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英语作文 Microsoft Office Word 2007 文档

英语作文  Microsoft Office Word 2007 文档
英语作文  Microsoft Office Word 2007 文档

2011年12月英语六级作文题目:The way to success

What is success? In fact,success is a positive feeling ,it is a state of confidence after we achieve our ideals and a feeling of meeting.So all of us will try our best to get success.

"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus zHardwork is x; y is good methods and z is stop talking and get down to work."It is said by Einstein, who is used to be a winner of the Nobel Prize . According to this Wisdom, we known that if we want to do everything successful, we must follow these ways. -

When we begin to study, our parents and teachers always told us to study hard. Hardworking, which is an useful way to success. It is necessary for

us.Hardworking, which is means we will try our best to do the things.

Besides,if you want to get success,we not only need hardwork , but also have some useful methods. If you have some useful methods, you will feel that it is more easier to achieve your goals. You have many different ways to know the useful ways,such as: ask your parents,friends and teachers,search from Internet.So we must have some useful methods.

What ' s more,we must stop talking and get down to work.Success is base on the actions. Actions,may not let we get success.But if we not action , it can never be successful.Regardless of the dream is big or small, the goal is high or low, from now on, swing it into action.

In my opinion, if you follow these important ways to do every things, you will get success at last.






Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling

What is hot for 2010 in our colleges? It is the spelling mistakes. Countless students lack due attention to spelling. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list, the one may be "challenge". Freshman and sophomore almost write this word as"challenge". How careless they are!

Why such a phenomenon sweeps every university? Some experts attribute it to students' inattention, because students always pay no attention to spelling. However, other experts argue, the teachers should be blamed for this situation. In my opinion, it is far beyond any reasonable doubt that both of them should exert themselves to change the spelling mistakes.

The spreading of the spelling mistakes has extremely negative effects on the education. For one thing, the special age that none of students can spell correctly will come soon. For another, while communicating with foreigners, we will be laughed at the spelling mistakes made by ourselves. As a result, due attention should be given to spelling immediately.

ue Attention Should Be Given to Spelling




It is becoming increasingly common that lots of students do not think spelling is the major point of mastering good English.

Through talking with them, I aware of the fact that common thinking leaded to this phenomenon is that, the students only want to get good scores from

their tests, which Grammar skills are required more than spelling. Do not mention that some of the students only want to improve their spoken English to communicate, for a simple reason that this can make them sound cool.

Different words stands for different meanings. As we are going to use English in our daily life, to understand different signs and ads, even when we are reading news papers, good spelling skills ensure us to get the correct information's and prevents misunderstandings from happening. The most important point that students might not see is that spelling skill can make them pronounce well, because different pronunciation comes from different spellings.

Therefore, I suggest all students to pay attention to all the parts of English; this is the only way to make our English perfect.


( )1、 A great man shows his greatness _____ the way he treats little men. A. under B. with C. on D. by

( )2、 ________ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.

A. It

B. What

C. As

D. Which

( )3、____ a moment and I will go to your rescue.

A. Go on B Hold on C. Move on D. Carry on

( )4、—— Who should be responsible for the accident?

—— The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _______.

A. as told

B. as are told

C. as telling

D. as they told

( )5、 What's the ______ of having a public open space where you can't eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?

A. sense B matter C. case D. opinion

( )6、 Would it be ___ for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?

A. free

B. vacant

C. handy

D. convenient

( )7. Both sides have accused of breaking the contract ___.

A. another

B. the other

C. neither

D. each

( )8. ______ you eat the correct foods ______ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. Only if; will you

B. Only if; you will

C. Unless; will you

D. Unless; you will

( )9. —Does the government stop the factory _________dirty water into the river?

—Yes. The factory stops _________ now.

A. to pour; to pour

B. pour;pouringing

C. from pouring; to pour

D. from poururing;pouringing

( )10.----Mike wants to know if a picinic tomorrow.

----Yes. But if it ,we`ll visit the museum instead.

A.you have;will rain

B.you will have;will rain

C.you will have;rains

D.will you have;rains


Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century.1 in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a main street. Main street was always in the heart of a town. This street was 2 on both sides with many 3 businesses. Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise: clothing, furniture, hardware, groceries. 4 ,some shops offered 5 . These shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoe,repair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops. 6 in the 1950s, a change began to 7 . Too many automobiles had crowded into main street 8 , too few parking places were 9 shoppers. BECause the streets were crowded, merchants began to look with

interest at the open spaces 10 the city limits. Open space is what their car driving customers needed. And open space is what they got 11 the first shopping centre was built. Shopping centres, or rather malls, 12 as a collection of small new stores 13 crowded city centres. 14 by hundreds of free parking space, customers were drawn away from 15 areas to outlying malls. And the growing 16 of shopping centres led 17 to the building of bigger and better stocked stores.

