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Role play

Role  play
Role  play

Role play

(Scene one)

A: Father(Mother).

B: what`s up?

A: I`d like to talk about something with you.

B: No problem. Go ahead.

A: You know, I`m going to graduate from university this June. I am planning to look for a job.

B: It is high time to consider this problem. Then do you have something in your mind?

A: Yes. I am applying for a job in a newspaper.

B:(surprised and shocked)What? Newspaper? Are you kidding? You, a promising graduate student from school of law, go to work for a newspaper? There must be something wrong with your head.

A:**, I am very serious. Tomorrow I will go to have the final interview.

B:Well, why did you make such a foolish decision? Your major is law, and you are suspected to be a judge, a lawyer, or an officer in the government. You will gain high social status, have a good income and lead a rich and comfortable life. Why do you want to be a reporter or an editor?

A: The reason is simple: I like it. I enjoy writing ,but you and mother(father) forced me to study law. I really do not like it. It is boring. Why don`t you give me a little freedom to make my own choice?

B: Enough! Leave me alone. I am dizzy now!

Scene two

(After arguing with his mother, A feels sad. He goes out for a walk, hoping it can be better. A is walking when he hears someone call him. He turns around and finds his pen-pal, Sam, is greeting him with a smile…)

Sam: Hi, A, do you remember me?

A: Of course, you are Sam. But why are you here? When did you come from America?

Sam: I’m just having a vacation. Shall we find a seat to sit down and have a talk in the café? I’m working in the café now. (They walk in, and Sam serves A a glass of coffee)

Sam: You look blue. What’s wrong?

A: I argued with my mom about my job just now. I want to work in a newspaper, but my mom don’t agree , she insists that I

should become a lawyer or a judge, but I don’t like it, I just want to do what I have passion for.

Sam: er…But it’s strange, isn’t it? What jobs you work on is your personal matter, why are you disturbed by your


A: en~~(面露难色)

Sam: And I think you don’t need to be so worried, it is just a job, you can change if you don’t like it. During my journey, I

tried many jobs, I get joy from working, but if I don’t feel

happy, I quit at once to find another job which I’m

interested in. So take it easy!

A: Oh, but… I can’t. Do you know how difficult it is to find a job in China, I must find a steady job.

Sam: Difficult? I don’t think so. Everyday I can see many want ads, and I had got some. I think it is easy.

A: Really? Why is it so difficult for me to find a job? What jobs have you ever done?

Sam: Just like waiter, courier, salesman, the hourly and so on. A: You call those “jobs”? Oh, no, I can’t do these, never! It is shameful. I am a top university graduate student. How can I do these? It is a waste.

Sam: Shameful? Being a waiter is a shameful thing? I have never heard that before. It is absolutely wrong, I just get the things I should get by my work, I don’t do wrong thing,

why should I fell shameful? No matter what my job is, I am proud of it. Jobs are equal!

(Sam is angry, he stand up, point at the door)

Sam: Please get out, I don’t like to make friends with the people who look down upon my job.

