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高职高专实用英语口语大赛训练题目PART II

全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”选拔赛竞赛参考题 Part II Presentation (3 minutes) 1 Number of Hours Worked Per Week JAPAN SWEDEN Numbers of Day’s Annual Holiday JAPAN SWEDEN T he average Japanese worker spends 47 hours a week, or 2 100 hours per year, at the office or factory, while the average Swede clocks up only 37.

Swedish workers have 28 days of holiday per year, but the Japanese have only 15. A typical Japanese worker takes a six-day week, however, a Swedish worker works less than 5 days a week. If you are a worker, life is much easier in Sweden than in Japan, for you can work 10 hours shorter each week and you may have a much longer annual holiday. 2 Change in Number of Visitors by Country In 2009 there were a large number of visitors to China on group or independent tour. But there were changes in the numbers of vistors from different countries. Some increased but some decreased. The greatest change happened in Bangladesh. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was down------there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% independent travelers than the year before. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% for independent travelers. The number of visitors from Sweden was up by 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travelers. 3 Sales of Computer Company Group ×1000


英语口语比赛演讲稿 参加英语口语演讲比赛不仅能提高口语能力,还能锻炼胆量,做到大声说,不退缩。下面是整理的英语口语比赛演讲稿。 英语口语比赛演讲稿篇一 I'm studying in a city famous for its walls. All visitors to my city are amazed by the imposing sight of the city walls, silhouetted by the setting sun with gold and shining lines. With old, cracked bricks patched with lichen, the walls are weather-beaten guards, standing still for centuries in protecting the city. Our ancestors liked to build walls. They built walls in Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing and many other cities, and they built the Great Wall, which snakes through half of our country. They built walls to ward off enemies and evil spirits. This tradition has been maintained to this day as we still have many parks and schools walled off from the public. I grew up at the foot of the city walls, and I've loved them since my childhood. For a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world. My perception, however, changed after a hiking trip to the Eastern Suburbs, a scenic area of my city. My classmates and I were walking with


英语口语课三分钟演讲稿 ladies and gentleen , gd afternn! i? ver glad t stand here and give u a shrt speeh tda tpi is uth i hpe u ill lie it , and fund the iprtane in ur uth s that re herish it first i ant t as u se questins: 1、 d u n hat is uth? 2、h d u aster ur uth? uth uth is nt a tie f life, it is a state f ind it is nt rs hees , red lips and supple nees, it is a atter f the etins : it is the freshness it is the freshness f the deep springs f life uth eans a teperaental predinane f urage ver tiidit f the appetite , fr adventure ver the lve f ease this ften exists in a an f 60 re than a b f 20 nbd grs ld erel b a nuber f ears e gr ld b deserting ur ideals ears rinle the sin , but t give up enthusias rinles the sul rr , fear , self –distrust bs the heart and turns the spirit ba t dust hether 60 f 16 , there is in ever huan being s heart the lure f nders, the unfailing hildlie appetite f hat?s next and the f the gae f living in the enter f ur heart and heart there?s a ireless statin : s lng as it reeives essages f beaut , hpe ,heer, urage and per fr en and fr the infinite, s lng as u are ung hen the aerials are dn , and ur spirit is vered ith sns f niis and the ie f


小学生英语口语大赛演讲稿 篇一:小学生英语口语比赛演讲稿 Introduce myself Good morning!(Good afternoon) teachers! Today, I’m very happy to make a speech here. First, Let me introduce myself. (早上好,各位老师们,我很高兴能在这里给做演讲,首先让我先作一下自我介绍) My name is DingYihang. My English name is Tom. As you know , Tom is a naughty cat. Haha !(做猫咪的动作) .I’m ten years old. I come from The No. 1 attached Primary School of normal training college .I am in Grade 4. I am a lovely boy! 一只顽皮的猫,哈哈。我十岁了,我在师专一附小上学,我4年级了,我是一个可爱的男孩。) I like playing football,(做踢球的动作)Because every boy likes playing it. My dream is to be a good football player. Potatoes are my favorite food, They’re tasty (做好吃状)。My favorite color is blue , blue is a cold color, but I like it. Because sky is blue (指天空),sea is blue(作在大海里游泳的动作),I like sea very. Today I will make a speech about sea,I hope that


