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The following is a list of roots for English vocabulary. The list is displayed so that the root with its definition is shown first, then the source of the root (Latin, Greek, etc.) with the source word's definition, and then last is an example of the root as used in a word and the word's definition. The sample words are linked to additional words with the same root.



?act, ag: do, act, drive

o Latin, agere: to drive, lead, act, do

o act ive (adjective): moving about

?am, ami: love, like

o Latin, amare: to love

o am orous (adjective): loving

?anim: mind, life, spirit, anger

o Latin, animus: spirit

o anim al (noun): a living creature

?annu, enni: yearly

o Latin, annuus: yearly

o annu al (adjective): yearly

?auc, aug, aut: to originate, to increase

o Latin, augere: to originate, increase

o aug ment (verb): to increase, to add to

?aud, audit, aur: hear

o Latin, audire: to hear

o aud ible (adjective): can be heard


?bene, ben: good, well, gentle

o Latin, bene: good

o ben ign (adjective): harmless, mild, gentle

?bio, bi: life

o Greek, bios: life

o bio graphy (noun): a book written about a person's life

?bibli, biblio: book

o Greek, biblion: book

o biblio phile (noun): a person who likes or collects books

?brev: short

o Latin, brevis: short

o ab brev iate (verb): to shorten


?cad, cap, cas, ceiv, cept, cid: to take, to seize, to hold

o Latin, capere: to seize

o re ceiv e (verb): to take in, to acquire

?ceas, cede, ceed, cess: go, yield

o Latin, cedere: to go

o ex ceed (verb): to go beyond a limit, to be greater than

?chron: time

o Greek, khronos: time

o chron ological (adjective): arranged in order of time or sequence

?clam, claim: shout

o Latin, clamare: to call out, shout

o clam or (verb): to make noise

?cogn, gnos: know to know

o Latin, cognoscere: to know

o re cogn ize (verb): to know, to identify

?corp: body

o Latin, corpus: body

o corp orate (adjective): formed into a body or association, united in one group

?cre, cresc, cret: grow

o Latin, crescere: to grow

o cre ate (verb): to originate, to produce through imagination

?cred: trust, believe

o in cred ible (adjective): unbelievable

?cour, cur, curr, curs: run, course

o Latin, currere: run

o oc cur (verb): to happen, to come to mind


?dic, dict, dit: say, speak

o Latin, dicere: to say

o in dic ate (verb): to show, to point out

?doc, doct: teach, prove

o Latin, docere: to teach

o doc ile (adjective): obedient, easily taught

?dog, dox: thought, idea

o Greek, dokein: seem, think

o dog ma (noun): an established opinion

?dec, dign: suitable

o Latin, decere: to be suitable

o dec ent (adjective): conforming to standards, suitable, good

?duc, duct**: lead

o Latin, ducere: to draw or lead

o con duct (verb): to lead or guide

(noun) - a person's behavior

o** ducere is one of the most prolific sources of English words


?ev, et: time, age

o Latin, aevum: lifetime

o medi ev al (adjective): related to the Middle Ages (500 - 1500 AD)


