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Welcome to the beautiful Dali, here, I am on behalf of HT travel Agency to welcome your arrival. First of all, please allow me to introduce myself to you, I am the local guide of you to visit Dali, my name is XXX, you can call me Miss Cui or call my name directly. This is our driver Mr. Zhang, he has rich experience of driving, he will be responsible for our traveling driving task. In the next two days, we will provide service for you. I hope you will enjoy your time in DaLi, and I will try my best to provide you a good service. I hope everyone will be happy and satisfied.


英文导游词欢迎词5篇 导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。以下是小编整理的英文导游词欢迎词5篇,欢迎阅读参考! 英文导游词欢迎词(1) Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 【称呼语】 Welcome to Panyu. 【表示欢迎】 Please sit down and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don't haveto worry about it. 【稳定游客情绪】Let me introduce my team first. Mr. Zhang is our driver. He has 25 years of driving. My name is Gao Xiaoming, your tour guide, you may just call me Miss Gao, which is my surname. We're from the China International Travel Service(CITS), Panyu Branch. On behalf of CITS Panyu and my colleagues, I'd like to welcome to you all.【略作介绍,再表欢迎】During your stay in our city, we'll do everything possible to make your visit a happy experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don't hesitate to let me know. 【提出建议】 You're going to stay at Panyu Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel. The hotel is in downtown, it is easy access to many places of interests in Panyu. And you'll be staying our city for two and a half days. 【提醒入住地点和时间】 There is one thing I must warn you against. You must remember the number of our bus. The number is 84645555. let me repeat: 84645555. 【提醒游巴电话】 I hope you'll enjoy your stay in our city! 英文导游词欢迎词(2) Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to ______!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you ? This


大理导游词英文版范本 大理导游词英文版范本1: Dali is located in the west of yunnan province, Dali bai autonomous prefecture of state government headquarters. Erhai lake in Dali is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau plain, zhon mountain foothill, shore of erhai lake, the ancient capital city of nanzhao and Dali kingdom, as the ancient yunnan region s political, economic and cultural center, for more than five hundred years. In 1982, Dali by the Chinese government as one of the first batch of 24 national historical and cultural city. The Dali as China s first top ten charm city, is the bai nationality as the main body of ethnic minority areas, covers an area of 1468 square kilometers, the population of the city of 610000 people, including bai accounted for 65%. Governs 10 towns and 1 township, a total of 20 neighborhood committees and 109 administrative villages. The municipal people s government in shimonoseki town. Dali always is permeated with light of languid is lazy. Foreigner that many books in the streets, bars, small gallery,


会议接待欢迎词 会议接待欢迎词范文,小编特意为你整理推荐会议接待欢迎词,欢迎阅读与借鉴。 会议接待欢迎词 【1】在全市接待系统联谊会上的欢迎词 尊敬的陈忆主任,各位领导、各兄弟区县的同志们: 大家上午好!微雨过,小荷翻,榴花开欲然。今天,我们相聚在东区金沙明珠,非常高兴地迎来了“攀枝花市、区、县接待工作联谊会”。在此,我谨代表东区区委、区政府向莅临我区的各位领导、各兄弟区县的同志们,表示热烈的欢迎!并借此机会向关心支持我区接待工作的各位领导、各位来宾表示衷心地感谢! 近年来,我区经济社会蓬勃发展,外在知名度和影响力明显提升,来我区视察调研、检查指导工作的领导、参观考察的党政代表团和寻求发展的客商纷至沓来,面对重要会议多、重大活动多、学习考察多得接待工作新形势,我们认真贯彻落实中央和省市区关于党政机关公务接待管理的规定,坚持围绕中心、服务大局、不断优化、细化工作流程,不断健全完善接待制度体系,积极构建领导重视、部门协作、整合的“大接待”格局,接待工作正逐步成为我区加强对外联系、积聚人气、扩大招商引资和展示开放形象的重要平台。但我区接待办于XX年才正式成立,接待工作正在进一步规

