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语 数 英单元考试模版A4新

语  数 英单元考试模版A4新
语  数 英单元考试模版A4新

Module2 Unit 1 同步练习


1 超市______________

2 需要____________

3 食物____________

4 野餐___________

5 首先____________

6 奶酪_____________

7 清单___________


1 在超市_______________________

2 制作一张购物清单______________________

3 多少(可数名词)________________4多少(不可数名词)___________________

5我不知道 ____________________ 6在家___________________


eat(过去式) make (过去式) too(同义词)

lose (过去式) like(第三人称单数)


( ) 1 We need food ___ our picnic . A to B on C of D for

( ) 2 Can you a shopping list ? A make B made C making D did

( ) 3 ______ books do you want ? A How many B How much C how many D how much ( ) 4 Amy and Sam ____ bananas . A like B likes C liked D doesn’t like ( ) 5 ______ cheese do you want ? A How many B How much C how many D how much ( ) 6 What you yesterday?

A did , bought

B do , buy

C did , buy

D do ,bought

( ) 7 Here _____ your oranges . A is B am C are


1 How much do you need ? A 让我们列个清单吧!

2 Let’s make a list. B 你想要多少果汁?

3 How much juice do you want ? C 让我们去购物吧!

4 Let’s go shopping. D 你能看见多少只鸭子?

5 How many ducks can you see ? E 你需要多少?

Module2 Unit 2 同步练习


( )1.A milk B. Juice C. Cake

( )2.A.pears B.apples C.eggs

( )3.A.walk B.want C.kilo

( )4.A.rice B.met C.ran

( )5.A.did B.reads C.goes


half a kilo three boxes of cheese




( ) 1 How much milk do you want ? ____ .

A Six bottles , please .

B Five apples .

C Ten oranges .

( ) 2 How many apples do you want ? ____ .

A Here you are .

B Seven oranges .

C One kilo , please.

( ) 3 Do you like cheese ? No, I____. A didn’t. B don’t . C do. ( ) 4 Does John like bananas ? ____.

A Yes , he does.

B No , he is .

C Yes , he doesn’t.

( )5.How much do we need our picnic?

A. sweets ,to

B.cake, for

C. cheese, for

( )6.Here three bottles of juice you.

A.are, for

B. is, to

C.are, to

()7.Can we the bag on the desk? No, we .

A. use, aren’t

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f6415237.html,e, can’t

C. use, can

( ) 8 How many _____ do you want ? A apple B apples C an apple

( ) 9 How _____milk do you want ? A many B much C big

( ) 10 How _____ oranges do you want ? A many B long C much


1 How much cheese do you want ? A They will come tomorrow.

2 How many things are there ? B I’m shopping .

3 When will these things come ? C Half a kilo.

4 What are you doing ? D Thirty-seven.


1 _____________________ cakes do you want ? Five cakes, please.

2 _____________________ cheese do you want ? A kilo.

3 _____________________ books are there ? Twenty-eight.

4 _____________________ is it going to cost ? One hundred yuan .


you, do, how, water, much, want (?)

eggs, many, buy, you, did, how (?)

noodles, need, for,we, our, dinner (.)


Bill got up at 7:00 . He brushed his teeth, then he had breakfast at 7:20. He walked to school at 7:40. His friends and he played a game after school. He didn’t win, but he was also very happy . He went back at 5:30. It was time for dinner.

( ) 1 Bill didn’t brush his teeth.

( ) 2 Bill had breakfast at 7:40.

( ) 3 Bill went to school on foot.

( ) 4 Bill won the game , so he was very happy. ( ) 5 Bill went back after dinner.