?fac, fact, fec, fic, fas, fea: make do, do

o Latin, facere - make, do

o dif fic ult (noun): hard to do, troublesome

?fer: bear, carry

o Latin, ferre: bear, carry

o in fer (verb): to come to a conclusion from looking at facts, to guess

?fict, feign, fain: shape, make, fashion

o Latin, fingere: shape, make

o fict ion (noun): something produced from imagination, an invented story

?fid: belief, faith

o Latin, fidere: to trust

o con fid e (verb): to trust, to trust another person with a secret

?fig: shape, form

o Latin, figura: form, shape, figure

o fig urem (noun): shape, pattern, drawing

(verb) - decide, plan, decipher

?flu, fluct, flux: flow

o Latin, fluere: to flow

o flu id (adjective): capable of flowing, a smooth easy style

(noun) - a liquid

?form: shape

o Latin, forma: beauty, shape, form

o form at (noun): the shape and size of something

?fract, frag, frai: break

o Latin, frangere: to break

o frai l (adjective): easily broken, not strong, weak


?gen, gin: to give birth, kind

o Greek, genus: birth

o gen erate (verb): to produce, to create

?geo: earth

o Greek, ge: earth

o geo graphy (noun): a science that describes the earth's surface

?gor: to gather, to bring together

o Greek, ageirin: to gather

o cate gor y (noun): a class or set in which a thing is placed

?grad, gress, gree: step, go, move

o Latin, gradus: step

o de gree (noun): a step or stage in a process

?graph, graf: write, draw

o Greek, graphein: write, scratch, carve

o graph ic (adjective): written, drawn, vividly shown


?her, hes: to stick

o Latin, haerere: to stick

o ad her e (verb): to stick


?jac, ject, jet: to throw

o Latin, jacere: to throw, to lie

o re ject (verb): to throw out, unwilling to accept

?jug, junct, just: to join

o Latin, jungere: to join

o junct ion (noun): a place at which two things join


?lex, leag, leg: law

o Latin, lex: law

o leg al (adjective): based on law

?lect, leg, lig: choose, gather, select, read

o Latin, legere: to choose

o col lect (verb): to gather, to bring together

?loc: place, area

o Latin, locare: to place

o loc ation (noun): a place, a position occupied

?log: say, speech, word, reason, study

o Greek, logos: speech, word, reason

o log ic (noun): the study of reason, reasoning

?luc, lum, lust: light

o Latin, lucare: shine

o Latin, lumen: light

o Latin, lustrare: light-up

o trans luc ent (adjective): permitting some light to come through


?man: hand, make, do

o Latin, manus: hand

o man age (verb): to handle with skill, to be able to do

?mem: recall, remember

o Latin, memor: mindful

o mem ory (noun): the ability to recall or to bring to mind

?ment: mind

o Latin, mens: mind

o ment al (adjective): related to the mind

?min: little, small

o Latin, minuere: to lessen

o min or (adjective): less important, lesser

?mit, miss: send

o Latin, mittere: put, send

o ad mit (verb): to accept, to allow entry

?mob, mov, mot: move

o Latin, movere: move

o mot ion (noun): act of moving, action


?nasc, nat, gnant, nai: to be born

o Latin, nasci to be born

o nasc ent (adjective) - just born

?nom, nym: name

o Latin, nomen: name

o nom inate (verb): to name for office

?nov: new

o latin, novus: new

o nov ice (noun): a beginner or newcomer


?oper: work

o Latin, opus: work

o oper ate (verb): to work, to perform


?pat, pass: feel, suffer

o Latin, pati: suffer

o pass ion (noun): a strong feeling or emotion

?path: feel

o Greek, pathos: feeling

o sym path y (noun): sharing another person's feelings

?ped: foot

o Latin, pes: foot

o im ped e (verb): to hinder, to slow down

?pod: foot

o Greek, pous: foot

o pod ium (noun): a platform, an area raised above the surrounding ground

?pel, puls: drive, push

o Latin, pellere: to drive, push, beat

o re pel (verb): to drive away or push back

?pend, pond: to hang, weigh

o Latin, pendere: to hang, to weigh

o ap pend (verb): to add or correct

?phan, phas, phen, fan, phant, fant: show, make visible

o Greek, phainein: show

o phan tom (noun): something seen but having no physical existence, a ghost

?phil: love

o Greek, philos: loving

o phil osopher (noun): a person who seeks (loves) wisdom

?phon: sound

o Greek, phone: voice, sound

o phon etic (adjective): related to speech sounds

?pict: paint, show, draw

o Latin, pingere: to paint

o pict ure (verb): to paint or draw

?port: carry

o Latin, portare: carry

o im port (verb): to bring in from a foreign country

?pli, ply: fold

o re ply (verb): to respond, to answer

?pon, pos: put, place

o Latin, ponere: to lay down, put, place

o post pon e (verb): to put off to a later time

?psych: mind

o Greek, psukhe: soul, spirit

o psych ology (noun): study of how the mind works


?quir, quis, quest, quer: seek, ask

o Latin, quaerere: seek, ask

o quer y (verb): to ask questions


?rupt: break

o Latin, rumpere: break

o rupt ure (verb): to break or burst


?sci, scio: to know

o Latin, scire: to know

o con sci ous (adjective): aware, having knowledge of oneself

?scrib, scrip: write

o Latin, scribere: to write

o script (noun): handwriting, something written

?sent, sens: feel, think

o Latin, sentire: feel

o sent iment (noun): a thought prompted by feeling

?sequ, secut, sue: follow

o Latin, sequi: to follow

o sequ ence (noun): a continuous series

?sist: to withstand, make up

o Latin, sistere: to make a stand

o in sist (verb): to be firm about something needed, to demand

?soci: to join, companions

o Latin, sociare, socius: to join, a companion

o soci able (adjective): inclined to seek friendship, companionship

?sol: alone

o Latin, solus: alone, single

o sol itary (adjective): being alone

?solv, solu, solut: loosen, explain

o Latin, solvere: too loosen, release

o solv e (verb): to find an answer

?spec, spi, spic, spect: look

o Latin, specere: look, look at

