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美国文学 霍桑《红字》赏析

美国文学 霍桑《红字》赏析
美国文学 霍桑《红字》赏析

The Scarlet Letter

Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne


The Scarlet Letter, A symbol of shame, but instead it becomes a powerful symbol of identity to Hester. The letter’s meaning shifts as time passes. Originally intended to mark Hester as an adulteress, the “A” eventually comes to stand for “Able.”

The Meteor , to Dimmesdale, the meteor implies that he should wear a mark of shame just as Hester does. The meteor is interpreted differently by the rest of the community, which thinks that it stands for “Angel” and marks Governor Winthrop’s entry into heaven

The Rosebush,Next to the Prison Door .The narrator chooses to begin his story with the image of the rosebush beside the prison door. The rosebush symbolizes the ability of nature to endure and outlast man’s activities.

Pearl is a sort of living version of her m other’s scarlet letter. She is the physical consequence of sexual sin and the indicator of a transgression (evildoing). Upward American spirit

Character analysis:

Hester: disloyalty, betrayal, deception, sexual desire, adultery. Face, correct, redeem, purify. Praise, content, conformability.

Dimmesdale: adultery, cowardice, hypocrisy, dishonesty, selfishness, too coward to confess, tortured by his conscience. Sympathetic, disfavor his hesitation, indecisiveness and cowardice. Chillingworth: revenge. Tortured by the desire of revenge, twisted and reduced to nothing. disgusted, think he committed greater crime.

Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter

Puritan background: setting, events, characters, thoughts, behaviors.

Puritan doctrines: original sin, total depravity, predestination, limited atonement.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


The declaration of Transcendentalism

Analysis of “Nature”

A long essay which has eight parts: the opening, commodity, beauty, language, discipline, Idealism, spirit and prospects. Our selectio n is taken from the opening. Taken as a whole, “Nature” expresses Emerson’s philosophy in a more systematic fashion than any other work of his.

Meanings of nature

I Beauty

Nature is beautiful. : the complete, mysterious, useful and moral beauty of nature. First, nature’s beauty lies in its completeness. Second, nature’s beauty lies in its mystery. cannot be manipulated. Only when he holds a sincere respect for nature, can man feel the mysterious beauty of nature. Third, nature’s beauty lies in its usefulnes s. Nature provides man without any benefit

II Nature Is Divine

●Nature is divine and has the eternal order which should not be violated. Influenced in a way by

Chinese ancient philosophy, Emerson believes that all the things in the world come from the same root---the Oversoul.

●Emerson believes that man can find God in his own heart by direct contact with nature

●Nature has permeated (penetrate) all aspects of human life. Spirit embodied in nature has

influence upon us. Nature inspires man and gives him\her power. Man should find the truth,

goodness and beauty in his own soul and bring into play his potentiality as human being. Then, he will become himself “All that Adam had, all that Caesar could, you have and can do".

For Emerson, the individual is potentially the most divine and any organization or existing idea can not limit the development of individual.

III Nature Is Changing

Everything in nature is in a process---growing, withdrawing and falling into the ground. The flowing of nature comes from a force which impels it to develop. For instance, a river is always in constantly flowing. It originates from mountains, flows along great plains and ultimately converges into the sea. Transcendental philosophy

Nature symbolizes freedom, independence and change. These are Individualism elements which attend to significance of common life. Therefore Emerson's nature is the theoretical base of American Individualism---one of the characteristics of American culture. As the symbol of Spirit, nature helps to prove that man's soul is beautiful, divine and fluid. Man should pursue spiritual fulfillment

Excerpt from Nature: in Nature Emerson puts forward every phenomenon of the nature there was the spirit of the spirit of the nature.

Here from this paragraph we could see that emerson found the beauty in the wildness nature rather than the village or something. “in the wildness, I find something more dear and connate than in streets or villages.” In the wildness of the nature, emerson can transcend physical body to the spirit of the God and he can become one part of the spirit.

He emerges into the nature, and then he goes into the Oversoul. “I am part or particle of God.” “I am nothing; I see all”. This sentence clearly shows that emerson merges into the sporit. And in the nature we could get the eternal beauty.


①“The Confidence”. a man must show his opinion confidently and bravely in spite of different ideas.

②“The Independence”. A man should keep himself firmly ; not be easily influenced by environment.

③Keep personality, which is closely related to the confidence and the independence. a man must keep his personality and conform to his own principles.

④“Showing no Sympathy to the Poor” shows that why the poor are poor is mainly due to their backward thinking. Showing help to this kind of people means doing harm to them.

