、l s和10 s四挡可以选择。则在不同闸门时间下“自校”时计数器所显示的读数如题


63. (8分)题63图所示为三相异步电动机定子串电阻降压起动控制电路。问: (1)电阻R作用是什么?




64. (14分)电路如题64图所示。

(1)若将图中虚线框内电路等效成一个实际的电压源,试求U S、R0;



65. (14分)电路如题65图所示,若不考虑电压表、电流表内阻对电路的影响,试计算:



66. (15分)正弦交流电路如题66图所示,已知1002sin u t ω=V ,R 1= R 2=X L = X C1= X C2=20Ω 试计算:

(1)当S 打开时,该电路的总复阻抗Z ,I .,U.


(2)当S 闭合时,该电路的总复阻抗Z ,I .,U. C1。

67. (15分)某放大电路如题67图所示,电路中各电容对交流可视为短路。已知电源电压 V CC1=10 V ,V CC2 =30 V ,二极管 VT 1 和 VT2 的'1212100,0.7,200bb BE BE U U V r ββ=====Ω。



(2)估算该电路的静态工作点IBQ1 、ICQ1、U CEQ1;

(3)计算 U CEQ2 ;


(5)估算三极管VT 1的r be1;

(6)估算该放大电路的输入电阻输出电阻r 0; (7)计算该电路电压放大倍数0u i

u =u A 。

68. (8分)如题68图所示电路,运算放大器为理想运放,已知i1u =6 V, i2u =3 V ,i3u = 1V 。试计算下列各项:

(1)1u P ;

(2)4i R ;

(3)2u o ;

(4)1u o 。

69. (9分)试分析题69(a)图所示时序电路,设各触发器的初始状态为0。要求:

(1) 在题69(b)图中画出Q 2、Q 1、Q 0的波形图;

(2) 填写题69表的状态真值表;

(3) 说明电路逻辑功能。


数 学 试 卷


1.设集合{1,0,},{0,1}M a N =-=,若N M ?,则实数a 的值为( )





2.复数11z i


-的共轭复数为( ) A. 1122i + B.1122i - C.1i - D.1i + 3.二进制数2(1011011)转化为十进制数的结果是( )

A. 10(89)

B. 10(91)

C. 10(93)

D. 10(95)

4.已知数组a (0,1,1,0),=b (2,0,0,3)=,则2a b +等于( )

A. (2,4,2,3)

B. (2,1,1,3)

C. (4,1,1,6)

D. (2,2,2,3)

5.若圆锥的侧面展开图是半径为2的半圆,则圆锥的高是( )

A. 3

B. 32

C. 12

D. 2 6.已知1sin cos 5αα+=,且324

ππα≤≤,则cos 2α的值为( ) A. 725- B. 725

C. 2425

D. 2425- 7.若实数,a b 满足12ab a b +=,则ab 的最小值为( ) A. 22- B. 2 C. 22 D. 4

8.甲、乙两人从5门课程中各选修2门,则甲、乙所选的课程中恰有1门相同的选法共有( )

A. 24种

B. 36种

C. 48种

D. 60种

9.已知两个圆的方程分别为224x y +=和22260x y y ++-=,则它们的公共弦长等于( )

A. 3

B. 2

C. 23

D. 3

10.若函数()()cos ,0


0x x f x f x x π≤??=?-+>??,则5()3f 的值为( ) A. 12 B. 32 C. 2 D. 52


11.题11图是一个程序框图,若输入x 的值为-25,则输出x 的值为 ▲

12.题12表是某项工程的工作明细表,则完成此项工程的总工期的天数为 ▲ 题12表

13.设函数()f x 是定义在R 上的偶函数,对任意x R ∈,都有

()4()(2)f x f x f +=+,若(1)2f =,则(3)f = ▲

14.已知圆C 过点(5,1),(1,3)A B 两点,圆心在y 轴上,则圆C 的

方程是 ▲

15.若关于x 的方程21x m x +=-恰有两个实根,则实数m 的取

值范围是 ▲


16.(8分) 求函数22log (55)y x x =--的定义域

17.(10分)已知()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,且当0x ≥时,()32x f x x b =++。

(1)求b 的值; (2)求x <0时()f x 的解析式;(3)求(2)(1)f f -+的值。

18.(12分)在ABC ?中,角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,且2cos cos b a B c C

