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word list 6

word list 6
word list 6

1.keep company with 与…交往;与…形影不离(尤其是与情人)

2.keep … company 陪伴:why don’t you stay here and keep emma company 为什么不


3.part company (with)(与…)分离,(与…)断绝关系:we have agree to part company after

difference of opinion 观点出现分歧后,我们同意分手

4.he accompanied her on/at piano 他为她进行钢琴伴奏

5.he compare London to Paris = he compare London with Paris 他将伦敦与巴黎作比较

6.beyond/without compare 无与伦比:she was storyteller beyond compare 她讲故事的


7.in comparison with 与…比较起来

8.by/in comparison 相比之下

9.nothing is comparable to her beauty 她的美无与伦比

10.A heart is comparable with a pump 把心脏比喻成水泵

11.live in comparative comfort 过着比较相对舒适的生活

12.positive degree 原级

13.the comparative (degree) 比较级

14.the superlative (degree) 最高级

15.he was expelled from school 他被开除(学籍)

16.on impulse 一时冲动,一时心血来潮

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,pete with/against 与…竞争

18.in competition with 与…竞争

19.not everyone has the competence to learn a foreign language well 不是每个人都


20.if you are jealous of other s’competence it just indicates your incompetence 嫉


21.he who makes constant complaint gets little compassion (谚)经常诉苦,少人同

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,plaint hotline 投诉热线

23.his business complement her talent for design 他的经营技巧和她的设计才能相辅


24.she supplements her salary by teaching the piano 她靠教钢琴赚外快

25.A fine wine is a complement to a good meal 盛宴不可无美酒

26.this is the supplement to the book 这是该书的补遗

27.A supplementary reader 补充读物

28.supply a demand 满足需求

29.supply and demand 供求

30.supply sb with sth 或 supply sth to sb (表示供应,供给)

31.dispute with sb about/over sth 就某事与某人争论

32.border dispute 边界争端

33.in dispute 在争论中,处于争议中:your sincerity is not in dispute 你的诚实是


34.a deputy for sb 某人的代理人

35.a deputy to + (组织、机构等) …的代表

36.he has a reputation for greediness 他以贪婪而出名

37.Charles achieved great fame as an aviator 查尔斯作为一名飞行员出了名

38.concern sb/sth = be concerned with …与…有关

39.concern oneself about = be concerned about 关心挂念

40.show concern for sb 关心某人

41.our little corner shop is no longer a paying concern 我们这个街头小店已经赚不


42.as/so far as…be concerned 就…而言:as far as I am concerned ,there are too many

police shows and not enough educational programs 就我个人来讲,


43.her feelings concerning arrival of Sophia were very complex 对于索菲亚的到来,


44.the authorities concerned 有关当局

45.in confidence 私下地,秘密地:I told you that in confidence,so why did you tell

jean about it ? 我是私下告诉你的,怎么你又告诉了琼呢?

46.once or twice I made the mistake of taking him into my confidence and told him

things that I shouldn’t have 我有一两次错吧他当成知己,告诉了


47.a confident secretary 充满自信的秘书

48.a confidential secretary 机要秘书

49.you are in connection (电话)接通了,请开始通话(接线生告知电话已接通的说法)

50.in connection with 与…有关,关于:several men are detained in connection with

the robbery 好几个人因与这起抢劫案有牵连而被拘留

51.all things considered 从各方面考虑起来:All things considered,they didn’t do

too badly 从各方面的情况看,他们做得并不太差

52.be considerate of 为…着想,考虑

53.in consideration of 作为对…的报酬:a small payment in consideration of your

services 为答谢你的服务的微薄报酬

54.take into consideration 考虑到,顾及

55.he could hardly contain his excitement 他抑制不住内心的激动

56.Eggs have a very high food concent 鸡蛋营养丰富

57.sea water contents salt 海水中含有盐

58.the salt content of sea water 海水中盐的含量

59.the content of the book 书的内容、实质

60.the contents of the book 书的目录

61.the poor are often contented,but a miser is never satisfied (谚)穷人常知足,


62.Are you contented/content with things as they are ? 你满足于现状吗?

63.the baby gave a contented chuckle 婴儿满足的哥哥笑

64.it has been raining continually for two days 断断续续地下了两天的雨

65.it has been raining continuously for two days 不停地下了两天的雨

66.keep cool ! 要冷静!

