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Jean neilsen

Jean neilsen

Jean neilsen

This is jean neilsen. Jean graduated from Columbia University in 1981. She majored in economics. In 1983 she got a job in Federal Motors.

Jean worked in personnel at Federal Motors for 7 years until 1990. In 1990, she quit her job in Federal Motors and joined IBX.

Jean quit her job in Federal Motors because she wanted a more interesting job. She was also offered a higher salary.

At IBX she was hired as personnel manager in one of their factories. As a personnel manager she has many responsibilities. Jean is in charge of interviewing and hiring new employees. She also manages the company’s employee training programs.

In her job, she needs many communication skills. Jean has excellent communication skills, so she has done very well at IBX.

Jean has worked at IBX since 1990. Jean likes her job and is planning stay at IBX for a long time.

Charles Blake

My name is Charles Blake. I work for a Japanese company YAMASHITA limited. Our head office is in Tokyo Japan. We manufacture industrial equipment and Roberts. At this time, 100% of our sales of industrial equipment and Roberts is in Japan.

I graduated from Columbia university in 1971. I studied international relations and a little Japanese. After graduation, I worked for a small Inport-Export company in NewYork. I was with their sales force for about 5 years. Then in 1976, I began working for YAMASHITA, a Japanese company. I currently with their head office in Tokyo. My responsibility is to begin the export of industrial Roberts to North America.

I live in Tokyo and I married to a Japanese woman. We have a child, a son. I enjoy playing golf and tennis, but I ‘m afraid I don’t have a lot of spare time.

Jean Herbert的《口译须知》笔记

如何做好文化之间的桥梁 ——读《口译须知》有感 首先认识一下本书的作者——Jean Herbert。这名来自瑞士的口译工作者在第一次世界大战初期曾在爱丁堡大学任教。1917年首次担任翻译。此后在联合国等一百多个重要国际组织中从事口译工作,为许多国家元首当过翻译。对于这样一个口译经历极为丰富的人而言,他所提供的工作经验自然有非常重要的参考及学习价值。 所谓口译人员,其工作目的在于帮助交谈双方克服语言障碍,从而交流思想、统一认识。说得通俗一点,就是一个桥梁的作用。 而通过《口译须知》这本书,我们能够更清楚地了解口译工作者的工作内容、方法以及从业者必须具备的一些条件。 【口译人员应具备的条件】 如今,在国际会议上,口译人员所碰到的问题比以前更多更复杂,因此对于口译人员的条件要求就更高了。这些条件包括: 1:必须完整地、非常顺从地接受演讲人所表达的全部想法。 2:必须积极主动地做出反应,做到思想敏捷。 3:需要有非凡的记忆力。 4:保持清醒的头脑。 【口译的几种不同形式】 一:同声传译: 1:耳边低语法 2:电话传译法 3:读译结合法 二:连续翻译: 1:译员在会场里直接把听到的讲话译给观众 2:译员把在会场里听到的讲话通过话筒传给听众 【口译人员的理解问题】 口译的过程实际存在着从理解到翻译到表达三个阶段。而其中理解一环为重中之重。因为若不能理解讲话

者的意思,则无法做到正确有效的翻译与表达。 而为了能够做到正确理解,则需要具备以下6个条件。 1:认真听请 2:熟练掌握演讲人所使用的语言 3:熟悉演讲人所属国家的文化特点 4:熟悉演讲人所属国家在用词和发音方面的特点 5:熟悉讲话所涉及的内容 6:具有渊博的学识 【口译人员的翻译方法】 鉴于口译工作者的工作目的,因此口译人员绝不应该一个字一个字地翻译,而是应该在可能范围内,把讲话人所表达的每一个思想的每一个细节,都用另一种语言,以非常恰当的方式准确地表达出来。 口译如同笔译一样,在将一种语言转换为另一种语言时,必然会使前者的某些词组或愈发现象失去它原有的感情色彩和语法功能。因此为了使翻译更加丰富形象,应当毫不犹豫使用后者的习惯表达方法。这就要求口译人员必须掌握大量固定词组、常用词语、谚语、典故等。 在口译过程中,也会出现演讲人发生口误的情况。若错误明显,译员可以自行纠正,无须再问演讲人。但若错误不明显,译员自己也无法把握时,则应当采取慎重态度。 【同声传译工作的特殊技巧】 1:任何时候都要掌握好与话筒之间的距离。 2:翻译时语调要平稳,不要忽高忽低。 3:译员讲话的速度要和演讲人的速度保持一定的距离,不要跟得太紧。通常的做法是保持一句之差。 4:在演讲人列举统计数字或国家名称等专有名词时,译员要紧紧跟上演讲人的速度,尽量保持最小的距离。5:如果演讲人引用了一大堆数字,译员来不及译出时,则需要在纸上边听边记下来。 6:遇到不懂的句子被卡住时,跳过去。 7:遇到某个字或某个词组译不出来或一时找不到准确的译法时,找个相近的词或换个说法迅速译出。 8:在准备、通达与优美之间选择时,译员须首先考虑译文的准确性。 9:口译人员在同声传译的长期实践中,应经常不断地录下自己的译文,以便事后研究,找出犯错误的原因,总结经验,提高水平。

