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B.19世纪中期至19世纪未P88总13(2) P90总13(4)

C.19世纪末20初 P88总13(3)(4)、14(1)(3) P104总14(3)

梁启超的观点:2012广州一模38题(2)人口观/ P108总14民族情绪


E.新中国成立前后: P108总13(2) P110总13(4)



A.14世纪至18世纪 P68总14(1) P90总13(3)

B.两次工业革命时期 19世纪末20初中西方社会发展的特征P67金二及例题 18世纪中-20世纪初P102总13(2)


E.二战后 P73金二




A.探索与救亡P68(2) P37金二14


社会群体P48金二14 C史料研究P54金二14


2012届高三二模化学题 一、单项选择题(本题包括6小题,每小题4分,共24分。每小题只有一个 ....选项符合题意)7.下列说法正确的是 A.乙烯和苯都能与溴水发生反应 B.溴乙烷和乙醇都能发生消去反应 C.淀粉和蛋白质均可作为生产葡萄糖的原料 D.乙酸乙酯和纤维素乙酸酯均可水解生成乙醇 8 9 10 11 4432 12.短周期元素甲、乙、丙、丁的原子序数依次增大。甲的最高价氧化物与乙的氢化物同时通入水中,得到的生成物既可与酸反应又可与碱反应。丙位于第ⅠA族,丁原子的核外电子总数是其最外层电子数的3倍。则 A.气态氢化物的稳定性:乙< 丁 B.原子半径:甲< 乙 C.丙的两种氧化物都是离子化合物 D.甲、乙、丁的最高价氧化物对应的水化物酸性依次增强

二、双项选择题(本题包括2小题,每小题6分,共12分。每小题有两个选项符合题意。若只选一个且正确得3分,但只要选错就得0分) 22.Li-SOCl 2电池可用于心脏起搏器。电极材料分别为锂和碳,电解液是LiAlCl 4—SOCl 2。电池的总反应可表示为:4Li+2SOCl 2=4LiCl +S +SO 2。电池工作时,下列说法正确的是 A .锂电极发生还原反应 B .电子通过外电路从锂电极流向碳电极 C .每生成1mol SO 2转移4mol 电子 D .SOCl 2既是氧化剂又是还原剂 .对实验Ⅰ~Ⅳ的实验现象预测正确的是 A .实验Ⅰ试管中红色溶液逐渐变成无色溶液 B .实验Ⅱ试管中出现淡黄色浑浊 C .实验Ⅲ碳棒上有无色气泡产生 D .实验Ⅳ中酸性KMnO 4溶液中出现气泡且颜色逐渐褪去 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ 碎瓷片 浸有石蜡油的石棉 酸性KMnO 4 盐桥 电流计 C Fe FeSO 4 H 2SO 4 稀HCl 含酚酞的Na 2SiO 3溶液 FeCl 3溶液 Na 2SO 3 70%硫酸


2020广州高考二模作文8篇汇总 2017广州高考二模作文及点评:独立使自己更加强大 有一位17岁的英国女孩买彩票,中了100万英镑后购买了两套 物业,吃喝不愁,但四年后她将彩票公司给起诉了,称彩票毁了自 己的生活,希望回到获奖前的生活。彩票公司最后聘请财务顾问为 她提供理财服务。我认为,如果该女孩从小能养成独立的习惯,那 么将不会面对突如其来的巨额奖金,手足无措,焦虑万分。 我们的人生并不是一帆风顺,我们的成长也并非风雨无阻,我们的父母也不可能永远呵护着我们,让我们生活在一个毫无困难的温 室中,我们总要面向社会,而在这之前,我们要成为一个独立自主 的人才能在这波涛汹涌的社会中不被淹没。如果这位英国女孩能够 独立自主,那么这100万大奖将不是烫手的芋头而是天降甘露。让 她能更加舒适的生活下去,将这些钱合理分配自主的进行合理利用 和投资生活得轻松而有条理。 独立有利于我们的学习,当我们在学习的过程中,总是会遇到许许多多的困难和问题,往往这个时候我们都是马上去问同学或老师,缺乏自主思考与自己亲自解决的过程,只是简单的会了一道题,而 不是通了一类题。导致效率十分低下,最终和他人的距离越拉越大。如果我们能够有自主学习的习惯,独立思考,那么将使自己更高效 率的有效学习。 独立有利于个人的成长,李嘉诚在创业初期在茶楼里当小工,但他在闲余的时间总能独立学习,自学了许多外语和为商之道。在开 塑胶厂时,常常都是亲力亲为,最终造就了一名地产大亨。如果我 们能够独立的生活,自己的事自己想办法搞定,将对我们以后的成 长和发展更加有利,当我们独立完成很多事后,将让我们变得自强,在以后面对困难时,不会像该获奖女孩一样倍感压力,手足无措, 而是能更好的独立解决问题,独立使我们的意志更加坚定,更加坚强,不会轻易被挫折所击败。

