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牛津英语7A Unit3 全部教案

牛津英语7A Unit3 全部教案
牛津英语7A Unit3 全部教案

Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


Comic strip+ Welcome to the unit


1能听、说、读、写单词holiday, as, monkey, why, mooncake, 并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词celebrate, ghost, king, festival, Christmas, Easter,短语dress up, the Mid-Autumn Festival,能理解单词dragon, Halloween,短语the Dragon Boat Festival。






2能模仿第35页Part B的对话,简单谈论个人对节假日的喜好情况。





1教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、四幅卡通漫画图片(第3页)、六幅图片(第35页Part A)、一张人物图片(《西游记》中孙悟空的形象)。


3板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!

五教学步骤(第34页Comic strip)

1 教师用实物投影出示第34页卡通图片,指着图片说Look! We can see Eddie and Hobo again.

(图片1)问:What are they doing? Can you guess? 帮助学生回答:I think they’re celebrating their holiday.学习并操练单词:celebrate, holiday。

Holiday—the day you don’t have to go to school.

Celebrate—do something for the day.

(图片3)问:What is Eddie doing? (He’s dressing up as a ghost)用手势或其它动作、表情教学生短语dress up as……和单词ghost。然后问:Do you like dressing up as a ghost?

(No, we don’t). Eddie doesn’t like, either.

(图片4)问:What’s Hobo dressing up as now?(He is dressing up as Monkey King).学习单词monkey和king.教师出示孙悟空图片,Do you know him? We often call him Monkey King.(可以让喜欢孙悟空的学生模仿其造型)Who can dress up as Monkey King?


2 让学生分角色朗读。


3 学生两人一组练习对话,并轮流扮作Eddie和Hobo,几分钟后,让一些小组到前面表演,


六教学步骤(第35页Welcome to the unit)

1老师让学生展示事先准备好的节日清单并称赞:V ery good! 介绍课本内容:In this unit, I will help you to learn more about the Festivals in English.学习单词festival(s),并写在黑板上。

用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片(按以下顺序介绍)


中国节日:直接用英语教短语Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival,并写在黑板上。

西方节日:允许学生先用中文猜测,然后告诉他们:In English, we call it Christmas/Easter/Halloween,并逐词写在黑板上。(5分钟)

2领读数遍单词、短语后,再用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片,询问学生:What’s the name of the festival? 然后学生两人一组活动,互相问答。(5分钟) 3告诉学生:My favourite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival. Do you know why?

Because I like to eat mooncakes.学习单词mooncake,可用简笔画来表示,相信学生能猜出其含义。

板书:My favourite festival is……

Because I like to ……


4打开书,带领学生富有感情地朗读Part B,采用男女生分组分角色方式朗读。(2分钟) 5学生两人一组练习对话,再进行表演。(4分钟)



eat chocolate/make pumpkin Lanterns.

eat rice dumplings/get Christmas presents/(此举也为以后的阅读教学带来方便。)(5分钟) 7选出几组同学到前面表演,可让他们看黑板上的选用词汇。鼓励他们增加动作,提高表演欲望。在表演以后,领着其他同学给予掌声鼓励。

Don’t you think they’re very good?(Yes)

Let’s give them a big hand. (3分钟)






Reading: A Getting ready for Halloween


1听、说、读、写单词USA,special, shout, if, face, own, cut, sharp(adj), tooth, chocolate, winter, drink,短语cut out并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词trick, treat, knock, candy, mask, paint, lantern, sharp(n)短语trick or treat,play a trick。能理解单词costume, pumpkin。










1教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物投影仪幕布、三幅图片(第35页Part A中的图1、2、3)。2教学准备:请学生准备事先制作好的道具或图片。

3板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


1 教师用实物投影展示第35 页Part A 图2,问:What’s the name of the festival?(It’s

Mid-Autumn Festival)指着图中男孩提着的灯笼,教单词Lantern: This is a lantern in English.

教师说:Show me your lanterns, please! 让学生出示他们制作的实物或图片。接着,展示图片1:What’s the name of the festival?(It’s Halloween).告诉学生:This is a pumpkin lantern.把lantern写在黑板上。最后展示图片3。让一学生用第35页Part B的对话发问:Which is your favourite festival?(Easter)Why do you like it?(Because I like to eat chocolate eggs .(用手指着图片中的chocolate eggs),再板书chocolate。(5分钟)

2 介绍课本内容:Today we’re going to learn something about Halloween .In China, we do not

celebrate Halloween. But in the USA , people celebrate it. They have a special party on that day.

