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Traditional methods of living polymerization are based on ionic, coordina tion or group transfer mechanisms.


Ideally, the mechanism of living polymerization involves only initiation an d propagation steps. 理论上活性聚合的机理只包括引发和增长反应步骤。

All chains are initiated at the commencement of polymerization and pro pagation continues until all monomer is consumed.


A type of novel techniques for living polymerization, known as living (pos sibly use “controlled” or “mediated”) radical polymerization, is dev eloped recently.


The first demonstration of living radical polymerization and the current d efinition of the processes can be attributed to Szwarc.



Up to now, several living radical polymerization processes, including ato

m transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), reversible addition-fragmentati on chain transfer polymerization (RAFT), nitroxide-mediated polymerizati on (NMP), etc., have been reported one after another.


The mechanism of living radical polymerization is quite different not only from that of common radical polymerization but also from that of traditi onal living polymerization.


It relies on the introduction of a reagent that undergoes reversible termi nation with the propagating radicals thereby converting them to a follow ing dormant form:活性自由基聚合依赖于向体系中引入一种可以和增长自由基进行可逆终止的试剂,形成休眠种:

The specificity in the reversible initiation-termination step is of critical im

portance in achieving living characteristics.


This enables the active species concentration to be controlled and thus al lows such a condition to be chosen that all chains are able to grow at a si milar rate (if not simultaneously) throughout the polymrization.


This has, in turn, enabled the synthesis of polymers with controlled comp osition, architecture and molecular weight distribution.


They also provide routes to narrow dispersity end-functional polymers, t o high purity block copolymers, and to stars and other more complex arc hitecture. 这些还可以提供获得狭窄分布末端功能化聚合物,高纯嵌段共聚物,星型及更复杂结构高分子的合成方法。

The first step towards living radical polymerization was taken by Ostu an d his colleagues in 1982. 活性自由基聚合是Ostu和他的同事于1982年


In 1985, this was taken one step further with the development by Solom on et al. of nitroxide-mediated polymerization (NMP).


This work was first reported in the patent literature and in conference p apers but was not widely recognized until 1993 when Georges et al. appli ed the method in the synthesis of narrow polydispersity polystyrene.


The scope of NMP has been greatly expended and new, more versatile, methods have appeared. NMP的领域已经得到很大的延展,出现了新的更多样化的方法。

The most notable methods are atom transfer radical polymerization (ATR P) and polymerization with reversible addition fragmentation (RAFT).


Up to 2000, this area already accounted for one third of all papers in the field of radical polymerization, as shown in Fig.5.1.


Naturally, the rapid growth of the number of the papers in the field sinc e 1995 ought to be almost totally attributable to development in this are a. 、


The molecular weight of a polymer is of prime importance in its synthesi s and application.

Prime, 最初的,基本的,首要的,首位的,最好的,第一流的


The interesting and useful mechanical properties which are uniquely ass ociated with polymeric materials are a consequence of their high molecu lar weight.



Most important mechanical properties depend on and vary considerably with molecular weight. 最重要的力学性能取决于分子量,而且随着分子量变化而发生很大的变化。

Thus, strength of polymer does not begin to develop until a minimum m olecular weight of about 5000~ 10 000 is achieved.

因此,直到最小分于量增大到大约 5 000~10 000 以后, 聚合物的强度才开始显示出来.

Above that size, there is a rapid increase in the mechanical performance of polymers as their molecular weight increases; the effect levels off at st ill higher molecular weights.

Level off…达到平衡,变平缓,趋缓


In most instances, there is some molecular weight range in which a given polymer property will be optimum for a particular application.

In most instances, 在大多数情况下 Optimum,最适条件,最适度,最适合的



The control of molecular weight is essential for the practical application of a polymerization process.

Be essential for…, 对……是必需的


When one speaks of the molecular weight of a polymer, one means som ething quite different from that which applies to small-sized compounds. Speak of…,谈到……..


Polymers differ from the small-sized compounds in that they are polydisp erse or heterogeneous in molecular weight.

Differ from…,与……..不同,或不一致。 Polydisperse, 多分散性的 Heterogeneous,不均匀的,非均相的,


Even if a polymer is synthesized free from contaminants and impurities, i

t is still not a pure substance in the usually accepted sense.

Free from…,没有……,无…….. Contaminant,污物 Impurity, 杂质 In the usually accepted sense…,在能被人们广泛接受的意义上


Polymers, in their purest form, are mixture of molecules of different mol ecular weights. 最纯净的聚合物是具有不同分子量的分子的混合物。

The reason for the polydispersity of polymers lies in the statistical variati ons present in the polymerization processes.

Lie in…,在于……. Statistical, 统计的?ri’eiS?n],n,变化,改变


When one discusses the molecular weight of a polymer, one is actually in volved with its average molecular weight.


Both the average molecular weight and the exact distribution of different molecular weights within a polymer are required in order to fully charac terize it. In order to, 为了……


The control of molecular weight and molecular weight distribution (MW D) is often used to obtain and improve certain desired physical propertie s in a polymer product. 为了获得和改善聚合物产品的某些理想的物理性质,我们经常需要控制分子量和分子量分布。

Various methods are available for the experimental measurement of the average molecular weight of a polymer sample.


These include methods based on colligative properties, light scattering, v iscosity, ultracentrifugation, and sedimentation.