老男孩 歌词 筷子兄弟

老男孩歌词筷子兄弟 那是我日夜思念深深爱着的人呐到底我该如何表达 她会接受我吗 也许永远都不会跟他说出那句话注定我要浪迹天涯 怎么能有牵挂 梦想总是遥不可及 是不是应该放弃 花开花落又是雨季 春天啊你在哪里 青春如同奔流的江河 一去不回来不及道别 只剩下麻木的我没有了当年的热血看那漫天飘零的花朵 在最美丽的时刻凋谢 有谁会记得这世界她来过 转眼过去多年时间多少离合悲欢曾经志在四方少年羡慕南飞的雁各自奔前程的身影匆匆渐行渐远未来在哪里平凡啊谁给我答案 那时陪伴我的人啊你们如今在何方我曾经爱过的人啊现在是什么模样当初的愿望实现了吗 事到如今只好祭奠吗 任岁月风干理想再也找不回真的我抬头仰望着满天星河 那时候陪伴我的那颗 这里的故事你是否还记得 生活像一把无情刻刀 改变了我们模样 未曾绽放就要枯萎吗 我有过梦想 青春如同奔流的江河 一去不回来不及道别 只剩下麻木的我没有了当年的热血看那满天飘零的花朵 在最美丽的时刻凋谢 有谁会记得这世界它曾经来过 当初的愿望实现了吗 事到如今只好祭奠吗 任岁月风干理想再也找不回真的我抬头仰望着满天星河 那时候陪伴我的那颗

这里的故事你是否还记得 如果有明天祝福你亲爱的 我相信歌词 歌手:杨培安专辑:午夜两点半的我词:刘虞瑞曲:陈国华 (2006台湾啤酒广告曲) 想飞上天 和太阳肩并肩 世界等着我去改变 想做的梦 从不怕别人看见 在这里我都能实现 大声欢笑让你我肩并肩 何处不能欢乐无限 抛开烦恼 勇敢的大步向前 我就站在舞台中间 我相信我就是我 我相信明天 我相信青春没有地平线 在日落的海边 在热闹的大街 都是我心中最美的乐园 我相信自由自在 我相信希望 我相信伸手就能碰到天 有你在我身边 让生活更新鲜 每一刻都精采万分 I do believe 想飞上天 和太阳肩并肩 世界等着我去改变 抛开烦恼 勇敢的大步向前 我就站在舞台中间 我相信我就是我 我相信明天

Jean D’Aveze珍达菲[致美网]

