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You have substantial latitude about what to emphasize in Chapter 1. I find it useful to talk about the economics of crime example (Example 1.1) and the wage example (Example 1.2) so that students see, at the outset, that econometrics is linked to economic reasoning, even if the economics is not complicated theory.

I like to familiarize students with the important data structures that empirical economists use, focusing primarily on cross-sectional and time series data sets, as these are what I cover in a first-semester course. It is probably a good idea to mention the growing importance of data sets that have both a cross-sectional and time dimension.

I spend almost an entire lecture talking about the problems inherent in drawing causal inferences in the social sciences. I do this mostly through the agricultural yield, return to education, and crime examples. These examples also contrast experimental and nonexperimental (observational) data. Students studying business and finance tend to find the term structure of interest rates example more relevant, although the issue there is testing the implication of a simple theory, as opposed to inferring causality. I have found that spending time talking about these examples, in place of a formal review of probability and statistics, is more successful (and more enjoyable for the students and me).



This is the chapter where I expect students to follow most, if not all, of the algebraic derivations. In class I like to derive at least the unbiasedness of the OLS slope coefficient, and usually I derive the variance. At a minimum, I talk about the factors affecting the variance. To simplify the notation, after I emphasize the assumptions in the population model, and assume random sampling, I just condition on the values of the explanatory variables in the sample. Technically, this is justified by random sampling because, for example, E(u i|x1,x2,…,x n) = E(u i|x i) by independent sampling. I find that students are able to focus on the key assumption SLR.4 and subsequently take my word about how conditioning on the independent variables in the sample is harmless. (If you prefer, the appendix to Chapter 3 does the conditioning argument carefully.) Because statistical inference is no more difficult in multiple regression than in simple regression, I postpone inference until Chapter 4. (This reduces redundancy and allows you to focus on the interpretive differences between simple and multiple regression.)

You might notice how, compared with most other texts, I use relatively few assumptions to derive the unbiasedness of the OLS slope estimator, followed by the formula for its variance. This is because I do not introduce redundant or unnecessary assumptions. For example, once SLR.4 is assumed, nothing further about the relationship between u and x is needed to obtain the unbiasedness of OLS under random sampling.



For undergraduates, I do not work through most of the derivations in this chapter, at least not in detail. Rather, I focus on interpreting the assumptions, which mostly concern the population. Other than random sampling, the only assumption that involves more than population considerations is the assumption about no perfect collinearity, where the possibility of perfect collinearity in the sample (even if it does not occur in the population) should be touched on. The more important issue is perfect collinearity in the population, but this is fairly easy to dispense with via examples. These come from my experiences with the kinds of model specification issues that beginners have trouble with.

The comparison of simple and multiple regression estimates – based on the particular sample at hand, as opposed to their statistical properties – usually makes a strong impression. Sometimes I do not bother with the “partialling out” interpretation of multiple regression.

As far as statistical properties, notice how I treat the problem of including an irrelevant variable: no separate derivation is needed, as the result follows form Theorem 3.1.

I do like to derive the omitted variable bias in the simple case. This is not much more difficult than showing unbiasedness of OLS in the simple regression case under the first four Gauss-Markov assumptions. It is important to get the students thinking about this problem early on, and before too many additional (unnecessary) assumptions have been introduced.

I have intentionally kept the discussion of multicollinearity to a minimum. This partly indicates my bias, but it also reflects reality. It is, of course, very important for students to understand the potential consequences of having highly correlated independent variables. But this is often beyond our control, except that we can ask less of our multiple regression analysis. If two or more explanatory variables are highly correlated in the sample, we should not expect to precisely estimate their ceteris paribus effects in the population.

I find extensive treatments of multicollinearity, where one “tests” or somehow “solves” the multicollinearity problem, to be misleading, at best. Even the organization of some texts gives the impression that imperfect multicollinearity is somehow a violation of the Gauss-Markov assumptions: they include multicollinearity in a chapter or part of the book devoted to “violation of the basic assumptions,” or something like that. I have noticed that master’s students who have had some undergraduate econometrics are often confused on the multicollinearity issue. It is very important that students not confuse multicollinearity among the included explanatory variables in a regression model with the bias caused by omitting an important variable.

I do not prove the Gauss-Markov theorem. Instead, I emphasize its implications. Sometimes, and certainly for advanced beginners, I put a special case of Problem 3.12 on a midterm exam, where I make a particular choice for the function g(x). Rather than have the students directly compare the variances, they should

appeal to the Gauss-Markov theorem for the superiority of OLS over any other linear, unbiased estimator.



At the start of this chapter is good time to remind students that a specific error distribution played no role in the results of Chapter 3. That is because only the first two moments were derived under the full set of Gauss-Markov assumptions. Nevertheless, normality is needed to obtain exact normal sampling distributions (conditional on the explanatory variables). I emphasize that the full set of CLM assumptions are used in this chapter, but that in Chapter 5 we relax the normality assumption and still perform approximately valid inference. One could argue that the classical linear model results could be skipped entirely, and that only large-sample analysis is needed. But, from a practical perspective, students still need to know where the t distribution comes from because virtually all regression packages report t statistics and obtain p -values off of the t distribution. I then find it very easy to

cover Chapter 5 quickly, by just saying we can drop normality and still use t statistics and the associated p -values as being approximately valid. Besides, occasionally students will have to analyze smaller data sets, especially if they do their own small surveys for a term project.

It is crucial to emphasize that we test hypotheses about unknown population

parameters. I tell my students that they will be punished if they write something like

H 0:1

? = 0 on an exam or, even worse, H 0: .632 = 0. One useful feature of Chapter 4 is its illustration of how to rewrite a population model so that it contains the parameter of interest in testing a single restriction. I find this is easier, both theoretically and practically, than computing variances that can, in some cases, depend on numerous covariance terms. The example of testing equality of the return to two- and four-year colleges illustrates the basic method, and shows that the respecified model can have a useful interpretation. Of course, some statistical packages now provide a standard error for linear combinations of estimates with a simple command, and that should be taught, too.

One can use an F test for single linear restrictions on multiple parameters, but this is less transparent than a t test and does not immediately produce the standard error needed for a confidence interval or for testing a one-sided alternative. The trick of rewriting the population model is useful in several instances, including obtaining confidence intervals for predictions in Chapter 6, as well as for obtaining confidence intervals for marginal effects in models with interactions (also in Chapter


The major league baseball player salary example illustrates the difference

between individual and joint significance when explanatory variables (rbisyr and hrunsyr in this case) are highly correlated. I tend to emphasize the R -squared form of the F statistic because, in practice, it is applicable a large percentage of the time, and it is much more readily computed. I do regret that this example is biased toward students in countries where baseball is played. Still, it is one of the better examples

of multicollinearity that I have come across, and students of all backgrounds seem to get the point.



Chapter 5 is short, but it is conceptually more difficult than the earlier chapters, primarily because it requires some knowledge of asymptotic properties of estimators. In class, I give a brief, heuristic description of consistency and asymptotic normality before stating the consistency and asymptotic normality of OLS. (Conveniently, the same assumptions that work for finite sample analysis work for asymptotic analysis.) More advanced students can follow the proof of consistency of the slope coefficient in the bivariate regression case. Section E.4 contains a full matrix treatment of asymptotic analysis appropriate for a master’s level course.

An explicit illustration of what happens to standard errors as the sample size grows emphasizes the importance of having a larger sample. I do not usually cover the LM statistic in a first-semester course, and I only briefly mention the asymptotic efficiency result. Without full use of matrix algebra combined with limit theorems for vectors and matrices, it is very difficult to prove asymptotic efficiency of OLS.

I think the conclusions of this chapter are important for students to know, even though they may not fully grasp the details. On exams I usually include true-false type questions, with explanation, to test the students’ understanding of asymptotics. [For example: “In large samples we do not have to worry about omitted variable bias.” (False). Or “Even if the error term is not normally distributed, in large samples we can still compute approximately valid confidence intervals under the Gauss-Markov assumptions.” (True).]



I cover most of Chapter 6, but not all of the material in great detail. I use the example in Table 6.1 to quickly run through the effects of data scaling on the important OLS statistics. (Students should already have a feel for the effects of data scaling on the coefficients, fitting values, and R-squared because it is covered in Chapter 2.) At most, I briefly mention beta coefficients; if students have a need for them, they can read this subsection.