上海市虹口区2020届高考英语二模 PDF版含答案

Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper from of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. How Can You Look Your Best in Photos? Have you ever seen a picture of yourself and felt embarrassed by what you saw? Actually, it’s really all (21) __________ (tie) to how we respond to the camera. With the following tips, you’re sure to look your best. No. 1 Study Photos of Yourself The first step in simple: learn from the past. You need to know how you look in photos before you can improve. Gather some old pictures together, (22) __________ __________ they make you ashamed a little. Now look over how your body is placed in the pictures and think for a while. (23) __________ (analyze) all these old photos, you can find a few natural poses you can use in the future. No. 2 Practice in Front of a Mirror Now that what works for you in photos (24) __________ (figure) out, start using what you’ve learned from your old pictures, practicing in front of mirror. Work on your favorites and you’ll be able to mentally pick out a pose in the future - (25) __________ a mirror. One thing that goes great with a nice pose is a matching smile, so try out several smile until you find one that fits. You should consider (26) __________ a closed or an open - mouthed smile looks better. No. 3 Say “Money” We’re used to saying “Cheese”, but this only creates a fake smile. Abandon the cheese and try out the word “Money” instead. The ending ‘ey’ is the very sound (27) __________ forces the corners of your mouth upward and creates a fold around your eyes. The result is a more natural, realistic smile. Another great trick to prevent a too-wide smile (28) __________ (happen) is placing your tongue on the back of your front teeth. No. 4 Choose the Right Lighting Getting some sunny photos on a bright day makes you look good a pictures. But in reality, the


2013年市高考二模化学试题及答案 本卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 S-32 Fe-56 7.下列实验能达到实验目的的是 A.用乙醇萃取碘水中的碘 B.用饱和NaHCO3中除去CO2混有的HCl C.用Ba(NO3)2溶液鉴别SO32-和SO42-D.用淀粉KI溶液鉴别FeCl3溶液和溴水 8.下列说确的是 A.溴乙烷和甲醇都能发生消去反应 B.乙烯和苯都能与酸性KMnO4溶液发生反应 C.糖类和蛋白质都是人体需要的营养物质 D.纤维素和油脂的水解产物都是葡萄糖 9.设n A为阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列说确的是 A.常温下,18g H2O中含有2n A个氢原子 B.标准状况下,22.4L 苯含有n A个苯分子 C.1mol Na与足量水反应转移2n A个电子 D.0.1 mol·L-1CH3COOH中含有0.1n A个CH3COO-10.下列物质的制取,实验操作正确的是 A.将CuCl2溶液置于蒸发皿中加热蒸干,可制取无水CuCl2固体 B.将NH4HCO3饱和溶液在蒸发皿中加热蒸干,可制取NH4 HCO3固体 C.向FeCl3饱和溶液缓慢滴入过量氨水加热,可制取Fe(OH)3胶体 D.向电石中缓慢滴入饱和食盐水,可制取C2H2 11.下列离子方程式正确的是 A.铝溶于NaOH溶液:Al + 2OH-=AlO2- + H2↑ B.铜溶于稀硝酸:3Cu + 8H++2NO3-=3Cu2+ +2NO↑+ 4H2O C.碳酸镁中滴加稀盐酸:CO32-+2H+=CO2↑ + H2O D.稀硫酸中滴加氧化钡溶液:H++ OH-=H2O 12.短周期元素甲、乙、丙、丁、戊的原子序数依次增大,甲是周期表中原子半径最小的元素,乙形成的气态氢化物的水溶液呈碱性,乙与丁同族,丙、丁、戊同周期,丙单质可制成半导体材料,戊的最高化合价为+7,则 A.原子半径:乙>丁>丙 B.非金属性:丙>丁>戊 C.甲与戊形成的化合物是共价化合物 D.乙、丙、丁最高价氧化物对应的水化物均是强酸 22.HA为酸性略强于醋酸的一元弱酸,常温下叙述正确的是 A.0.1 mol·L-1 HA中c(H+)=c(OH-)+ c(A-) B.0.1 mol·L-1 HA与0.1 mol·L-1NaOH混合至溶液呈中性:c(Na +)=c(A-) C.0.1 mol·L-1 NaA中c(Na +)>c(OH-) >c(A-)>c(H+) D.0.1 mol·L-1 HA中加入少量NaA固体,HA的电离常数减小 23.下列对实验I~IV电化学的装置正确,且实验现象预测正确的是