题目要求以此为标准 附件4 第五届“高教杯”全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛(样题)Part I Short Speech (2 minutes) success. Eighteen scientists and scholars spoke at the conference. Many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively manner. I benefited greatly by attending this conference and hope you did too. Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. They must, in turn, serve the needs of all people and serve the interest of world peace. All nations must learn from one another. Science involves effort and toil. At the same time, it calls for creativeness, imagination and cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for even greater achievements in your career of science. Now, I declare the conference closed. Thank you. Part II Presentation (3 minutes)


高职高专英语口语教学方法的研究论文高职高专英语口语教学方法的研究论文 【关键词】高职高专英语口语教学方法 一、改革英语课堂教学模式,变通课堂教学形式。 首先.要帮助学生克服害羞自卑心理.增强说英语的信心。大胆开口讲英语是提高英语口语表达能力的重要环节。在英语口语课堂上. 应帮助学生克服害羞自卑心理。害羞心理一方面源于性格,对于提 高英语口语能力很不利,应予以克服:另一方面是源于自卑心理, 总以为自己英语水平太差而不敢开口,尤其是当与口语水平高的人 对话的时候.更易出现这种情况。克服这种心理障碍.是学好口语的 前提。 三、通过多年的课堂教学实践,得出行之有效的特殊训练方法。 1.情景对话训练法 2.自言自语训练法 “自言自语法”.即以自己跟自己交流的方式.促成英语口语能力提高的方法。“自言自语法”练习中.可以随心所欲地创造语言环境。比如在自己的房间里,或散步时,也可以在欣赏影片时跟着主人公 倾诉喜怒哀乐。可以在任何时候任何地方采取适当的语速和音调, 随心所欲地说。此方法是正常课堂英语口语训练的有益补充. 3每日汇报训练法 为了增加每个学生练习口语的机会.口语课上教师可以让学生轮 流进行每日的值日报告,汇报每日的出缺勤及天气情况.或讲个英语 小故事等等,给每个学生锻炼发言的机会。 4.演讲训练法

演讲训练法就是用演讲的形式来练习英语口语的一种方法。在演讲过程中,需要注意很多问题,比如与观众的眼神交流,演讲的节 奏和音调,站姿甚至是着装。以演讲作为训练口语的手段可以使练 习者在有一定英语基础的情况下.大大提高现场表达能力.语言词汇 的运用能力和临危不乱.镇定自若的能力。 5.学唱英文歌曲 学习英文歌曲旨在提升学生对英语的学习兴趣,寓教于乐,向其介绍有关歌曲的背景知识、歌曲的特点以及发音技巧和曲风等等, 在唱英文歌曲的同时,应教授学生注意歌曲中弱读、略读及连读现象。 6.英语游戏训练法 游戏具有可行性、高效性,更具有快乐性。“寓教于游戏中”它能把不同层次的学生引入不同境界的快乐“学堂”。在游戏中学生 能冲出“知道”、“认识”的禁锢,使知识和能力有机地统一起来,达到口语训练的目的。比如单词接龙、单词竞猜、分组进行下象棋 试的轮流讨论口语练习等等均能有效培养学生的学习兴趣.达到很好 地训练口语的效果. 高职高专的英语口语教学是一项系统工程.面对不同的学习对象 和环境,教师应遵循序渐进、科学合理的教学方法,更需要教师们 大胆地探索和尝试。学生英语口语水平的提高,所需要采取课堂口 语训练,既是口头表达能力、思维能力、审题能力、构思能力、选 材能力等的综合练习.也是所掌握的各科知识的综合训练。从某种意 义上讲,这也是一种反馈训练。在口语叫学中,需要采用灵活务实 的教学途径,因材施教、园地制宜、兼收并蓄、博采众长.