And they play a game called “trick or trea t”, They also wear different costumes with masks.

They even paint their faces. People do not know each other. They make pumpkin lanterns, eat a lot of chocolates and candies. Don’t you think how interesting it is?(Yes).教师伴着手势、表情,借助于学生手中的实物或图片,给学生简单描述,并将上文的划线部分写在黑板上,然后让学生分组展开讨论:What do people in the USA do for Halloween? 组织学生收集信息,并互相交流。(7分钟)

3放课文录音,听一遍。Now, please listen to the tape. This is a letter from Wendy to Millie. Try to answer: When is Halloween? 并把答案(On October 31st)写在黑板上。(3分钟)


Paragraph1: What’s Wendy’s favourite festival?

Paragraph2: How do you play the game called “trick or treat”?

Paragraph3: How do they dress up at Halloween?

Paragraph4: How do you make your own pumpkin lantern?

Paragraph5: What do they eat on that day?


让他们通过手势、表情等动作或上下文猜出shout, if, own, cut, sharp, tooth, winter等生词的含义,如有必要,可给予适当的汉语提示。(8分钟)




Celebrating Halloween

play a game→dress up →make own pumpkin lanterns→have a special party




鼓励有能力的学生模仿本课文,以Middlie口气,写一封信,告诉Wendy 有关Mid-Autumn Festival的庆祝方式。




Reading: B&C












1教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、四幅图片(第38页Part B)


3板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!


1 教师用实物投影展示上一课的复述提纲,鼓励更多的同学到前面复述celebrating Halloween.


2 教师说:I’m glad to see that most of you know how to celebrate Halloween. And if you are

Millie , your friends wants to have a Halloween party with you .What do you have to do?

Please look at the pictures on Page 39.让学生看第39页C2的图片,分组说出相应的短语:buy some chocolates, want special costumes, make a pumpkin lantern, dress up as a tiger,然后指导学生按要求完成书中任务。(4分钟)

3 实物投影展示第39页C1,指着headings告诉同学们:

Middlie wants to tell her classmates about Halloween. She makes a poster and uses these headings.Can you help her find which paragraphs they are in ?You can say out the correct numbers for each heading.让学生快速浏览第36—37页课文,两人一组,寻找答案并互相核对,然后写在书上。(4分钟)

4 用实物投影展示第38页Part B图片,并在黑板上给出party, pumpkin lantern, special costume,

trick or treat 等关联词或短语,说,OK!Then let me check if you know names one by one .




把学生分成若干小组,每组由同学们选出一位代表,扮演Millie ,到前面向全班同学介绍有关Halloween的信息。该代表若有困难,可以有三次机会向本组同学“求助”,以说出句子数多者为优胜,相同成绩则以“求助”次数少的为优胜。最后带领全班同学为获胜者所在小组鼓掌并赠送同学们的自制实物或图片,以示鼓励。


6 打开书本,学生两人一组完成第38页Part B2,全班核对答案。(2分钟)

7 选用一位同学写好的有关Mid-Autumn Festival的信,用实物投影展示。(如没有同学完成,

则采用自己事先准备好的范文)。学生两人一组互相询问以下问题并回答。When is the Mid-Autumn Festival? What do we eat on that day? Why do we call it mooncake? Where do we celebrate it ? 收集信息,全班共同核对,让大家分享合作学习的快乐。








1能听、说、读、写单词May, national, card, rice, 短语May Day, National Day并了解其含义。

能听懂、会说单词dumpling,短语rice dumplings。










1教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、活页式台历或日历、贺卡若干张、四幅图片(第40页Part B)。2教学准备:请学生准备台历(日历)、贺卡等本课所需实物或图片。

3板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate.


1教师问:Which special days of the year do you know?把days of the year 写在黑板上,学生两人一组进行讨论,然后将搜集到的信息,如:Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year ,Christmas,Dragon Boat Festival, Easter, Halloween 等写在days of the year下面(如学生答出Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Women’s Day, Fool’s Day等给予鼓励),然后在节日名称右边用阿拉伯数字表达法写出一些日期(顺序打乱),让学生上黑板用线连出相应的节日名称。接着,添上10.1、5.1、1.1三个日期,学习短语National Day, May Day ,New Year’s Day, 并板书在其它节日一边,让学生猜出其含义。(6分钟)

2用实物投影展示活页式台历,指着某一周,与学生开展free talk,说,Let’s look at the days of the week. What day is it?(It’s Mo nday) Do we have to go to school on Monday/Tuesday?