Colligative property, 依数性; Light scattering, 光散射 Viscosity,粘度法 Ultracentrifugation, 超速离心分离 Sedimentation,沉降法


The various methods do not yield the same average molecular weight. 不同的方法得到不同的平均分子量。

Different average molecular weights are obtained because the properties being measured are biased different toward the different sized polymer

molecules in a polymer sample.

biase *‘bai?s],斜线,倾向性,偏向 Be biased toward….,有….偏向,偏于…


Some methods are biased toward the larger sized polymer molecules, w hile other methods are biased toward the smaller sized molecules.


The result is that the average molecular weights obtained are correspond ingly biased toward the larger or smaller sized molecules.


The most important average molecular weights which are determined ar e the number-average molecular weight Mn, the weight-average molecul ar weight Mw and the viscosity-average molecular weight Mv.。

被测定的最重要平均分子量有数均分子量Mn, 重均分子量Mw,和粘均分子量Mv.

In addition to the different average molecular weights of a polymer samp

le, it is frequently desirable and necessary to know the exact distribution of molecular weights. 除聚合物样品的不同的平均分子量外,经常需要知道确切的分子量分布。

A variety of different fractionation methods are used to determine the m olecular weight distribution of a polymer sample.

A variety of…,各种各样的 Fractionation[fr?kS?’neiS?n],分级


These are based on fractionation of a polymer sample using properties, s uch as solubility and permeability, which vary with molecular weight.


Dissolving a polymer is a slow process that occurs in two stages. 溶解高分子需要一个缓慢的过程,这个过程分两步发生。

First, solvent molecules slowly diffuse into the polymer to produce a swo llen gel. Diffuse,vt,扩散。Diffusion,n,扩散


This may be all that happens if,for example,the polymer-polymer intermolecular forces are high because of crosslinki ng,crystallinity·or strong hydrogen bonding.

例如, 如果因交联,结晶和很强的氢键而形成很大的分子间力,(聚合物的溶解过程)有可能就只停留在这一阶段。

But if these forces can be overcome by the introduction of strong polym er-solvent interactions, the second stage of solution can take place. 但是如果这些力被强的高分子-溶剂之间相互作用克服,溶解的第二阶段就会发生。

Here the gel gradually disintegrates into a true solution. Disintegrate,分解,崩解,分裂,蜕变;disintegrable,能(在水中)崩解的即,凝胶逐渐变成一个真正的溶液。

Only this stage can be materially speeded by agitation.


Agitator,stirrer,都是搅拌器,stirrer更强调具有反应的搅拌器。 Speed, vt, 促进; materially, ad,物质上,实质上,大大地,相当地


Even so, the solution process can be quite slow (days or weeks) for mater ials of very high molecular weight. Even so,虽然如此


Solubility relations in polymer systems are more complex than those am ong low molecular-weight compounds, because of the size differences b etween polymer and solvent molecules, the viscosity of the system, and t he effects of the texture and molecular weight of the polymer.


In turn,the presence or absence of solubility as conditions(such as the nature of the solvent,or the temperature)are varied can give much information about the poly mer.


As specified in the literaturethe arrangements of the polymer chain diffe ring by reason of rotations about single bands are termed conformations .

Specify, 定义,literature,文献,by reason of…由于….的原因 Be termed …被定义为….,叫做……..arrangement,排布,排列 Conformation,构象正如在文献中所定义的那样,由于围绕着单键的旋转而导致的聚合物链不同的空间排布叫做构象。

In solution, a polymer molecule is a randomly coiling mass most of whos e conformations occupy[‘okjupai+ many times the volume of its segme nts alone.

Segment, 链段,randomly,无规则的,coiling,线团状的,mass,物质,质点


The average density of segments within a dissolved polymer molecule is of 10-4~10-5g/cm3. 溶解聚合物分子里的平均链段密度是10-4~10-5g/cm3

The size of the molecular coil is very much influenced by the polymer-sol vent interaction forces. 聚合物-溶剂之间的作用力对分子线团尺寸有


In a thermodynamically “good” solvent, where polymer-solvent conta cts are highly favored, the coils are relatively extended. 在热力学上的好溶剂中,聚合物-溶剂作用较强,线团是相对伸展的。

In a “poor” solvent they are relatively contracted. Contracted,收缩的,缩小的,缩短的,已订婚的而在不良溶剂中,线团则是相对收缩的。

It is the purpose to describe the conformational properties of both ideal and real polymer chains. 使用上述方法的目的是描述理想的和真实的聚合物链构象。

The importance of the random-coil nature of the dissolved, molten, amo rphous, and glassy states of high polymers cannot be overemphasized. Overemphasize, [ouv?’emf?saiz],过分强调


Many important physical as well as thermodynamic properties of high po lymers result from this characteristic structural feature. 高分子的许多重要的物理及热力学性质都是这个结构特征引起的。

The random coil(Fig. 7. 1) arises from the relative freedom of rotation ass ociated with the chain bonds of most polymers and the formidably large number of conformations accessible to the molecule.

Arise from 由于…….而产生,而造成,起因于……. Associate with….联合…..,与……发生联系

Formidably, 可怕地,难对付地,难克服地 Accessible to...为……..所能达到的……. 无规线团(图7. 1)一方面是由于聚合物链上的键自由旋转而产生的,另一方面是由于(聚合物)分子 (链)可达到巨大的构象数而产生的。Fig. Tab.

