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Unit19 Modern agriculture教案

Unit19 Modern agriculture教案
Unit19 Modern agriculture教案

Unit 19Modern agriculture

Ⅰ.Teaching Goals:

1.Talk about modern agriculture and the effects it has on people's life.

2.Practise giving advice and making decisions.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5e7507634.html,e “It”for emphasis.

4.Read statistical graphs.

5.Write a plan for a vegetable garden.

Ⅱ.Teaching Time:

Five periods

Ⅲ.Background Information:

1.An American Small Farm

Last year,at harvest time,we visited the Steenhoek farm,which is 2 200 mu,or 340 acres.Typical family farms are run entirely by family members,with every member playing a vital part in the operation.Both of these families are descendants of Dutch immigrants who settled here over a century ago.

The Steenhoek farm supports 3 generations.The family of Mr.and Mrs.Steenhoek includes three children and 2 grandchildren.As we will see,this family is an excellent example of hardworking,experienced farmers who stay on the land not purely because of profit,but because they are living a life-style that satisfies them.Sixty percent of the Steenhoek's acres are devoted to pasture land,on which they raise 120 beef cattle.The rest of the land is used for growing corn.

Fifteen years ago,the American farm economy was booming.Farmers could specialize,raising one crop,or one type of animal.Today,with an uncertain farm economy,such an idea is considered foolhardy,and diversifying is one way that farmers can lesson their risk of loss.For example,if weather affects the size of a crop,the sale of the livestock will make up the difference.If the animals are plagued by disease,at least there is grain to take to market.

Kendall Steenhoek,Simon's eldest son,divides his time between running this machine shop and farming zoo acres of corn.He attended a community college in Iowa for two years to study diesel mechanics.Then he opened this repair shop for farm machinery.Kendall also plants and harvests over 30 000 bushels of corn each year,but it is the income from the repair shop that has enabled him to stay within the farming community.The heavy equipment used on the farms today is in constant need of maintenance,and requires precision tooling for repairs.By far,the most impressive and certainly the most costly piece of farm equipment used on a small farm is a harvesting machine called a combine,which can cost up to $100 000.

This type of machinery is what makes the American farm so efficient.With a combine,one man and his family can harvest an entire crop of a 500 acre farm in two weeks.The value of the combine is that it performs several functions.As it moves through a field of corn,this sophisticated machine cuts the stalk,plucks the ear,discards the stalk,shucks the corn kernels off the ear and deposites the kernels in a storage bin in the back.Then,a spinning device in the rear of the combine shreds the husks and shafts and scatters them across the field,to serve as mulch,cutting down on the possibility of soil erosion from winter rains.The machine is even more amazing when you think that it has been in use on American farms for only one generation.


Every living cell contains genes.They are too small to be seen in a microscope,but they are vitally important.Each set of genes in the body contains all the instructions needed to make a human being.Some genes determine hair color.Some determine the shape of a nose.Some genes help determine your height and even your weight.

Genes are made of a chemical called DNA—the letters stand for deoxyribonucleicacid(脱氧核糖核酸).In the early 1950's,two scientists,Francis Crick and James Watson,figured out how the parts of DNA fit together.Once scientists understood this structure,it became possible to take pieces of DNA apart and put them together in new ways.New kinds of genes could be made in this manner.

Scientists have studied the genes of many plants and animals.They have worked out which genes affect the color of a tomato and the stickness of its skin.Working out which genes determine which features is called genetic mapping,scientists have begun the Human Genome Project,an ambitious effort to map all the genes in the human body.

Some genes may be effective.For example,something might be wrong with the gene that makes blood clot(凝聚).An individual born with this defective gene could suffer serious hemorrhages(出血)or even bleed to death because his or her blood fails to clot.If scientists ever learn how to map all the genes in our bodies,they could determine whether or not an unborn child has any defective genes.They might even discover how to treat these genes before the child is born.

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Improve the students' speaking ability by practising giving advice and making decisions.

2.Enable the students to master the expressions of giving advice and making decisions.

3.Get the students to learn more about agriculture.

Teaching Important Points:

1.How to express oneself,using what is learned or given.

2.How to advise sb.to do something and how to make decisions.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.The usage of some expressions.

2.How to improve the students' listening ability.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening some materials to improve the students' listening ability.

2.Discussion to let the students express themselves freely.

3.Group work or pair work to give every student a chance to express themselves.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.a projector and some slides

3.a computer

Teaching Procedures:

step Ⅰ.Greetings and Revision

T:Good morning,everyone.

Ss:Good morning,teacher.

T:Sit down,please.In this class,I'll check your homework first,Wang Ping,read your homework to us,…

(The teacher checks the students' homework and have a discussion with the students about the mistake Wang Ping made.Let the students have a clear understanding and correct it.) step Ⅱ.Preparation for listening and speaking

T:Today,we're going to learn a new unit,Unit 19,Modern Agriculture(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard:Unit 19 Modern agriculture,the First Period).First,let's learn the

(Teacher asks one student to read the new words,then corrects the mistakes the student made.)

Step Ⅲ.Warming up

T:Please turn to Page 32.Let's do Warming up.(Teacher shows the graphs on Page 32 on the screen.)Look at the two graphs and discuss the questions on Page 32.Y ou can do it in pairs or groups.In a few minutes,I'll ask some students to talk about them.(Students begin to discuss the questions.And teacher goes and joins them.A few minutes later,teacher says the following.) T:Are you ready?Who can give us a talk about the first topic?S A,how are people's eating habbits changing over the years?

S A:From the first graph,we can see that the eating habits of the people in our country have changed greatly.Before 1949,they had not enough to eat and often went hungry.Once natural disasters happened,a great number of people would die of hunger.Before the reforming and opening to the world,grain was still a big problem.People mainly lived on corn and few kinds of vegetables.Since the 1980s,especially the 1990s,people's eating habits have greatly improved.People can eat whatever they want.More and more people eat less grain,more meat and eggs and so on.More and more people turn their eyes to meat,eggs,milk and all kinds of green vegetables.

T:Why do you think this happens,S B?

S B:It is all because of the Party's good policies.

T:V ery good.It is true and everyone can see that.How has agricultural produce changed during the first half of the 1990s?And what do you think caused these changes?

S C:From the first half of the 1990s,scientists started to develop new techniques to increase

agricultural production without causing damage to the environment.Especially the new technique, “GM”,has made agricultural production increase continuously.Scientists develop new kinds of seeds,better cows,pigs,sheep as well as fish.It is the new techniques that make all this possible.

T:Do you agree with him,S D?

S D:Y es,I do.And I want to give an answer to the three question.

T:Good,please say that.

S D:With the changes in people's eating habits,agriculture as well as nature will have to change,too.People are eating more meat and milk.That is to say,they need more fish,pigs,sheep and cattle as well as poultry.To feed these animals,we need more grain,especially more grass.To protect our environment,the ways to raise animals have changed.With the development of modern science and techniques,some of the fields are not needed to produce more food.We can grow grass,flowers etc.on them.Less farmers are needed and they can do other kinds of work.

Step Ⅳ.Listening

T:So much for the discussion.Next we'll do listening.The passage you'll listen to is about farming.It tells us about farming of all countries in early times and protection of nature and environment.Listen to the tape carefully and do the exercises concerned.Now,read the requirements,please.(Students read the requirements.)Now do you know what you'll have to do after listening to the passage?(Ss:Y es.)During listening,I'll play the tape three times.After listening for the first time,you can leave over the ones you are not sure about.Y ou can do them when I play the tape for the second or the third time.Check your answers with your partner after listening.Are you clear?(Ss:Y es.)(At last,teacher shows the answers on the screen.) Step Ⅴ.Speaking

T:Now let's do speaking.This part says that a group of farmers in your area have been given a large piece of land.The villagers together with the village leader have to decide how to use the land.Work in groups of five students.Each group member will play one of the roles.Prepare role cards,discuss the problem and try to make a decision.Before discussion,who can give us some useful expressions about giving advice and making decisions?

Giving advice:

S E:My advice would be….I advise you to do….

S F:I think you ought to….Y ou.d better….

S G:If I were you,I would….

I would advise you.

S H:I don't think you ought to….

Making a decision:

S I:In my opinion,we should…

I think/believe you should…

S J:I don't think it is necessary to do sth.….We must decide….

S K:I hope we can make a decision.

(Teacher writes all the expressions above on the Bb.)

T:Now let's have a discussion,using the expressions on the blackboard later,I'll ask some students to act it out.

Sample diaolgue:

S a—villager A;S b—villager B;

S c—villager C;S d—villager D

S e—the village leader

S e:As we all know,we are given a large piece of land.I've got all of us here to have a discussion and decide how to use the land.Please give us your advice.

S a:I advise we should grow corn on this piece of land.It's large and flat and machines can go up and down it,so we can spend less time and get more corn.A lot of money can be made after selling the corn.