范和提高,本次联谊会在我们东区召开,为我们学习和借鉴市里、兄弟区县的经验和做法提供了难得的机会,必将推动我们接待工作的高效规范、优质发展。希望在座的各位领导、各位来宾,通过本次会议进一步了解东区,加强接待工作的交流与合作,增进友谊,我们愿与各位同仁一起共同推动全市接待工作水平的新提高。 最后预祝本次联谊会圆满成功,谢谢大家! 【2】A公司董事长×××致市政府有关领导和合作伙伴的欢迎词 尊敬的市政府领导、各方合作伙伴代表: 欢迎你们出席本公司成立20周年庆典暨新一届董事会就职典礼。我们十分高兴地迎接你们的到来。在此,我谨代表本公司,向各位领导和各方合作伙伴代表,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢! 改革开放以来,广州的经济、社会获得了巨大的发展,焕发出生机勃勃,本公司是一家中外合资的企业,20年来的风雨历程,造就了20年来的辉煌业绩。此次庆典活动我们将以“为企业创造价值”为主题,让我们共同回顾本公司在20年来所经历的风风雨雨、所取得的辉煌成绩。 本公司的发展,除了公司全体成员的支持与我们自身的努力外,离不开各方,特别是市政府领导、合作伙伴B公司、D公司、和C公司等的资助与支持。我们真诚的希望,通过


客户来访欢迎词 欢迎词是指客人光临时,主人为表示热烈的欢迎,在座谈会、宴会、酒会等场合发表的热情友好的讲话。下面是整理的客户来访欢迎词,欢迎阅读。 客户来访欢迎词(一)各位领导、同志们:在这金橘满枝、硕果累累,充满丰收喜悦的美好时节;xxx 市国土资源系统信息化建设工作会议在我县隆重举行,我们深感荣幸。在此,我谨代表xx县委、县政府向亲临大会的省市国土资源系统领导表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢! 向出席会议兄弟县区的同志们表示热烈的欢迎! xxx地处湘南,毗邻xxx,是xxx市x部中心。总面积xx 平方公里,总人口xx万人。xx境内玉蟾岩出土的稻谷遗存和陶片,被列为1995年全国十大考古发现之一,距今12000多年,是目前世界上发现时代最早的人工栽培稻标本和陶片,道县因此被誉为”天下谷源,人间陶本”。xx地灵人杰,是宋代大思想家、理学鼻祖周敦颐、晚清大书法家何绍基的故乡。xx交通便捷,207国道纵穿南北,323省道横贯东西,建设中的洛湛铁路和即将动工建设的永贺、厦蓉等高速穿境而过。改革开放以来,勤劳勇敢的xx人民充分利用良好的区位、丰富的资源等优势,大力实施工业强县战略,加速工业化、城镇化和农业产业化进程,全县农业、工业、商贸服务业、科教文卫事业蓬勃发展,县域综合实力明显增

强,具备了接纳大投资、促进大发展的基础条件。我相信,此次全市国土资源信息化工作会议的召开,必将大力促进我县国土资源管理各项工作,为我县信息化建设奠定扎实的基础。 愿秀美的xxx给各位领导和同志们留下美好的回忆! 欢迎大家有时间常来道县做客! 并预祝本次会议取得圆满成功! 最后,衷心祝愿各位领导、同志们工作顺利、身体健康、万事如意! 谢谢大家! 客户来访欢迎词(二)尊敬的各位领导、专家、同仁、朋友们: 大家下午好! 盛夏6月,暖意融融,非常高兴迎来了各位领导、专家在百忙之中莅临美丽的xx ,美丽的xx 风电场检查指导工作。各位领导、专家的到来不仅是对我们工作的检查指导,更是给我们提供了一次极好的学习交流机会。在此,我代表公司及全体员工对各位表示最真挚的感谢和最热烈的欢迎! xxx 风电场由山西玉龙集团与北京新能投资有限公司共同投资兴建,风电场位于xx 市xx 县xxx 乡,项目设计总装机容量100mw ,一期工程装机容量49.5mw ,一期工程共安装33台单机容量1.5mw 的金风风力发电机组,设计年发电量1亿kwh 。 作为这次盛会的东道主,我们真诚的欢迎所有参加这次会