C.ABDYECFXZ 笔试试题及答月全国计算机等级考试二VF2004D.ABCDEFXYZ (7) 某二叉树中有n个度为2的结点,则该二叉树中的叶子结点为) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共70分A.n+1 请将正确选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上,只有一 个选项是正确的,D)四个选项中,B)下列各题A)、、C)、B.n-1 答在试卷上不得分。C.2n 下列叙述中正确的是(1)D.n/2 A.算法的效率只与问题的规模有关,而与数据的存储结构无关.算法的时间复杂度是指执行 算法所需要的计算工作量B(8) 在下列关系运算中,不改变关系表中的属性个数但能减少元组个 数的是.数据的逻辑结构与存储结构是一一对应的C A.并D.算法的时间复杂度与空间 复杂度一定相关B.交C.投影在结构化程序设计中,模块划分的原则是(2) .笛卡儿乘积 D A.各模块应包括尽量多的功能.各模块的规模应尽量大B E-R图中,用来表示实体之间联 系的图形是(9) 在.各模块之间的联系应尽量紧密C A.矩形D.模块内具有高内聚度、模 块间具有低耦合度B.椭圆形 .菱形C (3)下列叙述中正确的是D.平行四边形A.软件测试的主要目的是发现程序中的 错误B.软件测试的主要目的是确定程序中错误的位置下列叙述中错误的是(10) C.为 了提高软件测试的效率,最好由程序编制者自己来完成软件测试的工作A.在数据库系统中,数据的物理结构必须与逻辑结构一致D.软件测试是证明软件没有错误金鹰优选B.数据库技术的根本目标是要解决数据的共享问题.数据库设计是指在已有数据库管理系统的基础上建立数据库C.数据库系统需要操作系统的支持D下面选项 中不属于面向对象程序设计特征的是(4) (11) 以下不属于SQL数据操作命令的是A.继承性MODIFY A..多态性B B.INSERT .类比性C C.UPDATE .封闭性D DELETE.D 下 列对列的叙述正确的是(5) 在关系模型中,每个关系模式中的关键字(12) A.队列属于非线性 “先进后出原则组织数据.最多由一个属性组成B .队表.可由多个任意属性组成A .队列按B” 列在队尾删除数据C .可由一个或多个其值能唯一标识关系中任何元组的属性组成C ”先进先 出“D.队列按原则组织数据D.以上说法都不对对下列二叉树(6) 是一种(13)Visual FoxPro 进 行前序遍历的结果为A.数据库系统ADYBEAFCZX .B.数据库管理系统YDEBFZXCA .B C.数据库.数据库应用系统D. (21) 在Visual FoxPro中,假定数据库表S ( 学号,姓名,性别,年龄) 和SC(学号,课程号,成绩) (14) 在Visual FoxPro中调用表单mf1的正确命令是之间使用"学号"建立了表之间的永久联系,在 参照完整性的更新规则、删除规则和插入规则中选择设置了"限制",如果表S.ADO mf1 所 有的记录在表SC中都有相关联的记录,则DO FROM mf1 B.AC.DO FORM mf1 .允许 修改表S中的学号字段值 B.RUN mf1 .允许删除表S中的记录DC.不允许修改表S中的学号字段值 语句中,SELECT“HA VING<条件表达式>”用来筛选满足条件的(15)SQL的D.不允许在表 S中增加新的记录 .列A(22) 在Visual FoxPro中, 对于字段值为空值(NULL)叙述正确的是B.行 AC.空值等同于空字符串.关系 BD.空值表示字段还没有确定值.分组


雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 首先我们来说说“一件从数学中学到的事情”,拿到这个话题,先不要急着回答,可以用笔稍微构思一下思路,该怎么回答。首先,可以说一下这件事是什么、发生在什么时候,也就是作文中的事件和事件,这里需要注意的就是具体描述一下什么事但是又不能啰嗦累赘,而时间则可以大致概括点明即可。我们就从资料中的例子来说:高中的时候从乘法表中学到的一件事。 然后,要具体叙述一下这件事,即是最重要的部分,发生的地方、牵扯到的人物、以及这件事情影响到你的原因,为什么影响到你…… 资料例子来说:在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。这件事情使我明白了,生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。 而这里的例子看似像我们中文作文中的思路,但是关键在于它表述方式以及用词造句,不能太中式化。这里的重点,就是描述事件经过,即“在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。”而老师的话则是重中之重,因为他让我明白了道理“生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。”也是我深深牢记的原因,以及这件事对我影响深刻的原因。

