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【摘要】To assess the ecological risk level for rivers in the case of environmental accidents, comprehensive index have been applied in assessments, particularly, contaminants properties, casualties, pollution level, risk type and e- conomic losses from accidents are selected as indicators. Aimed for high environmental risky river, river environ- mental risk earlier warning model is constructed, which consists of subsystems for river service'function protection, river environmental conservation, flood prevention, utility'function protection and river ecological conservation. Emergency response and management mechanism is also developed. The results provide some insights on pollution prevention and high risky environmental river control.%采用综合指数法,优选污染物性质指数、伤亡指数、污染程度指数、风险类型指数和经济损失指数5个指标,全面评价国内河流的环境风险度。针对高环境风险河流构建了由服务功能保障子系统、环境功能保障子系统、防洪功能保障子系统、利用功能保障子系统、生态功能保障子系统组成的河流安全风险预警模型,并制定了相应的应急管理机制。为我国高环境风险河流的污染防治工作提供科学依据和指导。


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