67.cool down/off ①冷却②(使)镇静下来:after a morning in the sun he liked to

cool down in the sea 在太阳底下呆了一上午,他想下海去凉快一下68.a cool breeze 一阵凉爽的微风

69.a chilly wind 一阵冷飕飕的风

70.a cold wind 一阵寒风

71.copy a drawing 临摹图画

72.she was caught copying an answers from her neighbors in the exam 她考试时抄邻


73.copyright infringement 侵犯版权

74.cope with 对付,应付:A family and full time job is a lot to cope with :照顾


75.cordless phone 无线电话

76.the chord of a circle 圆的弦

77.strike/touch a chord 引起共鸣,打动

78.the cost of living 生活费用

79.at the cost of 以…为代价

80.it would be too costly to repair the car 修理这辆汽车要花好多钱

81.there are forty people ,counting the children 把小孩算再内,共40人

82.count on one’s fingers 屈指计算

83.her opinion counts because of her experience 因为她有经验,所以她的意见很重要

84.count against (被)认为对…不利:if I reveal my true feelings it would count

against me 要是我把真实感情暴露出来的话将会对我不利

85.count down 倒计时:at the launch pad they counted down from ten to one 在发射


86.count in 把…算入:if you are looking for volunteer,count me in 要是你找志愿


87.count on/upon 依靠,指望:we can count on lisa to keep her promise 我们相信丽


88.depend on sth 依靠,指望

89.reckon on sth 依靠,指望

90.rely on sth 依靠,指望

91.count out ①不把…算入②逐一数出the bank clerk counted out £100 in £20 bills


92.count up 算出…的总数,共计:have the votes been counted up yet ?选票计算出


93.accounts department 财务部

94.bank account 银行账户

95.account for ①说明,解释…的原因:you must account for you delay 你必须说明你

迟到的理由②占:imports from japan accounted for 40% of the hotel


96.on account of 因为,由于:his illness accounted for his absence from school =

he was absent from school on account of illness 他没来上课是因


97.take account of 考虑到,顾及,体谅

98.take … into account = take account of 考虑到,顾及,体谅

99.we must take account of all possibilities = we must take all possibilities into

account 我们必须考虑到所有可能性

100.of no account 不重要的

101.on no account 决不,绝对不

102.on no account must you tell him about your plans 你千万不要把你的计划告诉他103.count down to the big day 对这一重大日子的倒计时

104.the countdown to the big day 对这一重大日子的倒计时

105.over the counter (OTC)非处方药

106.10% discount 九折(20% discount 八折)

107.the countryside is the most beautiful at this time 此时农村景色最美

108.counter strike 反恐精英

109.go/run counter to one’s interests 同个人利益相违背

110.encounter opposition 遭到反对

111.have an encounter with a snake 遇到一条蛇

112.contradict oneself 自相矛盾

113.in contradiction with …与…矛盾

114.on the contrary (介词) 正相反

115.to the contrary (形容词、副词) I have no evidence to the contrary 我没有相反的证据

116.by/in contrast 对比之下:she had almost failed the exam,but her sister,by contrast,had done very well 她考试差点不及格,而她妹妹相比之下


117.in contrast to/with 与…对比起来,与…形成鲜明对比:in contrast to your belief that we shall fail,I know we shall succeed 你认为我们要失败,


118.in control (of) 掌握,控制着(主动)

119.under control 处于控制之下(被动)

120.out of control 失去控制

121.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

122.discourage sb from doing sth 使某人不敢做某事

123.take a course in English 上英语课

124.a three course dinner 三道菜的正餐

125.in the course of 在…期间,在…过程中

126.in due course 到时候,在今后适当的时候:your request will be deal with in due course 你的要求将在适当的时候予以考虑

127.a commercial intercourse with Japan 同日本的商业往来

128.many excursions had been arranged by the holiday company 短程旅游原来多由度假公司安排

129.current events 时事

130.the current of thoughts 思潮

131.go with current of the times 顺应时代的潮流

132.Passionate feeling are often compared to rough currents and gentle broods. A shallow stream brawls noisily. Deep water runs silently 情感常


133.incur hatred 召来怨恨

134.incur danger 遭受危险

135.it occurs to sb that …某人想起了…(是固定结构)

136.take place 开始

137.she has expressed her opposition to the plan, and I fully concur with her 她对计划表示反对,我完全同意他的意见

138.if the pain recur, take the tablet 如果在疼,就吃点药

139.the memory of the accident often recurs to me 我经常回忆起那场事故

140.in court 在法庭上

141.on court 在宫中

142.go to court 起诉,打官司:she was prepared to go to court to get compensation if necessary 如果需要他准备打官司索赔

143.(by)courtesy of 蒙…的好意(或准许),蒙…提供(或赠送)

144.a book in paper covers 平装书

145.the period covers 20 years 这一时期包括20年

146.she covered 1000 meters in less than 4 minutes 她走一千米至少需要4分钟147.cover for①代替:place cover for me while I’m out of the office 我不在办公室时请代我一下②为…打掩护:cover for me, will you ? just say

I’m at the dentist’s 给我打一掩护,行吗?就说我在牙医那里了148.cover up①掩盖,掩饰:lies cannot cover up facts 谎言掩盖不了事实②盖住,裹住

149.take cover 隐蔽:the soldiers took cover from the enemy’s fire 士兵们躲避敌人的炮火

150.under cover 秘密地,暗地里:they escaped under cover of darkness 他们趁黑夜逃走了

151.insurance coverage 保险范围

152.Columbus discovered America in 1492 哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲

153.discover/uncover the truth 揭露真相

154.cover up the truth 掩盖真相

155.uncover the pot 揭开锅盖

156.cover the pot 盖上锅盖

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,k the cow 挤牛奶

158.crack down 对…采取严厉措施,镇压:the police are cracking down on drug dealers 警察正在对贩毒分子严惩