S b:I think we ought to build a farm there and raise pigs or cows with the grain we harvest.So we can make more money.

S c:My advice is that we should turn it into a garden,and grow flowers there.Then we can sell the flowers.There is nobody here selling flowers.So I think our business will surely be good.Besides,sometimes selling grain or meat is hard,for the price could be too low.

S d:I think we'd better design it like this:We build a building of a few floors.In each floor,we can raise one kind of animals.With their wastes,we can raise fish or grow vegetables on the top or in the space which faces the sun.We can also grow mushrooms in the dark places.We can use one quarter of it to do this and build a garden on one quarter so that people can enjoy themselves here.Half of the rest grow flowers to sell and for the other half we can grow grass on it so that our environment will be better.

S a:That's a good idea.But it will need a lot of money to do this.I hope we can make a decision today.

S e:We must make a decision.My opinion is that we do as S D said.Any other opinions?

S b and S c:I agree with you.

Step Ⅵ.Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we've talked about two statistical graphs and listened to a passage.We have also talked about how to use a large piece of land,using some expressions of giving advice and making deicisions.These expressions are:“…”(Pointing to the blackboard.)After class,choose a subject as you like with your pratner and have a discussion,using the expressions on the blackboard.That's all for today.Class is over.





The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Enable the students to learn something about modern agriculture from the text.

2.Enable the student to master the new words and expressions in the text.

3.Get the students to have the ability to grasp the general idea of an passage as fast as possible.

Teaching Important Points:

1.How to improve the students' reading ability.

2.How to get the students to master the new words and expressions of the text.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve the students' reading and writing ability.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion to raise the students' interest in agriculture.

2.Ask-and-answer method to help the students understand the text better.

3.Free talk to improve the students' speaking ability.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.a projector and some slides

3.a computer for multimedia use

Teaching Procedures:

step Ⅰ.Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual

T:At the end of the last period,I asked every one of us to join in a discussion.Now I'll ask a group to repeat the discussion.Who will act it out for us?Wang Hong,act it for us with your group,will you?

Wang:Y es.…

(Teacher asks two groups to repeat their discussion before the class.)

step Ⅱ.Preparation for Reading

T:So much for revision.Please turn to Page 113.Let's learn the new words and expressions together.Li Ming,read the new words and expressions of this period,please.Begin with the word “arable”and end with the word “soil”.

(Teacher and the students learn the new words and expressions together.Teacher corrects students' mistakes in pronunciation and gives simple explanations of some words if necessary.) T:Are there any students coming from the countryside in our class?

Ss:Y es.A lot of us students are from peasant family.

T:Have you ever worked in the fields,Wang Fei?

Wang:Y es.I often work in the field with my parents.I can do a lot of farm work.

T:Have you ever heard of anything about farming in the past?

Ss:Y es,I have.

T:Now turn to Page 34.Let's do pre-reading.Discuss the questions.Group work.Write your answers on a piece of paper.

(After a few minutes.)

T:Are you ready?(Ss:Y es.)Who would tell us something about traditional and modern farming?

S A:In the past,farmers grow crops in the traditional way:Use cattle to plough the field;farmers work in the field most of the day all year round,but they could not produce enough food for the whole population.Now they grow crops in the modern way.They use modern techniques in their fields,such as chemical fertilizers,greenhouses and so on.

T:Who would answer the second question?

S B:I'll try.The advantages are:chemical fertilizers,electronic pumps and other advanced technology are used.Farmers can spend less time on farms and much more grain is produced.The disadvantages are:the air,the water and the soil round us are more or less polluted.

S c:I'll say something about other changes that have taken place on farms in the last 100 years.In the past,we depended on heaven and we could do little when natural disasters happened.Now,we can do artificial rainfall.GM makes better seeds possible.In the same fields,better seeds can give us much more grain.Besides,all kinds of scientific ways of farming are used in farming.Farmers in our country are becoming richer and richer day by day.

T:V ery good.

Step Ⅲ.Fast Reading

T:Are you ready?

Ss:Y es.

T:Please give us the answers to the questions.

S D:In the 1980s,more advanced technical information was brought in from abroad.

S E:Both food production and taking care of the environment are important.And future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.

S F:I think taking care of the environment is more important.Because we have only one earth.

S a:In the last two lines,“which”refers to“golden rice”.

T:What is the other name of “golden rice”in the text?

S a:GM rice.

Step Ⅳ.Reading

T:Now read the text again and answer the questions in Post Reading.If you are not sure about your answers,have a discussion with your classmates.

(After the students' discussion)

T:Please turn to Page 35.Let's answer the questions.S H,give your answers to the first five questions.

S H:They are:1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C

T:Is he right?

Ss:Y es,he is right.

T:Now let's do Part 2.

S I:I want to change apples.I want them not only to grow bigger and more delicious,but also of the same size.Because some of the apples now are smaller and not delicious and the apples of the same size are popular in the market.

S J:I want to change fruit trees.I want them to grow shorter so that the fruits on them are easy to pick up.And they must give us more fruits so that the farmers can make more money and become richer.

T:That's a good idea!I have the same opinion as you.

S K:I want to change carrots.I want them to grow much bigger.Because the carrots our villagers grow are smaller.

S L:I want to change the vegetables people usually eat.I want them to be better for people's health.So they will spend less money on medicine.

S M:I want to change cows.I want them to have more babies.So they will not be expensive to buy.If so,more farmers can buy them and become rich.

S N:I want to change fruit trees.I want to plant the trees growing in the south.So we will have more kinds of fruits than ever before.

T:Y ou've done well.After class,continue to think about more good ideas.Now I'll explain

you still have something you find difficult to understand.

(Teacher goes among the students to explain any questions raised by the students.)

Step Ⅴ.Listening and Reading Aloud

T:Let's listen to the tape.I'll play it twice.The first time I play it,just listen.When I play for

the second time,you can read the text after it.Then please read the text aloud after I play the tape.

(While the students read the text,teacher goes among the students and corrects any mistakes the students make in pronunciation and intonation.)

Step Ⅵ.Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we've learnt the text“Modern agriculture”.It tells us about agriculture of our country,for example,its past and present,especially its future.Have you had a clear understanding about future agriculture?From now on,we should study hard and be ready to make greater contributions to our agriculture and farmers.After class,please read the text again and master the usages of the new words and expressions of the text,especially the following:modernize….Y ou can make sentences with them in pairs or groups.That's all for today.Class is over.





The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Get the students to master the structure:

It is …that….

2.Get the students to obtain some knowledge about word formation so that they can enlarge their vocabulary.

Teaching Important Points:

1.The usage of the structure:It is…that…

2.The basic rules of word formation.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to use the sentence pattern:“It is…that…”when we emphasize the nouns which mean places or time.

Teaching Methods:

1.Pair work or group work to get every student to become active.

2.Drills in grammar to get the students to have a clear concept.

3.Repetition to make the student master what they learn.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder.

2.a projector and some slides.

3.a computer for multimedia use.

Teaching Procedures:

step Ⅰ.Greetings and Revision

(Greet the whole class as usual.Then teacher asks some students to read the text aloud.)

T:Now look at the screen,please.Match the words on the left with their meanings on the

T:Are you ready?

Ss:Y es.

T:I'll show the answers on the screen.Please check your answers with them.

Suggested answers:










step Ⅱ.Word Study

T:Let's go on to do Language study.First we'll do the first part:Word study.As we all know,word formation is a useful tool in learning English.It can help us enlarge our vocabulary.We can get a noun by adding some sufixes to a verb,for example,form→formation,Generally a verb+-tion=a noun.But there is something you should pay special attention to.Now let's do the following exercise.Write the noun form of the given verbs and the verb form of the given nouns.If you are not sure about them,please turn to a dictionary.Then make sentences with each word.If you have anything you don't understand,have a discussion with your classmates.

(Teacher goes among the students and help them to do the exercise.)

T:Have you finished?(Ss:Y es.)Let's check the answers.S A.Write your answers on the blackboard,please.


V erb Noun

irrigate irrigation

modernize modernization

populate population

produce production

fertilize/fertilise fertilization

inform information

protect protection

modify modification

T:Now make sentences with each group words.One student,one group.

S B :irrigate:They irrigate their crops with water from this river.

irrigation:We often see irrigation canals on the land.

S C :modernize:They have failed to modernize the factories.

modernization:We will realize the four modernizations.

S D :populate:America was populated mostly by Europeans.

population:China has a population of more than 1 200 000 000.

S E :produce:Australia produces wool and meat.

production:This country is famous for the production of cars.

S F :fertilize:Rice growers fertilize their fields by flooding them with water.

fertilization:Proper fertilization is important for farming.

S G :inform:He informed them of his arrival.

information:The information might be false.

