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Relieving the Pain

“Exercise may be the best treatment of chronic pain,” say doctors at a new clinic for dealing with pain. “People with chronic pain need to stop lying around, go out more, and start exercising.”The instinctive reaction to acute pain is to stop moving and to try to protect the source of pain. But it seems that this is often not productive, especially in the case of back pain. Back pain, after headaches and tiredness, has become the third most common reason for people to visit their doctors. Painful backs now account for millions of days off work.

Lumbar(腰部的)pains are partly the price humans pay for taking their forelimbs off the ground, but they are made worse by a sedentary(久坐不动的)lifestyle. Lack of exercise slowly decreases the flexibility and strength of muscles, so that it is more difficult to take pressure off the site of pain. Exercise is essential. It releases endorphins(内啡肽), the bod y’s “feel-good” chemicals, which are natural painkillers. In fact, these are so important that researchers are now looking for drugs that can maintain a comfortable level of endorphins in the body.

Most people who go to a family doctor complaining of pain are prescribed pain-killing drugs rather than exercise. Since finding the cause of backache is not so easy, doctors frequently do not know the precise cause of the discomfort, and as the pain continues, sufferers end up taking stronger doses or a series of different drugs. “It’s crazy,” says Dr. Brasseur, a therapist at the International Association for the Study of Pain. “Some of them are taking different drugs prescribed by different doctors. I’ve just seen a patient who was taking two drugs which turned out to be the same thing under different- names.”

A generation of new pain clinics now operates on the basis that drugs are best avoided. Once patients have undergone the initial physical and psychological check up, their medication is cut down as much as possible. Taking patients off drugs also prepares them for physical activity.

In some pain-relief clinics, patients begin the day with muscle contraction and relaxation


self-defense, and deep thought. This compares with an average of two-and-a-half hours’ physiotherapy(理疗)a week in a traditional hospital program. “The idea is to strengthen and to increase long-lasting energy, flexibility, and confidence,”explains Bill Wiles, a consultant pain doctor in Liverpool. “Patients undergoing this therapy get back to work and resume healthy active lifestyles much sooner than those subjected to more conservative treatment.”




家庭医生给大部分抱怨疼痛的人都开了止疼药,而不是要求锻炼。因为找到背部疼痛的原因并不那么容易,医生经常并不知道病人不舒服的确切原因,随着疼痛的继续,病人最后只得服用更强的甚至一系列不同的药。“这很疯狂”,Dr. Brasseur说道,他是国际疼痛研究协会的一名治疗专家。“他们有些人服用不同医生开出的不同药。我刚见一个病人,他服用两种药,结果这两种药是同样的东西,不同的名字。”


在有些疼痛治疗诊所,病人开始的时候做肌肉收缩,放松运动,接着一个小时是自行车锻炼。迟些时候,他们会打太极,正当自卫以及冥想。这和传统医院项目的为期一周每天平均两个半小时的理疗想成对照。“这个理念就是加强并且增加持久的精力,灵活性以及自信,”Bill Wiles解释道,他是利物浦一个疼痛咨询医生。“经历这种治疗的病人比那些接受保守治疗的病人更快的重返工作岗位以及重新开始健康的积极的生活方式。”

16.To treat pain, patients should stop moving around.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

17.Headaches are partly caused by lack of exercise.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

18.Exercise helps to take the pressure off the site of pain.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

19.Doctors often use drugs such as endorphins to treat patients.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

20.Backache sufferers often end up taking more than one drug to kill pain.

职称英语备考真题21.Exercise helps pain sufferers to recover more quickly than traditional treatment.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

22.New pain clinics ask patients to give up drugs completely.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned


下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23 ~ 26题要求从所给的6个选项中为指定段落每段选择1个小标题;(2)第27 ~ 30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。

The Meaning of Dreams

1Dreams play an important role in our lives. If they can be correctly interpreted, we can come to understand ourselves better. Here, we look at four common dreams and what they potentially symbolize.

