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八年级英语暑假专题 阅读理解答题技巧 教科版 知识精讲



一. 教学内容:






A. 回答wh—引导的疑问句,可在短文中直接找到答案。

B. 转换理解。就是把短文中的某些词汇或短语用正确的英语释义替换。

C. 概括综合回答。提出的问题让考生用简捷语言概括综合答出。

D. 推理判断。让考生在理解全篇短文后,对某一问题进行推理判断正误。



1. 抓住文章首句


2. 细察段首段尾


3. 进行合理推断

对文章有了详细、全面的了解之后,就要按照文章要求,上下文的逻辑关系,作出推进判断。阅读理解涉及词汇、语法、句型、段落结构、文化背景等各方面因素。答题时要领会句子之间的逻辑关系,特别是相邻句子之间的关系,这样有利于理解全文。表示逻辑关系的标志词是连接词、副词、代词、介词、关系词、插入语,通读时应特别注意。如:if, because, though, as, which, it, and, but, however, therefore, so, for, example, I’m afraid, so that, so…that等词语。它们在上下文中具有条件、原因、让步,指代、递进、对比、列举、结果、目的、承上启下等作用,分布在文章中的各个位置,起着指示路灯的作用,正确理解并掌握这些词汇的作用,对阅读理解短文是大有好处的。


Mr. Black gave his wife money every Friday evening, but she always spent it before the next Wednesday. For the next three days she had none. Every Tuesday evening Mr. Black asked her,“But what did you spent all that money on?”and she always answered,“I don’t know”.

One Friday Mr. Black brought home an exercise book and a pencil and gave them to his wife along with the money.“Now look!”he said to her,“When you get money from me, write it down

on this page, and on the next page write down what happens to the money.”

When Mr. Black came home the next Tuesday, his wife came to him and showed him the book,“I have done what you told me”, she said happily. On the first page she had written “Friday,28th June I got $18 from John”and on the next page, “Tuesday,2nd July, I have spent it all.”







( )1. Mr. Black how she had spend the money.

A. wanted to know

B. knew quite well

C. had no idea

D. often asked herself


( )2. By evening there was no more money left for Mrs. Black.

A. Tuesday

B. Wednesday

C. Thursday

D. Friday


( )3. Mr. Black told his wife to write down on the next page.

A. when she spent the money;

B. where she spent the money;

C. why she spent so much money;

D. what she bought with the money

分析后应选择答案D,因为D说明她用钱买什么东西,正是短文中所谈及的内容。( )4. Mrs. Black began to write down how much her husband had given her .

A. at the beginning of July

B. by the end of June

C. on Friday evening

D. every weekend.


( )5. In the end, Mr. Black was sure .

A. that his wife had it if saving money

B. that most of the money had been spent on food

C. about how the money had been spent

D. that his wife spent his money without much care or thought.


4. 丰富常识储备










5. 猜测推敲生词



猜测生词的另一种方法是,根据词型推测。遇到生词后,可从构词法角度分析判断生词。例如:unforeseeable一词,其中的foresee是词根,fore的含意是“先前、预先”意思,un 是前缀,是“不”的意思,因此可以猜知,此词是“未能预见”的形容词。

6. 细扣题目要求

纵观历年中、高考试题,阅读理解试题一般有以下几种答题法:一是完形填空法;二是多项选择法;三是短文内容直接回答who、whom、which、what、where、when、why、how 等疑问词的问题;四是综合概括回答法。在阅读文章时,有时试题内容恰好是你所熟悉的题材,但不能立刻就答,一定要仔细看完、看清楚试题要求再回答。因为试题的要求往往与你所想象的有出入,不能马虎。




Mr. Smith usually got up late in the morning, so Mrs. Smith always called him up in order to make him not to be late for work. One day, they had a loud and long quarrelling, so they were not speaking to each other. In the evening Mr. Smith handed his wife a piece of paper. He had written “call me at 7 in the morning” on it. Then without a word, he went to sleep. Next morning, when Mr. Smith woke up, it was already 9:30.He got up and put on his clothes quickly. As he went out, he found another piece of paper on the table. “It’s seven o’clock. Get up!”


( )1. Mr. Smith woke up earlier than his wife every morning.

( )2. After the quarrelling. Mr. Smith still wanted his wife to wake him up.

( )3. Mr. Smith did not speak to his wife the whole evening.

( )4. Mrs. Smith did not want to speak to him either.

( )5. Mr. Smith might be late for work that morning.