Welcome to my hometown Jilin city. And I am the tour guide of China National Tourism Administration you can call me Vera. or Miss Zhang , and on my left hand is our driver Mrs. Li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe. There is a sentence in China as the saying goes regards: Construct such that the same boat spends for a century. Today we will be: Repair same car dealer's for a century. Everybody knows each other well from not being acquainted for to meeting in all of us being gone to from different place ride in in the same vehicle with a destination, this is really one kind of very marvellous and fine as well preordained relationship , lets us carry this fine preordained relationship through to the end so right away.That Little meng first here wish everybody trip to Dalian happy, hope we Dalian good mountain, good water, good tourist guide, good driver bring a portion to a portion good state of mind, make everybody with face to face Dalian expectation and long for but come with face to face Dalian satisfied and linger around but return to. Bless everybody Shu eating in Dalian finally中国有句俗话说的好:百年修得同船度。今天我们就是:百年修得同车行。我们大家由不同的地方走到同一个目的地,乘坐在同一辆车里,大家由不相识到相见相知,这真是一种很奇妙而又美好的缘分,那么就让我们将这个美好的缘分进行到底。那小王先在这里预祝大家大连之行愉快,希望我们大连的好山、好水、好导游、好司机给大家带来一份好的心情,使大家带着对大连的期待和憧憬而来带着对大连的满意和流连而归。最后祝大家在大连吃的舒心,玩的开心,住的爽心。


云南大理苍山洱海英文导游词 关键词:英语学习-云南大理苍山洱海英文导游词 Fellow friends: Hello! Toured the Dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; Now we watch the CangshanErhai, understands the Dali"s America of scenery. First, we ride the yacht to go to the Erhai park. The Erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the Hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. North it near ocean waves Wan QingErhai, west and Cangshan SouthEnd setting sun peak relative. WhenNanzhao country, here is king"s deer park. In 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, Occupiesdi 1,600 Chinese acres. On the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the Dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour. Now the pleasure boat to the Erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill Binhai tourarea along 270 multistage stone steps AscendsLevel on, we arrive the summit.Everybody looked that, this Curls upwardsAngle upturned eave pavilion is looks thesea building, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: Jade Er silver dark green ", the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classically elegant, it is the Chinese inadmiration of somebody"s fame painter Wu Zuoren"s writing skill. Looksthe sea building is understands "the jade Er silver dark green"happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:East side Erhai vast, boundless, west Cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray. Fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to Erhaiin. But I first must to everybody introduction be actually amCangshan. Formerly, we in the Dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able to look at carefully the Cangshangrand appearance well. Just like the ancient said "does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain"; Looks thesea building in the Erhai park, the angle of view Inclines, also onlycan see the Cangshan terminal. Now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith the pleasure boat, in our eye Cangshan is not clearer? Somepeople said that, a Hengduan pulse condition great arm, the Tibetplateau extended west Yunnan from "the roof of the world" to thesouth, Cangshan was in this world famous sierra a cloud range branch.