2I can see their laughing faces ... laughing at me. But they aren’t as smart. If they were, they’d be up here flying with me! This dream has both positive and negative connotations(涵义). On the positive side, the dream may express a strong desire to travel and get away from everyday routine. It can also be interpreted as a powerful desire to achieve. On the other hand, this dream can mean the person has a problem or is afraid of something and they wish to escape. The dream could represent an inferiority complex(自卑情结), which the dreamer attempts to escape from by putting themselves up above others.

3I’m moving fast now, but it’s still behind me. Doesn’t matter how fast I go, I still can’t escape. Although this is a traditional symbol of health and vitality(生命力)like the first one, it can also suggest the dreamer is trying to escape from danger. Usually, fear is the dominant emotion. By running hard, the dreamer can possibly escape the threat. However, they can also stumble(蹒跚)or worse still stop moving altogether. This makes the fear even more terrifying(恐怖的). One possible interpretation suggests that the person is under pressure in their everyday life.

4I’m sweating and my heart is beating. I’m trapped in my own bed. In this dream, the person is often standing on a high, exposed place such as on the top of a tower, or on the edge of a cliff. The overwhelming(强烈的)feeling changes from anxiety to a loss of control. There is nothing to stop the person, and the feeling as they go over the edge can be horrifyingly ((恐怖地)real. Fortunately, just before hitting the ground, the dreamer awakens with a sense of enormous relief. This dream suggests that the dreamer is afraid of losing control and has a fear of failure or even death.

5The wind is pushing me and I slip. There’s nothing I c an do — nothing I can hold on to. This symbol is associated with fear: suddenly the dreamer loses all power of movement. They try hard to move their arms and legs, but they simply cannot. Frozen in a terrifying situation with no escape, they become more and more terrified as the seconds go by. Another


you are normally very good at, such as your job. Not only is this extremely embarrassing, but it also shows a deep-seated phobia(恐惧)of losing a job and a livelihood.









第一篇Cell Phones: Hang Up or Keep Talking?

Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication — having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.


worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.

On the other hand, why do some medical studies show changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones? Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning(扫描)equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss. He couldn’t remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer’s doctor didn’t agree.

What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.

As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it’s best to use mobil e phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it’s wise not to use your mobile phone too often.









31.People buy cell phones for the following reasons EXCEPT that

A.they’re cheap.

B.they’re popular

C.they’re useful.

D.they’re convenient.

32.The word “detected” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by





33.The salesman retired young because

A.he disliked using mobile phones.

B.he was tired of talking on his mobile phone.

C.he couldn’t remember simple tasks.

D.his employer’s doctor persuaded him to.

34.On the safety issue of mobile phones, the manufacturing companies

A.deny the existence of mobile phone radiation.

B.hold that the amount of radiation is too small to worry about

C.develop new technology to reduce mobile phone radiation.

D.try to prove that mobile phones are not harmful to health.

35.The writer’s purpose of writing this article is to advise people

A.to buy mobile phones.

B.to update regular phones.

C.to stop using mobile phones.

D.to use mobile phones less often.

第二篇Preventing Child Maltreatment(虐待)

Child maltreatment is a global problem with serious life-long consequences. There are no reliable global estimates for the prevalence(流行)of child maltreatment. Data for many countries, especially low-and middle-income countries, are lacking.

Child maltreatment is complex and difficult to study. Current estimates vary widely depending on the country and the method of research used. Nonetheless, international studies reveal that approximately 20% of women and 5—10% of men report being sexually abused as children, while 25 —50% of all children report being physically abused. Additionally, many children are subject to emotional abuse (sometimes referred to as psychological abuse and neglect).

Every year, there are about 31,000 homicide(杀人)deaths in children under 15. This number underestimates the true extent of the problem, as a significant proportion of deaths due to child maltreatment are incorrectly attributed to falls, burns and drowning.


Child maltreatment causes suffering to children and families and can have long-term consequences. Maltreatment causes stress that is associated with disruption in early brain development. Extreme stress can impair(伤害)the development of the nervous and immune (免疫)systems. Consequently, as adults, maltreated children are at increased risk for behavioural, physical and mental health problems. Via(通过)the behavioural and mental health consequences, maltreatment can contribute to heart disease, cancer, suicide and sexually transmitted infections.