The functional form material is important, and I spend some time on more complicated models involving logarithms, quadratics, and interactions. An important point for models with quadratics, and especially interactions, is that we need to evaluate the partial effect at interesting values of the explanatory variables. Often, zero is not an interesting value for an explanatory variable and is well outside the range in the sample. Using the methods from Chapter 4, it is easy to obtain confidence intervals for the effects at interesting x values.

As far as goodness-of-fit, I only introduce the adjusted R-squared, as I think using a slew of goodness-of-fit measures to choose a model can be confusing to novices (and does not reflect empirical practice). It is important to discuss how, if we fixate on a high R-squared, we may wind up with a model that has no interesting ceteris paribus interpretation.

I often have students and colleagues ask if there is a simple way to predict y when log(y) has been used as the dependent variable, and to obtain a goodness-of-fit measure for the log(y) model that can be compared with the usual R-squared obtained when y is the dependent variable. The methods described in Section 6.4 are easy to implement and, unlike other approaches, do not require normality.

The section on prediction and residual analysis contains several important topics, including constructing prediction intervals. It is useful to see how much wider the prediction intervals are than the confidence interval for the conditional mean. I usually discuss some of the residual-analysis examples, as they have real-world applicability.



This is a fairly standard chapter on using qualitative information in regression analysis, although I try to emphasize examples with policy relevance (and only cross-sectional applications are included.).

In allowing for different slopes, it is important, as in Chapter 6, to appropriately interpret the parameters and to decide whether they are of direct interest. For example, in the wage equation where the return to education is allowed to depend on gender, the coefficient on the female dummy variable is the wage differential between women and men at zero years of education. It is not surprising that we cannot estimate this very well, nor should we want to. In this particular example we would drop the interaction term because it is insignificant, but the issue of interpreting the parameters can arise in models where the interaction term is significant.

In discussing the Chow test, I think it is important to discuss testing for differences in slope coefficients after allowing for an intercept difference. In many applications, a significant Chow statistic simply indicates intercept differences. (See the example in Section 7.4 on student-athlete GPAs in the text.) From a practical perspective, it is important to know whether the partial effects differ across groups or whether a constant differential is sufficient.

I admit that an unconventional feature of this chapter is its introduction of the linear probability model. I cover the LPM here for several reasons. First, the LPM is being used more and more because it is easier to interpret than probit or logit models. Plus, once the proper parameter scalings are done for probit and logit, the estimated effects are often similar to the LPM partial effects near the mean or median values of the explanatory variables. The theoretical drawbacks of the LPM are often of secondary importance in practice. Computer Exercise C7.9 is a good one to illustrate that, even with over 9,000 observations, the LPM can deliver fitted values strictly between zero and one for all observations.

If the LPM is not covered, many students will never know about using econometrics to explain qualitative outcomes. This would be especially unfortunate for students who might need to read an article where an LPM is used, or who might want to estimate an LPM for a term paper or senior thesis. Once they are introduced to purpose and interpretation of the LPM, along with its shortcomings, they can tackle nonlinear models on their own or in a subsequent course.

A useful modification of the LPM estimated in equation (7.29) is to drop kidsge6 (because it is not significant) and then define two dummy variables, one for kidslt6 equal to one and the other for kidslt6 at least two. These can be included in place of kidslt6 (with no young children being the base group). This allows a diminishing marginal effect in an LPM. I was a bit surprised when a diminishing effect did not materialize.



This is a good place to remind students that homoskedasticity played no role in showing that OLS is unbiased for the parameters in the regression equation. In addition, you probably should mention that there is nothing wrong with the R-squared or adjusted R-squared as goodness-of-fit measures. The key is that these are estimates of the population R-squared, 1 – [Var(u)/Var(y)], where the variances are the unconditional variances in the population. The usual R-squared, and the adjusted version, consistently estimate the population R-squared whether or not Var(u|x) = Var(y|x) depends on x. Of course, heteroskedasticity causes the usual standard errors, t statistics, and F statistics to be invalid, even in large samples, with or without normality.

By explicitly stating the homoskedasticity assumption as conditional on the explanatory variables that appear in the conditional mean, it is clear that only heteroskedasticity that depends on the explanatory variables in the model affects the validity of standard errors and test statistics. The version of the Breusch-Pagan test in the text, and the White test, are ideally suited for detecting forms of heteroskedasticity that invalidate inference obtained under homoskedasticity. If heteroskedasticity depends on an exogenous variable that does not also appear in the mean equation, this can be exploited in weighted least squares for efficiency, but only rarely is such a variable available. One case where such a variable is available is when an individual-level equation has been aggregated. I discuss this case in the text but I rarely have time to teach it.

As I mention in the text, other traditional tests for heteroskedasticity, such as the Park and Glejser tests, do not directly test what we want, or add too many assumptions under the null. The Goldfeld-Quandt test only works when there is a natural way to order the data based on one independent variable. This is rare in practice, especially for cross-sectional applications.

Some argue that weighted least squares estimation is a relic, and is no longer necessary given the availability of heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors and test statistics. While I am sympathetic to this argument, it presumes that we do not care much about efficiency. Even in large samples, the OLS estimates may not be precise

enough to learn much about the population parameters. With substantial heteroskedasticity we might do better with weighted least squares, even if the weighting function is misspecified. As discussed in the text on pages 288-289, one can, and probably should, compute robust standard errors after weighted least squares. For asymptotic efficiency comparisons, these would be directly comparable to the heteroskedasiticity-robust standard errors for OLS.

Weighted least squares estimation of the LPM is a nice example of feasible GLS, at least when all fitted values are in the unit interval. Interestingly, in the LPM examples in the text and the LPM computer exercises, the heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors often differ by only small amounts from the usual standard errors. However, in a couple of cases the differences are notable, as in Computer Exercise




The coverage of RESET in this chapter recognizes that it is a test for neglected nonlinearities, and it should not be expected to be more than that. (Formally, it can be shown that if an omitted variable has a conditional mean that is linear in the included explanatory variables, RESET has no ability to detect the omitted variable. Interested readers may consult my chapter in Companion to Theoretical Econometrics, 2001, edited by Badi Baltagi.) I just teach students the F statistic version of the test.

The Davidson-MacKinnon test can be useful for detecting functional form misspecification, especially when one has in mind a specific alternative, nonnested model. It has the advantage of always being a one degree of freedom test.

I think the proxy variable material is important, but the main points can be made with Examples 9.3 and 9.4. The first shows that controlling for IQ can substantially change the estimated return to education, and the omitted ability bias is in the expected direction. Interestingly, education and ability do not appear to have an interactive effect. Example 9.4 is a nice example of how controlling for a previous value of the dependent variable – something that is often possible with survey and nonsurvey data – can greatly affect a policy conclusion. Computer Exercise 9.3 is also a good illustration of this method.

I rarely get to teach the measurement error material, although the attenuation bias result for classical errors-in-variables is worth mentioning.

The result on exogenous sample selection is easy to discuss, with more details given in Chapter 17. The effects of outliers can be illustrated using the examples. I think the infant mortality example, Example 9.10, is useful for illustrating how a single influential observation can have a large effect on the OLS estimates.

With the growing importance of least absolute deviations, it makes sense to at least discuss the merits of LAD, at least in more advanced courses. Computer Exercise 9.9 is a good example to show how mean and median effects can be very different, even though there may not be “outliers” in the usual sense.



Because of its realism and its care in stating assumptions, this chapter puts a somewhat heavier burden on the instructor and student than traditional treatments of time series regression. Nevertheless, I think it is worth it. It is important that students learn that there are potential pitfalls inherent in using regression with time series data that are not present for cross-sectional applications. Trends, seasonality, and high persistence are ubiquitous in time series data. By this time, students should have a firm grasp of multiple regression mechanics and inference, and so you can focus on those features that make time series applications different from

cross-sectional ones.

I think it is useful to discuss static and finite distributed lag models at the same time, as these at least have a shot at satisfying the Gauss-Markov assumptions.

Many interesting examples have distributed lag dynamics. In discussing the time series versions of the CLM assumptions, I rely mostly on intuition. The notion of strict exogeneity is easy to discuss in terms of feedback. It is also pretty apparent that, in many applications, there are likely to be some explanatory variables that are not strictly exogenous. What the student should know is that, to conclude that OLS is unbiased – as opposed to consistent – we need to assume a very strong form of exogeneity of the regressors. Chapter 11 shows that only contemporaneous exogeneity is needed for consistency.

Although the text is careful in stating the assumptions, in class, after discussing strict exogeneity, I leave the conditioning on X implicit, especially when I discuss the no serial correlation assumption. As this is a new assumption I spend some time on it. (I also discuss why we did not need it for random sampling.)