One of these conformations, the fully extended chain has special interest because its length, the contour length of the chain, can be calculated in a straightforward way.

Contour,外形,轮廓,contour length ,伸直长度,


unit1 1.Not all polymers are built up from bonding together a single kind of repeating unit. At the other extreme ,protein molecules are polyamides in which n amino acide repeat units are bonded together. Although we might still call n the degree of polymerization in this case, it is less usefull,since an amino acid unit might be any one of some 20-odd molecules that are found in proteins. In this case the molecular weight itself,rather than the degree of the polymerization ,is generally used to describe the molecule. When the actual content of individual amino acids is known,it is their sequence that is of special interest to biochemists and molecular biologists.并不是所有的聚合物都是由一个重复单元链接在一起而形成的。在另一个极端的情形中,蛋白质分子是由n个氨基酸重复单元链接在一起形成的聚酰胺。尽管在这个例子中,我们也许仍然把n称为聚合度,但是没有意义,因为一个氨基酸单元也许是在蛋白质中找到的20多个分子中的任意一个。在这种情况下,一般是分子量本身而不是聚合度被用来描述这个分子。当知道了特定的氨基酸分子的实际含量,它们的序列正是生物化学家和分子生物学家特别感兴趣的地方。 1,题目:Another striking ...答案:.that quantity low saturation bottom much absorb 2. 乙烯分子带有一个双键,为一种烯烃,它可以通过连锁聚合大量地制造聚乙烯,目前,聚乙烯已经广泛应用于许多技术领域和人们的日常生活中,成为一种不可缺少的材料。 Ethylene molecule with a double bond, as a kind of olefins, it can make chain polymerization polyethylene, at present, polyethylene has been widely used in many fields of technology and People's Daily life, become a kind of indispensable materials. Unit3 1 The polymerization rate may be experimentally followed by measuring the changes in any of several properties of the system such as density,refractive index,viscosity, or light absorption. Density measurements are among the most accurate and sensitive of the techniques. The density increases by 20-25 percent on polymerization for many monomers. In actual practice the volume of the polymerizing system is measured by carrying out the reaction in a dilatometer. This is specially constructed vessel with a capillary tube which allows a highly accurate measurement of small volume changes. It is not uncommon to be able to detect a few hundredths of a percent polymerization by the dilatometer technique. 聚合速率在实验上可以通过测定体系的任一性质的变化而确定,如密度、折射率、黏度、或者吸光性能。密度的测量是这些技术中最准确最敏感的。对许多单体的聚合来说,密度增加了20%-25%。在实际操作中,聚合体系的体积是通过在膨胀计中进行反应测定的。它被专门设计构造了毛细导管,在里面可以对微小体积变化进行高精确度测量。通过膨胀计技术探测聚合过程中万分之几的变化是很常见的。 Unti4 2 合成聚合物在各个领域中起着与日俱增的重要作用,聚合物通常是由单体通过加成聚合与缩合聚合制成的。就世界上的消耗量而论,聚烯烃和乙烯基聚合物居领先地位,聚乙烯、聚丙烯等属聚烯烃,而聚氯乙烯、聚苯乙烯等则为乙烯基聚合物。聚合物可广泛地用作塑料、橡胶、纤维、涂料、粘合剂等The synthetic polymers play an increasingly important role on a range of domains, which are synthesized by monomers through addition polymerization or condensation polymerization. Polyolefin and vinyl polymer have taken the lead in terms of the world consumption. PE, PP, etc. belong to the polyolefin, while PS, PVC etc. belong to the vinyl polymer. Polymers can be widely applied in plastics, rubbers, fibers, coatings, glues and so on. Unit7 Ring-opening polymerizations proceed only by ionic mechanisms, the polymerization of cyclic ethers mainly by cationic mechanisms, and the polymerization of lactones and lactones by either a cationic or anionic mechanism. Important initiators for cyclic ethers and lactone polymerization are those derived from aluminum alkyl and zinc alkyl/water systems. It should be pointed out that substitution near the reactive group of the monomer is essential for the individual mechanism that operates effectively in specific cases; for