Jean D’Aveze珍达菲------致美网 品牌故事 Jean D'Aveze是世界顶级美容护肤品牌,始于1950,由法国著名药剂师Alice Darot创办。1960,Jean D'Aveze护肤系列纳入植物活性成分和天然植物萃取精华,高效保湿并能促进细胞再生,加速伤口愈合。 Jean D’Aveze Jean D'Aveze 珍达菲是法国巴黎的著名护肤品牌,产品基于先进技术,品质优越非凡。始于1950,由法国著名药剂师Alice Darot创办。1960珍达菲护肤系列纳入植物活性成分和天然植物萃取精华,并采用珍稀的天然成分,产品质量优越,功效显著,并通过独家经销的模式。主要活性成分为海棠精华油,提取于生长在大洋洲的纯天然海棠,高效保湿并能促进细胞再生,加速伤口愈合。半个多世纪以来,Jean D'Aveze珍达菲从浪漫之都巴黎逐步走向整个世界,尤其在欧洲更是备受广大爱美人士的宠爱。产品系列安全可靠,并经过临床验证。基于58年的护肤经验,并采用一流的专业技术,产品质量优异,功效显著。所有产品来至于精心研究、采用专利配方并经过先进实验室的测验。Jean D'Aveze 珍达菲已发展成为世界顶级护肤品牌,并采用高效抗氧化物、维他命、植物萃取物和酶类,并含白藜芦醇,它是一种维生素P,抗氧化能力超强,比同类的维生素C和E高50倍之多。科学家们对白藜芦醇进行了全面深入的研究,发现白藜芦醇还具有延年益寿,永葆青春的功效,并在电视台进行了专项报道,如2007年7月17号美国ABC新闻的“揭示健康秘诀”,2007年11月11号CBS新闻的“如何长生不老,延年益寿?”,2008年4月10号CNN电台新闻节目的“永葆青春”。 关于Jean D’Aveze珍达菲更多介绍 关于AROLI AROLI的蕴意为“来至卢瓦尔河谷的璀璨芬芳” AROLI总部位于法国图尔市,由Galande家族创办,旗下有两个专属品牌:?JEAN D’AVEZE珍达菲,世界顶级的美容护肤品牌; ?WEIL,以香水享誉盛名。 研制及生产区: ?在法国:采取独家销售模式,主要在指定美容会所、药房以及香水专柜等150处进行销售; ?在全球:遍布29个国家和地区,如南非、德国、西班牙、比利时、瑞士、匈牙利、美国、澳大利亚、日本、新加坡、伊朗以及台湾等。


[筷子英文]筷子兄弟《父亲》的歌词【--父亲节祝福语】 这一首筷子兄弟演唱的父亲的歌曲你们应该都很熟悉吧!下面要为大家分享的就是筷子兄弟《父亲》的歌词,希望你会喜欢! 父亲的歌词 词曲:筷子兄弟 总是向你索取却不曾说谢谢你 直到长大以后才懂得你不容易 每次离开总是装做轻松的样子 微笑着说回去吧转身泪湿眼底 多想和从前一样牵你温暖手掌 可是你不在我身旁托清风捎去安康 时光时光慢些吧不要再让你再变老了 我愿用我一切换你岁月长留 一生要强的爸爸我能为你做些什么 微不足道的关心收下吧 谢谢你做的一切双手撑起我们的家 总是竭尽所有把最好的给我 我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗

你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦~~~~~ 多想和从前一样牵你温暖手掌 可是你不在我身旁托清风捎去安康 时光时光慢些吧不要再让你再变老了 我愿用我一切换你岁月长留 一生要强的爸爸我能为你做些什么 微不足道的关心收下吧 谢谢你做的一切双手撑起我们的家 总是竭尽所有把最好的给我 我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗 你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦~~~~~ 时光时光慢些吧不要再让你再变老了 我愿用我一切换你岁月长留 我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗 你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦~~~~~ 感谢一路上有你 父亲的演唱筷子兄弟简介 筷子兄弟由肖央和王太利组成,该组合于2007年5月底,他们携音乐电影大作《男艺妓回忆录》登场互联网,引起爆炸式传播,其作品朴素幽默、细节突出,深刻感人,横扫当年互联网视频短片领域的各项大奖;2010年,他们推出“11度青春系列电影”之《老男孩》吸引了众多眼球,点击



高二英语阅读理解专项训练(1) 摘要:在线高考网汇集整理,以及最全的高考备考资料,有语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、生物、政治、历史、地理、文综、理综复习学习资料,复习讲义、听力材料、作文素材,历年真题试题下载及答案解析,完备的资料库为广大考生提供全面的备考参考。 Jean-Michael Lourdis was a promising young pianist.But when the young man played, it seemed to him,as if his hands were iron.He worried so much about his playing that he became oversensitive(过度敏感的)to the comments of his playing. Unfortunately,in those days,a critic(批评家)was not considered a critic,unless he found something wrong.This attitude of the critics would often leave the young man ready to give up his dream and return home. He was invited to play in Helsinki.The rich,the famous,the leaders of State were all there.Jean-Michael had one of those days when everything went wrong.That night as he played,he felt as if it were the worst concert of his young life.The next day,in the newspapers,some of the comments were so unkind.The young musician was painful. That day,as he sat in his hotel room in total despair(绝望),there came a knocking at his door.He had a visitor.The famous Finnish composer(作曲家)Jean Sibelius had come by to congratulate the young pianist on his performance. Jean-Michael asked how he thought of that and began to quote some of the newspaper critics."Hands of iron.No imagination.Little skill,no joy.Don't you hear what they say?"he asked. Jean Sibelius looked at young Jean-Michael and said,"Remember,son,there is no city in the world where they have erected a statue(雕像)for a critic." (1)、According to the passage,Jean-Michael Lourdis_________. A:was a bad pianist B:cared too much about what the critics had said C:refused to play in Helsinki D:was praised highly by the critics 答案:B (2)、A critic in those days usually_________. A:found fault with musicians'performances B:said kind and encouraging words to musicians