S H :protect:It is our duty to protect our country.

protection:The protection of our country is the duty of us all.

S I :modify:Adjectives modify nouns.

modification:The artic le needs some modification.

Step Ⅲ.Grammar:The use of “It ”(2)

T:(Teacher shows some sentences on the screen.)

Look at the two groups of sentences on the screen:

???land. arable on this China of population whole for the food produce farmers The :b China. of ?

population whole for the food produce farmers that the land arable on this is It :a



????t.environmen the harming without production al agricultur increase to s technique new develop to started scientists 1990s,early the From :b t.environmen the harming without production al agricultur increase ?

to s technique new develop to started scientists that 1990s early the from is It :a T:Are sentence a and b in each group have the same meaning?

Ss:Y es.Both of the two sentences in each group have the same meaning.

T:Are there any difference?S a ,can you tell me?

S a :Y es.Sentence a is the emphatic form,while sentence b is normal.Am I right?

T:Yes,you are right.“It is/was …that …”is the emphatic construction.This structure can be used to emphasize almost any part of the sentence (except emphasizing the verb).Besides,if we emphasize the subject,“who ”(referring to a person)is possible instead of “that ”.If an object is emphasized,“whom ”(referring to a person)is possible.Look at the screen.Read this sentences and rewrite them,emphasizing the parts underlined,using “It is/was …that …”.Please prepare them in

(After a few minutes.)

T:Are you ready?(Ss:Y es.)Please change these sentences.One student,one sentence.Who will be the first?

S b:I'll try.Sentence 2:It is the children who/that often help the father and mother do the farm work.

S c:I want to rewrite the second sentence,but I'm not sure whether I should use“is”or“was”.

T:Here you should use “was”.

S c:Sentence I:It was in 1993 when a tomato was developed that was very different from any grown before.

T:Is he right,S d?

S d:Y es.

T:Y ou're both wrong.We should pay special attention to “that”when we emphasize the adverbial of time and place.In both situations,we should use“that”instead of “when ”or “where”.Are you clear about that?

Ss:Y es.

T:Let's go on with the other sentences.

S e:Sentence 3:It is the shortage of arable land that the biggest problem of Chinese farmers is.

S F:Sentence 4:It is the plants grown in green houses that are protected from the wind,rain and insects.

S G:Sentence 5:It is high technology as well as traditional methods that future agriculture should depend on.

T:Are they right?

Ss:Y es,they are all right.

Step Ⅳ.Practice

T:Now let's do the second part of Grammar.Rewrite the sentences,emphasizing as many parts as possible.First look at Example.Read it carefully and then do the exercise.Y ou can have a discussion with your classmates if you have any questions.A few minutes later,we'll check the answers.

(When students finish,teacher shows the answers on the screen and get the students to

T:In this class,we've done some exercises about Word Formation.Please remember these words on the blackboard(Pointing to the blackboard).We should also remember the emphatic construction:It is …that(who,whom)…What should we pay special attention to?Who can tell us?

S h:1.The verb can not be emphasized.

2.When we emphasize the adverbial,we should remember that we cant't use when or where.

T:(Write what the student said on the blackboard.)That's right.After class,we should do more exercises so that we can master it.Today's homework:Do the exercises concerned in the workbook.That's all.Class is over.





The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Have the students learn and master the new words and expressions in the text.

2.Improve the students' reading ability by learning the text.

3.Get the students to know something about farming,learn from Jia Sixie and dedicate themselves to science.

Teaching Important Points:

1.How to get the students to master the new words and expressions.

2.How to improve the students' reading and writing abilities.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to get a clear idea of an article as fast as possible.

Teaching Methods:

1.Pair work or group work make every student take part in the class activities.

2.Writing summary to help the students understand the main idea.

3.Ask-and-answer method to help the students to grasp the main idea faster.

Teaching Aids:

1.a recorder

2.a projector and some slides

3.a computer for multimedia use

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ.Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Teacher checks the students' homework.

Step Ⅱ.Preparation for Reading

T:Now let's go over the new words and expressions appearing in the text together.Please turn to Page 113.…

(Teacher and students learn the new words and expressions of this period together.Teacher gives brief explanations when necessary.)

Step Ⅲ.Fast-reading

T:(Show the picture of Jia Sixie and his book“Qi Min Y ao Shu”.)

Do you know the old man and the book“Qi Min Yao Shu”?

S A:Y es.He was Jia sixie,a great scientist of ancient China,living in Northern Wei Dynasty.And he was famous for the book.The book is about the science of farming.

T:V ery good.Now please read the text fast and answer the two questions on the screen.Write your answers on a piece of paper.I'll collect the first five pieces of answers.Let's begin.

(Teacher collects the answers when the first five students have finished)

T:(After all the students finish.)Have you finished?

Ss:Y es.

T:S B and S C,give us the two answers,please.

S B:He was born in Yidu,Shandong Province.

S C:He said that when you plough the soil,plough deeply the first time and less deeply the second time,and the autumn ploughing should be deeper than the spring ploughing.

Step Ⅲ.Reading

T:Quite right.Now let's read the text again and discuss the questions on the screen.Pair work

T:Are you ready?(Ss:Y es.)Who will give us the first answer?

S D:It includes the following advice:growing green vegetables and fruit trees,keeping cows,sheep and fish in lakes.There are also instructions for making wine.

T:Please go on with the questions.V o-lunteers!

S E:2.Firstly as a farmer,you should remember to do things at the right time of the year,If so,your work will be less and the result will be better.

S F:3.Before you sow or plant crops,you must clean rough ground and remove weeds.

S G:4.Because he wanted the animals to destroy the weeds or eat them.

T:Do the farmers get rid of weeds in this way now?

S G:No,they pull up the weeds or destroy them with a hoe.

T:Yes,they hoe up the weeds or use weed killer.Please go on.

S H:5.If you want to reach the best harvest,you should change the crops in your fields.

T:What does that mean?

S H:For example,if you plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the field the next year,you will harvest good crops.That is to say,do not plant the same crop year after year in the same field.

S I:6.Wheat should be planted close together instead of with space.Because Jia Sixie did experiments and showen that.

T:Y our answers are right.That is because you have a full understanding about the

read the text again and see if you have any.(Teacher goes among the students and answers the questions raised by the students.Then teacher plays the tape and let the students listen and follow.)

Step Ⅴ.Discussion

T:This text is written in three paragraphs and each paragraph has its topic.Now read the text again and make notes about the topics on the screen.Y ou can do it in pairs or groups,then we'll check the answers.

T:(After a few minutes.)Have you fi-nished?Now I'll show the answers on the screen.Please

of paper.Y ou can have a discussion with your classmates if you are not sure about it.

Possible version:

November:It's in November that we have to plough the land for the first time.The ploughing has to be done deeply.

March:It's in March that we should remove the weed and plough the land for the second time.The ploughing has to be done less deeply.Then we clean the rough ground.

April:It's in April that we should sow the seeds.We should remember to grow different plants next to each other.

May~September:It is in this time that we should water the plants,put fertilizer on the soil and remove weeds regularly.

July~October:It is in this time that we should harvest them.

Step Ⅵ.Checkpoint

T:Please turn to Page 38.Let's go over checkpoint of this unit.Read the examples of the use of“It”for emphasis and find useful expressions from this unit.Then make sentences with them.Y ou can turn to your dictionary if ne-cessary.

Sample sentences:

such as:A student such as he will surely succeed.

make use of:On your trip to Mexico you will be able to make good use of your knowledge of French.

as…as possible:Be as kind to her as possible.

bring in:His work brought him in$50 000 a year.

depend on:I depend on you to do it.

shortage of:Shortage of skilled workers is our main difficulty.

stand for:Our flag stands for our country.

in other words:He became,in other words,a great hero.

a variety of:This shop has a variety of toys.

be useful for:This book is useful for English study.

spend time on:Every spare minute he gets is spent on the car.

go against:They are going against our wishes.

year after year:We have been to that place for a holiday year after year.

nexe to:The man next to Bill was talking to him in Spanish.

Step Ⅶ.Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we've learned a text.It's about Farming and Gardening and it has three paragraphs,describing about…(Write on the blackboard.)We've learned some useful expressions in this unit,such as“Such as,make use of…”(Write on the blackboard.)After class,read the text and say the sentences you make in groups.That's all for this class.Goodbye!

Useful expressions:





The Fifth Period

The use of it

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the different usages of “it”.

2.Get the students to remember some useful sentence patterns.

3.Get the students to do more exercises so that they can master the grammar item.

Teaching Important Points:

Master the different uses of “it”,esp,the emphatic use and the use as a preparatory subject or a preparatory object.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to master and use “it ”correctly.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to revise the common use of “it”.

2.Inductive method to go through some sentence patterns with “it”.

3.Practice to consolidate the use of “it”.