o spec tator (noun): a person who watches

?spir: breath, soul

o Latin, spirare: breathe

o re spir ation (noun): breathing

?stab, stat: stand

o Latin, stare: to stand

o stat ure (noun) - height of a standing body, importance of position

?strain, strict, string, stige: bind, pull

o Latin, stringere: to bind or pull tight

o con strict (verb) - to squeeze, to make narrow

?stru, struct, stroy: build

o Latin, struere: to build

o de stroy (verb): to ruin, to pull down


?tact, tang, tig, ting: touch

o Latin, tangere: to touch

o tact ile (adjective): related to the sense of touch

?tele: far away

o Greek, telos: end

o tele pathy (noun): communication from one mind to another without verbal or

written communication

?tend, tens: stretch

o Latin, tendere: to stretch

o con tend (verb): to strive or reach for, to argue

?tain, ten, tent, tin: hold, keep, have

o Latin, tenere: to hold

o re tain (verb): to keep, to hold in place

?term: end, boundary, limit

o Latin, terminusm: limit, boundary

o ex term inate (verb): to kill off, to get rid of

?terr: earth

o Latin, terra: earth

o terr itory (noun): area of land

?test: see, witness

o Latin, testis: witness

o at test (verb): to provide proof, to say something is true

?therm: heat

o Greek, therme: heat

o therm ometer (noun): a device for measuring heat

?tor, tors, tort: twist

o Latin, torquere: twist

o tor sion (noun): twisting of the body

?tract, trai, treat: pull, draw

o Latin, trahere: pull

o at tract (verb): to draw toward, to arouse interest


?uni: one

o Latin, unus: one

o uni te (verb): to make one, to join together


?vac: empty

o Latin, vacare: to be empty

o vac ant (adjective): empty, not occupied

?ven, vent: come

o Latin, venire: to come

o con ven e (verb): to assemble, to come together

?ver: true

o Latin, venus: true

o ver ify (verb): to confirm that something is true

?verb, verv: word

o Latin, verbum: word

o verb alize (verb): to express in words, to put into words

?vers, vert: turn,change

o Latin, versare: to turn

o vers atile (adjective): capable of changing or adapting, useful

?vid, vie, vis: see

o Latin, videre: to see; Latin, videre: to separate

o vis ible (adjective): able to be seen

o di vid e (verb): to separate

?vit, viv: live

o Latin, vivere: to live

o vit al (adjective) - necessary for life

?voc, voke: call

o Latin, vocare: call, voice

o voc al (adjective): spoken or uttered by the voice

volv, volt, vol: roll, turn

o Latin, volvere: to roll, turn

o re volv e (verb): to turn around


英语单词记忆的词根词缀总结 一. 常见的前缀 1.表示否定意义的前缀 1)纯否定前缀 a-, an-:asymmetry(不对称)anhydrous(无水的) dis-:dishonest, dislike in-, ig-, il, im, ir:incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregular ne-, n-:none, neither, never non-:noesense neg-:neglect un-:unable, unemployment 2)表示错误的意义 male-, mal-:malfunction, maladjustment(失调) mis-:mistake, mislead pseudo-:pseudonym(假名), pseudoscience 3)表示反动作的意思

de-, defend, demodulation(解调) dis-, disarm, disconnect un-, unload, uncover 4)表示相反,相互对立意思 anti-, ant- :antiknock( 防震), antiforeign,(排外的) contra-, contre-:contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流) counter-:counterreaction, counterbalance ob-, oc-, of-, op-:object, oppose, occupy with-:withdraw, withstand 2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀 1)a- 表示“在……之上”,“向……” aboard, aside, 2)by- 表示“附近,邻近,边侧” bypath, bypass(弯路) 3)circum-, circu-, 表示“周围,环绕,回转”Circumstance(境遇、状况), circuit(圆圈)


初中英语单词词根记忆法 1 act 行为/举止 active 积极地action行动,活动activate刺激,使活动activity活动 2 cap 帽子/ 罩着/盖着capable 有能力的capacity能力capacious 容积大的 3 ceive 做(事情) conceive 设想perceive 察觉receive收到deceive欺骗 4 cess 行走process过程access接近recess休息 5 cide 切割decide决定incidence影响accident事故,意外biocide杀虫剂 6 cite 说话recite背诵cite引用excite刺激 7 dem/demo 人/人民democracy民主epidemic传染病,流行病 10 dict/dic 说话predict预言dictionary词典dedicate口述addict上瘾 11 dis 距离/分开distance距离distribute分配disinterested无私的 12 dom 领域dominate 控制,支配predominate支配domain 领域kingdom王国 13 fend 遮挡物defend防御offend冒犯 14 fer 拿prefer宁愿infer推断defer是推迟confer授予 15 fess 说话confess承认profess自称 16 fin 边线/边界finite有限的finish结束infinite无限的definite 一定的indefinite不确定的 17 flex 使弯折flexible敏捷的reflect反映,反射 18 flu 流动flu流感fluent流畅的flush激动,面红fluctuate 波动 19 gress 行走congress国会progress进步,发展aggressive好斗的 20 ject 射/喷射reject拒绝eject喷射inject注入,注射deject沮丧的 21 leg 腿legal合法的illegal 不合法的legislation (isl:通道)delegate代表allege宣称,断言 22 less 没有careless粗心的valueless无价值的priceless无价的worthless无价值的 23 liter 文字literature文学literal 文字的illiterate 文盲的literary 文学的,书面的 24 main 手maintain维持main主要的 25 mand 命令demand 要求command指挥 26 mit 放射/传送emit放射commit犯罪submit提交,服从transmit传输 27 mod 模式/模型/模具mode模型modify修改model模型commodity商品 28 nat 本身的/自然的natural自然的native本地人 29 nov 心奇/心意novel (adj.) 新奇的novelty 新奇innovate创


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初中英语单词背诵方法 上学到了初中,大部分学生都认为英语难学,主要原因是英语单词难记。这是什么原因造成的呢?主要原因有三点: 一、小学生在读小学时记英语单词没有严格要求记住它们的拼写,单词的读、写方面是次要的。因为小学生学习英语的目的是培养学生学习英语的兴趣和初步的英语听说能力。英语课堂上是通过做游戏、搞活动、听简单的英语歌曲来学习英语。小学要求学生学英语的目的是能听会说简短的日常用语和用简单的英语进行交际就很好了。但初中生的要求则不同,上到初中,学习英语的目的更明确:要求初中生掌握英语听、说、读、写的综合运用能力; 二、小学生在读小学时还没有学习英语国际音标,对记英语单词的记忆造成了一定的困难和影响; 三、学生还没有一套行之有效的科学记忆方法。 由于初中生存在以上几种情况,所以他们觉得英语单词难记,但初中学生英语单词掌握的多少直接影响到学生学习英语的质量。学生要想记牢、记多英语单词应结合以下方法来记单词:1.分解法记忆单词 具体分解法就是:将一个生词分解为几个熟词或部分。然后将他们串联起来使之成为一个生动有趣的故事或情景。 例如: (1)penguin分解:pen钢笔+gui拼音(贵)+n 联想;钢笔贵吗?嗯! (2)capacity分解:cap帽子+a(一个)+city 联想:这顶帽子容量大,能装下一个城市。 给学生大量的生词练习:airport bathroom season等 2. 字母替换法记忆单词

在学习中文识记汉字的过程中,我们通常将一些诸如浪与狼,漂与镖这样的近形字归纳整理。比较异同以便强化记忆。在识记单词时,我们同样可以进行辩异对比,很容易从已学过的熟词想起眼前需要记忆的单词----即字母替换法记忆单词 分类:前提换中替换后替换 (1)前提换:首先找出生词的一个熟词,我们把这个熟词作为记忆钩来联想记忆。 例如:dig 动词挖 A:找出一个字母与dig不同的熟词。我找到了pig名词小猪 B:将生词的前字母,生词与熟词进行挂钩。d –dig—pig C:双向联想:小猪pig挖出一只烟斗d 接下来给学生大量的生词练习;如 worry—sorry gain---rain hatch---match等 ( 2) 中替换:与前替换的思路是完全相同的。找出生词的一个熟词,两个词之间只有中间的一个字母是不同的把熟词作为记忆钩进行联想记忆。 例如:bite动词咬,叮 A.找出中间一个字母与bite不同的熟词bike名词自行车 B.将生词的中间字母,生词与熟词进行挂钩;t---bite---bike C.双向联想:我的自行车bike被大头钉(形如T)咬了一口