2016年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(二) 英语 第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The best of adventure and sport in NSW If you want adventure, then the state of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia is the place to go. No matter what the season, you can choose from a wide variety of landscapes, climates, activities and experiences all with easy access to tour operators and local guides. For snow lovers, there’s no better place than the Snowy Mountains. Skiers and snowboarders can hit the slopes for some downhill thrills in Kosciuszko National. Park. Non-skiing adventure-seekers will enjoy hiking or snowshoeing. If water sports are more your thing, there are plenty of places to go. Surfers you’re your surfboards and head to Byron Bay, Shellharbour, or Newcastle's Merewether Beach. To see spectacular sea life up close, visit Lord Howe Island, a world-famous destination for underwater diving. The oceans, lakes and rivers around NSW offer a lifetime’s worth of exciting fishing and boating challenges. Want more Experience the rush of whitewater rafting in Jindabyne and Penrith, or go barefoot waterskiing in Port Stephens. For adventure in NSW, the sky’s the limit! Book a hot-air-balloon or helicopter ride over the stunning vineyards of the Hunter Valley, go skydiving in Wollongong, or try hang-gliding in Stanwell Park. Get to know the State’s unique and tough landscapes on a caving, canoeing or rock climbing adventure. Four-wheel-driving and off-roading tours are popular in both Country NSW and Outback NSW. Or explore parts of the State on horseback ―you’Il find great horse riding options in Sydney and throughout NSW. 21. What is the purpose of this article A. To advertise a new holiday tour. B. To describe the geography of NSW. C. To promote NSW's tourist attractions. D. To encourage people to move to NSW.


2010年广州“二模”优秀作文选(一) 各有各的精彩 大自然创造了一个多姿多彩的世界,物种繁多,光植物就成千上万种。但它们都有自己的时空领域,使得这世界看上去井然有序:春天开的会是桃花,夏天看到的会是荷花,秋天赏的是菊,冬天赞的是梅花。 桃、荷、菊、梅,在各自的时空内精彩纷呈,却从不能跨越界限到别的地方、季节开放。他们各有各的精彩。 花如此,人亦然。 “术业有专攻。”人无完人,生来就有缺点,不能在所有的时空都占优。但“天生我才必有用”,人总能在某个领域上有特别的专长。其实,这就足够了。 因为,倘若有花,能一年四季,在任何地方都盛开,那么它多半是假花,不真实;同样,倘若有人能在所有方面都显得非常优秀,完全没有缺点,那么他顶多是台机器人,没电就完了。 我想说的是,我们不必追求自己每一样都做到最好,只要能找到自己的兴趣,自己的立足点,自有自的精彩就好了。每个人都如此,就能组成一个各有各的精彩的缤纷世界。 所以说,我们要找准自己的位臵,创造出精彩人生。 像华罗庚,重病后腿脚不便,在人们都认为他会一蹶不振的时候,他为自己找到了适合的位臵——数学。他说,

