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Part One 英语小乐园



In autumn,when the leaves start to fall,

I like to run,jump and kick a ball.

In winter,when there's lots of snow,

The cold winds start to blow and blow.

I stay at home and wait for spring,

And the fine weather it's going to bring.

I wait for summer when the sun is hot,

Then I can play games and swim a lot.


Answer the following questions with proper words.

They call me a man,but I’ll never have a wife.

I was given a baby,but not given life

They made me a mouth,but did n’t give me breath(呼吸)

Water gives me life and sun brings me death.

What am I?


Is between the earth and cosmog(宇宙),what color is it?

What is the green grass on the ground?(It has 5 letters)


A farmer (be) tired,He (sit)near a tree.A rabbit is running fast.It doesn’t (see)the tree.The farmer (have)the rabbit.He (like not) (work) on the farm again.”Let me (wait) here”“Oh,don’t (be) afraid of me,my dear rabbit, (come) here to the tree!”But there (not be)rabbit coming.


have, be, get, finish, solve, forget, become, work,start, welcome, study, help, find, show

Hua Luogeng was born in a poor family in Jiangsu Province on November 12th, 1910. He did not ____1____ good marks in the primary school(小学). While in the junior high school, he began to ____2____ his great interest in maths. His maths teacher ____3____ that he was a creative(有创造力的)thinker. In 1925, he finished his junior high school, but he did not ____4____ enough money to keep on studying in a senior high school (高级中学). He had to go to a vocational school (职业学校)in Shanghai. In 1927 he went back to his hometown. He ____5____ his father work in his grocery (食品杂货店). At the same time, he ____6____ maths by himself. Sometimes when he was solving a maths problem, he forgot to ____7____ the customers(顾客). They made fun of him and gave him a nickname (绰号)“blockhead(呆子)”. When he was 18 years old, he decided to study maths for the rest of his life.

With the help of a professor in Tsinghua University, Hua Luogeng ____8____ to work there. He studied and listened to classes while working. In 1936 he went to Cambridge University(剑桥

大学)to study. He ____9____ with many world famous mathematicians(数学家)and published many articles. He ____10____ a founder in many areas(领域)of maths later on..



1、what is a live in Sichuan the lovable(可爱)animal that eat bamboo(竹子)?

2、How many stars are there in the Chinese national flag?

3、What musical instrument(乐器)does Lang lang perform(演奏)with 112 332 165-?

4、How many does ninety-eight add eighteen minus eighty-five equal (等于)

5、What does Zhuge Liang with borrow the arrow(箭)?

6、When 3 countries,about 15950920 persons ,China has 1300000000 persons now,then now is probably how many population’s times?

7、When plan to get up in the morning go to school,my pointer of seeing clock pointed to in 38 go to,when should then be ?

8、How many does our skeleton(骨骼)have?

9、Who painted the Mona Lisa?

10、A sphinx(狮身人面像)has the body of what animal?

(二)Choose the correct answer(18分)

1、In Winter,the day is the night.

A longer than

B shorter than

C as long as

2、Who was the first person to invent light?

A Galieo

B Newton

C Edison

3、Which of the following is a month with thirty days?

A August

B September

C March

4、How many people on a soccer team?

A ten

B eleven

C twelve

5、Which of the following is a primary(原创的)color?

A yellow

B green

C purple

6、A boy kicks ball on the road,what prone to (发生)?

A Earthquake

B Conflagration

C Traffic accident(车祸)

7、In 《huanghelou send Meng Haoran to Guangling》this poem(诗),Meng Haoran from


A Wuhan-Yangzhou

B Yangzhou-The West Lake

C Yangzhou-Chongqing

D Yangzhou-Wuhan

8、In 《晓得净慈寺送林子方》involve (涉及)to the plant is

A Lotus flower

B Rose

C Sunflower

9、Father’s Day is

A third Sunday on May

B the third Sunday on May

C the second Sunday in August

D the Sunday in June

10、If you want to draw a straight line,you must use it.What is it ?It’s a

A pencil

B pen

C ruler

D knife

11、At what temperature(温度)does what freeze(结冰)?

A 40C

B 00C以下

C 100C

12、John is twenty years old now,He may have about teeth in his mouth?

A 18-20

B 28-30

C 38-40

13、A cloud is my mother,the wind is my father,my son is the cool stream(溪流),and my daughter is the fruit of the land,and I’m both good and bad for man

A Weather

B Water

C Rain

D Ice

14、Mickey mouse was born in

A China

B American

C Japan

15、The 29th Olympic Games China gets gold meds.

A 51

B 52

C 100

D 48

16、This year is Macau’s return anniversary(周年)

A 12th

B 10th

C 11th

17、Which city is different from the others?

A London

B Rome

C Beijing

D Tokyo

E New York

F Moscow

18、Joan’s husband is the grandpa of my son.. I am

A Joan’s grandson

B Joan’s son

C Joan’s father

D Joan’s grandpa

(三)Mickey Mouse

People usually don’t like mice. But one mouse has been one of the most famous film stars in the 1 . That is the well-known Mickey Mouse.