A: Sorry, but Sam, I am not on purpose…

各位在看看还有没有什么表达问题,有些小问题的话可能会没有注意到。要尽快确定角色负责做叙述人的那个要写ROLE PLAY的小结。


学术英语单词 第一单元 free enterprise自由企业制度 adversity不幸,逆境 capitalistic 资本主义的 compelling 令人信服的 array 大群,大量 stockholder 股东 work force 劳动力 prospective 可能的 underestimate 低估 dedication 奉献 perseverance 坚忍 mailable 可邮寄的 cooperative 合作完成的 on-demand 按要求的 billionaire 亿万富翁undercapitalization 资本不足convertible 敞篷汽车 sander 打磨机 vendor 卖家 stockbroker 股票经纪人 personality 名人 facet 一个方面 mutual fund 共同基金 oceanic evaporation 海洋蒸发 business plan 经营策划 customer service 顾客服务 fraud 欺骗 road map 指南 transaction 交易 price-targeting strategy 区别定价战略pricing 定价 hassle 困难,麻烦 self-targeting 使自己成为目标 prise 撬开 insensitive 不敏感的,反应迟钝的recipe 菜谱 make sth. of sb/sth. 利用(机遇)illuminating 使清楚易懂的 turn sth on its head使……与之前相反的premium 溢价 profitable 有利可图的 chili 小红辣椒 triple 使成三倍 markup 涨价 whopping 巨大的 crisp 薯片 snack 吃零食 admittedly 确实,无可否认的 irritated 生气的 outwit 以智取胜 close substitutes 功能接近的替代品 business landscape 商业格局,商业环境competitive dynamics 竞争的态势social web 社交网站 sicial networking site(SNS)社交网站Facebook Wall 脸谱的涂鸦墙 call center 呼叫中心 support staff 向客户提供支持的员工competitive advantage 竞争优势adoption of new technology 新技术的采用 log in 登陆 news feed 即使新闻,动态消息 target audience 目标受众 text message 手机短信 overestimate 高估 relevance 重要性 mainframe 主机 underway 在进行中 portal 门户网站 order of magnitude 数量级 traffic 受到访问 cohort 一批人 feat 事迹 technophobic 畏惧技术的 overly 太 unnavigable 无法导航的 anonymous 匿名的 blur 变模糊


Role-play In this article I will outline several reasons for using role-play in the classroom and I will offer some tips for getting the most out of roleplay. ?Introduction ?What is role-play? ?Why use role-play? ?Tips on successful classroom role-play ?Bibliography Introduction Incorporating role-play into the classroom adds variety, a change of pace and opportunities for a lot of language production and also a lot of fun! It can be an integral part of the class and not a 'one-off' event. If the teacher believes that the activity will work and the necessary support is provided, it can be very successful. However,

if the teacher isn't convinced about the validity of using role-play the activity "will fall flat on its face just as you expected it to" (Gillian Porter Ladousse 1987). Therefore, if you think positive and have a go, you may be pleasantly surprised! What is role-play? Role-play is any speaking activity when you either put yourself into somebody else's shoes, or when you stay in your own shoes but put yourself into an imaginary situation! Imaginary people - The joy of role-play is that students can 'become' anyone they like for a short time! The President, the Queen, a millionaire, a pop star …….. the choice is endless! Students can also take on the opinions of someone else. 'For and Against' debates can be used and


专四英语口语测验roleplay题目 1 / 9

————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2 / 9

Task Three: Role-play 1.A: Recently, the number of students who apply for double majors has been increasing. You are also considering about such an application. You go to student B and ask for his/her opinion. Student B tries to encourage you to take this challenge by analyzing the advantages of doing so. However, you still have some reservations and do not want to make a final decision in a rush. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 1.B: Student A is considering about an application for double majors, which you think is a good idea. You try to encourage student A to take this challenge by analyzing the advantages of doing so. However, student A has some reservations and does not want to make a final decision in a rush. Remember, it is your partner who should initiate the conversation. 2.A: Recently a student has been enrolled in the graduate school of Zhongshan University because of his contribution to the fight against SARS. You and your classmate Student B express your opinions on whether the university is justified in doing so. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 2. B: Recently a student has been enrolled in the graduate school of Zhongshan University because of his contribution to the fight against SARS. You and your classmate Student A express your opinions on whether the university is justified in doing so. Remember it is your partner who initiates the conversation. 3.A: You are a freshman but you don’t feel happy at all. Instead you are depressed because you think the college you enter is an ordinary one. You curse your fate and cannot see any light of hope in your life. One day you decide to hav e a talk with your teacher, so you enter his/her office. Remember you must initiate the conversation. 3. B: You are a university teacher. Student A is a freshman but he/she doesn’t feel happy at all. Instead he/she is depressed because he/she thinks the college he enters is an ordinary one. He/she curses his fate and cannot see any light of hope in his/her life. One day, he/she enters your office with the intention of having a talk with you. Remember he/she initiates the conversation. 4.A: You and your friend are discussing the aim of university education. However, you hold different opinions. You think university education is primarily to train good members of society while your friend insists that it is primarily to create and cultivate scientists, artists, politicians, philosophers, poets, novelists, etc. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 4. B: You and your friend are discussing the aim of university education. However, you hold different opinions. You think university education is primarily to create and cultivate scientists, artists, politicians, philosophers, poets, novelists, etc. while your friend insists that it is primarily to train good members of society. Remember it is your partner who initiates the conversation.