一.初中重要前缀 1. 否定(a; dis; im; in; ir; il; non; un): a- amoral atypical pneumonia ab- abnormal absent dis- disable dislike im/in/ir/il- immeasurable impartial inadequate inaccessible illegal illogical irrational irresistible irrevocable mis— mistake,misunderstand non- nondurable,nonsense un- unlike, unhappy, unalterable, unworldly unyielding anti- anti-terrorist antiwar anti-dumping op- opposite ob- object counter- counter-strike contra- contradict with- withdraw 2. 空间(方位) 上:over—overweight,overlook, super— superman,superstar up— upstream,upstairs 下:de— decline decide department sub—subway under— underline 里:il/im/in/ir inland inter- Interrupt intro—introduce em-embarrass 外:ex—/es—exit,exral out—outside 前:fore— before,forehead pre—/pro—predict,progress,prefer 后:post— postpone,poster after— afterwards 转移:transport,transformer 遍及:circum— circumstance circu—circus cross—crossroads 遥远:tele—telephone,telegram,telescope,television 在:a—aboard,asleep 3. 时间: 先:ex— ex-husband fore— foresee


单词记忆词根词缀记忆法a- 使,离,向/awake使醒来,apart使分离auto- 自,自动 /automation自动化 ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al- 向,加强/accord依照,affect影响 anti- 反,防止/antitank反坦克的be- 在,使/beside在……旁,befall降临(于) bi- 双/bicycle自行车,bisexual两性的co- 共同,互相/cn- exist共存 com-,con- 共同,加强/combine联合,confirm使加强 de- 离,加强,降/detrain下火车,depicture描述dif- 分开,否定/differ差异,difficult 困难 dis- 否,离,安全/disallow不准,disroot根除,disarrange搞乱 en-,em- 在内,用于,使/encage关入笼,embed使插入 in- ,im-,il- 无,向内,加强/incorrect不正确,impulse冲动 inter- 在……间/international国际的kilo- 千/kilometer千米 micro-微/microbe微生物mini-微小/minibus小公共汽车 neg-不,非/neglect忽视,negate否定non- 不,非/nonparty非党派的 ob-,oc-,op-越过,包围,逆反/object目标,oppose反抗 out- 在外,除去/outlaw逃亡者,outroot根除over-超出,反转/overweight超重,overthrow 推翻 per-贯通,遍及/perform完成,perfect完美的post-在后/postwar战后的,porstern后门 pre- 在前/preface前言pro- 在前,拥护/prologue序言,pro- American亲美的 re- 重复,相反/recall回忆,react反应se-分离/separate使分离,select选出 sub-,suc-,sug-在下,次于/subway地铁,succeed继承 sur-超,外加/surface表面,surtax附加税tele-远/television电视 trans-超过,透过/translate翻译,transport运输un-否定/unfair不公平的 up-向上/upset推翻,upstairs在楼上uni-单一/united联合的,unit单位


初中英语单词词根记忆法 举例1:porter 搬运工人 这个单词中port是词根,含义是“搬拿”,而er是后缀,含义是“人” . 搬运工人就是搬东西的人。 从词根port(搬拿),看看我们初中学过那些和它有关的单词:(19个单词)im(向里)+port(搬拿)—import进口 import进口+able(可.的) —importable可进口的 import(进口)+er(人)—importer进口者 re(再,回)+ import(进口)—reimport再进口 ex(向外)+port(搬拿)—export出口 export(出口)+able(可.的) —exportable可输出的 export(出口)+er(人)—exporter出口者 re(再,回)+ export(出口)—reexport再出口 re(再,回)+port(搬拿)—report报道 report(报道)+er(人)—reporter记者 report(报道)+able(可.的)—reportable可报告的 sup(下)+port(搬拿) —support支持 support(支持)+er(人) —supporter支持者 support(支持)+able(可.的) —supportable可支持的 trans(跨越)+port(搬拿) —transport运输 transport(运输)+er(人) —transporter运输者 transport运输+able(可.的)—transportable可运输的

air(天空)+port(搬拿) —airport飞机场 pass(通过)+port(搬运)—passport护照,通行证 举例2:revise 复习 这个单词中vise是词根,含义是“看”,而re前面已经讲过,含义是“再, 回” .复习就是把学习过的东西再看一遍。 从词根vis(搬拿),看看我们初中学过那些和它有关的单词:(20个单词)revise(复习)+ion(名词) —revision复习 revise(复习)+er(人) —reviser复习者 pre(先,前)+vise(看) — previse预知 previse预知)+ion(名词) — prevision预知 vis(看)+it(走) — visit参观; 游览 re(再,回) +visit参观— revisit,再参观 visit参观+or(人) — visitor 参观者 vis(看)+ible(可.的) —visible可看见的 in(不)+vis(看)+ible(可.的) — invisible看不见的 vis(看)+ion(名词) —vision(视觉,景象) vis(看)+age(名词)—visage外表 super(在上面)+vise (看)—supervise监督 supervise(监督)+or(人)—supervisor监督者 tele(远)+vis(看)+ion(名词) —television电视 tele(远)+phone(声音)—telephone micro(小)+phone(声音)—microphone扩音器,麦克风


