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An Analysis of the Image of Gatsby in the Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》中主人公盖茨比形象浅析 Major: English 专业:英语 Author: 作者: 指导教师:曹晓玲 University: Eastern Liaoning University 学位授予单位:辽东学院 Time: June, 2014 完成时间:2014年6月 辽东学院本科毕业论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:此处所提交的本科毕业论文《<了不起的盖茨比>中主人公人物形象浅析》是本人在导师指导下,在辽东学院外语学院学习期间独立进行研究所取得的成果。据本人所知,论文中除已注明部分外不包含他人已发表或撰写过的研究成果,对本文的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已注明。本声明的法律结果与导师无关,将完全由本人承担。 作者签名:日期:年月日 辽东学院本科毕业论文(设计)版权使用授权书 本论文作者及指导教师完全了解“辽东学院论文版权使用规定”,同意辽东学院保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交毕业论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权辽东学院可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,也可采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编毕业论文。 作者签名: 导师签名: 年月

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Upon the completion of this paper, An Analysis of the Image of Gatsby in The Great Gatsby, I am grateful to the professor who offers my sincere encouragement and generous support during the course of my study for the Bachelor’s degree. First and foremost I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Mrs. Cao Xiaoling, who guided me with academic expertise, critical insights throughout each stage of my study and initiated me into my research. Her instruction enabled me to express my idea in a better way. Without her patient and insightful supervision, this paper would not be possible. What’s more, I also extend my heart-felt thanks to my classmates and friends, for their valuable guidance and sincere help. Last but not least, I would like to express thanks to my parents, for their encouragement and support.

On the Three Female Characters in The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比人物分析

On the Three Female Characters in The Great Gatsby 20111151121 中国青年政治学院外语系潘思岑1.General introduction The "American dream" is a unique cultural phenomenon in American history, also is a everlasting theme in American literature. Fitzgerald, most good at writing about "American dream", is a genuine author born under American culture and the "American dream". Fitzgerald is outstanding in literary circles in the United States along with Hemingway, Faulkner. The Great Gatsby is the representative work of Fitzgerald, published in 1925. By describing the protagonist Gatsby pursuing the American dream, achieving the American dream and eventually becoming a kind of sacrifice during the process of the American dream, the novel critically reflected the corruption, erosion and the strong criticism of the American society under the a flashy, bright and exciting surface. This work has been praised as the most profound contemporary American novel, which has been recognized embodiment of creative thinking and artistic style of Fitzgerald. The author himself also acknowledges that the novel is his conscious artistic achievement from creative thinking. It is Gatsby, as one of Fitzgerald protagonists in the novel, who has been a typical figure in the world literary gallery and recorded into the western literary classic(114). In The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald exquisitely and accurately depicts the “jazz age”. The three important female images are particularly impressive: Gatsby's dream lover, Daisy Buchanan from a noble family, Daisy's girlfriend, also a golf player Jordan Baker, and Tom Buchanan's mistress Myrtle Wilson. As for Jordan Baker who always keeps skeptical for the world, “there are only people just pursuing and being