159.crack up (精神)崩溃:if he continue to work at that pace, he’ll certainly crack up 如果他继续那样紧张地工作,他的身体一定会垮

160.try to crack the walnut without breaking the kernel 把核桃砸开,但不要把核仁杂碎

161.the two arms clashed on the border 两军在边境交锋

162.a border clash 边境冲突

163.our ideas clashed with theirs 我们的意见和他们的不合

164.a clash of ideas 意见不合

165.bump into = drive into = run into 碰上,撞上crush into 与…相撞166.they are crushing grapes for wine 他们压榨葡萄做葡萄酒

167.the hat was crushed under her 她把帽子压皱了

168.they crushed the revolt/their enemy 他们镇压了反抗/打垮了敌人


The Academic Word List (AWL) by Sublist Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List - Most frequent words in families This sublist contains the most frequent words of the Academic Word List in the Academic Corpus. The most frequent members of the word families in Sublist 1 are listed below. analysis approach area assessment assume authority available benefit concept consistent constitutional context contract create data definition derived distribution economic environment established estimate evidence export factors financial formula function identified income indicate individual interpretation involved issues labour legal legislation major method occur percent period policy principle procedure process required research response role section sector significant similar source specific structure theory variables


初中英语单词分类记忆 一、分类记忆法 名词 (1)星期(week) Monday(星期一) Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三) Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五) Saturday(星期六) Sunday(星期天)(2)月份(month) January(一月) February(二月) March(三月) April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) August(八月) September(九月) October(十月) November(十一月) December(十二月)(3)季节(season) spring(春节) summer(夏天) autumn(秋天) winter(冬天) (4)时间(time) second(秒) minute(分) hour(小时) day(天) night(夜) week(星期) month(月份) year(年) century(世纪)(7)方位(direction) east(东) south(南) west(西) north(北) left(左) right(右) (8)交通工具(transport) bike / bicycle(自行车) bus(公共汽车) car(小汽车) jeep(吉普车) train(火车) ship(轮船) plane(飞机) (9)饮食(meal) breakfast(早餐) lunch(午餐) supper(晚餐) dinner(正餐、晚餐) snack(快餐) picnic(野餐) (10)米面及肉类食品 rice(米、米饭) porridge(粥) dumpling(饺子) noodle【常用复数】(面条) meat(肉) beef(牛肉) mutton(羊肉) chicken(鸡肉) egg(鸡蛋) (11)水果(fruit) Apple(苹果) banana(香蕉) pear(梨子) orange(橙子) strawberry(草莓) (12)蔬菜(vegetable) tomato(西红柿) potato(马铃薯) carrot(胡萝卜) cabbage(洋白菜、卷心菜) onion(洋葱)


PET Topic Word List Travel and Transport 1accommodation食宿 2(aero)plane飞机 3bicycle自行车 4abroad国外 5airline航线 6airport机场 7ambulance救护车 8announcement通知 9arrive(v.)到达 10arrival(n.)到达 11baggage行李 12board(v) 登机,上车13boarding pass登机牌 14border国界 15brochure小册子 16bus station车站 17by air乘飞机 18by rail乘火车 19by road陆路交通 20by sea乘船 21cab计程车 22cabin船舱 23canal运河 24capital city首都 25case场合 26catch(v)赶车 27charter租船,租车 28check in(v)登记 ,安检29check out(v) 结账离开 30coach长途汽车,教练31confirm确认 32consul(ate)领事馆 33crossing斑马线 34crossroads十字路口 35currency货币 36custom风俗,习惯 37Customs海关官员 officer 38cyclist骑车的人 39deck甲板

. 40delay延迟,推迟 41deliver送货 42departure启程( depart) 43destination目的地 44direction方向 45document(s)文件 46double room双人间 47driving驾照 licence 48due到期的,应到的 49duty-free免税 50embassy大使馆 51euro欧元 52exchange rate汇率 53facilities设备 54fare费用 55ferry渡轮 56flight航班 57foreign外国的 58fuel燃油59guidebook指南 60guesthouse宾馆,旅社61handlebars手把 62harbour海港 63helicopter直升飞机64hitchhike搭便车 65hovercraft气垫船 66hydrofoil水翼艇 67immigration移民 68inn小旅馆 69jet喷气飞机70journey旅程 71lorry卡车 72lost property丢失的财产73luggage行李 74motorbike摩托车 75motorcycle摩托车 76motorway高速公路77nationality国籍 78on board上船,登机79on business出差 80on holiday度假 81on vacation度假 .

