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铁路:railway ; railroad

铁路网:railway network ; railroad network

铁路线:railway line ; railroad line

行李: luggage ; baggage


行李房:luggage office ; baggage office 售票处:booking office ; ticket; office 候车室: waiting room ; waiting hall

服务台:information office ; inquiry office 车票:ticket

卧铺票:berth ticket ; sleeper ticket 站台票:platform ticket 学生票:student ticket

差价:extra money ;closing price


consigning of luggages and parcels

旅客换乘:passenger transference

漏乘: missing a train

越站乘车:overtaking the station

旅客列车乘务组: passenger train crew 列车员: train attendant ; staff

列车长: train conductor ; chief

乘警:train police

车厢: carriage ; coach

软卧:soft sleeper



Please show me your ticket, it says which seat is yours . Your seat number is 1B,carriage 3.


During the trip, if you have some trouble, please connect with the staff or the chi ef or the police on the train, we will try our best to help you.


The train will arrive on schedule.


10 minutes behind schedule.


You are welcome./ It’s my pleasure.


Never mind./It’s nothing./It doesn’t matter.




Sorry,I don’t quite understand you.


Child under 1.2 meter in height is free of charge,and child between 1.2 meter and 1.5 meter is required to pay half the price.How tall is your child?


You can get on the train first,and then find the train attendant to buy a ticket.


You can ask the train attendant whether they have some sleppers.You will have to make up the price differences if you decide to keep a sleeper.


We only have traumatic and wheelchairs . I can call the ambulance if you need. 楼上有一个中国建设银行取款机。

There is a ATM of China Construction Bank.


I’m sorry you can’t take the train if you don’t have your passport.But you can take a bus to go there. The bus station is nearby, only 5 minutes walk.

铁路服务英语 情景对话

参与演出角色:列车长1名、列车员A、列车员B、旅客A、旅客B、旅客C(共6名) 场景1:3车厢 (找座位) 列车员 A: Good morning , sir. Ticket, please.(递车票)thanks for your cooperation! This is carriage three. Let me help you (帮助提行李上车)早上好,先生!请出示车票,谢谢您的合作。这是3车厢,我帮您吧。 旅客 A:thank you. 谢谢。 旅客 A: Excuse me, can you help me find my seat? 打扰一下,您能帮我找下我的座位吗? 列车员B: Please show me your ticket, it says which seat is yours . Oh,your seat number is 17,follow me ,please.(引领) This aisle seat is yours.请出示下您的车票,那上面有您的座位号码,您的座位号是17,请跟我来,就是这个靠过道的座位。 旅客 A: T hanks, you are so kind. but there is someone in my seat. Look!谢谢您的帮助,但是已经有人坐在我的座位上了,看。 列车员B:Sorry to trouble you. I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle. Please change your seat.恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排。请换下座位。 旅客B: oh, I’m so sorry. I will change at once. 对不起,我马上换座位。 列车长:Dear passengers, welcome to take T12train, the train is from Haerbin to Shenyang. During the trip, if you have some trouble, please connect with the staff or the chief or the police on the train, we will try our best to help you. The train is equiped with air-condition and the windows are intact, so smoking is not allowed in the car. If you want to smoke, please do it at the connection of cars. I am the conductor XXX of


铁路专业词汇 一、铁路;铁道 railway railroad 铁路线 railway line; railroad line 铁路网 railway network; railroad network 铁道科学 railway science 铁路技术 railway technology 铁路等级 railway classification 国有铁路 national railway; state railway 地方铁路 local railway; regional railway 私有铁路 private railway 合资铁路 joint investment railway; jointly owned railway 标准轨铁路 standard-gage railway 窄轨铁路 narrow-gage railway 米轨铁路 meter-gage railway 宽轨铁路 broad-gage railway 单线铁路 single track railway 双线铁路 double track railway 多线铁路 multiple track railway 重载铁路 heavy haul railway 高速铁路 high speed railway 电气化铁路;电力铁路 electrified railway;electric railway 干线铁路 main line railway; trunk railway 市郊铁路 suburban railway 地下铁道;地铁 subway; metro; underground railway 工业企业铁路 industry railway 矿山铁路 mine railway 轻轨铁路 light railway; light rail 高架铁路 elevated railway 单轨铁路;独轨铁路monorail;monorail railway 磁浮铁路magnetic levitation railway;maglev 森林铁路 forest railway 山区铁路 mountain railway 既有铁路 existing railway 新建铁路 newly-built railway 改建铁路 reconstructed railway 运营铁路 railway in operation; operation;operating railway 专用铁路 special purpose railway 干线 trunk line; main line 支线 branch line 铁路专用线 railway special line 货运专线 railway line for freight traffic;freight special line; freight traffic only line 客运专线 railway line for passenger traffic;passenger special line; passenger traffic only line 客货运混合铁路railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic 铁路运营长度;运营里程 operation length of railway; operating distance; revenue length 列车运行图 train diagram 铁路建筑长度 construction length of railway 区间 section 区段 district 轨距 rail gage; rail gauge 轮重 wheel load 轴重 axle load 最大轴重 maximum allowable axle load 限制轴重 axle load limited 限界 clearance; gauge 限界图 clearance diagram 铁路建筑限界railway construction clearance; structure clearance for railway;