Unit 1 When faced with both economic problems and increasing competition not only from firms in the united states but also from international firms located in other parts of the world, employee and managers now began to ask the question:what do we do now? although this is a fair question, it is difficult to answer. Certainly, for a college student taking business courses or be beginning employee just staring a career, the question is even more difficult to answer. And yet there are still opportunities out there d=for people who are willing to work hard, continue to learn, and possess the ability to adapt to change. 当面对不仅来自美国的公司而且来自位于世界其他地方的国际公司的经济问题和日益激烈的竞争时,员工和经理现在开始要问一个问题:我们要做什么?虽然这是一个很清晰的问题,但是它是很难回答的。当然,对于一个正在谈论商务课程的大学生或者一个刚开始职业生涯的员工来说,这个问题更难回答。但目前仍然有许多机会给那些愿意努力工作,继续学习并且拥有适应变化的能力的人。 Whether you want to obtain part-time employment to pay college and living expense, begin your career as a full –time employee, or start a business, you must bring something to the table that makes you different from the next person . Employee and our capitalistic economic systems are more demanding than ever before. Ask yourself: What can I do that will make employee want to pay me a salary? What skills do I have that employers need? With these questions in mind, we begin with another basic question: Why study business?

role play 剧本

Part one 人物:宝婷/陈红梅 宝婷:老婆,我出去一下。 陈:这么晚了还出去啊? 宝:嗯,上次不是买了两张彩票么,送给佟尧的那一张中奖了,我和他出去喝一杯,怎么也得让他请客。走啦~ 旁白:陈想想觉得沉不住气,跑去佟家。王露和孩子在家。 Part two 人物:陈红梅、王露、张宜 (敲门) 张宜(写作业中):妈妈,有人来啦! 王露:谁呀? 陈:是我,宝婷的媳妇。 王:哦是你,快请进请进。 王露开门,倒水。 张宜(露出脑袋):阿姨好! 陈(打量四周):嗯,好。 王:小宜,回去写作业吧。我和你阿姨聊一聊。(对陈说)快请坐。好久不见,还是这么年轻漂亮。常听我家老佟提起你们两个。 陈:你也还是没变啊。而且听说你们彩票中了五十万? 王:嗯,是啊。而且这彩票还是你们送的,真是太幸运了! 陈:你也说是我们送的,那现在中奖了不能就这么归你们吧? 王(讶异状):你什么意思?难道你想把钱要回去? 陈:没错!今天我来正是这个意思。如果不是我家老刘和我说我还不知道这事,你们就想私吞了是吧? 王:你这话说的不对啊!送出去的礼物怎么能要回去呢?这中了奖当然也算是我家的了!陈:没见过你这么贪心的人!你们家老佟也和你一样?真是看错你们了! 王:你少在那侮辱人!请你放尊重点! (此时,气氛逐渐紧张。) 陈:我说的是事实!你今天不把钱还给我我就不走了! 王:没见过你这么不讲理的人!我给老佟打电话! 陈:哼!我看他回来怎么说! (拨电话) Part three 人物:王露、佟尧、刘宝婷 (电话拨通) 王露:老公,你快回来,陈红梅因为彩票的事在我家闹呢! 佟尧:陈红梅?那不是宝婷老婆么?(对身边喝酒的宝婷)哎~你老婆跑到我家去了,她们俩好像吵起来了! 宝婷:什么?这个女人真是……我们快去你家吧! 佟:好,快走! (到家) Part four 人物:王露、佟尧、刘宝婷、陈红梅

典型教案role play

Lesson Plan Topic Role Play Date _____________________ No. of Students _______ Time: 45 minutes CLASS PROFILE GENERAL OBJECTIVES: The trainees will be able to use role-plays in the ELT classroom. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES:

RATIONALE . why select these linguistic/conceptual objectives) LINGUISTIC: Role-play is an active phase of learning, so it involves a number of language functions. Students should pay attention to use right language form to express those functions. CONCEPTUAL/CULTURAL:The conversation goes on in a break, so the language used should be informal to some extent. Since the conversation takes place in a staffroom between colleagues, the speakers should keep polite manner. ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE . what do you assume learners know/can do )