Comment: In Self-reliance, Emerson expressed the romantic idea of individualism, with an emphasis on being self-sufficient. He promoted relying on oneself rather than on established society. Emerson was known for his repeated use of phrase “trust thyself”. “Self-reliance” is his explanation---both systematic and passionate of what he meant by this, and why he was moved to make it his catchphrase. Every individual possesses a unique genius, Emerson argues, that can only be revealed when that individual has the courage to trust his or her own thoughts, attitudes, and inclinations against all public disapproval.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

1. A Psalm of Life

①Love of nature, love for the past ②Trochaic tetrameter

③constant theme for poets: The relationship of life and death.④He expresses his pertinent interpretation to that by warning us that though life is hard and everybody must die, time flies and life is short, yet, human beings ought to be hold “to act,” to face the reality straightly so as to make otherwise meaningless life significant.

2. My Lost Youth

Ⅴ. Terms 10’

New England Poets

The new England poets were the representatives of imitation, authors like Irving, William Cullen Bryant, Henry wadsworth Longfellow etc. tried to imitate the forms and themes of their English brothers, such as Alexander Pope, Robert Burns, Thomas Gray, wordsworth and so on.

Rip van winkle

This is one story in Washington Irving’s Sketch Book. It tells a story of a kind but hen-pecked man rip van winkle. The protagonist does not take care of his own family very well and just wants to live idly. But his wife does not want him to live the life like that and keeps talking to him. Unhappy at home, he enters in the mountain with his gun and dog. One afternoon, he meets some strangers looking people playing at nine pins. Out of curiosity, he drinks the wine and falls into sleep. When he wakes up, he finds his dog missing and his gun rusted. He has to go back to the village again. But can not recognize the village and the folks. Later his surprise, he has been slept for 20 years. And his wife has been dead and his children grow up. At the end of story, his daughter takes him home and he still lives the life as he was used to.

Ⅵ.Comment 20’

1. Comment on Moby Dick:

a. Although the narrator sees insanity in Ahab, Melville’s emotional sympathy is with the deficient Aha

b. He begins with a noble intention to crush evil, but in taking this to the extreme, he becomes evil himself. He is destroyed by his consuming desire to root out evil.

b. Moby Dick is a symbol to represent cruel, brutal, malicious powers of nature. Nature is capable of destroying the human world. Nature threatens humanity & thus calls out the heroic powers of the human beings. So the power of the universe is both of blessing and curse. In this way, the author constructs a complicated statement about American view of nature.

2. Compare: Emily Dickinson with Walt Whitman in their writing style.


①Along with Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman stands as one of the two giants of American poetry in the nineteenth century.

②Pioneers of imagism

③Part of American Renaissance

④Influenced by transcendentalism

⑤Thematically, they both extolled in their different ways and emergent America, its expansion, its individualism and its Americanness, their poetry being part of “American Renaissance”

⑥Technically, they both added to the literary independence of the new nation by breaking free of the convention of the iambic pentameter and exhibiting a freedom in form unknown before: they are pioneers in American poetry.


①Whitman seems to keep his eyes on society at large; Dickinson explores the inner life of the individual.

②Whereas Whitman is “national” in his outlook. Dickinson is “regional”

③Whitman has the “catalogue techniques”, all-inclusive catalogue. Whereas Dickinson’s concise, direct, simple diction and syntax


Ezra Pound (埃兹拉?庞德) In a Station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd;人群中这些面孔幽灵般闪现Petals on a wet,black bough.湿漉漉的黑色枝条上的众多花瓣 1. Why does the poet call the faces of pedestrians "apparition"? These pedestrians are all walking in a hurry amidst the drizzling rain. 2.What do "petals" and "bough" stand for? Petals refer to the faces while the bough stands for the floating crowd. Robert Frost (1)Fire and Ice Some say the world will end in fire,有人说世界将终结于火, Some say in ice.有人说是冰。 From what I’ve tasted of desire,从我尝过的欲望之果 I hold with those who favor fire.我赞同倾向于火之说。 But if it had to perish twice,但若它非得两度沉沦 I think I know enough of hate.我想我对仇恨了解也够多 To know that for destruction ice可以说要是去毁灭,


一.The Literature of Colonial America(Puritanism) 1.The first English colony: Jamestown in Virginia in 1607 2.The first American writer: John Smith 3.Anne Bradstreet: first American woman poet; a Puritan poet; once called “Tenth Muse”; 二.Literature of Reason and Revolution War of Independence (1775-1783);The French and Indian War / the Seven Y ears’War(1756-1763) 1..Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography; Richard’s Almanac Maxims from Poor Richard’s Almanac (proverbs that give practical wisdom) 2..Thomas Paine (1737-1809): Common Sense: a strong push for the Revolution W ar; four parts (British enslavement of the colonies; praising democratic election; America’s economic and military potential to protect the rights of people) 3..Philip Freneau (1752-1832) The first American-born poet;“Poet of the American Revolution”, “Father of American Poetry”, the most significant poet of 18th century America W orks:The Wild Honey Suckle《野忍冬花》on mortality, The Indian Burying Ground 《印第安人殡葬地》on the imagined afterlife, The British Prison Ship《英国囚船》about his imprisoned experience. 三.Romanticism The American Romantic period is considered one of the most important periods, the first literary Renaissance, in the history of American literature. It stretches from the end of the 18th century through the outbreak of the Civil W ar. It started with the publication of W ashington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. 1.Washington Irving (1783-1859) Literary status: the first American to earn an international reputation; Father of the American short stories The Sketch Book: winning him international popularity,the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature. Major works: A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty under the name of “Diedrich Knickerbocker