Teaching Aids:

1.a projector and some slides

2.a computer for multimedia use

Teaching Procedures:

step Ⅰ.Greetings and Revision

(Teacher greets the whole class as usual and shows the screen.)

T:So far we've learned several uses of “it”.Now please look at the screen.Discuss the sentences with your partner and tell what the word “it”in each sentence refers to and its function.Write your answers on a piece of paper and later I'll ask some students to say the

(After a few minutes.)

T:Are you ready?

Ss:Y es.

T:Who will give us the answers?One student,one sentence.V olunteers?

S A:“It”is used as a formal subject in the first sentence.Its real subject is the infinitive“to remember all their names.”

S B:2.“It”refers to present situation.

S C:3.“It”refers to “weather”.

S D:4.“It”is used as a formal object.

S E:5.“It”is used as a formal subject.

S F:6.This sentence is an emphatic structure,emphasizing the adverbial of time.

S G:7.“It”is used here as an impersonal pronoun,referring to distance.

S H:8.“It”here is used to point out definitely a person.

S I:9.“It”here is applied to a new bike.

S J:10.“It”refers to time.

S K:11.“It”is used as the subject,expressing state of things in general.

S L:12.This sentence is also an emphatic construction,emphasizing adverbial of place “on this coast”.

S M:13.The word “it”here is used as a formal subject.

T:Quite right.As we all know,the word “it”can be used as a personal pronoun.In this case,“it”is not generally applied to a person,but to a thing or an animal just mentioned,such as “Sentence 9”.Secondly,“it”is used as a subject in expressions of time,weather,distance,etc,such as,in Sentence 2,3,7,10,11.Thirdly,“it”can be used as a formal subject or object.(The real subject is an infinitive or gerundial phrase or a clause.)Such as,in sentences 1,4,5,13.Fourthly,in Sentence 8,“it”points to a person and is called the Demonstrative it.It can also be used in the emphatic structure,such as in sentence 6,12.

Step Ⅱ.Practice

T:From the exercise we've done just now,we can see that you are all familiar with the common use of“it”.Next,let's see some important sentence patterns.Now,I'll give you an exercise on the screen.(Show the screen.)Pair work or group work.Some of the patterns are perhaps not


《劳动与实践》教学计划 一、指导思想 一是以《基础教育课程改革纲要》精神为指导,积极探索课程改革新路,着眼于改变课程结构过于强调学科本位和缺乏整合的现状,发展学生的全面素质,满足学生成长的需要,培养学生成为社会需要的人才,促进办学特色的形成。二是以学生的兴趣和直接经验为基础,以与学生学习生活和社会生活密切相关的各类现实性、综合性、实践性问题为内容,以研究性学习为主导学习方式,以培养学生的创新精神、实践能力及体现对知识的综合运用为主要目的。开设综合实践活动旨在让学生联系生活实际和社会实际,通过亲身体验进行学习,积累和丰富直接经验。培养学生的创新精神和终身学习的能力;增强学生对自然、对社会和对自我的责任感;拓展教学活动空间和活动内容;引导学生在生活中学习、在实践中学习、在应用中学习,并主动参与社会、生活。为学知识、生活、技能的整合建立了操作平台,为学生综合素质的提高提供了可能。 二、活动目的要求 1.增进学生对自然的了解与认识,增强关爱自然、保护环境的思想意识和能力。 (1)走进自然,增进对自然的了解与认识,理解人与自然的内在联系。 (2)关心自然环境,自主探究自然问题,具有环保意识; (3)参与环境保护的活动,增强环境保护能力。 2.主动积极地参与社会活动和社区服务,增进对社会的了解与认识,增强社会实践能力,并形成社会责任感和义务感。 (1)走入社会,增进对社会的了解与认识,理解个体与社会的关系; (2)关心社会现实,主动探究社会问题,积极参与力所能及的社区活动,

服务社会,发展社会实践能力; (3)遵守社会行为规范,养成社会交往能力,学会与他人共同生活、工作; (4)关心他人,关心社会,具有服务社会的意识和对社会负责的态度。 3.掌握基本的生活技能和劳动技术,具有自我认识能力,养成负责的生活态度。 (1)反省自我,增进自我认识,确立自信,树立人生理想,积极进取。 (2)掌握基本生活技能,学会适应社会生活,养成负责的生活态度; (3)了解与认识现代生产和劳动技术,端正劳动态度,形成良好的劳动习惯。 4.进行课题实验和课题研究等。在广泛的调查、采访和实践过程中不断积累丰富的各种知识,撰写实践性的记录等。发展主动获得知识和信息的能力,养成主动获得信息的学习习惯和主动探究的态度,发展信息素养、探究能力和创造精神。 (1)学会自主提出问题、制定获得方案,并组织实施; (2)形成自主收集信息和处理信息的能力; (3)开展问题探究,体验探究过程,对感兴趣的自然问题、社会问题和自我问题进行深度探究; (4)养成主动探究的习惯,形成问题意识,发展探究能力和创新精神。 三、课程目标 1.情感目标:通过开展综合实践活动,培养学生对社会生活的积极态度和参与综合实践活动的兴趣。 2.知识目标:通过引导学生主动探究,亲身体验实践,开阔视野,了解信息技术、劳动技术、社区服务和探究法的一些常识。


大一下学期计划 大学一年级是每一个大学生都会必然经历的阶段,是大学生思想政治教育的一个关键时期。是为大家整理的大一下学期计划 上半学期就这样结束了,大学生活就是和以前不太一样,没有彻底的放松。这里充满了各式各样展现自己的舞台,很多事情,超乎想象,又在情理之中。 上大学了。抛开了繁杂的物理书、丢掉了难缠的化学课本,本以为我们可以我们无谓的疯、疯狂的玩、玩笑般的过,但事实好像是,我们没有玩好,当然更没学好了——学到的东西,少得可怜。青春无价,梦想却时刻在提醒自己,不能这样。可是,憋了几年的贪玩终于战胜了少得可怜的上进,总顺着自己的想法过每一天。日子,就这样的过,忙的时候忙的恨不得七手八脚,闲的时候抱着手机短信翻来覆去看着,就是不想看书。上课的时候要么干瞪眼要么睡觉。甚至连考前几天我都悠哉地过着自己的小日子。终于,成绩告诉了我,自己是如何大错特错了。生活方面过的挺滋润,但功课做得死翘翘。这怎会是我的本意呢。 对于学习失败的大一上学期,一开始,我不相信大学的学习是靠考前冲刺的说法,什么人品什么投机取巧都是鬼话,即使在大学,平时的认真努力才是王道。不过很遗憾,明白这一点的我还是没有管好自己,依然走了那条错误的路,甚至连考前抱佛脚的工夫都不愿意花足。现在想来原因有二:其一,观念有误。到了大学,我对自己的要求随

着时间逐渐降低,那最初的理想逐渐被抛弃争高分已不再那么重要,我错误地以为永远都有人比自己牛也永远都有人比自己差所以我要坦然一些,没想到坦然地过了,对自己的要求竟只是及格。所以在身边的同学为了绩点拼命的时候我还安然地玩这玩那,以为这就是我要的生活。其二,复习不到位。上了大学后,什么复习似乎都不重要。高数所学东西得不到及时的巩固。考前做十年考题的时候感觉知识点都已经很陌生了。这是让我很后悔的一件事。因此这学期我一定要做到及时复习,最好当天晚上就巩固知识,做课后题目。每周周末最好出去自习,及时总结复习本周所学知识。好的考试成绩不会从头而降,都是一点一点积累得到的。 当然还有许多需要继续改进的地方,比如要提高自制力,要充分利用时间,要多进图书馆多看书,要再少上点网,生活要再规律些。这都需要我平时在心里做好安排,合理规划自己的时间,做事不拖拉。关于计划呢,有每天的作息时间计划,有每周的计划,上学期的时候就已经发现这种计划是不能提前做好的,因为不像高中一样每天都只上那么七节课,然后除了上课就是吃饭,睡觉,晚自习,如果大学也像那样每天规定什么时间要干什么,每周规定星期几要做什么事的话,这个计划是不可能实施下去的,因为会有很多临时的事情,因为在大学里不仅仅只有学习这一件事,就比如你规定星期六下午要去图书馆的,结果这个星期六你们社团要搞一个活动,你又是主办者,图书馆去不成了吧,下个星期六又有你原来很要好的老乡找你去玩,图书馆又去不了了吧。我觉得下学期我要做的计划应该都是临时计划,