(Yes) Do we have to go to school at the weekend ? (No)



Millie and Simon want to know which days they do not have to go to school. Now ,please help them. If they have to ,write “Yes”. If they do not have to ,write “No”.学生打开书本,完成第40页Part A。(3分钟)

4让学生看黑板上的节日名称,问:Whose favourite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival?

Why do you like it ? (Because I like to eat chocolate eggs.) 然后出示贺卡,学习单词card并板书。 Look! Here are different kinds of cards. These are Christmas cards .I like Christmas because I can get the cards .Now , please show me your cards. (学生出示自己的贺卡并用英文说出Christmas card和New Year’s Card)。接着用实物或图片教短语rice dumplings。并

让两个学生用the Dragon Boat Festival大家互相表演对话:Why do you like the Dragon Boat Festival?(Because I like to eat rice dumplings) (12分钟)5学生两人一组,仿照上面的对话进行表演。教师为提高兴趣,可增加一些内容,如:Why do you like Chinese New Year? Because I can wear new clothes and get money.


6打开书本,要求学生完成Part B的笔头填空,全班核对答案并分组朗读四个句子,提醒学生注意介词at的用法。(5分钟)


合上书,教师说:At Christmas,让学生分组或全班集体答出We get cards and presents。然后选出若干同学,到前面代替教师,依次说出At Easter ,At the Dragon Boat Festival, At Mid-Autumn Festival.其它同学分组或集体答出书上的下一句。可多给一些学生机会,反复操练数遍或打乱顺序随意说出一个介词短语。



抄写第40页Part A中的节日短语。

仿照Part B用At…编写若干句子。(1分钟)



Grammar: (A)Prepositions of time


1能听、说、读、写单词date, season, spring, summer, autumn, January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, November, December, Sunday, Saturday并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词during 。

2能初步掌握介词at ,on, in表达时间的用法及在不同交际情景中的运用功能。











3板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate!



What day comes after

Thursday? (It’s Friday.)What day comes after Friday? (It’s Saturday.)What day comes after Saturday?(It’s Sunday.)学习单词Saturday, Sunday,并写在黑板上。Do we have to go to school on Friday?(Yes).Do we have to go to school on Saturday?(No)What about on Sunday?(No) 带领学生操练单词:Saturday comes after Friday. Sunday comes after Saturday.

再指着十月,复习October.。问:What month comes after October? (It’s December.) What month comes after December.( It’s November.)依次学习其他十一个月的单词名称,并一一写在黑板上。带领学生操练单词:Which is the first/second /tenth/eleven…month of the year ?It’s January/February/October/Decembe r…

问学生:When is Christmas ?It’s in December. Which season is it in?It’s in winter.

复习已学过的winter,学习单词season 并写在黑板上。告诉学生:There are four seasons in

a year. Winter is one of them. We have the other three seasons. They’re spring, summer and

autumn.带领学生操练单词:New Y ear’s Day is in spring. Children’s Day is in summer.

Mid-Autumn Festival is in autumn. (12分钟)

2帮助学生回忆刚使用过的介词,并将on、in分别写在黑板上相应的单词前。复习第40页Part B中的句型:What do we eat at Christmas? What do we eat at Mid–Autumn Festival?板书at Christmas, at Mid-Autumn Festival。让学生两人或三人一组讨论介词at ,on ,in在时间表达方式中的基本用法,再搜集信息,进行适当矫正和归纳。


3实物投影展示第41页Part A中的表格,带领学生浏览,并正确理解其中的“What for”和“Example”。让学生仿照例句,用Example中的短语at six o’clock, on Monday, in the evening等造句,再迁移拓展为at ei ght o’clock, on Saturday in the morning等其它相似短语造句,可进行“造句竞赛”,将学生分成若干小组,先分组限时(1—2分钟)做Pair work,再集中统计,评出优胜。(5分钟)


5实物投影展示三类生词卡片,分别用以下类型两人一组进行信息交流,以加强理解、加深记忆。Seasons: What season comes after spring/summer/…?

Months: What month comes after January/February/…/?

Days of the week:What day comes after Monday/Tuesday/…/?



7告诉学生,Millie writes a letter to Wendy about her week. But she is not good at the Prepositions. Can you help her?(Yes!)OK, turn to Page https://www.wendangku.net/doc/586542429.html,e “at, in, on” to fill in the blanks.