Analysis on the heroine Hester’s character in"The scarlet letter" Abstract:The scarlet letter is one of the masterpieces of American romantic novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne,which exposes and interprets spiritual oppression and Imprisonment of Puritanism via shaping the character of Hester successfully. The author highlights the brave pursuit for true love and freedom of the heroine. Key words: character , rebellion , contradiction , redemption Body: The heroine Hester lived in such a religious background where pilgrims emphasized ration and rejected emotion.It was in this particular situation that Hester dared to break the marriage tie which was abnormal and unhappy.Therefore,it doomed a tragic ending.As a victim of Puritanism,Hester was still determined to pursue true love and freedom.However,she chose to give in to reality for the benefit of her daughter.Although she tried her best to bear the punishment and misfortune on her own, Hester worried that her daughter might repeat her mistake and suffering.Hester decided to endure silently , and meanwhile hoped to get psychological comfort and public recognition by doing good things.By this means she expected to attain redemption.Fundamentally, Hester still couldn’t get rid of the religious imprisonment. Bravery and rebellion are the main characters of Hester Prynne,which embodies the author’s main idea.But it is not the ultimate goal the author tries to portray by shaping Hester Prynne's image.The compromise in Hester Prynne's character is another aspect the author tries to deliver.After leaving the colony for many years,Hester Prynne returned,burdening her shame again which had been abandoned a long time ago! Because"there has been her sins, her grief, and her confession here". Anyway,Hester Prynne’s image is vividly shaped in the author’s writing.Through her complicated characters we can have a good knowledge of the folk’s life and Puritanism belonging to that particular time.


红字背后成长的野玫瑰 ————论海斯特的孤独、痛苦、罪《红字》是美国十九世纪最有影响力的浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔??霍桑第一部长篇小说,该小说情节简明,内容深刻,矛盾突出,构思新颖,手法独到,语言生动,心理描写细致入微,使它成为“心理罗曼史”,美国浪漫主义小说和心理分析小说及象征主义小说的开山之作。该小说讲述了17世纪的波士顿,一个犯了通奸罪的女人(海斯特?普林)和女儿(珍珠)与海斯特情夫(亚瑟?迪梅斯戴尔)、前夫(罗杰?奇林沃思)的爱恨情仇故事。深受清教思想影响的霍桑在《红字》中反复强调生活中悲观的一面,使读者在读完作品后心中留下三个关键词“孤独”、“痛苦”、“罪”。 女主人公海斯特?普林是一个善良、聪明,美丽的姑娘,因与年轻牧师亚瑟?迪梅斯戴尔先生相爱并产下一女而受到政教合一的当局的责罚,罚她胸前永远带着红A字(英文通奸Adultery的缩写)。第二章中,海斯特首次亮相便以其庄重的气质和亮丽的外表使众人无不感到惊讶和震撼,仿佛从牢中走出的海斯特是一位高贵淑女,而非一个罪妇。然而当人们的视线下移,看到她胸前佩戴的闪闪发光的红字时,这红字便即刻产生了一种魔力,使她脱离了一般的人际关系,并自我封闭起来。自此,孤独,痛苦,罪,便陪伴着海斯特走过了余下的生活。 海斯特是如此孤独,为了不使心爱之人遭受连累,她毅然独自担起了所有罪行的惩罚。受到众人的唾弃,海斯特便带着孩子住在远离其他居民区的一间小茅屋里,孤立无援,世上没有一个朋友敢亲近她。由于无法从外界得到解脱,海斯特不得不从内心世界寻求帮助-----她的记忆和想象中的世界。依靠着坚强,她忍受着众人对于她通奸罪的愤慨。整个故事中,海斯特一直都保持缄默,接受着清教徒上至大人下到孩子对她的欺凌,这种态度使海斯特散发出一股孤傲的气质,但显然,孤傲是无奈之举,如不孤傲,海斯特早就会被这种奇特而孤独的痛苦生活摧毁。海斯特是如此孤单,孤单到小珍珠就是她的全世界。当得知某些头面人物想剥夺她的孩子时,她失去了平日的缄默,失声尖叫,显出一副不怕一切的样子,甚至几近疯狂。她被弃于世,所以才会如此激动得决心不惜牺牲一切来保护她的“世界”。 伴随着孤独的是海斯特随处可见的痛苦。从少女时,与罗杰的婚姻就埋葬了海斯特的青春和欢笑。随后与亚瑟的爱情本该是一段才子佳人的美好爱情,但无奈清教教规森严,上帝给了海斯特短暂的快乐后就给了她更为致命的打击。在绞刑架上,她本可以说出亚瑟的名字,得到更大的宽恕,可是她没有这么做,她相信爱情,追求爱情,也勇敢得保护了自己的爱人,情愿用自己单薄的身体去承担双人份的痛苦,独自面对世人对她的咒骂,鄙夷和践踏。A字将海斯特打入了地狱,甚至阳光一旦遇到她和她的红字,就会消失得无影无踪。 罪是书中另一个关键词。是以海斯特的通奸罪为本质,以A字为表现形式,以小珍珠为载体,贯穿了整个小说。前两者较容易理解,小珍珠对于海斯特的意义却并非只有女儿那么简单,她是海斯特的罪恶之花。在第八章中,海斯特向总督陈情时说道,珍珠是她的幸福和希望,也是她的磨难,珍珠就是红字。可见,珍珠一面带给海斯特生的希望,一面又时时刻刻提醒着海斯特自己的罪过。她就像A字,无论海斯特出现在哪,她总在身旁。在第十九章中,当海斯特取下A字时,珍珠拒绝来到海斯特的身边,而当海斯特重新戴上A字时,珍珠才又回来,这是多么有意思的一幕,明显得暗示了珍珠与A字有着很大的共