Once the unbiasedness of OLS, the Gauss-Markov theorem, and the sampling distributions under the classical linear model assumptions have been covered – which can be done rather quickly – I focus on applications. Fortunately, the students already know about logarithms and dummy variables. I treat index numbers in this chapter because they arise in many time series examples.

A novel feature of the text is the discussion of how to compute goodness-of-fit measures with a trending or seasonal dependent variable. While detrending or deseasonalizing y is hardly perfect (and does not work with integrated processes), it is better than simply reporting the very high R-squareds that often come with time series regressions with trending variables.



Much of the material in this chapter is usually postponed, or not covered at all, in an introductory course. However, as Chapter 10 indicates, the set of time series applications that satisfy all of the classical linear model assumptions might be very small. In my experience, spurious time series regressions are the hallmark of many

student projects that use time series data. Therefore, students need to be alerted to the dangers of using highly persistent processes in time series regression equations. (Spurious regression problem and the notion of cointegration are covered in detail in Chapter 18.)

It is fairly easy to heuristically describe the difference between a weakly dependent process and an integrated process. Using the MA(1) and the stable AR(1) examples is usually sufficient.

When the data are weakly dependent and the explanatory variables are contemporaneously exogenous, OLS is consistent. This result has many applications, including the stable AR(1) regression model. When we add the appropriate homoskedasticity and no serial correlation assumptions, the usual test statistics are asymptotically valid.

The random walk process is a good example of a unit root (highly persistent) process. In a one-semester course, the issue comes down to whether or not to first difference the data before specifying the linear model. While unit root tests are covered in Chapter 18, just computing the first-order autocorrelation is often sufficient, perhaps after detrending. The examples in Section 11.3 illustrate how different first-difference results can be from estimating equations in levels.

Section 11.4 is novel in an introductory text, and simply points out that, if a model is dynamically complete in a well-defined sense, it should not have serial correlation. Therefore, we need not worry about serial correlation when, say, we test the efficient market hypothesis. Section 11.5 further investigates the homoskedasticity assumption, and, in a time series context, emphasizes that what is contained in the explanatory variables determines what kind of heteroskedasticity is ruled out by the usual OLS inference. These two sections could be skipped without loss of continuity.



Most of this chapter deals with serial correlation, but it also explicitly considers heteroskedasticity in time series regressions. The first section allows a review of what assumptions were needed to obtain both finite sample and asymptotic results. Just as with heteroskedasticity, serial correlation itself does not invalidate R-squared. In fact, if the data are stationary and weakly dependent, R-squared and adjusted

R-squared consistently estimate the population R-squared (which is well-defined under stationarity).

Equation (12.4) is useful for explaining why the usual OLS standard errors are not generally valid with AR(1) serial correlation. It also provides a good starting point for discussing serial correlation-robust standard errors in Section 12.5. The subsection on serial correlation with lagged dependent variables is included to debunk the myth that OLS is always inconsistent with lagged dependent variables and serial correlation. I do not teach it to undergraduates, but I do to master’s student s.

Section 12.2 is somewhat untraditional in that it begins with an asymptotic t test for AR(1) serial correlation (under strict exogeneity of the regressors). It may seem heretical not to give the Durbin-Watson statistic its usual prominence, but I do believe the DW test is less useful than the t test. With nonstrictly exogenous regressors I cover only the regression form of Durbin’s test, as the h statistic is asymptotically equivalent and not always computable.

Section 12.3, on GLS and FGLS estimation, is fairly standard, although I try to show how comparing OLS estimates and FGLS estimates is not so straightforward. Unfortunately, at the beginning level (and even beyond), it is difficult to choose a course of action when they are very different.

I do not usually cover Section 12.5 in a first-semester course, but, because some econometrics packages routinely compute fully robust standard errors, students can be pointed to Section 12.5 if they need to learn something about what the corrections do.

I do cover Section 12.5 for a master’s level course in applied econometrics (after the first-semester course).

I also do not cover Section 12.6 in class; again, this is more to serve as a reference for more advanced students, particularly those with interests in finance. One important point is that ARCH is heteroskedasticity and not serial correlation, something that is confusing in many texts. If a model contains no serial correlation, the usual heteroskedasticity-robust statistics are valid. I have a brief subsection on correcting for a known form of heteroskedasticity and AR(1) errors in models with strictly exogenous regressors.



While this chapter falls under “Advanced Topics,” most of this chapter requires no more sophistication than the previous chapters. (In fact, I would argue that, with the possible exception of Section 13.5, this material is easier than some of the time series chapters.)

Pooling two or more independent cross sections is a straightforward extension of cross-sectional methods. Nothing new needs to be done in stating assumptions, except possibly mentioning that random sampling in each time period is sufficient. The practically important issue is allowing for different intercepts, and possibly different slopes, across time.

The natural experiment material and extensions of the difference-in-differences estimator is widely applicable and, with the aid of the examples, easy to understand.

Two years of panel data are often available, in which case differencing across time is a simple way of removing g unobserved heterogeneity. If you have covered Chapter 9, you might compare this with a regression in levels using the second year of data, but where a lagged dependent variable is included. (The second approach only requires collecting information on the dependent variable in a previous year.) These often give similar answers. Two years of panel data, collected before and after a policy change, can be very powerful for policy analysis.

Having more than two periods of panel data causes slight complications in that the errors in the differenced equation may be serially correlated. (However, the traditional assumption that the errors in the original equation are serially uncorrelated is not always a good one. In other words, it is not always more appropriate to used fixed effects, as in Chapter 14, than first differencing.) With large N and relatively small T, a simple way to account for possible serial correlation after differencing is to compute standard errors that are robust to arbitrary serial correlation and hetero-skedasticity. Econometrics packages that do cluster analysis (such as Stata) often allow this by specifying each cross-sectional unit as its own cluster.



My preference is to view the fixed and random effects methods of estimation as applying to the same underlying unobserved effects model. The name “unobserved effect” is neutral to the issue of whether the time-constant effects should be treated as fixed parameters or random variables. With large N and relatively small T, it almost always makes sense to treat them as random variables, since we can just view the unobserved a i as being drawn from the population along with the observed variables. Especially for undergraduates and master’s students, it seems sensible to not raise the philosophical issues underlying the professional debate. In my mind, the key issue in most applications is whether the unobserved effect is correlated with the observed explanatory variables. The fixed effects transformation eliminates the unobserved effect entirely whereas the random effects transformation accounts for the serial correlation in the composite error via GLS. (Alternatively, the random effects transformation only eliminates a fraction of the unobserved effect.)

As a practical matter, the fixed effects and random effects estimates are closer when T is large or when the variance of the unobserved effect is large relative to the variance of the idiosyncratic error. I think Example 14.4 is representative of what often happens in applications that apply pooled OLS, random effects, and fixed effects, at least on the estimates of the marriage and union wage premiums. The random effects estimates are below pooled OLS and the fixed effects estimates are below the random effects estimates.

Choosing between the fixed effects transformation and first differencing is harder, although useful evidence can be obtained by testing for serial correlation in the first-difference estimation. If the AR(1) coefficient is significant and negative (say, less than .3, to pick a not quite arbitrary value), perhaps fixed effects is preferred.

Matched pairs samples have been profitably used in recent economic applications, and differencing or random effects methods can be applied. In an equation such as (14.12), there is probably no need to allow a different intercept for each sister provided that the labeling of sisters is random. The different intercepts might be needed if a certain feature of a sister that is not included in the observed controls is used to determine the ordering. A statistically significant intercept in the differenced equation would be evidence of this.


When I wrote the first edition, I took the novel approach of introducing instrumental variables as a way of solving the omitted variable (or unobserved heterogeneity) problem. Traditionally, a student’s first exposure to IV methods comes by way of simultaneous equations models. Occasionally, IV is first seen as a method to solve the measurement error problem. I have even seen texts where the first appearance of IV methods is to obtain a consistent estimator in an AR(1) model with AR(1) serial correlation.

The omitted variable problem is conceptually much easier than simultaneity, and stating the conditions needed for an IV to be valid in an omitted variable context is straightforward. Besides, most modern applications of IV have more of an unobserved heterogeneity motivation. A leading example is estimating the return to education when unobserved ability is in the error term. We are not thinking that education and wages are jointly determined; for the vast majority of people, education is completed before we begin collecting information on wages or salaries. Similarly, in studying the effects of attending a certain type of school on student performance, the choice of school is made and then we observe performance on a test. Again, we are primarily concerned with unobserved factors that affect performance and may be correlated with school choice; it is not an issue of simultaneity.