One night a man called Walt Disney was drawing .Suddenly he heard a strange sound. The sound came 2 the waste-basket. Walt went over and saw a 3 of mice eating pieces of bread in it. For many nights, they played there. Walt began to 4 them. Walt liked one little mouse better than the others. This little 5 gave him some new 6 for his drawing. He started to 7 it . But in the picture, it looked 8 like a funny man 9 a mouse. Walt wanted to make the little mouse 9 in his pictures and soon it was able to speak. Later he named it Mickey Mouse. And Mickey Mouse soon became very popular with both old and 10 people.

( ) 1. A. world B. country C. city D. town

( ) 2. A. at B. to C. into D. from ( ) 3. A. line B. row C. family D. basket ( ) 4. A. like B. hate C. kill D. catch ( ) 5. A. animals B. cat C. dog D. chick ( ) 6. A. pictures B. mice C. animals D. ideas ( ) 7. A. Look at B. draw C.catch D. kill

( ) 8. A. as B. to C. than D. then ( ) 9. A. big B. small C. lovely D. had

( ) 10. A. men B. children C. people D.young

Part Two 智力大冲浪(共计42分)


5.Find the missing number:

4 3 2 5

9 5 3 11

11 7 5 (?)

6、Can you find out which three numbers when added together make a sum total of 105

17 53 31 9 44 6 29 77 8


1. A man is 40 years old,His son is 13, How long ago was his age four times(倍)his son’s?

A 3 years ago

B 4 years ago

C 5 years ago

D 6 years ago

2.There are eight hundred women in a village in Africa(非洲).3% of them wear one ring on their ears.Half the rest wear a pair of rings and the other half have no rings on at all.How many rings are there in all?

A 97

B 800

C 100

D 160

3.Tom ran once around a ring track(环形跑道),which is 360 meters.During the first half of the whole time,his speed was 5 meters every second.During the second half,his speed was 4 meters every second,How many seconds did he speed on the second half of the whole way?

A 90 seconds

B 44 seconds

C 42 seconds

D 36 seconds


1.Mike has som apples and schoolbags;a schoolbag puts an apple,(and )leaves an apple,if every schoolbag puts three apples,then is left over five schoolbags,how many schoolbags does Mike have?

2.The dad has 3 daughter’s ages’products are 1680,and age sum is dad’s age.Dad’s age is lesser than 42 prime number(素数).How many dad’s age?

3.There is a man every step can walk 75 centimeters;every move ahead 5 steps and return a step walk. If walk 24 meters,how many steps want to walk?

4.My grandmother is 60 years old is five times biggers than me,How many years I this year?

5 Two inclnde(列)length (长度)the equal (相等)in relatively (相对)go,their speed sum is 180km/h. when they include and pass through an include they spend 5 seconds,how many is among(其中)which lengh of a train meter?

6.Behind earthquake Wenchuan,Bright primary school in Nanjing student of class six(2) for Yingxiu primary school together donate(捐款)3001Y uan.The man student of class six(2) have 25 persons,average(平均)every people donate 50 Yuan.Girl student than man student’s few persons,how many Yuan does average every people donate girl student?

7.On a large piece of paper,Dana creates a “rectangular spiral”by drawing line segments of lengths,in cm,of 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,…As shown.Dana’s pen runs out of ink after the total of all the lengths he has drawn is 3000cm.What is the length of the longest line segment that Dana draws?

8.There are 60 birds in the trees,After a while,4 birds try to the second tree from the first tree and 7 birds fly to the third tree from the second tree.then there are 20 birds in every tree.Do you know how many birds are in every tree at first?

9.Tuesday’s high temperture was 40C warmer than that of Monday’s. Wednesday’s high temperature was 60C cooler than Monday’s .if Tuesday’s high temperature was 220C,what was Wednesday’s high temperature?


1.Seven students are guessing what day it is day it is today.The first student says it is Wednesday.The second student says it will be Wednesday the day after tomorrow.The third says it is Wednesday tomorrow.The fourth says it is not Monday today and it is not Tuesday or Wednesday,either.The fifth says it was Thursday yesterday.The sixth says it wasn’t Saturday yesterday.The last one says it will be Thursday tomorrow.Only one of the students is right.What day is it?

2.There are three people;There are A,B,C.One is doctor,One is a nurse and the other is a patent;C is older than the patient;A and the nurse are the same age;the nurse is younger than B is the doctor, is the nurse, is the patient

Part Three 科学我知道(共计10分)


The solar system is made up of the sun, and the plants or other bodies that rotate (旋转)around it. The solar system we live in is made up of our sun. nine planets and other orbiting bodies like moons,comets(彗星),and asteroids(小行星).

Study this map of our solar system.Then answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

1、is the planet that is farthest away from the sun..