筷子兄弟 父亲歌词

筷子兄弟父亲滚动歌词 筷子兄弟 - 父亲 词曲:筷子兄弟 总是向你索取却不曾说谢谢你 直到长大以后才懂得你不容易 每次离开总是装做轻松的样子 微笑着说回去吧转身泪湿眼底 多想和从前一样牵你温暖手掌 可是你不在我身旁托清风捎去安康 时光时光慢些吧不要再让你再变老了我愿用我一切换你岁月长留 一生要强的爸爸我能为你做些什么微不足道的关心收下吧 谢谢你做的一切双手撑起我们的家总是竭尽所有把最好的给我 我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦~~~~~ 多想和从前一样牵你温暖手掌

可是你不在我身旁托清风捎去安康 时光时光慢些吧不要再让你再变老了我愿用我一切换你岁月长留 一生要强的爸爸我能为你做些什么微不足道的关心收下吧 谢谢你做的一切双手撑起我们的家总是竭尽所有把最好的给我 我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦~~~~~ 时光时光慢些吧不要再让你再变老了我愿用我一切换你岁月长留 我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦~~~~~ 感谢一路上有你 [ti:父亲] [ar:筷子兄弟] [al:] [by:] [00:00.00]筷子兄弟 - 父亲 [00:01.92] [00:03.19]词曲:筷子兄弟 [00:04.58] [00:13.51]

[00:26.31]总是向你索取却不曾说谢谢你[00:32.21]直到长大以后才懂得你不容易[00:39.11]每次离开总是装做轻松的样子[00:45.32]微笑着说回去吧转身泪湿眼底[00:52.10]多想和从前一样牵你温暖手掌[00:58.47]可是你不在我身旁托清风捎去安康[01:07.52] [01:08.71]时光时光慢些吧不要再让你变老了[01:15.29]我愿用我一切换你岁月长留[01:21.07]一生要强的爸爸我能为你做些什么[01:28.48]微不足道的关心收下吧 [01:32.89] [01:35.06]谢谢你做的一切双手撑起我们的家[01:41.41]总是竭尽所有把最好的给我[01:47.27]我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗[01:54.77]你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦~~~~~ [01:59.58] [02:34.30]多想和从前一样牵你温暖手掌[02:40.32]可是你不在我身旁托清风捎去安康[02:48.51] [02:50.56]时光时光慢些吧不要再让你再变老了[02:57.10]我愿用我一切换你岁月长留[03:03.14]一生要强的爸爸我能为你做些什么[03:10.36]微不足道的关心收下吧 [03:14.77]


Should the Culprit Be Punished? Jean Safari was investigating a serious error made by a Japanese worker at the Japanese subsidiary of a US multinational. A component had been inserted upside down and the entire batch had been pulled out of production to be reworked. The cost of this was high. Jean asked the Japanese plant director about which employee had made the error. Had she been identified? What action was being taken against her? She was amazed when the director claimed not to know. “The whole work group has accepted responsibility,” he told her. “As to the specific woman responsible, they have not told me, not did I ask. Even the floor supervisor does not know and if he did, he would not tell me either.” But if everyone is responsible then in effect no one is, Jean argued. They are simply protecting each other’s bad work. “This is not how we see it.” The plant manager was polite but firm. “I understand the woman concerned was so upset when she went home. She tried to resign. Two of her co-workers had to coax her back again. The group knows that she is new and that they did not help her enough, or looks out for her or see that she was properly trained. This is why the whole group has apologized. I have their letter here. They are willing to apologize to you publicly.” “No, no. I don’t want that,” said Jean. “I want to stop it happening again…”she wondered what she should do. Questions for discussion: 1.Should Jean insist on identifying the woman who made the error? 2.Should the woman be punished and leave the work group? 3.What do you think is the best solution to Jean’s dilemma? Solution: 1.I deem that Jean’s dilemma is called one person makes mistake, and everybody shield in psychology. Considering that the woman is a new-comer and she felt upset and tried to resign after things happened, from the culture of our perspective or concept, I suggest that Jean should not insist on identifying the trouble-maker. Although everybody should be responsible for what he did as long as he is an adult, when he makes mistake, the only way is that accept the punishment and provide compensation, the most important thing we should reach a consensus is that punishment at any time is just a mean to let people know what he had been done is not proper and he should correct his behavior next time to avoid the same thing to happen. 2.I consider that the woman should be properly punished but should not be driven out. I consider that the action of whole group is not beneficial but misleading her. Although she is new, she will have the illusion that next time when she makes mistakes, she will be avoided punishment fortunately. Giver her proper punishment and in the future, she will remember by heart not to make the same mistakes. However, no one can promise that in his lifetime make no mistakes, not to mention the woman, thus, we should be tolerance for her and give her

