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英语论文 简析新媒体广告与传统媒体广告的差异 周肖宇

英语论文 简析新媒体广告与传统媒体广告的差异 周肖宇
英语论文 简析新媒体广告与传统媒体广告的差异 周肖宇

A Brief Analysis of the Differences Between New Media Advertisement and Traditional

Media Advertisement

Name: Xiaoyu Zhou


In today's society, more and more people prefer to use new media to get the information they want rather than use traditional media to carry out their activities, and I think advertisement is an obvious example. The emergence and development of new media advertisement have an unprecedented impact on traditional media advertisement.It can be said that it has changed the pattern and ways of information communication in the past, and, in my opinion, it doesn’t mean bad, different medias have different features and functions. This paper will focus on the concepts and characteristics of these two advertising models, and discuss the differences between new media advertisement and traditional media advertisement. At the same time, I will analyse the influence of new media advertisement on consumers’behaviours based on the similarities and differences between them.

Key Words: new media advertisement, traditional media advertisement, differences, influence


Advertisement is one of the most common information spreading activities in people's life. Many people get their information by advertising.Once, people mainly used traditional media to advertise, such as newspapers and TV.However, with the rapid development of the Internet, the new media advertisement is also becoming the mainstream of media by virtue of its strong interactivity, low production cost, fast speed, flexible change and wide range of communication. People began to use the new media more to disseminate and publish news. The emergence and development of new media advertisement have brought unprecedented impact and challenge to traditional media advertisement. This arouses our thinking and we can’t help wanting to know that what are the differences between new media advertisement and traditional media advertisement.And which of these two forms of advertisement can more influence the behaviours of consumers?

As for the above two questions, my answer is that new media advertisement can more influence the behaviour of consumers. To prove my point, I think we can further come up with the answer to the second question by exploring the first question. Next, I will analyse the differences between new media advertisement and traditional media advertisement from two perspectives: their concepts and characteristics.

The Differences of the Two Advertising Models

In my opinion, to illustrate the differences between new media advertisement and traditional media advertisement, understanding the definition of them is very important. New media advertisement refers to advertising model on new media, which relies on the current emerging media, and traditional media advertisement refers to the advertising model, which spread news mainly through the following ways, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, outdoor media and so on. Obviously, the biggest difference between the two advertising models is that they have different carriers of spreading.

In addition, I think as the spreading model in the new age, the new media

advertisement has an advantage, which traditional media advertisement do esn’t have, and this is also the difference between them.First of all, the core of the new media is the Internet, which is full - day and global.As we know, Internet breakthrough the limitation of the time and place.But the core of the traditional media is the three traditional media, which results in a certain lag of the spread of information, for example, the printing of the newspapers requires a certain amount of time, which will delay the time, that people get news. Secondly, new media advertisement is more interactive.Traditional mass media is a seller's market, and the business based on this is one-sided and mandatory.However, the multimedia in the new media advertisement is a one-to-one transmission, which realizes the interactive https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5811741822.html,rmation feedback, that traditional media cannot achieve, can be easily realized in the information network era.Moreover, new media advertisement has more obvious flexibility and rapidity. New media advertisement can change content of advertisements in time according to different requirements, which makes the changed management decisions can be implemented and generalized in time. Then the information feedback of network advertisement is also very fast, and the businessmen can understand the effect of network advertisement in a timely manner.

The above is my understanding of the differences between new media advertisement and traditional media advertisement.There may be more differences between them, but, in my view, these are the clearest differences.

The Effects of New Media Advertisement on Consumers’ Behaviours Compared with traditional advertisement, I think that new media advertisement can influence consumers' behaviours more. A lot of people are opposed to this idea, and in their eyes, traditional advertising model is ingrained, and even today, with the rapid development of new media, they also think the traditional advertising model is hard to change and surpass. And some of other people argue that emerging media is uncertain and fragmented, and that it is not good for people to accept advertising messages.Therefore, I will demonstrate my views from the following points.

On the one hand, new media advertisement can communicate with users deeply.

But traditional advertisement usually just shows products, and advertisers draw people's eyes on a picture or simply set up an audience's impression of the brand. And Internet advertising can do more.