初中英语词根词缀记忆法记单词 auto- 自,自动/automation自动化ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al- 向,加强/accord依照,affect影响anti- 反,防止 /antitank反坦克的 be- 在,使/beside在……旁,befall降临(于) bi- 双/bicycle自行车,bisexual两性的 co- 共同,互相/cn- exist共存 com-,con- 共同,加强/combine联合,confirm使加强de- 离,加强,降/detrain下火车,depicture 描述 dif- 分开,否定/differ差异,difficult困难dis- 否,离,安全/disallow不准,disroot根除,disarrange搞乱en-,em- 在内,用于,使/encage关入笼,embed使插入in- ,im-,il- 无,向内,加强/incorrect不正确,impulse冲动inter- 在……间/international国际的 kilo- 千/kilometer千米micro-微/microbe微生物 mini-微小/minibus小公共汽车neg-不,非/neglect忽视,negate否定 non- 不,非/nonparty非党派的ob-, oc-,op-越过,包围,逆反/object目标,oppose反抗out- 在外,除去/outlaw逃亡者,outroot根除 over-超出,反转/overweight超重,overthrow推翻per-贯通,遍及/perform 完成,perfect完美的 post-在后/postwar战后的,porstern后门pre- 在前/preface前言 pro- 在前,拥护/prologue序言,pro- American亲美的re- 重复,相反/recall回忆,react反应se-分离/separate使分离,select选出sub-,suc-,sug-在下,


List-1 firm like diet pressure activity accept defeat relay evidence imagine relation freedom breakthrough left confirm ability member climate stupid organise decorate wage target conservative lonely slip away congratulation valuable grey protect literature senior busy different citizen seize occur waste shot List-2 band budget unit harm wealth else blow messy wide edge pleasure collar exchange interview bunch outside try find space invite fan score fail acute sleepy respond anyhow downtown humour which difference sense disagree dozen compete guess sour voyage environment

List-3 character insect part bear angle outgoing give wander idea sort call how early independent dismiss content permit court youth possession arrive unless risk harvest mental electric fall hand relief figure extra clear luggage govern lovely familiar somewhere forgive corporation back List-4 free very land flame political bit journey lie merciful bend cycle annoy mind die fact declare warn obey grade expensive announce nowhere persuade decision real seldom need spot anyway punish challenge situation extraordinary frost convince shock slight unfair on


常用的前缀 ab表示反常,如: absent缺席abnormal不正规的 ap表示添加,如: append悬挂apposition同位置 bi表示两、重,如: bicycle自行车bigamy重婚 com表示共同,如: combine联合compete相争 dis表示分开,如: disarm裁军dislike讨厌 im表示不,如: impossible不可能的immoral不道德的in表示不、向内,如: informal非正式的inhuman不人道的non表示无如: nonparty无党派的nonmetal非金属pro表示向前,如: progress进步prognostic预兆 re表示回、重新,如: review复习reaction反应 un表示不、非,如: unhappy不快乐的unbalance失去平衡2 常用的后缀 al表示人、物,如: rival竞争者mural壁画 cy表示状态、职位,如: bankruptcy破产captaincy船长

er表示人、物,如: teacher老师cooker厨具 able表示可能的,如: movable可移动的passable可通行的 ful表示充满,如: beautiful美丽的useful有用的 or表示人、物,如: actor男演员mirror镜子 ist表示人,如: copyist抄写员socialist社会主义者 ment表示行为,如: enjoyment娱乐movement运动 ing表示令人,如: exciting令人兴奋的interesting令人有兴趣的 ed表示感到,如: excited感到兴奋的interested感到有兴趣的 less表示没有的,如: resistless不抵抗的homeless无家可归的 ly副词后缀,如: gently轻轻地intently专心地 tion名词后缀,如: graduation毕业relation亲属 典型的前后缀应用举例: 1.excite vt.刺激 exciting adj.令人兴奋的 excited adj.感到兴奋的 excitement n.兴奋 2.smile v./n.微笑 smiling adj.微笑的 smilingly adv.微笑的 unsmiling adj.不笑的 自学小贴士:词根词缀记忆法常常被英语初学者所忽略,如果将此法配合多遍反


【关键字】大全 carnation / kB:5neiFEn/ n.康乃馨(一种花)carnival / 5kB:nivl/ n.狂欢节 carnivorous / kB:5nivErEs/ a. 食肉的 carrion / 5kAriEn/ n. 腐肉 caruncle / 5kArENk/ 肉冠,肉瘤 incarnate / in5kB:neit/ adj. 具有肉体的,化身的cave / keiv/ n.山洞,洞穴,窑洞 cavity / 5kAviti/ n.坑,孔穴 concave / 5kRn5keiv/ adj. 凹的 excavate / 5ekskEveit/ v. 挖掘,挖出 center / 5sentE/ n. 中心,中心点,中锋 central / 5sentrEl/ a.中心的,中央的 centralize / 5sentrElaiz/ vt. 使集权

centrifugal / sen5trifjugEl/ adj.离心的centripetal / sen5tripitl/ adj.向心的concentrate / 5kRnsEntreit/ vt.&vi.浓缩,提浓eccentric / ik5sentrik/ adj. 古怪的,反常的chemical / 5kemikl/ adj.化学的 chemism / 5kemizm/ 化学机理 chemisorb / 5kemisR:b/ 用化学方法吸收chemist / 5kemist/ n.化学家;药剂师chemistry / 5kemistri/ n.化学 chemosphere / 5kemEsfiE/ 臭氧层chemotherapy / kemou5WerEpi/ 化学疗法choir / 5kwaiE/ n. (教堂的)歌唱队 choral / 5kR:rEl/ a. 合唱队的 chorale / 5kR:rB:l/ 圣诗,赞美诗