105 2012年 Vol.27 No.10南昌教育学院学报 高职教育收稿日期:2012-09-06 作者简介:吴蜜琴(1983-),女,福建莆田人,助教,从事英语语言文学方向的研究。 一、引言 随着经济全球化的不断发展,市场对各个专业的人才的英语口语水平要求越来越高。教育部早在2004年的《大学英语课程教学要求》当中就明确提出,“培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后的工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要”[1]。如何有效的提高中国大学生口语是目前英语教学的一个重中之重的任务。 二、影响非英语专业大学生口语学习的几个问题 1.语音问题:很大一部分的在校高职高专学生在英语语音的各个方面存在较大的问题,这严重影响了他们学习英语的信心和兴趣。王初明认为:“发音对外语学习的影响不容忽视,它的影响力超过笔头英语成绩,对整个英语学习的自我评价,对学习信心都有较明显的影响”,[2]因此,只有把语音学好,语言知识才能在口语中有效地表达出来,才能对语言产生成就感,增强自信,形成良性循环。语音是学习者驾驭语言的第一步,只有掌握好语音,才能推开语言之门。 2.大班教学:由于条件限制,在口语教学的班级上仍存在大班教学。大班教学存在各种不利因素,首先,由于班级人数多,给教师认识和熟悉学生造成一定的难度,班级纪律比较难维持,容易产生焦虑情绪,不利营造轻松的课堂氛围。其次,由于班级人数多,在教学活动中,学生操练的机会就相应减少,无法得到足够的锻炼。 3.课堂活动的设计:在英语口语教学中,三个学期一直采用一套教材,同样的课堂活动不断重复,缺乏新意,无法吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的积极性,增加学生的学习热情,同时也会让教师感到疲惫,导致教学效果较差。 三、有效地提高英语口语教学的几个途径 针对以上提出的几个问题,笔者认为可以通过以下几个途径提高英语口语教学: 1.纠正学生的语音:在口语教学的初始阶段,笔者建议教师应该把纠正学生的口音当作一个口语教学的重点,除了开展有效的系统的语音教学外,还应该让学生接触一些经典简单的英文影片。在平常的口语课上,教师经常给学生纠音,但这种效果不明显,可能还会打击学生的积极性。如果有机会,应该尽量让学生接触本族人的发音。感受和领悟英语语音,和外教接触的时间久,学生的语音自然而然就会像本族人的语音看齐。 2.巧妙设计课堂活动,提高课堂趣味性:为了提高学生的学习兴趣,教师可以采用多种教学活动,根据相应的教学任 务,采用相应的课堂活动。 以下是一些比较实用的课堂活动设计: (1)热身游戏:在热身活动中,最常用的游戏是猜词游戏。另外一个类似的具有可行性的游戏是交换礼物,让班上每位同学都准备一个小礼物,并用包裹把礼物包起来,其他同学无法看到这个礼物,请一位同学上讲台用英语描述这个礼物,请底下的同学猜猜这个礼物是什么,如果有同学猜出了这个礼物是什么,那么请他上台描述他(她)的礼物,如果愿意,他们可以相互交换礼物。 (2)复述故事:复述故事是指在给学生一定时间阅读一个小故事,然后请学生用自己的话复述文章的内容,复述故事是口语考试中比较经常见到的一种题型。由于复述故事难度比较大,可以降低难度,以便让各个水平的学生都能够参与其中。可以挑一个趣味性比较强的故事,打乱故事顺序,把故事打印出来,并剪成纸条,一张纸条1-2句子,把纸条分给每个小组,每位同学1-2张纸条,并要求学生在看完自己的纸条马上把纸条交给组长,组长收齐纸条后交给老师,然后让同学凭自己的记忆和组员讨论,理出整个故事的大意,之后,一人一句把故事从头到尾复述一遍。最后派小组的首席发言人到讲台上复述故事。这种活动可行性大,趣味性强,同时有利于促进同学之间的相互合作,提高学生的语言基本功和复述故事的流畅性。 (3)观看英文影片:学习语言一定要和语境结合起来,我们才容易听懂别人的话,才容易学会说话,语言才能学的地道。观看英文电视和电影能够创造更多学外语的语境。通过影片学生可以学到更多地道的表达方式和标准的发音。鉴于学生无法在第一遍就可以完全理解掌握影片里的语言,建议可以重复播放一部影片,或者把影片拷给学生,让他们在课后多加观摩,亦可要求学生背诵影片经典片段的台词,举行配音大赛。 (4)也有同仁提出采用问答形式,即采取“电视脱口秀的方式”,“教师设定一个主题,邀请两名同学坐到讲台上,其中一名学生当‘主持人’,另一名学生为该脱口秀的‘特邀嘉宾’,教师与讲台下的其他学生可以作为‘亲友团’。当‘主持人’与‘特邀嘉宾’进行交流时,‘亲友团’成员可以提问。”[3] 只要开启智慧,就会设计出各种具有可行性的课堂活动,在运用这些课堂活动时,要维持班级纪律,同时做到让各个水平的学生都能够参与其中,更重要的是这些课堂活动的展开要能够为贯彻教学大纲,完成教学任务服务。 3.坚持小班教学:语言只有在反复的运用中才能得到掌握,而只有在小班中学生才有更多的操练机会。只有在小班教 高职高专英语口语教学探析 吴蜜琴 (福州外语外贸学院公共基础部 福建福州 350202) 摘 要:目前高职高专学生的英语口语存在一些不足,改革传统的教学方式,提高英语口语课堂的教学效率,是每一位英语教育者都必须面对的问题。文章就影响学生的口语学习因素进行探讨,同时提出一些教学建议和教学原则。 关键词:英语口语教学;影响因素;教学途径;教学原则 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-6757(2012)10-0105-01 (下转第113页)