常用高分子聚合物名称缩写 PA 聚酰胺(尼龙) PA-1010 聚癸二酸癸二胺(尼龙1010) PA-11 聚十一酰胺(尼龙11) PA-12 聚十二酰胺(尼龙12) PA-6 聚己内酰胺(尼龙6) PA-610 聚癸二酰乙二胺(尼龙610) PA-612 聚十二烷二酰乙二胺(尼龙612) PA-66 聚己二酸己二胺(尼龙66) PA-8 聚辛酰胺(尼龙8) PA-9 聚9-氨基壬酸(尼龙9) PAA 聚丙烯酸 PAAS 水质稳定剂 PABM 聚氨基双马来酰亚胺 PAC 聚氯化铝 PAEK 聚芳基醚酮 PAI 聚酰胺-酰亚胺 PAM 聚丙烯酰胺 PAMBA 抗血纤溶芳酸 PAMS 聚α-甲基苯乙烯 PAN 聚丙烯腈 PAP 对氨基苯酚 PAPA 聚壬二酐 PAPI 多亚甲基多苯基异氰酸酯 PAR 聚芳酰胺 PAR 聚芳酯(双酚A型) PAS 聚芳砜(聚芳基硫醚) PB 聚丁二烯-〔1,3〕 PBAN 聚(丁二烯-丙烯腈) PBI 聚苯并咪唑 PBMA 聚甲基丙烯酸正丁酯 PBN 聚萘二酸丁醇酯 PBR 丙烯-丁二烯橡胶 PBS 聚(丁二烯-苯乙烯) PBS 聚(丁二烯-苯乙烯) PBT 聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯 PC 聚碳酸酯 PC/ABS 聚碳酸酯/ABS树脂共混合金 PC/PBT 聚碳酸酯/聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯弹性体共混合金PCD 聚羰二酰亚胺 PCDT 聚(1,4-环己烯二亚甲基对苯二甲酸酯) PCE 四氯乙烯PCMX 对氯间二甲酚 PCT 聚对苯二甲酸环己烷对二甲醇酯PCT 聚己内酰胺 PCTEE 聚三氟氯乙烯 PD 二羟基聚醚 PDAIP 聚间苯二甲酸二烯丙酯 PDAP 聚对苯二甲酸二烯丙酯 PDMS 聚二甲基硅氧烷 PE 聚乙烯 PEA 聚丙烯酸酯 PEAM 苯乙烯型聚乙烯均相离子交换膜PEC 氯化聚乙烯 PECM 苯乙烯型聚乙烯均相阳离子交换膜PEE 聚醚酯纤维 PEEK 聚醚醚酮 PEG 聚乙二醇 PEHA 五乙撑六胺 PEN 聚萘二酸乙二醇酯 PEO 聚环氧乙烷 PEOK 聚氧化乙烯 PEP 对-乙基苯酚聚全氟乙丙烯薄膜 PES 聚苯醚砜 PET 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯 PETE 涤纶长丝 PETP 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 PF 酚醛树脂 PF/PA 尼龙改性酚醛压塑粉 PF/PVC 聚氯乙烯改性酚醛压塑粉 PFA 全氟烷氧基树脂 PFG 聚乙二醇 PFS 聚合硫酸铁 PG 丙二醇 PGEEA 乙二醇(甲)乙醚醋酸酯 PGL 环氧灌封料 PH 六羟基聚醚 PHEMA 聚(甲基丙烯酸-2-羟乙酯) PHP 水解聚丙烯酸胺 PI 聚异戊二稀 PIB 聚异丁烯 PIBO 聚氧化异丁烯 PIC 聚异三聚氰酸酯 PIEE 聚四氟乙烯