Unit one 1. I’ve heard so much about you. 久仰大名。 2. Thanks. I’m flattered. 谢谢,您过奖了。 3. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. 希望您在这儿过得愉快。 4. Is this your first trip to Beijing? 这是您第一次来北京吗? 5. No, I’ve been here twice. 不,我已经来过两次了。 6. Have you been to other parts of China? 您去过中国的其他地方吗? 7. I have been to Xi’an and Shanghai. 我去过西安和上海。 8. What’s your impression of Beijing so far?目前您对北京的印象如何? 9. Beijing is a very beautiful city! 北京是一个非常美丽的城市! 10. How long do you plan to stay? 您计划呆多久? 11. I’m not sure yet. 还没定。 12. Please make yourself at home. 请随便。 13. Wish you a pleasant journey! /Hope you’ll have a fine trip!/ Happy journey! 祝您旅途越 快! 14. I hope to see you next journey./ I hope to meet you next time.希望下次旅行再见到您。 15. Hope you’ll take our train next time.希望您下次乘坐我们的列车。 16. I really should be going. 我真的要走了。 17. OK, have a safe trip. 好,祝您一路平安。 18. Are you Chief Conductor? 您是列车长吗? 19. Are you a car attendant? 您是列车员吗? 20. No, I am a station attendant. 不,我是车站服务员。 21. Where is Station Master? 站长在哪儿? 22. Maybe Station Master is at the platform.站长可能在站台上。 23. Have a cigarette, please!请抽烟。 24. I was born and grew up in Beijing.我生在北京,长在北京。 Unit two 1. It’s very kind of you. 您真好。 2. Thank you for the trouble you have taken to get me the ticket.谢谢您为我买了车票。 3. Sorry, my English is very poor, please speak more slowly. 对不起,我的英语水平不好,请 说慢一点。 4. I’m so sorry for what I’ve said. 对我所说的话表示道歉。 5. I wonder if you could help me with my luggage.不知您能否帮我拿一下行李? 6. I’m afraid I have given you so much trouble./I’m sorry to cause you so much trouble.对不 起,给您添了这么多麻烦。 7. No trouble at all.一点不麻烦。 8. Thank you very much for all you have done for me.对您为我所做的一切深表感谢。 9. Do n’t mention it. 不必客气。 10. Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said. 对不起,我没听见您说什么。 11. I said, “Do you want me to help you?”我说:“您需要我帮忙吗?” 12. Could you do me a favor? 能帮我一个忙吗?


铁路术语专用英语 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

铁路专用英语? 专业词汇中英对照翻译----铁路工程词汇线路工程 railway line engineering 铁路勘测 ;铁道勘测 railway reconnaissance 铁路选线 ;铁道选线 railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection 经济勘察economic investigation 地质调查 geological survey;geologic survey 方案比较 project comparison 铁路勘探 ;铁道勘探 railway exploration 铁路测量 ;铁道测量 railway survey 线路测量 route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey 曲线测量 curve survey 既有线测量 survey of existing line;survey of existing railway 铁路线路图 ;铁道线路图 railway map 定线 location of line 铁路设计 ;铁道设计 railway design 线路设计 track design 平面设计 plane design 纵断面设计 longitudinal section design 横断面设计transverse section design 曲线设计 curve design 车站设计 station design 站场设计 design of stations and yards 标准设计standard design 线路等级 line grade 铁路限界 ;铁道限界 railway clearance 建筑限界 construction clearance 设计规范 code of design 设计标准 design standard 铁路线路 ;铁道线路 railway line 铁路曲线 ;铁道曲线 railway curve 缓和曲线 transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve 小半径曲线 small-radius curve 曲线半径 curve radius 曲线超高 superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve 欠超高 inadequate