Billie Jean 歌词中文翻译

Billie Jean Michael Jackson She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene她那时更像银幕上的选美皇后 I said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the one 我说请别介意(我这样问)可是你说我是那个人是什么意思 Who will dance on the floor in the round将是舞池中与她共舞的那个人She said I am the one will dance on the floor in the round她说我将是与她共舞的那个人She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene 她说她叫比莉?琼,她生成一道美丽的风景 Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one令每个人禁不住侧目回首Who will dance on the floor in the round谁将是舞池中与她共舞的那个人People always told me be careful of what you do人们总是告诫我小心你的所为 And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts不要到处花心伤害姑娘们的感情 And mother always told me be careful of who you love妈妈总是告诫我小心你的所爱And be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth小心你的所为因为谎言也可成真Billie Jean is not my lover比莉?琼不是我的爱人 She's just a girl who claims that I am the one她不过是个姑娘她却坚称我就是那个人 But the kid is not my son可我真不是孩子的父亲 She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son她说我就是那个人但我真不是那孩子的父亲 For forty days and forty nights四十个日日夜夜 The law was on her side法律与她同在 But who can stand when she's in demand可是谁能抗拒她的请求 Her schemes and plans(落入)她的陷阱 'Cause we danced on the floor in the round只因我们曾在舞池中一起跳舞 So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice 所以好好接受我的劝告吧,永远记得三思而行 (Do think twice)(定要三思而行) She told my baby we'd danced till three, then she looked at me 她告诉我的恋人说我与她舞至夜半,她望着我 Then showed a photo my baby cried his eyes were like mine (oh, no!) 然后她出示了一张(孩子的)照片,我的恋人哭了,孩子的眼睛就像我的一样 'Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby这只因我曾和她一起跳舞宝贝 People always told me be careful of what you do人们总是告诫我小心你的所为 And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts不要到处花心伤害姑娘们的感情 She came and stood right by me她走过来就站在我的身旁 Then the smell of sweet perfume然后一阵香气扑鼻 This happened much too soon一切发生得都太快 She called me to her room她把我叫入她的房间 Billie Jean is not my lover比莉?琼不是我的爱人 She's just a girl who claims that I am the one她不过是个姑娘她却坚称我就是那个人 But the kid is not my son可我真不是孩子的父亲


《父亲》筷子兄弟简谱 《父亲》是筷子兄弟演唱的歌曲,王太利作词编曲,歌曲发行于2011年12月20日。收录于专辑《父亲》。该歌曲是微电影《父亲》的主题曲。 2012年8月13日《父亲》获得感恩励志金曲奖。2012年12月2日该曲获得2012百度沸点年度十大金曲奖。 创作背景 2011年12月,筷子兄弟创作了《父亲》这首歌。该曲源自王太利在拍摄老男孩的过程中父亲患病去世,其深刻体会到子欲孝而亲不待的痛苦和遗憾,于是写出这首歌,在缅怀自己父亲的同时,也提醒大家多关爱一生操劳的父亲,不要留有遗憾。 歌曲歌词 总是向你索取却不曾说谢谢你 直到长大以后才懂得你不容易 每次离开总是装作轻松的样子 微笑着说回去吧转身泪湿眼底 多想和从前一样牵你温暖手掌 可是你不在我身旁托清风捎去安康 时光时光慢些吧不要再让你变老了 我愿用我一切换你岁月长留