高分子材料工程专业英语第二版(曹同玉) 课后单词

专业英语 accordion 手风琴 activation 活化(作用) addition polymer 加成聚合物,加聚物 aggravate 加重,恶化 agitation 搅拌 agrochemical 农药,化肥 Alfin catalyst 醇(碱金属)烯催化剂align 排列成行 aliphatic 脂肪(族)的 alkali metal 碱金属 allyl 烯丙基 aluminum alkyl 烷基铝 amidation 酰胺化(作用) amino 氨基,氨基的amorphous 无定型的,非晶体的anionic 阴(负)离子的antioxidant 抗氧剂 antistatic agent 抗静电剂 aromatic 芳香(族)的arrangement (空间)排布,排列atactic 无规立构的 attraction 引力,吸引 backbone 主链,骨干 behavior 性能,行为 biological 生物(学)的 biomedical 生物医学的 bond dissociation energy 键断裂能boundary 界限,范围 brittle 脆的,易碎的 butadiene 丁二烯 butyllithium 丁基锂 calendering 压延成型 calendering 压延 carboxyl 羧基 carrier 载体 catalyst 催化剂,触媒categorization 分类(法) category 种类,类型 cation 正[阳]离子 cationic 阳(正)离子的centrifuge 离心 chain reaction 连锁反应 chain termination 链终止 char 炭 characterize 表征成为…的特征 chilled water 冷冻水 chlorine 氯(气) coating 涂覆 cocatalyst 助催化剂 coil 线团 coiling 线团状的 colligative 依数性 colloid 胶体 commence 开始,着手 common salt 食盐 complex 络合物 compliance 柔量 condensation polymer 缩合聚合物,缩聚物 conductive material 导电材料conformation 构象 consistency 稠度,粘稠度contaminant 污物 contour 外形,轮廓 controlled release 控制释放controversy 争论,争议 conversion 转化率 conversion 转化 copolymer 共聚物copolymerization 共聚(合)corrosion inhibitor 缓释剂countercurrent 逆流 crosslinking 交联 crystal 基体,结晶 crystalline 晶体,晶态,结晶的,晶态的 crystalline 结晶的 crystallinity 结晶性,结晶度crystallite 微晶 decomposition 分解 defect 缺陷 deformability 变形性,变形能力deformation 形变 deformation 变形 degree of polymerization 聚合度dehydrogenate 使脱氢 density 密度 depolymerization 解聚deposit 堆积物,沉积depropagation 降解 dewater 脱水 diacid 二(元)酸 diamine 二(元)胺 dibasic 二元的 dieforming 口模成型 diffraction 衍射 diffuse 扩散 dimension 尺寸 dimensional stability 尺寸稳定性dimer 二聚物(体) diol 二(元)醇diolefin 二烯烃 disintegrate 分解,分散,分离 dislocation 错位,位错 dispersant 分散剂 dissociate 离解 dissolution 溶解 dissolve 使…溶解 distort 使…变形,扭曲 double bond 双键 dough (生)面团,揉好的面 drug 药品,药物 elastic modulus 弹性模量 elastomer 弹性体 eliminate 消除,打开,除去 elongation 伸长率,延伸率 entanglement 缠结,纠缠 entropy 熵 equilibrium 平衡 esterification 酯化(作用) evacuate 撤出 extrusion 注射成型 extrusion 挤出 fiber 纤维 flame retardant 阻燃剂 flexible 柔软的 flocculating agent 絮凝剂 folded-chain lamella theory 折叠链片晶 理论 formulation 配方 fractionation 分级 fragment 碎屑,碎片 fringed-micelle theory 缨状微束理 论 functional group 官能团 functional polymer 功能聚合物 functionalized polymer 功能聚合物 gel 凝胶 glass transition temperature 玻璃化温度 glassy 玻璃(态)的 glassy 玻璃态的 glassy state 玻璃态 globule 小球,液滴,颗粒 growing chain 生长链,活性链 gyration 旋转,回旋 hardness 硬度 heat transfer 热传递 heterogeneous 不均匀的,非均匀的 hydocy acid 羧基酸 hydrogen 氢(气) hydrogen bonding 氢键 hydrostatic 流体静力学 hydroxyl 烃基 hypothetical 假定的,理想的,有前提的 ideal 理想的,概念的 imagine 想象,推测 imbed 嵌入,埋入,包埋 imperfect 不完全的 improve 增进,改善 impurity 杂质 indispensable 不了或缺的 infrared spectroscopy 红外光谱法 ingredient 成分 initiation (链)引发 initiator 引发剂 inorganic polymer 无机聚合物 interaction 相互作用 interchain 链间的 interlink 把…相互连接起来连接 intermittent 间歇式的 intermolecular (作用于)分子间的 intrinsic 固有的 ion 离子 ion exchange resin 离子交换树 脂 ionic 离子的 ionic polymerization 离子型聚合 irradiation 照射,辐射 irregularity 不规则性,不均匀的 isobutylene 异丁烯 isocyanate 异氰酸酯 isopropylate 异丙醇金属,异丙氧化金属 isotactic 等规立构的 isotropic 各项同性的 kinetic chain length 动力学链长 kinetics 动力学 latent 潜在的 light scattering 光散射 line 衬里,贴面 liquid crystal 液晶 macromelecule 大分子,高分子 matrix 基体,母体,基质,矩阵 mean-aquare end-to-end distance 均方末端距 mechanical property 力学性能, 机械性能 mechanism 机理 medium 介质中等的,中间的 minimise 最小化 minimum 最小值,最小的 mo(u)lding 模型 mobility 流动性 mobilize 运动,流动 model 模型 modify 改性 molecular weight 分子量 molecular weight distribution 分子量分布 molten 熔化的 monofunctional 单官能度的 monomer 单体 morphology 形态(学) moulding 模塑成型 neutral 中性的 nonelastic 非弹性的 nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振 nuclear track detector 核径迹探测 器 number average molecular weight 数均分子量 occluded 夹杂(带)的 olefinic 烯烃的 optimum 最佳的,最佳值[点,状态] orient 定向,取向 orientation 定向 oxonium 氧鎓羊 packing 堆砌 parameter 参数 parison 型柸 pattern 花纹,图样式样 peculiarity 特性 pendant group 侧基 performance 性能,特征 permeability 渗透性 pharmaceutical 药品,药物,药物的,医药 的 phenyl sodium 苯基钠 phenyllithium 苯基锂 phosgene 光气,碳酰氯 photosensitizer 光敏剂 plastics 塑料 platelet 片晶 polyamide 聚酰胺 polybutene 聚丁烯 polycondensation 缩(合)聚 (合) polydisperse 多分散的 polydispersity 多分散性 polyesterification 聚酯化(作 用) polyethylene 聚乙烯 polyfunctional 多官能度的 polymer 聚合物【体】,高聚物 polymeric 聚合(物)的 polypropylene 聚苯烯 polystyrene 聚苯乙烯 polyvinyl alcohol 聚乙烯醇 polyvinylchloride 聚氯乙烯 porosity 多孔性,孔隙率 positive 正的,阳(性)的 powdery 粉状的 processing 加工,成型 purity 纯度 pyrolysis 热解 radical 自由基 radical polymerization 自由基聚合 radius 半径 random coil 无规线团 random decomposition 无规降解 reactent 反应物,试剂 reactive 反应性的,活性的 reactivity 反应性,活性 reactivity ratio 竞聚率 real 真是的 release 解除,松开 repeating unit 重复单元 retract 收缩 rubber 橡胶 rubbery 橡胶态的 rupture 断裂 saturation 饱和 scalp 筛子,筛分 seal 密封 secondary shaping operation 二次成型 sedimentation 沉降(法) segment 链段 segment 链段 semicrystalline 半晶 settle 沉淀,澄清 shaping 成型 side reaction 副作用 simultaneously 同时,同步 single bond 单键 slastic parameter 弹性指数 slurry 淤浆 solar energy 太阳能 solubility 溶解度 solvent 溶剂 spacer group 隔离基团 sprinkle 喷洒 squeeze 挤压 srereoregularity 立构规整性【度】 stability 稳定性 stabilizer 稳定剂 statistical 统计的 step-growth polymerization 逐步聚合 stereoregular 有规立构的,立构规整性的 stoichiometric 当量的,化学计算量的 strength 强度 stretch 拉直,拉长 stripping tower 脱单塔 subdivide 细分区分 substitution 取代,代替 surfactant 表面活性剂 swell 溶胀 swollen 溶胀的 synthesis 合成 synthesize 合成 synthetic 合成的 tacky (表面)发粘的 ,粘连性 tanker 油轮,槽车 tensile strength 抗张强度 terminate (链)终止 tertiary 三元的,叔(特)的 tetrahydrofuran 四氢呋喃 texture 结构,组织 thermoforming 热成型 thermondynamically 热力学地 thermoplastic 热塑性的 thermoset 热固性的 three-dimensionally ordered 三维有序的 titanium tetrachloride 四氯化钛 titanium trichloride 三氯化铁 torsion 转矩 transfer (链)转移,(热)传递 triethyloxonium-borofluoride 三乙基硼氟 酸羊 trimer 三聚物(体) triphenylenthyl potassium 三苯甲基钾 ultracentrifugation 超速离心 (分离) ultrasonic 超声波 uncross-linked 非交联的 uniaxial 单轴的 unsaturated 不饱和的 unzippering 开链 urethane 氨基甲酸酯 variation 变化,改变 vinyl 乙烯基(的) vinyl chloride 氯乙烯 vinyl ether 乙烯基醚 viscoelastic 黏弹性的 viscoelastic state 黏弹态 viscofluid state 黏流态 viscosity 黏度 viscosity average molecular weight 黏均分子量 viscous 粘稠的 vulcanization 硫化 weight average molecular weight 重均分子量 X-ray x射线 x光 yield 产率 Young's modulus 杨氏模量