2、is the largest planet.

3、and are larger than the Earth.

4、is the plant that is closest to the sun

5、and are earth’s nearest planetary(行星)neighbors.


Light travels very fast. It moves at a speed(速度)of 300,000 kilometers(千米)a second (秒). Light reaches(=gets to) us from the moon in less than a second and a half. The moon is almost 382,000 kilometers away. The sun is about 149,840,000 kilometers away from the earth.

The other stars are farther away than the sun. Light from the nearest star(恒星)reaches us in about 4 years. It takes hundreds of years for light from some other stars to reach us. Astronomers (天文学家)watch the stars through big telescopes. The world’s biggest telescope is in Russia. With these great telescopes astronomers can see stars and other planets(行星)very far away.

1. The light of the sun reaches us in . ( )

A. 8.5 minutes

B. a second and a half

C. hundreds of years

D. 4 years

2. Light from the nearest star reaches in about . ( )

A. an hour

B. 2 years

C. 4 days

D. 4 years

3. The word “telescope” means in Chinese. ( )

A. 太阳镜

B. 放大镜

C. 显微镜

D. 望远镜

4. The light of the moon reaches us in that of the sun. ( )

A. the same time as

B. less time than

C. more time than

D. equal(相等) time to

5. With telescopes astronomers can . ( )

A. know the speed of the light

B. see farther away into the universe

C. see the biggest star in Russia

D. find living things in the universe(宇宙)

PART FOUR 阅读与欣赏(共计42分)


Students in many countries are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers(少年). Many are adults(成年人). Some learn at school, others by themselves. A few learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.

Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects required(要求) for study. They study their own language, maths and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their higher studies, because to college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers, magazines(杂志) in English.

1. People learn English________.

A. at school

B. over the radio

C. on TV

D. not all in the same way

2. It is___to answer why so many people want to learn English.

A. hard

B. easy

C. pleased

D. angry

3. Different kinds of people want to learn English _______.

A. together with other subjects

B. for different reasons

C. for their work

D. for higher studies at colleges

4. From this passage we know that_________.

A. we can learn English easily

B. English is very difficult to learn

C. English i.s learned by most people in the world

D. English is a useful language but one must work hard to learn it

5. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. We don't need to learn any foreign language.

B. We can do well in all our work without English.

C. English is the most important subject in schools.

D. We should learn English because we need to face the world.


American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second term is from February to June.

Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school. High

school students take only four or five subjects each term. After class they can do many interesting things.

American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second term is from February to June.

Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school. High school students take only four or five subjects each term. After class they can do many interesting things.

After high school, many students go to college. They can go to a small or a large one. They usually have to give a lot of money for their studies. So many college students work after class to make money for their studies.

1.In America, summer holidays begin in________.

A.September B.July C.May D.February

2.Most American children go to school at the age of ________.

A.five B.seven C.seventeen D.eighteen

3.________ have to pay much money for their studies.

A.High school students B.American children

C. All the students

D. College students

4.Many students can go to a ____college.

A.small and large B.small or large

C.near and far D.near or far

5.Which is not true in the passage?

A.The high school students have only 4 or 5 subjects each term.

B.The students do many interesting things after class.

C.The students can get money after school.

D.There are three terms in a school year


Train No. From To Departure(离

开) Time Arrival(到达) Time

11 Beijing Shenyang 6:35 17:50

186 Chengdu Taiyuan 22:50 5:05

185 Taiyuan Chengdu 13:09 19:30 271 Tianjin Beijing 8:35 10:21

1. The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves at ___ .

A. 5:05

B. 6:35

C. 8:35

D. 17:50

2. We have to spend ___ on the train if we go to Shenyang from Beijing.

A.17 hours and 50 minutes

B.24 hours and 25 minutes

C.6 hours and 35 minutes

D.11hours and 15 minutes

3. If you want go to Chengdu fromTaiyuan you can take the ___ train.

A. No.11

B. No.185

C. No.186

D. No.271

4. The No.186 train arrives in Taiyuan ___ .

A. 10:50 am

B. 10:50 pm

C. 5:05 am

D. 5:05pm

5. It takes ___ from Tianjin to Beijing by train.

A. about two hours

B. half an hours

C. about an hours

D. more than two hours

(四)Mary’s plan for next week

Monday 7:30 go to the cinema with Alice

Tuesday 11:00 doctor

Wednesday 9:00 table tennis game evening-study for exam

Thursday 8:30 concert

Friday Afternoon—help Uncle Sam in his restaurant

Saturday 9:00—10:30 art class 14:00 visit grandmother

Sunday 20:00 supper with Betty and Ann

Peter’s plan for next week

Monday study group meeting 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday basketball match 4:30 p.m.

Wednesday go to see some friends 2:00 p.m.

Thursday noon, lunch with Larry

Friday 2:00—4:00 p.m. volunteer(志愿者) work @ Student Centre Saturday Shopping 10:00 a.m.