7a Unit3 protect the Earth(Writing)教案


How to protect the Earth ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


Unit 1 This is me! Comic strip & Welcome to the unit I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. know the two cartoon characters, Eddie and Hobo, and the six students at Sunshine Middle School; 2. greet each other properly in English; 3. introduce oneself to others in English. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and phrases: master, e-dog, good morning/good afternoon/good evening/good night 2. New structures: What’s your name? My name is … Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. III. Focus o f the lesson and predicted area of difficulty How to introduce each other and greet each other in English. IV. Teaching procedures Comic strip Step 1 Lead-in:Enjoy the video “make friends”. T: Today we’ll learn U nit 1 This is me! Do you like the song in the video? We are now new students at Donglin Middle School, and meet many new classmates. Do you want to make more friends? I’d like you to meet two new friends in our books. Do you want to know them? 【设计意图:由视频再到图片make friends引出不同人物的名字。】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Learn some new words (1) Show some pictures of the two cartoon characters.


7A Unit 3 Let’s celebrate Period 6: Integrated skills (多媒体) (校内公开课) 一、Teaching aims 1.找出海报和图片中的要点; 2.能通过阅读和听录音获取有关信息; 3.了解海外华人如何庆祝中国的传统节日; 4.提高学生听、说、读、写的综合语音的运用能力。 二、Teaching contents 1.Words lion date place time excited traditional midnight firework 2.Phrases lion dance from…to… at night so much 3.Sentences (1)Which is the favourite day in the year? (2)When’s your birthday? (3)Who gives you the presents? (4)It is my first time to see it. (5)Why do you like your birthday so much? 三、Teaching important and difficult points 1.从阅读和听力材料中获取所需信息 2.进行相关交际活动 四、Teaching steps Step One: Greeting. Step Two: Revision and presentation. 1. A guessing game. (Review the festivals) (1)多名学生问→一人回答 What do people do on that day? When is it? How do people celebrate it? (2)老师问→学生回答 Which is your favourite festival? When is it? Why do you like it? How do people celebrate it? 2.How do people celebrate Chinese New Year? eat traditional Chinese food watch lion dance enjoy fireworks


学员编号: 年级:课时数: 学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师: 授课类型TUnit6(牛津7上)同步梳理 教学目标1、使学生能够基本掌握牛津7年级上册Unit1中的基础词汇及重要句型; 星级★★★★ 授课日期及时段 议2-5分钟) Hello, XXX Greeting and warm-up 批注:孩子一般在日校很少有机会开口说英语,在上课前给孩子制造一些机会给孩子开口锻炼口语表达,同时也提高孩子学英语的兴趣和信心。 (建议20-25分钟) 一起回忆一下第六单元的内容 T同步-U6基础知识梳理

一、词汇Words 练一练: Words: 词性意思 1. 平静的 2. 方便的 3. 街区,城区 4. 底部 5. 陡的 6. 台阶 7. 吵闹的,吵杂的 8. 令人激动的,使人兴奋的 9. 令人愉快的 10. 令人放松的 11. 金融的,财政的 12. 教堂 13. 雕塑,雕像 14. 喷泉 15. 儿童故事书,童话书 16. (分手指的)手套 Phrases: 意思 1. 一周一次 2. 在--- 底部 3. 居住 4. 乘公交车/地铁 5. 筑巢 6. 起床 批注:让孩子回忆一下学校里上课的内容。检测孩子掌握情况。 Keys: Words: 词性意思 1. peaceful adj. 平静的 2. convenient adj. 方便的 3. neighborhood n. 街区,城区 4. bottom n. 底部 5. steep adj. 陡的 6. step n. 台阶

7. noisy adj. 吵闹的,吵杂的 8. exciting adj. 令人激动的,使人兴奋的 9. pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 10. relaxing adj. 令人放松的 11.financial adj. 金融的,财政的 12. church n. 教堂 13. statue n. 雕塑,雕像 14. fountain n. 喷泉 15. storybook n. 儿童故事书,童话书 16. glove n. (分手指的)手套 Phrases: 意思 1.once a week 一周一次 2. at the bottom of 在--- 底部 3. live in 居住 4. by bus/ underground 乘公交车/地铁 5. make nests 筑巢 6. get up 起床 1. peaceful adj. 平静的 {联想} peace n. 和平 批注:先让学生回顾课文中的平静的是哪个单词(peaceful),然后在原有单词上变形引出peace,让学生留意这里的-ful,是形容词的后缀,可以多举例子如careful hopeful colorful....。 2. convenient adj. 方便的 {反义词} inconvenient adj. 不方便的 {联想} convenience n. 便利 批注:让孩子注意convenient 不能用人做主语,这样的词有impossible, proboble,....但是likely 可以用人做主语。 3. neighbourhood n. 街区;城区 批注:让孩子注意neighbourhood 与neighbour(n.邻居)的区别 4. bottom n. 底部 {反义词} top 批注:让孩子注意词的联想,比如说它的反义词,做到举一反三 5. *steep adj. 陡的 {反义词} gentle adj. 缓和的 批注:让孩子注意词的联想,比如说它的反义词,做到举一反三 6. step n. 台阶