欢迎词讲话稿 【篇一:欢迎词发言稿】 篇一:欢迎词格式及范文 欢迎词 作者:未知文章来源:应用文大全点击数: 26746 更新时间:2005-10-24欢迎词是由东道主出面对宾客的到来 表示欢迎的讲话文稿。欢迎词指行政机关、企业事单位、社会团体 或个人在公共场合欢迎友好团体或个人来访时致辞的讲话稿。 一、欢迎词的要求 (1)看对象说话。 欢迎词多用于对外交往。在各社会组织的对外交往中,所迎接的宾 客可能是多方面的,如上级领导、检查团、考察团等。来访目的不同,欢迎的情由也应不同。欢迎词要有针对性,看对象说话,表达 不同的情谊。 (2)看场合说话。 欢迎的场合。仪式也是多种多样的,有隆重的欢迎大会、酒会、宴会、记者招待会;有一般的座谈会、展销会、订货会等。欢迎词要 看场合说话。该严肃则严肃,该轻松则轻松。 (3)热情而不失分寸。 欢迎应出于真心实意,热情、谦逊、有礼。语言亲切,饱含真情。 注意分寸,不亢不卑。 (4)关于称呼。 由于是用于对外(本组织以外的宾客)交往,欢迎词的称呼比开幕词、闭幕词更具有感情色彩,更需热情有礼。为表示尊重,要称呼 全名。在姓名前或后面加上职衔或“先生:”、“女士:”、“亲爱的”、“尊敬的”、“敬爱的”等敬语表示亲切 二、欢迎词的格式 欢迎词的结构由标题、称呼、开头、正文、结语、署名六部分构成。(1)标题。标题有两种形式。 (1)欢迎场合或对象加文种构成,如《在校庆75周年纪念会上的 欢迎词》 (2)用文种“欢迎词”作标题。 (2)称呼。提行项格加冒号称呼对象。面对宾客,宜用亲切的尊称,如“亲爱的朋友:”、“尊敬的领导:”等。

(3)开头。用一句话表示欢迎的意思。(4)正文。说明欢迎的情由,可叙述彼此的交往、情谊,说明交往的意义。对初次来访者, 可多介绍本组织的情况。 (5)结语。用敬语表示祝愿。 (6)署名。 用于讲话的欢迎词无须署名。若需刊载,则应在题目下面或文末署 名 三、欢迎词的分类 (一)欢迎词从表达方式上分 1.现场讲演欢迎词 一般由欢迎人在被欢迎人到达时在欢迎现场口头发表的欢迎稿。 2.报刊发表欢迎词 这是发表在报刊或公开发行刊物之上的欢迎稿。它一般在客人到达 前后发表。 (二)欢迎词从社交的公关性质上分 1.私人交往欢迎词 私人交往欢迎词一般是在个人举行较大型的宴会、聚会、茶会、舞会、讨论会等非官方的场合下使用的欢迎稿。通常要在正式活动开 始前进行。私人交往欢迎词往往具有很大的即时性、现场性。 2.公事往来欢迎词 这样的欢迎词一般在较庄重的公共事务中使用。要有事先准备好的 得体的书面稿,文字措词上的要求较私人交往欢迎词要正式和严格。 四、欢迎词的特点 (一)欢愉性 中国有句古话是“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”,所以致欢迎词当有一 种愉快的心情,言词用语务必富有激情和表现出致词人的真诚。只 有这样才可给客人一种“宾至如归”的感觉,为下一步各种活动的完 满举行打下好的基础。 (二)口语性 欢迎词本意是现场当面向宾客口头表达的,所以口语化是欢迎词文 字上的必然要求,在遣词用语上要运用生活化的语言,即简洁又富 有生活的情趣。口语化会拉近主人同来宾的亲切关系。 三、欢迎词的基本格式和写法 欢迎词一般由标题、称呼、正文和落款四部分组成。 (一)标题标题写法一般有两种。


英文欢迎词范文 英文欢迎词范文 英文欢迎词范文1 Ladies and gentlemen: On the occasion of the 30th anniversary anniversary of the XXX plant, please allow me to extend my warm welcome to the distinguished guests from all over the world on behalf of the XXX plant and in my own name. My friends have come to congratulate and discuss trade cooperation in spite of the distant journey. I feel happy for the 30th anniversary factory celebrations of our factory. I sincerely feel happy and express our sincere thanks to our friends for their efforts to promote friendly relations between the two sides. Many of you here today are our old friends, and we have good cooperative relations. Our factory has built up factories for 30 years and can achieve today’s results. We cannot do without our sincere cooperation and strong support from our old friends. In this regard, we express our sincere admiration and thanks. At the


