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The Influence of Cultural Difference on Idiom Translation 文化差异对习语翻译的影响

The Influence of Cultural Difference on Idiom Translation


As a part of language, idioms which are fixed phrases and short sentences extracted from language over a long time of using. When we translate idioms, much attention should be paid to the similarities and difference of culture as well as language. Strictly speaking idioms are expressions that are not really understandable the literal meanings of individual constituents. Semantic unity and structural stability are the two characteristics of idioms. It is safe to say translation is a cultural creation to some extent, for translation refers to both the original and translated cultural. The purpose of this paper is to exam the culture differences reflected in English and Chinese idioms, and to offer a principle and some methods of dealing with culture differences in idiom translations.

Chapter 1

Culture differences reflected in the English-Chinese idioms

In the article of The Discussion of Translation, Zhu Guangqian says:“The meaning of association is the most difficult to understand and translate in foreign literature”. It has a special emotion atmosphere, very deep and broad delicate, no way of finding out in the dictionary again, but to literature, that is very important. If we are not familiar with the custom or human feelings of one country and historical background, the kinds of meaning in the characters are ignorant, especially this kind of meaning of word is the most difficult to deal with in the translation. British cultures anthropologist Edward Taylor regards culture as a concept to propose out for the first time in one book of ―Primitive Culture‖(1871),and described as: ―Culture is a kind of complicated phenomenon, it includes knowledge faith, art, morals, law, custom and their practicing ability and habit and in the society.‖ It is obvious that culture is widely covered, it is a complicated system. The language reflects the rich and colorful culture phenomenon of nationality as a component of culture. Through the summarization we think that the culture differences of the English-Chinese merits reflected and idioms are shown in the following several aspects.

1.1Differences of Living Environment

The production of the idioms is closely related to people’s work and living condition. Liking and costing the money wastes, English is ―spend money like water‖and Chinese is ―挥金如土‖. Britain is an island country, living on an island, the English are keen on sailing and traveling, the English language abounds in idioms connected with navigation.

e.g. (1) all at sea—茫然不知所措

(2) in the same boat—处境相同

(3) half sea over—饮酒过多

(4) feel under the water—感觉不适

(5) while it is fine weather mend your sail—未雨绸缪

(6) between the devil and deep sea—进退两难

Chinese mainland leave and multiply in Asia and people’s life can’t do without the land. So a large number of idioms related to agriculture have been in use.

e.g. (1) 众人拾柴火焰高—Many hands make tight work.

(2)槁木死灰—Withered wood or cold ashes.

1.2 Difference of the Religion and Beliefs

Religious beliefs produce an impact on people’s life and mind, and on the English and Chinese languages as well .Numerous idioms were generated from the fountain of religion. Religious culture affects much in people’s life and their beliefs.

Of course, people in different countries mostly believe in different schools of religion. Some difference of idioms between Chinese and English traced back to origin of religion. The majorities of the English people believe in Christianity and regard the Bible as one of the most important classical works in their life. Different from Britain, Chinese people believe in Buddhism, their culture evolved from Confucius School, Taoist School. Chinese people base their behavior on Taoist principles and Confucius principles in Buddhism. Some examples will be given.

Buddhism, one of the 3 great religions in the world , has been practiced in China for nearly 2000 years. It is a Chinese conviction that Buddha has culture of every thing in the world. It is believed that life is a bed of bitterness and everything is empty. It is not necessary to feel nostalgic for the good old days. One can’t be free of worries unless he is a truthful Buddhist can be void of desires. There are many idioms is this regard.

e.g. (1) 借花献佛—Make presents provided by else

(2)闲时不烧香,临时抱佛脚—Doesn’t burn joss sticks at leisure embrace

Buddha’s feet in one’s hour of need

More example as follow:


While in the Western countries, especially in England and America, the majority of people are Christians, believing that God is a creator of everything and the master of the world. Jesus, the only son of the God, befalls the world to save the sinful man, who, can only go to heaven. By following the teaching of Jesus, sincerely praying and repenting their sins. Otherwise, they will go to hell. Idioms concerned with God are countless in English language.

e.g. (1) God helps those who helps themselves—自助者天助也

(2)God sends fortune to fools —傻人有傻福

(3) God defends me from my friends, from my enemies I can defend myself


(4) God is on the side of the big battalions —天助强者

(5) Man proposes, God disposes—谋事在人,成事在天

1.3 Difference of History Allusion

From people’s living experience of one country, different historical allusions have been accumulated and handed down from generation to generation. Allusion is a brief reference to a person, event or place or to work of art. There are a large number of idioms formed by the historical allusion, in the historical allusion, these idioms are simple-structured but highly significant. And they can’t be just understood and translated from a literal meaning .