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《了不起的盖茨比》人物分析 ·前言 学期初的时候经朋友介绍选择看的这本小说,进度有些慢,到现在也没有看完,我的初衷是为了提高英语水平才有了之后的事情。 起初的时候我并没有觉得这本创作于20世纪20年代的小说有什么与众不同之处,包括在看了树上春树等众多大家们对这本书极高的评价和知道这本书的创作背景是在史称“喧嚣时代”的时期之后,我仍然抱着一个平常的心态去翻开了这本书的扉页,并没有十分的严谨、或者说刻意的去研究一番的想法。随着阅读进度的增长,我的眉头一点点的蹙起,思绪越发的混乱,思考也越来越多,哪怕只有一行的文字我也会去仔细的揣摩,以至于经常一目十行的我现在也没有看完这本书。 我想我之前的想法是错误的,低估了这本书的精彩性、思考性以及细腻度。用树上春树的形容来说就是,“我会将这本书小心地搁在神龛上,时不时看上几眼,以此度过我的人生。” 结合众多读者的解析以及可以查到的有关于作者菲茨杰拉德的事迹,《了不起的盖茨比》这本书实际上就是在创作时期,美国当时社会的大背景下,作者将自己的经历写了下来。这本书不仅反映了当时正处在一战后,新旧社会交替中美国的现状,还通过以角色叙述的方式来勾勒出一个又一个故事场景,将每一个人物都在不经意的细节中表现的淋漓尽致,让这本书变得精彩纷呈、耐人寻味。以至于一个世纪后的今天,这本书仍然会被我们互相推荐、品评。 ·尼克 作者菲茨杰拉德在小说的开篇,就是以尼克这个刚毕业、涉世未深的年轻人自述他的所见所闻的角度去写的。尼克这个故事的叙述人看起来似乎并没有什么鲜明的特色,会让人误认为尼克应该属于小说中的扁形人物。然而如果用福斯特的理论,“可以用一个句子表达出来”的人物就是扁形人物的话,似乎并不能将尼克用一句话概括清楚。 与之相反的是,在故事不断发展的过程中,尼克随着故事的跌宕起伏一点点的展露出他的内心世界,以及他的思想价值观,我认为尼克是小说中的圆形人物。比如在小说的第一章中,汤姆为了化解尴尬随口说的晚餐后天色还亮的话,带尼克去马厩看看。因为随后又发生的事情,而将看马厩一事搁浅了,尼克却很在乎这件事,在小说中两次提到马厩的事情烟消云散了。 这件小事基本上就可以看出,尼克被作者菲茨杰拉德塑造成了拥有双重人格的人。表面上尼克是一个很随和、可以在别人倾诉时选择闭嘴倾听、任何事情都可以说没关系的人,而实际上内心却没有忘记任何一件小事,并没有表面上看起来的那么洒脱,所以我认为尼克在小说中是一个圆形人物。 ·汤姆 汤姆是小说中,尼克第一个向读者介绍的人物。他是一个酷爱体育运动的巨富子弟,光是用来打马球的马匹就有一大群。他的形象在我看来,只是作者菲茨杰拉德笔下的一个配角,但却是一个很重要的配角。因为通过他与黛西之间的故事,可以很生动形象的展示出,这个过程中很多人的性格特点,包括故事的叙述人,尼克。 汤姆一出现的行为就直白的展现了他的性格,高傲、多金、蛮横、霸道。无需过多的叙述,从作者对汤姆的外貌描写、见到尼克时的动作描写,很轻而易举的就印证了这一点。我作为一位读者,我给汤姆的评价只有八个字:放纵不羁、纨绔子弟。所以,很简单,我认为在作者菲茨杰拉德的笔下,汤姆是一个扁形人物。 ·黛西 说到黛西,就不得不提一下菲茨杰拉德在现实生活中的妻子,泽尔达。有人说,黛西就是小说版的泽尔达,菲茨杰拉德就是小说中的盖茨比。泽尔达是一个地地道道的美国南方物

盖茨比 人物分析详解

Study Questions 1. Discuss Gatsby’s character as Nick perceives him throughout the novel. What makes Gatsby “great”? In one sense, the title of the novel is ironic; the title character is neither “great” nor named Gatsby. He is a criminal whose real name is James Gatz, and the life he has created for himself is an illusion. By the same token, the title of the novel refers to the theatrical skill with which Gatsby makes this illusion seem real: the moniker “the Great Gatsby” suggests the sort of vaudeville billing that would have been given to an acrobat, an escape artist, or a magician. Nick is particularly taken with Gatsby and considers him a great figure. He sees both the extraordinary quality of hope that Gatsby possesses and his idealistic dream of loving Daisy in a perfect world. Though Nick recognizes Gatsby’s flaws the first time he meets him, he cannot help but ad mire Gatsby’s brilliant smile, his romantic idealization of Daisy, and his yearning for the future. The private Gatsby who stretches his arms out toward the green light on Daisy’s dock seems somehow more real than the vulgar, social Gatsby who wears a pink suit to his party and calls everyone “old sport.” Nick alone among the novel’s characters recognizes that Gatsby’s love for Daisy has less to do with Daisy’s inner qualities than with Gatsby’s own. That is, Gatsby makes Daisy his dream because his heart demands a dream, not because Daisy truly deserves the passion that Gatsby feels for her. Further, Gatsby impresses Nick with his power to make his dreams come true—as a child he dreamed of wealth and luxury, and he has attained them, albeit through criminal means. As a man, he dreams of Daisy, and for a while he wins her, too. In a world without a moral center, in which attempting to fulfill one’s dreams is like rowing a boat against the current, Gatsby’s power to dream lifts him above the meaningless and amoral pleasure-seeking of New York society. In Nick’s view, Gatsby’s capacity to dream makes him “great” despite his flaws and eventual undoing. 2. What is Nick like as a narrator? Is he a reliable storyteller, or does his version of events seem suspect? How do his qualities as a character affect his narration?

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