研究数学只需要一本《代数》、一本《几何》、一支铅笔、一张纸就可以了,工具极其简单,最适合我了。 显然,他找对了自己的位臵,不去和别人比身体条件,只是潜心研究,成为了著名的数学家,开创出了属于他的精彩。 各有各的精彩,强调的是每个人都有自己的精彩,而不需要每个人都十项全能。 就如在此次青海玉树大地震中不幸丧生的香港义工 王福荣。他本来只是一名普通的货车司机,没有明星一呼百应的号召力,没有富豪的千亿家产,但他总能坚持着做善事,在需要他的地方出现。曾只身徒步从香港走路上北京,目的只是为患病儿童筹措治病费用。这样的他,离开了,留下的,是他一生的精彩。 他,也替自己找到了合适的位臵——慈善事业。并创造了他的精彩。 正是因为有他们,一个个的精彩人生,才组成了这个世界,这个各有各的精彩的缤纷世界。 评语:22+22+8=52 生活并非是完美的,人也并非是完美的,也许有的人生在一些人眼中不够精彩,但是“天生我才必有用”,每个人找到了自己的合适位置就能发现自己的精彩人生。本文切合题意,用例准确,能挖掘出“各有各的精彩”的内涵。 各有各的精彩


虹口区2018学年度第二学期期中教学质量监控测试 高三英语试卷 2019.4 考生注意: 1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写( 非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上律不得分。 3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 I.Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A. you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.A. At an airport. B. On a plane. C. On a bus. D. In a department store. 2. A. He is suffering a pain in the neck. B. His roommate walks in his sleep. C. His roommate's bed is always in a mess. D. He doesn't like sharing a room with anyone. 3. A. The woman was fully absorbed in the movie. B. The woman lost her way to the cinema that evening. C. The woman couldn't understand the movie very well. D. The movie was no better than what the woman had imagined. 4. A. S160. B. S50. C.S120. D. SI50. 5. A. He really likes his wife's new hairstyle. B. His wife didn't take his sensible advice. C. He didn't want to cut his wife's long hair. D. His wife often complains about everything 6. A. Puzzled. B. Regretful. C. Angry. D. Relieved. 7. A. A job offer. B. An entry form. C. An excellent resume. D. The position of system engineer. 8. A. Mr. James talks a lot about gardening B. Mr. James likes boasting of his cleverness.


试卷类型:B 2012年广州二模 数 学(理科) 本试卷共4页,21小题,满分150分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用2B 铅笔在“考生号”处填涂考生号。用黑色字迹的钢 笔或签字笔将自己所在的市、县/区、学校以及自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B 铅笔将试卷类型(B)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案 信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各 题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.作答选做题时,请先用2B 铅笔填涂选做题的题号对应的信息点,再作 答。漏涂、错涂、多涂的,答案无效。 5.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 参考公式:锥体的体积公式1 3 V Sh =,其中S 是锥体的底面积,h 是锥体的高. 一、选择题:本大题共8小题。每小题5分.满分40分.在每小题给出的四个 选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知i 为虚数单位,复数1z a i =+,22z i =-,且12|z ||z |=,则实数a 的值为 A .2 B .-2 C .2或-2 D .±2或0 2.设集合A={(x ,y)|2x+y=6},B={(x ,y)|3x+2y=4},满足C ?(A B)的集合C 的个数为 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 3.已知双曲线221x my +=的虚轴长是实轴长的2倍,则实数m 的值是 A . 4 B . 14 C .1 4 - D .-4 4.已知等差数列{n a }的公差为2,项数是偶数,所有奇数项之和为l5,所有偶数项之和为25,则这个数列的项数为 A .10 B .20 C .30 D .40 5.已知两条不同直线m 、l ,两个不同平面α、β,在下列条件中,可得出αβ⊥的是