The asymptotics underlying the simple IV estimator are no more difficult than for the OLS estimator in the bivariate regression model. Certainly consistency can be derived in class. It is also easy to demonstrate how, even just in terms of inconsistency, IV can be worse than OLS if the IV is not completely exogenous.

At a minimum, it is important to always estimate the reduced form equation and test whether the IV is partially correlated with endogenous explanatory variable.

The material on multicollinearity and 2SLS estimation is a direct extension of the OLS case. Using equation (15.43), it is easy to explain why multicollinearity is generally more of a problem with 2SLS estimation.

Another conceptually straightforward application of IV is to solve the measurement error problem, although, because it requires two measures, it can be hard to implement in practice.

Testing for endogeneity and testing any overidentification restrictions is something that should be covered in second semester courses. The tests are fairly easy to motivate and are very easy to implement.

While I provide a treatment for time series applications in Section 15.7, I admit to having trouble finding compelling time series applications. These are likely to be found at a less aggregated level, where exogenous IVs have a chance of existing. (See also Chapter 16.)


I spend some time in Section 16.1 trying to distinguish between good and inappropriate uses of SEMs. Naturally, this is partly determined by my taste, and many applications fall into a gray area. But students who are going to learn about SEMS should know that just because two (or more) variables are jointly determined does not mean that it is appropriate to specify and estimate an SEM. I have seen many bad applications of SEMs where no equation in the system can stand on its own with an interesting ceteris paribus interpretation. In most cases, the researcher either wanted to estimate a tradeoff between two variables, controlling for other factors – in which case OLS is appropriate – or should have been estimating what is (often pejora tively) called the “reduced form.”

The identification of a two-equation SEM in Section 16.3 is fairly standard except that I emphasize that identification is a feature of the population. (The early work on SEMs also had this emphasis.) Given the treatment of 2SLS in Chapter 15, the rank condition is easy to state (and test).

Romer’s (1993) inflation and openness example is a nice example of using aggregate cross-sectional data. Purists may not like the labor supply example, but it has become common to view labor supply as being a two-tier decision. While there are different ways to model the two tiers, specifying a standard labor supply function conditional on working is not outside the realm of reasonable models.

Section 16.5 begins by expressing doubts of the usefulness of SEMs for aggregate models such as those that are specified based on standard macroeconomic models. Such models raise all kinds of thorny issues; these are ignored in virtually all texts, where such models are still used to illustrate SEM applications.

SEMs with panel data, which are covered in Section 16.6, are not covered in any other introductory text. Presumably, if you are teaching this material, it is to more advanced students in a second semester, perhaps even in a more applied course. Once students have seen first differencing or the within transformation, along with IV methods, they will find specifying and estimating models of the sort contained in Example 16.8 straightforward. Levitt’s example concernin g prison populations is especially convincing because his instruments seem to be truly exogenous.



I emphasize to the students that, first and foremost, the reason we use the probit and logit models is to obtain more reasonable functional forms for the response probability. Once we move to a nonlinear model with a fully specified conditional distribution, it makes sense to use the efficient estimation procedure, maximum likelihood. It is important to spend some time on interpreting probit and logit estimates. In particular, the students should know the rules-of-thumb for comparing probit, logit, and LPM estimates. Beginners sometimes mistakenly think that,

because the probit and especially the logit estimates are much larger than the LPM estimates, the explanatory variables now have larger estimated effects on the response probabilities than in the LPM case. This may or may not be true.

I view the Tobit model, when properly applied, as improving functional form for corner solution outcomes. In most cases it is wrong to view a Tobit application as a data-censoring problem (unless there is true data censoring in collecting the data or because of institutional constraints). For example, in using survey data to estimate the demand for a new product, say a safer pesticide to be used in farming, some farmers will demand zero at the going price, while some will demand positive pounds per acre. There is no data censoring here; some farmers find it optimal to use none of the new pesticide. The Tobit model provides more realistic functional forms for E(y|x) and E(y|y > 0,x) than a linear model for y. With the Tobit model, students may be tempted to compare the Tobit estimates with those from the linear model and conclude that the Tobit estimates imply larger effects for the independent variables. But, as with probit and logit, the Tobit estimates must be scaled down to be comparable with OLS estimates in a linear model. [See Equation (17.27); for an example, see Computer Exercise C17.3.]

Poisson regression with an exponential conditional mean is used primarily to improve over a linear functional form for E(y|x). The parameters are easy to interpret as semi-elasticities or elasticities. If the Poisson distributional assumption is correct, we can use the Poisson distribution compute probabilities, too. But over-dispersion is often present in count regression models, and standard errors and likelihood ratio statistics should be adjusted to reflect this. Some reviewers of the first edition complained about either the inclusion of this material or its location within the chapter. I think applications of count data models are on the rise: in microeconometric fields such as criminology, health economics, and industrial organization, many interesting response variables come in the form of counts. One suggestion was that Poisson regression should not come between the Tobit model in Section 17.2 and Section 17.4, on censored and truncated regression. In fact, I put the Poisson regression model between these two topics on purpose: I hope it helps emphasize that the material in Section 17.2 is purely about functional form, as is Poisson regression. Sections 17.4 and 17.5 deal with underlying linear models, but where there is a data-observability problem.

Censored regression, truncated regression, and incidental truncation are used for missing data problems. Censored and truncated data sets usually result from sample design, as in duration analysis. Incidental truncation often arises from self-selection into a certain state, such as employment or participating in a training program. It is important to emphasize to students that the underlying models are classical linear models; if not for the missing data or sample selection problem, OLS would be the efficient estimation procedure.



Several of the topics in this chapter, including testing for unit roots and cointegration, are now staples of applied time series analysis. Instructors who like their course to be more time series oriented might cover this chapter after Chapter 12, if time permits. Or, the chapter can be used as a reference for ambitious students who wish to be versed in recent time series developments.

The discussion of infinite distributed lag models, and in particular geometric

DL and rational DL models, gives one particular interpretation of dynamic regression models. But one must emphasize that only under fairly restrictive assumptions on the serial correlation in the error of the infinite DL model does the dynamic regression consistently estimate the parameters in the lag distribution. Computer Exercise

C18.1 provides a good illustration of how the GDL model, and a simple RDL model, can be too restrictive.

Example 18.5 tests for cointegration between the general fertility rate and the value of the personal exemption. There is not much evidence of cointegration, which sheds further doubt on the regressions in levels that were used in Chapter 10. The error correction model for holding yields in Example 18.7 is likely to be of interest to students in finance. As a class project, or a term project for a student, it would be interesting to update the data to see if the error correction model is stable over time.

The forecasting section is heavily oriented towards regression methods and, in particular, autoregressive models. These can be estimated using any econometrics package, and forecasts and mean absolute errors or root mean squared errors are easy to obtain. The interest rate data sets (for example, INTQRT.RAW) can be updated

to do much more recent out-of-sample forecasting exercises.



This is a chapter that students should read if you have assigned them a term paper. I used to allow students to choose their own topics, but this is difficult in a first-semester course, and places a heavy burden on instructors or teaching assistants, or both. I now assign a common topic and provide a data set with about six weeks left in the term. The data set is cross-sectional (because I teach time series at the end of the course), and I provide guidelines of the kinds of questions students should try to answer. (For example, I might ask them to answer the following questions: Is there a marriage premium for NBA basketball players? If so, does it depend on race? Can the premium, if it exists, be explained by productivity differences?) The specifics are up to the students, and they are to craft a 10- to 15-page paper on their own. This gives them practice writing the results in a way that is easy-to-read, and forces them to interpret their findings. While leaving the topic to each student’s discretion is more interesting, I find that many students flounder with an open-ended assignment until it is too late. Naturally, for a second-semester course, or a senior seminar, students would be expected to design their own topic, collect their own data, and then write a more substantial term paper.