The Academic Word List学术词汇表

AcademicWordList Sublist1 analyze[??n?laiz]vt.〈美〉分析,分解,解释 constitute[?k?nstitju:t]vt.构成,组成建立,制定选定,任命 establish[is?t?bli?]vt.建立,成立安置确定,证实 indicate[?indikeit]vt.标示,指示,指出象征;表明或暗示…的可能性 occur[??k?:]vi.发生;举行;存在被发现;想到[起] role[r?ul]n.作用,职责角色 approach[??pr?ut?]n.靠近,接近,临近通路,入口,途径方式,方法vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理vt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近 context[?k?ntekst]n.背景,环境上下文,语境 estimate[?estimeit]n.估计,估价报价判断vt.&vi.估计;评价,评估 individual[??ndi?vidju?l]adj.个别的,单独的,个人的独特的n.个人人 percent[p??sent]n.百分比,百分数 section[?sek??n]n.章节部分部门,科截面,剖面地区,区 area[???ri?]n.面积区域,地区领域,方面 contract[k?n?tr?kt]n.契约,合同vt.缔结;订契约vt.&vi.染上(恶习,疾病等)缩小;紧缩evident[?evid?nt]adj.明显的,明白的 interpret[in?t?:prit]vt.解释;说明vt.&vi.口译;翻译 period[?pi?ri?d]n.(一段)时间时期,时代学时,课时句号,句点 sector[?sekt?]n.部门;领域防御地区,防卫区域扇形,扇形面 assess[??ses]vt.估价,估计评定,核定 create[kri?eit]vt.创造,创作,创建引起,产生 export[eks?p?:t]n.输出,出口输出[出口]物vt.&vi.出口,输出 involve[in?v?lv]vt.使某事物成为必要条件或结果;需要使参与,牵涉 policy[?p?l?si]n.政策,方针策略,精明的行为,上策保险单 significant[siɡ?nifik?nt]adj.重要的,重大的,可观的有意义的,有用意的意味深长的assume[??sju:m]vt.假设,臆断,猜想假装承担,担任,就职呈现,采取 data[?deit?]n.资料,材料 factor[?f?kt?]n.因素,要素〈数〉因子,因数 issue[?isju:]n.问题,议题;争论点发行物放出,流出;发出,发行〈正〉结果,结局vi.冒出,流出;传出vt.出版,发行发表,发布分配,发给 principle[?prins?pl]n.原则,原理准则,规范操守,道义工作原理 similar[?simil?]adj.类似的;同类的;相似的;同样的 authority[?:?θ?riti]n.权力,职权官方,当局权威,专家 define[di?fain]vt.精确地解释;界定规定,确定 finance[fai?n?ns]n.财政,金融财源,资金,财务情况vt.为…供给资金,从事金融活动 labour[?leib?]n.劳动,努力;工作劳工,工人分娩,(分娩时的)阵痛vi.劳动;努力艰难行进proceed[pr??si:d]vi.前进;行进进行;继续下去 source[s?:s]n.河流的源头,发源地来源,出处原因提供资料者,资料来源 available[??veil?bl]adj.可用的或可得到的可会见的,可与之交谈的 derive[di?raiv]vt.&vi.得到源于 formula[?f?:mjul?]n.准则,原则公式,方程式配方


Word list 6 heritage 遗产 appropriate 适当的( be x to / x sth.for) annual 每年的(预算:budget) depict 描绘,描述 literacy 有文化;有教养calculate 计算,推算luxury 豪华(品);奢侈souvenir 纪念品purchase 买,购买 constant 经常的,不断的dormancy 休眠 particular 特殊的,特别的subscription n.订阅pitch 投掷 entitle 給……权利shutter 百叶窗demolish 破坏durable 耐用品cope 成功地应付circulation (液体的循环) tradition 传统,惯例benefit v.使受益decay n.腐烂 distribution 分发,分配defect 缺点oppose 反对statistics n.统计数字stuffy 不透气的 approximately 近似,大约excusable 可原谅的;可谅解的propose 提议,建议ornament 装饰,装饰物energetic 有力的atmosphere 大气的cooperative 合作的corrode 腐蚀,侵蚀honour 光荣,尊敬except 将……除外 soluble 可溶的;可解决的administration 管理部门 environment 周围状况,环境license 许可证,执照 underline 画线于……之下;强调activate 激活;使活动,使活化 major 主要的,专业学生主修专攻specific 特定的,明确的objective 目标目的 concentrate 全神贯注,全力以赴,集中conflict 冲突,抵触 antidote 解毒药,矫正方法discover 发现,找到,发觉necessarily ad.必要地;必然地continent n.大陆,陆地;洲turret 塔楼,角楼 elastic 有弹性的;灵活的enhance 增高,增强 demonstration 论证,证明 interrupt 中断,中止,打断,打扰redundant (因人员过剩而)被解雇的; 多余的;过剩的;累赘的,冗长的 mishandle 粗鲁的对待;错误的处理discovery 发现 alcohol 含酒精饮料,酒;酒精suppression 镇压,压制,抑制;扑灭mainly 大体上,主要地property 财产,所有物naked 裸体的,无遮蔽的 feature n.特征,特色;面貌,特写lens 透镜;镜片;镜头coordinator 协调者nourish 养育,滋养;培养(情绪观点等)crisp 脆的;利落的n.[pl.]油炸土豆片guilty 内疚的;有罪的 crack 裂缝,缝隙;爆炸声(使)破裂;(使)发出爆裂声;重击;崩溃。瓦解