Sunday Basketball team party 9:00 p.m.

1. Peter’s study group meeting will be on ______.

A. Saturday morning

B. Monday afternoon

C. Saturday evening

D. Friday afternoon

2. From Peter’s plan we learn that Peter likes ______.

A. table tennis

B. music

C. art

D. basketball

3. On Sunday morning Mary will ______.

A. be free

B. be busy

C. see the doctor

D. go shopping

4. What will Mary do on Wednesday evening?

A. See her friends

B. Play basketball

C. Go to her art class

D. Prepare for an exam



One day,I happened to(碰巧)talk to a stranger(陌生人)on the bus. When he found out that I was from Chicago,he told me that one of his good friends lived there and he wondered if I happened to know him. At first I wanted to say that it was foolish to think that, out of all the millions of people in Chicago, I could possibly meet his friend. But, instead, I just smiled and said that Chicago was a very big city. He was silent(沉默)for a few minutes, and then he began to tell me all about his friend.

He told me that his friend was an excellent tennis player,and that he even had his own tennis court (网球场)。He added that he knew a lot of people with swimming pools,but that he only knew two people in the country had their own tennis courts. And his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several people like that. For example,my brother and my next-door neighbor. I told him that my brother was a doctor. The doctor had a tennis court. I said that my next-door neighbor went to Sacramento last summer and lived in the house next to my brother’s. For a moment,we looked at each other. But we did not say anything.

Would your friend’s nam e happen to be Roland Kirkwood?I asked finally. He laughed and said,Would your brother’s name happen to be Dr. Ray Hunter It was my turn to laugh.

1.How many people does the story involve?

A. Four

B. Five

C. Six

D. Seven

2. Which of the following is the title of the story?

A. On A Bus

B. Two Tennis Players

C. One In A Million

D. Chicago Is A Large City

3.The writer said that Chicago was a very big city. That means _________.

A. it was possible for him to happen to know the stranger’s friend

B. he didn’t want to find the stranger’s friend

C. it was impossible to find the stranger’s friend

D. he didn’t know the stranger’s friend

4.When the stranger told the writer that only two people in the county had their own tennis courts,he meant that __________.

A. his friend was a famous person

B. his friend was an excellent tennis player

C. the writer could find his friend

D. the writer would happen to know his friend

5.Which of the following is true?

A. The story happened in Chicago.

B. The writer’s brother lived in Sacramento.

C. Both the writer and the stranger lived in Chicago.

D. Both the writer and his brother lived in California


翔宇教育集团江苏省淮安外国语学校 听力部分(20分) 一、根据所听到的内容,圈出正确答案的序号。(听一遍)(8分) 1. a. b. 2. a. b. 3. a. b. 4. a. b. 5. a. b. 6. a. b. 7. a. b. 8. a. b. 二、根据所听到的问句,选择正确的答句。(听两遍)(6分) () 1. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I can. () 2. A. He’s a teacher. B. He’s Mr Green. () 3. A. It’s twenty. B. It’s ten. () 4. A. It’s a bag. B. It’s in the bag. () 5. A. They’re watermelons. B. It’s a watermelon. () 6. A. She’s Yang Ling. B. It’s Yang Ling’s, I think. 三、根据对话内容,为下列句子选择最佳的答案。(听两遍)(6分) ()1. Liu Tao is now. A. hungry B. thirsty ()2. The book is the desk.

A. on B. in ()3. There are some in the playground. A. basketballs B. footballs ()4. Nancy’s mother is . A. a nurse B. a policewoman ()5. The woman in a red T-shirt is . A. Nancy B. Miss Li ()6. David would like . A. some biscuits and a glass of juice B. some sweets and milk 笔试部分(80分) 一、从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏中的答句,将序号填入题前括号里(8分) ⅠⅡ ( ) 1. Is this her coat? a. OK. Let’s go. ( ) 2. How are you? b. She is in the study. ( ) 3. Nice to meet you. c. No, it isn’t. ( ) 4. What’s the time now? d. I play football. ( ) 5. Shall we go to the park? e. I’d like some bread. ( ) 6. Can I help you? f. Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 7. Where’s Su Yang? g. It’s five o’ clock. ( ) 8. What do you play? h. I’m fine. 二、选择最佳的答案,将序号填入题前括号里。(15分) ( ) 1. --- What’s this English? --- It’s a stapler. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 2. --- Do you like swimming? --- . A. Yes, it is. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 3. --- Is it orange? --- Yes, it is. A. an B. a C. 不填 ( ) 4. --- What are jobs? --- They’re workers. A. his B. their C. they ( ) 5. --- is she? --- She’s my aunt, Mrs Black. A. Who B. What C. Which ( ) 6. --- Who’s the man big ears? --- He’s my father. A. with B. in C. on ( ) 7. ---What’s twenty twelve? --- It’s eight. A. and B. plus C. minus ( ) 8. --- Are you ill? --- . A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 9. --- is the hat? --- Five yuan, please.