Beyond the health consequences of child maltreatment, there is an economic impact, including costs of hospitalization, mental health treatment, child welfare, and longer-term health costs.

A number of risk factors for child maltreatment have been identified. These risk factors are not present in all social and cultural contexts, but provide an overview when one attempts to understand the causes of child maltreatment.

It is important to emphasize that children are the victims and are never to blame for maltreatment. A number of characteristics of an individual child may increase the likelihood of being maltreated, such as being either under four years old or an adolescent, being unwanted, or failing to fulfill the expectations of parents and having special needs’ crying persistently or having abnormal physical features.










母的期望以及因为特殊需求总是哭个不停或者是身体有残疾的孩子。36.International studies reveal that

A.many children have been neglected.

B.child maltreatment is most serious in developed countries.

C. 20% of children have been sexually abused.

D.25 —50% of girls have been physically abused.

37.The word “underestimates” in paragraph 3 means


B.points out.



38.Child maltreatment can bring all the following consequences EXCEPT



C.heart disease.

D.poor memory.

39.Children are more likely to be maltreated if they

A.cry a lot.

B.are not good-looking.

C.are over 4 years old.

D.are quiet.

40.We can infer from the passage that

A.researchers have collected enough data on child maltreatment.

B.more than 31,000 children under 15 are killed every year.

C.many countries have set up special institutions for maltreated children.

D.some children are also to blame for maltreatment.


One of the most common injuries teenagers and adults experience is a sprained ankle. A sprain occurs when the ligaments(韧带)of a joint are twisted(扭伤)and possibly torn. Ligaments are bands of fibers that hold the bones of a joint in position. A sprain can occur from a sudden twisting at the joint, or a stretching or tearing of the fibers of the ligaments. The injured area usually swells(肿胀)and becomes black and blue. Stepping off the sidewalk at the wrong angle or having one foot land in a hole while walking or running can leave you rolling on the ground in pain with an ankle on fire! If you cannot walk without experiencing intense pain, you must seek medical help. If the pain is manageable, and you can walk, here are three words to help you remember how to treat yourself:





under the skin. Once the blood pools around the damaged blood vessels, swelling occurs. The pressure from the swelling results in additional stress and tenderness to the region. In order to reduce the degree of swelling, lie down as soon as possible and keep the ankle elevated so that it is actually higher than your heart. Next, to reduce blood distribution and keep bleeding to a minimum, apply a cold pack. After 20 minutes, take the pack off, wait half an hour and then reapply. This can be done several times a day for a total of three days.

Never leave a cold pack on for more than 20 minutes at a time. Reducing the temperature in that area for an extended period of time signals the body to increase blood flow to raise the body temperature! Therefore, one accidentally triggers more blood distribution to the affected area by leaving a cold pack on for too long! Finally, bandage the ankle. Be careful not to wind it too tightly; doing so can restrict blood flow and cause harm to the entire foot.








41.A sprain is caused by

A.ligament fibers of a joint being twisted.

B.blood vessels being hurt in the foot.

C.constantly changing body temperature.

D.elevating one’s ankle.

42.The black-and-blue symptom of a sprain is due to

A.bleeding under the skin.

B.pressing one’s ankle.

C.a tight bandage.


43.The word “it” in paragraph 2 (line 5) refers to





44.Once the initial cold pack removed, what is to be done?

A.Begin bandaging the ankle.

B. Wait 30 minutes and then reapply the ice pack for 20 minutes.

C. Keep the ankle in a position lower than your heart.

D.Wait 20 minutes and then reapply the ice pack for 30 minutes.

45.The main idea of the passage is to explain

A.how a sprain occurs.

B.how to bandage an injured foot.

C.how to treat a sprained ankle.

D.how to reduce the temperature of a wounded area.



Flying into History

When you turn on the television or read a magazine, celebrities(名人)are everywhere. Although fame and the media play such major roles in our lives today, it has not always been that way. Eighty years ago, radio and movies were just beginning to have that kind of effect on Americans. (46) Many historians agree that Charles Lindbergh was one of the first major celebrities, or superstars.