职场英语role play文档稿

A:the Manager of Production B:the Manager of Marketing(ask question) C:Chairman(opening and comments) D:Secretary of the Board and vice manager of production. C: Hello, everyone. If we are all here, let’s get started. Firstly to begin with, I would like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting. D: Ok, a completely new phone will be designed and on sales in this year, which will become one of the main products of our company to reverse the decline last year. The most important concept of this product is creativity. These are the main content last meeting. We will talk about the new product in today’s meeting. C: Good, Mr. A , It’s your time. A : Fine, Look at this everybody. What you think when you see it at the first time? Beautiful! That is the first we seek for. Our long term competitor HuaWei has almost the best performance and equipment in china’s market. But the appearance and the big black side are their deadly weakness. So this phone has the artistic appearance and the black side which is a difficult problem in technique has been solved for the better user experience. More important, this phone has higher equipment than previous generation to satisfy user’s need. Another bright spot is the camera of this phone that has bigger aperture and higher pixels. The photo it takes will get close to the level of DSLR camera. And it has some characteristic functions for the convenience of one-hand operation. That will be the best choice of cellphones in today’s china market. Do you have any questions? B: Based on your presentation, what’s the main point we should focus on when promoting. D: The beautiful appearance, of course. That’s the first impression the customers get from our phone. A good opening is half the success. Secondly, we should emphasize the performance and equipment which are better than most of the phones in the market. B: Ok, thank you. I will talk to you about the sales plan. Firstly, we sale the phone both on the physical stores and the internet. We provide pre-sale on the internet for people to reserve phones they like. That’s the most effective ways to sell at present. Internet is full of exciting possibilities, that’s why we must use it. Our advertisement should be put not only on the billboards but the internet. We can make a video to show our product’s concept with artistic ways which can attract people’s attention. Also, we can have volunteers to try this phone and tell people about the experience they use. D: Sorry to interrupt, I have an idea. Since the appearance is our most important advantage, we can use and expand it. Different characteristic appearance can be designed for people to choose. For example, we can design different back patterns or different shell textures. Or we can provide personalized service that people’s favourite patterns or words can be carved on the phone to make a unique personal phone. B: That is a good suggestion. It will be put on the agenda. Here are the main content about the sales plan. C: Thank you for speaking. Everyone have done good jobs. So far, it looks as if we have covered all the main points. That’s all for today, we will talk about more details in the next meeting. See you.


学术英语管理U n i t课 文翻译 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

《业务营销化》 1 问街上一般的人什么是营销时,他们会告诉你那大概就是“卖东西的”。这从根本上说是正确的,但营销不是简单的销售行为,而是怎样做成的销售。我们都被全天候不间断营销所围绕,而我们每一个人都已经以我们自己的方式成了一名营销人。 2 专家是怎么定义营销的呢?根据美国市场营销协会,市场营销是一种组织职能,是为组织自身及利益相关者(stakeholders n. 利益相关者;股东)而创造、传播、传递客户价值,管理客户关系的一系列过程。 3 根据世界市场营销协会对营销的定义,“核心的经营理念是指导通过交换来识别和满足个人和组织需要的过程,从而为各方创造出众的价值。” 4 最后,英国特许营销学会说,“营销是有利地识别,预测,和满足顾客需求的管理过程”。 5 如果我们只是看这三个定义的共性,我们可以看出,营销本质上(in essence)是:a)发现和给顾客他们所想要的和需要的东西, b)通过做这些来获利。 4Ps或5Ps营销策略 6 密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)的杰罗姆·麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)教授在20世纪50年代写了一本书并且定义了4Ps营销策略,包括产品、渠道、价格和促销。这本书为这个星球上最古老的专业提供了一个清晰的结构,而这个结构成为市场营销的定义。 7 为了更好地理解营销,你应该有你自己对术语的定义。例如,我认为营销是对产品的价格、分配、促销以及人员进行控制,满足顾客以获得利益。控制是个充满感情的词语,尤其在我们谈及控制人的时候。无论怎样,控制是很重要的,因为作为

role play 小学教案

Lesson Plan Topic __new words and phrases____________________ Date _____________________ No. of Students _______ Time: _____45minutes______________ CLASS PROFILE ______ GENERAL OBJECTIVES: students will be able to read and remember the words.