18 the late 1970s,many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves.In addition to providing the 19 of one stop shopping, malls were

transformed into landscaped parks, 20 benches, fountains, and outdoor entertainment.

( )1.A. As early as B. arly C. Early as D. Earlier

( )2.A. built B. designed C. intented D. lined

( )3.A. varied B. various C. sorted D. mixed up

( )4.A. apart from B. however C. in addition D. as well

( )5.A. medical care B. food C. cosmetics D. services

( )6. A. Suddenly B. Abruptly C. Contrarily D. But

( )7.A. be taking place B.take place C. be taken place D. have taken place

( )8. A. while B. yet C. though D.and then

( )9. A.available for B. available to C. used by D. ready for

( )10.A .over B. from C. out of D. outside

( )11.A. when B. while C. since D. then

( )12.A. started B. founded C.set up D. organized

( )13.A. out of B. away from C. next to D. near

( ) 14.A. Attracted B. Surprised C. Delighted D. enjoyed

( ) 15. A. inner B. central C. shopping D.downtown

( ) 16. A.distinction B. fame C. popularity D.liking

( ) 17.A. on B. in turn C. by turns D.further

( ) 18.A. By B. During C. In D. Towards

( )19.A. cheapness B. readiness C. convenience D. handiness

( )20.A. Because of B.and C. with D.provided


New York,London,Paris and the other big cities are nice and 1.

exciting places to live.There are many interesting things to 2.

see and to do them.You can go to various kinds of museums 3.

and places of interests.You can also go to the theatre 4.

and do some shopping.And there are lots of problems,too. 5.

There are too many people and the cost of life is high. 6.

Every year people moved to big cities to find jobs or study 7.

at good colleges.But sometimes your wishes won’t come true. 8.

Aslo,too many people make it hard to keep cities safe and 9.

clean.So thinking about the problems before you move to big cities. 10.



注意:1. 词数:100左右。开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。

Every student will be faced with the question after he passes the college entrance examinations: Should we choose a good major or a good university first?








Word Office2007培训经典教程

目录 Word2007培训教程 (4) 1.Word2007概述 (4) 1.1 Word2007概述 (4) 1.2 Word的启动与退出 (4) 1.3 初体验-功能区 (5) 1.4 初体验-对话框启动器 (5) 1.5 初体验-额外选项卡 (5) 1.6 初体验-浮动工具栏 (5) 1.7 初体验-快捷方式 (5) 2.文档的基本操作 (5) 2.1 创建新文档 (5) 2.2 输入文本、保存文档 (5) 2.3 打开文档 (6) 3.Word2007的编辑技术 (6) 3.1 选择文本 (6) 3.2 删除、复制、移动文本 (6) 3.3 查找文本 (7) 3.4 替换文本 (8) 3.5 撤销和恢复 (8) 4.Word2007排版技术 (8) 4.1 字符格式化设置 (8) 4.2.1 设置段落对齐方式 (9) 4.2.2 设置段落行距与间距 (9) 2

4.3 添加边框和底纹 (10) 4.4 项目符号和编号 (11) 4.5 使用格式刷 (11) 4.6 样式的使用 (11) 5.表格操作 (12) 5.1 插入表格 (12) 5.2 应用表格样式 (12) 5.3 修改表格 (12) 5.4.1 设置单元格属性 (13) 5.4.2 设置行、列、表格 (13) 5.5 排序和数字计算 (14) 6.使用图形对象 (15) 6.1.1 插入图片 (15) 6.2 插入文本框 (16) 6.3 插入艺术字 (16) 6.4 插入时间 (16) 6.5 插入符号 (17) 6.6插入剪贴画和形状 (17) 7.页面设置 (17) 7.1插入页眉或页脚、将页眉保存到库、设置首页、奇偶页不同 (18) 7.2 页码操作 (18) 7.3 分栏设置 (19) 7.4 设置纸张方向和大小 (19) 3