For instance,Dongshi, an ugly woman, knitting her brows in imitation of the famous beauty Xishi, only to make herself uglier-crude imitation with ludicrous effect.(东施效颦). Fall behind Sun Shan (Who was last on the list of successful candidates)-fail in the competitive examination. ( 名落孙山)etc…

Some English allusion idioms come from the ―the Holy Bible‖,more with Greek and Roman mythology.

e.g. (1) Achilles’heel—唯一致命点

(2) a Pandora’s box —潘多拉之盒,灾难和祸害的根源

(3) the lost sheep —迷路的羔羊,比喻失足少年

(4) turn the other check—转过另一边脸让人打

(5) the last supper —最后的晚餐

1.4 Difference of Geographical Environment

In the culture atmosphere of Chinese ―east wind‖ is ―wind in spring‖ , summer often linked to the intense heat and burning hot ―the scorching sun is like burning‖, ―scorching sun ‖is often used for describing the world in summer. And Britain is located in the western hemisphere and the north temperate zone. If has marine climate. West wind is the hallmark of spring, Britain famous poet Percy Bysshe Shelley just to sing the praises of spring, wrote“Ode to the West Wind”. Summer in Britain is exactly the pleasant season of climate, often linking with lovely, gentle, beautiful .

Chapter 2

A Comparison on the Cultural Connotations between Chinese and English Idioms

2.1 A Comparison on Connotative Meaning of Animal Word in English and Chinese Translation

A. The Same Animal, the Same Connotation

We human beings share the instinct to struggle for survival. Based on the experiences acquired in daily life and work, we thus developed common understandings towards certain animals. When these animals are applied in languages, their meanings are metaphorically more or less in same way in different cultures. Their peculiarities are always associated with human characters.

―F ox‖, for example, shares the almost same connotative meanings in both English and Chinese. In Chinese ,when we say ―他是只老狐狸‖, we mean ―he is very sly‖. Besides, Chinese people tend to tag a pretty, seductive ,woman as ―狐狸精‖and call a group of rogues―狐朋狗友‖.In English, we have similar phases like ―as cunning as a fox(像狐狸一样狡猾)‖and ―play the fox(耍滑头)‖in which fox is embodied with an cunning image.We can also find examples in Oxford English Dictionary ―I could not help reflecting on the strange stratagem by which the old fox had saved hi mself.‖

B. The Same Animal Words, Different Cultural Connotations

Diversification of cultures derives from different processes in which human beings adapt to the environment and try to change the world. Different cultural backgrounds will exert different meanings on the same animal. An animal image, when put into language, is most likely it have its conceptual meaning behind its denotation.

In Chinese, the bat is a symbol of ―good fortune‖and“happiness”,for bat(蝠)and “福(happiness)”are homophones. The composition of bat and deer(蝠鹿) shares the same pronunciation with “good fortune and a promotion in official

position (福禄)”. In English culture, bat, however, is an ugly and brutal animal, which is associated with dark and evil thing. From the idiom ―as blind as a bat‖(有眼无珠), and ―crazy as a bat‖(精神失常),we can see bat always have negative associations in western culture.

2.2 A Comparison on Connotative Meaning of Color Words in English and Chinese Translation

A. Differences in Meaning ,Similarities in Symbol

Although yellow and blue are different, the symbols are the same in the two different national cultures. The two stand for diadem and dignity. Many examples illustrate such English idioms.

e.g. (1) A blue-blooded family—表示具有王室血统的家庭

(2) Blue Book —蓝皮书

(3) The boys in blue—专指皇家警察和水兵

(4) Blue ribbon committee—一流的委员会

And such idioms are familiar to us, for example,“黄袍加身”(it is same to the same to English ―raise somebody to the purple‖, “黄屋”and so on .

B. Similarities in Meaning and Symbol

English country and China are different in their surroundings and cultures, but people also use similar color to describe the same thing or view. For instance in the two countries, color ―red‖ all stands for danger, anger and shyness.

e.g. (1) Red battle—血战

(2) Red activities —暴力活动

(3) Red-cover papers—国家机密文件

(4)Red alert—转过另一边脸让人打

(5) See red —火冒三丈,勃然大怒

(6) Turn red with blush —羞红了脸

Red color plays an important role in China, and Chinese people regard it as the endless ardency, such as“红鸡蛋”,“红包”,“滚滚红尘”. Likewise, red color is considered as ―serious‖, ―important‖and ―welcome‖in western country. So ―the red-letter day‖ means ―important day‖, and when they welcome honored guests, they use ―red carpet‖(红地毯)to indicate grandness.


Principles and Methods of Dealing with Cultural Difference in Idioms Translation.

3.1 Translation Principle

The USA famous translation theoretician Eugene A-Nidar put forward ―功能对等‖(functional equivalence) or ―动态对等‖(dynamic equivalence),the main idea in the theory is all the meaning of the expression original text with faithful and accurate translation, keep the style of the original work ,reflect the appearance of the merits and original work faithfully. Take faithful expression meaning of original text while being what is called, should point faithful expression literal meaning, image meaning of original text and implying meanings .Due to the cultural diversities, it is impossible