会议欢迎词范文(12篇) 会议欢迎词范文第一篇: 会议接待欢迎词范文 位领导、各位来宾: 首先,我代表公司全体干部职工对各位领导、各位来宾光临我公司参观指导表示最诚挚的欢迎。 我公司是一个具有百年历史、在电网处于骨干地位的全特大型供电企业,承担着地区工农业生产和人民生活用电以及向电网输电的任务。售电量302亿千瓦时,在全排行前十位。近年来,我公司透过深化企业内部改革和深入开展“上星级、创一流”活动,安全生产水平和经济效益不断提高,公司连年被河北省和家电力公司评为“双礼貌”先进单位,又被上级命名为“三星级”供电企业,被网公司命名为“全一流供电企业”。 纵观企业的发展史,我们每一次成绩的取得都与档案及时、准确的带给历史资料密不可分。1996年的大地震,电网全面瘫痪,的恢复建设需要电,如果按照以往的设计、施工方式,时间不等人,我们首先想到的是档案,我们利用档案所带给的’超多的有效技术数据,进行电力恢复建设,节省了时间,很快恢复了电力供应。近几年,的经济建设发展很快,为适应的经济发展,我们查阅了超多的档案资料,并依据这些档案资料,全面分析了电网发展形势,制定了电网发展规划,为21世纪电网的发展奠定了基础。随着市场经济的不断深入,

我公司就电力建设用地、产权等问题与一些地方的纠纷时有发生,我们利用档案带给的历史资料依法维护企业的利益,使企业避免了经济损失。 透过利用档案给企业带来的好处,使我们认识到:档案是企业整体十分重要的一部分,它记载了企业各时期生产建设活动的各种状况、成果、经验和教训,充分利用这些档案能够使我们对企业的建设与发展正确决策、科学谋划、少走弯路;能够使我们全面了解企业的发展史,经验,吸取教训,加强各项管理,促进企业全面发展。正是基于这些认识,几年来,我公司先后投资100万元用于档案建设,并围绕着档案目标管理,认真抓了档案升级。整修了库房,充实了档案人员力量,并按照分类大纲要求,对两万多卷库存档案资料重新进行了整理,档案管理水平有了明显提高,家二级。到达家二级标准后,我们又马不停蹄把目标瞄向了家一级,经过一年对档案的巩固、规范、提高,并针对现代化管理薄弱的问题,加大了档案现代化硬件建设的力度,购买了微机到达人手一台,添置了复印机、摄像机、录放机、vcd机、刻盘机、扫描仪等设备。同时,选取了清华紫光公司的档案应用软件,档案到达了全息管理,实现了文档一体化,初晋升家一级,被评为全档案先进单位。 虽然我们在档案中做了一些,但由于我们对档案的认识深度有必须的差距,档案整体管理水平还有待于进一步提高。档案现代化虽然有了必须的投入,开发了一些功能,今后还需要在充分利用这些功能为企业生产经营服务上下功夫。这天,全省从事档案的领导、专家来


The introduction to dal i Dali is a city which is located northwest of the Yunnan province in the south of China, and 300 kilo-meters northwest of Kunming. Just between the Cangshan mountains to the west and Erhai lake to the east. Dali is an ancient city with a history of over 2000 years. It was established as the capital of the Nanzhao Kingdom in the Tang Dynasty (618AD-907AD). In the Song Dynasty (960-1279AD) it became the capital of the Dali Kingdom. Now Dali is the political, economic, and cultural center of the western part of Yunnan Province. Dali is one of Yunnan's most popular tourist destinations, along with Lijiang, for tourists from both within and outside China. And then I’ll take you to travel around Dali. When you arrived in Dali, the first thing come into your eyes is cangshan,Cangshan, also names the Diancang, it has 19 peaks. As the protective screen of dali, it located from the north to the south. A s you can see, it’s covered by the snow all the year, and the clouds make it more mysterious .Then I will take you to the Erhai lake,Erhai is