成都外国语学校20168— 2019学年度上期期末考试 初一英语试题 听力命题人:听力审题人: 笔试命题人:笔试审题人: Listening Part 听力部分(30 marks) I. Listen carefully and choose the right phonemes or words you hear. Each will be read only once. (5 marks) 选择所听到的单词或者音标词,每个单词只读一遍。 1. A. /la?t/ B./leit/ C./nait/ D./'le?z?/ 2. A. no B. leave C. now D. name 3. A. who B. whose C. white D. what 4. A. dirty B. desk C. dad D. duster 5. A. the B. they C. there D. these II. Listen to each sentence carefully and choose the correct response. Each sentence will be read only once. (5 marks) 听句子或问题,选择相应的回答,每个句子只念一遍。 6. A. There are 7 days in a week. B. They are 7 days. C. It’s Monday. D. It’s in December. 7. A. I am fine, thank you. B. I am eleven years old. C. My name is Jimmy. D. It’s very pretty. 8. A. I go to school on foot. B. I go to school on Sunday. C. I go to school once a week. D. I go to school by car. 9. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It isn’t long. It’s short. D. It’s short 10. A. I am in Italy. B. I am Italian. C. I was born in 2004. D. I am good at Italian. III. Listen to the five short dialogues carefully and choose the correct answers. Each dialogue will be read twice. (5 marks) 听五段对话,选择相应问题的答案。每段对话念两遍。 1 / 10


济南外国语学校2020年3月综合测试高三英语试题 考试时间100分钟满分120分 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共65分) 第一部分阅读(共两节,优题速享满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分.满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项. A Uncover secrets of the world’s oldest civilizations and see natural wonders that will take your breath away.Through our tours you’11 encounter wild animals,see unbelievable landmarks and experience the local traditions of native tribes(部落). Grand Morocco From $2599 13 days Uniting North African culture and French flavor in harmony,Morocco attracts tourists with its old-world traditions and splendid landscapes.Our Morocco tour from the U.S.contains must-see destinations. And,if you like,a noble camel will take you on an unforgettable ride during a full-day Sahara Desert trip.You’ll also have time to experience the country’s delightful customs. Deluxe Dubai&Abu Dhabi From $2299 9 days If you appreciate big and striking,consider this Dubai and Abu Dhabi tour package from the U.S.Thanks to enormous wealth due to its oil reserves,the UAE’s largest emirate(酋长国) has transformed into an impressive destination you have to see to believe.Dramatic Dubai is developing rapidly too.It’s become a truly global,open society where visitors are absorbed in exciting possibilities.Experience all of the must-sees,as your guide provides context,dining ideas and personalized tips on maximizing your free time. Cape Town & Safari Express From $1 999 9 days If South Africa is one of the many destinations on your wish list,our Cape Town and Safari package from New York City is a very smart choice.The tour includes three full days in this port city,where you can book extraordinary optional tours that show south Africa’s incredible diversity.Discover the long-lasting legacy(遗产)of Nelson Mandela,explore the scenic Winelands or even go shark cage diving...if you dare! 1.What will you do on Grand Morocco tour? A.Have delicious French food. B.Experience mixed cultures.


南京外国语学校英语综合能力试卷 Part One 英语小乐园 一、趣味娱乐吧(18分) (一)清凉一“夏”,将小诗补充完整(3分) In autumn,when the leaves start to fall, I like to run,jump and kick a ball. In winter,when there's lots of snow, The cold winds start to blow and blow. I stay at home and wait for spring, And the fine weather it's going to bring. I wait for summer when the sun is hot, Then I can play games and swim a lot. (二)猜谜语(2分) Answer the following questions with proper words. They call me a man,but I’ll never have a wife. I was given a baby,but not given life They made me a mouth,but did n’t give me breath(呼吸) Water gives me life and sun brings me death. What am I? (三)根据描述填上适当的单词(3分) Is between the earth and cosmog(宇宙),what color is it? What is the green grass on the ground?(It has 5 letters) (四)用所用动词的适当形式填空 A farmer (be) tired,He (sit)near a tree.A rabbit is running fast.It doesn’t (see)the tree.The farmer (have)the rabbit.He (like not) (work) on the farm again.”Let me (wait) here”“Oh,don’t (be) afraid of me,my dear rabbit, (come) here to the tree!”But there (not be)rabbit coming. (五)名人档案从方框中所给的词或词组中选出最恰当的10个动词,并用其适当的形式完 成下文。(每个词或者词组只可用一次)(5分) have, be, get, finish, solve, forget, become, work,start, welcome, study, help, find, show Hua Luogeng was born in a poor family in Jiangsu Province on November 12th, 1910. He did not ____1____ good marks in the primary school(小学). While in the junior high school, he began to ____2____ his great interest in maths. His maths teacher ____3____ that he was a creative(有创造力的)thinker. In 1925, he finished his junior high school, but he did not ____4____ enough money to keep on studying in a senior high school (高级中学). He had to go to a vocational school (职业学校)in Shanghai. In 1927 he went back to his hometown. He ____5____ his father work in his grocery (食品杂货店). At the same time, he ____6____ maths by himself. Sometimes when he was solving a maths problem, he forgot to ____7____ the customers(顾客). They made fun of him and gave him a nickname (绰号)“blockhead(呆子)”. When he was 18 years old, he decided to study maths for the rest of his life. With the help of a professor in Tsinghua University, Hua Luogeng ____8____ to work there. He studied and listened to classes while working. In 1936 he went to Cambridge University(剑桥