一生要强的爸爸我能为你做些什么微不足道的关心收下吧 谢谢你做的一切双手撑起我们的家总是竭尽所有把最好的给我 我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦 多想和从前一样牵你温暖手掌 可是你不在我身旁托清风捎去安康时光时光慢些吧不要再让你变老了我愿用我一切换你岁月长留 一生要强的爸爸我能为你做些什么微不足道的关心收下吧 谢谢你做的一切双手撑起我们的家总是竭尽所有把最好的给我 我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦 时光时光慢些吧不要再让你变老啦我愿用我一切换你岁月长留 我是你的骄傲吗还在为我而担心吗你牵挂的孩子啊长大啦 感谢一路上有你 歌曲鉴赏

这首歌用独特的风格和满含真实情感的歌词,真挚、深沉的情感和朗朗的旋律[3] ,《父亲》用最平民化的真情,感恩,讲述了具有中国特色老父亲的故事,让无数网友勾起回忆,再度唤起大众的集体回忆。表达了亿万儿女对父母给予的厚重而深沉的爱的回馈和感恩。 歌曲MV MV结合了微电影《父亲》部分情节,描述了一幅父亲陪伴女儿成长,最后亲手把女儿嫁出去的感恩画面,旨在深度发掘当代年轻人心中的父爱话题,结尾是祝愿全天下父亲幸福、安康。


父亲筷子兄弟串词 篇一:元旦晚会开场白台词_元旦主持词串词 元旦晚会开场词 A/B:尊敬的各位领导! C/D:亲爱的同学们,老师们! 合:大家晚上好! A:新的钟声,新的一年! B:新的祝福,新的期待! C:转瞬间2014年已迈着坚定的脚步离我们远去! D:2015年正带着笑脸,款款向我们走来! A:过去的一年是合肥大志高中发生翻天覆地变化一年,也是满怀豪情的一年!B:这一年,在大志高中新的领导班子运筹帷幄指导下,我们一步一个脚印,一 日一份耕耘! C:这一年,在置身于一线教师兢兢

业业的培养下,我们一笔一划积累,一点一滴成长! D:这一年是值得铭记的一年,我们欢欣鼓舞,挥别了过去毫无目标的忙忙碌碌。新的大志给了我们新的希望,新的大志给了我们新的力量。新的改革,新的动力。师生同舟,扬帆起航。这何尝不是一个新的鼓舞,新的传唱! A/B:回首过去,我们满怀激情! C/D:展望未来,我们任重道远! A:也许前进中的道路并不平坦,也许美丽的彩虹只有在狂风暴雨后才能看见B:但,大志任毫不畏惧,因为———— 合:我们要在拼搏中成长,在奋斗中前进,在创造中神采飞扬! A:今天,我们相聚在这里,欢聚一堂,载歌载舞 B:今天,我们相聚在这里,我们满怀激情,心潮澎拜。 C:今天,我们相聚在这里,敞开你的心扉,释放你的激情!

合:合肥新大志高级中学2015年春节元旦晚会正式开始! 下面请欣赏由我们学校高一年级学生带来的活力四射的舞蹈《小苹果》女:同学们,你们说刚才的舞蹈小苹果跳的好不好? 男:你是我的小丫小苹果,怎么爱你都不嫌多,红红的...... 女:得得得,你怎么还唱上了? 男:那不是因为高一年级的同学跳的太好了吗?热情如火,激情四射。我陶醉其中无法自拔呀。 女:嗯,话说的没错,那我们高一年级可不是只有舞跳的好哦,不信,请欣吴燕、陈欣带来的歌曲《超快感》(3)女:嗨~xx,看您仪表堂堂,风度翩翩,温文尔雅。您肯定是非常完美,没有缺点吧?男:不是不是啊,古人说金无足赤,人无完人。我也是有很多缺点的。比如说我每次出门,总是把发型梳了又梳,定了又定,但总还是会觉得有发丝跑出来,影响我整个人的形