《客运英语》 课程编码:【】课程类别:【专业基础课】适用专业:【旅游服务与管理】授课单位:【基础教学部】学时:【72学时】编写执笔人:【杨晓蓉】 审定负责人:【】编写日期:【2014-1-12】审定日期:【】 1.课程定位和课程设计 1. 1课程性质与作用 该课程以培养学生铁路客运实用英语服务能力为方向,在课程定位、教学内容方法,考试方法等方面中突出中职特点,密切结合行业和工作岗位需要补充教学与训练内容,为专业教学和铁路后备高技能人才培养服务。 1.2课程设计思路 该课程的总体设计思路是:以学生完成列车乘务员所需的工作任务和所应具备的职业能力为基础,打破以知识为主线的传统课程模式,转变为以能力为主线的课程模式。 2.课程目标 (1)专业知识目标:通过本课程的学习,使学生熟悉问讯处,乘务组等各个列车乘务员岗位的操作流程和操作要求,掌握报站、安全注意事项介绍、服务项目介绍、发车词的英文版本等,达到列车乘务员职业标准的相关要求。 (2)社会能力目标: 1)具备诚实、守信的职业精神; 2)具备善于沟通、合作和富有爱心的思想品质; 3)树立安全和服务意识; (3)职业能力目标在上述目标实现的基础上,形成职业能力目标: 1)能正确办理旅客的检票; 2)会正确处理旅客的行李; 3)严格按照操作规程,无误的操作机车设备

4)能进行行李不正常的处理; 3.课程内容与教学要求 第一单元座位等级 1.教学内容 (1)音标:元音[i:] [i] 辅音[p][b][k][ g][s][z][θ][e] (2)列车员与乘客之间问候、告别、介绍的常用句型和情景对话 (3)火车座位等级的介绍 (4)跨文化交际:关于中国、中国文化和中国人的对话 (5)重点句型: ! 欢迎到中国来! ! 欢迎乘坐本次列车! I . 希望您在这里玩的愉快。 ’s ? 您目前对北京的印象如何? a ! 祝您旅途愉快! ? 你能告诉我火车什么时候到北京吗? I’m . 我是本车厢的乘务员。 4 : , , , . 标准的座位等级有四种:硬座、软座、硬卧、软卧。 2.教学目标及教学要求 (1)掌握元音[i:] [i] 辅音[p][b][k][ g][s][z][θ][e]的准确发音方法, 做到会拼读、会拼写 (2)能够听懂单词及词组,并能正确拼写 (3)能够用所学的常用单词和句型与乘客问候、告别和介绍乘务员的情况 (4)熟知火车座位等级的划分 (5)了解外国人对中国人的看法和对中国的了解,并能向外国乘客积极介绍中国 的特点。 3.实践建议 模拟列车员和乘客初次见面的场景,两人一组练习打招呼和问好的基本对话。 第二单元旅客列车类型 1.教学内容 (1)音标:元音[e] [?]辅音[t][d][m][n][s][ ?]

铁路服务英语 情景对话讲课教案

铁路服务英语情景对话(客运值班员班) 参与演出角色:列车长1名、列车员A、列车员B、旅客A、旅客B、旅客C(共6名) 场景1:3车厢 (找座位) 列车员A: Good morning , sir. Ticket, please.(递车票)thanks for your cooperation! This is carriage three. Let me help you (帮助提行李上车) 早上好,先生!请出示车票,谢谢您的合作。这是3车厢,我帮您吧。 旅客A:thank you. 谢谢。 旅客A: Excuse me, can you help me find my seat? 打扰一下,您能帮我找下我的座位吗? 列车员B: Please show me your ticket, it says which seat is yours . Oh,your seat number is 17,follow me ,please.(引领) This aisle seat is yours. 请出示下您的车票,那上面有您的座位号码,您的座位号是17,请跟我来,就是这个靠过道的座位。 旅客A: T hanks, you are so kind. but there is someone in my seat. Look! 谢谢您的帮助,但是已经有人坐在我的座位上了,看。 列车员B:Sorry to trouble you. I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle. Please change your seat. 恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排。请换下座位。 旅客B: oh, I’m so sorry. I will change at once. 对不起,我马上换座位。 列车长:Dear passengers, welcome to take T12train, the train is from Haerbin to Shenyang. During the trip, if you have some trouble, please connect with the staff or the chief or the police on the train, we will try our best to help you. The train is