而最后,只需要简单概括,从这件事中学到的东西即可。其实这个话题思路并不是很难,关键在于烤鸭们的表述以及词汇的积累。 其实,大家都知道事件类话题是雅思口语考试中最简单的、最容易描述,却也是最常见的话题,所以大家要多注意积累素材、思考思路。其实“A way of communication”和“A good parent”这两个话题也可以用这个例子来阐述回答,而最关键的则是把老师的那段话稍作转述即可。例如,“A way of communication”我们可以先描述手机及其性能作用,以及现今的流行趋势,然后从一件事引到交流方式,还是那件事,还是那写话,只不过要突出老师用短信的方式告知我,最后,简单概述手机的用处及好处即可。是不是很简单呢?同样的,“A good parent”只需要根据情况把那些话转述为父母亲对你说的话,已经对你的影响,所以一个模板真的是百用哦! 那么我们赶紧来看看还有哪些话题可以这样转换呢? 多米诺骨牌效应:=Something you learned from math=Something you learned from your family=A piece of advice=A change you had=An important stage in your life=A text message you got=A letter you got=An E-mail you got=A way of communication=An important decision you made=A person who helped you=A kind thing someone did to you=A family member you love talking to=A good parent=An elderly family member=A neighbor=A good friend=A teacher=A science course you took=A subject you love/d at school=Your personality=First day of college=Your experience of getting money as a gift=Your experience of getting congratulations=A person you helped=A thing your friend did made you admire.


口语考试万能句! 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 开头 1、开头总结式 - Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet me... - Before I start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda... - I shall be offering a brief analysis of... - the subject of my presentation is... - I shall be speaking today about... - My presentation concerns... - Today we are here to give a speech on... - Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about me... 2、引起听众的兴趣 - My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for y ears... - I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us. - At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company h as been so successful for so long... - I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit


小学四年级语文2017.4. (100分钟完卷,满分100分) 一、积累运用(34分) (一)按要求完成下列选择题,并将正确的序号填在括号内。(20分) 1、下列四组加点字注音全部正确的一组是() A、臀(diàn)部一簇(cù) B、剥削(xiāo)谙(yīn)练 C、侵蚀(shí)扫帚(zhǒu) D、蝙(biǎn)蝠挣扎(zá) 2、下列多音字注音不正确的一项是() A、我游览过红叶似(sì)火的香山,它让我感到像是走进连绵不断的画卷(juàn)。 B、饮(yǐn)马溪边,你骑在马上,可以俯视阳光投射到的清澈的水底。 C、我们家六口人全靠父亲一人工作维持生计,生活很拮据(jǖ)。 D、年轻的忽视为母亲扎(zā)了两针也没有扎(zā)进血管里。 3、下列括号里的词语选择不正确的是() A、向导一边走一边发出(哀叹悲叹):“如果不是我们,这些海龟就不会受到那样的伤害。” B、向导抱走幼龟不久,成群的幼龟从巢口(鱼贯而出井然有序)。 C、那个年轻人立刻(狼吞虎咽饥不择食)地吃起来。 D、令人难以相信的是,它们之中有的(居然果然)能够朝夕与共,和睦相处。 4、下列四组词语书写全对的一组是() A、应接不瑕多资多彩玩常尊严 B、响彻云霄鱼贯而出捕捉敏锐 C、随心所浴补实遵严族游 D、清郎萤光屏蜿蜓拔电话 5、下列关于课文内容表达不正确的是() A、《蝙蝠和雷达》这一课科学家从蝙蝠身上受到启发,发明了雷达。 B、《自然之道》一课是按照事情的发展顺序来写的。 C、“别看他现在什么都没有,可他百分之百是个富翁,因为他有尊严。”这里的“富翁”是指哈默拥有尊贵的人格。 D、《桂林山水》一课是围绕“桂林山水甲天下”这句话写的。 6、下列句子默写正确的是() A、舟行碧泼上,人在画中游。 B、春江朝水连海平,海上明月共朝生。 C、落木千山天远大,澄江一道月分明。 D、大漠孤烟直,长河落日园。 7、下列句子采用的修辞手法与其他几句不一样的是() A、相看两不厌,只有敬亭山。 B、空旷的花园里,烧焦的树垂头丧气地弯着腰。 C、森林里的害虫大量繁殖,成群地向树木进攻。 D、遥望洞庭山水翠,白银盘里一青螺。 8、仔细读读,看看横线上的标点,你觉得不正确的是() A、人们都说:“桂林山水甲天下。” B、像这样一条多灾多难的祸河,怎么能成为中华民族的“摇篮”呢? C、他注意数着一声一声的鸟叫:“一,二,三,四。” D、“我们——是——中国人,我们——爱——自己的——祖国。” 9、下列词语中,既有近义词又有反义词的一项是() A、察觉—发觉沉寂—喧闹 B、弥漫—充满繁衍-繁殖 C、隐蔽-暴露颓丧-振作 D、僵硬-灵活熟练-生疏 10、下列成语和相关的历史人物联系不正确的是() A、运筹帷幄---张良 B、围魏救赵——田忌 C、四面楚歌---项羽 D、草木皆兵——刘邦(二)在田字格里正确、工整、规范地书写下面的汉字。(4分) 赠瘦蜒攀 (三)按要求完成下列各题。(4分) 1、连绵不断鱼贯而出狼吞虎咽迷惑不解气喘吁吁聚精会神不慌不忙 (请从上面四字词语中选择一个写一句话,注意语意通顺合理。) 2、雨来浑身光溜溜的像条小泥鳅,怎么也抓不住。(请仿照这种句式写一句话) 精选


雅思口语万能模板 今天给大家收集了雅思口语万能模板,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语万能模板:自我介绍Sample Sample1: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.



公共英语等级考试三级口试常见句型(1) 1. Personal Identification, People I'm a teach/student/worker... 2. Home and Family, Environment 1) 常见句子 Do you have any elder brothers?你有没有哥哥? Where does your father work?你父亲在哪工作? What's your father?你父亲是干什么的? How many people are there in your fami ly?请问,你家有几口人? I have father, mother and a younger si ster.我有父亲、母亲和妹妹。 Where do you live?你住哪儿? I live in Bejing. I'm a middle school student.我家在北京,我是一名中学生。Does your mother work, too?你母亲也工作吗? She has already retired.她已退休了。

I'm a freshman in senior class.我是高一新生。 How's your grandpa?你爷爷(姥爷)好吗? Is your elder sister maried?你姐姐结婚了吗? He works in a bank.她在银行工作。 How old is your father?你父亲多大年纪了? My parents have two children, my siste r and me.我父母有两个孩子,我妹妹和我。 2)常见对话 My Mother and Father Are Older Than I Teacher: Peter, do you have any brothe rs and sisters? Peter: Yeah. Teacher: Do you study English by yours elf or in a class? Peter: I study in a class. I don't stu dy by myself. Teacher: Do you prefer to go to the mo