综合实践课教案 银达镇中心小学赵艳荣 课题:衣服的学问 教学目的: 1.知道衣服在生活中的重要性,知道人人都离不开的衣服里有很多学问。 2.试着为衣服分分类,看看不同的衣物面料有哪些不同的性能。 3.学学扎染的技法技巧。 教学重点: 1.认识各种各样的衣服。 2.比较不同面料的性能。 教学难点: 了解扎染的基本工序,学会扎染的技法技巧。 教学过程: 第1课时 活动一认识各种各样的衣服 生1:为了御寒,我穿过棉袄、毛衣、羽绒服,现在的衣服品种可真多呀! 生2:是呀,我们一起作个调查,给调查到的衣服分分类吧,对以后自己挑选和整理衣服很有帮助呢! 1.小调查。 学生分组对家中和商场里的各种衣服作个调查,作好记录。 2.交流调查发现。 学生说说在调查中有什么收获。 3.给衣服分类。

让学生从不同角度对各种各样的衣服进行分类,了解这些衣服的不同功能,加深对衣服的认识。 4.填写第103页的学习单。 第2课时 活动二比较不同面料的性能 生1:妈妈总说,纯棉的衣服结实,透气性好。 生2:真的吗那其他面料怎么样我们一起来用实验判断吧! 1.明确实验目的。 学生分组选择常见的几种面料,如纯棉、羊毛、化纤……从各方面对它们进行比较:哪种面料更结实、哪种面料容易吸汗…… 2.设计简单的实验。 学生分组设计实验,比比哪种面料更结实、哪种面料吸水性更强,区分纯羊毛和其他材料。 3.实验并得出结论。 学生根据实验方案分组进行实验,得出结论。 4.填写第107页的学习单。 第3课时 活动三我的扎染作品 生1:我在商店看到过扎染的裙子,很漂亮。 生2:我们可以自己动手,做一条扎染的方巾,送给妈妈作礼物。1.欣赏扎染作品。 出示收集的扎染作品图片及第108页的扎染作品,让学生进行欣赏,说说扎染作品的图案有什么特点。 2.了解基本的扎染工序。 学生看书,了解扎染的基本工序,教师进行适当补充。


大一下学期计划范文(通用版) Through the work plan, you can make a plan for future work and work out a detailed plan; the work plan function greatly improves work efficiency. ( 工作计划) 部门:_______________________ 姓名:_______________________ 日期:_______________________ 本文档文字可以自由修改

大一下学期计划范文(通用版) 导语:通过工作计划,可以对未来工作进行一个规划,制定出详细计划;这样 能让工作更有条理性,还能对工作进行全局的管理,可以更好的应对工作中遇 到的问题,工作计划功能对提升工作效率有很大提升。 大一下学期计划范文一: 上半学期就这样结束了,大学生活就是和以前不太一样,没有彻底的放松。这里充满了各式各样展现自己的舞台,很多事情,超乎想象,又在情理之中。 上大学了。抛开了繁杂的物理书、丢掉了难缠的化学课本,本以为我们可以我们无谓的疯、疯狂的玩、玩笑般的过,但事实好像是,我们没有玩好,当然更没学好了——学到的东西,少得可怜。青春无价,梦想却时刻在提醒自己,不能这样。可是,憋了几年的贪玩终于战胜了少得可怜的上进,总顺着自己的想法过每一天。日子,就这样的过,忙的时候忙的恨不得七手八脚,闲的时候抱着手机短信翻来覆去看着,就是不想看书。上课的时候要么干瞪眼要么睡觉。甚至连考前几天我都悠哉地过着自己的

小日子。终于,成绩告诉了我,自己是如何大错特错了。生活方面过的挺滋润,但功课做得死翘翘。这怎会是我的本意呢。 对于学习失败的大一上学期,一开始,我不相信大学的学习是靠考前冲刺的说法,什么人品什么投机取巧都是鬼话,即使在大学,平时的认真努力才是王道。不过很遗憾,明白这一点的我还是没有管好自己,依然走了那条错误的路,甚至连考前抱佛脚的工夫都不愿意花足。现在想来原因有二:其一,观念有误。到了大学,我对自己的要求随着时间逐渐降低,那最初的理想逐渐被抛弃争高分已不再那么重要,我错误地以为永远都有人比自己牛也永远都有人比自己差所以我要坦然一些,没想到坦然地过了,对自己的要求竟只是及格。所以在身边的同学为了绩点拼命的时候我还安然地玩这玩那,以为这就是我要的生活。其二,复习不到位。上了大学后,什么复习似乎都不重要。高数所学东西得不到及时的巩固。考前做十年考题的时候感觉知识点都已经很陌生了。这是让我很后悔的一件事。因此这学期我一定要做到及时复习,最好当天晚上就巩固知识,做课后题目。每周周末最好


小学综合实践活动《感恩父母》案例 一、确定课题(教师讲话录像) 在一次《感恩父母》的主题班会上,当谈到“滴水之恩当涌泉相报,我们应孝敬感恩父母时”发现了许多问题。有的说父母的养育子女是应该的,有的说没必要欠他们的亲情,等他们老了,我们还得照顾他们。而且争议很大。有一个学生突然提议:“我们把这些问题当作这一学期的小课题进行研究不是更好吗?”其余学生积极响应,于是《感恩父母》的课题研究产生了。 二、制定方案 确定了课题接下来开始制定研究方案。(室内录像) 师:同学们,大家都看看自己的衣服,是谁给买的、做的? 生:爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶。 师:父母是我们最亲最近的人,他们为了我们的成长付出很多,我们应该感谢他们。所以,我们这学期的课题研究就是《感恩父母》。你想知道、研究哪方面的内容。 生:感恩父母是中华民族的传统美德,我想知道古代人是怎么孝敬的。(上网查询:二十四孝故事),〈黄香温席〉 生:我想知道父母为我们付出的艰辛。(医院:十月怀胎、养育、敬老院) 生:我想知道现在的大人、孩子是如何感恩父母的?(采访大人、发放调查问卷)〈小品〉 生:我想知道感恩父母的诗、歌有哪些?(图书室查资料)〈诗朗诵、感恩的心〉。 师:请同学们分别到自己感兴趣的课题研究小组制定自己的研究方案吧。 分组制定研究方案(提前备好成品) 三、分头行动

活动方案制定好了,接下来就是我们行动的时候了。有的小组来到图书室查资料,有的小组上网查资料,有的发放问卷进行调查,有的采访,到处都是同学们忙碌的身影。 1、研究“父母付出知多少”的小组,来到医院,请教父母怀胎十月的经过。(采访视频) 生;医生阿姨您好!我们是中心小学“感恩父母”课题研究小组的学生。我们想向您请教母亲怀胎十月的过程。 医生:好的。… 生:这么一个漫长的过程,妈妈太辛苦了。 医生:对呀,没有妈妈艰辛的怀胎过程就没有我们,所以,孩子们一定要孝敬自己的母亲呀。 生:我们一定会的。谢谢阿姨,再见。 2、“当代人感恩父母知多少”小组来到百岁寿星家中采访。 (1)生:奶奶(爷爷)您好。我们是中心小学的学生。您是我们镇上的寿星了,我们想请教您几个问题? 老人:说吧。 生:您今年高寿呀? 老人: 生:您这么大的年纪身体还这样好,这一定于您的孩子有关吧 老人: 生:您的孩子平时是怎么孝敬您的? 老人: 生:您的孩子都很孝顺,我真为您高兴。


大一上下学期学习计划 大一上下学期学习计划1 在大学一定要做的就是对自己四年后的一个职业发展的规划,不一定一步到位,你在大一时候看的角度,与大二肯定不一样,大二看的又与大三不一样,所以,你要做的是在大一通过对自己的分析与规划,写一个对自己毕业后的短期规划和长期规划,这个我认为是很有必要的,尤其是一定要在大一做!这样,你还有充分的时间去修正它,弥补里面的不足,如果你到了大四才开始做这些事情,我想稍微就晚了一些。今年的金融危机就是一个很好的例子,如果你是学>会计或者金融专业的,如果你在大学刚开始就对自己未来有一个长远的发展规划,我想在你的规划中一定有对于突发金融事件的预防与补救措施,因为学过>金融学知识的朋友都知道,市场规律不以人的意志为转移,很可能出现下滑,万一出现金融下滑,我应该如何面对?如果这些问题你在大一或者大二就已经想到了,我想对于你现在的求职一定会大有帮助! 第一阶段:大学生新生活适应阶段。 这时的大学生虽然在角色上已经是大学生,但是在其心理上属于高中后,大学前阶段,他们刚刚接受高考的洗礼,正在享受高考的胜利,很多学生踌躇满志,对大学生活充满了憧憬与幻想,几乎每个人都为自己确立了远大的目标,制