铁路专用英语 专业词汇中英对照翻译----铁路工程词汇 线路工程railway line engineering 铁路勘测;铁道勘测railway reconnaissance 铁路选线;铁道选线railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection 经济勘察economic investigation 地质调查geological survey;geologic survey 方案比较project comparison 铁路勘探;铁道勘探railway exploration 铁路测量;铁道测量railway survey 线路测量route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey 曲线测量curve survey 既有线测量survey of existing line;survey of existing railway 铁路线路图;铁道线路图railway map 定线location of line 铁路设计;铁道设计railway design 线路设计track design 平面设计plane design 纵断面设计longitudinal section design 横断面设计transverse section design 曲线设计curve design 车站设计station design 站场设计design of stations and yards 标准设计standard design 线路等级line grade 铁路限界;铁道限界railway clearance 建筑限界construction clearance 设计规范code of design 设计标准design standard 铁路线路;铁道线路railway line 铁路曲线;铁道曲线railway curve 缓和曲线transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve 小半径曲线small-radius curve 曲线半径curve radius 曲线超高superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve 欠超高inadequate superelevation;deficient superelevation


一、一般名词术语General 1、车辆的种类 铁道车辆rolling stock, railway vehicle, railway car 客车carriage, passenger car 货车wagon, freight car 特种车special car 钢木车steel-wood car 全金属车all metal car 全钢车all steel car 二轴车two-axle car 四轴车four-axle car 六轴车six-axle car 转向架式车bogie car 关节式车articulated car 动车motor-car 拖车trailer 控制车controlling car 动车组powered car train-set 合造车combined car 简易客车simply equipped coach 代用客车substitute passenger car 双层客车double-deck coach 母车car with axle generator 子车car without axle generator 座车seat coach 硬座车semi-cushioned seat coach 软座车cushioned seat coach, soft seat coach 卧车sleeping car 硬卧车semi-cushioned berth sleeping car 软卧车cushioned berth sleeping car 餐车dining car 行李车luggage van,baggage car 邮政车mail van,postal car 了望车observation car 公务车service car,private car 文教车culture and education car 医疗车hospital car 卫生车ambulance car 试验车test car 维修车maintenance car 宿营车dormitory van,train crew car 轨道检查车track inspection car 轨道探伤车rail faults detection car


铁路工程基本术语 standard for fundamental terms of railway engineering 一般术语:common terms 专用铁路:special railway 铁路专用线:special spur track 路网铁路:railway of national network 岔线;special siding 轨距:gauge of track 标准轨距铁路:standard-gauge railway 窄轨铁路:narrow-gauge railway 宽轨铁路:broad-gauge railway 运营铁路:operating railway 既有铁路:existing railway 货运专线:special line for freight train 客运专线:special line for passenger train 车组:wagon-set 车列:train-stock 车底;train-set 小运转列车:transfer train 单元列车:unit train 组合列车:combination train 铁路主要技术标准:main technical standard of railway

铁路等级:railway classification 铁路限界:railway clearance 线路运营长度:operating distance 线路建筑长度:length of construction line 车流:car flow 货流:freight traffic flow 输送能力:traffic capacity 通过能力:capacity of track 储备能力;reserve capacity 吸引范围:traffic catchment area 旅行速度:commerical speed 技术速度:technical speed 中-活载:standard railway live load specified byP.R.C 施工天窗:possessive interval for construction 工程地质条件:engineering geologic condition 工程地质选线:engineering geologic location 不良地质:unfavorable geology 汇水面积:water-producing area 洪水频率:flood frequency 设计流量:designed discharge 设计水位:designed water level 冲刷系数:coefficient of scour