What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a big city? With the development of economy, the speed of urbanization of our country is faster and faster. The area of cities is larger and larger. More and more people crowd into cities, resulting in larger and larger population of citcities. The abundance of consumer goods in big city indeed bring us much convenience. However, there are also many challenges and pressures living in a big city. Such as crowded transport, dirty air, noisy street and so on. Among these challenges, I believe, the most serious one is the tense pace of life. To get enough consumer goods and live a happy life, We have to work every day to make money. We get up early in the morning and go to work in a hurry even no time to have breakfast. After a day,s busy work, we go home at night and go to sleep. We spend half of our time to work even forget to stop to enjoy our life. Sometimes I think that we are so stupid to devote ourselves to work and forget the purpose we work for. But most of time, we have to do so. So that is the reason for my view. Say something about the impact of horror films on young children. When it comes to horror films, opinions vary from person to person. It is the same to young children. I believe horror films have both positive and negative impact on young children, the point depend on the attitudes of children on horror films. Horror films indeed excite us greatly compared with other films. For children like horror films, watching horror films is an interesting adventure. Kids who always watch horror films would have more curiosity on the world and life. This results that children watching horror films have the spirit of exploration and innovation. However, for those timid and do not like horror films, watching horror films may make them have nightmares. What is worse, it may lead to psychological illness and make them more timid, resulting them afraid of trying unfamiliar things. So it is concluded that if children like horror films, they are admitted to watch them, if they do not like, do not force them to watch. What factors influence you most in your choice of a job? With the increasing of population of our country and the diversification of economy, it is becoming more and more difficult for our young to find a satisfactory job. Too many factors affect us to


1. Holidays A: Hi, can you tell me something about Chinese holidays? B: Yeah, I’m glad to introduce some representative holidays days like Spring Festival,the Mid-Autumn Festival,Dragon Boat Festival and so on. A: I heard that different areas have different customs in holidays. B: That’s right. There may be some differences in detail, but in a large degree, the celebrations are alike. A: In spring festival, peoples would eat dumplings. Are there any other things that must be done in these days? B: Yeah. Before the holidays, we always do shopping in preparation for the Spring Festival, place doublets and set firecrackers to welcome the New Year’s coming with our family. A: It sounds great. There must be very big noise and we will felt warmly to enjoy the interesting scene. B: Yes, the whole family enjoys the holidays together. A: During the festival, people visit relatives and friends with presents. B: Yeah, this is the tradition in Spring Festival. A: Okay, thank you for telling me about these. B: You are welcome. 2. travel A: Hi, I have heard that you are going to take a trip to henan. B: Yeah, I was just planning for it. Do you have any suggestions about where to go what to see? A: First, you have to make a plan about what you want to do. B: Maybe I’d like to go outside to see beautiful scenery and try to eat delicious food. A: I would have to say, first of all, if you really want to go for a trip, Kaifeng is your first choice because it's one of the most popular places of interest and it has many kinds of local food to eat such as soup dumplings and peanut cake. B: Yeah, I have heard that before. And I always want to taste all the food there. A: And, you can also see baogongfu, qingmingshanghetu, and kaifengfu. They are Kaifeng’s Representative scenic spots. B: Yeah, that will be a good idea. I can also go to the Shaolin Temple to visit Kungfu, and it is not far from Kaifeng to dengfeng, isn’t it? A: It seems that you already have a plan. So enjoy your trip! B: Thanks for your advice. See you. 3. Education A: Good morning, Rosie. B: Morning, JC. What a good day! A: Yeah, the climate is always good these days .I read a book about the difference of high education between America and China. B: Oh, you must have learned a lot. A: Yeah, do you have any opinions about this? B: Yes, I know in America, the high education is very free. Students have several chances in a year to enter a college. And they can choice their own major according to their interests.