Word list 7

Word list 7 1.climax n.高潮,最令人兴奋(或感兴趣的)部分They believed that this was not the climax but merely the beginning of their campaign for equality.他们相信这不是场争取平等运动的高潮,相反,它仅仅是一个开始。 2.cling vi.紧紧抓住(或抱住);黏着,挨近;依附,依恋;坚持,墨守,忠实于At the party we found the shy girl clinging to her mother all the time.在晚会上,我们发现那个腼腆的姑娘一直缠着她的母亲。 3.clip n.弹簧夹子,回形针,别针;弹仓;剪,修剪;剪报,电影或电视片段vt.夹住,扣 住;修剪 4.clockwise adj./adv. 顺时针方向的(地)We went with a clockwise motion.我们按顺时针 方向移动。 5.cluster n.(果实、花等)串,簇;(人、物等的)群,组vi.群集,丛生vt.使群集,集中 6.clutch vi.企图抓住vt抓紧,紧握.n.(汽车、机器等的)离合器;掌握,控制;把握, 抓紧He raises his arms into the air tries to clutch at something.他举起双臂伸向空中,想努力抓住什么东西。 7.coalition n.结合体,同盟;结合,联合 8.coarse adj.粗糙的;粗劣的;粗俗的She hates her coarse skin very much.她烦透了自己粗 糙的皮肤。 9.cocaine n.可卡因 10.cognitive adj.认知的,认知能力的 11.coherent adj.条理清楚的,连贯的;一致的,协调的It was still very hard to run a coherent foreign policy.推行一种协调一致外交政策仍然很难。 12.coincide vi.同时发生;相符,相一致;位置重合,重叠It is fortunate for the old couple that their son’s career goals and their wishes for him coincide.这对老夫妇太幸运了,儿子的职业目标和他们的期望相一致。 13.collaboration n.合作,协作;勾结He was looking admiringly at the photograph published by Collins in collaboration with the imperial museum.他十分钦佩地看着科林斯和皇家博物馆联合出版的照片。 14.collapse n./vi. 倒塌,瓦解;崩溃,突然失败The mine collapsed with a boom of explosion. 矿井随着一声爆炸轰然倒塌。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,bat n.战争,斗争,格斗vt.与斗争,与战斗Our brave soldiers were ready to combat the enemy.我们的勇士已准备好与敌人作战。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,memorate vt.纪念,庆祝To commemorate important dates in history, countries create special holidays. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,mence v.开始The space age commenced in October in 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the soviet union. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,mend vt.称赞,表扬;推荐 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,mentary n.(广播员对球赛的)实况报道,(电影的)解说词;评论,评论文章 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,mission n.委任状;委员会;佣金,回扣;授权,委托vt.委任,委托The best solution to this problem is to commission a famous architect. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,mitment n.承诺,许诺,保证;信奉,献身;承担的义务 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,mittee n.委员会,全体委员 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,modity n.商品,货物 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f4963117.html,monplace adj.普通的,平庸的n.寻常的事物Do not be fooled by its commonplace


百词斩四级单词wordlist 说明:本单词表来自《百词斩》app 应用软件四级词汇。本单词表是配合《朗读女》使用的。 由于百词斩不能颠倒词序,不能调换发音。故用此表作补充。 百词斩将四级单词背到一定程度,再背也会程序化。使用此表,导入《朗读女》朗读,可以大大提高效率。几个小时便可完成一遍所有单词复习。 此为表3,打乱词序。请珍藏之。 1 调成双语模式,空格可以设置等待时间。 2 调换发音人,再次增强记忆。 pint 品脱aboard 上(车、船、飞机)thorough 完全的ability 能力 remind 提醒abundance 大量enhance 增加abroad 到国外 implement 贯彻,执行accidental 意外的division 分歧absorb 吸收 inquiry 询问accommodate 容纳;使适应guilty 内疚的abstract 抽象 altitude 海拔accompany 伴随downward 向下abuse 滥用 patient 耐心的account 账户congratulation 祝贺accelerate 加速 gear 齿轮accuracy 准确(性)democratic 共和的acceptance 接受 bake 烘焙accurate 精确的reveal 揭露access 方式,路 data 数据ache 疼痛;渴望drama 戏剧accommodation 膳宿 brake 刹车acquire 获得cease 停止accountant 会计 balloon 气球active 积极的;起作用的thick 厚的action 行动 ignorance 天真,无知act法令numerous 无数的agency 部 ditch 沟渠Acute 严重;急性的;灵敏governor 主宰者airline 飞机 considerate 体贴的address演说drift 漂流allow 允许 mechanical 力学的advance预付(款等)millimetre 毫米ambassador 大使 band 带,乐团aerial 航空的;空中的;天线durable 持续的appliance 器械 grace 优雅affection 感情;爱慕boring 枯燥的appropriate 恰当的 stare 凝视age变老offensive 有侵略性的approximate估计 slight 轻微的aggressive 倾略性的insurance 保险arbitrary 专制的,武断的 continual 连续的aim针对horsepower 马力architecture 建筑学 relief 缓解air样子;晾干;公开minority 少数ash 灰 decrease 降低aisle 通道intelligent 智慧的assistant 助手 coach 教练alarm 惊恐;警报pigeon 鸽子atmosphere 大气 aid 援助alcohol 酒精discount 打折attitude 态度 poisonous 有毒的alter 改变extend 延伸auto 汽车 magic 魔法ambitious 有抱负的handle 处理automobile 机车 haste 急忙ankle 踝关节painter 画家barber 理发师 vapour 蒸汽apparent 明显的exterior 外部的bark 吠叫 keen 强烈的appear似乎;发表anchor 锚barrier 障碍,栅栏