Firstly, new media advertisement can show more to consumers. The most direct way is to set up an activity station, and the activity station gathers information about many aspects of the brand, so that consumers can see what they need in the activity station.Secondly, new media advertisement can make consumers more impressed by the information they received.For example, there will be some links about answering questions and winning the prize in the activity station. In this link, consumers need to correctly answer the two or three questions about the brand to draw a lottery. In this way, the consumers who want to draw the lottery will naturally remember the answers to those questions, which makes information more influenced. Finally, new media advertisement can get consumers' feedback. The most direct way is to collect the information of potential customers, and according to information the advertisers can make the next step job: management of users’ communication and customer relationship. Someone might ask,that who would fill in the information without any cause or reason? Of course, the premise is that the advertiser has his own goals and activities, and those who are interested in this target and activity will naturally participate in.

On the other hand, new media advertisement gives users a stronger sense and impact.The carrier of network advertisements is basically multimedia, and its form of manifestation is diversified, which includes dynamic image, text, sound, image and so on. The rich forms of advertising can transmit multi-sensory information, and it is helpful to stimulate consumers’ buying desire.

Therefore, according to the above points, I think that new media advertisement can influence consumers' behaviours more.


In this paper, I mainly discuss the differences between new media advertisement and traditional media advertisement, based on their concepts and characteristics.

Today technology is changing rapidly, with the maturity of Internet technology, people's living needs are becoming higher and higher.People are getting more and more enjoyment of the new media, but we should know different media has different features and functions, and new media advertisement does not totally replace traditional television or print media, even though it affects consumers’ behaviours more often. In a word, in order to get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, I believe that new media advertisement still needs to be complemented and integrated with traditional media advertisement, which is the long-term plan.

英语作文 英语利与弊 模版

英语作文英语利与弊模版 对比观点题型(1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。 3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). net 阐述主题题型要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.分析并举例使其更充实. The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三).


新媒体营销的方式和渠道 新媒体营销是基于特定产品的概念诉求与问题分析,对消费者进行针对性心理引导的一种营销模式。从本质上来说,它是企业软性渗透的商业策略在新媒体形式上的实现,通常借助媒体表达与舆论传播使消费者认同某种概念、观点和分析思路,从而达到企业品牌宣传、产品销售的目的。 一、新媒体营销策划方式 1.病du营销 病du营销,是通过用户的口碑宣传网络,信息像病du一样传播和扩散,利用快速复制的方式传向数以千计、数以百万计的受众;也就是说,通过提供有价值的产品或服务,把想要推广的信息,像病du一样传递给周围的人,让每一个受众都成为传播者。 病du式营销是一种神奇的营销方法。多数情况下,顾客会自愿地传播含有企业或其品牌、产品(服务)关键词的信息,以几何数级的速度迅速扩散。相比其他营销、广告推广手段,

病du营销所需花费的成本接近于零,效益却要显著得多。借助病du营销,不仅能促进大量的一次销售,而且还“俘获”了众多的忠实顾客,为持续营销奠定好的基础。 2.事件营销 事件营销是指企业通过策划、组织和利用具有新闻价值、社会影响以及名人效应的人物或事件,吸引媒体、社会团体和消费者的兴趣与关注,以求提高企业或产品的知名度、美誉度,树立良好品牌形象,并最终促成产品或服务销售的手段和方式。 简单点说,事件营销就是通过把握新闻的规律,制造具有新闻价值的事件,并通过具体的操作,让这一新闻事件得以传播,从而达到广告的效果。 3.口碑营销 口碑营销是指企业在品牌建立过程中,通过客户间的相互交流将自己的产品信息或者品牌传播开来。它的一个最重要特征就是可信度高,因为在一般情况下,口碑传播都发生在朋友、亲戚、同事、同学等关系较为密切的群体之间。 4.饥饿营销 饥饿营销,是指商品提供者有意调低产量,以期达到调控供求关系、制造供不应求“假象”、维持商品较高售价和利润率的营销策略。饥饿营销的最终目的不仅仅是为了调高价格,更是为了对品牌产生高额的附加价值,从而为品牌树立起高价值的形象。 5.知识营销 这是一种通过有效的知识传播方法和途径,将企业所拥有的对用户有价值的知识(包括产品知识、专业研究成果、经营理念、管理思想以及优秀的企业文化等)传递给潜在用户,并逐渐形成对企业品牌和产品的认知,为将潜在用户最终转化为用户的过程和各种营销行为。 知识营销需要一定的信息传播途径,网络营销是实现知识营销战略的最佳手段之一; 网络营销需要向用户传递有价值的信息,而知识营销的内容是网络营销信息源中对用户最有价值的部分。 6.互动营销 互动营销,一方是消费者,一方是企业。只有抓住共同利益点,找到巧妙的沟通时机和方法才能将双方紧密的结合起来。互动营销需要访问者参与其中,并使其获得良好的用户体验。 互动的形式有两种:①由于企业的公关事件或由此引发的话题得到了广大目标群体的共鸣,于是目标群体积极响应,推波助澜,和企业共同把公关事件造成轰动效应。这一形式是公关事件成功的主要方式。②通过一个与人们传统价值观念或习惯对立的活动或话题引起人们的批判与讨论,从而将公关事件效果扩大化。 7.情感营销