牛津译林版7A Unit3 Grammar教案(英语教案)

7A Unit 3 Grammar I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.distinguish the subject forms of personal pronouns from the object forms; 2.remember all the personal pronouns; 3.express themselves by using personal pronouns correctly. II. Teaching contents 1.Subject form: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they 2.Object form: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty How to use the subject form and object form correctly IV. Teaching procedures A Personal pronouns (subject form) Step 1 Lead-in Read a passage and find the personal pronouns in it. T: Hello, boys and girls. Yesterday we learned Reading ‘Welcome to our school’. Do you still remember what the name of Millie’s school is? Yes, it’s Sunshine Middle School. Now Millie is telling us about her


学员编号:年级:课时数:学员姓名:YYY 辅导科目:英语学科教师: XX 授课类型T Unit9(牛津7上)基础知识梳理 星级★★★ 1、使学生能够基本掌握牛津7年级上册Unit9中的基础词汇及重要句型; 教学目标 T同步-U9基础知识梳理 (建议2-5分钟) 1

It was a sunny day. We decided to have a picnic outside the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to a mountain. It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms. At noon, we reached the place.we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things, such as bread, orange juice, apples, cakes, eggs and so on. But all of a sudden, it began to rain. Unluckily there was no shelter nearby. We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry. What an unforgettable picnic it was! 批注:通过图片及这篇小文章来引出今天的主题,同时可以和学生进行对话,询问学生最想在食物节上吃到什么,引起学生对于本课的兴趣。 (建议20-25分钟) 一、词汇Words 1. homeless:adj. 无家可归的 【知识拓展】home:n.家,家庭& adj. 家用的,国内的& adv. 在家,在国内 2


7 A Unit 3 Welcome to our school The first period: Comic strip& Welcome to the unit Teaching aims: ( 1)、Learn some new words: “Which ,best ,so, biology ,geography ,history, Date ,meeting ,o’clock, OK ,gate” (2)、Learn some new phrases: School Open Day/ the parents’ meeting /at the school gate (3)、Learn some sentence patterns: Which of the subject do you like best? What’s the date today?/ What time is it? Importance & difficulty 1.Talk with the simple present tense. 2. How to master these new phrases. Teaching procedures: Step I Presentaion. In school, there are many subjects. What is your favourite one? Which is your favourite subject? My favourite subject is …. Step II Practise Would you like to play a game to learn about your classmates’ favourite subjects? Let’s do chain work! Please ask the questions one by one. Sample conversation S1:Which of the subject do you like best? S2:I like …best. S1:Why? S2:Because it ….Which subject do you like best? S3:I like…best. S2:Why? S3:Because it…. Step III Presentaion 1The teacher asks:Eddie is a lovely dog. Do you know his favourite subject? Which is his favourite subject? Listen to the tape and answer this question. 2 Act in pairs. 3 Suppose you are Hobo. When you hear Eddie’s words, what do you think of him? What will you say to Eddie? Please continue writing Eddie and Hobo’s conversation. Step IV Presentaion 1The teacher asks:You study at ….Middle School for many days. Do you like your new school? Do you tell your parents about your new school? What do you tell them? Students answer:I like my school. I tell my parents about classmates and sports. 2The teacher says: I am teaching English now. So I am your English teacher. Who is this teacher?