浅谈JeanPiaget的学习理论 周平儒 (四川省平昌中学教科室四川平昌 636400) 论文发表及获奖情况简介: 【发表论文编号:122,国家级,国际范围发行,四川师范学院主办,《四川师范院学报》(哲学社会科学版)2001年3期上发表。2000年9月18日被巴中地区教委评为优秀电教成果一等奖。】 【摘要】瑞士心理学家皮亚杰是当今世界上最有影响的心理学家之一,他创立了儿童认知发展理论。本文从皮亚杰的认知理论、皮亚杰的建构理论和皮亚杰的学习原理三个方面阐述了皮亚杰提出的认知的主体是以一定的认知结构来认识适应周围环境的,以自己的经验去解释周围的事物,并将这些事物纳入自己的经验之中;学习不是消极被动的过程,而是一个主动的积极的建构过程;对学习的认识,即学习从属于发展,知觉受制于心理运算,学习是一种积极主动的建构过程,错误是有意义的学习所必要的学习理论。 【关键词】认知理论;建构理论;学习原理 1994年美国教育传播与技术协会(AECT)为教育技术下的定义是:教育技术是对学习过程和学习资源进行设计、开发、运用、管理和评价的理论与实践,这个定义说明,教育技术的研究对象是学习过程和学习资源,所以教育技术必须以学习理论为基础。在教育技术的发展史上,学习理论也总是发挥着重要的影响。20世纪60年代到70年代,在教育技术领域内,行为主义的学习理论占主导,而从70年代以后,这种地位逐渐被认知主义理论所取代,而当前则以认知建构主义学习理论为主导的趋势。瑞士心理学家皮亚杰(JeanPiaget)是当今世界上最有影响的心理学家之一,提出的发生认识论60年代传入美国,受到了广泛的重视。他所创立的关于儿童认知发展的学派,人们称为日内瓦学派。他对学习的阐述主要来源于对儿童认知发展的研究。 一、皮亚杰的认知理论 皮亚杰提出的认知模式在认知理论中占有重要地位。他认为人们作为认知的主体是以一定的认知结构来认识适应周围环境的,以自己的经验去解释周围的事物,并将这些事物纳入自己的经验之中(同化作用)。外部环境作为客体,并不总是被动的,它对人们的认知结构也产生一定的反作用,能导致人们认知结构的变化(调节作用)。人们与环境相互作用过程中,同化与调节在不断地、反复地进行,当这种作用超于某种平衡时,人们的认知结构则达到一种新的水平和状态。对于调节功能使人们认知结构产生的各种变化,可称那些短期的、较小的变化为学习;称那些长期的、较大的变化为发达。发达是学习的积累,经过一些事实累积,才可达到一种新的认知水平和阶段。认知理论认为,学习是人们与周围环境相互作用时,通过同化——调节——平衡过程的多次反复,自身认知结构产生的某种变化。因此,设计学习过程和学习系统时,不仅要注意同化过程的引导,更要注重如何增强刺激,有效地调节学习者的认知结构,使学习者对给


中外哲学家,萨特,Jean-Paul,Sartre 1905-1980〖法国〗 让·保罗·萨特(JeanPaulSartre,1905一1980),法国20世纪最重要的哲学家之一,法国无神论存在主义的主要代表人物。他也是优秀的文学家。戏剧家、评论家和社会活动家。 萨特出生于巴黎一个海军军官家庭,幼年丧父,从小寄居外祖父家。他很小就开始读大量的文学作品。中学时代接触柏格森、叔本华、尼采等人的著作。1924年考人巴黎高等师范学校攻读哲学。1929年,获大中学校哲学教师资格,随后在中学任教。1933年,赴德国柏林法兰西学院进修哲学,接受胡塞尔现象学和海德格尔存在主义。回国后继续在中学任教,陆续发表他的第一批哲学著作:《论想像》、《自我的超越性》、《情绪理论初探》、《胡塞尔现象学的一个基本概念:意向性》等。1943年秋,其哲学巨著《存在与虚无》出版,奠定了萨特无神论存在主义哲学体系。

萨特虽然曾经是一个早熟的才华横溢的学生,然而直到33岁时,他才发表第一部文学作品。在勒哈弗尔小城做中学教员期间,随着岁月的流逝,萨特产生了失意感,于是开始撰写对孤独的思考,连续写成了以下几篇文章:《对偶发性的论述》、《论心灵的孤独》、《忧郁症》以及《安东纳·洛根丁的奇特冒险》,最后一篇后来改编为小说《恶心》(1938)。 萨特是法国战后存在主义哲学思想的代表人物。主要哲学著作有《想象》、《存在与虚无》、《存在主义是一种人道主义》、《辩证理性批判》和《方法论若干问题》。这些著作已成为二十世纪资产阶级哲学思想发展变化的重要思想资料。 萨特把深刻的哲理带进小说和戏剧创作,他的中篇《恶心》、短篇集《墙》、长篇《自由之路》,早已被承认为法国当代文学名著。他的戏剧创作成就高于小说,一生创作9个剧本,其中《苍蝇》、《间隔》等,在法国当代戏剧中占有重要地位。《恭顺的妓女》是一部政治剧,揭露美国种族主义者对黑人的迫害,并对反种族歧视的普通人民的觉醒寄予深切的期待。此剧体现了他主张的存在主义是一种人道主义的思想。 1955年,萨特和其妻女作家西蒙娜-德-波伏瓦访问中国。1964年,瑞典文