传统媒体与新媒体 新媒体对传统媒体的挑战 1.表现虽然对新媒体到目前为止还没有统一的定论,但可以肯定的是,市场蛋糕的大小是不变的,新媒体的出现必然与传统媒体产生竞争,分流一部分受众。 美国去年5月公布的一项针对2600位网络使用者所进行的媒体消费行为调查显示,有 60.9%的受访者表示他们比起前一年花在网络上的时间更多了,而减少时间看电视的人有 35.5%、看杂志的有 34.1%、听收音机的有 27.1%、看报纸的有 30.3%。 2.原因虽然新媒体并没有形成对传统媒体的大规模替代之势,但新媒体的种种优势确实使传统媒体正在失去一些传统优势。 (1)新媒体提升新闻时效性以报纸为例,报纸的内容一向被要求具有时效性强的性质,报业竞争也主要表现为时效性的比拼。 以南京地区的报纸为例,为了增强时效性,许多原本应该在傍晚发行的晚报都赶在了清晨发行。 而新媒体的出现,使报纸的这一优势明显削弱。 电子媒体在技术上的绝对优势使其时效性远远胜过报纸的时效性。 如今,许多受众已经习惯通过网络来获取信息,通过这种途径得知的新闻往往比随后浏览报纸、观看电视所获知的要新鲜很多。

(2)新媒体增强受众主动性报纸新闻的阅读受报纸发行时间和地点的限制,电视新闻的收看受播出时间段的限制,传统媒体的受众不可能在自己所希望的任何一个时间段随心所欲地接受信息。 新媒体的出现则大大改变了这样的格局,受众可以在任何时间段通过网络了解国内外动态,可以通过手机短信接收所希望获知的资讯。 新媒体无形中改变了人们与生活对话的方式。 (3)新媒体降低信息成本报纸真正成为大众传播媒体,不仅因为它是新闻纸(newspaper),还因为它是廉价纸(cheappaper)。 以低廉的价格获得大量的信息曾经是报纸的极大优势。 现在,随着新技术的发展,新媒体的成本大幅度下降,无论是在获得信息的量上,还是在获得信息的价格上,报纸都在失去其传统优势。 特别是,报纸的低价格还依赖于发行网络的低成本,而新媒体传输技术和终端设备技术的长足进步导致其价格大幅度下降,而且基本不受传输距离、范围和信息量的影响。 新媒体与传统媒体相互依存两种媒体之间的相互依赖性如何体现,两种媒体在相互依赖中各自又发挥着什么样的作用呢?这要从内容传播的共享性和传播技术的互补性两方面来分析。 1.信息内容共享要从内容信息的共享性上回答这些问题,就有必要引入西方传播学中的共鸣效果(reso鄄nanceeffect)和溢散效果(spill-overeffect)两个概念。 (1)共鸣效果“共鸣效果”(resonanceeffect)的提出,是学者诺尔纽曼等人(Noelle-Neumann&Mathes,1987)在研究1968年伦敦反越战示威时,发现媒体之间也有意见领袖媒介(opinion-leadingmedia)的现象存在,即一些主流媒体最先报道相关新闻后,其他媒体才相继跟进,且意见领袖的内容为其他报纸所采纳,形成一股连锁反应。 诺尔纽曼称这一现象为“共鸣现象”。