7A unit3 最新广州、深圳沪教版牛津英语七年级上册教案

7A Unit3 The Earth Ⅰ核心词汇: Earth 地球quiz 小测试pattern 模式protect 保护 report 报告part 部分land 陆地v.登陆field 田地 large 大的provide 提供pollution 污染burn 燃烧 energy 能源ground 地面kill 杀死important 重要的 fact 事实kilometer 公里own 拥有catch 捕捉 problem问题pollute(动词) 污染call v.呼叫,称呼,打电话给··· Ⅱ重要短语: protect tne Earth 保护地球protect sb./sth.from 保护某人/物,使不受伤害provide…..with为…..提供be covered by 被····覆盖 make energy 制造能源put….into把…..倒入、放入)…… stop doing sth 停止做某事(不做这件事了)只指一件事 stop to do sth停下来做某事(停止做这件事,去做另外一件事) throw away扔掉throw about 乱扔如:Don’t throw about the waste paper. have a good time 玩得高兴=enjoy oneself get up 起床 Ⅲ重点句型: 1.The Earth provides us with air,Water and food. 2.It's +形容词+for sb.+to do sth. 3.There be +主语+介词短语 4.We can ask people not to do sth. Ⅳ详细讲解: 1.some are large.(page31) Large 大的。同义词:big 西丽的荔枝园真大(large),里面的荔枝好大个(big)Large 反义词:small,多指面积大 big 反义词:little,指体积大,还可以表示“巨大,伟大,重要”的意思 great 巨大的,伟大的,除了表示重量、体积外,还表示抽象的或者精神方面的 2.The Earth provides us with air,Water and food.(page31) Provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物 Provide sth for sb. Provide 指“准备好必需品来供应”Yi fu Provides a room for studying Offer 指“主动地提供帮助、支撑”The girl Offered to help the old. 3.It's important for us to protect the Earth for our future.(page31) 为了我们的未来,保护地球很重要。 注意:It's +形容词+for sb.+to do sth. It在句中作形式主语,整整的主语为不定式to protect the Earth.动词不定式作主语,可以放在句前也可以放在句后。句中的谓语动词用单数。


教案2 备课时间:2019年月______日 课题 7A Unit 3 Welcome to our sch ool Reading I 课 型 新授 课 时 1 教学设想来源学科网ZXXK]教学来 源学科网ZXXK][来源学科 网 目标 1.Learn some new words about school.来源学*科*网Z*X*X*K][来源学科网][来源:Z#xx#https://www.wendangku.net/doc/586542429.html,] 2.Understand the main idea about ‘my school’. 重点 难点 1.Learn some new words about school. 2.Understand the main idea about‘my schoo l’. 教学 准备 多媒体,扬声器 教学内容二次备课 教学过程一 次 备 课 Step 1 Revision Which is your favorite s ubject? Step 2 Presentation 1. Show some pi ctures and present some new words. 2. Learn the new words. 3. Do some exercises. Step3. Listening 1. Li sten to the tape and a nswer the following question. (1) Is the playground big? (2) How many classrooms are there in the classroom building?

(3) Where is Millie’s classroom? (4) How many art rooms and music ro oms are there in Millie’s school? (5) Is there a library? (6) Who is that man in the white shirt? 2. Check the a nswers. 3. Listen and repeat,then finish part B1. 4. Check the answer. Step 4 Reading 1.Read the dialogue again, then finish part B 2.来源:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/586542429.html,] 2.Check the answer. 3.Re ad again, retell the text according to the key words. Millie, my school, beaut iful, playground, big, show you around, 18 classrooms, my cl assroom, on the ground, clean and bright, an art ro om, two music rooms, a library, looks modern, a hall, have a meeting Step 5 Discussio n Discuss our own school in a group of four, and then let some students describe our school. Step 6 Homework 1. Recite the dialo gue. 2. Write a short passage about your school.


初一年级英语学科教案 总课题Unit1 This is me!总课时8 第 1 课时课题Comic strip and welcome to the unit课型New 教学目标知识目标To grasp the words : e-dog, master, look after, good night 能力目标To learn how to greet with each other in English. 情感目标To train the Ss’ love to each other and respect each other 教学重点To learn how to greet with each other. 教学难点The same as the above. 课前预习Preview the new words. 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1 Revision Step2 Presentatio n Free talk Ask the Ss to greet their partners. 1)Show Ss a clock and say: At this time of day, how do you greet your teacher or your partner? 2)Today we are going to meet some friends at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. This is their first English class. Open your books at Page 7 and read aloud what the Ss say. Show Ss a picture & say: Look! I have two new friends. Point to Eddie, say: It’s a dog. Then Hobo: It’s an e-dog. Ask: Do you want to know his name? Say: I have an e-dog. I look after my e-dog every day. Who is his master? Ss greet with each other. Ss read and find what the Ss say. listen and say 通过这样一 个情境的设 置,可以激发 学生的学习 动机,更好地 参与到课堂 中来。 教学环节教学过程学生活动备课札记