2013-2014学年深圳南山区外国语学校第一学期期中考试 七年级英语试卷 笔试部分 一、单词连线(5%) 16. retired A. a thing that somebody has done successfully 17.fillet B. Persuading or forcing somebody to do something 18. snatch C. A small cut of fish 19. achievement D. having stopped working ,usually after the age of 60 20.pressure E.to take or get something quickly 二、选择填空(15%) i .根据题意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或者相近并能代替的选项。 21. My grandma had no formal education, but she could read and write. A. go to school B. went to school C. di dn’t go to school D. Had no school 22. You must learn how to relax when you feel stressed. A. happy B. worried C. upset D. anxious and tired 23. Tom is a clever boy, he does well in maths. A. is good at B. is good for C. work hard at D. get good grades 24. Fresh fruits contain a variety of nutrients. A. some B. a few C. many kinds of D. a kind of 25. As a teenager, you should listen to your parents’ or teachers’ advice. A. ideas B. agree C. suggestions D. architect ii.根据题意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 26. There _____ a football match next week in our school. A. is B. is going to be C. has D. are 27. It’s raining outside, let’s go _____ the room. A. into B. across C. over D. through 28. —_____I use your pen? —Yes, of course you______. A. Should; can B. Can; should C. Could; can D. Must ; could 29. —Are these books_______? — No,_______are Bill’s .


南昌市外国语学校2019——2020学年下学期 高三英语寒假专题训练十(完形填空专题) A From a young age, Michael Platt loved two things: Martin Luther King and cupcakes. He remembered statistics about income inequality and children hunger. But he also 1 afternoons at his computer in his Bowie home, awestruck by YouTube bakers who transformed a base of eggs, flour and water 2 edible (可食用的) works of art. Michael saw a way to 3 his twin passions. At age 11, he founded a bakery that operates on the Toms one-for-one model: For every cupcake, cake or cookie Michael 4 , he donates another to the homeless and 5 . Michael, now 13,said he 6 enjoys handing out cupcakes to kids. Sometimes Michael bakes to 7 money for hunger-fighting nonprofit groups, too. He spent a morning last weekend teaching a baking class to raise money for No Kid Hungry. He can keep up with his baking in part because he is homeschooled by his mother, who quit her job to 8 Michael full time. Michael 9 from public school-and his mother from job-after his epilepsy (癫痫) was diagnosed in sixth grade. His epilepsy became too 10 and too frequent to allow him to sit in a classroom, his mother explained. “It was a very, very 11 time, “ she said of the period after the diagnosis, during which Michael had to 12 his physical activity. “He had to stop everything he 13 :Gymnastics, climbing trees, diving. So that’s when he kind of threw himself into baking,” she said. Baking, Michael said, makes him feel 14 . But when he started the bakery, he knew from the beginning that he wanted his 15 to do more than make money. Michael hopes his cupcakes spread awareness of the past and 16 others to work for social equality. Sometimes, Michael 17 , he grows tired of being in the kitchen. Then he remembers the 18 boy he met once while 19 cupcakes. A couple of days afterward, the boy’s father messaged Michael on Facebook to say that his son, encouraged by Michael’s example, now aspired (向往) to 20 a baker, “That inspired me,” Michael said. 1.A.spent B.cost C.wasted D.took 2.A.about B.with C.from D.into 3.A.separate B.connect C.hold D.achieve 4.A.throws B.burns C.sells D.eats 5.A.thirsty B.hungry C.black D.foolish 6.A.gradually B.generally C.especially D.only 7.A.save B.pick C.get D.invest 8.A.attend to B.lead to C.turn to D.respond to 9.A.withdrew B.graduated C.heard D.escaped 10.A.real B.normal C.exciting D.severe 11.A.pleasant B.significant C.inadequate D.rough 12.A.limit B.clear C.practice D.exchange 13.A.forgot B.adored C.appreciated D.explored 14.A.sad B.calm C.amazed D.wealthy 15.A.attitude B.skill C.business D.explanation 16.A.adapt B.follow C.inspire D.inform 17.A.believes B.refuses C.imagines D.admits 18.A.poor B.diligent C.anxious D.lovely 19.A.picking out B.giving out C.making out D.working out 20.A.teach B.employ C.convince D.become B