高中英语词汇记忆之词汇3500词根词缀讲解 A a (an) art. *abandon v. ability n. able a. *abnormal a. [ab-=away ;normal ] aboard prep. [a-=on ;broad 宽→ 远边] *abolish v. *abortion n. [ab-=away ;ort=born ] about ad. & prep. above prep., a. & ad. abroad a. & ad. *abrupt a. [ab- 开;rupt=break ] *absence n. absent a. [ab-=away ;sent=be ] *absolute a. [solv, solute=loosen ] absorb v. [ab-=away from ;sorb, sorpt=suck in ] *abstract a. & n. [abs-(ab-)=away 开;tract=draw ,,→ 去、 ] abstraction [见;-ion 词缀] *absurd a. [ab-=away ;surd=dull] *abundant a. [ab-加强语义;und, ound=wave, flow ,→ → ,, ] abundance *abuse v. [ab-=away ;use → ] academic a. & n. *academy n. *accelerate v.[ ac-(ab-)加强义;celer , ] 1 [cent, cant 发声, ] [ac-加强义;cap, capt, cep, cept, cip, ceiv=take, hold , ] *access n. & v.[ac-(ad-) = to ;cess, ceed, ced = go ] *accessible a. [ac-(ad-) = to ,cess, ceed, ced = go 行;-ible 构词,可… 、… 、… 、具种质 ] accident n. [ac-(ad-) =at, to;cid = fall 降临、发;-ent 构词,、(…药…剂)] *accommodation n. [ac-加 强义;commod ,;-ate 动词缀→ 供 ] *accompany v. [com-=together 共,;pan=bread → ;→伙 ] *accomplish v. [ple, plet ,满] account n. [count=count 计 ] *accountant n.


初中英语词根词缀经典浓缩 1 act 行为/举止 active action activate 2 cap 罩着/盖着 capable capacity capacious 3 ceive 做(事情) conceive perceive receive deceive 4 cess 行走 process concess access recess recessionary 5 cide 切割 decide incidence accident 6 cite 说话 recite cite excite 7 com/con/co 合在一起 cooperation collaboration company conform 8 counter 相对的 counterstrike (C.S.) counterpart 9 de 往下 decline decide department 10 dem/demo 人/人民 democracy epidemic 11 dict/dic 说话 predict dicionary dedicate addict 12 dis 距离/分开 distance disinterested 13 dom 领域 dominate predominate domain kingdom 14 e 往外(也可做为单词结束标志)evoke eject emit 15 epi 之上/之中 epilog epidemic 16 evit 生命 longevity inevitable 17 ex 往外 exit excit external 18 fend 遮挡物 defend offend 19 fer 拿 prefer infer defer confer 20 fess 说话 confess profess 21 fin 边线/边界 finite finish infinite definite indefinite 22 flex 使弯折 flexible reflect 23 flu 流动 flu fluent flush fluctuate 24 gress 行走 congress progress aggressive 25 ject 射/喷射 reject eject inject deject 26 im/in 里面/否定 intractable 27 leg 腿 legal illegal legislation (isl:通道)delegate allege 28 less 没有 careless valueless priceless worthless 29 liter 文字 literature literal illiterate literary 30 main 手 maintain 31 mand 命令 demand command 32 min/mini 小 minute minimize 33 mis 错误的 mistake misunderstand 34 mit 放射/传送 emit commit submit transmit 35 mod 模式/模型/模具 mode modify model commodity 36 mono 一个 monotone monotonous = boring; 37 nat 本身的/自然的 natural native 38 nov 心奇/心意 novel (adj.) novelty innnovate 39 opt 选择 optional adopt optimism 40 para 相对的 parallel parasite paradox (dilemma) 41 part 一部分 partial impartial apart apartment 42 pens 钱 dispense compensate 43 plex 使弯折 perplex complex 44 ply 含义/内容 reply imply supply 45 pot 坛子 potent potential impotent 46 press 按压 compress pressing oppress repress suppress 47 priv 权利 private deprive derive privilege 48 scend 行走 descend ascend 49 scrib 写 describe prescribe subscribe postscript manuscript 50 sembl 集聚 assemble resemble 51 semi 一半 semi-final