高中英语口语竞赛演讲稿 篇一:英语口语比赛演讲稿 英语口语比赛演讲稿 一、自我介绍 Teachers and my friends: Good afternoon, my name is Primary School. I am in Grade four, Class six. I live in Li jing lan wan . There are five members in my family—my father, my mother, my grandfather, my grandmather and me. My father is a police, but my mother is working in hospital. I love all of them. In my spare time, I like singing and reading books, my favorite colour is green. Also I love sport very much, such as run, jump and hope I can learn English well, because I think it very important. But Chinese is my favorite subject, because it is very interesting. I wish I can become a teacher in the future. That’s all! Thank you! 鞠躬 二、讲故事 Now I'd like to tell you a story, the story is called : Three Good Friends


小学英语口语竞赛活动方案 为了培养小学生学习英语口语的兴趣,提升学生英语口语水平, 促使教师注重口语教学,根据本学期小学英语教研计划,将在本学期 末举行2020年桐乡市小学英语口语比赛。现将方案公布如下,具体比 赛通知日后再发。一、比赛年级:五年级二、参赛人员选拔 (1)校级选拔比赛由各校自行组织。 (2)市级比赛:根据年报数,班级数在5个以内的,每校1位选手;超过5个班的,每校2位选手。 三、比赛方式: (1)比赛分为2部分。选手先进入第一赛场,参加第一部分竞赛;然后进入第二赛场,参加第二部分竞赛。 (2)第一部分(50分。3分钟。)篇章朗读和造句。 朗读:内容源自五年级教材(上、下册)中各单元的对话和阅读 材料。(partc和recycle的内容除外。)约30秒内能够完成。 造句:共需要造5个句子。每一小题给出2个词汇。所造的句子 必须包括这两个词汇,并且必须为句子给出理由(用because)。例如: 词汇:yaoming,tall 答案:yaomingissotall---becausehisfatherandmotherlovesports. (3)第二部分(50分。3分钟。)单词朗读和看图说话。 单词朗读:朗读10个单词。所给单词在教材中没有出现过,但是 能够根据学生已有的语音知识推测出发音的。 看图说话:看一幅图片,说出至少5个句子,或者形成一个小篇章。

四、评分项目 (1)篇章朗读(20分):语音准确、重音合理、朗读流畅。综合评分。 (2)造句(30分):用到所给词汇。because之前语法准确。because之后合理、丰富、有创造性等。分小题评分。 (3)单词朗读(20分):能根据基本发音规律,准确朗读单词。分小题评分。 (4)看图说话(30分):语句数量,语句难度,逻辑合理,富有联想,……。综合评分。 五、奖项设置(1)参加市级比赛的选手中,40%为桐乡市一等奖,60%为桐乡市二等奖。 校级选拔比赛中,除参加桐乡市级比赛的选手,另外上报2位学生,为桐乡市三等奖。 六、其他事项 (1)每个部分的比赛中,只有开始和结束的提示音,中间无提示。需要选手自行把握进程。 (2)各校在5月31日前,将参加市级比赛的选手和获得桐乡市 三等奖的学生的姓名、班级、指导教师上报到english.tx@和lingyingqiang@ 桐乡市教研科研室


附件4 第五届“高教杯”全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛(样题) Part I Short Speech ( 2 minutes) Ladies and Gentlemen, Our conference has lasted three days. It has achieved tremendous success. Eighteen scientists and scholars spoke at the conference. Many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively manner. I benefited greatly by attending this conference and hope you did too. Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. They must, in turn, serve the needs of all people and serve the interest of world peace. All nations must learn from one another. Science involves effort and toil. At the same time, it calls for creativeness, imagination and cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for even greater achievements in your career of science. Now, I declare the conference closed. Thank you. Part II Presentation (3 minutes)