英语口语考试常用万能句子集锦 口语在英语考试当中占有很大的比重,它注重考察学生的综合能力。 为同学们提供英语口语的万能句子,希望对大家有所帮助! 英语口语的万能句子(一)1.Nopains,nogains.一份耕耘,一份收获 2.Youain’tseennothingyet.你还没看过更好(烂)的;好戏还在后头 3.Togivearaincheck 改天的邀请 4.That’swhatfriendsarefor.这就是好朋友啊 5.It’sapainintheneck.很讨厌而难避免 6.It’sthethoughtthatcounts.心意最重要;重在情 意7.Thetipfortheiceberg.冰山一角;危险的细微的征兆8.Jumpdownsomeone’sthroat 粗暴地回答某人;无理地打断某人的话9.Savesomethingforarainyday 以 备不时之需10.Behindthescenes.在幕后;在黑暗中11.Bytheskinofone’steeth.刚好,勉强,侥幸英语口语的万能句子(二)1.apickyeater 吃饭挑剔之人 2.appleofone’seye 珍爱之人(或物),宝贝 3.thecoldshoulder 对某人冷淡 4.aslipofthetongue 口误 5.abitterpilltoswallow 吞下苦果 6.anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway 一天一个苹果,不用请医生(常吃水果有益健康) 7.apieceofcake 容易做的事(不费吹灰之力) 8.asfitasafiddle 非常健康 9.abigappetite 胃口很好10.anadventurouseater 大胆的食客英语口语的万能句子(三)1.Ithurtslikehell!疼死啦!2.Itcan’tbehelped.无能为力。3.Sorrytobotheryou. 抱歉打扰你。4.Stayoutofthismatter,please.请别管这事。5.I’llmakeituptoyou.我 会赔偿的。6.I’mvery/really/terribly/awfully/extremelysorry十分抱歉。7.Let’sforgiveandforget.让我们摈弃前嫌。8.I’veheardsomuchaboutyou!久仰大名! 9.Don’tunderestimateme.别小看我。10.Shegivesmeaheadache.她让我头疼。英 语口语的万能句子(四)1.lookforaneedleinahaystack 象大海捞针一样困难 2.toletthecatoutofthebag 泄露秘密 3.toletone’shairdown 放松,好好玩


话题一What is your definition of success?What have you achieved in your life that makes you feel proud? In my submission, success is not to earn a great of money, nor is it to so some so great things. Not to be famous, not to be great, ordinary people also have their own way of success. I think, to make my families, and all the people I love have a happy life, is my own way to be success. Yes, the ancient people said, a man should take the world as his duty. But for me, the most important is to make these people I love happy! As I said, I want to make my love live a happy life. So it' always on the way to success! i want to make myself better and be able to make them feel happy. I remembered once a weekend, my parents are busy working so nobody have time to make a lunch, I tried to make it, but I didn't learn how to cook before! My little brother and I made an awful lunch after an attempt. I still remember how unsavory it was but the happiness on my parents ' tace is visible. At that moment, the feeling of pride arises spontaneously. I feel I am the most success person in our world. So after that, I tried to learn some cooking skills and I can make some delicious food now. 话题二Please describe what is the happiest/most embarrassing/funniest/scariest thing that has ever happened to you. For me, there is a really scariest thing happened in my life. That was when I had just been in high school for no more than one month! After the military training, we have a long holiday at last. My brother and I went back home together. We are so tired because the intension of the training is so strong! We planned to have a good sleep once we came home. After an hour 's drive and thirty minutes' walk, we finally arrived at our destination. And we found that our parents going out. But, when I was opening the door, he suddenly falls in a faint. I am so scared that I almost fainted too. After realizing what happened, I responded quickly. I dialed a first aid phone and then, call my parents what happened. I put my brother on the sofa to prevent him from catching a cold. And I called his name and asked some questions to see if he was even sober. Just a while, the ambulance arrived. And my parents got back after it. My brother was send to hospital and my heart is still beating fast. I think it 'probably the most scaring thing I have ever experienced.