关于优缺点英语作文 对于我们来说,正确地认识自身的优缺点是很重要的,因为这个认识有助于我们自身的提高。关于优缺点英语作文怎么写,你知道怎么写吗?如果不知道,就一起看看小编整理的内容吧! 关于优缺点英语作文1 My Strengths and Weaknesses It’s important to know our goodness and badness because it can help us to improve ourselves better. Therefore, we should know ourselves as much as we can. I think I have three main merits. They are filial piety, honest and hardworking. Filial piety and honesty are the two basic qualities that people should have. And working hard can help to get knowledge and improve myself. However, no one is perfect. I have some week points, too. For example, I never make plans for my life and study. As a result, sometimes I am a little laziness because I don’t have tasks that must be finished. I hope I can change and be better. 关于优缺点英语作文2 Everybody has strenghth and weakness.I am a friendly,warm-hearted,generous and easy going girl.I am always ready


浅析传统媒体与新媒体的关系 摘要: 新媒体的出现给传统媒体带来了挑战,但互联网的快速发展也同样刺激着新媒体的前进之路。在全媒体时代下,传统媒体与新媒体不只是面临着挑战和困难,还会有新的机会在等待。当下,传统媒体与新媒体的融合是需要两者积极地将好处相互融合在一起,将各自的不足不断地改进,从真正意义上的做到传统媒体和新媒体之间的优势互补和融合。 本文在分析传统媒体与新媒体的关系的同时,还详细的论证了传统媒体与新媒体各自的特点、优势和不足;新媒体环境下传统媒体的现状;以及传统媒体与新媒体融合的策略和融合对传统媒体的启示。本文还以传统媒体的向新媒体转型的典范——《澎湃新闻》作出了举例,来论证传统媒体在向新媒体的转型的原因和做法。最后,以媒体融合给传统媒体的启示来影响传统媒体的发展,最终使得传统媒体与新媒体能够完美的做到媒体融合。 关键词:传统媒体;新媒体;媒体融合;全媒体时代;互联网+ 目录 目录内容 一、传统媒体与新媒体的界定 (一)传统媒体及其特点 (二)新媒体及其特点 (三)传统媒体与新媒体的关系 二、新媒体环境下的传统媒体发展现状 (一)现状分析 (二)传统媒体在媒体融合背景下的优势 (三)传统媒体在媒体融合背景下的不足 三、传统媒体与新媒体的融合策略 (一)传统媒体与新媒体的融合对策 (二)媒体融合下传统媒体的做法和变化 1.移动手机端时代下纸媒的做法和变化 2.移动手机端时代下电视台的做法和变化 四、传统媒体向新媒体转型的典范——《澎湃新闻》 (一)澎湃新闻的定位及基本概况 (二)澎湃新闻改革的原因 (三)澎湃新闻向新媒体转化的策略 五、媒体融合对于传统媒体发展的启示 六、结语 一、传统媒体与新媒体的界定 (一)传统媒体及其特点 传统媒体即就是与新媒体的对立的概念,主要包括广播、电视、报纸等传统媒体以及目前兴起的自媒体以外的网络,等比较具有传统意义上的媒体。传统媒体有自己的传播方式和方法,主要是通过固有的媒介和机械装置,向社会受众定期的发送一些信息和提供各种平台。传统媒体的主要特点: 1.传播而快速性。广播电视等为代表的传统媒体主要是以光速进行传播,是现如今除了新媒体之外传播速度最快的媒介。传统媒体当中的广播电视利用该优势,可将一些重大


If a product is of good quality and meets people's needs, people will buy it. Advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Advertisements, in various fields, are sprouting up in the screen at present. Some individuals ignore the influence the advertisements have on their shopping decision. I concede advertising plays an indispensible role in folks' life, not only a type of amusement. Frankly, it is determined by consumers' taste that which products they would like to purchase. In terms of loads of consumers' goods in the shopping shelves, a majority of folks, undoubtedly, turn to be more objective and balanced. That is to say, it is a prevalent tendency that the customers prefer the high-quality and more economical items, instead of being addicted to the advertisements. However, advertisements should not be thrown away from our daily life. Obviously, the advertising industry produces a wealthy of touching, original and stimulating advertisements for us. They function as an entertaining show and a funny break among the TV series or other programs. Additionally, another type of advertisements can teach us some educational lessons, such as keeping away from smoking, giving