2018广州二模作文如何立意(附范文5篇) 准确概括材料充分利用材料 ——就广二模作文题谈新材料作文如何综合立意 广州市教育研究院王惠 2018年广州二模作文题是一道以寓言故事为材料的新材料作文题。新材料作文题有可对材料进行多元理解、可从多角度切入的命题要求,从而综合考查考生的认知水平和理解能力、分析综合等思维能力、谋篇行文等表达能力。寓言故事则多用比喻性的故事来寄托意味深长的道理,故事虽简单,其中所蕴含的主题却往往很深刻,而且具有现实意义,因此阅读和理解寓言故事需要透过文字的表层意义深入其意义空间。广州二模作文题综合新材料作文命题要求和寓言故事的文体要求,加之所提供的寓言材料涉及到的行为主体丰富多样,故事情节也较为完整曲折,所以在审题立意上存在一定的难度。 对这样一道有典型性和代表性的作文题进行审题立意的分析,可帮助考生习得或强化在新材料作文审题立意上可迁移的路径和方法——通过准确概括材料得出中心论点,通过充分利用材料建构分论点。 一、文题 22.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。(60分) 一片曾经丰饶的土地逐渐变得贫瘠,许多动物陆续离开了这里。 小鸟对蚯蚓说:“我也要走了,你不走吗?”蚯蚓说:“我还是想留在这里。”小鸟拍拍翅膀,依依不舍地飞走了。蚯蚓看了看小鸟的背影,继续埋头松土。 甲虫从远方赶来,和蚯蚓一起忙碌起来。 几年之后,小鸟回来了,带着一群伙伴,它们嘴里衔着各种各样的种子。小鸟惊讶地发现,这片土地已经变得松软,还长出了小草。蚯蚓说:“你离开的这段时间,甲虫和我一起翻土堆肥,这里渐渐变好了。” 小鸟和伙伴们把种子播撒在大地上。大地上开满了鲜花,蝴蝶和蜜蜂也来了。 根据上面的材料,结合自己的感受和思考,写一篇文章。要求选好角度,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不少于800字。 二、解题 在阅读理解的基础上,运用分析与综合的语文能力对材料进行解析。切记:要真正理解材料和充分利用好材料,分析和综合的能力很重要。作文的中心观点一般从对材料的综合性概括中得出,而分论点则可以从对材料分解后的分析中得出。 (一)按不同主体的行为来解析。本材料为一则寓言故事,故事中的行为主体是多种动物,可对每种动物的行为选择进行分析。按出场的先后顺序列表如下: (二)按故事发展的线索来解析。本材料为一则寓言故事,一般而言,故事都会有自己的情节线,可据此


2020年上海高考英语二模-虹口区 高三英语试卷2020.4考生注意: 1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在 试卷上一律不得分。 3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,在答題纸 反面清楚地填写姓名。 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. To ask for leave. B. To cancel a flight. C. To make an apology. D. To put off a meeting. 2. A. He’ll come over and make a phone call. B. He’ll go for a job interview. C. He’ll make an advertisement. D. He’ll find the position in the newspaper. 3. A. The handle can’t be replaced. B. There’s no handle for the suitcase. C. The suitcase is not worth fixing. D. The suitcase can be fixed in time. 4. A. Worthwhile. B. Meaningful. C. Incredible. D. Exciting. 5. A. They are both to blame. B. They are difficult to please. C. They used to be good friends. D. They can manage to get along. 6. A. The man can read in the library without a library card. B. The man has to leave before he gets a library card. C. The woman will lend the man her library card. D. A library card is a must for everyone there. 7. A. He will give up learning French grammar. B. He finds it difficult to learn French grammar. C. Learning French is as easy as learning English. D. He feels learning French difficult but rewarding. 8. A. Both of them will watch the game together. B. The woman feels lucky to have got a ticket. C. The man can get the ticket at its original price. D. The woman doesn’t like watching the game on TV. 9. A. The woman will make the lines shorter. B. The man hopes to change his role in the play. C. The man lacks self-confidence in playing the part. D. The woman will try to help the man remember the lines.