定了实现目标的宏伟计划。但是,这时的大学生对大学生活还不够完全了解,对大学的认知只是停留在道听途说上,学生本人对于自我和环境的探索不够。 该阶段生涯目标的特点是:生涯目标的确立多来自于成长经历及外界的影响,目标高远,但显得空洞。 该阶段的大学生的生涯规划任务是: 1、适应大学生活; 2、积极进行自我探索,分析高中时建立起来的职业生涯目标,发现问题并修正目标; 3、了解社会职业、职位设置; 4、制定切实可行的大学阶段成长计划; 5、参加校园文化活动和社会实践活动; 6、进行专业的心理咨询和职业咨询。 第二阶段:大学生自我探索阶段。这时的大学生在校园已经有了两个月的生活和学习经验,对大学生活有了一定的了解和理解,并且对自我有了一定的认识,制定了大学生涯规划。随着对所学专业的进一步了解及大学生活的深入,每一位学生的具体目标逐渐突现出来。 该阶段生涯目标的特点是:目标逐渐与所学专业结合。 该阶段大学生的生涯规划任务是: 1、进一步进行自我探索,发现自身的优势、劣势、兴趣、爱好、性格、能力,发现自己希望提高的地方;

高二英语下学期Unit19 lesson1精学笔记

高二英语下学期选修七Unit19 Lesson 1 精学笔记 班级:_____________ 姓名:_______________ 学队:__ ___ 【精学要求】 1、仔细听老师讲的每一个知识点,你才能像老师一样讲解。 2、详细记下每一个知识点,你才能领会到知识的精髓。 3、准确讲出每一个知识点,你才能在同学面前彰显你的聪明和智慧。 4、认真签下你的大名(在你检查过的笔记上),你就是学习精英的代言! 【精学要点】 Warm-up 1.必备单词 杂志文章sympathy dialogue strategy identify accent 正式的方法外国的 字典输入输出流利accuracy punctuation 大学讨论消息沟通 拍手轻拍亲吻脸颊折叠/交叉 胸部 互检互签:_______________ 2.必备短语 talk 谈论none clause mother 母语 words关键词 A to B 将A和B搭配be related 与…有关系 to属于language 肢体语言language 语言技能 用以上短语补充下列句子: They are language . 他们正在谈论语言技巧。 Chinese is used as our . The car me. 这辆车属于我。 Please use to show the meaning of the . 请用肢体语言来表示这些关键词的意思。. 互检互签:_______________ Lesson 1 Language Learning Paragraph 1: 1.必备单词 预测全球的证明情况十年 增长国际的公司前进/进步趋向 沟通外国的包括 互检互签:_______________ 2.必备短语 as as 早在be able sth有能力做某事 stand 突出get 取得成功/获得进步 用以上短语补充下列句子: 1)his childhood, people predicted that he will and in English learning. 早在他童年时期,人们就预测出他会在英语学习上学习突出并取得成功。 2)She speak one language. 她能够说不止一种语言。


综合实践活动教案一 活动主题:我们身边的塑料 一、活动背景:塑料从诞生到现在虽算不上历史悠久,但塑料制品却已遍布世界各个角落,成为我们日常生活中离不开的东西。塑料的发明极大地方便了人类的生活,但也给自然环境造成了很大污染。认识塑料,了解塑料不仅能使孩子们加强实践能力、拓展知识面,而且活动的过程中还能加强环保意识。因此设计了本次活动。 二、活动目标: 1、使同学们具有关注社会、关注自然的良好品质,加强同学们的环保意识。 2 、培养孩子们的实践能力和创新意识,拓展知识面。 3 、培养孩子们善于观察力、善于发现、善于思考的学习品质和参与活动的积极性、自信心。 三、活动过程:创设活动情境: 1、很高兴又和同学们一起进行综合实践活动,让我们一起关注生活,走进科学。教师说:在上周,我在上下班的路上留意到一种现象,其实这种现象平时也存在,只是这回格外的触动我,是什么呢?我们一起来看看。出示照片。 2、你们觉得在我们生活中这种现象多吗?哪来那么多塑料袋呢?你们有没有过这种现象呢?在我们泰州,生活中有很多陋习人们都已经习以为常了。什么叫陋习?不文明的、不合理的习惯。比如;(让学生说)随地吐痰、顺手扔垃圾等但很少有人觉得不正常,是不是?但往往正是因为人们不以为然、满不在乎才会导致严重的后果,你们说对吗? 3、现在我给同学们挖一个智力陷阱,看你会不会身陷其中?怎么样,敢不敢接招?请听题(音乐2下):白纸、白布废弃后是不是“白色污染”?(同学们说一说自己所了解的“白色污染”)目前,“白色污染”困扰着世界上许多个国家确确实实为我们人类出了一大难题,但是,这个难题被我攻克了。 我决定:向联合国卫生组织倡议一下:世界各国一律禁止生产塑料制品,你们看咋样? 4、学生一定会就塑料的好处发表看法。教师也可拿实物对同学们进行提示:吉他、跳绳等。 照片:百叶窗、电视、滑板车、钢琴、汽车方向盘等。 教师将准备好的教具贴在黑板上:吃、喝、穿、玩儿、乐器、装饰材料、交通工具、家用电器、家具、农业等。 教师说:看来,塑料在我们生活中真是无处不在。塑料在我们的生活中应用这么广,它是不是有什么特殊的本领呢?它的诞生给我们人类带来的到底是祸还是福呢?怎么样?想进一步了解塑料吗?先给我们这次活动起一个主题吧! 5、确立活动主题的名字 6、给同学们思考讨论的时间,明确自己最想探究的内容。教师下去指导,适当引导同学们拓展思路。 7、全班同学进行交流,提出问题。教师将其一一写在黑板上。指导同学们自己进行归纳整理。


大一下学期计划和目标 大一下学期计划和目标作为一名顺利度过大一上半学期的学生,我受益颇丰。回顾加入大连职业技术来的点点滴滴,历历在目。作为一名合格的学生,我将在接下来的文章中对这半个学期的学习、生活、思想、活动四个方面进行总结。学习方面,我克服了从中专到大专转变的种种不适。经过一学期的锻炼,我认识到了大专与中专在学习动机、学习动力以及学习习惯方面的重大区别, 并有了一点心得。 1.中专的学习动机十分简单,努力学习和复习,能顺利的上大专。 而大学,由于奋斗目标突然变得模糊,学习动机也变得模糊起来。学习的目的性偏弱,不知为何而学习,一门心思追求考试的通过。同时,由于中专的知识内容相对简单,知识点相对少,社会联系相对薄弱,知识理解要求程度相对较低,导致我们在中专阶段可以抛开一切只谋书本;相反,由于大学课程紧密,知识难度高,要求理解独力强,并且学习的效率与效果直接与未来个人的发展前途息息相关,因此,大学的学习压力大,学生的思想负担也相对较重。加之奋斗目标的模糊,使得学习动机不很明显。 这一点,是在大学学习中需要的别注意的。 2.学习动力方面,由于中专的终极目标是大专,学生所

面对的是多彩缤纷的大学生活,因此或多或少对未来都是乐观的。而大学生直接面对社会,社会竞争所产生的种种现象随着大学的逐步开放渐渐渗透到大学生活中,其中消极的一面尤其容易对大学生的心理健康造成危害。中专阶段由于学习目标以及前景的清晰,使得学生、家长和三方面都敢于投入资本进行运作,学生的学习动力也由三方面共同得来。如学生自己的大学憧憬,家长对学生鼓励以及奖励制度,对于优等生的种种特殊待遇等等,都有可能成为学生的学习动力;而大学,则变得截然不同:首先,方面的动力消失。不得不提到的是,由于的前途、专业的就业前景等都已列入大学生的考虑范围,学生对失去了中专阶段的绝对信赖,因此,方面的支持效果普遍下降。虽然有奖学金等制度的刺激,但追根到底,学生更关心的未来的发展前途,而不是完成的所谓各种“指标”;其次,是家长方面动力的削弱。由于大学生大多远离家乡,失去了来自父母方面的直接关心,心理上属于薄弱阶段。一方面,来自家庭的生活方面的支持突然消失,让许多习惯的中专衣食无忧的学生产生强烈的不适应感。学生不由自主将注意力分散到生活中,造成学习动力下降。另一方面,学生的独立支配感空前加强,使之对中专增经(部分)适用的学习方法产生盲目的怀疑,而急于找到一种独立于从前的大学学习方法。 这个因素因人而异,如果在寻找过程中产生焦躁情绪,

译林牛津高二英语下学期模块7unit2 reading 练习

译林牛津高二英语下学期模块7unit2单元练习 一、单词拼写 1.This building should be preserved because of its historical s_________. 2.Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem, we need to a_________ a different approach to it. 3.In a warm climate where flesh d_________ rapidly, there is more risk of infection from dead animals. 4.It will be the second time that Tokyo will host the Olympic Games after being the first Asian city to s_________ the event in 1964. 5.For years people thought the picture was a g_________Van Gogh, but in fact it's a fake. 6.She shouted for help but nobody came to her a_________. 7.All Wiki articles must be written from a n_________ point of view, representing views fairly and without bias. 8.I wish you'd give my decisions due respect – even if they c_________with your opinion. 9.In the event of difficulties, please do not h_________to contact our Customer Service. 10.Children, pregnant women, elderly people, malnourished people, and people who are ill are particularly v_________ when a disaster strikes. 二、选用适当的单词或短语补全句子