一 I heard the merry grasshopper then sing, The black-clad cricket bear a second part, They kept one tune, and played on the same string, Seeming to glory in their little art. Shall creatures abject thus their voices raise? And in their kind resound their maker’s praise, Whilst I, as mute, can warble forth no higher lays? “Under the cooling shadow of a stately Elm, Close state I by a goodly River’s side, Where gliding streams the Rocks did overwhelm; A lonely place with pleasures dignifi’d. I once that lov’d the shady woods so well, Now thought the rivers did the trees excel, And if the sun would ever shine there would I dwell. “While musing thus with contemplation fed, And thousand fancies buzzing in my brain, The sweet tongu’d Philomel percht o’er my head, And chanted forth a most melodious strain, Which rapt me so with wonder and delight, I judg’d my hearing better than my sight. 题目:the 9th of Contemplations 作者:Anne Bradstreet 赏析: 1. Rhyme royal: sevenline iambic petametre 七行五步抑扬格 2. Rhyme: ababccc 3. Theme: religion 4. 象征:black-clad=death; abject=admitting defeat; maker= god 5. A genuine expression of poetic feeling in the presence of nature. The poem offers the reader an insight into the mentality of the early Puritan pioneering in a new world. The poet heard the grasshopper and the cricket sing, and she searched for her own soul accordingly. 6. She saw sth metaphysical inhering in the physical, a mode of perception which was singularly Puritan 二 It was about this time I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. I wished to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into. As I knew, or thought I knew, what was right and wrong, I did not see why I might not always do the one and avoid the other. But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined. While my care was employed in guarding against one fault, I was often surprised by another; habit took the advantage of inattention; inclination was sometimes too strong for reason. I concluded, at length, that the mere speculative conviction that it was our interest to be completely virtuous was not sufficient to prevent our slipping and that the contrary habits must be broken, and good ones acquired and established, before we can have any dependence on a steady, uniform rectitude of conduct. For this purpose I therefore contrived the following method. In the various enumerations of the moral virtues I had met with in my reading, I found the catalog more or less numerous, as different writers included more or fewer ideas under the same name. Temperance, for example, was by some confined to eating and drinking, while by others it was extended to mean the moderating every other pleasure, appetite, inclination, or


目录 摘要-----------------------------------------------------------4 Abstract-------------------------------------------------------5 引文-----------------------------------------------------------6 一、红字的象征意义----------------------------------------------8 (一)通奸(Adultery)---------------------------------------8 (二)孤独(Alone)------------------------------------------9 (三)女斗士(Amazon)---------------------------------------9 (四)艺术(Art)、能干(Able)、天使(Angle)-----------------9 二、人物的象征意义----------------------------------------------11 (一)海斯特的象征意义---------------------------------------11 (二)丁梅斯代尔的象征意义-----------------------------------11 (三)齐灵沃斯的象征意义-------------------------------------11 (四)小珠儿的象征意义---------------------------------------12 (五)贝灵汉总督的象征意义-----------------------------------13 三、场景的象征意义----------------------------------------------14 (一)刑台---------------------------------------------------14 (二)监狱、墓地---------------------------------------------14 (三)小溪---------------------------------------------------14 四、总结--------------------------------------------------------16