Office2007经典教程 第一讲WORD 2007基础知识 学习目标 在本讲中将通过学习了解word2007的新增功能和特点,word2007的工作界面以及word2007的基本操作。 主要内容 word2007简介 word2007新增功能和特点 Word2007的工作界面 Word2007的基本操作 1.1 word2007简介 Word是Microsoft公司的一个文字处理器应用程序。它最初是由Richard Brodie 为了运行DOS的IBM计算机而在1983年编写的。随后的版本可运行于Apple Macintosh (1984年), SCO UNIX,和Microsoft Windows (1989年),并成为了Microsoft Office 的一部分。2006 年发布的Word 2007,现在最新的版本是Word 2010。 1.2 word2007新增功能和特点 一、输入法 如果是Windows XP用户,在Office 2007安装完毕后点击“输入法”按钮,会发现原有Windows XP自带的“微软拼音输入法2003”自动更新为“微软拼音输入法2007”,与以前的输入法版本相比,“微软拼音输入法2007”字词库得到了更新,而且更加智能。 二、文档保存格式 我们在使用Microsoft Office 97~Microsoft Office 2003时,对保存Word文档时生成的“.doc”格式文档非常熟悉,而新发布的Microsoft Office 2007改变了部分文档格式,Word文档的默认保存格式为“.docx”,改变格式后文档占用空间将有一定程度的缩小。但同时出现的问题是安装Microsoft Office 97~2003的计算机无法打开格式为“.docx”的文档,解决方法是到微软官方网站上下载兼容性插件,安装到装有Microsoft Office 97-2003的计算机上,就可以打开“.docx”文档了。 三、隐藏工具栏 我们在使用Microsoft Office 97-2003编辑文档时经常会用到“字体”和“段落”中的一些功能,例如“文字加粗”、“字体颜色”、“段落居中”和“字体和字号”等功能,由于频繁操作,我们需要用鼠标上下来回点击,时间一长,易产生厌烦。新发布的Office 2007增加了一个“隐藏工具栏”,当我们将需要修改的文字或段落选中,并把鼠标向选中部分末字符的右上角移动,就会发现在该字符的右上角出现了一个工具栏,并且随着鼠标箭头的移近,工具栏的透明度逐渐降低。在这个“隐藏工具栏”中包括了我们经常应用的字体和段落工具栏的选项,使用起来方便快捷,可以显著提高我们


office2007学习使用教程 第1讲 WORD2007基础知识 学习目标 在本讲中将通过学习了解word2007的新增功能和特点,word2007的工作界面以及word2007的基本操作。 主要应用“新建批注”选项,上司可以对下级提交的计划或文案进行批注,下 级也可以对工作中的问题和需要请示的事项进行说明。我们只要将需要批注的我们应用“文档 保护”选项,可以设置访问权限,可以禁止复制或修改文档中的如果想禁止他人浏览自己的文档,可以点击Office图标,在弹出的选项栏中给文档设置密码,通过使用“文档保护”和“加密文档”可以大幅度提高我们资料信息的安全 性。 五、Microsoft Visual Studio Tools 安装完Microsoft Office 2007后,在“程序”菜单中你会发现新增的程序除 了Microsoft Office 2007以外,还有Microsoft Visual Studio 2005程序插件。Office 2007与Office 2003一样,利用Microsoft Office自带的VB编程功能,可以编写出特定功能插件,插入文档中,从而满足我们的特定功能,例如网络 管理员可以编写VB视频播放插件,并将其插入Word中,通过博客编辑功能将文章发布。 六、同样的文件2007的比2003的小很多 同样的文本(6)滚动条

在编辑区的右边和下边,分别为垂直滚动条和水平滚动条。单击滚动条中的滚 动箭头,可以使屏幕向上、下、左、右滚动一行或一列;单击滚动条,可以使屏幕上、下、左、右滚动一屏;拖曳滚动条中的滚动块,可迅速达到显示的位置。 (7)状态栏 显示当前页状态(所在的页数、节数、当前页数/总页数)、插入点状态(位置、第几页)、两种Word 编辑状态(插入、改写)、“语言”状态(如:中文(中国)、英文(美国)等)。 1.4 Word2007的基本操作 1.4.1 启动与退出Word 2007 启动Word 2007的方法非常灵活,通常可以使用以下3种方法。 第1种:从“开始”菜单启动 单击“开始”按钮,指向“所有程序”,选择“Microsoft Office”命令,在弹出的程序列表中选择“Microsoft Office ”;文档结束标记“”。 Word 2007”命令,这样即可打开Word工作窗口。 第2种:从桌面快捷图标启动 如果Windows桌面上建立有Microsoft Word的快捷方式图标,双击该图标也 可 以启动Word 2007。 第3种:从应用文档启动 我们双击任何一个文件夹中的Word文档图标时,系统就会自动启动与之相关 的应用程序。 退出Word 2007程序,有以下3种方法。 退出。第1种:鼠标左键单击程序窗口右上角的“关闭”按钮 第2种:通过“office按钮”菜单退出Word 2007。


MS office2007 目录 目录 (2 Excel2007 (5 运算符 (5 怎样往Excel2007单元格插入函数 (6 excel如何求平方、立方 (9 插入对数函数 (13 求立方 (14 excel如何进行开方/平方/次方及根号运算 (15 excel怎么自动求和乘除 (16 excel怎么自动求和 (16 excel怎么自动相加减乘除 (22 excel自动混合运算 (26 如何使自动求和的数据前加上货币符号 (28 一次性选择一行后的所有行并隐藏 (29 隐藏行 (29 隐藏列 (29 取消隐藏 (30