英文单词后缀:表示“各类人”的英语词缀 摘要:学英语要掌握大量的词汇,而掌握好词缀,是提高词汇量的有效途径。比如,在某些动词后面加上象“-er, -or, etc.”就可以构成名词,表示“从事某种职业的人”或者“某一类的人”。仔细观察一下,会发现其略有不同。下面,将表示“人”的词缀加以分类总结。 一、从社会层次、地位、工作职务上来看: 1、加“-er ”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示的人物社会地位较低,或从历史上看较低。 例:beginner初学者/新手, driver司机,teacher教师,labourer劳动者,runner跑步者/信使,skier滑雪者,swimmer游泳者,observer观测者/观察员, murderer杀人犯passenger旅客, traveller旅游者,learner学习者/初学者, lover爱好者,worker工人, researcher研究员,printer印刷工,gardener园艺工, owner 主人,wrestler摔交者等 2、加“-or ”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示的人物社会地位较高,或从历史上看较高。 例:doctor博士或医生, tutor(大学)指导教师/ 助教/ 监护人,director主任compositor排版师,collector收藏家, instructor教员/指导者 3、加“-ist ”/ “-an”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示事业有成就或较为特殊的人, 例:artist艺术家, scientist科学家, physicist 物理学家,journalist新闻记者 dentist 牙医,instrumentalist乐器演奏家/ 乐器家, meteorologist气象学家 historian 历史学家,technician技术员, 技师,vegetarian 食素者 也有个别例外,象cyclist骑脚踏车的人, motorcyclist乘机车者 二、从性别上来看: 通常加“-er / -or ”多为“男性”,加“-ess”多为女性 waiter男招待waitress女服务员 steward(轮船, 飞机等)乘务员, 干事stewardess (轮船, 飞机等)女乘务员 actor 男演员actress女演员 instructor男教员,男指导instructress女教师, 女指导 lawyer律师lawyeress女律师 三、从主动、被动上来看,加“-er \- or”为主动,加“-ee ”为被动 examiner 主考人、监考员examinee 参加考试者、受试人(被监考者) employer 雇主(雇佣别人)employee雇员(被雇佣) interviewer会见者interviewee.被接见者, 被访问者 四、有时会直接用表示人的词构词,象-boy , -girl, -man, -woman, cowboy牛仔, playboy花花公子, salesgirl女店员,salesperson推销员, workman工人, postman邮递员,workwomen劳动妇女,

word list英语(乱序)

(List 1) ability able academic academy access accessible acre act action active activity actor actress actual adapt adaptation add addition additional admirable admire adopt adoption advance advantage advice advise after afternoon afterward age agency agenda agent agree agreement agricultural agriculture air aircraft airline airmail airplane airport airspace alarm alcohol alcoholic allow allowance amaze amazed amazing ambassador ambiguous ambition ambulance analysis analyze ancestor anchor ancient anger angle angry ankle answer Antarctic antique anxiety anxious any anybody anyone anything anywhere apparent appear appearance applicant application apply approach approximate approximately Arctic argue argument arm army around arrange arrangement arrival arrive culture disability disable disabled disadvantage disagree disagreement disappear embassy exact optimistic option optional range rank react rectangle round roundabout some somebody someone something somewhere surround surrounding surroundings swear teenager transparent triangle unable vague

Word List 1(2004)

Word List 1 1. Please run and fetch a doctor. This man is ________ to death. A. dripping B. bleeding C. circulating D. breeding 2. I would like to open a deposit ________ in your bank. A. insurance B. detail C. amount D. account 3. As compared with wheat flour, corn flour is rather ________. A. harsh B. rude C. coarse D. course 4. The U. N. resolution had a clear ________, that is, to drive the Iraqi army out of Kuwait(科威特). A. objective B. objection C. goal D. purpose 5. The exterior of the museum was not very impressive, but its exhibits were ________. A. rural B. marvelous C. routine D. royal 6. A 30-kilometre neutral zone will leave the capital out of the ________ of heavy weapons. A. scale B. extent C. range D. scope


Unit Verbs Attack carry catch climb control die emigrate 移居国外explore hope imagine想像send sink try win Nouns Accident bottom century cholera [医]霍乱competition coral珊瑚disease疾病farmland gunshot(射出的)枪弹habitation illness journey life live mountain museum Native American ocean recording contract remains残骸settlement定居点;聚居地settler移民侨民ship shipwreck site submarine潜艇 trail wagon四轮的运货马车waterfall瀑布wheel accidental ancient barefoot brilliant非常好的dangerous fit frozen helpful live underwater actually实际上 Unit 2 Fashion Baggy宽松的beads珠子button纽扣casual便装的decorated 有装饰denim斜纹粗棉布dye染料fabric 织物fashionable流行的flared 呈喇叭形展开low-waisted低腰的pattern 样式straight直的style风格trainers软运动鞋trousers裤子wig假发Get angry生气get an idea想到一个主意 get a surprise得到一个惊喜get close接近get home回家

