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2)破解时先在控制面板里关闭Windows defender并且退出360杀毒软件。否则Ansoft2008fix.exe会被当病毒杀掉。




6)打开hfss,弹出框框,无视继续。依次点击TOOls-options-general options-webupdate options-never




2.3 边界条件



2.6 画近场线



用Add Trace添加曲线到同一页面,用Apply Trace改变频点。





Dim oAnsoftApp

Dim oDesktop

Dim oProject

Dim oDesign

Dim oEditor

Dim oModule

Set oAnsoftApp = CreateObject("AnsoftHfss.HfssScriptInterface")

Set oDesktop = oAnsoftApp.GetAppDesktop()

Set oProject = oDesktop.GetActiveProject()

Set oDesign = oProject.GetActiveDesign()

Set oEditor = oDesign.SetActiveEditor("3D Modeler")

' 声明变量与常数.

Dim zpos, Xnum, Ynum, xspan, yspan, dx, dy,pos

Dim Units, index

Dim y()

Dim x()

Units = "mm"



Units = InputBox("Select the units:"&Chr(13)& _

"(cm,mm,um,in,mil)", "Nearfield","mm",pos,pos)

zpos = InputBox("Input the Z plane position:","Nearfield", 3200,pos,pos)

xspan = InputBox("Input X sampling span:","Nearfield", 4000,pos,pos)

yspan = InputBox("Input Y sampling span:","Nearfield", 2100,pos,pos)

Xnum = InputBox("Input sampling number in X direction:","Nearfield", 100,pos,pos) Ynum = InputBox("Input sampling number in Y direction:","Nearfield", 15,pos,pos)

Redim y(Ynum)



y(0)="Position of y"

For n=1 To Ynum

y(n)=-yspan/2 + (n-1)*dy


ZV alue=cstr(zpos) & Units

YV alue=cstr(y(n)) & Units

XV aluemin=cstr(-xspan/2) & Units

XV aluemmax=cstr(xspan/2) & Units

index="lin3mx" & cstr(n)

oEditor.CreatePolyline Array("NAME:PolylineParameters", "IsPolylineCovered:=", true, "IsPolylineClosed:=", _

false, Array("NAME:PolylinePoints", Array("NAME:PLPoint", "X:=", XV aluemin, "Y:=", YV alue, "Z:=", _

ZV alue), Array("NAME:PLPoint", "X:=", XV aluemmax, "Y:=", YV alue, "Z:=", ZV alue)), _

Array("NAME:PolylineSegments", Array("NAME:P LSegment", "SegmentType:=", _ "Line", "StartIndex:=", 0, "NoOfPoints:=", 2)), Array("NAME:PolylineXSection", "XSectionType:=", _

"None", "XSectionOrient:=", "Auto", "XSectionWidth:=", "0mm", "XSectionTopWidth:=", _

"0mm", "XSectionHeight:=", "0mm", "XSectionNumSegments:=", "0", "XSectionBendType:=", _

"Corner")), Array("NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", index, "Flags:=", "", "Color:=", _ "(132 132 193)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", "Global", "UDMId:=", _

"", "MaterialV alue:=", "" & Chr(34) & "vacuum" & Chr(34) & "", "SolveInside:=", _ true)

namepara="NAME:" & index

Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("RadField")

oModule.InsertNearFieldLineSetup Array(namepara, "UseCustomRadiationSurface:=", _ false, "Line:=", index, "NumPts:=", cstr(Xnum))



Units = InputBox("Select the units:"&Chr(13)& _

"(cm,mm,um,in,mil)", "Nearfield","mm",pos,pos)

zpos = InputBox("Input the Z plane position:","Nearfield", 3200,pos,pos)

xspan = InputBox("Input X sampling span:","Nearfield", 2100,pos,pos)

yspan = InputBox("Input Y sampling span:","Nearfield", 4000,pos,pos)

Xnum = InputBox("Input sampling number in X direction:","Nearfield", 15,pos,pos) Ynum = InputBox("Input sampling number in Y direction:","Nearfield", 100,pos,pos)

Redim x(Xnum)



x(0)="Position of x"

For n=1 To Xnum

x(n)=-xspan/2 + (n-1)*dx


ZV alue=cstr(zpos) & Units

XV alue=cstr(x(n)) & Units

YV aluemin=cstr(-yspan/2) & Units

YV aluemmax=cstr(yspan/2) & Units

index="lin3my" & cstr(n)

oEditor.CreatePolyline Array("NAME:PolylineParameters", "IsPolylineCovered:=", true, "IsPolylineClosed:=", _

false, Array("NAME:PolylinePoints", Array("NAME:PLPoint", "Y:=", YV aluemin, "X:=", XV alue, "Z:=", _

ZV alue), Array("NAME:PLPoint", "Y:=", YV aluemmax, "X:=", XV alue, "Z:=", ZV alue)), _

Array("NAME:PolylineSegments", Array("NAME:P LSegment", "SegmentType:=", _

"Line", "StartIndex:=", 0, "NoOfPoints:=", 2)), Array("NAME:PolylineYSection",

"YSectionType:=", _

"None", "YSectionOrient:=", "Auto", "YSectionWidth:=", "0mm", "YSectionTopWidth:=", _

"0mm", "YSectionHeight:=", "0mm", "YSectionNumSegments:=", "0",

"YSectionBendType:=", _

"Corner")), Array("NAME:Attributes", "Name:=", index, "Flags:=", "", "Color:=", _

"(132 132 193)", "Transparency:=", 0, "PartCoordinateSystem:=", "Global", "UDMId:=", _

"", "MaterialV alue:=", "" & Chr(34) & "vacuum" & Chr(34) & "", "SolveInside:=", _


namepara="NAME:" & index

Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("RadField")

oModule.InsertNearFieldLineSetup Array(namepara, "UseCustomRadiationSurface:=", _ false, "Line:=", index, "NumPts:=", cstr(Ynum))



Dim oAnsoftApp

Dim oDesktop

Dim oProject

Dim oDesign

Dim oEditor

Dim oModule

Set oAnsoftApp = CreateObject("AnsoftHfss.HfssScriptInterface")

Set oDesktop = oAnsoftApp.GetAppDesktop()


Set oProject = oDesktop.SetActiveProject("Project6")

Set oDesign = oProject.SetActiveDesign("HFSSDesign1")

Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule("ReportSetup")


oModule.CreateReport "XY Plot 27", "Near Fields", "Rectangular Plot", _

"Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx1"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _ "All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx2"),

Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx3"),

Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx4"),

Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx5"),

Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx6"),

Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx7"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx8"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx9"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx10"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx11"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx12"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx13"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx14"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3mx15"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.ExportToFile "XY Plot 27", "C:/Users/xiaoen/Documents/3mx-0.8G.csv" oModule.DeleteReports Array("XY Plot 27")


oModule.CreateReport "XY Plot 27", "Near Fields", "Rectangular Plot", _

"Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my1"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _ "All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my2"),

Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my3"),

Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my4"),

Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=",


"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my5"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my6"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my7"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my8"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my9"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my10"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my11"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my12"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my13"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my14"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.AddTraces "XY Plot 27", "Setup1 : Sweep", Array("Context:=", "lin3my15"), Array("NormalizedDistance:=", Array( _

"All"), Array("NAME:V ariableV alues", "Freq:=", "0.8GHz")), Array("X Component:=", _

"NormalizedDistance", "Y Component:=", Array("NearETotal")), Array()

oModule.ExportToFile "XY Plot 27", "C:/Users/xiaoen/Documents/3my-0.8G.csv" oModule.DeleteReports Array("XY Plot 27")