美国电影60-70 年代赏析 一·前言:电影,既是一种艺术,又是一种特殊形态的商品。首先必须认识到这样十年的区分也不是说一定在十年内,关键是关联的东西。文化的东西是很难界定清楚的,只是大概。美国六十年代至七十年代的电影史离现在不太近又不遥远,,所以对其作用与意义的认识还未形成统一的观点。然而也因为这个原因讨论它又显得极为重要。同时了解这一段历史,对于中国电影的崛起也许能指出一条出路。个人认为,任何事物是有联系的。任何艺术的发展必须是与时代紧紧相连的。在本篇论文中,笔者将以文艺复兴为参考,并从历史文化,社会现状等角度试图了解这一时期的电影特色。之后笔者同时也认为,这一时期的电影是处于一种承上启下或者说是一种近似于文艺复兴的前期的状态。很多电影人开始探索好莱坞辉煌以后的出路,涌现出一大批优秀的作品。二·背景: 表现:笔者认为三十到四十年代,美国电影始终处于黄金时代,“美国电影中类型影片,在30 年代获得了充分的发展。最初的类型片是无声电影时代的喜剧片、闹剧片和西部片,到30 年代初期有声电影的出现,对白、歌曲和音乐的使用,歌舞片、盗匪片、侦探片、恐怖片等类型相继出现并得到繁荣发展; 而四十到五十年代,美国电影开始下滑呈现颓势。“美国电影自40 年代末至50 年代中,也经历了一系列的打击和挑战。首先,1948 年5 月美国最高法院根据反托拉斯法对拖延多年的“派拉蒙案”作出裁决,判定大公司垄断为非法,要求制片公司放弃发行和经营电影院的业务。这就切断了大公司的主要财源,迫使公司大幅度减少影片生产。其次,美国电视发展迅速,到1953 年,电影观众人数与1946 年相比减少了一半。为争夺观众,早在20 年前发明出来的宽银幕电影此时开始成为与电视竞争的手段。最甚者是自1947 年起,“非美活动调查委员会”开始针对好莱坞进步人士进行政治迫害。1948 年,华盛顿特区联邦法院判处好莱坞十人案,1951 年又继续加深和扩大对电影界人士的迫害。许多人被指控为共产党,800 余人被列入黑名单。这场迫害极大地损伤了美国电影的创作元气。但受迫害的电影界人士克服重重困难,摄制出描写锌矿工人罢工的影片《社会中坚》(1954,H.比伯曼导演),至今仍受到电影研究人员的重视。主要发生在40 年代中期至50 年代初期的美国“黑色电影”,如B.怀尔德的《加倍赔款》(1944)和《日落大道》(1950),T.加奈特的《邮差总是按两次铃》(1946)和N.雷伊的《以夜维生》(1949),亦是在这种政治气候的特殊条件下产生的,并随着50 年代末政治迫害的消退而逐渐消逝。”而七十年代后的美国电影又开始多元化的发展,各种流派,包括表现主义Expressionism,形式主义Formalism,超现实主义Surrealistfilm,新写实主义Neorealism,真实电影与后现代电影相继完善并日渐成熟。可见,六十年代至七十年代的美国电影其重要意义。原因:历史方面:美国历史自1960 以后,许多方面仍是战后发展的延续. 经济方面, 除了周期性的不景气, 则仍不断膨胀;从城市移居到郊区的人口, 继续增加, 1970 年, 居郊人口超过了居城人口. 社会方面:1960 年初期, 黑人问题成为美国内部最主要的问题.。1960 年代中期, 许多美国人开始不满政府的对外政策。由于工业的发展, 人口的集中, 60 年代后期, 生态环境的污染广受注意. 70 年代初期, 由于能源危机而导致的经济萧条, 是大恐慌以来, 最严重的一次. 文化方面:社会摇滚的盛行,嬉皮士的出现,美国出现了被称为垮掉的一代。他们有更强的危机意识,有更强烈的怀疑精神。所以那一时期的电影也深深打上了时代的烙印。三·六十年代电影概况美国电影的黄金时代结束之后,各大公司从印年代中期开始解体或转产,海斯法典也被正式废除。随之出现了微型影院、艺术影院、汽车影院。独立制片及实验电影有了发展。在“好莱坞之后”的年代里,一些经典题材和类型电影发生了变化。N,雷伊、V,米纳里和D,西尔克使美国情节电影前进了一步,出现了西尔克的《写在风中》(G.R. 希尔的《虎豹小霸王》(1969)和S.佩金珀的《野性的一群》(1969)等与过去不同的西部片。歌舞片中的佳作当推顾柯的《窈窕淑女》(1964)、R.怀斯的《西区故事》(1961)和《音乐之声》(1965)以及惠勒的《滑稽女郎》(1968)。这一时期是美国青年思想最动荡的年代,相应出现的表现青年疑虑、反抗的所谓“反英雄”影片有:雷伊的