ECONOMETRIC METHODS (U20451) ASSIGNMENT, FEBRUARY 2014 An Excel file has been uploaded on the Moodle site for the unit, which is entitled ‘Assignment Data’. This file contains annual data from 1994 to 2012 on three variables: Y = purchases of vehicles in the UK (constant prices); X = UK real household disposable income; Z = an EU measure of consumer confidence for the UK. Please copy the data from the Excel file into an EViews workfile. Descriptive Element (10 marks) Produce a line graph of each of the time series. Using no more than 200 words, describe the behaviour of each of the variables over the nineteen-year period. Two-Variable Linear Regression Model (20 marks) There is presented below a population regression function: Y t = B0 + B1X t + u t, t = 1994, 1995, ………, 2012. B0 and B1 are population parameters. u t denotes a random disturbance term. Assume that E[u t] = 0, t = 1994, 1995, ………, 2012. Proceed to provide interpretations of the population parameters. Apply Ordinary Least Squares estimation to the population regression function. Indicate the point estimates of the two parameters. Proceed to produce a 95 per cent confidence interval for B1, explaining the manner of its construction. Adopting two different approaches (i.e., consulting the statistical table and using the probability value), perform a test of null hypothesis, Ho: B1= 0, against the alternative hypothesis, Ha: B1≠ 0.

计量经济学 案例分析

第二章 案例分析 研究目的:分析各地区城镇居民计算机拥有量与城镇居民收入水平的关系,对更多规律的研究具有指导意义. 一. 模型设定 2011年年底城镇居民家庭平均每百户计算机拥有量Y 与城镇居民平均每人全年家庭总收入X 的关系 图2.1 各地区城镇居民每百户计算机拥有量与人均总收入的散点图 由图可知,各地区城镇居民每百户计算机拥有量随着人均总收入水平的提高而增加,近似于线性关系,为分析其数量性变动规律,可建立如下简单线性回归模型: Y t =β1+β2X t +u t 50 60 708090100 110120130140 X Y

二.估计参数 假定所建模型及其随机扰动项u i满足各项古典假设,用普通最小二乘法(OLSE)估计模型参数.其结果如下: 表2.1 回归结果 Dependent Variable: Y Method: Least Squares Date: 11/13/17 Time: 12:50 Sample: 1 31 Included observations: 31 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C 11.95802 5.622841 2.126686 0.0421 X 0.002873 0.000240 11.98264 0.0000 R-squared 0.831966 Mean dependent var 77.08161 Adjusted R-squared 0.826171 S.D. dependent var 19.25503 S.E. of regression 8.027957 Akaike info criterion 7.066078 Sum squared resid 1868.995 Schwarz criterion 7.158593 Log likelihood -107.5242 Hannan-Quinn criter. 7.096236 F-statistic 143.5836 Durbin-Watson stat 1.656123 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 由表2.1可得, β1=11.9580,β2=0.0029 故简单线性回归模型可写为: ^ Y X t t=11.9580+0.0029 其中:SE(β1)=5.6228, SE(β2)=0.0002 R-squared=0.8320,F=143.5836,n=31


第1章 解决问题的办法 1.1(一)理想的情况下,我们可以随机分配学生到不同尺寸的类。也就是说,每个学生被分配一个不同的类的大小,而不考虑任何学生的特点,能力和家庭背景。对于原因,我们将看到在第2章中,我们想的巨大变化,班级规模(主题,当然,伦理方面的考虑和资源约束)。 (二)呈负相关关系意味着,较大的一类大小是与较低的性能。因为班级规模较大的性能实际上伤害,我们可能会发现呈负相关。然而,随着观测数据,还有其他的原因,我们可能会发现负相关关系。例如,来自较富裕家庭的儿童可能更有可能参加班级规模较小的学校,和富裕的孩子一般在标准化考试中成绩更好。另一种可能性是,在学校,校长可能分配更好的学生,以小班授课。或者,有些家长可能会坚持他们的孩子都在较小的类,这些家长往往是更多地参与子女的教育。 (三)鉴于潜在的混杂因素- 其中一些是第(ii)上市- 寻找负相关关系不会是有力的证据,缩小班级规模,实际上带来更好的性能。在某种方式的混杂因素的控制是必要的,这是多元回归分析的主题。 1.2(一)这里是构成问题的一种方法:如果两家公司,说A和B,相同的在各方面比B公司à用品工作培训之一小时每名工人,坚定除外,多少会坚定的输出从B公司的不同? (二)公司很可能取决于工人的特点选择在职培训。一些观察到的特点是多年的教育,多年的劳动力,在一个特定的工作经验。企业甚至可能歧视根据年龄,性别或种族。也许企业选择提供培训,工人或多或少能力,其中,“能力”可能是难以量化,但其中一个经理的相对能力不同的员工有一些想法。此外,不同种类的工人可能被吸引到企业,提供更多的就业培训,平均,这可能不是很明显,向雇主。 (iii)该金额的资金和技术工人也将影响输出。所以,两家公司具有完全相同的各类员工一般都会有不同的输出,如果他们使用不同数额的资金或技术。管理者的素质也有效果。 (iv)无,除非训练量是随机分配。许多因素上市部分(二)及(iii)可有助于寻找输出和培训的正相关关系,即使不在职培训提高工人的生产力。 1.3没有任何意义,提出这个问题的因果关系。经济学家会认为学生选择的混合学习和工作(和其他活动,如上课,休闲,睡觉)的基础上的理性行为,如效用最大化的约束,在一个星期只有168小时。然后我们可以使用统计方法来衡量之间的关联学习和工作,包括回归分析,我们覆盖第2章开始。但我们不会声称一个变量“使”等。他们都选择学生的变量。 第2章 解决问题的办法


第一章 1.Econometrics(计量经济学): the social science in which the tools of economic theory, mathematics, and statistical inference are applied to the analysis of economic phenomena. the result of a certain outlook on the role of economics, consists of the application of mathematical statistics to economic data to lend empirical support to the models constructed by mathematical economics and to obtain numerical results. 2.Econometric analysis proceeds along the following lines计量经济学 分析步骤 1)Creating a statement of theory or hypothesis.建立一个理论假说 2)Collecting data.收集数据 3)Specifying the mathematical model of theory.设定数学模型 4)Specifying the statistical, or econometric, model of theory.设立统计或经济计量模型 5)Estimating the parameters of the chosen econometric model.估计经济计量模型参数 6)Checking for model adequacy : Model specification testing.核查模型的适用性:模型设定检验 7)Testing the hypothesis derived from the model.检验自模型的假设 8)Using the model for prediction or forecasting.利用模型进行预测 Step2:收集数据 Three types of data三类可用于分析的数据 1)Time series(时间序列数据):Collected over a period of time, are collected at regular intervals.按时间跨度收集得到


计量经济学案例分析1 一、研究的目的要求 居民消费在社会经济的持续发展中有着重要的作用。居民合理的消费模式和居民适度的消费规模有利于经济持续健康的增长,而且这也是人民生活水平的具体体现。改革开放以来随着中国经济的快速发展,人民生活水平不断提高,居民的消费水平也不断增长。但是在看到这个整体趋势的同时,还应看到全国各地区经济发展速度不同,居民消费水平也有明显差异。例如,2002年全国城市居民家庭平均每人每年消费支出为元, 最低的黑龙江省仅为人均元,最高的上海市达人均10464元,上海是黑龙江的倍。为了研究全国居民消费水平及其变动的原因,需要作具体的分析。影响各地区居民消费支出有明显差异的因素可能很多,例如,居民的收入水平、就业状况、零售物价指数、利率、居民财产、购物环境等等都可能对居民消费有影响。为了分析什么是影响各地区居民消费支出有明显差异的最主要因素,并分析影响因素与消费水平的数量关系,可以建立相应的计量经济模型去研究。 二、模型设定 我们研究的对象是各地区居民消费的差异。居民消费可分为城市居民消费和农村居民消费,由于各地区的城市与农村人口比例及经济结构有较大差异,最具有直接对比可比性的是城市居民消费。而且,由于各地区人口和经济总量不同,只能用“城市居民每人每年的平均消费支出”来比较,而这正是可从统计年鉴中获得数据的变量。所以模型的被解释变量Y选定为“城市居民每人每年的平均消费支出”。 因为研究的目的是各地区城市居民消费的差异,并不是城市居民消费在不同时间的变动,所以应选择同一时期各地区城市居民的消费支出来建立模型。因此建立的是2002年截面数据模型。 影响各地区城市居民人均消费支出有明显差异的因素有多种,但从理论和经验分析,最主要的影响因素应是居民收入,其他因素虽然对居民消费也有影响,但有的不易取得数据,如“居民财产”和“购物环境”;有的与居民收入可能高度相关,如“就业状况”、“居民财产”;还有的因素在运用截面数据时在地区间的差异并不大,如“零售物价指数”、“利率”。因此这些其他因素可以不列入模型,即便它们对居民消费有某些影响也可归入随即扰动项中。为了与“城市居民人均消费支出”相对应,选择在统计年鉴中可以获得的“城市居民每人每年可支配收入”作为解释变量X。 从2002年《中国统计年鉴》中得到表的数据: 表 2002年中国各地区城市居民人均年消费支出和可支配收入