只需要一眼就可以看出英语单词的意思!神奇的记忆方法! 请大家想一想,英语是谁发明的?英国人呗!英国人认不认识汉语?不认识!那么英国人在学英语单词的时候需不需要记住单词的汉语意思?不需要,英国人的英语课本里根本就没有汉字,何谈记住单词的汉语意思?那么既然英国人学英语不需要记住(甚至根本就见不到)单词的汉语意思,那么中国人学英语为什么要去记住单词的汉语意思呢?这种做法大家不觉得奇怪吗? 然而由于中国人学英语时都在背单词的汉语意思,因此大家反而觉不出“背汉字”有什么奇怪的了。其实仔细想一想,这个行为真的很奇怪,奇怪的根源不在于行为本身,而在于中国人普遍不会直接识别英语单词的意思,因而只好靠汉语符号来机械地帮助记忆英语单词的意思,这样去学英语不仅多此一举,而且必然会陷入苦海无边的符号记忆灾难中。 其实英语单词和汉字一样,存在着很多的“偏旁部首”,知道了偏旁部首你就可以根据它们直接来猜测单词的意思,虽不说百分之百猜准,但起码可以猜测个大概,至少在别人告诉过你单词的意思后你可以恍然大悟地领会它,这样就可以大大增强你对英语单词“见字识意”的能力,做到真正认识一个单词,而把它的汉语意思仅做为一般参考。 举几个例子来说吧: 比如单词representative,请别急着告诉我你认识这个单词,其实你不见得“认识”这个单词,你仅是凭着你的记忆力记住了这串英语字母和两个汉字符号“代表”之间的对应关系,这样去学英语你会多费劲?下面我来告诉你这个单词为什么是“代表”的意思。re在英语里是一个偏旁部首,它是“回来”的意思;pre也是一个偏旁部首,是“向前”的意思;sent也是一个偏旁部首,是“发出去、派出去”的意思;a仅是偏旁部首之间的一个“连接件”,没了它两个辅音字母t就要连在一起了, 发音会分不开,会费劲,因此用一个元音字母a隔开一下;tive也是一个偏旁部首,是“人”的意思。那么这几个偏旁部首连在一起是什么意思呢?re-pre-sent-a-tive,就是“回来-向前-派出去-的人”,即“回来征求大家的意见后又被派出去替大家讲话的人”,这不就是“代表”的意思吗!这么去认识一个单词才是真正“认识”了这个单词,把它认识到了骨子里。 再举一个例子吧:psychology。 psy=sci,是一个偏旁部首,是“知道”的意思;cho是一个偏旁部首,是“心”的意思;lo是一个偏旁部首,是“说”的意思;gy是一个偏旁部首,是“学”的意思,logy合起来是“学说”的意思。因此psy-cho-logy 连起来就是“知道心的学说”,因此就是“心理学”的意思。 依此类推,不多举例了,我要表达的观点已经清楚了,那就是,不要去死记硬背单词的汉语意思,而要用识别“偏旁部首”的方法去真正认识一个单词,真正认识了单词后,你会发现单词表里的汉语翻译原来其实很勉强,有时甚至根本翻译不出来,因为汉语和英语是两种不同的文字体系,两者在文字上本来就不是一一对应的,只背英语单词的汉字意思是不能真正认识这个单词的,会造成很多的后续学习困难,会造成你一辈子看英语单词如雾里看花,永远有退不掉的陌生感。 那么接下来的问题是,英语里有多少个“偏旁部首”,怎样知道和学会它们? 回答这个问题时我才发现中国人对英语偏旁部首陌生的两个主要原因,一是这些重要内容不在学校的英语教材当中,大家在课堂上学不到(这是目前学校英语教材急需弥补的缺陷);二是少数书店里销售的有关这方面内容的书过分复杂化,动辙几百上千页,内容苦涩庞大,影响了这些常识的普及,使得本来是常识的东西不常识。其实英语里偏旁部首的学名叫“字根”,常用的也就二百多个,它们就像26个字母一样普通而重要,就像汉语里的偏旁部首那样普通而重要,它们是学英语第一课里就应该学习的重要内容,学英语者应及早地掌握这些重要的常识,及早地摆脱死记硬背的蛮干状态,及早地进入科学、高效的识字状态。


英语单词联系记忆 第一讲 1.act v 行动,扮演 n 行为动作 2.active a 活跃的积极的主动的 act+ive(形容词后缀) actor n 男演员 act+or(名词后缀表人) 扮演角色的男人 actress act+ress((名词后缀表人) 扮演角色的女人 中文串联:活跃的男女演员扮演动作很到位 2.air n.空气 airport n.机场 air+port(港口)[空气的港口是机场] 中文串联:空气的港口是机场 3.any a.任何的所有的 anything pron.任何事,任何东西 any(任何的)+thing(东西,事)---任何事,任何东西 anywhere ad.任何地方 any(任何的)+where(哪儿)----任何地方 中文串联:任何事,任何东西都能在任何地方发生 4.ball n.球 balloon n.气球 ball(球)+o(球的形状)+on(在----上) 气球 volleyball n.排球 volley(空中传)+ball(球)=排球 basketball n.篮球 basket(篮子)+ball(球)=篮球 football n.足球 foot(足)+ball(球)=足球 footballer n.足球运动员 foot(足)+ball(球)+er(人)=足球运动员 5.board n.板木板 boat(船)[他抱船上的木板上了岸] keyboard n.键盘 key(钥匙,关键)+board(木板)[放着钥匙的木板是键盘] 中文串联:把钥匙放在木板上当键盘

6.build v.建立建筑 谐音:必要的[建立社会主义是必要的] building n大楼,建筑物 build+ing(名词后缀) rebuild v。重建 re(前缀再)+build(建立)=重建 中文串联:美国要重建建筑世贸大楼 7.class n.班级 classmate n同班同学 class(班级)+mate(伙伴)=同班同学 classroom n教室 class(班级)+room(房间)=教室 中文串联:同班同学在一个班级的教室里上学 8.cycle n循环,转 V.骑自行车 bicycle N.自行车 bi(前缀两)+cycle(循环)[两个轮子循环是自行车] cylist n 骑自行车的人 cycl(e)+ist(名词后缀的人)=骑自行车的人 motorcycle N.摩托车 motor(发动机)+cycle(循环,转)=摩托车 recycle v n 回收利用 re(前缀再)+cycle(循环)=回收利用 中文串联:骑自行车的人把就摩托车带回家回收利用 9.every a 每一每个的 everybody pron 每人人人 every(每个的)+body(身体)--每个身体是每人人人 everyone pron 每人人人各人 every(每一)+one(一个)--每一个个体是各人 everything pron 每样东西 every(每一)+thing(东西)---每样东西 中文串联:每个人,各人都得到了每样的东西 10.fast a ad 快速的(地) fasten v 拴牢系紧 fast(快速地)+en(动词后缀;是成为)[快速地成为一体---拴牢系紧] breakfast n 早餐 break(bread;面包)+fast(快速)[面包快速地做好是早餐] 中文串联:快速地拴牢系紧早餐骑车上班去 11.friend n 朋友 friendly a 友好的 friend(朋友)+ly=友好的 friendship n 友谊 1. ship ----名词后缀表示关系 [朋友的关系---友谊]