高分子量高纯度阳离子聚丙烯酰胺的合成 Synthesis of a cationic polyacrylamide with high molecular weight and high purity 背景:阳离子聚丙烯酰胺絮凝剂作为有机高分子絮凝剂已被广泛应 用于污泥脱水工业废水及市政污水的处理。目前,阳离子聚丙烯酰 胺系列产品絮凝剂在美国日本欧洲各国的用量已占有机絮凝剂总量 的75%~80%。近年来,国对阳离子聚丙烯酰胺系列絮凝剂的市场 需求在不断增加,但在应用方面,大多局限于污水及污泥处理,用 于饮用水源处理的研究较少; 在使用过程中,存在价格昂贵缺乏成品的质检和有效的卫生监控等问题,使得絮凝剂的卫生安全存在较大 隐患。 在一些情况下和一定围,阳离子聚丙烯酰胺的分子量越大,处 理效果越好阳离子聚丙烯酰胺对原水处理中部分常规处理工艺难以 去除的有机污染物有较好的去除效果,但由于聚丙烯酰胺产物中存 在未聚合的丙烯酰胺单体,丙烯酰胺是一种水溶性具有神经毒性和 遗传毒性的致癌物,极大的限制了其在原水处理中的应用目前,国 对聚丙烯酰胺的研究大多仅停留在如何提高聚合物的相对分子质量,对如何降低聚合物中残留单体含量的研究较少因此,为了满足国市 场对高纯度高分子量絮凝剂的需求研究降低阳离子聚丙烯酰胺中残 留丙烯酰胺含量同时又保证合成高分子量的聚合物合成适用于饮用 水源水处理的有机高分子絮凝剂具有重要的意义。 1.1高分子量聚丙烯酰胺的定义 聚丙烯酰胺(Polyacrylamide ,PAM)是丙烯酰胺及其衍生的 均聚物和共聚物的统称。聚丙烯酰胺的分子量有低、中、高和超高 之分,一般来说,100万以下为低分子量、100 万-1000 万为中低分 子量、1000 万以上高分子量。所以高分子量聚丙烯酰胺是分子量在1000万以上有机高分子聚合物。 1.2高分子量聚丙烯酰胺的分子结构 高分子量聚丙烯酰胺的分子结构为:


加工processing 反应性加工reactive processing 等离子体加工plasma processing 加工性processability 熔体流动指数melt [flow] index 门尼粘度Mooney index 塑化plasticizing 增塑作用plasticization 内增塑作用internal plasticization 外增塑作用external plasticization 增塑溶胶plastisol 增强reinforcing 增容作用compatibilization 相容性compatibility 相溶性intermiscibility 生物相容性biocompatibility 血液相容性blood compatibility 组织相容性tissue compatibility 混炼milling,mixing 素炼mastication 塑炼plastication 过炼dead milled 橡胶配合rubber compounding 共混blend 捏和kneading 冷轧cold rolling 压延性calenderability 压延calendering 埋置embedding 压片preforming 模塑molding 模压成型compression molding 压缩成型compression forming 冲压模塑impact moulding,shock moulding 叠模压塑stack moulding 复合成型composite molding 注射成型injection molding 注塑压缩成型injection compression molding 射流注塑jet molding 无流道冷料注塑runnerless injection molding 共注塑coinjection molding 气辅注塑gas aided injection molding 注塑焊接injection welding 传递成型transfer molding