少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿 篇一:少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿 少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿 hello!mynameiszhengyechengcheng. i'mten. istudyinwzchildrenartsschool. i'minclassonegradefour. welcometoourclassroom thisismyclassroom. thereisasignonthedoor. itsays:welcometoourclassroom! therearemanydesks. thisismydesk. mynameisonit. thisismyteacher’sdesk. therearemanyinterestingthings. thereisafishbowlonthecabinet. hisnameisgoldy. hernameisswimmy. thereisalargeblackboardonthefrontwall. myteacherwritesourhomeworkonit. thereisabirthdaychartonthebackwall. myteacherputsournamesandbirthdaysonit. thereisaroundclockabovethedoor.

ittellsuswhattimeitis. thereareourdrawingsonthesidewall. ’s. thereisareadingcouchinthecorner. thisismyfavoriteplace. 篇二:少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿(1) 少儿英语口语大赛演讲稿 Hello! My name is ZhengYe ChengCheng. I'm ten. I study in WZ children arts school. I'm in Class one Grade four . Welcome to Our Classroom This is my classroom. There is a sign on the door. It says: Welcome to Our Classroom! There are many desks. This is my desk. My name is on it. This is my teacher’s desk. There are many interesting things. There is a fish bowl on the cabinet. His name is Goldy. Her name is Swimmy.


小学三年级英语口语优秀演讲稿; hello,teachers!mynumberismyenglishnameis***,i’mfromchina.mytopicisone. onelittleflower(伸出一个食指做“1”状,然后两个手腕并在一起放在下巴下面,做“花朵”状) onelittlebee(两个手臂放在身体两侧,手掌快速扇动做蜜蜂飞) onelittlebluebird,highinthetree.(两只手臂大幅度地扇动做小鸟飞行状,然后举到空中)onelittlebrowndeer,smilingatme.(手掌张开,拇指顶在太阳穴扮成小鹿的角,脸部做一个大大的微 笑)that’sover.thankyouverymuch. hello,teachers!mynumberis.myenglishnameis***,i’ m*****yearsold.ilikeapplesverymuch.todaymytopicisalittle hopalittle hopalittlejumpalittle one,two,three runalittle.skipalittle taponekneebendalittle stretchalittlenodyourhead yawnalittlesleepalittleinyourbed

goodafternoon,techers, i'mnumber____myenglishnameis____i’mfromchina.i’mveryhappytostandhere.iwilltellanenglishpoem. onceisawalittlebirdonceisawalittlebird comehop,hop,hop, andicried,littlebird,willyoustop,stop,stop? iwasgoingtosay"howdoyoudo?" butheshookhislittletail andflewfaraway. tenlittlefingers(伸出十个手指)andtenlittletoes(指指你的脚趾) twolittlearms,andonelittlenose(摸摸你的手臂,指指鼻 子)onelittlemouth,andtwolittleears(指指嘴巴,摸摸耳 朵)twolittleeyesforsmilesandtears.that’ sover.thankyouverymuch (指指眼睛,两个食指从嘴角往上划做微笑状,往下划做哭泣状,表情也要搭配好哦。) hello,teachers!mynumberis.myenglishnameis***,i’mfrom*****.ilikeenglishverymuch,somyfavoriteteacherismissjiang.todayiwilltalkaboutthetraffi clights.. redlight,redlight!whatdoyousay?isaystop,stop,stop!