浅谈新媒体与传统媒体 面对新媒体咄咄逼人的发展态势,传统媒体是选择扎紧篱笆守住门,全力遏制新媒体,谨防“教会了徒弟饿死师傅”?还是顺其自然,得过且过,“数数好日子还能过个几年”?其实这两种想法都不对,面对充满活力的新媒体,“不耻下问”是一种良好的学习态度。传统媒体新媒体化更是媒体发展的必由之路。2000年后,国内广播电台的重新崛起的势头吸引了不少理论界人士的注意,我们经常可以在车上听到主持人刚讲完一个笑话或者刚聊完一个话题突然说:“好,现在我们插播一条刚刚收到的路况信息......”这时不难发现这种打破原有的节目栏目类型与时段分工的信息播出方式,并没有让听众觉得有什么不适,反而恰恰符合听众的口味,让听众感到贴心和方便。 除此之外,广播节目引入了热线电话,全时段、高频率地接受了听众的电话互动。在热线电话不断在各地电台中产生打爆打不进的情况下,手机短信恰好应运而生,广播节目敏锐地抓住了这一微小的技术创新,全面应用手机短信的互动进一步拓展了互动用户的人群和范围。这也是传统媒体新媒体化的体现。 新媒体具有以下几个特性: (一)观念新 传统媒体在不断总结、进步的过程日益成熟、完善,但缺乏创新与开拓,带来了发展僵化与死板的弊端。而新媒体完全从“用户的需要”出发,探索一切可能的突破与尝试。实质就是对于传

统观念进行反思,不断寻求新的答案。例如:报纸是否可以自我复制传播?广播是否可以观看?电视是否可以暂停倒放?看电视的观众是否可以直接跟主持人对话?许多想法听起来似乎有些匪夷所思,而认真研究实施后,就会看到:科技的奇迹往往就是那么简单。 (二)技术新 新观念的实现必须依靠新技术的应用。媒体对于技术的依赖与生俱来,倘若没有造纸术与印刷术的进步,就不会有今天的报纸;没有无线电技术的发展,广播也难以长葆青春;没有微波、卫星传播技术的成熟以及视频处理设备的日益精良,电视更无法成为时下的传媒之王。如今,互联网技术的日新月异,已经毫不夸张得达到了“没有做不到,只有想不到”的地步。 (三)手段新 传统媒体在发展过程中的权威化、中心化,使得传播效果与受众覆盖面以及传播强度简单相关,传播手段的应用,只有版面、时段与频次这三个法宝,逐渐失去了在手段上创新的想法与动力。新媒体没有先天的影响力,为了能够在现有媒体市场中分到份额,唯有在手段上有所创新。思考如何改进信息传播的方式与效果,将传播中的所有元素,包括文字、图像、声音以及各种符号都能有机地统一在一起。 (四)效果新 相对于传统媒体,新媒体能够更全、更快、更丰富地提供各类新