IT服务管理培训考试试卷 一、选择题(共30题,每题2分,总60分) 1)下面哪句话最恰当描述了IT服务管理? A.经济有效地管理IT服务的质量 B.根据ITIL最佳实践进行IT基础设施的管理工作 C.以流程的方式管理IT基础设施。这种方式可让IT组织能够以专业的方式为客户提供 IT产品和服务 D.促进更多的人了解IT服务 2)IT服务管理是如何改善IT服务的质量的。 A.以正式的内部、外部客户以及供应商的服务协议 B.定义服务级别普遍适用的标准 C.提高IT组织中所有员工的客户关注程度 D.计划、实施、管理一系列流程以提供IT服务 3)硬件、系统和应用软件以及数据通讯设施都是IT基础架构(IT infrastructure)的组成部 分。下面哪些组件也可以被视为IT基础架构的一部分? 1 程序 2 文档 3 人员 A.1和2 B.1和3 C.2和3 D.1,2和3 4)事件管理流程可以从哪份文档获得有关何时有必要将问题升级和将问题升级给谁等方面 的信息? A.服务改进计划 B.服务目录 C.组织结构图 D.服务级别协议 5)考虑下列说法: 1.SLA应该定义协议双方的角色和职责 2.对SLA的实现情况应该进行监控,定期制作服务级别报告并报送相关人员 3.在SLA签订之前应该对支撑合同进行评审 A.没有一个是正确的 B.1和2是正确的 C.2和3是正确的 D.上述三个说法都是正确的 6)在某个保险公司里,由于电力的中断导致局域网和所有PC都宕机了。因此,该公司的业

务受理系统和理赔系统都不能正常使用。一个小时后,电力中断的故障被解决了,服务也恢复至电力中断之前的状态。该事件对服务提供造成了哪种影响? A.影响很小,因为在一个小时内客户就被告知电话通知可以继续办理业务了,并且客户对这 种情况表示理解。 B.影响重大,因为该事件使得正常的服务提供不能实现。这对公司的形象造成了损害。 C.没有影响,因为所有的数据都可以先记录在纸质文档上并可以在电力恢复后在录入系统。 D.影响非常小,因为该事件是由电力故障而不是硬件或软件错误引起的。 7)以下哪一项是IT服务持续性管理流程的典型活动? A.通知终端用户有关系统故障方面的情况 B.将后备方案(Fallback Arrangement)文档化 C.提供可用性方面的报告 D.确保配置项始终是最新的 8)某钢铁公司被竞争对手兼并。IT部门以及两个公司的IT基础架构需要整合,IT基础架构 整合后运行应用程序所需要的磁盘空间将由下列哪项流程决定。 A.可用性管理 B.能力管理 C.计算机操作管理 D.发布管理 9)关于IT服务持续性计划,某个灾难的严重程度取决于: A.灾难持续的天数 B.恢复灾难可用的人员数量 C.灾难的类型,如洪水、火灾等 D.对客户业务的影响 10)因对信息系统的依赖逐渐增强,某房地产公司要求确保系统运行发生中断后仍可获得IT 服务。下面哪个流程可提供这样的服务。 A.可用性管理 B.持续性管理 C.服务级别管理 D.服务管理 11)下面哪些属于可用性管理的首要职责? 1. 计划在SLA中约定的IT服务的可用性并进行监控 2. 就SLA中的可用性级别与客户进行谈判 3. 记录不可用事件的详细情况 4. 提出变更以预防有损可用性的故障 A.1和2 B.3和4 C.所有的都正确 D.1和4 12)可用性百分率的计算公式为: A.(宕机时间*100)/约定服务时间


一下是一个万能嵌套模板,不管你英语抽到那种TOPIC,都能套用这套模板。只需要在横线的地方修改就好了。 A: Hi good morning, nice to meet you here. B: Nice to meet you too. A: Haven’t seen you for a long time, what are you doing these days. B: I have just finished some exams. How about you? A: I have made a research on “_________”. B: what about it? A:”_______________”. B: Yes you really have a good command on “__________”. A: Thanks, I prepared it for a long time. B: I really appreciate your effort, in my view, __________now is quite different form it past, in the past, _________but now, with the development of technology, especially the computer science and the internet,__________, I think you can consider these different in your research. A: oh it is very interesting, you got the point. B: OK hope the information will help you. A: Of course, it will be. your suggestion is very useful to me, it’s about my survey. Do you like it? B: I love it very much, can I join your teem this year? A: Sure, welcome join us, we can do it together.

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