第六章 案例分析 一、研究目的 2003年中国农村人口占59.47%,而消费总量却只占41.4%,农村居民的收入和消费是一个值得研究的问题。消费模型是研究居民消费行为的常用工具。通过中国农村居民消费模型的分析可判断农村居民的边际消费倾向,这是宏观经济分析的重要参数。同时,农村居民消费模型也能用于农村居民消费水平的预测。 二、模型设定 正如第二章所讲述的,影响居民消费的因素很多,但由于受各种条件的限制,通常只引入居民收入一个变量做解释变量,即消费模型设定为 t t t u X Y ++=21ββ (6.43) 式中,Y t 为农村居民人均消费支出,X t 为农村人均居民纯收入,u t 为随机误差项。表6.3是从《中国统计年鉴》收集的中国农村居民1985-2003年的收入与消费数据。 表6.3 1985-2003年农村居民人均收入和消费 单位: 元

2000 2001 2002 2003 2253.40 2366.40 2475.60 2622.24 1670.00 1741.00 1834.00 1943.30 314.0 316.5 315.2 320.2 717.64 747.68 785.41 818.86 531.85 550.08 581.85 606.81 为了消除价格变动因素对农村居民收入和消费支出的影响,不宜直接采用现价人均纯收入和现价人均消费支出的数据,而需要用经消费价格指数进行调整后的1985年可比价格计的人均纯收入和人均消费支出的数据作回归分析。 根据表6.3中调整后的1985年可比价格计的人均纯收入和人均消费支出的数据,使用普通最小二乘法估计消费模型得 t t X Y 0.59987528.106?+= (6.44) Se = (12.2238) (0.0214) t = (8.7332) (28.3067) R 2 = 0.9788,F = 786.0548,d f = 17,DW = 0.7706 该回归方程可决系数较高,回归系数均显著。对样本量为19、一个解释变量的模型、5%显著水平,查DW 统计表可知,d L =1.18,d U = 1.40,模型中DW


计量经济学(第四版)习题参考答案 潘省初

第一章 绪论 1.1 试列出计量经济分析的主要步骤。 一般说来,计量经济分析按照以下步骤进行: (1)陈述理论(或假说) (2)建立计量经济模型 (3)收集数据 (4)估计参数 (5)假设检验 (6)预测和政策分析 1.2 计量经济模型中为何要包括扰动项? 为了使模型更现实,我们有必要在模型中引进扰动项u 来代表所有影响因变量的其它因素,这些因素包括相对而言不重要因而未被引入模型的变量,以及纯粹的随机因素。 1.3什么是时间序列和横截面数据? 试举例说明二者的区别。 时间序列数据是按时间周期(即按固定的时间间隔)收集的数据,如年度或季度的国民生产总值、就业、货币供给、财政赤字或某人一生中每年的收入都是时间序列的例子。 横截面数据是在同一时点收集的不同个体(如个人、公司、国家等)的数据。如人口普查数据、世界各国2000年国民生产总值、全班学生计量经济学成绩等都是横截面数据的例子。 1.4估计量和估计值有何区别? 估计量是指一个公式或方法,它告诉人们怎样用手中样本所提供的信息去估计总体参数。在一项应用中,依据估计量算出的一个具体的数值,称为估计值。如Y 就是一个估计量,1 n i i Y Y n == ∑。现有一样本,共4个数,100,104,96,130,则 根据这个样本的数据运用均值估计量得出的均值估计值为 5.1074 130 96104100=+++。 第二章 计量经济分析的统计学基础 2.1 略,参考教材。

2.2请用例2.2中的数据求北京男生平均身高的99%置信区间 N S S x = =45 =1.25 用α=0.05,N-1=15个自由度查表得005.0t =2.947,故99%置信限为 x S t X 005.0± =174±2.947×1.25=174±3.684 也就是说,根据样本,我们有99%的把握说,北京男高中生的平均身高在170.316至177.684厘米之间。 2.3 25个雇员的随机样本的平均周薪为130元,试问此样本是否取自一个均值为120元、标准差为10元的正态总体? 原假设 120:0=μH 备择假设 120:1≠μH 检验统计量 () 10/25X X μσ-Z == == 查表96.1025.0=Z 因为Z= 5 >96.1025.0=Z ,故拒绝原假设, 即 此样本不是取自一个均值为120元、标准差为10元的正态总体。 2.4 某月对零售商店的调查结果表明,市郊食品店的月平均销售额为2500元,在下一个月份中,取出16个这种食品店的一个样本,其月平均销售额为2600元,销售额的标准差为480元。试问能否得出结论,从上次调查以来,平均月销售额已经发生了变化? 原假设 : 2500:0=μH 备择假设 : 2500:1≠μH ()100/1200.83?X X t μσ-= === 查表得 131.2)116(025.0=-t 因为t = 0.83 < 131.2=c t , 故接受原假 设,即从上次调查以来,平均月销售额没有发生变化。


第八章案例分析 改革开放以来,随着经济的发展中国城乡居民的收入快速增长,同时城乡居民的储蓄存 款也迅速增长。经济学界的一种观点认为,20世纪90年代以后由于经济体制、住房、医疗、养老等社会保障体制的变化,使居民的储蓄行为发生了明显改变。为了考察改革开放以来中 国居民的储蓄存款与收入的关系是否已发生变化,以城乡居民人民币储蓄存款年底余额代表 居民储蓄(Y),以国民总收入GNI代表城乡居民收入,分析居民收入对储蓄存款影响的数量关系。 表8.1为1978-2003年中国的国民总收入和城乡居民人民币储蓄存款年底余额及增加额的数据。 单位:亿元 2004 鉴数值,与用年底余额计算的数值有差异。 为了研究1978—2003年期间城乡居民储蓄存款随收入的变化规律是否有变化,考证城

乡居民储蓄存款、国民总收入随时间的变化情况,如下图所示: 图8.5 从图8.5中,尚无法得到居民的储蓄行为发生明显改变的详尽信息。若取居民储蓄的增量 (YY ),并作时序图(见图 8.6) 从居民储蓄增量图可以看出,城乡居民的储蓄行为表现出了明显的阶段特征: 2000年有两个明显的转折点。再从城乡居民储蓄存款增量与国民总收入之间关系的散布图 看(见图8.7),也呈现出了相同的阶段性特征。 为了分析居民储蓄行为在 1996年前后和2000年前后三个阶段的数量关系,引入虚拟变 量D 和D2°D 和D 2的选择,是以1996>2000年两个转折点作为依据,1996年的GNI 为66850.50 亿元,2000年的GNI 为国为民8254.00亿元,并设定了如下以加法和乘法两种方式同时引入 虚拟变量的的模型: YY = 1+ 2GNI t 3 GNI t 66850.50 D 1t + 4 GNh 88254.00 D 2t i D 1 t 1996年以后 D 1 t 2000年以后 其中: D 1t _ t 1996年及以前 2t 0 t 2000年及以前 对上式进行回归后,有: Dependent Variable: YY Method: Least Squares Date: 06/16/05 Time: 23:27 120000 8.7 1996年和 100000- 40000 2WM GNi o eOB2&ISEea9a9l2949698[Ma2 20CUC ir-“- 1CC0C 图 8.6 *OOCO mnoot , RtKXD Tconr GF*