(2015—2016学年第二学期) 铁路客运英语 教 案 铁道工程系:陈红艳 2016年2月25日


一、课前准备 二、导入新课 三、新课讲授清点人数,填写教师日志。 1、普通铁路客车的座位有哪几种等级? 2、高速铁路客车的座位有哪几种等级? Unit One Seat Class 1.Phonetics 语音 Vowels 元音 [i :] [i ] Consonants 辅音[p] [b] [k] [g] [s] [z] [θ] [e] Xercises 练习 [i :]----[bi:] [pi:] [i]---[pik] [pig] 2.New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 Standard adj 标准的;权 提问 讲授 多媒 体

威的 European adj&n 欧洲的;欧洲人的 Configuration n 构造,结构;配置;外形 Aisle n 走廊 Crowed adj 拥挤的,塞满的 Upholstery n 座位垫Fairly adv 相当地Comfortable adj 舒适的Lounge n 休息室 Triple n&adj&vt&vi 三倍数;三倍的;三倍于;增至三倍 Bunk n 铺位 Set-up n 组织结构;机构Berth n 卧铺 Arrange v 安排;排列Perpendicular adj&n 垂直的;垂线 Compartment n 隔间,车讲授多媒体 练习

室 Gangway n 过道 教学环节主要授课内容教学手段


铁路运输railway transportation;railway traffic 铁路运输管理railway transport administration 铁路运营railway operation 铁路运输组织railway traffic organization 铁路运输质量管理quality control of railway transportation 铁路旅客运输规程regulations for railway passenger traffic 铁路货物运输规程regulations for railway freight traffic 铁路重载运输railway heavy haul traffic 铁路高速运输railway high speed traffic 铁路保险运输insured rail traffic 铁路保价运输value insured rail traffic 铁路军事运输railway military service 铁路旅客运输railway passenger traffic 铁路客运组织railway passenger traffic organization 行李luggage;baggage 包裹parcel 广厅public hall;concourse 行李房luggage office;baggage office 售票处booking office;ticket office 候车室waiting room;waiting hall 高架火车厅overhead waiting hall 问讯处information office;inquiry office 客流passenger flow 直通客流through passenger flow 管内客流local passenger flow 市郊客流suburban passenger flow 客流量passenger flow volume 客流调查passenger flow investigation 客流图passenger flow diagram 旅客发送人数number of passenger despatched;number of passengers originated 旅客到达人数number of passengers arrived 旅客运送人数number of passengers transported 旅客最高聚集人数maximum number of passengers in peak hours 车票ticket 客票passenger ticket 加快票fast extra ticket 特快加快票express extra ticket 卧铺票berth ticket 站台票platform ticket 减价票reduced-fare ticket 学生票student ticket 小孩票child ticket 残废军人票disabled armyman ticket 国际联运旅客车票passenger ticket for international through traffic


高铁、火车、铁路乘务英文常用语 1、CRH 中国高速铁路(Chi na Railways High-speed) 2 、 bullet train 动车 3 、 con ductor 列车长 4 、car atte ndant; train atte ndant 歹U车员 5. wait ing room 候车室 6、dining car, restaura nt car, diner 餐车 7、Free of charge 免费 8. win dow seat 靠窗座位 9. make a broadcast 广播一下,broadcast ing room 广播室 10. Ladies and gen tleme n,女士们先生们: 11. Security check,please!请安检! 12. No smoking here please.请勿抽烟 13、What ' s the matter? 您怎么了? 14、Mi nd your steps. 注意脚下 15、Ticket,please.Have your ticket back.您的票!请把票那 好。 16、This way, please.Follow me, please.请这边走。请跟 17、The other end of the coach.在车厢的那一端。

18、Our train will arrive at Beijing Railway Station at 18:27. 列车到达北京车站的时间是18点27分 19、Our restaura nt ope ns at 6:00pm for supper. 餐车下午6 点开始供应晚餐 20、Our next stop will be Lan zhou Stati on .Please prepare yourself for getti ng off the trai n. 下一站将要到达兰州站,请您 提前做好下车的准备 21 、The destination will be reached in about twenty minutes. 还有大约20分钟到达终点站 22、Our train currently travels at 90 kilometres an hour. 现在的时速大概90公里/小时 23、The restaura nt is No 8 carriage in the middle of the train.餐车在列车中部8号车厢 24、The toilets are available only when the train is travelling. 停车厕所是要 锁闭的,请开车后再使用 25、Excuse me ,please show your ticket on dema nd. 您好, 请出示您的车票。