高考 高中英语单词词根词缀大全

英语词根词缀记忆大全 第一部分通过词缀认识单词(常用前缀一) 1、a- ① 加在单词或词根前面,表示"不,无,非" acentric 无中心的(a+centric中心的) asocial 不好社交的(a+social好社交的) amoral 非道德性的(a+moral道德的;注意:immoral不道德的)apolitical 不关政治的(a+political政治的) anemia 反常的(a+nomal正常的+ous) ② 加在单词前,表示"在…,…的” aside 在边上(a+side旁边)ahead 在前的(a+head头) alive 活的(a+live活) awash 泛滥的(a+wash冲洗)asleep 睡着的(a+sleep睡觉) 2、ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示"相反,变坏,离去"等 abnormal 反常的(ab+normal正常的) abuse 滥用(ab+use用→用坏→滥用) absorb 吸收(ab+sorb吸收→吸收掉) absent 缺席的(ab+sent出现→没有出现→缺席的) abduct 诱拐(ab+duct引导→引走→诱拐) abject 可怜的(ab+ject抛→抛掉→可怜的) abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的(abs+tract拉→被拉开→心不在焉)abstain 戒绝(abs+tain拿住→不再拿住→戒绝) abscond 潜逃(abs+cond藏→藏起来→潜逃) abscind 废除(abs+cind剪切→切掉→废除) abscise 切除(abs+cise剪→剪掉→切除) abstinence 节制;禁欲(abs+tin拿住+ense→不在拿住→戒除,禁欲) 3、ab-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-等加在同辅音字母的词根前,表示"一再"等加强意 accompany 陪伴(ac+company伙伴→陪伴) accelerate 加速(ac+celer速度→一再增加速度) accentuate 强制(ac+cent唱歌→一再唱出→强调) accomplish 完成,实现 accumulate 积累(ac+cumul堆积+ate→堆积起来→积累)accustom 使习惯(ac+custom习俗→习惯习俗) addict 上瘾,入迷(ad+dict说→一再说起→对……入迷)additive 上瘾的(addict的形容词) adduce 引证,举例(ad+duce引导→一再引导→举例说明)affable 亲切的(af+fable说话→不断可以说话→亲切)afford 买得起(af+ford拿出→一再拿出{钱}→买得起)affirm 肯定(af+firm坚定→肯定) aggression 侵略,进攻(ag+gress走+ion→一再往前走→进攻)aggrandize 扩大(ag+grand大→一再大→扩大[权力]等)aggravate 恶化(ag+grav重+ate病加重) announce 通告(an+nounce通知→通告) appal 使震惊(ap+pal白色→[脸]变白→受惊) applause 鼓掌(ap+pease赞扬→一再赞扬→鼓掌)appreciate 欣赏(ap+reci价值+ate→一再给价→欣赏) appoint 指定,任命(ap+point指→指定) arrange 安排(ar+range排列→安排) arrest 逮捕,阻止(ar+rest休息→不让动→逮捕) arrive 到达(ar+rive河→到达河边→达到目标) assault 进攻(as+saul跳→跳起来→进攻) assiduous 勤奋的(as+sid坐+uous→一再坐着[学习] →勤奋)assist 帮助(as+sist站→站过来→帮助) associate 联合,结合(as+soci社团+ate→结成团队→联合)assimilate 吸收;同化(as+simil相同+ate→成为相同→同化)assure 肯定;确信(as+sure确定→一不再确定→肯定)attach 附上;依恋(at+tach接角→接触上→附上) attain 达到;获得(at+tain拿住→获得) attend 出席(at+tend关心→关心到了→出席) attract 吸引(拉→拉过来→吸引) attest 证实(at+test试验→一再试验→证实) 4、ad-加在在单词或词根前,表示"做…,加强…” adapt 适应(ad+apt能力→有适应能力) adept 熟练的(ad+ept能力→有做事能力→熟练的) adopt 收养;采纳(ad+opt选择→选出来→采纳) adhere 坚持(ad+here粘→粘在一起→坚持) adjacent 邻近的(ad+jacent躺→躺在一起→邻近的) adjoin 贴近;毗连(ad+join参加→参加在一起→贴近)administrate管理;执行(ad+ministr部长+ate→做部长→管理)admire 羡慕(ad+mire惊奇→惊喜;羡慕) adumbrate 预示(ad+umbr影子+ate→[将来的]影子出现→预示)adjust 调整(ad+just正确→弄正确→调整) adventure 冒险(ad+venture冒险) admonish 告诫,警告(ad+mon警告+ish→一再警告) advent 来临,来到(ad+vent来→来到) 5、amphi-表示"两个,两种" amphibian 两栖动物(amphi+bi生命+an→两个生命→两栖动物)amphicar 水陆两用车(amphi+car车→两用车) 6、an-在词根前,表示"不,无" anarchism 无政府主义(an+arch统治+ism→无统治→无政府主义)anharmonic不和谐的(an+hamonic和谐的→不和谐的) anechoic 无回声的(an+echo回声+ic→无回声的) anonymous 匿名的(an+onym名字+ous→匿名的) 7、ana-表示"错误,在旁边,分开" analogy 类比;类似(ana+logy讲话→再旁边讲→讲一样的东西→类似) analogous类似的(analogy的形容词) analysis 分析(ana+lysis分开→分开来→分析) 8、ante-表示"前面,先" antedate提前写日期;先于,早于(ante+date日期→提前写日期)anterior前面的(ante+erior[…的] →前面的) antecedent(aute+ced走+ent→走在前面的[事] →前事) 9、anti-表示"反对,相反" antiwar 反战的(anti+war战争) Antipathy 反感(anti+pathy感情)

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