to achieve absolute equivalency in translation as close to the original possible in all aspects. A translation should give faithful and exact expression to the literal meaning of the original, while maintaining its writing style. In order to achieve this goal, a translator should stick to the principle of seeking common grounds while reserving differences. However, it is not every sentence of original text, each of idioms, vocabularies that possess three kind of meaning at the same time, some may have only literal meanings, do not have image meaning such as ―When in Rome , as Romans do‖.(入乡随俗).Some may have literal meaning and image meaning concurrently, but has not implied the meaning such as ―facts speak louder than words‖, ―money can’t buy time‖. Especially any two languages culture can not be totally reciprocity, three kinds of meanings that take in an original text are all often impossible in the translation now, if the contradiction appears because of difference of culture while translating in literal meaning and image meaning and meaning of implying, literal meaning and image meaning should obey the meaning of implying ,such as ―It is too late to shut the stable-door after the horse has already bolted. (“马跑了再去栓马厩的门,未免为时太晚。”这是西方的说法,中国人的说法却是“亡羊补牢,为时晚矣‖。西方人更注重实际,强调防患于未然,要人们先采取措施,避免损失。而华夏人观察事物更辩证,更有长远观点,强调吸取教训,把坏事变为好事。Eg. Heads are going to roll, that is for sure. After such a serious loss, the boss is going to sack those who are responsible, yet it is too late to shut the stable –door after the horse has already bolted.)Another example is ―Threatened man live long. ( “是故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行弗乱其所为……然后知生于忧患而死于安乐也”。两千年前孟子如是说。人若时刻处在危险之中就会有求生的本能迸发出强大的生命力;若终日贪图享乐,就会日益萎靡退化。古往今来有无数的世人世事为此提供例证。两种语言,两种思想意识,如此吻合,不能不令人称奇。Eg. Their enemies have been vowed to stop their supplies, yet threatened man live long. They seem to be growing steadily all the same.‖)Secondly ,can not find the corresponding image are not have the same image in the purpose language image meaning of the original text, although images are same ,implying meaning(include meaning of passing judgment on )are conflict ,the ones that should consider firstly at this moment are an accurate janitor who implies the meaning of the image, removable another translation image that Poetry familiar with must give the image meaning, only translate out the implying a meaning . In a word , it is that the meaning in which on original text intents to be expressed is the most important.

3.2 Methods of Translation

A. Literal Translation

Superficially speaking ,literal translation refers to ―not to alter the original words and sentences‖; strictly speaking ,it strives ―to keep the sentiments and style of the original‖. It makes sentences as its basic units and takes the whole text into consideration at the same time. What’s more ,it strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original works and retain as much as possible the figures of speech.

Literal translation is not word for word but the translation of the original

thoughts and contents without changing the way of expression. This method best shows the national traits of original works(吕瑞昌等,1983). The readers will be impressed by the novel and vivid way of expression, and then acquire new knowledge about the culture.

Examples of Chinese idioms translated literally are as follows:


How can you catch tiger cubes without entering the tiger’s den?


Without stepping outside his gate, the scholar knows all the wide world’s affairs.


A long road tests a horse’s strength and a long task proves a man’s heart.

Examples of English idioms translated literally are as follows:

(1)He laughs best who laughs last .


(2)We never know the worth of the water till the well is dry .


(3)A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush


B. Free Translation

Free translation, also called semantic translation, is to express the main idea of the original writing but vary the way of expression. This method is used when no equivalent is found in the target language or when it is not necessary to translate literally.

Because of the cultural factor, some idioms are unable keep the literal meaning

of the original meaning of the original language and image meaning while translating. We can change the image of the original text into the image that another reader knows well even more, thus the language which passes on out the purpose of the original text, it implies the meaning to translate and happen. For example ―When in Rome do as Romans do‖. If according to literal meaning to use literal translation, readers can’t understand why be Rome instead of where else? In fact, it’s implying meaning is“入乡随俗”, if were translate into“到哪山,唱哪山的歌.”would be more vividly, about what kind has been translated into, the above two kinds, should depend on original test linguistic context.

Examples of Chinese idioms translated literally are as follows:


Facts speak louder than eloquence and the truth will prevail in the end.


Don’t create side issues as the matter has been in the main settled.


Putting on airs ,the agronomist picked faults right and left and treated out team as a thorn in her side.


The old man was disgusted by his glib tongue , ―Out with you!‖

Examples of English idioms translated literally are as follows:

(1)We still love each other very much, through we fight like cat and dog


(2)By the winter of 1942,their resistance to the Nazi terror had become only a shadow.



In this text, we show three titles, which are:1.Culture Differences Reflected in English and Chinese Idioms.2.A comparison on the Cultural Connotations between Chinese and English idioms.3. Principle and Methods of dealing with cultural difference in Idioms Translation.

After the analysis of the cultural differences between Chinese and English, we know that the culture background is the idioms inner deciding content. When studying any language, the culture study is necessary.

With national communication becoming more and more frequent, the language study also become more and more important. The analysis of language especially the idioms that showing the cultural connotation is very useful and vital.


1.Primary culture: 译名为《原始文化》作者是美国正处于殖民地时期的诗人

爱德华·泰勒缩写。文章中给文化下了这样的定义:“the culture is defined as: a completed system including knowledge ,faith, art, law, morality, custom, and all the abilities and habit from which a social member would acquire.”2.吕瑞昌:著名翻译家,作品有《英汉翻译教程》。书中扼要地介绍了汉译







叶子南,《Advanced course in English – Chinese translation》北京:清华大学出版社,2001年