1.Matches 作家作品:(或参考课本目录,黑色斜体为课本目录) The literature of Realism: Walt Whitman 沃尔特.惠特曼 Drum Taps (《桴鼓集》) Good-Bye, My Fancy ( 《再见,我的幻想》,) Leaves of Grass (《草叶集》) Passage to India ( 《通向印度之路》) Sequel to Drum Taps (《桴鼓集续集》) Song of Myself 《自己之歌》 I Sit and Look Out 《我坐在这儿眺望着》 Beat! Beat! Drum! 《敲呀!敲呀!鼓啊!》 Emily Dickinson 艾米莉.狄金森 I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed 《我品味未经酿造的饮料》 I felt a Funeral, in my Brain 《我感受了一场葬礼,在脑中》 A Bird came down the Walk 《鸟儿沿着小径过来》 I died for Beauty--- but was scarce《我为美而死》 I heard a Fly buzz- when I died 《我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声---在临死之前》Because I could not stop for Death 《因为我不能停下来等候死神》 I’m Nobody! Who are You? Success is Counted Sweetest Harriet Beecher Stowe 哈丽雅特.比彻.斯托 Uncle Tom's Cabin 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 Mark Twain 马克. 吐温 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆.索亚历险记》 .The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County ([k?l?‘ver?s] 《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》 2.Innocents Abroad (《傻子国外旅行记》) 3.Roughing It (《艰苦岁月》) 4.The Gilded Age (with Charles Dudley Waenner, 《镀金时代》与查尔斯·达德利·沃纳合写) 5.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (《汤姆·索耶历险记》) A Tramp Abroad (《国外流浪汉》) 7. The Prince and the Pauper (《王子与贫儿》) 8. Life on the Mississippi (《密西西比河上》) 9.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》) 10.The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson ( 《傻瓜威尔逊》) 11. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court ( 《亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人》) 12. The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg (《败坏赫德莱堡的人》) 13. What Is Man? (《人是什么》)


《红字》的深层解读 摘要:《红字》是美国著名作家霍桑于1850年发表的长篇小说。这篇小说将19世纪美国复杂的社会问题揭露出来。在这部作品中,霍桑把自己对于爱情、宗教信仰、女性意识等问题的观点都蕴含在小说之中。《红字》成功塑造了海丝特这一女性形象。她以自己的方式捍卫自己作为女人应得的权利,她从一个被侮辱被损害的女性,逐渐发展成为一个永不放弃追求幸福的自由思想者,甚至妇女活动家。通过对海丝特这一女性人物的塑造,体现了霍桑的女性主义意识,本文从几下几个方面对《红字》进行解读。 关键词: 一、海丝特形象塑造方面《红字》这部作品共24章,其中有18章是用来描写海丝特这一女性形象的。这种布局安排无疑将海丝特置于文中的主体地位。而小说中的主要男性人物——齐灵渥斯和丁梅斯代尔则处于相对次要的地位。霍桑一改男权社会中应当把男性作为主要人物的传统观念,在作品里为海丝特赢得了一个前所未有的“主体”的位置,这一做法将作者潜在的女性主义意识表露出来。海丝特一出场,霍桑就对海丝特的形象作了正面、积极的刻画:“要是有一个罗马天主教徒,他准会从这美丽的妇人,从她那绚烂如画的服饰和仪态,从她怀中的婴儿,联想到被无数著名的画家竞相表现的圣母形象。”通过作者的描写,海丝特追求美的天性、自由奔放的气质,对清教教规的反抗,对社会习俗的轻视以及追求爱情的精神都得到了最好的阐释与肯定。二、海丝特对话语权的争取《红字》以十

七世纪的波士顿作为大背景,在当时,清教统治者为了统治、囚禁妇女设立了一系列严厉的法案法规。在当时的社会里男人是主导,是中心,而女性只能处于从属地位,受到压迫和排挤。在这样一个环境里,海丝特不仅不臣服于传统的男尊女卑观念,还通过对社会的拒绝表达了她与清教社会的针锋相对。海丝特由于犯了所谓的通奸罪,受到当权者逼迫,必须在胸前带有象征着耻辱的标记“A”。当她怀抱婴孩,站在邢台上接受权利机构对她的审判时;当他们以拯救海丝特灵魂为借口,想要用神圣、感化的语言诱导她说出同伙的名字时,海丝特坚决并大声地回答说“我不说!……这红字烙得太深了,你无法把它取下来。”在男权社会里,语言是男性的专利,在这样一种情况下,海丝特竟敢用语言驳回了权力机构对她的审问,表达出自己的思想,这一切都将她追求自由爱情的精神和勇于承担后果的勇气表露出来。 三、经济方面要求独立女人要想追求自由和解放,这主要根源于经济上的独立和人格上平等。独立的自我以及对生活炽烈的追求一直都是支撑海丝特走下去的力量所在。由于这种力量,“在过去的这些年里,她用这种疏远的目光来看人类社会的各种制度,以及牧师们和立法者们所建立起来的一切。她以印第安人看待牧师的宽领带,法官的长袍,颈手枷,家庭或宗教的那种老大不敬的态度批判一切。”在这种极为痛苦的生活中,海丝特勇敢地承受着人们的蔑视与冷淡。她以自己微薄的收入维持着母女俩简单的生活,并且以顽强的生活意志和善良的本性感动了周围人们,通过海斯特的坚持和努力许多人都不再以原有的意义去理解那刻在衣服上鲜红的 A 字了,在他们的眼