+=-。 工作代码

紧前工作 紧后工作 工期(天) A 无 D ,E 7 B 无 C 2 C B D , E 3 D F 2 E F 1 F D , E 无 3

(1)求角C 的大小;

(2)若角6B π

=,BC 边上的中线7AM =,求ABC ?的面积。


(1)从集合{0,1,2,3}中任取一个数a ,从集合{0,1,2}中任取一个数b ,组成平

面上点的坐标(,)a b ,事件A ={点(,)a b 在直线1y x =-上};

(2)从区间[]0,3上任取一个数m ,从区间[]0,2上任取一个数n 。

事件={关于x 的方程2220x mx n ++=有实根}。

20.(10分)现有两种投资理财项目,A B ,已知项目A 的收益与投资额的算术平方根

成正比,项目B 的收益与投资额成正比。若投资1万元时,项目,A B 的收益分别


(1)分别写出项目,A B 的收益(),()f x g x 与投资额x 的函数关系式;

(2)若某个家庭计划用20万元去投资项目,A B ,问怎样分配投资额才能收获最


21.(14分)已知椭圆的中心在坐标原点,右焦点为(1,0)F ,离心率22

e =

。 (1)求椭圆的方程;

(2)设过点F 的直线l 交椭圆于,A B 两点,并且线段AB 的中点在直线0x y +=

上,求直线AB 的方程;

(3)求过原点O 和右焦点F ,并且与椭圆右准线相切的圆的方程。





23.(14分)设数列{}n a 与{}n b ,{}n a 是等差数列,12a =,且34533a a a ++=; 11b =,记{}n b 的前n 项和为n S ,且满足1213

n n S S +=

+。 (1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; 品种 产量/亩 种植成本/亩 每吨售价 辣椒 2吨 0.6万元 0.7万元 黄瓜 4吨 1.0万元 0.475万元























1. My parents couldn‘t get into the house last night because▲ of them had the key.

A. either

B. all

C. both

D. neither

2.1 used to quarrel a lot with my classmates, but now we ▲ very well.

A. get along

B. get up

C. get away

D. get off

3.Thirty percent of the money I get from my parents ▲ spent on food every month.

A. is

B. are

C. were

D. was

4.—Hi,let‘s go skating.

—Sorry,I‘m busy right now. I ▲ in an application form for a new job.

A. fill

B. have filled

C. am filling

D. will fill

5.It was ▲ lovely weather ▲ we decided to spend the holiday on the beach.

A.such a; that

B. such; that

C. such; as

D. so; that

6.Who can tell me the reason ▲ we see the lightning before we hear the thunder?

A. which

B. why

C. where

D. that

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/592905513.html,st March, many roses and lilies ▲ in a long planting box to make Mary‘s Garden more beautiful.

A. were planted

B. were planting

C. had planted

D. was planted

8.Read this article, ▲y ou will understand that not everything can be bought with money.

A. so

B. because

C. but

D. and

9.Not until he returned from teaching three years ago ▲ having a holiday abroad.

A. he had considered

B. had he considered

C. he considered

D. did he consider

10.Grace doesn‘t want to move to New York because she thinks if she▲ there, she wouldn‘t be able to see her pa rents very often.

A. lives

B. would live

C. has lived

D. were to live


11.—Mike, you got an A in the English exam. ▲

—Oh, what a great surprise!

A. Welcome.

B. Congratulations!

C. Certainly.

D. Exactly

12.—The suitcase looks heavy. Can I give you a hand?

—▲ .

A. No, thanks.

B. No, I don‘t.

C. No, never mind

D. Yes, I do

13.—Fm sorry for breaking the cup.

—oh,▲ . I‘ve got plenty.

A. forget it

B. pretty good

C. help yourself

D. pardon, me

14.—How did the interview with the manager go?

—▲ He seemed interested in my experience, but he didn5t ask any questions about it.

A. Perfect!

B. I‘m not sure.

C. That‘s right.

D. Never mind.

15.—Shall we go for a drink at one o9clock this afternoon?

—▲ Will two o‘clock be OK?

A. Sorry,I can‘t make it at one o‘clock.

B. Sure,I can‘t go.

C. Sure,it‘s up to you.

D. Sorry, I5m not free today.

16.—Could you fetch me my glasses from the study?