RATIONALE (i.e. why select these linguistic/conceptual objectives?) LINGUISTIC: vocabulary plays an important role in English learning. Commanding a large number of words is vital for primary school students. CONCEPTUAL/CULTURAL: the conversation is between primary school students, so it should be concise and simple. ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE (i.e. what do you assume learners know/can do ?) LINGUISTIC: All students would be able to remember the vast majority of the words. And they could also make a conversation. CONCEPTUAL/CULTURAL: All the students may have a clear understanding of the new words but they may not use them in a correct way. AIDS Overhead projector, computer, lesson plan in PPT. PROCEDURE STAGE/TIMING TEACHER ACTIVITY STUDENT ACTIVITY WHY Step 1 Warning–up activity to arouse students’ interest in this topic dividing students into group To make the conversation smooth playing the record for two to three times reading after the record to help impress the students reading the words once again Step 2 Correcting the students’ pronunciation to develop their fluency of oral English; to know how to put passive words into active use Step 3 Improving their fluency organizing the conversation and Giving the presentation Commenting on the students’ presentation And giving advice to betterment to improve their language skills


面试官考察的内容和注意事项 一个常规的面试,寒暄之后面试官提出的第一个问题几乎千篇一律:“请您简单地做一下自我介绍。 以下是为大家整理的关于面试官考察的内容和注意事项,供大家参阅。 面试官考察的内容:第一,考察自我介绍内容和递交简历内容是否相冲突?如果简历是真实的,口述自我介绍就不会有明显出入。 如果简历有假,自我介绍阶段一般就会漏马脚。 如被面试者反问:“我的经历在简历里都写了,面试官会认为这人得瑟,印象分一下子降为负数。 第二,考察被面试者基本的逻辑思维能力、语言表达能力,总结提炼概括能力。 第三,考察被面试者是否聚焦,是否简练和精干,现场的感知能力与把控能力。 第四,考察被面试者初步的自我认知能力和价值取向。 因为被面试者要叙述职业切换关键节点处的原因,尤其要考察最近职业变动的原因。 第五,考察被面试者是否听明白了面试官的话以及时间的掌控能力。 有时面试官给出的问题是“请您用3到5分钟做一自我介绍,被面试者有时一介绍就超过10分钟,甚至20分钟,逼得面试官不得不多

次提醒引导。 所以说,自我介绍是被面试者在纸面之外最能够呈现能力的一个地方。 一般情况下,也是被面试者在整个面试过程中惟一一次主动展示自我的机会。 如果还有一次,那就是面试官最后一个问题:“您还有什么问我的?但这个问题通常只是面试官认为被面试者基本靠谱了,才会留下这个问题。 较早之前的工作经验,或者学习的经验可以一带而过,要把握“重点突出的原则。 2.做成过什么。 介绍个人业绩。 把自己在不同阶段做成的有代表性的事情介绍清楚,注意两点:一是与应聘岗位需要的能力相关的业绩多介绍,不相关的一笔带过或不介绍,因为面试官关注的是对用人单位有用的业绩;二要注意介绍你个人的业绩而不是团队业绩,要把自己最精彩的一两段业绩加以重点呈现,因为用人单位要招聘的是你,而不是你过去的团队。 否则,不仅无益而且只是成本,因为必然挤占其他重要的展示自己与互相交流的时间。 3特长是什么。 注意介绍自己最擅长的一定要与应聘的岗位密切相关,主要是围