美国电影《珍珠港》观后感400字左右范文赏析 珍珠港是一部战争电影,下面是橙子为大家整理的《珍珠港》观后感400字,希望你会喜欢! 《珍珠港》观后感400字:伟大的开始 这部影片不仅仅体现了爱情的伟大,还体现了友谊的伟大。丹尼得知雷夫坠机消息时意志低沉,他回味与雷夫之间的感情时,字字句句都饱含深情,包含伤感,包含对雷夫无尽的思念;当他得知雷夫活着回来时,他又兴奋又不知所措的感情流露,体现了他一面是爱情一面是友谊的左右为难。而另一方面当雷夫知道丹尼抢走了自己最爱的人伊夫琳时他非常生气,然而当战争开始后他一如既往的鼓励他,支持他,指点他逃过敌机的围追;当油耗尽被迫降落,发现有日本军队,他大声的通知“丹尼不要降落有日本军队”他跟本没有想到自己的生死却希望好友能够安全;甚至在丹尼的飞机坠落时,他不顾枪林弹雨,冲过去救他,却忘了周围的日本人,最终被包围,而精彩的还有后面,当他看见丹尼被捆,一心想着救他,用枪射死正在捆丹尼的人却忘了自己在敌人的枪口下,另一方面,丹尼看见雷夫即将被射死挺身挡了雷夫的身体而牺牲……如果这些都不能说明友谊的话,那我不知道什么样的感情才算真正的友谊了。 《珍珠港》观后感400字:延续 故事中的男主人公和他的弟弟之间的兄弟之情令我们十分感动,从小到大,哥哥都在保护着弟弟,什么东西都让着弟弟,他们一起长大,又一起参军,一起上战场,为了世界的和平努力着。在弟弟的心

目中,哥哥永远都是自己的榜样,是自己的至亲,也是自己的依靠。我们深深体会到这种珍贵的情感。 影片中的爱情凄美感人,因为战争,相爱的人必须分开,男主人公和弟弟去了遥远的英国,女主人公独自留在了美国。然而最后回来的只有弟弟一个人,在悲痛欲绝中,弟弟的关怀感动了女主角,他们走在了一起。然而数月之后,大难不死的男主角又回来了,看到这种场面他无法接受,只好选择离开,再次踏上去战场的征程。兄弟再一次并肩作战,他们放下彼此的恩怨,抗击着,在紧要关头,弟弟为了保护哥哥,放弃了自己的生命,并祝愿他和女主人公永远幸福,兄弟间恩恩怨怨瞬间化为乌有。最后,男女主人公走到了一起,一段凄美的爱情故事就这样延续下去了。 《珍珠港》观后感400字:留下遗憾 昨晚再一次看了珍珠港,心里久久不能平复,总觉得想说点啥,《珍珠港》和《泰坦尼克号》一样,有太多让我感动的地方,比如说雷夫和伊芙琳在船边月光下接吻的画面和丹尼带着伊芙琳在空中看日落的浪漫等等,都让我很感动…… 雷夫是个铁血真汉子,他有理想有抱负,他想在战场上展现他的才华,实现他的抱负,同时他的志愿参战还可以保护丹尼,所以丹尼不必上战场拼杀。但他并不知道他的这个决定牺牲了他和伊芙琳之间的感情,当伊芙琳决心将自己给予雷夫的时候,雷夫婉言谢绝了,他不知道他能否活着回来,他不想给伊芙琳留下遗憾。