五年级综合实践课 一、观察蚂蚁 一、教学目标: 过程与方法: 1 会用文字等多种方法观察记录蚂蚁。 2能倾听其他同学的想法和建议,并与他人交换意见。 3 能对蚂蚁的形态和行为特征提出问题,并选择适合自己探究的问题。 知识与技能: 1知道蚂蚁的外形特征和行为习性。 情感、态度与价值观: 体验到探究蚂蚁秘密的乐趣。 愿意与他人合作并交流想法。 二、教学重点、难点: 会用文字等多种方法观察记录蚂蚁。 教学时间: 2课时 教学准备: 教师、学生准备:干净的瓶子、筷子、糖水、放大镜、肉、苹果、米饭、奶糖、植物的种子、死昆虫、喷水壶等。 教学过程: 一、指导捉蚂蚁。 1、准备几只干净的瓶子。 2、用筷子前端沾点糖水,靠近蚂蚁。 3、蚂蚁一上来,就把它甩进瓶子。 二、观察并描述蚂蚁的外形特征。 1、指导学生用放大镜观察蚂蚁。 2、学生分组自己观察。 3、指导学生把观察结果写在或画在活动记录上。 三、研究不同蚁穴中的蚂蚁的相处情况。 1、教师指导实验方法: ①把不同地方捉到的两只蚂蚁放在一起,观察它们的反映。 ②再多放几只试试,注意使数量不等。 2、学生分组研究。 3、学生分组汇报研究结果。(活动结束,告诉学生把蚂蚁放回到捉它的地方) 四、研究蚂蚁的食性。 1、教师指导实验方法: 把苹果、米饭、奶糖、死昆虫等多种物品放在一群蚂蚁的周围,观察什么食物吸引过去的蚂蚁最多。 2、各小组实验。 3、各小组汇报研究结果,教师把各组的结果汇总板书。 4、全班统计结果。分析蚂蚁吃什么。 五、研究下雨时蚂蚁的反应。 1、教师指导实验方法: 用喷水壶模拟下小雨。观察蚂蚁在下雨时的反应。 2、分组研究观察。


大一下学期学习计划 篇一:大一下学期学习计划 (一)很快的一个学期过了另一个学期又来了,很不幸的上学期挂了一科,所以从这个学期开始我学习目标要明确,实现目标也有保证。我要短时间内达到一个小目标。长时间达到一个大目标。在长短计划指导下,使学习一步步地由小目标走向大目标。 (二)恰当安排各项学习任务,使学习有秩序地进行,有了计划可以把自己的学习管理好。到一定时候对照计划检查总结一下自己的学习,看看有什么优点和缺点,优点发扬,缺点克服,使学习不断进步,这个学期马上就要考计算机证了,所以我们应该多练习题目,英语也要考级,所以单词也不能马虎,要多记,上课听讲,多做往年习题,提高自己各方面的成绩。 (三)对培养良好的学习习惯大有帮助。良好习惯养成以后,就能自然而然地按照一定的秩序去学习。有了计划,也有利于锻炼克服困难、不怕失败的精神,无论碰到什么困难挫折也要坚持完成计划,达到规定的学习目标。 (四)提高计划观念和计划能力,使自己成为能够有条理地安排学习,生活、工作的人。这种计划观念和计划能力,学生都应该学习和具备,这对一生都有好处。 (五)分析自己的学习特点,同学们可以仔细回顾一下自己的学习情况,找出学习特点。各人的学习特点不一样:有的记忆力强,学过知识不易忘记;有的理解力好,老师说一遍就能听懂;有的动作快但经常错;有的动作慢却很仔细。如在数学学习中有的理解力强、应用题学习好;有的善于进行口算,算得比较快,有的记忆力好,公式定义记得比较牢;有的想象力丰富,善于在图形变换中找出规律。所以几何学习比较好……你可以全面分析。 (六)分析自己的学习现状,一是和全班同学比,确定看自己在班级中成绩的位置,还常用”好、较好、中、较差、差”来评价。二是和自己数学成绩的过去情况比,看它的发展趋势,通常用”进步大、有进步、照常、有退步、退步大”来评价。 (七)确定学习目标学习目标是学生学习的努力方向,正确的学习目标能催人奋进,从而产生为实现这一目标去奋斗的力量。没有学习目标,就象漫步在街头不知走向何处的流浪汉一样,是对对学生来说,有计划学习要比无计划学习好得多 篇二:大一下学期学习计划 时光荏苒,又一新的学期来临了。鉴于上学期我未能取得什么成绩,这学期我得好好努力了。这学期我带了电脑来学校,也就是说,客观方面的学习条件已经具备了。有了自己的电脑,课堂上学到的知识能得到较好的巩固;有了电脑,我将会从网上学习到更多东西。我已经能预测到:这学期我的大学生活将会十分充实! 一、考试课、考查课的学习 这学期的考试课比上学期多,任务也加重了一点。我们现在学的知识偏文的多一些,对于我这


小学综合实践教案三年 第1课雪娃娃 教学目标; 1,了解家乡的自然景观——雾凇,感受雪文化的魅力 2,最初学习收集和处理某个主题的信息3.培养学生对自然和家乡的热爱 教学重点:学习如何围绕一个主题收集和处理信息教学难点:学会收集和处理信息教学时间:两个课时 第一课时 1,激情介绍: 畅谈:小朋友们,为了让大家享受冰雪世界的美丽和快乐,了解我们家乡的冰雪文化,让我们举办一个班级冰雪节,让我们赶快为班级冰雪节活动做好准备! 2,分组 将全班分成以下几组:冰雪节活动准备组 家乡雾凇奇观图片资料收集组家乡冰雪运动图片资料收集组冰雪故事组冰雪工具准备组3,活动设计 1 小组合作研究活动设计方案报告交换设计计划赞扬团队出色的设计。四、布置冰雪节主会场 5,宣布冰雪娃娃快乐冰雪节开幕1.快乐冰雪节活动时间表2,冰

雪节开幕式3,冰雪节风光游4,冰雪游乐场 2 二班 1,交流与分享 1。在活动设计和准备的过程中,你感觉如何?2.向每个人谈论你的感受第二,活动延续 1。在下面写下收集的关于雪的最喜欢的诗歌和谚语。诗歌:单词:谚语: 2,请用你的小画笔记录下我们班冰雪节最快乐的时刻或最精彩的场景。 3,想一想: 1,人类利用许多自然现象为我们造福,比如风能发电,让我们想想用雪能做什么? 2,让我们用我们的大脑和父母一起发明一种便携式除雪工具。调查除雪剂的环保效果好吗? 3,滑雪的乐趣只能在北方的冬天体验,你能想出一个好办法吗?让我们享受滑雪,即使是在夏天或在南方。 4。吉林雾凇简介 3 第2课OK 10分钟

教学目标: 1,了解课间休息的规则和顺序,积极参与设计健康有趣的课间休息游戏 2、培养创新能力和体验合作活动过程中的乐趣 教学重点:了解课间休息的规则和顺序,积极参与健康有趣的课间休息游戏的设计 教学时间:两节课 第一节课 第一节课,热情介绍 学生,十分钟的课间是一幅图画,等着你画出五彩缤纷的色彩;课间十分钟是另一个自由的世界,等待你去填满快乐的琐事。课间十分钟的休息甚至是音乐的高潮。旅途中有短暂的休息吗??让我们积极参与设计健康有趣的课间游戏。 2,调查活动1:小调查 我们将举行一次主题为“十分钟,我爱你”的班会。看,他们已经开始发送调查问卷了请仔细做 调查问卷 你喜欢在课间玩什么?除了玩游戏,你还做什么?你喜欢和多少人玩 4 你喜欢和异性朋友玩吗?游戏时间对你的课间活动有多长影响?在10分钟的课间休息中,哪些因素会影响你的情绪?