第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 A Many people would love to leave their jobs behind and have a life-changing adventure overseas. They imagine lying under palm trees as the sun goes down. However, life overseas is not always easy, and many are not prepared for the shock of living in an alien culture. The honeymoon period At first, for those who actually decide to move abroad, life is an exciting adventure. They enjoy exploring their new surroundings, and life seems like an extended holiday. They don’t mind trying the local cuisine and discovering the local culture. They can even afford to practice their foreign-language skills without fear of making mistakes. Trouble in paradise In many cases, when people consider moving to another country, they often fail to realize how different life will be. As time goes by, they become frustrated when language and cultural misunderstandings become a daily headache. In this stage, the visitors begin to withdraw from life in the host country and avoid spending time with local people in favor of mixing with others from their own cultural background. The road to recovery Gradually, most visitors realize they must accept the differences and not fight against them. This change encourages them to improve their language skills and slowly they manage to do the things they could easily do at home, such as opening a bank account. This new-found confidence enables them to see a side of life which very few tourists get to witness. Adjusting to life abroad can often be a real problem. The secret to overcoming it is to stop trying to change your host country: you will not succeed. If not, you risk losing your dream and having to return to the old life you wanted to leave behind. 21. Why do people moving abroad feel excited at first? A. They find foreign living much easier. B. They have the necessary language skills. C. They love the adventure and exploration. D. They enjoy meeting people from different cultures. 22. According to the author, what is the main problem many people moving abroad face? A. Homesickness. B. Culture shock C. Health problems. D. Lack of employment. 23. What would the author suggest people moving abroad do? A. Study the local language. B. Go on holidays frequently. C. Learn how to open a bank account. D. Seek out people from their home country. B Australia loves interesting money. In 1988, it was the first country to replace paper money with special plastic banknotes. Now it’s introduced a new five-dollar bill so technologically advanced that many experts are calling it the money of the future! At first glance, the new note looks much like the old one. It has the same pink colour and main pictures on the front and back. But look closer, and you will notice a clear window running down the middle, surrounded by images of the yellow Prickly Moses, a type of Australian plant. Tilt(使倾斜)the note a little and you will see the Eastern Spinebill, an Australian bird, beating its wings as if trying to fly away. Turn the bill from side to side, and you will notice the picture of a small building at the bottom of the note spins, and the image of “5” changes position. While these moveable features are impressive and entertaining, that was not the reason Australian government officials spent ten years developing them. Their primary purpose was to make it impossible for criminals to produce their own fake notes. The new five-dollar note also has something to help blind people easily identify the money. It has a raised bump alongside the top and bottom, enabling blind people to quickly determine its value. The credit for persuading the Australian government to add this all-important bump goes to 15-year-old Connor McLeod. The blind Sydney teenager came up with the idea in 2014 after being unable to tell how much money he had received for Christmas. Connor says he was so embarrassed at not being able to see the difference between notes that he only carried coins to pay for food at the school cafeteria. To


2018年广州市综合测试(二)历史试题2018.4 24.西周时期“孝道”观念的核心是崇拜祖先,行孝的主要形式是祭祀;春秋时期,“孝”的对象主要是父母,行孝的主要形式是“养”和“敬”。这一变化反映了春秋时期 A.个体家庭作用的提升 B.血缘观念的淡化 C.儒家思想地位的提高 D.君主专制的建立 25.表1 表1是与汉代海昏侯刘贺有关的历史材料。据此可知 A.刘贺昏庸无道不重礼制B.当时皇室重视儒学教育 C.汉代“四书”地位超过“五经” D.刘贺以皇帝的身份下葬 26.宋代有知识分子主张重建上古时代的宗法组织,形成了以修宗谱、建宗祠、置族田、立族长、定族规为特征的新的宗族制度。高级官僚在宗族建设中起了重要作用,如范仲淹为加强本族内部的相互扶助,设立了“义庄”等。这些做法有利于 A.抑制土地兼并B.进一步完善选官制度 C.推动世俗文化发展 D.国家权力在乡村的渗透 27.元代划分行省边界时基本不考虑山川形胜,于是出现了许多跨山越岭、逾河渡江的政区。明朝时政区划分比较符合自然山川形胜。导致这一变化的原因是明代 A.形成了国家政治统一的局面B.经济重心南移 C.对地方的控制力进一步加强D.边患危机解除 28.魏源在《海国图志》中,采信地圆、地动等天文地理学说,提出圆形的地球之上,“居中之国”并不存在;他还认为“今华夷通市,正朔相通”,故比较了中国农历与西洋历法的差异,“以便稽览”。这表明魏源A.倡导“师夷长技以自强”B.主张与外国进行“商战” C.突破了传统的华夷观念D.为制度变革寻求理论依据 29.据统计,1865—1894年中国共有商办新式企业139家,创业总资本约455万两,其中上海有29家,广东有95家,从资本数量来看,上海为244.5万两,广东为184.2万两。这表明当时 A.新式企业的地区分布不平衡B.机器生产取代了手工业生产 C.政府放宽了民间设厂的限制D.广东是全国经济贸易的中心 30.表2