M1U1 Wordlist

M1U1 School life Wordlist 1、enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的 an enjoyable experience enjoy doing sth. vt. enjoy enjoy oneself = have fun = have a great/good time 2、experience ① n. 经验[U] a teacher with much experience have (much) experience in sth./doing sth. in my experience 根据我的经验 adj. experienced inexperienced be experienced in sth. / doing sth. ② n. 经历[C] an enjoyable experience ③ vt. 经历,体验,体会 experience a different way of life experience happiness 3、earn ① vt. 赚,挣得 earn a great deal of money / earn a fortune earn a / one’s living = make a / one’s living ② vt. 获得,赢得 earn sb. sth. 为某人赢得 earn him respect earn respect from sb.= earn one’s respect 4、respect ① n. 尊敬,敬重[U] earn / win respect from sb. = earn / win one’s respect show / have respect for ② n. 方面,细节[C] in all respects 在所有方面 in respect of sth. 就….而言,关于 with respect to sth. 关于,就….而言 ③ n. 问候(常用复数) send one’s respects / regards to sb


Academic Word List Sublist1 analyze[??n?laiz]vt.〈美〉分析,分解,解释 constitute[?k?nstitju:t]vt.构成,组成建立,制定选定,任命 establish[is?t?bli?]vt.建立,成立安置确定,证实 indicate[?indikeit]vt.标示,指示,指出象征;表明或暗示…的可能性 occur[??k?:]vi.发生;举行;存在被发现;想到[起] role[r?ul]n.作用,职责角色 approach[??pr?ut?]n.靠近,接近,临近通路,入口,途径方式,方法vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理vt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近 context[?k?ntekst]n.背景,环境上下文,语境 estimate[?estimeit]n.估计,估价报价判断vt.&vi.估计;评价,评估 individual[??ndi?vidju?l]adj.个别的,单独的,个人的独特的n.个人人 percent[p??sent]n.百分比,百分数 section[?sek??n]n.章节部分部门,科截面,剖面地区,区 area[???ri?]n.面积区域,地区领域,方面 contract[k?n?tr?kt]n.契约,合同vt.缔结;订契约vt.&vi.染上(恶习,疾病等)缩小;紧缩evident[?evid?nt]adj.明显的,明白的 interpret[in?t?:prit]vt.解释;说明vt.&vi.口译;翻译 period[?pi?ri?d]n.(一段)时间时期,时代学时,课时句号,句点 sector[?sekt?]n.部门;领域防御地区,防卫区域扇形,扇形面 assess[??ses]vt.估价,估计评定,核定 create[kri?eit]vt.创造,创作,创建引起,产生 export[eks?p?:t]n.输出,出口输出[出口]物vt.&vi.出口,输出 involve[in?v?lv]vt.使某事物成为必要条件或结果;需要使参与,牵涉 policy[?p?l?si]n.政策,方针策略,精明的行为,上策保险单 significant[siɡ?nifik?nt]adj.重要的,重大的,可观的有意义的,有用意的意味深长的assume[??sju:m]vt.假设,臆断,猜想假装承担,担任,就职呈现,采取 data[?deit?]n.资料,材料 factor[?f?kt?]n.因素,要素〈数〉因子,因数 issue[?isju:]n.问题,议题;争论点发行物放出,流出;发出,发行〈正〉结果,结局vi.冒出,流出;传出vt.出版,发行发表,发布分配,发给 principle[?prins?pl]n.原则,原理准则,规范操守,道义工作原理 similar[?simil?]adj.类似的;同类的;相似的;同样的 authority[?:?θ?riti]n.权力,职权官方,当局权威,专家 define[di?fain]vt.精确地解释;界定规定,确定 finance[fai?n?ns]n.财政,金融财源,资金,财务情况vt.为…供给资金,从事金融活动labour[?leib?]n.劳动,努力;工作劳工,工人分娩,(分娩时的)阵痛vi.劳动;努力艰难行进proceed[pr??si:d]vi.前进;行进进行;继续下去 source[s?:s]n.河流的源头,发源地来源,出处原因提供资料者,资料来源 available[??veil?bl]adj.可用的或可得到的可会见的,可与之交谈的 derive[di?raiv]vt.&vi.得到源于


初中英语单词分类记忆一、分类记忆法 名词 (1)星期(week) Monday(星期一) Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三) Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五) Saturday(星期六) Sunday(星期天) (2)月份(month) January(一月) February(二月) March(三月) April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) August(八月)