铁路专用英语 专业词汇中英对照翻译----铁路工程词汇 线路工程railway line engineering 铁路勘测;铁道勘测railway reconnaissance 铁路选线;铁道选线railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection 经济勘察economic investigation 地质调查geological survey;geologic survey 方案比较project comparison 铁路勘探;铁道勘探railway exploration 铁路测量;铁道测量railway survey 线路测量route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey 曲线测量curve survey 既有线测量survey of existing line;survey of existing railway 铁路线路图;铁道线路图railway map 定线location of line 铁路设计;铁道设计railway design 线路设计track design 平面设计plane design 纵断面设计longitudinal section design 横断面设计transverse section design 曲线设计curve design 车站设计station design 站场设计design of stations and yards 标准设计standard design 线路等级line grade 铁路限界;铁道限界railway clearance 建筑限界construction clearance 设计规范code of design 设计标准design standard 铁路线路;铁道线路railway line 铁路曲线;铁道曲线railway curve 缓和曲线transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve 小半径曲线small-radius curve 曲线半径curve radius 曲线超高superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve 欠超高inadequate superelevation;deficient superelevation 未被平衡加速度unbalanced acceleration 竖曲线vertical curve 坡道gradient 坡度grade;gradient;slope 限制坡度ruling grade;limiting grade 坡度折减grade compensation;compensation of gradient;gradient compensation


铁路服务英语情景对话(客运值班员班)参与演出角色:列车长1名、列车员A、列车员B、旅客A、旅客B、旅客C(共6名) 场景1:3车厢(找座位) 列车员A: Good morning , sir. Ticket, please.(递车票)thanks for your cooperation! This is carriage three. Let me help you (帮助提行上车) 早上好,先生!请出示车票,您的合作。这是3车厢,我帮您吧。 旅客A:thank you. 。 旅客A: Excuse me, can you help me find my seat? 打扰一下,您能帮我找下我的座位吗? 列车员B: Please show me your ticket, it says which seat is yours . Oh,your seat number is 17,follow me ,please.(引领) This aisle seat is yours. 请出示下您的车票,那上面有您的座位,您的座位号是17,请跟我来,就是这个靠过道的座位。 旅客A: T hanks, you are so kind. but there is someone in my seat. Look! 您的帮助,但是已经有人坐在我的座位上了,看。 列车员B:Sorry to trouble you. I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle. Please change your seat. 恐怕您坐错位子了,20c正好在那边走廊的后二排。请换下座位。


铁路术语专用英语Revised on November 25, 2020

铁路专用英语 专业词汇中英对照翻译----铁路工程词汇 线路工程 railway line engineering 铁路勘测 ;铁道勘测 railway reconnaissance 铁路选线 ;铁道选线 railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection 经济勘察 economic investigation 地质调查 geological survey;geologic survey 方案比较 project comparison 铁路勘探 ;铁道勘探 railway exploration 铁路测量 ;铁道测量 railway survey 线路测量 route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey 曲线测量 curve survey 既有线测量 survey of existing line;survey of existing railway 铁路线路图 ;铁道线路图 railway map 定线 location of line 铁路设计 ;铁道设计 railway design 线路设计 track design 平面设计 plane design 纵断面设计 longitudinal section design 横断面设计 transverse section design 曲线设计 curve design 车站设计 station design 站场设计 design of stations and yards 标准设计 standard design 线路等级 line grade 铁路限界 ;铁道限界 railway clearance 建筑限界 construction clearance 设计规范 code of design 设计标准 design standard


?铁路专用英语?? 专业词汇中英对照翻译----铁路工程词汇 线路工程railway line engineering 铁路勘测;铁道勘测railway reconnaissance 铁路选线;铁道选线railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection 经济勘察economic investigation 地质调查geological survey;geologic survey 方案比较project comparison 铁路勘探;铁道勘探railway exploration 铁路测量;铁道测量railway survey 线路测量route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey 曲线测量curve survey 既有线测量survey of existing line;survey of existing railway 铁路线路图;铁道线路图railway map 定线location of line 铁路设计;铁道设计railway design 线路设计track design 平面设计plane design 纵断面设计longitudinal section design 横断面设计transverse section design 曲线设计curve design 车站设计station design 站场设计design of stations and yards 标准设计standard design 线路等级line grade 铁路限界;铁道限界railway clearance 建筑限界construction clearance 设计规范code of design 设计标准design standard