英文客户来访欢迎词 欢迎词是由东道主出面对宾客的到来表示欢迎的讲话文稿。以下是英文客户来访欢迎词,欢迎阅读。 英文客户来访欢迎词1 Y20** is a year full of opportunities and challenges. Thanks you so much for being with us, Stand together through storm and stress. Since October last year, in order to move and combine three facilities: Nancheng, Humen, Enping, and reform the workshop, under high capacity pressure, our employee answered the call to working hard and OT , Even sacrificed their weekend time to Complete output. They worked hard and tired in last 6 months. But today, You can be justly proud of your achievement. For your efforts and hard work, We successfully completed the production target of 100% in March. Three facilities move and combine did not d aunt us; workshop reform and upgrading did not daunt us; Customer Increased production or production swings did not daunt us. Today, we can be justly proud of . Three facilities


大理苍山洱海英文导游词 大理白族自治州地处云南省中部偏西,海拔2090米,地处低纬高原,四季温差不大,干湿季分明,以低纬高原季风气候为主,境内以苍山、洱海、大理古城、崇圣寺、蝴蝶泉、三塔等景点最有代表性。 大理苍山洱海英文导游词 fellow friends: hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dali's america of scenery. first, we ride the yacht to go to the erhai park. the erhai park othername group mountain park, is l ocated the hsiakuan city northeast 2kilometers place groups mountains. north it near ocean waves wan qingerhai, west and cangshan southend setting sun peak relative. whennanzhao country, here is king's deer park. in 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, occupiesdi 1,600 chinese acres. on the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed, broadly plants the dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, is very good rests placeof the tour. now the pleasure boat to the erhai park near the sea causeway, we cameashore to the ship, this is under the group


大理概况导游词 大理地处云南省中部偏西,市境东巡洱海,西及点苍山脉。这里气候温和,土地肥沃,山水风光秀丽多姿,是我国,远在四千多年前,大理地区就有原始居民的活动。 在漫长的历史岁月中,大理曾有着显赫的地位和作用。秦、汉之际,大理是“蜀·身毒国道”(从四川成都,经云南大理、保山进入缅甸,再通往印度)的必经之地,这条通道,对促进大理地区和内地的联系、对促进中国和东南亚诸国友好往来和经济文化交流起着重要的作用。 大理州,全名大理白族自治州,地处云南省中部偏西,东邻楚雄州,南靠普洱、临沧地区,西与保山地区、怒江州相连,北接丽江地区。 大理州历史悠久,素有“文献名邦”的美称,是云南最早的文化发祥地之一。唐宋五百多年间(即从南诏国建立至大理国覆灭),大理一直是云南的政治、经济、文化中心。地处低纬高原,四季温差不大,干湿季分明,以低纬高原季风气候为主,常年气候温和,土地肥沃,以秀丽山水和少数民族风情闻名于世,境内以蝴蝶泉、洱海、崇圣寺三塔等景点最有代表性。大理山水风光秀丽多姿,有“风花雪月”的美称,即下关风、上关花、苍山雪、洱海月。 旅游景点有: 大理古城——总是不经意的会那大理古城和丽江古城