September(九月)October(十月)November(十一月)December(十二月)(3)季节(season) spring(春节)summer(夏天)autumn(秋天)winter(冬天) (4)时间(time) second(秒)minute(分) hour(小时) day(天) night(夜) week(星期) month(月份) year(年) century(世纪)(7)方位(direction)

east(东) south(南) west(西) north(北) left(左) right(右) (8)交通工具(transport) bike / bicycle(自行车)bus(公共汽车) car(小汽车) jeep(吉普车) train(火车) ship(轮船) plane(飞机) (9)饮食(meal) breakfast(早餐) lunch(午餐) supper(晚餐) dinner(正餐、晚餐) snack(快餐)

picnic(野餐) (10)米面及肉类食品 rice(米、米饭) porridge(粥) dumpling(饺子) noodle【常用复数】(面条) meat(肉) beef(牛肉) mutton(羊肉) chicken(鸡肉) egg(鸡蛋) (11)水果(fruit) Apple(苹果) banana(香蕉) pear(梨子) orange(橙子) strawberry(草莓) (12)蔬菜(vegetable) tomato(西红柿) potato(马铃薯)


Word list 2 I.根据所给的中文和词性写单词。 adj.超重的,过重的v.吹口哨n.侦探 n.典礼,仪式n.裂缝;一缕光n.资源;应付办法 v.占用;忙碌于v.得分,给……打分v.说服;使相信 adj.动物学的adj.正确无误的,精确的adj.嫩的;脆弱的;温柔的n.合作;配合n.一系列;丛书v.拒绝n.不合格品 adj.局部范围的;地方性的v.确保;担保n.(山等的)最高点,顶峰adj.上级的;优越的v.漏出,渗漏adj.深思熟虑的;从容不迫的adj.遗传的n.壁球v.挤压n.迁徙,移民 II.根据所给的音标写单词、词性和中文。 [pr??z?:v] [?f?br?'ke??n] [?a?t?m] [m??t???r?ti] [??v?kjue?t] [?d??st?fa?] [???d?(r)] [?kr?k?da?l] [?da??gn??z] [?n?ta??(r)] [?m?b?s?d?(r)] [?kwest???ne?(r)] [ru:?ti:n] [??p??n?nt] [?n?:t??(r)] [d??sa?s?v] Word list 2 I.根据所给的中文和词性写单词。 adj.超重的,过重的v.吹口哨n.侦探 n.典礼,仪式n.裂缝;一缕光n.资源;应付办法 v.占用;忙碌于v.得分,给……打分v.说服;使相信 adj.动物学的adj.正确无误的,精确的adj.嫩的;脆弱的;温柔的n.合作;配合n.一系列;丛书v.拒绝n.不合格品 adj.局部范围的;地方性的v.确保;担保n.(山等的)最高点,顶峰adj.上级的;优越的v.漏出,渗漏adj.深思熟虑的;从容不迫的adj.遗传的n.壁球v.挤压n.迁徙,移民 II.根据所给的音标写单词、词性和中文。 [pr??z?:v] [?f?br?'ke??n] [?a?t?m] [m??t???r?ti] [??v?kjue?t] [?d??st?fa?] [???d?(r)] [?kr?k?da?l] [?da??gn??z] [?n?ta??(r)] [?m?b?s?d?(r)] [?kwest???ne?(r)] [ru:?ti:n] [??p??n?nt] [?n?:t??(r)] [d??sa?s?v]


英语单词归类 前缀派生形容词 由il-,im-,in-或ir-前缀构成的形容词 illegal 非法的impossible 不可能的incorrect 不正确的independent 独立的irregular 不规则的,不规律的irrelevant 不相干的,离题的irresponsible 无责任感的 由non-前缀构成的形容词 non-stop 中途不停的non-violent 非暴力的 由un-前缀构成的形容词 unable 不能的,不能胜任的unbearable 难耐的,无法接受的unbelievable 难以置信的uncertain 不确定的unconditional 人不舒服的unconscious 昏迷的,不省人事的unconditional 无条件,绝对的undivided 没分开的;专一的unfair 不公平的,不公正的unfit 不合宜的,不相宜的unfortunate 不幸的 unhappy 不开心的 unhealthy 不健康的,不卫生的unimportant 不重要的 unknown 不知道的 unlucky 不幸的 unmarried 未婚的,独身的unpleasant 使人不愉快的unsafe 不安全的,危险的unsuccessful 不成功的,失败的untrue 不真实的,假的unusual 不平常的,异常的unwilling 不愿意的,勉强的后缀派生形容词 由-able 或-ible后缀构成的形容词able 能够;有能力的accessible 可到达的,可接受的admirable 值得赞赏的,可钦佩的available 可获得的;闲置的changeable 易变的,变化无常的comfortable 舒服的,安逸的enjoyable 愉快的;有趣的flexible 灵活的,可变动的horrible 令人恐惧的 portable 手提的,便携式的possible 可能的 probable 很可能的,很有希的 reasonable 合乎情理的 reliable 可信赖的,可依靠的stable 稳固的,牢固的suitable 合适的,适宜的terrible 可怕的,糟糕的valuable 值钱的,贵重的 由-al后缀构成的形容词 abnormal 反常的,变态的actual 实际的,现实的agricultural 农业的 annual 每年的,年度的 casual 漫不经心的central 中心的,中央的conventional 依照惯例的 digital 数字的,数码的 equal 平等的 federal 中央的 festival 节日的,喜庆的 final 最后的,终极的fundamental 十分重大的,根本的