南京外国语学校 2019-2020学年度第一学期初二年级第二次阶段考试 英语试题(卷) 试卷总分: 100分考试时间: 90分钟 卷I客观题(满分50分) I. Multiple choice. (1%×20 = 20%) 1. The temperature dropped -5℃yesterday. It snowed the first time this year. A. by, on B. to; for C. by; for D. to; at 2. Which sentence structure is different from the others? A. They gave the little girl some food. B. My parents bought some books for me. C. I know a girl called Lily. D. He taught them how to make sounds like a bird. 3. --I didn't see Jack play in the team. Isn't football his favorite sport? --Not any more. But he football. He played it even when it was raining. A. didn't like B. did like C. does like D. doesn't like 4. The artist said that he hoped drawing the picture soon. A. his son to finish B. to finish C. finishing D. his son will finish 5. The models displayed in the shop stay they were made 20 years ago. The craftsman is very proud of his works. A. as beautiful as B. not as beautiful as C. not so beautifully as D. as beautifully as 6. The water tap in the bathroom is broken. My dad is going to a new one for us to


2012—2013学年度上学期 武汉实验外国语学校初中一年级期中考试 英语试题 卷面分值:100分考试时间:90分钟 Part One I. Listening 听力部分(1*40) A. Listen to the sentences and choose the right answers. Each sentence will be read only once. 1. A. It’s my. B. It’s Lilly’s. C. It’s over there. 2. A. She is fine. B. She is reading. C. She is a doctor. 3. A. Every morning. B. At home. C. On foot. 4. A. On the third floor. B. It’s very bright. C. I like it. 5. A. It’s red. B. Mary buys it. C. It’s Mary’s. 6. A. By bus. B. With Kate. C. It’s fine. 7. A. It’s all right. B. Thank you. C. Sure. 8. A. At the school gate. B. New York. C. Tomorrow morning. 9. A. Table tennis. B. Go hiking. C. Math. 10. A. You’d better not. B. Never mind. C. It depends. B. Listen to the short dialogues and choose the right answers. Each dialogue will be read twice. 11. What is the time now? A.2:15. B. 2:20. C. 2:30. 12. What number does the woman want to dial? A.25660839. B. 25450839. C. 24430829. 13. Where does the dialogue happen? A. In the library. B. At the airport. C. At the station. 14. How did the woman feel then? A.She felt very sad. B. She felt very tired. C. She felt very angry. 15. What does the woman mean? A. She lives in London. B. She doesn’t like London. C. She likes London. 16. Why is Maria moving? A. Because she needs a quiet place. B. Because she likes to listen to the songs. C. Because she finds a new job. 17. What will Tom do tomorrow? A. He will go fishing with his friend. B. He will go to school. C. He will help his mum. 18. Where are they talking? A. In a bookstore. B. In a hotel. C. In a park. 19. What will the man do? A. He will turn down the TV. B. He will turn up the TV. C. He will go to sleep. 20. Wha t’s Jack’s favorite subject? A. Chinese. B. Math. C. History. C. Listen to the dialogues and choose the right answers. Each dialogue will be read twice. Listen to Dialogue A and answer the questions from No.21 to No.23. 21. How is James new job? A. It’s boring. B. It’s difficult. C. It’s good. 22. Where is Rita from? A. America. B. Britain. C. China. 23. What does Tom do? A. Secretary. B. Manager. C. Managing director. Listen to Dialogue B and answer the questions from No.24 to No.26. 24. Where did the woman fall down? A. On the stairs. B. From the bike. C. On the wet floor. 25. What is the matter with the woman? A. Her left leg hurts. B. Her right leg hurts. C. Both of her legs hurt. 26. How will they go to see the doctor? A. By car. B. By bike. C. On foot. Listen to Dialogue C and answer the questions from No.27 to No.30. 27. What happened to the man? A. He lost his ticket. B. He left his bag on a taxi. C. He called the police. 28. What did the man lost? A. His ID card and cell phone. B. His ID card and some money. C. His ID card and cell phone and some money. 29. What’s the number of the taxi? A. A38902. B. B38902. C. A39802. 30. Which of the following is NOT true according to the dialogue? A. The man found his bag. B. The man is very worried. C. The woman won’t call him later. D. Listen to the passage and choose the right answers. The passage will be read twice. 31. Thanksgiving Day is on __________. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday 32. Where does Jim Oldham come from? A. Nashville, Tennessee. B. Tucson, Arizona. C. Baltimore, Maryland. 33. How old was Jim Oldham when he had a Thanksgiving together with his family? A. 2-year-old. B. 12-year-old . C. 20-year-old. 34. Ann Ginge r’s family ____________ spend Thanksgiving together. A. seldom B. never C. usually 35. According to Ann Ginger, who won in the turkey cook-off? A. Her son. B. Herself. C. Her husband. Now please turn to Part II and finish the spot dictation.