计量经济学第三版课后习题答案 第一章 绪论

第一章 绪论 (一)基本知识类题型 1-1. 什么是计量经济学? 1-2. 简述当代计量经济学发展的动向。 1-3. 计量经济学方法与一般经济数学方法有什么区别? 1-4.为什么说计量经济学是经济理论、数学和经济统计学的结合?试述三者之关系。 1-5.为什么说计量经济学是一门经济学科?它在经济学科体系中的作用和地位是什么? 1-6.计量经济学的研究的对象和内容是什么?计量经济学模型研究的经济关系有哪两个基本特征? 1-7.试结合一个具体经济问题说明建立与应用计量经济学模型的主要步骤。 1-8.建立计量经济学模型的基本思想是什么? 1-9.计量经济学模型主要有哪些应用领域?各自的原理是什么? 1-10.试分别举出五个时间序列数据和横截面数据,并说明时间序列数据和横截面数据有和异同? 1-11.试解释单方程模型和联立方程模型的概念,并举例说明两者之间的联系与区别。 1-12.模型的检验包括几个方面?其具体含义是什么? 1-13.常用的样本数据有哪些? 1-14.计量经济模型中为何要包括随机误差项?简述随机误差项形成的原因。 1-15.估计量和估计值有何区别?哪些类型的关系式不存在估计问题? 1-16.经济数据在计量经济分析中的作用是什么? 1-17.下列假想模型是否属于揭示因果关系的计量经济学模型?为什么? ⑴ S R t t =+1120012.. 其中S t 为第t 年农村居民储蓄增加额(亿元)、R t 为第t 年城镇 居民可支配收入总额(亿元)。 ⑵ S R t t -=+144320030.. 其中S t -1为第(1-t )年底农村居民储蓄余额(亿元)、R t 为第t 年农村居民纯收入总额(亿元)。 1-18.指出下列假想模型中的错误,并说明理由: (1)RS RI IV t t t =-+83000024112... 其中,RS t 为第t 年社会消费品零售总额(亿元),RI t 为第t 年居民收入总额(亿元)(城镇 居民可支配收入总额与农村居民纯收入总额之和),IV t 为第t 年全社会固定资产投资总额


第二章案例分析 一、研究的目的要求 居民消费在社会经济的持续发展中有着重要的作用。居民合理的消费模式和居民适度的消费规模有利于经济持续健康的增长,而且这也是人民生活水平的具体体现。改革开放以来随着中国经济的快速发展,人民生活水平不断提高,居民的消费水平也不断增长。但是在看到这个整体趋势的同时,还应看到全国各地区经济发展速度不同,居民消费水平也有明显差异。例如,2002年全国城市居民家庭平均每人每年消费支出为6029.88元, 最低的黑龙江省仅为人均4462.08元,最高的上海市达人均10464元,上海是黑龙江的2.35倍。为了研究全国居民消费水平及其变动的原因,需要作具体的分析。影响各地区居民消费支出有明显差异的因素可能很多,例如,居民的收入水平、就业状况、零售物价指数、利率、居民财产、购物环境等等都可能对居民消费有影响。为了分析什么是影响各地区居民消费支出有明显差异的最主要因素,并分析影响因素与消费水平的数量关系,可以建立相应的计量经济模型去研究。 二、模型设定 我们研究的对象是各地区居民消费的差异。居民消费可分为城市居民消费和农村居民消费,由于各地区的城市与农村人口比例及经济结构有较大差异,最具有直接对比可比性的是城市居民消费。而且,由于各地区人口和经济总量不同,只能用“城市居民每人每年的平均消费支出”来比较,而这正是可从统计年鉴中获得数据的变量。所以模型的被解释变量Y 选定为“城市居民每人每年的平均消费支出”。 因为研究的目的是各地区城市居民消费的差异,并不是城市居民消费在不同时间的变动,所以应选择同一时期各地区城市居民的消费支出来建立模型。因此建立的是2002年截面数据模型。 影响各地区城市居民人均消费支出有明显差异的因素有多种,但从理论和经验分析,最主要的影响因素应是居民收入,其他因素虽然对居民消费也有影响,但有的不易取得数据,如“居民财产”和“购物环境”;有的与居民收入可能高度相关,如“就业状况”、“居民财产”;还有的因素在运用截面数据时在地区间的差异并不大,如“零售物价指数”、“利率”。因此这些其他因素可以不列入模型,即便它们对居民消费有某些影响也可归入随即扰动项中。为了与“城市居民人均消费支出”相对应,选择在统计年鉴中可以获得的“城市居民每人每年可支配收入”作为解释变量X。 从2002年《中国统计年鉴》中得到表2.5的数据: 表2.52002年中国各地区城市居民人均年消费支出和可支配收入


班级:金融学×××班姓名:××学号:×××××××C6.9 NBASAL.RAW points=β0+β1exper+β2exper2+β3age+β4coll+u 解:(ⅰ)按照通常的格式报告结果。 由上图可知:points=35.22+2.364exper?0.077exper2?1.074age?1.286coll 6.9870.4050.02350.295 (0.451) n=269,R2=0.1412,R2=0.1282。 (ⅱ)保持大学打球年数和年龄不变,从加盟的第几个年份开始,在NBA打球的经历实际上将降低每场得分?这讲得通吗? 由上述估计方程可知,转折点是exper的系数与exper2系数的两倍之比:exper?= β12β2= 2.364[2×?0.077]=15.35,即从加盟的第15个到第16个年份之间,球员在NBA打球的经历实际上将降低每场得分。实际上,在模型所用的数据中,269名球员中只有2位的打球年数超过了15年,数据代表性不大,所以这个结果讲不通。 (ⅲ)为什么coll具有负系数,而且统计显著? 一般情况下,NBA运动员的球员都会在读完大学之前被选拔出,甚至从高中选出,所以这些球员在大学打球的时间少,但每场得分却很高,所以coll具有负系数。同时,coll的t统计量为-2.85,所以coll统计显著。 (ⅳ)有必要在方程中增加age的二次项吗?控制exper和coll之后,这对年龄效应意味着什么?

增加age的二次项后,原估计模型变成: points=73.59+2.864exper?0.128exper2?3.984age+0.054age2?1.313coll 35.930.610.05 2.690.05 (0.45) n=269,R2=0.1451,R2=0.1288。 由方程可知:age的t统计量为?1.48,age2的t统计量为1.09,所以age和age的二次项统计都不显著,而当不增加age2时,age的t统计量为?3.64,统计显著,因此完全没有必要在方程中增加age的二次项。当控制了exper和coll之后,年龄对points的负效应将会增大。 (ⅴ)现在将log?(wage)对points,exper,exper2,age和coll回归。以通常的格式报告结论。 所以,log wage=6.78+0.078points+0.218exper?0.0071exper2?0.048age?0.040coll 0.850.0070.0500.00280.035 (0.053) n=269,R2=0.4878,R2=0.4781。 (ⅵ)在第(ⅴ)部分的回归中检验age和coll是否联合显著。一旦控制了生产力和资历,这对考察年龄和受教育程度是否对工资具有单独影响这个问题有何含义?


CHAPTER 1 TEACHING NOTES You have substantial latitude about what to emphasize in Chapter 1. I find it useful to talk about the economics of crime example (Example 1.1) and the wage example (Example 1.2) so that students see, at the outset, that econometrics is linked to economic reasoning, even if the economics is not complicated theory. I like to familiarize students with the important data structures that empirical economists use, focusing primarily on cross-sectional and time series data sets, as these are what I cover in a first-semester course. It is probably a good idea to mention the growing importance of data sets that have both a cross-sectional and time dimension. I spend almost an entire lecture talking about the problems inherent in drawing causal inferences in the social sciences. I do this mostly through the agricultural yield, return to education, and crime examples. These examples also contrast experimental and nonexperimental (observational) data. Students studying business and finance tend to find the term structure of interest rates example more relevant, although the issue there is testing the implication of a simple theory, as opposed to inferring causality. I have found that spending time talking about these examples, in place of a formal review of probability and statistics, is more successful (and more enjoyable for the students and me). CHAPTER 2 TEACHING NOTES This is the chapter where I expect students to follow most, if not all, of the algebraic derivations. In class I like to derive at least the unbiasedness of the OLS slope coefficient, and usually I derive the variance. At a minimum, I talk about the factors affecting the variance. To simplify the notation, after I emphasize the assumptions in the population model, and assume random sampling, I just condition on the values of the explanatory variables in the sample. Technically, this is justified by random sampling because, for example, E(u i|x1,x2,…,x n) = E(u i|x i) by independent sampling. I find that students are able to focus on the key assumption SLR.4 and subsequently take my word about how conditioning on the independent variables in the sample is harmless. (If you prefer, the appendix to Chapter 3 does the conditioning argument carefully.) Because statistical inference is no more difficult in multiple regression than in simple regression, I postpone inference until Chapter 4. (This reduces redundancy and allows you to focus on the interpretive differences between simple and multiple regression.) You might notice how, compared with most other texts, I use relatively few assumptions to derive the unbiasedness of the OLS slope estimator, followed by the formula for its variance. This is because I do not introduce redundant or unnecessary assumptions. For example, once SLR.4 is assumed, nothing further about the relationship between u and x is needed to obtain the unbiasedness of OLS under random sampling. CHAPTER 3