说说新媒体对传统媒体的影响。 ①新媒体(网络媒体)有巨大的发展空间。中国网民到2010年,预计绝对数字将达到全球第一(当然相对数字还是小)。 ②网络媒体与传统媒体相互存在的关系。近年来,受网络冲击最大的是电视。当然,电视的娱乐功能,服务功能不全受网络影响。我这儿有5月10日美国一家公司的调查:2000人中,23%的人少看电视了,20%少看杂志了,9%少听广播了,11%少看报纸了。电视观众的减少量最多。但是,我认为任何媒体是相互不可替代的,“网络媒体会替代传统媒体”的说法是不成立的。报纸、广播、电视,三者能和平共处,现在也会是这样。以前电视刚出现后,有人预言它会替代广播,事实是和平共处。各种媒体有它的优势,有它自身的不可替代性——报纸不要任何电子设备就能阅读;广播,可以边干其他事边接收。受众在选择媒体上不存在排他性、应有多种选择。以后可以看到这样的现象:新媒体还可以刺激传统媒体的发展,相互融合,出现网络广播、网上视频等。 一个新媒体要超越一个传统媒体,成为一个时代最具影响力的媒体,至少要经过一代人。2250万,这是中国的网民数。这样一个相对比例很小的数字,完全能说明:今天在中国,互联网对传统媒体远不足以构成冲击。 说说新媒体与传统媒体之间的差异: ①市场的差异。传统媒体目前是国家垄断性的,要有“准运证”。垄断带有保护性,能赚钱,能带来高利润。而互联网却是没有垄断保护的,互联网一产生,它就处在激烈的市场竞争中。 ②受众的区别。传统媒体是“主导受众型”,而网络媒体是“受众主导型”的。在网络媒体那里,受众有更大的选择权。 ③管理的不同。传统媒体发展至今已经有非常清晰的管理机制和结构。编辑至上,轻视市场。而网络媒体的管理机制相对模糊。网站的老大是总经理而不是总编。对技术的重视也有区别。在网站决策层中技术人员的份量重,而传统媒体则不然。 ④内容的不同。传统媒体分级管理,网络媒体的编辑职权相对大于传统媒体的编辑。记者—编辑—总编辑,这样一种“三审制”,没办法在网站上实行。总编把关的模式很难在网站实现,一天滚动发2000条新闻,你总编辑一个人哪里看得过来。所以网站编辑的职权大,也要求他有更强的把关意识。 ⑤时效的不同。传统媒体有明确的发布时效、时段。定时定量。这种传播时效,决定了受众的关注也有了时段性:每天有一次性的关注。而网络媒体24小时在滚动,每天必须N 次关注,才不会漏掉重要新闻。滚动新闻这种形式,对于习惯了每天一次性关注的受众来说,很可能会漏掉重要新闻。 ⑥版面不同。报纸有版面的规律,报纸版面的轻重、主次,标题的处理、版面区域的安排,在网站上不存在。网络媒体是以时间流分配信息的。没有平面布局的概念。网络媒体还没有形成像报纸一样成熟的版面语言。 ⑦写作的不同。网络新闻文稿关注的是速度快,文章要短。一弄就几千字的新闻稿,在网上是行不通的。网络标题的制作是大白话,直接了当,突出重点。什么标题的对仗、平仄、工整、文乎,做得再好也没人看的。 ⑧采访。网络媒体基本是编辑为主,少量的采访新闻,少量的原创。而传统媒体是以自采为主。一个特派记者,花多少多少费用写回来的稿子,如果到网上一发,全给人抄走了。


What are some major advantages and disadvantages of these modern i n v e n t i o n s—p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r a n d t h e I n t e r n e t? Our society is an informational one which is different from past. As human history developing, personal computer and the Internet come into being. They change our lives to a certain extent and they have some advantages and disadvantages for us. It has made our lives easier since personal computer and the Internet existed. Thanks to personal computer, we no longer have to compute complicated data using varieties of formulas because a computer could do all of these for us. I major in basic medicine and I need to handle data in processes of our experiments. Personal computer vastly saves my times and energies since I use professional software to work out complex data. Also, Internet helps us saving times. For example, if we don’t have leisure to go shopping out of our homes, we search the Internet. It presents us with desirable things and then we could buy them online. The couriers carry the goods we buy to where we live in, thus we can get what we buy without going out. Personal computer and the Internet shorten distance of people as well. For instance, one goes abroad contact his parents with long-distant video and it relieve the homesick he has. While they have many advantages, personal computer and the Internet also have some disadvantages. At first place, some people become reluctant to communicate with others due to addiction in computer games or Internet and they may be unsocial with their friends and their parents. Secondly, excessive enthrallment(沉迷) in computer and Internet could lead to unhealthy mental state. Fact shows that one may exist depression after long-term isolate with other people, thus cause some negative effects like suicide. Thirdly, if someone fixes his eyes on monitor too long, his eyesight will be impaired. This also hurt his health physiologically. Since personal computer and the Internet have advantages and disadvantages at the same time, the using of them has tow-side effects. We should take advantage the good side of them and avoid the bad side of them to the greatest extent.


传统媒体与新兴媒体融合的路径探析 大河网高亢 当前,中国的传媒业正经历一次大的变革。变革的主要表现与核心,是新兴媒体正影响、改造甚至颠覆着传统媒体。在新兴媒体的不断冲击下,传统媒体尤其是报纸的生存发展空间受到严重挤压,报纸的舆论引导能力被消解,几十年来中国的新闻传播主要平台和话语渠道,作用日益被侵蚀。传统媒体适应新的发展形势,在媒体融合过程中扮演一个更积极,主动拥抱这一变化和融合,已经刻不容缓。 一、传统媒体与新兴媒体融合的现状与难点 近两年,报纸发行量严重下滑,记者日渐减少,广告量不断下降,读者都在上网或通过手机、 ipad等网络载体获取和消费新闻信息。据统计,当今中国发行量排名前10的所有报纸加一起,其问题也不及腾讯、网易等公司主办的新闻客户端的点击量的10分之一。在这一严峻形势下,推进传统媒体与新兴媒体的融合,已经成为一项刻不容缓的要务。 从国家意识层面来看,互联网已经成为舆论宣传的主战场,只有通过推动媒体融合发展,积极开拓媒体发展领域,把传统媒体的影响力向网络空间延伸,巩固壮大主流思想舆论阵地,才能更好地维护意识形态安全和执政安全,推进国