英语搞笑短剧role play荆轲刺秦王

荆轲刺秦王 很久很久以前中国战国时代,有两个国家的王子------ -燕国的白哥和秦国的嬴政,他们是很好的朋友,他们经常一起赏花,喝酒,唱歌,游玩。有一天,他们还在游山玩水的时候,突然发现了一面镜子,一面有着神奇魔力的镜子,这是一面可以回答任何问题的魔镜。于是,白哥和嬴政迫不及待的凑了上去。 白哥(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):魔镜啊魔镜,我帅么? 魔镜说:“当然了我的殿下,你是整个燕国最帅的人” 白哥高兴状 然后,张璐上,问:魔镜啊魔镜,告诉我,那谁是这个世界上最帅的人呢?Mirror, mirror, tell me, who is the most pretty man in the world? (魔镜:It’s you)张璐做极度嚣张状。 对白哥说:“小弟啊,拿着这个镜子,自卑去吧,我是这个世界上最帅的人啊,啊哈哈啊哈........ 白哥回到宫中 “欺人太甚了,太过分了,我要报复!!!!我的仆人,你在哪里?” 仆人上 “哦,亲爱的,我来了Honey, I am coming。” 白哥:“错,我应经告诉你多少遍了,你应该叫我最漂亮,最美丽,最英俊,最迷人,最可爱,最聪明和最亲爱的太子丹。I’ve told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful 、handsome、charming、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”! 仆人:“对不起,亲爱的,我知道错了,我完全知道你现在的苦恼,我有一个好主意,那就是~找一个英雄杀了嬴政!”I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng~~~ (作杀状) 白哥:Oh yeah~~~. What is the most expensive commodity in this century? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!这句话要跟观众交流,最好由观众来回答,然后拍仆人肩膀,做赞许状)好主意,可是谁是好的人选呢?Good idea! But who is the right candidate? 仆人:经调查,有两个人比较合适,一个是李莫愁小姐,一个是荆轲,明天他们将为谁是天下第一杀手而决斗。After screening I have two promising persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO1 killer of the world. 白哥:“太好了,赶快让我看看胜利者,行么?”Well, show me the winner as soon as possible, OK? 仆人:“好的,开拍Yes.Action II(《十面埋伏》中刘德华&金成武决斗时的音乐)荆轲Are you Li mochou?李莫愁Yes.荆轲OK. I’m Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers’ world.李莫愁Are you challenging me?你想挑战我么? 荆轲Of course! 耸耸肩表示同意李莫愁Come on!音乐起两人冲上前来“人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍死你啊,两刀砍死你啊。。。。”李莫愁倒地荆轲大笑李莫愁痛苦状李莫愁:“发生了什么,为什么你不受伤?What happened? Why aren’t you hurt?” 荆轲:“你根本就不懂的什么是剑,哎独孤求败啊….ai….. In solitude I seek for defeat.. 李莫愁:“Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Mochou. You never know what you're gonna get." I got it, Momma is right.(阿甘正传台词)

英语课role play

施:月光电源经理苗:月光电源人事主管 石,王,刘:接受面试大学生。其中石很优秀,王是富二代 苗:Good morning,everyone.I’m the HR of the moon moon company. Today,we will have an interview. Our company is seeking for talented person. After several examinations, two outstanding interviewees are here. But only one of them can win the opportunity to enter our company. Now,please come in. 施:Good morning,first,introduce yourselves. Mr. Shi please. 石:Good morning,everyone. I’m very happy to be here.My name is Shi Rongliang. I’ll graduate from XX university in July next year. And,my major is life science,which is one of the most famous majors in our university. In my way of thinking, education is an important aspect of my life.And I get national scholarships every year. I thing I have the excellent ability of working independently or with a diverse work force as well. . With my pious enthusiasm and sincerity,I want to join you to work for your company. I believe that I can because I think I can. 施:And you Mr. Wang. 王:Good morning. It is really my honor to have the opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today and I am confident that I can succeed. My name is Wang Ye. My father is “Li Gang”. And Mr. Shi,we have known each other right? Last night you and I had our dinner together and I wonder if you have lost something. I believe that this book must belong to you. (王拿出一本书,书中夹着几张100元钱,施接过书,把钱收起来,咳嗽两声,假装正经继续面试。) 施:Ke ke… You know, what you are doing now is very harmful to our company and also to yourself. So I hope this kind of beh aviour would not happened again. Ok ,let’s go on. 王:Ok, I have just graduated from XX University with good ability. And also, I have a powerful family background. I think it will be helpful to both of us if I can enti re this company. That’s all, and I believe it is enough. Thank you. 苗:Now we will ask you some questions. First,what are your greatest strengths and weakness? Mr. Shi please. 石:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertook. Your organization could benefit from my analytic and interpersonal skills. However I tend to drive myself too hard and I like to see a job done quickly, and I am critical if it isn’t. But I think I can conquer them in the future. 王:My strength is th at I am confident and brave enough to do things that others can’t achieve. Well my weakness is that,you know,I am not tall enough, not handsome enough. Otherwise I would be a perfect rich second generation.(富二代)