18届高三质量调研考试 英语试卷 考生注意: 1.本试卷共120分,共8页。考试时间100分钟。 2.请将各题答案填涂在答题卡上。 3.本试卷主要考试内容:高中综合。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Some Music Festivals Pitchfork Music Festival Anyone who adores indie (独立的)music and up-and-coming artists will have an amazing time at the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago’s Union Park. This is a wonderful festival that explores more underground and less-known bands than the other big Chicago summer festival, Lollapalooza. Date: July 14~16 Location: Chicago, Illinois Music Type: Indie Price: $75~$365 Essence Music Festival No matter what time of the year it is, New Orleans is an incredible place to be if you love live music. The Essence Music Festival is a celebration of great artists like Diana Ross, Chaka Khan, and Mary J, Blige. Date: June 29~July 2 Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Music Type: R&B, soul Price: $126~$2,700 Sziget Festival Budapest knows how to organize a party, and Sziget is one of the biggest celebrations of music and culture in all of Europe. You can expect to watch favorite artists like Bad Religion and Mac DeMarco appearing on the stages here during this seven-day festival. Date: August 9~15 Location: Budapest, Hungary Music Type: Eclectic, indie, rock Price: $70~$96 Flow Festival The Flow Festival is a great excuse to explore the city of Helsinki. Artists including Lana Del Rey and The XX will be playing, among many others. Come to this festival to enjoy a relaxing atmosphere with an earth-friendly attitude. Date: August 11~13 Location: Helsinki, Finland Music Type: Rock, soul, jazz Price: $106~$199 1. Where can you enjoy a music festival lasting a week? A. In Chicago. B. In Helsinki. C. In Budapest. D. In New Orleans. 2. Which music festival will be held in Finland?


株洲市外国语学校校园英语100句 1、Good morning. 早上好! 2、Good afternoon. 下午好! 3、Good evening. 晚上好。 4、Have a good time! 玩的开心! 5、Let's get ready for class. 准备上课。 6、I’m sorry .I’m late. 对不起,我迟到了。 7、Class begins. 上课。 8、Who’s on duty today? 今天谁值日? 9、Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗? 10、Who’s absent today? 今天谁没来? 11、What day is it today? 今天是星期几? 12、What’s the date today? 今天是几号? 13、Here are your exercise-books. 这些是你们的练习 14、Please hand them out.这是练习本,请发下去。 15、Good try. 干得好! 16、Open your books, please. 请翻开书。 17、please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书到12页。 18、Please take out your exercise books.请拿出笔记本/练习本。 19、No more talking, please. 请安静。 20、Attention, please. 请注意。 21、Let's have a dictation. 让我们来听写。 22、We’re going to have a new lesson today.今天我们要上新课。 23、First let’s have a revision. 先我们复习一下。 24、Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题? 25、Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗? 26、Let me see. 让我看看/想想。 27、Raise your hands, please. 请举手。 28、Hands down. 把手放下。 29、Follow me. 跟我读。 30、Listen to me, please. 请听我说。 31、Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。 32、All eyes on me, please. 请都看着我。 33、Can you solve this problem? 能做出这题吗? 34、Let’s read it together. 大家齐声朗读。 35 Ready, go!预备,起。 36、Who wants to try? 谁想试一试?39、Have you finished? 做完了吗? 40、You did a very good job. 做得不错。 41、Very good.非常好。Well done! 完成得不错。Terrific! 棒极了!Wonderful! 太精彩了!Excellent! 很棒! 43、Please give him (her) a big hand. 请给他/她一些掌声。 44、Can you follow me? 能跟上吗? 45、Do you understand? 你听懂了吗? 46、Don’t be nervous. 不要紧张。 47、Any one can help him/ her? 谁来帮他/她一下? 48、Any volunteers? 谁自愿回答? 49、I beg your pardon? 对不起,能再说一遍吗? 50、Take it easy.请放心/别紧张。 51、Be brave 请勇敢点 52、Who wants to try? 谁来试试? 53、Come up to the front, please. 请到前面来。 54、Go back to your seat, please. 请回座位。 55、I’ll try my best. 我将尽力而为。 56、Come on, you’re almost there.来吧!你快(做/答)对了。 57、I’ll give you a clue (hint). 我给你一些提示。 58、You can do it this way. 你可以这样来做。 59、Let’s play a game. 让我们玩个游戏。 60、Are you tired? 累了吗? 61、Let’s take a break.休息一下。 62、Take notes, please.请作笔记。 63、Are you clear ? 明白了吗? 64、Is that right ? 那个正确吗? 65、Can you find the mistakes?你能找出错误吗? 67、Are you ready? 准备好了吗? 68、Can you guess it? 能猜猜吗? 69、Yes. You’re right.对,你对了。 70、Can you say that again? 能再说一遍吗? 71、Take your time. 慢慢来。 72、Use your head. 动动脑筋。 73、Good idea! 好主意。 74、Whose turn is it? 轮到谁了? 76、Who’s next? 接下来是谁?

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