家治理体系和治理能力现代化。 在2014年8月18日召开的中共中央全面深化改革领导小组第四次会议上,审议通过了《关于推动传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展的指导意见》。《意见》对新形势下如何推动媒体融合发展提出了明确要求,作出了具体部署。《意见》认为,推动传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展,是适应媒体格局深刻变化、提升主流媒体传播力公信力影响力和舆论引导能力的重要举措。《意见》指出,推动媒体融合发展,要按照积极推进、科学发展、规范管理、确保导向的要求,推动传统媒体和新兴媒体在内容、渠道、平台、经营、管理等方面深度融合,着力打造一批形态多样、手段先进、具有竞争力的新型主流媒体,建成几家拥有强大实力和传播力公信力影响力的新型媒体集团,形成立体多样、融合发展的现代传播体系。 从媒体自身发展现状来看,推进传统媒体与新兴媒体的融合,也是传统媒体生存发展、赢得未来的必由之路。忽视新兴媒体对传统媒体读者吸引的速度之快、力度之大、影响之巨,将会给传统媒体带来灭顶之灾。 但是,整合并不是一蹴而就的事情,国内从中央到地方的传统媒体都在努力探索道路。就目前的现状看,传统媒体与新兴媒体融合有这样几种形势: 首先是各级传统媒体认识到自身的发展危机,主动重视


高中英语作文:广告的利与弊 导读:本文高中英语作文:广告的利与弊,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 With the development of advertising, ads have been connected with people’s life. Is it good or bad? We had a discussion. Some people think advertisements don’t tell the fact about the products advertised. Also, they take up too much time on TV and the radio, and cover too much space in newspapers and magazines, which waste a lot of paper. What’s worse, there are some false advertisements that cheat people into buying their things. Therefore, they believe advertisements should be stopped. Some other people think advertisements can help us make better choices about what to buy by offering us the latest information about various goods. Moreover, many well-done advertisements are popular and entertaining, which appeal to the consumers. However, too many advertisements can be annoying. So we should develop advertising properly. In my opinion, ads is like a two-side sword. Anyway, we can be wise if we are able to distinguish between fiction and fact. 随着广告业的发展,广告已经与人们的生活联系在一起。广告是好还是坏?我们进行了一个讨论。有些人认为广告没有告诉关于这个产品的实际。同时,广告在电视和收音机上占用了太多的时间,在报纸和杂志上也占用了太多空间,浪费了很多纸。更糟的是,一些虚假广告欺骗人们去买他们的东西。因此,他们认为广告应该被取缔。


●Advantages: 1.Beginning: ●There are number of benefits. ●Clearly, the advantages include (but not limited to)… ●Well, I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits. ●Clearly there are a number of obvious merits. ●Obviously, there are a number of positive features. 2.1st ●But it goes without saying that the most apparent would be that…This is obviously favorable because… ●Although I guess that the most visible would be that … ●However, I guess that the most evident would be that… ●That’s beneficial primarily because… ●It is beneficial for a variety of reasons. ●Its most obvious advantage is… 3.2nd ●Supplementary to this, a second plus point maybe that… ●At the same time the second bonus might be… ●As well as this further favorable aspect would be that… ●This is definitely advantageous because… ●And it’s advantageous because …as well ●It’s valuable also because… ●And of course, it’s positive also due to the fact 4.End: ●Those are the main merits associated with… ●There are other benefits as well, but basically these are the main ones. ●I guess that’s it. ●Disadvantages:(shortcoming/ negative aspects/ drawbacks/ weakness/ weak point/ unfavorable quality/ limitation) 1.Beginning: ●There might be some risks involved. ●Apparently, some hazards may be involved. ●I think it’s fair to say that there are a few negative aspects. ●I’m sure most people would agree that there are some drawbacks. 2.1st ●One major concern about this is… ●I guess the most impractical characteristic would be that…