Classic Poetry Series Jean Toomer - poems - Publication Date: 2004 Publisher: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/514417390.html, - The World's Poetry Archive

A Certain Man A certain man wishes to be a prince Of this earth; he also wants to be A saint and master of the being-world. Conscience cannot exist in the first: The second cannot exist without conscience. Therefore he, who has enough conscience To be disturbed but not enough to be Compelled, can neither reject the one Nor follow the other... Jean Toomer

A Portrait in Georgia Hair-braided chestnut, coiled like a lyncher's rope, Eyes-fagots, Lips-old scars, or the first red blisters, Breath-the last sweet scent of cane, And her slim body, white as the ash of black flesh after flame. Jean Toomer


JEAN-CHRISTOPHE(约翰·克里斯多夫) When I was a senior middle school student,some of my classmates were extremely like to read all kinds of books, except the textbook. I still remmbered that the most popular books are those fictions written by Mr.Jin Yong.Maybe everyone would know several marvelous Kongfus: The classics of tendon changing(易筋经)、Sunflower Bible(葵花宝典)、Lonely with nine swords(独孤九剑)、Deep blue press (黯然销魂掌). By accident, I came across a book called “Fu Lei's Home Letters”,and then I have the chance to know a world famous novelist,music critic---- Romain Rolland(罗曼·罗兰), and also his beautiful works----“ JEAN-CHRISTOPHE ”. Before we talk about this wonderful novel--- JEAN-CHRISTOPHE ,I would like to say something about this novel’s author---- Romain Rolland. He was a French writer and dramatist, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915. He died in 1944 at France. He was born at a middle class family in France in 1866. Then the whole family moved to Paris in 1880 in order to obtain a better schooling for Rolland. In 1886 Rolland entered the école Normale Supérieure and then he received his doctor degree in art at Rome in 1895. His first book was published in 1902, when he was 36 years old.Rolland became professor of art history at the école Normale in Paris. In 1904 he continued his academic career as a professor of the history of music. While still a teacher, Rolland's first literary vocation was the theatre. In his mid-30s he wrote successful dramas about the French Revolution. After his best-known work, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE, was finished in 1912, Rolland devoted himself entirely to writing.Three years later, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature “as a tribute to the lofty idealism of his literary production and to the sympathy and love of truth with which he has described different types of human beings.”(文学作品中的高尚理想和他在描绘各种不同类型人物时所具有的同情和对真理的热爱) . Jean-Christophe is a two-thousand-page novel originally published in ten volumes.Some of your may be have already read it,what’s your feeling about this nov el? I was deeply absorbed by it’s character-Christophe,absorbed by it’s sprit towards truth,love and art,absorbed by translator’s powderful language. the painstaking record of the artistic development of a musical genius. Romain Rolland set out to portray the adventures of the soul of his hero and succeeded magnificently; in addition he broke down the artistic barrier between France and Germany. The experiences of Jean-Christophe are those of every genius who turns from the past to serve the future. Although some literay critic at present think this novel is too much idealism,but I think just this kind of spirit,this kind of heroism and so on are the most valuable points,especially for our young people. Rolland also said like this: The heart of soul is like the great mountains, I am not talking about ordinary human beings can survive in the peak. Where they may come and go in the pulmonary respiration, and blood flow in the vessel. There, they will feel more imminent eternal. Later, they would return to the wilderness of life, hearts full of day-to-day fighting courage. As the translator Mr Fu Lei said in the preface: “The true brightness is not without any darkness, but it will never be covered by it. The true hero is not without any humble feelings, but he will never be subdued by them.”Once you read Jean-Christophe,your mind will be shocked,your soul will be purified,your future life will be affected by an unconscious but magical way.

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