美国文学笔记整理完整版 1607-1776北美殖民时期Colonial Settlements 约翰·史密斯美国文学史上第一个作家 John Smith A Ture Relation of Virginia《关于费吉尼亚的真实叙述》(美国文学第一本书)乔纳森·爱德华兹清教徒主义作家(Puritanism) Jonathan Edwards 1776-1783独立革命时期Revolution of Independence (启蒙运动) 本杰明·富兰克林Poor Richard’s Almana c穷查理历书; Benjamin Franklin The Way to Wealth致富之道; 1706-1790 The Autobiography自传(记录作者从穷到成功的经历,“美国梦”反映,体 现启蒙倡导的理性主义和有序、教育的观点) 托马斯·潘恩美国独立之父the father of American revolution Thomas Paine Common Sense常识(独立战争宣传册revolutionary pamphlets) 1737-1809American Crisis美国危机(鼓励人民抵抗英军,共16小册) Rights of Man人的权利(支持法国革命) The Age of Reason理性时代(基督给他名誉带来的影响) 菲利普·弗伦诺独立诗人a poet of the American Revolution,美国诗歌之父 Philip Freneau The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲 1752-1832 The British Prison Ship英国囚船 The Wild Honey suckle野生的金银花 The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地 To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士--同类诗中最佳 托马斯·杰斐逊独立宣言Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson 18世纪末-19世纪中后浪漫主义时期Romanticism 1. 早期浪漫主义 华盛顿·欧文美国文学之父father of American Literature(为美国文学第一次赢得世界声誉) Washington Irving 以笔记小说和历史传厅闻名,humor 1783-1859 The Sketch Book见闻札记(标志浪漫主义开始) A History of New York纽约史---美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作; ----The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说---成为美国第1个获国际声誉作 家 -----Rip Van Winkle里普·万·温克尔(李伯大梦) The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀frontier novel边疆传奇小说sea novel James Fenimore Cooper The Spy间谍(独立战争间谍对抗英国) 1789-1851 The Pilot领航者(sea novel) Leatherstocking Tales皮袜子五步曲(frontier novel) The Pioneer拓荒者(the first true romance of the frontier in American literature The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人(主角:Natty Bumppo纳蒂班波) The Prairie大草原 The Pathfinder探路者 The Deerslayer杀鹿者 2. 超验主义New England Transcendentalism 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生Nature论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书manifesto Ralf Waldo Emerson The American Scholar论美国学者; 1803-1882 Self-reliance论自立 The Transcendentalist超验主义者 Representative Men代表人物 School Address神学院演说 Days日子-首开自由诗之先河free verse 亨利·大卫·梭罗Walden瓦尔登湖 Henry David Thoreau A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers在康科德河和梅里麦克河上的一周

霍桑《红字》书评 Book review of the Scarlet Letter

Book review of the Scarlet Letter This is the story of a young woman who fall in love with a young man in Colonial America. They find each other irresistible and concieve a child out of wedlock. In the Puritan world of early America this is a heinous crime and for this, Hester Prine the central character of the novel, is severely punished. With a battered heart she is forced out of town. In the forest where she now finds herself, she finds great comfort from the beauty that surrounds her and fulfillment in her beautiful young child. The townspeople still want her to answer the question she will not answer, who is the child's father, as he must bear the responsibility and the punishment he deserves. But Hester will not tell. Who is this golden child's daddy? Hester, however, will not reveal the identity of her lover, and is content to bare the shame of the scarlet letter on her own. When Mr. Prynne, soon-to-be-known as Roger Chillingworth, arrives, he begins a careful mind game to unravel the identity of Hester's lover, or at the very least, make him snap. Hester ends up being a woman of great principle and quiet purpose. She accepts her sin as dictated to her by society and continues her life waiting for it to wear off. She believes she deserves it. Dimmesdale, on the other hand, never confesses and allows himself to be tormented by Chillingworth. Dimmesdale's lies lead to his downfall, and Chillingworth never gets his young wife. It is only Pearl who grows into a glorious being and settles into a fine life back in the old world, living off Roger Chillingworth's money. Nathaniel Hawthorne's background influenced him to write the bold novel The Scarlet Letter. One important influence on the story is money. Hawthorne had never made much money as an author and the birth of his first daughter added to the financial burden. He received a job at the Salem Custom House only to lose it three years later and be forced to write again to support his family. Consequently, The Scarlet Letter was published a year later. It was only intended to be a long short story, but the extra money a novel would bring in was needed. Hawthorne then wrote an introduction section titled "The Custom House" to extend the length of the book and The Scarlet Letter became a full novel. In addition to financial worries, another influence on the story is Hawthorne's rejection of his ancestors. His forefathers were strict Puritans, and John Hathorne, his great-great-grandfather, was a judge presiding during the Salem witch trials. Hawthorne did not condone their acts and actually spent a great deal of his life renouncing the Puritans in general. Similarly, the Scarlet Letter was a literal "soapbox" for Hawthorne to convey to the world that the majority of Puritans were strict and unfeeling. For example, before Hester emerges from the prison she is being scorned by a group of women who feel that she deserves a larger punishment than she actually receives. Instead of only being made to stand on the scaffold and wear the scarlet letter on her chest, they suggest that she have it branded on her forehead or even be put to death. Perhaps the most important influence on the story is the author's interest in the "dark side". Unlike the transcendentalists of the era, Hawthorne "confronted reality, rather than evading it".