广州二模作文 【材料解读】 材料分成两段,一是引句,二是阐释句。 1.材料引语 来源于孟子的话,孟子曰:“道在迩而求诸远,事在易而求诸难。人人亲其亲,长其长,而天下平。”——后面一句作文材料省略 [译文](孟子说:)“道在近处却到远处去找,事情本来很容易却往难处做——只要各人亲爱自己的双亲,尊敬自己的长辈,天下就太平了。” 在孟子看来,无论是舍近求远还是舍易求难都没有必要,都是糊涂。相反,只要人人都从自己身边做起,从平易事努力,比如说亲爱自己的亲人,尊敬自己的长辈,天下也就会太平了。 孟子核心意思为“仁”——孝悌。即:人人从自己身边做起,从平凡小事做起。 。目的不同,自然选择的也就不同。 2. 材料阐释句 材料后半部分“生活中,有些人在近处求道,有些人去远方求道。一件事,有些人往易处去做。有些人则向难处努力。” 阐释句的目的在于降低阅读难度,使考生有基本的理解。它从两个方面四个角度加以阐释,没有明显的感情倾向。 通俗一点来说,就是有的人从近的、容易做的事情出发,有的人从远的、难度大的事情做起。材料对这两种做法并没有倾向性,只要言之成理,能够自圆其说,均可成文。 所以,笔者认为,这道作文题还是属于“材料引……”作文范畴,还是属于观点类作文。当然,与广州模作文题相比,加大了一点辩证色彩。 [立意参考] 1.从身边小事做起 2.一屋不扫,何以扫天下 3.创大业,从做小事情开始 4.千里之行,始于足下

5.大礼不辞小让,大行不顾细谨 6.无限风光在远方 7.用心发现,熟悉的地方也有风景 8.立足当下,走向远方 [作文素材] 1.据统计,每年“十一黄金”周都有很多人舍近求远,千里迢迢,去观光美景。一群人去某风景名胜旅游,感叹着山水的秀美,恨不得定居下来。然后有人好奇地问当地的一个年轻人:“你们住在这么优美的环境中,是不是觉得很幸福?”结果他的回答让游人惊讶:“不觉得。有机会我一定要到大城市里居住。” 确实如此,人生有太多的风景,也有很多看风景的人;有的人一生饱览风景,有的人错过了很多风景。 2.三毛为寻找心中的那方净土,行走在烈日炎炎、尘土漫天飞扬的撒哈拉沙漠,沙漠里留下了她深深的足迹;余纯顺为揭开楼兰古国神秘的面纱,寻找消失了的文明古国,行走在茫茫戈壁;余秋雨为探寻数千年古国文明,孤独地行走在历史文化的隧道……他们都是一道道行走的风景。 3.中国女排经过20多年的一步步的“走近”,终于重新看到了“远方”的世界冠军;爱迪生也经过一步步的“走近”,看到了“远方”一根细小的给与人类无限光明的灯丝;居里夫人通过一步步的“走近”,看清了“远方”那细小无比的“镭”;牛顿一步步的“走近”,发现了“牛顿定律”的奥妙。 4.“大行不顾细谨”,在青春的道路上纵马扬鞭,你总会忽略掉什么。你忽略的,可能是每天家常便饭中那一缕温馨;你忽略的,也可能是青青校园中那一声教诲…… 5.在生活中,人们总期盼着远方,但是,我们不仅是要盼望远方,我们应该为了抵达远方而努力奋斗下去。“远方”并不是一种梦幻,它离我们并不遥远。我们心中都有自己的“远方”。但我们不能够空想。不通过努力,“远方”是不能成为我们的脚下石的。空想“远方”是不现实的。最现实的方法就是从现在开始努力奋斗。从现在开始努力,我们可以在到“远方”的路途上更早踏出一步。我们要比其他人更快,就应该从现在开始。我们不能等待,等待只能是失败。我们要努力争取,争取才能获得最后的成功,才能使得“远方”变得不远。“远方”并不远。我们要通过努力,使“远方”变得越来越近。让我们从现在开始踏上通往“远方”的路途吧!让我们一起努力吧。

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