—▲ .

A. I‘m afraid not.

B. Sure, no problem.

C. It doesn‘t matter.

D. That‘s impossible.

17.—You have joined the Singing Club,haven‘t you?

—▲ I like singing,but I don‘t have any time.

A. Yes,I do.

B. No, I didn‘t.

C. Yes, I have.

D. No, I haven‘

W: The dictionary is $32. How would you like to pay?

M: Til pay through an online account.

18. How will the man pay?

A. With a gift card.

B. By check.

C. Over the Net.

D. In cash.

W: I just bought this new dress at a sale. It only cost me $ 200. How do you like it?

M: It9s nice, but my sister bought the same thing for half the price.

19. How much did the man‘s sister pay for her dress?

A. $50.

B. S100.

C. $200.

W: Hello, Phoenix Company. What can I do for you?

M: I just want to know when we can get the computers we ordered.

20. What does the man ask about?

A. The price of the computers.

B. The time to get the computers

C. The number of the computers.

D. The brand of the computers.

W: Wow! Your apartment is really large. How many roommates do you have?

M: Yeah, this is a large apartment with 5 bedrooms. Each one has 3 roommates.

21. How many people share the same apartment?

A. Five.

B. Eight.

C. Ten.

D. Fifteen.

Val: I say,James,where‘s your recycling box?

James: I haven‘t got one. Why?

Val: Oh? everyone should have a recycling box. Look, these empty food tins can be recycled and the metal can be used for making fridge parts.

James: Oh, dear, you know a lot about all this. I suppose you5re right.

22. What are these two people talking about?

A. Cooking methods.

B. Cleaning up the kitchen.

C. G. Shopping online.

D. Disposing of rubbish.

W: Hello, this is the Lost and Found.

M: My name is Robert Francis, and I left my coat in No. 3 Waiting Room this morning.

Do you have it?

W: I‘m sorry. It hasn‘t been turned in yet.

23. What happened to the man?

A. He hasn‘t turned in his coat yet

B. The woman found his coat in the waiting room.

C. He left his coat in the waiting room.

D. He bought a coat from the woman.

M: How do you usually go to work?

W: I usually go by bike. But I went by bus yesterday. My bike needs repairing.

24. Why did the woman go to work by bus yesterday?

A. Because she didn‘t like walking.

B. Because something^ wrong with her bike.

C. Because it was far away from her home.

D. Because it snowed heavily.

M: Hi, Kay. Have you got any plans for Friday afternoon?

W: Not yet. Do you have any suggestions?

M: How about having BBQ with me and Tom at 2:00 p.m.?

W: Shall we start earlier?

M: No problem.

25. When will Kay have BBQ?

A. 12:00 p.m.

B. Before 2:00 p.m.

C. 10:00 p.m.

D. 3:00 p.m.


A. It‘s my pleasure.

B. I‘m very nervous about tomorrow‘s interview.

C. I got it.

D. Well, you should take a copy of your resume.

E. Should I wear a suit and tie?

Jennifer: Hi,Michael! You look a little bit worried. What‘s wrong with you?

Michael: 26

Jennifer: Don‘t worry.

Michael: What do I need to take with me?

Jennifer: 27

Michael: Is that all?

Jennifer: You‘d better prepare some questions to ask the interviewer.

Michael: OK. 28

Jennifer: Sure. You should dress up formally.

Michael: 29 Thank you.

Jennifer: 30


Modem people pay more and more attention to their health. They do exercise, eat 31 food, many kinds of vegetables and take part in activities to maintain their physical and mental health. Many people would like to get advice from doctors 32 makes many doctors and products popular. Fitness trackers bands (健康追踪器) are among them.

A fitness tracker band looks like either a watch or a bracelet(手镯).The band can ― 33 ‖ many things about its owner, such as his movement, diet and situation of34 . Then it will tell him whether his daily life is healthy or not, what he needs to do, what he needs to eat and how he can sleep well.

Some of these bands look cool and are useful to some fashionable people. Some of them can be 35 in any situation—when one is working, traveling, or 36 when one is swimming. The 37 of them are different They can be as low as tens of dollars or as high as hundreds of dollars.