7A unit3 welcome to our school 教案

Unit3 Welcome to our school Welcome to the unit Step 1: Lead-in We have many subjects. Learn Millie’s subjects. 呈现三个新单词:biology, geography, history Then ask two questions. Step 2: Show the video of Hobo and Eddie. Then answer the questions. Ask them read ,then act it out. Step3: Ask what day it is? Then show the Millie’ s subjects. Find out what subjects Millie have today. Then ask the students what lessons they have. Show some pictures of the subjects. 回顾三个新单词。 Step4: 活动 According the model, then make a dialogue. Ask some students to act out. Step 5: 导入open day 的概念。Then listen and read the dialogue. Answer five questions about the dialogue. Then speak up again. Step 6: Homework Reading Step 1: Free talk 1. What is your favourite subject? 2. Our school is beautiful. What can you see in the school? 3. What is in front of your classroom? 4. Is your classroom on the ground floor? Step 2: Lead-in Explain the words and phrases in the passage Step 3: Listening Listen to the tape, and tick the correct answers Step 4: Here are some pictures of different places at Millie’s school. Help her write the correct words under the pictures. Step 5: Read the information about Sunshine Middle School. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false. Step 6: Homework 1. Recite this passage 2. Finish exercises on your paper Content: Grammar I Teaching aims: To learn to use the subject form of personal pronouns Important points: To understand what the personal pronouns replace and learn to use the subject form in the


牛津英语7A全套教案 ________________________________________ Starter Unit 1 Getting to know you 逐渐认识你 一Greetings问候 ★重点词汇Hello 喂nice 令人愉快的meet 遇见goodbye 再见this 这thank 谢谢 ★语法聚焦1.一般现在时的用法;2.系动词am, is的用法;3.副词too的用法。 课文英汉对照 Look and say Hello, I\'m Ben.你好,我是本。 Hi, I\'m Mark.你好,我是马克。 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you, too.我也是。 This is Kitty. She is my sister.这是基蒂。她是我的妹妹。 Hi, Mark.你好,马克。 Hi, Kitty.你好,基蒂。 Goodbye, Mark.再见,马克。 Bye, Kitty. Bye Ben.再见基蒂。再见,本。 Read and Act 读一读,演一演。 Alice: Good morning, Kitty. 艾丽斯:早上好,基蒂。 Kitty: Good morning, Alice. 基蒂:早上好,艾丽斯。 This is Mark .He\'s my friend. 这是马克。他是我的朋友。 Alice: How are you,Mark? 艾丽斯:你好吗,马克? Mark: Fine, thank you .And you? 马克:很好,谢谢。你好吗? Kitty: I\'m fine, too. 基蒂:我也很好。 重点难点解析 1. Hello, rm Ben,你好,我是本。 ▲hello是英语中使用频率最高的日常用语之一,可用来表示问候、打招呼或引起对方注意,可以用于熟人、朋友之间,也可以用于陌生人之间,可以单独使用,也可加称呼语。在两人见面问候时,意为“你好”,在打电话时,意为“喂”。hi在现代英语中以代替hello,显得更加随和。 【注〕熟人之间,在说了声“Hi,”“Hello”之后,还会关心地补上一句:“How are you?”(你身体好吗?)对方马上回答说:“Fine/Not bad/Very well, thank youhhanks! And you?”(很好/不坏/非常好,谢谢。你呢?),以示给对方的回敬。而陌生人之间,在说了声:“Hello”之后,再补上一句“How do you do?”对方跟着重复一句:“How do you do?” 2. Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 ▲双方初次见面经介绍后常说的一句话,这是陌生人初次见面的客套话。这句话也可用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢时的场合,表示一种高兴的心情。回答时一般说Nice to meet you, too. too意为“也”,放在句末。 3. This is Kitty.这是基蒂。 ▲在第三者给双方作介绍时,通常用This is+姓名这一句型。在这种场合通常不说He is...或She is...。如:


最新译林牛津7A unit3词组、短语、语法 一、重要短语 Welcome to the unit: 1. 你最喜爱的科目是哪门?Which of the subjects do you like best? =Which is your favourite subject subject? 2. 因此我可以吃三块。So I can eat three. 3. 今天是几月几号? What’s the date today? 今天是十月九号。It’s October 9th. 4. 今天是星期几? What day is it today? What day is it today? 今天是星期一。It’s Monday. 5. 现在是几点?What time is it now? What’s the time now? 现在是两点钟。It’s two o’clock. 6. 明天是开放日。 Tomorrow is our Open Day. 7. 家长会the parents’ meeting 8. 让我们一点半在学校门口见。 Let’s meet at the school gate at 1:30. Reading: 1 你学校看起来很漂亮。 Your school looks beautiful. 看起来很现代look modern 看起来年轻 look young 2 带你参观一下show you around 带领某人参观某地 show sb. around sp. 3 在教学楼的前面in front of the classroom building 在教室的前面(在教室的外面) in front of the classroom 在教室的前面(在教室的里面) in the front of the classroom 4 在一楼(英式英语) on the ground floor 在一楼(美式英语)on the first floor 5 这些教室既干净又明亮。The classrooms are clean and bright. 6 这边请,妈妈。This way, Mum. 7 一个艺术教室 a art room 一个音乐教室 a music room 两个电脑教室 two computer rooms 8 开会 have meetings 9 穿白色衬衫的那个人是谁? Who’s the man in a white shirt? Grammar: 1 看一看墙上我朋友的照片


牛津英语7A教案全套 ________________________________________ Starter Unit 1 Getting to know you 逐渐认识你 一Greetings问候 ★重点词汇Hello 喂nice 令人愉快的meet 遇见goodbye 再见this 这thank 谢谢 ★语法聚焦1.一般现在时的用法;2.系动词am, is的用法;3.副词too的用法。 课文英汉对照 Look and say Hello, I\'m Ben.你好,我是本。 Hi, I\'m Mark.你好,我是马克。 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you, too.我也是。 This is Kitty. She is my sister.这是基蒂。她是我的妹妹。 Hi, Mark.你好,马克。 Hi, Kitty.你好,基蒂。 Goodbye, Mark.再见,马克。 Bye, Kitty. Bye Ben.再见基蒂。再见,本。 Read and Act 读一读,演一演。 Alice: Good morning, Kitty. 艾丽斯:早上好,基蒂。 Kitty: Good morning, Alice. 基蒂:早上好,艾丽斯。 This is Mark .He\'s my friend. 这是马克。他是我的朋友。 Alice: How are you,Mark? 艾丽斯:你好吗,马克? Mark: Fine, thank you .And you? 马克:很好,谢谢。你好吗? Kitty: I\'m fine, too. 基蒂:我也很好。 重点难点解析 1. Hello, rm Ben,你好,我是本。 ▲hello是英语中使用频率最高的日常用语之一,可用来表示问候、打招呼或引起对方注意,可以用于熟人、朋友之间,也可以用于陌生人之间,可以单独使用,也可加称呼语。在两人见面问候时,意为“你好”,在打电话时,意为“喂”。hi在现代英语中以代替hello,显得更加随和。 【注〕熟人之间,在说了声“Hi,”“Hello”之后,还会关心地补上一句:“How are you?”(你身体好吗?)对方马上回答说:“Fine/Not bad/V ery well, thank youhhanks! And you?”(很好/不坏/非常好,谢谢。你呢?),以示给对方的回敬。而陌生人之间,在说了声:“Hello”之后,再补上一句“How do you do?”对方跟着重复一句:“How do you do?” 2. Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 ▲双方初次见面经介绍后常说的一句话,这是陌生人初次见面的客套话。这句话也可用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢时的场合,表示一种高兴的心情。回答时一般说Nice to meet you, too. too意为“也”,放在句末。 3. This is Kitty.这是基蒂。 ▲在第三者给双方作介绍时,通常用This is+姓名这一句型。在这种场合通常不说He is...或She is...。如: Ii Lei: Mum, this is my teacher, Miss Wang. 李雷:妈妈,这是我的老师,王老师。

牛津译林版七年级英语上册教案:Unit 3 Reading 1

课题[来源:][来源:]7A Unit 3[来源:] Welcome to our school! 总课时[来源:]8 第2课时[来源:] Reading1 撰稿人 备课时间 授课时间 教学目标1.To learn how to introduce different teaching buildings to others。 2.To know the main idea of the text. 教学重点To learn how to introduce different teaching buildings to others。教学难点To learn how to introduce different teaching buildings to others。 教学过程备注Step1. Free talk Ask: What day is it today ? What subject do you like best ? What’s the date of the open Day in Millie’s school? Can Millie’s mother go to her school? What time does the parents’ meeting begin ? What else do parents’ meeting begin ? Where does Millie meet her mother ? What’s he/she like ? How do you usually go to school ? Step2. Presentation & Listening 1.Teacher says :Look at our school. Is it beautiful ? Do you like your new school ? Do you tell your parents about your new school ? What can you see in the school ?.... Encourage Ss give their answers.

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