Word2007 (30 图表 (30 折线图或柱状图显示数据值 (30 排版 (33 Word2007如何每一节单独编制页码 (33 A3纸分为两栏后如何为每栏插入页码 (34 PowerPoint2007 (37 PPT动画制作 (37 星星闪烁动画 (37 太阳照射光芒动画 (39 荷蛙动画 (40 Excel2007运算符


1.在任意单元格输入一个=号,然后点击上方函数栏里面的箭头,会弹出一些常用函数,我们也可以点击其他函数选项。 2.弹出插入函数对话框,选取类别,然后选择一种函数。

3.例如我选取的就是SUM求和函数,在Number1,2中输入数字,确 定即可。 4.在我们刚刚选中的单元格中得到了结果,怎么样,插入函数就是这么的简单

excel如何求平方、立方 1.本文因为作为演示操作文章,设计好的表格数据是随意性的,打开一 个表格,如图: 2.2 选择菜单栏里的“插入”,然后选择下拉菜单的“函数”。 3.3 在常用函数里选择“数学与三角函数”,在出现的内容里,选择“POWER”函数,这是本文的重点。 4.4


Word2007培训教程 1.2 Word的启动与退出 3种启动方式:1程序中启动;2桌面快捷方式启动;3单击现有word文档启动; 3种退出方式:1右上角X按钮;2左上角单击office按钮,点击退出;3双击左上角office 按钮 2.1 如何创建新文档 启动2007后系统会自动创建一个空白文档 a)单击【MicrosoftOffice】按钮,然后选择新建命令 b)按Ctrl+N组合键 c)在桌面空白区域单击鼠标右键,从弹出的快捷键菜单中选择县官的新建命令; 2.2 输入文本、保存文档 创建了文档后,可以在新创建的文档中新建中进行文字,数字,图形等 文本输入后,需要保存,一般用组合键:Ctrl+S进行保存 ; 3.1 选择文本 选定文本内容是一切文本操作的基础,是学习办公类软件必须掌握的知识,选定文本有以下几种方法; a)用鼠标选取 将鼠标置于要选定文字的开始位置,按住鼠标左键不放兵拖动鼠标到要选定文字的结束位置松开;或者按住shift键,在要选定文字的结束位置单击,也可以选中这些文字 行的选择 3.2 删除、复制、移动文本 1、删除文本 步骤一:选定要删除的文本 步骤二:按backspace键,或按下delete键,就可以删除文本; 1

2、复制文本 菜单命令法:先选定要重复输入的文字,使用【开始】选项卡或右键快捷菜单中的【复制】命令或快捷键ctrl+C对文字进行复制;然后将光标置于要输入文本的地方,使用右键快捷菜单中的【粘贴】命令或者快捷键ctrl+V可以实现粘贴,这样可以免去很多输入的麻烦。 a)鼠标拖动法:先选定要重复输入的文字,同事按ctrl键和鼠标左键,拖动鼠 标指针。此时,鼠标指针会变成一个带有虚线方框的箭头,光标呈徐现状。 当光标移动到了要插入复制文本的位置后释放鼠标和ctrl键,就可以实现文 本的复制。 3.3 查找文本 【查找】 要想在文档中查找内容,可以单击【开始】选项卡中的【查找】命令,也可以利用快捷键ctrl+F来打开【查找和替换】对话框,查找完成插入点会定位于被找到的文本位置上,具体步骤如下: 1)设置开始查找的位置(如文档的首部),word2003默认从插入点开始查找 2)单击【开始】选项卡中的【查找】命令或者按ctrl+F键,打开【查找和替换】对话框, 3)在【查找内容】文本框中输入要查找的文本。 4)单击【查找下一处】按钮,即可在文档中进行查找,如果要继续查找,可以再次单击【查找下一处】按钮。 5)如果要技术查找,可以单击【取消】按钮,关闭对话框; 提示: 如果对查找有更多的要求,可以单击【更多】按钮,word2003靓啊在对话框中 显示更多的搜索选项如【搜索方向】【区分大小】【全字匹配】等 3.4 替换文本 【替换】 要先替换文档中的内容,可以单击【开始】选项卡中的【替换】命令,也可以利用快捷键ctrl+H来打开【查找和替换】对话框,替换步骤如下: 1)单击【开始】选项卡中的【替换】命令或者按ctrl+H键,打开【查找和替换】对话框, 2)在【查找内容】文本框中输入要替换的源文本, 2

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