Lindbergh was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1902, but he grew up in Little Falls, Minnesota. As a child, he was very interested in how things worked, so when he reached college, he pursued a degree in engineering. At the age of 20,however,the allure(诱惑)of flying captured Lindbergh’s imagination. He quit school and moved to Nebraska where he learned to be a pilot. (47) Soon after, Lindbergh bought his own plane and traveled across the nation performing aerial stunts(空中特技).

In 1924, Lindbergh became more serious about flying. He joined the United States military and graduated first in his pilot class. Lindbergh used this additional training to get a job as an airmail pilot, flying out of St. Louis, Missouri. (48)

During the same time, a wealthy hotel owner named Raymond Orteig was offering a generous a- ward to the first pilot who could fly nonstop from New York City to Paris, France. The Orteig Prize was worth$ 25,000 —a large amount even by today’s standards.

Lindbergh knew he had the skills to complete the flight, but not just any plane was


California, and with financial help from the city of St. Louis, Lindbergh got a customized(定制的)airplane that could make the journey. (49)

On May 20,1927, Charles Lindbergh took off from Roosevelt Field in New York City and arrived the next day at an airstrip(简易机场)outside Paris. Named in honor of the sponsor, The Spirit of St. Louis carried Lindbergh across the Atlantic Ocean and into the record books. He became a national hero and a huge celebrity.

When he returned to the United States, Lindbergh rode in a ticker-tape(热烈的)parade held to celebrate his accomplishment. He also received a Medal of Honor, the highest United States military decoration. (50) A very popular dance was even named for Charles Lindbergh—the Lindy Hop. Today, The Spirit of St. Louis is kept at the Smithsonian Institute’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.





在同一时期,一个叫做Raymond Orteig的有钱饭店老板拿出丰厚的奖金,奖励第一个从纽约飞到法国巴黎,中间不停歇的飞行员。奥泰格奖奖金2.5万美金,即使以今天的标准来看也很丰厚。






Food Safety and Foodborne Illness

Food safety is an increasingly important public health issue. Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to improve (51) food safety. These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and rising (52) consumer concerns.

Foodborne illnesses are defined as diseases, usually either infectious or toxic(有毒的)in nature, caused by agents that enter (53) the body through the ingestion(摄取)of food. Every person is at (54) risk of foodborne illnesses.

Foodborne diseases are a widespread and growing public health problem (55), both in developed and developing countries. The global incidence of foodborne diseases is difficult to estimate (56), but it has been reported that in 2005 alone 8 million people died from diarrhea (腹泻)diseases. A great proportion of these cases (57) can be attributed to contamination(污染)of food and drinking water. Additionally, diarrhea is a major (58) cause of malnutrition(营养不良)in infants and young children.

In industrialized countries, the percentage of the population suffering from foodborne diseases each year has been reported (59) to be 10% up to 30%. In the United States of America, for example, around 76 million cases of foodborne diseases, resulting of (60) 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths, are estimated to occur each year.

While (61) less well documented, developing countries bear the brunt(首当其冲)of the problem due to the presence of a wide range (62) of foodborne diseases, including those caused by parasites(寄生虫). The high prevalence of diarrhea diseases in many developing countries suggests major underlying (63) food safety problems.

In partnership with other stakeholders, WHO is developing policies (64) that will further promote the safety of food. These policies cover (65) the entire food chain from production to consumption and will make use of different types of expertise(专长).









51.A.meet B.improve C.provide D.reach 52.A.following B.careful C.rising D.immediate 53.A.find B.govern C.enter D.push 54.A.with B.for C.at D.in 55.A.interest B.problem C.service D.benefit 56.A.compare B.estimate C.explain D.reduce 57.A.factors B.products C.cases D.countries 58.A.natural B.major C.similar D.just 59.A.imagined B.acknowledged C.considered D.reported

60.A.to B.in C.from D.of 61.A.As B.Since C.Hence D.While 62.A.range B.distance C.order D.arrangement 63.A.prevailing B.spreading C.troubling D.underlying

64.A.policies B.methods C.programs D.systems 65.A.form B.set C.cover D.break

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