Many people use the bands to 38 advice on how to keep themselves healthy. They exercise, eat and sleep according to the information given by the bands. 39 , some people think these bands are useless. In their opinion, wise people know what they should do. 40 the advice of a machine will make them lazy and stupid.

31. A. fast B. proper C. sweet D. oily.

32. A. which B. who C. what D. when

33. A. produce B. forget C. remember D. develop

34. A. sleep B. study C. play D. work

35. A. stored B. worn C. collected D. protected

36. A. only B. just C. even D. mostly

37. A. names B. prices C. tasks D. purposes

38. A. offer B. show C. lend D. write

39. A. Because B. So C. And D. However

40. A. Changing B. Learning C. Following D. Refusing




Wal-Mart Supermarket

Office secretaries and accountants needed.

Experience preferred but not necessary.

Good pay. Free lunch. Training provided.

Office secretaries:

●university education

● a good standard of Chinese and English

●kind, pleasant and confident

●communication skills


●college education

●certificate in accounting

●careful and patient

● a good standard of English

Face-to-face interview with Manager Jeff Smith: 9 a.m. —5 p.m. everyday, except weekends. Applications by letter to Jeff Smith also welcome.

Address: Block 3, Ninth Street, Sunshine Town.

Don’t try to call or e-mail us!

41.Wal-Mart Supermarket needs ▲ according to this advertisement.

A. mangers only

B. accountants only

C. office secretaries only

D. both office secretaries and accountants

42.If Sam gets the job as an office secretary or an accountant in Wal-Mart Supermarket, ▲


A. he will get a lower pay

B. he needn‘t pay for three meals

C. he will have chances to be trained

D. he will have to interview the manager every day

43.Which of the following is NOT necessary for job applicants (求职者)?

A. Much experience.

B. Good English.

C. Good personalities.

D. Educational backgrounds.

44.Which of the following personality is required for an accountant?

A. Kind.

B. Careful.

C. Pleasant.

D. Confident.

45.To have a face-to-face interview with Jeff Smith, you can get there ▲.

A. at 8:45 a.m. on Sunday

B. at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday

C. at 9:15 a.m. on Monday

D. at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday

46.How many ways are there for job applicants to contact Jeff Smith?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

D. Four.


If we take a close look at successful language learners, we may discover a few techniques which make language learning easier for them.

First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on books or teachers; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain everything, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions.

Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is neither exact nor complete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.

Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn a language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them.

47. Successful language learners want to learn the language because ▲.

A. they have to pass the examination

B. they have interest in the language

C. they think ifs very easy to learn the language

D. they want to find better jobs

48. Successful language learning is active, so successful learners ▲.

A. look for a chance to use the language

B. wait for a chance to use the language

C. try to avoid using the language

D. only use the language in class

49.According to the passage, when successful language learners meet some new words, they usually ▲.

A. pay no attention to them

B. look them up in the dictionary at once

C. ask their teachers

D. try to guess their meanings

50.Which one of the following statements is true about successful language learning according to the passage?

A. They are more intelligent than others.

B. They have their own ways of learning.

C. They have good teachers and good books.

D. They spend much more time learning than others.

51.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To explain the importance of language learning.

B. To teach people to speak English.

C. To introduce some useful techniques of language learning.

D. To compare language learning with language teaching.


Nowadays,the food that you buy comes from many countries. Have a look in your fridge,cupboard,and fruit bowl and check the origins (来源) of the food. Perhaps there are apples from California, lamb from New Zealand, or potatoes from Egypt. You will probably be surprised how far food travels to get to your plate. This journey,from ―field to plate‖,is called ―food miles‖. A food mile is the distance that food travels from the farmer 5s field to the person who buys the food. Nowadays,food often travels thousands of miles to get to the consumer(消费者). Why is this,and what are the effects of these long distances?

Traditionally, farmers sold their food in the local market, so the food didn‘t have to travel very far. The consumers also did not travel very far because they went to their local market to buy the food. This was a good system for farmers and consumers. However, there were some disadvantages. For example, consumers could only buy food that farmers produced locally. In addition, they could only get food that was in season. Now because of modem technology, food comes from all over the world. We do not have to wait for spring or summer to buy strawberries or tomatoes. They are available in winter if we want.

Some countries have to import (进口)most of their food. This is because they have difficult climates. The United Arab Emirates(UAE), for example, gets 85% of its food from other countries.

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