大一下学期个人的计划 上半学期就这样结束了,大学生活就是和以前不太一样,没有彻底的放松。这里充满了各式各样展现自己的舞台,很多事情,超乎想象,又在情理之中。 上大学了。抛开了繁杂的物理书、丢掉了难缠的化学课本,本以为我们可以我们无谓的疯、疯狂的玩、玩笑般的过,但事实好像是,我们没有玩好,当然更没学好了——学到的东西,少得可怜。青春无价,梦想却时刻在提醒自己,不能这样。可是,憋了几年的贪玩终于战胜了少得可怜的上进,总顺着自己的想法过每一天。日子,就这样的过,忙的时候忙的恨不得七手八脚,闲的时候抱着手机短信翻来覆去看着,就是不想看书。上课的时候要么干瞪眼要么睡觉。甚至连考前几天我都悠哉地过着自己的小日子。终于,成绩告诉了我,自己是如何大错特错了。生活方面过的挺滋润,但功课做得死翘翘。这怎会是我的本意呢。 对于学习失败的大一上学期,一开始,我不相信大学的学习是靠考前冲刺的说法,什么人品什么投机取巧都是鬼话,即使在大学,平时的认真努力才是王道。不过很遗憾,明白这一点的我还是没有管好自己,依然走了那条错误的路,甚至连考前抱佛脚的工夫都不愿意花足。现在想来原因有二:其一,观念有误。到了大学,我对自己的要求随着时间逐渐降低,那最初的理想逐渐被抛弃争高分已不再那么重要,我

错误地以为永远都有人比自己牛也永远都有人比自己差所以我要坦然一些,没想到坦然地过了,对自己的要求竟只是及格。所以在身边的同学为了绩点拼命的时候我还安然地玩这玩那,以为这就是我要的生活。其二,复习不到位。上了大学后,什么复习似乎都不重要。高数所学东西得不到及时的巩固。考前做十年考题的时候感觉知识点都已经很陌生了。这是让我很后悔的一件事。因此这学期我一定要做到及时复习,最好当天晚上就巩固知识,做课后题目。每周周末最好出去自习,及时总结复习本周所学知识。好的考试成绩不会从头而降,都是一点一点积累得到的。 当然还有许多需要继续改进的地方,比如要提高自制力,要充分利用时间,要多进图书馆多看书,要再少上点网,生活要再规律些。这都需要我平时在心里做好安排,合理规划自己的时间,做事不拖拉。关于计划呢,有每天的作息时间计划,有每周的计划,上学期的时候就已经发现这种计划是不能提前做好的,因为不像高中一样每天都只上那么七节课,然后除了上课就是吃饭,睡觉,晚自习,如果大学也像那样每天规定什么时间要干什么,每周规定星期几要做什么事的话,这个计划是不可能实施下去的,因为会有很多临时的事情,因为在大学里不仅仅只有学习这一件事,就比如你规定星期六下午要去图书馆的,结果这个星期六你们社团要搞一个活动,你又是主办者,图书馆去不成了吧,下个星期六又


小学综合实践活动课程《包饺子》教案 一、教学目标 (1)了解包饺子的相关知识,掌握包饺子的基本方法。 (2)引导学生自主探究各种造型饺子的包法,在活动过程中培养学生观察、思维、想象的能力和创造精神,感受劳动的乐趣。 (3)培养学生耐心细致、不怕困难的劳动态度和珍惜劳动成果爱惜粮食的优良品质。 二、教学重难 各种造型饺子的包法 三、课前准备: 学生以小组为单位,准备拌好的饺子馅和饧好的面团、面粉适量,擀面杖每个小组一个,盛放饺子的盘子每组两块,筷子或勺子每人一双(一个),面板每组一个,围裙每人一条、湿巾、盛饺子的塑料袋。 四、教学过程: (一)、揭示课题 1、多媒体出示课题图片:包饺子 同学们,看老师给大家带来的这些饺子怎么样?那你会包饺子吗? 2、介绍经验 谁能说一说你是怎样包饺子的?(邀请包过饺子的同学介绍经验)听了这几位同学的讲述,谁会包饺子了?

看来,光听同学说,就如同“站在岸边学不会游泳”一样,自然是学不会包饺子的。那我们应该怎么办?(让学生懂得得亲自动手做一做才行。) 3、做准备 那么,今天,老师就给大家提供了这样一个场地,你们愿意动手试一试吗?(调动学生的积极性)可是,要想干好一件事,必须得做好准备,包饺子也是同样如此。现在就请大家将包饺子前的准备工作做好。 (二)、包饺子 1、师生共同学习 老师今天给大家带来了一种包饺子的简单的方法,不过我知道有的同学会包饺子,那你看我我们的方法一样吗? (1)拿起饺子皮手弯成窝形放入适量馅, (2)对折成半圆,捏牢中间, (3)由两边向中间封口,用双手拇指和食指按住边。 2、学生自己在组内练习包 3、讨论交流在包的过程中出现的问题,应该如何解决? 4、师强调小结: (1)由于技术不熟练,放馅不能过多; (2)先捏中央,再捏两边,然后由中间向两边将饺子皮边缘挤一下,这样饺子下锅煮时就不会漏汤了。 5、学生再尝试。让每一个学生都能包出完整的饺子。 6、学生欣赏


编号:TQC/K123 大一下学期工作计划和工作总结完整版 According to the characteristics of different time periods, the specific implementation plan is put forward. At the same time, considering the cost, according to their own choice of appropriate way, in order to achieve low cost and achieve good results. 【适用制定规则/统一目标/规范行为/增强沟通等场景】 编写:________________________ 审核:________________________ 时间:________________________ 部门:________________________

大一下学期工作计划和工作总结完 整版 下载说明:本计划资料适合用于根据不同时间段的特点,推出各项具体执行方案。主要特点是细致、周密,操作性强和不乏灵活性,同时考虑费用支出事项,根据自身力量选择合适的方式,以实现较低费用取得良好效果。可直接应用日常文档制作,也可以根据实际需要对其进行修改。 大一下学期工作计划 不知不觉,大一上学期飞逝而过,马上就要迎来第二学期了,在大一上学期中,同学们渐渐熟悉起来,初来时的陌生感也渐渐消失,同学们的感情也在生活和学习中不断加深,在同学们的共同努力下,我们班取得了不错的成绩。这给我们第二学期的工作的开展开了个好头,为了带领我们班做得更好,我们继续为下学期的到来做好工作准备。


Lesson 1 Modern Heroes Teaching aims: To practise extensive reading in order to understand the main idea of each paragraph and guess the meaning of new words from the context. To use time linkers, especially adverbs and conjunctions To revise the use of Past Simple and Past Continuous To practise oral English Teaching difficulties: To use time linkers, especially adverbs and conjunctions To revise the use of Past Simple and Past Continuous Teaching Aids: computer and cassette Teaching procedures: Ⅰ. Warming up T: Who can explain hero’s meaning in English? Have a try. S: T: A person, especially a man, who is admired by many people for doing something brave or good. Now think about who is hero in your mind? S: possible ansewers (Wen tianxiang, Yue Fei, Lin Zexu, Song Zhongshan, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlain and so on) T: Yes. They are great heroes. They names have been recorded in history books. What character do you think heroes should have? S: T: brave, selfless, calm, honest, generous, intelligent, warm-hearted, romantic… Today we talk about Modern Heroes who do you think can be called modern heroes? S: T: teacher can show students some pictures. Finally picture is Yang Liwei. Have you heard of Yang Liwei? How do you feel about him? S: T: show a slide about information Yang Liwei (Born: June 21, 1965, Liao Ning


小学综合实践活动教案 安集中心小学彭涛 一、活动简介: 本节课围绕新年的“新”字,设计了成语大赛场、《新人新事》专栏、新年新目标、互赠贺卡等系列活动。 二、活动时间:一课时 三、活动地点:活动教室 四、活动目的: 1.通过活动掌握更多的成语,提高学生的说话、写话能力; 2.通过说新人道新事,了解时事政治,提高道德认识,指导道德实践。 五、活动准备: 1.布置活动教室,使之充满新年的喜气; 2.准备制作贺年卡的材料。 六、活动步骤: 引语:一提起过年,你的头脑里首先会想到哪个词儿呢?大概是个“新”字吧。新年、新岁、新目标、新希望,组成了“新”的交响曲。 (一)成语大赛场 我国人民历来喜欢“新”,在汉语里有不少与“新”有关的成语,请大家找一找,我们来一个成语大赛场,比一比谁搜集并理解得最多,我们授予他“成语小专家”的称号。 例:万象更新、日新月异、吐故纳新、面目一新、除旧布新、焕然一新、推陈出新、温故知新、记忆犹新、新陈代谢等。 (二)《新人新事》专栏 1.说说国内、国际的十大新闻; 2.说说本地的十件新事(或社会新风); 3.说说校内、班内的新人新事。

(三)新年新目标 1.三句半:“新希望”。 2.新年有新的起点,新年有新的憧憬。请大家来说说你的新年新打算。 (四)互赠贺卡 1.新年到来,你一定会与老师、同学互相祝贺,贺年卡是我国传统的贺年形式,在国际上也广泛流行。你想自己设计贺年卡吗?你想自己在贺年卡上题上几句最诚挚的贺词吗?现在就请大家自制贺年卡。 2.模拟新年的钟声敲响,大家互赠贺卡。 (五)课后延伸 1.搜集古今中外写新年的诗、文、对联、谜语等,相互探讨学习; 2.筛选本课内容在电脑上制作一张新年小报,并用邮件的形式发给同学或老师

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