答案:1~5 F T T T T



1. From the letter we know that they will hold the summer courses in _______.

A. Korea

B. the U.S.

C. Japan

D. England

2. When will Mariko Kobori take the summer course?

A. In June, 1998.

B. In May, 1999.

C. In June, 2000.

D. In July, 2001.

3. How old was Mariko Kobori when he started to learn English?

A. 6.

B. 18.

C. 14.

D. 12.

4. Mariko Kobori wrote this letter to _____.

A. ask to take the next summer English course

B. go to the United States for summer holidays

C. get some advice on how to learn English

D. know about the Concord School of English

5. Right after the summer course, Mariko Kobori will probably _______.

A. go to university in Japan

B. work in the United States

C. study English in New Hampshire

D. take a trip in the United States


Who will follow Yao Ming and became the next Chinese person to play in the NBA? Time Magazine says Yi Jianlian, a 2.1-metre tall teenager from Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, might be the one.

Fifteen-year old Yi is a good player and has the right size. He moves quickly. He plays for Guangdong Tigers Club team. He played in the Chinese Basketball Association-the CBA(中国篮球协会) last season and was the group’s new player of the year. Yi could be a key player at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

“It’s my dream to play in the Olympics,” Yi said. “It would be a great honour to play in the Olympics for the country, I hope I will get a chance.”

Yi was 12 when he first picked up a basketball. At first his parents were against his playing basketball in a sports school. But they were changed by the fact that Yi has everything for a good player such as speed and size. Yi’s basketball life almost ended before it began. When he first went to training, he almost gave up halfway through.

“I wanted to give up,” Yi said. “I had never lived away from home before.” But he decided to make the best of a difficult situation(处境).

His goal is to join Yao in the NBA. “We all look up to him, and I hope I can one day in the NBA, too,” said Yi. “I need to learn and practice and stay cool before fame(名声).”

6. Why does Time Magazine say Yi Jianlian will become the next Chinese person to play in the NBA?

A. Because he is taller than any other player in China.

B. Because he is younger than any other player in China.

C. Because he is a good player with right size and quick movement.

D. Because he is a CBA’s key player at present.

7. Yi Jianlian has played in the CBA in _______ up to now.

A. one season

B. two seasons

C. three seasons

D. four seasons

8. Why did Yi Jianlian almost give up halfway through when he first went to training?

A. Because his parents were against his playing basketball.

B. Because he found it too difficult to play basketball

C. Because he didn’t have anything for a good player.

D. Because he couldn’t live with his family as before.

9. The underlined word “cool” means “______” in the last sentence.

A. happy

B. unexcited

C. pleasantly

D. neither warm nor cold

10. From the text we know that _______.

A. Yi Jianlian is a player of the Chinese Basketball Team

B. Yi Jianlian will join Yao Ming in the NBA next season

C. Yi Jianlian is a basketball player with a bright future

D. Yao Ming is the first person playing in the NBA


Never let the soil in your garden dry out. If it doesn’t rain for a few days and the soil feels dry, water your garden. Be sure the water gets all the way down to the roots (the parts that grow down into the soil) of the plants, but don’t water too much . You could drown your plants!

You may see some plants in your garden that you didn’t put there. These are weeds(杂草).

Pull them out when the ground is soft and wet. Be sure you get out the roots, or the weeds will grow back.

Tall plants such as tomatoes need sticks to hold them up. Without sticks ,they’ll fall over.

When your tomato plants get to be about two feet tall, it’s time to stick to them. Push a long stick into the ground next to each plant. Tie the plant to the stick with string. As each plant grows taller, you’ll have to tie it up again.

If you’ve planted seeds(种子), you can expect too many plants to come out.You have to clear some away, so that the plants left will have room to grow. This is called thinning.

If you’ve planted lettuce(莴苣)seeds, wait until the baby plants are about 1.5 inches tall.Then pull some of the plants out so that you leave about 8 inches between plants.

Now that you’ve done all the work to make a vegetable garden, it’s time to enjoy what you’ve finished. Pick a red, ripe , juicy tomato. Eat it while it’s still warm from the sun. Or cut it up and put it in a salad(沙拉)-made with lettuce you picked yourself. If you have more vegetables from your garden than you and your family can eat, give them to friends and neighbors. It’s fun to have the joy you get from your garden together with others.

11. What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?

A. Plants in the garden needs rain.

B. When and how to water your garden.

C. Water plants in the garden every day.

D. The more water, the better.

12. Tomatoes need special care because ______________.

A. they are hard to grow tall

B. they don’t grow without sticks

C. they can’t stand up to a certain height.

D. they like to grow next to each other

13. The Chinese for “thinning”(in the fourth paragraph) is “______”.

A. 拔苗

B. 间苗

C. 除草

D. 育苗

14. Which of the following for garden work isn’t told about in this passage?

A. Water the garden

B. Pull weeds out

C. Thin plants

D. Dig the soil

15. In the last paragraph, the writer mainly wants to tell us that_____________.

A. it’s fun to enjoy the result of the garden work with others

B. It’s how to eat the t omatoes

C. how to make a salad with lettuce

D. what to do with the vegetables in the garden



1~5 BCDAD 6~10 CADBC 11~15 BCBDA


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