1.解释重复单元,结构单元,单体单元,单体含义 单体:能够进行聚合反应,并构成高分子基本结构组成单元的小分子化合物 重复单元:重复组成高分子分子结构的最小的结构单元。 结构单元:构成高分子主链结构组成的单个原子或原子团。 单体单元:高分子分子结构中由单个单体分子衍生而来的 最大的结构单元 2 聚合度:单个聚合物分子中所含单体单元的数目。以重复单元数为基准,即聚合物大分子链上所含重复单元数目的平均值,以D P 表示;以结构单元数为基准,即聚合物大分子链上所含结构单元数目的平均值,以X n 表示 3 阻聚常数即阻聚剂的链转移常数,C s =K t r /K p 4.半衰期:指引发剂分解至起始浓度一半所需时间 5.凝胶点:开始出现凝胶瞬间的临界反应程度 6.凝胶现象:在交联逐步聚合反应过程中,随着聚合反应的进行,体系粘度突然增大,失去流动性,反应及搅拌所产生的气泡无法从体系中逸出,可看到凝胶或不溶性聚合物明显生成的实验现象 7.自动加速效应竞聚率:随着聚合反应的进行,单体转化率(c %)逐步提高,【I 】【M 】逐渐下降,聚合反应速率R p 理应下降,但在许多聚合体系中,R p 不但不下降,反而显著升高,这种现象是没有任何外界因素影响,在反应过程中自动发生的,因而称为自动加速现象;是指聚合反应中期,反应速率自动增加的现象。 8.竞聚率:同一种自由基均聚和共聚链增长速率常数之比,r 1=k 11/k 12 r 2=k 22/k 21 9.乳液聚合:单体在水中分散成乳液状态的聚合。体系有单体、水、水溶性引发剂、水溶性乳化剂组成。 10.引发剂:通常是一些可在聚合温度下具有适当的分解速率,生成自由基,并能引发单体聚合的化合物。 11.胶束:表面活性剂在溶液中的浓度达到某一临界值,如果浓度继续增加,表面活性剂分子中的长链亲油基团通过分子间吸引力相互缔合,自身相互抱成团,而亲水基团则伸向水中,与水分子结合形成聚集体,即胶束。 12.配位聚合:是指采用金属有机化合物与过渡金属化合物的络合体系作为引发剂的聚合反应。 13.交联:是使线型聚合物转化成为具有三维空间网状结构、不溶不熔的聚合物过程。 14.逐步聚合 :通常是由单体所带的两种不同的官能团之间发生化学反应而进行的。 15.时温等效原理 16.缩聚反应:带有两个或者两个以上官能团的单体之间连续、重复进行的缩合反应,称为缩合聚合反应,即缩聚反应。 17.数均分子量:聚合物中用不同分子量的分子数目统计的平均分子量。 18诱导期:在聚合反应初期,引发剂分解产生的初级自由基首先被体系中杂质消耗,使聚合反应速率实际为零,故此阶段称为诱导期 19阻聚剂:能与链自由基反应生成非自由基或不能引发单体聚合的低活性自由基而使聚合反应完全停止的化合物。 20 链转移速率常数是链转移速率常数和增长速率常数之比,代表链转移反应与链增长反应的竞争能力。向单体的链转移常数p M tr M k k C , 21 逐步加成聚合反应:形成大分子的方式如同连锁聚合那样是通过单体反复加成而进行的,而动力学过程如同缩聚那样是随着反应时间的延长聚合物的相对分子质量逐步增大。通常没有小分子副产物生成。 22 悬浮聚合:悬浮聚合一般是单体以液滴状悬浮在水中的聚合,体系主要由单体、水、油溶性引发剂、分散剂四部分组成。 简答题 1.逐步聚合的实施方法 有熔融聚合、溶液聚合、界面缩聚、固相缩聚等 (1)熔融缩聚是单体和聚合产物均处于熔融状态下的聚合反应。是最简单的缩聚方法。只有单体和少量催化剂。优点:产物纯净,分离简单;通常以釜式聚合,生产设备简单;是工业上和实验室常用的方法。 (2)溶液缩聚是单体在溶剂中进行的一种聚合反应.溶剂可以是纯溶剂,也可以是混合溶剂.所用的单体一般活性较高,聚合温度可以较低,副反应也较少。用于一些耐高温高分子的合成,如聚砜、聚酰亚胺聚苯醚 (3)界面缩聚是将两种单体溶于两种互不相溶的溶剂中,混合后在两相界面处进行的缩聚反应。单体活性高,反应快,可在室温下进行;产物分子量可通过选择有机溶剂来控制;对单体纯度和当量比要求不严格,反应主要与界面处的单体浓度有关;原料酰氯较贵,溶剂回收麻烦,应用受限。 (4) 固相缩聚是在玻璃化温度以上、熔点以下的固态所进行的缩聚。它是上述三种方法的补充。 2.连锁聚合和逐步聚合的三个主要区别 答(1)增长方式:连锁聚合总是单体与活性种反应,逐步聚合是官能团之间的反应,官能团可以来自于单体、低聚体、多聚体、大分子 (2)单体转化率:连锁聚合的单体转化率随着反应的进行不断提高,逐步聚合的单体转换率在反应的一开始就接近100% (3)聚合物的分子量:连锁聚合的分子量一般不随时间而变,逐步聚合的分子量随时间的增加而增加。 3 控制线性缩聚反应的分子量可以采取什么措施? 因为缩聚物的分子两端仍保留着可继续反应的官能团,因此控制聚合物反应的分子量可以采取端基封锁的控制方法:在两官能团等当量的基础上使某官能团稍过量或加入少量单官能团物质。官能团的极少过量,对产物分子量就有显著影响;在线形缩聚中,要得到高分子量,必须保持严格的等当量比。