∑ x = 1264471.423 ∑ y = 516634.011 ∑ X = 52432495.137 ∑ ? ? ? ? 案例分析 1— 一元回归模型实例分析 依据 1996-2005 年《中国统计年鉴》提供的资料,经过整理,获得以下农村居民人均 消费支出和人均纯收入的数据如表 2-5: 表 2-5 农村居民 1995-2004 人均消费支出和人均纯收入数据资料 单位:元 年度 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 人均纯 收入 1577.7 1926.1 2090.1 2161.1 2210.3 2253.4 2366.4 2475.6 2622.2 2936.4 人均消 费支出 1310.4 1572.1 1617.2 1590.3 1577.4 1670.1 1741.1 1834.3 1943.3 2184.7 一、建立模型 以农村居民人均纯收入为解释变量 X ,农村居民人均消费支出为被解释变量 Y ,分析 Y 随 X 的变化而变化的因果关系。考察样本数据的分布并结合有关经济理论,建立一元线 性回归模型如下: Y i =β0+β1X i +μi 根据表 2-5 编制计算各参数的基础数据计算表。 求得: X = 2262.035 Y = 1704.082 2 i 2 i ∑ x i y i = 788859.986 2 i 根据以上基础数据求得: β1 = ∑ x i y 2 i i = 788859.986 126447.423 = 0.623865 β 0 = Y - β1 X = 1704.082 - 0.623865 ? 2262.035 = 292.8775 样本回归函数为: Y i = 292.8775 + 0.623865X i 上式表明,中国农村居民家庭人均可支配收入若是增加 100 元,居民们将会拿出其中 的 62.39 元用于消费。

推荐-计量经济学案例分析 精品

计量经济学案例分析 一、问题提出 国内生产总值(GDP)指一个国家或地区所有常住单位在一定时期内(通常为1 年)生产活动的最终成果,即所有常住机构单位或产业部门一定时期内生产的可供最终使用的产品和劳务的价值,包括全部生产活动的成果,是一个颇为全面的经济指标。对国内生产总值的分析研究具有极其重要的作用和意义,可以充分地体现出一个国家的综合实力和竞争力。因此,运用计量经济学的研究方法具体分析国内生产总值和其他经济指标的相关关系。对预测国民经济发展态势,制定国家宏观经济政策,保持国民经济平稳地发展具有重要的意义。 二、模型变量的选择 模型中的被解释变量为国内生产总值Y。影响国内生产总值的因素比较多,根据其影响因素的大小和资料的可比以及预测模型的要求等方面原因, 文章选择以下指标作为模型的解释变量:固定资产投资总量(X1 ) 、财政支出总量(X2 )、城乡居民储蓄存款年末余额(X3 )、进出口总额(X4 )、上一期国内生产总值(X5)、职工工资总额(X6)。其中,固定资产投资的增长是国内生产总值增长的重要保障,影响效果显著;财政支出是扩大内需的保证,有利于国内生产总值的增长;城乡居民储蓄能够促进国内生产总值的增长,是扩大投资的重要因素,但是过多的储蓄也会减缓经济的发展;进出口总额反映了一个国家或地区的经济实力;上期国内生产总值是下期国内生产总值增长的基础;职工工资总额是国内生产总值规模的表现。 三、数据的选择 文中模型样本观测数据资料来源于20XX 年《中国统计年鉴》,且为当年价格。固定资产投资总量1995-20XX 年的数据取自20XX 年统计年鉴,1991-1994 年的为搜集自其他年份统计年鉴。详细数据见表1。 表1

计量经济学英文版附录B 翻译

附录B 复习概率相关概念: 学习目标: 基于这个附录的材料,你应该能够: 1、解释一个随机变量和它的值之间的不同,并给出一个例子。 2、解释离散型随机变量与连续型随机变量之间的不同,并分别给出一个例子。 3、描述离散型随机变量的概率密度函数的特征,并给出一个例子。 4、在给定的离散型概率函数中计算事件的概率。 5、解释下面语句的涵义:在离散型随机变量中取值2时所对应的概率为0.3。 6、解释连续型随机变量的概率密度函数与离散型随机变量的密度函数之间的不同。 7、怎样用代数的方法计算给定的连续型随机变量的概率。 8、直观的解释一个随机变量的均值或者期望值的概念 9、结合离散型随机变量的期望值概念,在B.9给定的概率密度函数f(x)和函数g(x)来 计算期望。 10、理解离散随机变量的方差的定义,并解释当方差值越大时随机变量取值更分散的意 义。 11、运用一个联合概率密度函数(表格)表示两个离散型随机变量并且计算联合事件的 概率,并且找到每个单独随机变量的边缘概率密度函数。 12、在给定另外一个离散型随机变量取值和他们的联合密度函数的情况下会找出一个离 散型随机变量的条件概率密度函数。 13、给出一个关于两个随机变量相互独立的直观的解释,并且给出两个随机变量独立的 条件。举出两个随机变量相互独立和不独立的实例。 14、定义两个随机变量的协方差和相关性,并且在给定两个离散型随机变量的联合概率 函数的情况下计算协方差和相关性。 15、找出随机变量和的均值和方差。 16、结合表1和电脑软件计算正态分布的概率。 关键词: 二进制变量自由度众数二进制随机变量离散型随机变量正态分布连续型概 分布试验概率条件概率密度函数 F分率分布函数期望值概率密度函数2 布概率密度函数条件概率联合概率密度随机变量连续随机变量函数标准差相关性边缘分布标准正态分布协方差均值独立累积分布中数方差 我们假定你已经学过一些基本概率统计的课程,在这章附录中我们将复习一些关于概率统计的基本概念,B.1部分我们回顾离散和连续型随机变量;在B.2部分复习概率分布;B.3部分介绍联合概率分布、定义了条件概率和独立的概念;在B.4部分我们将复习概率分布的一些特性,重点复习期望和方差;在B.5部分总结一些重我们常用的概率分布的重要特征:正态分布、t分布、F分布。 B.1 随机变量


第七章 案例分析 【案例7.1】 为了研究1955—1974年期间美国制造业库存量Y 和销售额X 的关系,我们在例7.3中采用了经验加权法估计分布滞后模型。尽管经验加权法具有一些优点,但是设置权数的主观随意性较大,要求分析者对实际问题的特征有比较透彻的了解。下面用阿尔蒙法估计如下有限分布滞后模型: t t t t t t u X X X X Y +++++=---3322110ββββα 将系数i β(i =0,1,2,3)用二次多项式近似,即 00αβ= 2101αααβ++= 210242αααβ++= 210393αααβ++= 则原模型可变为 t t t t t u Z Z Z Y ++++=221100αααα 其中 3 212321132109432---------++=++=+++=t t t t t t t t t t t t t X X X Z X X X Z X X X X Z 在Eviews 工作文件中输入X 和Y 的数据,在工作文件窗口中点击“Genr ”工具栏,出现对话框,输入生成变量Z 0t 的公式,点击“OK ”;类似,可生成Z 1t 、Z 2t 变量的数据。进入Equation Specification 对话栏,键入回归方程形式 Y C Z0 Z1 Z2 点击“OK ”,显示回归结果(见表7.2)。 表7.2

表中Z0、 Z1、Z2对应的系数分别为210ααα、、的估计值210? ??ααα、、。将它们代入 分布滞后系数的阿尔蒙多项式中,可计算出 3210????ββββ、、、的估计值为: -0.522)432155.0(9902049.03661248.0?9?3??0.736725)432155.0(4902049.02661248.0?4?2?? 1.131142)432155.0(902049.0661248.0????661248.0??2101 2101 2101 00 =-?+?+=++==-?+?+=++==-++=++===αααβαααβαααβαβ 从而,分布滞后模型的最终估计式为: 32155495.076178.015686.1630281.0419601.6----+++-=t t t t t X X X X Y 在实际应用中,Eviews 提供了多项式分布滞后指令“PDL ”用于估计分布滞后模型。下面结合本例给出操作过程: 在Eviews 中输入X 和Y 的数据,进入Equation Specification 对话栏,键入方程形式 Y C PDL(X, 3, 2) 其中,“PDL 指令”表示进行多项式分布滞后(Polynomial Distributed Lags )模型的估计,括号中的3表示X 的分布滞后长度,2表示多项式的阶数。在Estimation Settings 栏中选择Least Squares(最小二乘法),点击OK ,屏幕将显示回归分析结果(见表7.3)。 表 7.3 需要指出的是,用“PDL ”估计分布滞后模型时,Eviews 所采用的滞后系数多项式变换不是形如(7.4)式的阿尔蒙多项式,而是阿尔蒙多项式的派生形式。因此,输出结果中PDL01、PDL02、PDL03对应的估计系数不是阿尔蒙多项式

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