###小学“快乐英语”口语大赛活动方案为了给同学们营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,提高同学们的英语口语能力,提供展现自我的舞台,调动同学们的英语学习积极性,进一步提高小学生英语听说能力的培养。特举办此次英语口语大赛。 目的是提高我校小学生英语口语水平,更好的完成《小学英语课程标准》中关于小学英语的最终目标:提高学生英语综合运用的能力。同时让学生体验英语学习的快乐与成功。给学生提供一个展示自我的交流的平台,为今后自己的学习打下一个良好的基础。 一、参加人员要求 三至六年级全体学生。 二、活动形式及内容 1、形式:大赛分初赛和复赛两个阶段进行。初赛以班为单位,由英语老师在班上组织初赛,每班选出4-5名代表,参加全校复赛。 2、内容(分年级层次) 三、四年级:1)自我介绍(打招呼、介绍姓名、爱好等)2)看图说单词,3次选择机会,共9个单词3)小游戏(抽签方式,选择一项,歌曲或者歌谣、missing游戏、数字游戏、我说你做4)教师现场提问1个 五、六年级:1)自我介绍(打招呼、介绍名字、爱好、家庭等)2)看图说单词(3次选择机会,共9个单词)3)看图说话(一张图片)4)小游戏(抽签方式,选择一项,歌曲或者歌谣、missing游戏、看图说话、我说你做,另:五年级绕口令,六年级模仿秀)5)教师现场提问2个 三、活动步骤 1.准备阶段:各班接到通知后,进行竞赛的初期准备活动,调动所有学生的 参与热情,确定参加人员。

2.初评阶段:本次大赛的初赛以班为单位,分班级进行初赛。 3.复赛阶段:在各班初评的基础上,推选出两名优秀的选手代表班级参加全 校的决赛。 四、活动要求 1. 请各班接此通知后,高度重视此项活动,严格按照要求进行操作,要与学生的日常教学相结合,提高学生的朗读和表演水平。初评阶段尽量扩大参与范围,并以此为契机,调动学生的参与热情和学习英语的信心。 2. 四年级的学生自我介绍不少于20秒,5、6年级的学生自我介绍不少于50秒,英语对话部分是由评委老师提出一至两个问题,由参赛选手组织语言作答。 3.参赛选手按当场抽签决定号码和演讲顺序。 五、评奖方式 在全校范围内评选出: 一等奖4人、二等奖6人,三等奖8人,其余为鼓励奖 六、活动时间和地点 大赛的决赛定于12月25日下午第一、二节课在三年级教室进行。届时请各位老师带参赛选手准时参加。 七、活动小组 领导小组: 大赛负责人: 评审组成员: 附1:三、四年级年级英语演讲比赛评分标准

英语口语比赛演讲稿My First English Teacher

My First English Teacher Dear friends!Do you still remember your first English teacher? You may say:Yes. Everyone has his teachers. In my mind,I will never forget her---my first English teacher Ms .Li. Withou her, I couldn’t be standing here.She is a young ad lovely lady with beautiful eyes.Her voice sounds sweet and she speaks English very well.That was the first impression she left on us when she first gave us an English lesson. In her class.she taught us carefully and patiently.She always made chances for us to speak English.She gave us many beautiful pictures to talk on them,played games with us and told us many interesting stories. Little by little,I had interest in English.But English was a new to me,I had many difficulties in learning it well.It was Ms .Li who helped me to practice speaking English everyday. She always encouraged me whenever I lost heart.She helped me o have confidence in myself.She gave me what I needed---courages,confidence,good ways to learn English and chances to speak English in class.So I was grateful for her. Now I will give her my best wishes. I wishes my dear teacher happiness ,good health and good luck.And I also want to say to her:Thank you , Ms .Li.I love you.


第一套 Part One Reading aloud Be prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech. Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s a great pleasure to have you visit us today. I’m very happy to have the opportunity to introduce our company to you. Our company was established in 1950. We mainly manufacture electronic goods and export them all over the world. We grossed about US $100 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We have offices in Asia, North America and Europe, with about 1,000 employees, and we are working gladly to serve the needs of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas business, we need reliable agents to market our products. I hope you will consider doing business with us. Thank you. Part Two Presentation Be prepared to talk about the following chart, describing, comparing and summarizing the contents. You can also add your own comments. Note: badminton 羽毛球 Part Three Interview Now you see an advertisement here. Be prepared to discuss this ad and issues in


英语口语竞赛两分钟演讲稿 演讲目的明确,功能强大。无论何种演讲,都需要演讲稿。关于英语口语竞赛两分钟演讲稿的有哪些呢?下面是xx 为你整理的内容,希望对你有帮助。 篇一We have only one earth. But now,the environment bexxes worse and worse. As you know,there's no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of water. In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living. So there's nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts . It's time that we must do something useful to protect our environment. We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save the water and ask our parents to do so. We can't throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling. If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow. 篇二Ladies and Gentlemen:I am honored to be standing here to deliver a speech entitled

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