专业英语考试基本题型和重点 (纯属个人上课所听所写,小伙伴快来补充指正不足,最后分享)期末70% 平时30% 考试时间6月17日 一、专业术语30*1分=30分 10题汉译英 A、表达甲乙丙丁...甲乙丙丁烷...甲乙丙丁基...甲乙丙丁烯... 序号烷烃(-ane)基(-yl)烯烃(-ene)醇(-anol) 甲meth 甲烷methane 甲基methyl * 甲醇methanol 乙eth 乙烷ethane 乙基ethyl 乙烯ethene 乙醇ethanol 丙prop 丙烷propane 丙基propyl 丙烯propene 丙醇propanol 丁but 戊pent 己hex 庚hept B、表达一二三四... C、聚合反应类型 1、Mono- 本体聚合bulk polymerization 2、Bi-(或di-)溶液聚合Solution polymerization 3、Tri- 逐步聚合 4、Tetra- 连锁聚合Chain polymerization 5、Penta- 乳液聚合Emulsion polymerization 6、Hex- 悬浮聚合suspension polymerization 7、Hept- D、实验室常用动词 8、Oct- 蒸发Evaporate 9、Non- 过滤Filter 10、Dec- 旋转Rotate 合成实例: 搅拌Stir 3,3-二甲基乙烷3,3-dimethylhexane 等等。。。 E.实验室常见仪器名称(ppt里的) Tube 试管cylinder 量筒 Flask 烧瓶(V olumetric flask 容量瓶round bottom flask圆底烧瓶)watch glass 表面皿Melting pot 坩埚 weighing bottle 称量瓶Condenser 冷凝器 Thermometer 温度计


unit1 all polymers are built up from bonding together a single kind of repeating unit. At the other extreme ,protein molecules are polyamides in which n amino acide repeat units are bonded together. Although we might still call n the degree of polymerization in this case, it is less usefull,since an amino acid unit might be any one of some 20-odd molecules that are found in proteins. In this case the molecular weight itself,rather than the degree of the polymerization ,is generally used to describe the molecule. When the actual content of individual amino acids is known,it is their sequence that is of special interest to biochemists and molecular biologists.并不是所有的聚合物都是由一个重复单元链接在一起而形成的。在另一个极端的情形中,蛋白质分子是由n个氨基酸重复单元链接在一起形成的聚酰胺。尽管在这个例子中,我们也许仍然把n称为聚合度,但是没有意义,因为一个氨基酸单元也许是在蛋白质中找到的20多个分子中的任意一个。在这种情况下,一般是分子量本身而不是聚合度被用来描述这个分子。当知道了特定的氨基酸分子的实际含量,它们的序列正是生物化学家和分子生物学家特别感兴趣的地方。 1,题目:Another striking ...答案:.that quantity low saturation bottom much absorb 2. 乙烯分子带有一个双键,为一种烯烃,它可以通过连锁聚合大量地制造聚乙烯,目前,聚乙烯已经广泛应用于许 多技术领域和人们的日常生活中,成为一种不可缺少的材料。 Ethylene molecule with a double bond, as a kind of olefins, it can make chain polymerization polyethylene, at present, polyethylene has been widely used in many fields of technology and People's Daily life, become a kind of indispensable materials. Unit3 1 The polymerization rate may be experimentally followed by measuring the changes in any of several properties of the system such as density,refractive index,viscosity, or light absorption. Density measurements are among the most accurate and sensitive of the techniques. The density increases by 20-25 percent on polymerization for many monomers. In actual practice the volume of the polymerizing system is measured by carrying out the reaction in a dilatometer. This is specially constructed vessel with a capillary tube which allows a highly accurate measurement of small volume changes. It is not uncommon to be able to detect a few hundredths of a percent polymerization by the dilatometer technique. 聚合速率在实验上可以通过测定体系的任一性质的变化而确定,如密度、折射率、黏度、或者吸光性能。密度的测量是这些技术中最准确最敏感的。对许多单体的聚合来说,密度增加了20%-25%。在实际操作中,聚合体系的体积是通过在膨胀计中进行反应测定的。它被专门设计构造了毛细导管,在里面可以对微小体积变化进行高精确度测量。通过膨胀计技术探测聚合过程中万分之几的变化是很常见的。 Unti4 2 合成聚合物在各个领域中起着与日俱增的重要作用,聚合物通常是由单体通过加成聚合与缩合聚合制成的。就世界上的消耗量而论,聚烯烃和乙烯基聚合物居领先地位,聚乙烯、聚丙烯等属聚烯烃,而聚氯乙烯、聚苯乙烯等则为乙烯基聚合物。聚合物可广泛地用作塑料、橡胶、纤维、涂料、粘合剂等The synthetic polymers play an increasingly important role on a range of domains, which are synthesized by monomers through addition polymerization or condensation polymerization. Polyolefin and vinyl polymer have taken the lead in terms of the world consumption. PE, PP, etc. belong to the polyolefin, while PS, PVC etc. belong to the vinyl polymer. Polymers can be widely applied in plastics, rubbers, fibers, coatings, glues and so on. Unit7 Ring-opening polymerizations proceed only by ionic mechanisms, the polymerization of cyclic ethers mainly by cationic mechanisms, and the polymerization of lactones and lactones by either a cationic or anionic mechanism. Important initiators for cyclic ethers and lactone

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