做对比,大理虽然缺乏丽江的柔媚韵致,但却有更为朴质的味道和大气的帝王风范。 苍山洱海——苍山横亘在洱海西岸,就像一对情侣相依相伴。 玉矶岛——建筑原始二古朴,最能反映大理几千年的民居风格。 崇圣寺三塔——旧时的大理国崇尚佛教,许多皇帝都在这里出家,可见其地位之高。它曾今是南诏的象征。如今也是大理的标志性景点。 蝴蝶泉——蝴蝶泉只所以得名,是因为这里曾今有过蝴蝶成团翩飞的独特景象而它的闻名却是借助于五十年代的电影《五朵金花》。 天龙八部影视城——它不仅仅是一个影视拍摄基地,同时还是主题公园。影视城按照“大理特点、宋代特点、艺术要求”三结合的原则,参照《清明上河图》的设计风格。在这里,游客可以体验的穿越千年时空的奇妙。圆一个武侠梦! 最佳季节:2-5月。大理处于云南,冬暖夏凉,是个非常适宜居住的地方,大理三月好风光,所以在春季,无论是前往大理古城,或是登苍山、游洱海,都再适合不过了。但是特别注意大理日温差有时可高达10度左右,在夏天,只要一下雨,就会像冬天一样冷,当地有“一雨成秋”的说法。来大理,不管什么季节,都可能遇到一天之内有很大温差变


欢迎词范文英文版 欢迎词大家是怎么样写的呢?这个时候,大家可以一起看看下面的欢迎词范文,欢迎各位阅读借鉴哦! 篇一:欢迎词范文英文版 Welcome to my hometown Jilin city. And I am the tour guide of China National Tourism Administration you can call me Vera. or Miss Zhang , and on my left hand is our driver Mrs. Li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe. There is a sentence in China as the saying goes regards: Construct such that the same boat spends for a century. Today we will be: Repair same car dealer s for a century. Everybody knows each other well from not being acquainted for to meeting in all of us being gone to from different place ride in in the same vehicle with a destination, this is really one kind of very marvellous and fine as well preordained relationship , lets us carry this fine preordained relationship through to the end so right away. That Little meng first here wish everybody trip to Dalian happy, hope we Dalian good mountain, good water, good tourist guide, good driver bring a portion to a portion good state of mind, make everybody with face to face Dalian expectation and


英文商务会议欢迎词 篇一:招待晚会欢迎词中英文对照 第一届武汉总领馆美国国庆招待晚会欢迎词(中英对照)welcomingRemarksatFirstconGenwuhanJuly4thReception byUSconsulGeneraltowuhanwendyLyle July4th,20XX 在第一届武汉总领馆美国国庆招待晚会所致的欢迎词 美国驻武汉领事馆总领事白小琳 20XX年7月4日 GoodEvening,LadiesandGentlemen!iamwendyLyle,theU.S.consulGeneral inwuhanandthemoderatoroftonight’sreception. 大家好!我是白小琳,美国驻武汉总领事,也是今天晚上美国国庆招待会的主持人。onbehalfoftheU.S.consulateGeneralinwuhan,iwouldliketoextendaheartyw elcometoallofyou--ViceGovernorTianchengzhongofHubei;deputymayorY ueYongofwuhan;FrenchconsulGeneral;seniorofficialsfromallfourprovince softhewuhanconsulardistrict;mayorsanddeputymayorsandseniorgovernme ntofficialsof13citiesincentralchina;presidents,professorsandstudentsfrom14universities;membersofwuhanartcommunity;mydearfriendsfromShenzhen,HongKong


云南大理英文导游词 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

云南大理英文导游词 Welcome, everyone!Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali. Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introduction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali” As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao, Duansiping Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized , everyone, we are now at the Three three pagodas make a beautiful picture,rightThree Pagodas are the?symbol of Dali,they have a history of more than 1,000 years. The major Pagoda, we call it “千寻”,built during the period of NanZhao State, stands 69 meters in height and is divided into 16 tiers. Each tier is inlaid with the statues of Buddha. Its front"s four Chinese characters are quite striking, meaning “Ensuring Tranquility to Mountains and Rivers Forever.”I a m sure you have noticed the two small pagodas. They were built at the beginning of 10th century during the period of Dali State. Each Stands 42 meters in height and is divided into 10 tiers. They are made from visiting the temple, we will go to enjoy the other place of interests, Ok ,Let’s go, everyone.