试析新媒体对广告传播的影响 数字化与网络技术的发展,使得以互联网、手机媒体、移动电视等为代表的新媒体应运而生。新媒体相对于传统媒体最显著地特点在于互动性,因此广告受众在广告传播中的地位得到了极大地提高。企业要精准地找到目标受众,就必须对新媒体环境下的广告受众进行深入的研究。本文立足于数字化新媒体的特点,详尽分析新媒体时代新型广告受众的诸多方面的变化,并就其对应广告传播策略作出简明性阐述。 【关键词】新媒体广告受众变革策略 新媒体的界定 1967年,美国CBS(哥伦比亚电视网)技术研究所所长P·戈尔德马克(P·Goldmark)在一份关于开发EVR(Electronic Video Recording)商品的计划中第一次提出了“新媒体”(New Media)一词。接着,1969年,美国传播政策总统特别委员会主席E·罗斯托在向尼克松总统提交的报告书中,也多次运用到“新媒体”一词。不久之后,“新媒体”一词逐渐在传播学界流行起来。 如今关于新媒体的研究已经成为当下传播学领域的热门课题和领域。但是目前关于新媒体的定义,各说纷呈,莫衷一是。若干年前,联合国教科文组织关于新媒体有过“新媒体即网络媒体”的定义。美国俄裔新媒体艺术家列维·曼诺维奇认为,“新媒体将不再是任何一种特殊意义的媒体,而不过是一种与传统媒体形式没有相关的一组数字信息”。美国《连线》杂志认为新媒体“所有人对所有人的传播。”新传媒产业联盟秘书长王斌将其定义为:“新媒体是以数字信息技术为基础,以互动传播为特点、具有创新形态的媒体。”https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5811741822.html,副总裁兼首席运营官魏武挥从受众角度入手将新媒体定义为“受众可以广泛且深入参与(主要是通过数字化模式)的媒体形式。” 那么究竟该如何为新媒体找到一个精准的定义呢?其实新媒体主要体现在一个“新”字上,而“新”则是一个相对的概念,每个时代都会有相对于传统的新媒体。在西汉之时,中国诞生了世界第一份报纸——《邸报》;1920年,在美国诞生了世界第一个广播电台;1926年,在英国的诞生了第一台电视机……千百年来,随着科学技术的不断变革更新,人类信息的传播媒介也不断发生着改变,“旧”媒体与“新”媒体在人类传播历史中不断地更替。因此,新媒体是一个历史动态视角下不断变化的概念。就其语义学层面而言,新媒体是新近产生的,在技术上、传播方式上领先于旧的传统的媒体形式。因而,我们可以将当前的新媒体界定为:在20世纪后期在信息传播领域出现的、建立在数字技术基础上的、以网络媒体为代表的相对于电视、广播、报纸等传统大众传播媒体的新型媒体形式。 新媒体的发展现状: 从全世界范围内来看,新媒体技术日趋于成熟,计算机成为新媒体传播的中心环节,互联网成为基本载体,光电传导、电子纸也日趋成熟。我国新媒体传播的硬件技术和支持条件近些年来也有了突飞猛进的发展,全国手机用户、网民数量已经上升为全球第一。 据不完全统计,目前比较热门的新媒体不下三十种,如数字电视、直播卫星电视、移动电视、IPTV、博客、播客、网络电视、楼宇视屏、移动多媒体(手机短信、手机彩信、手机游戏、手机电视、手机电台、手机报纸等)、网上即时通讯群组、虚拟社区、搜索引擎、简易聚合、电子邮箱、门户网站等等。 《中国新媒体产业现状及发展趋势》显示,2006年中国新媒体产业市场总值达到1140亿元,占中国传媒产业总值的近三分之一。 互联网和移动增值作为新媒体最重要的两个领域,在2007年得到了快速发展。2007年互联网市场规模超过400亿元,并保持超过40%的年均增长速度,各细分市场如网络游戏、


网络的普及与网络技术的飞速发展,带动广播电视行业发生翻天覆 地的变化。截至2017年6月,我国互联网普及率达到54.3%,网络用户数量为7.51亿,其中手机网络用户规模达到7.24亿人,占网民总数的96.3%,手机上网比例持续提升,相对于2015年年底提升 6.2个百分点。 CNNIC《报告》指出,新闻依然为最高频应用之一。这样的网络 环境给新媒体的发展带来了新契机。新媒体是相对报刊、广播、电视 等传统媒体的一个新形态,是媒体发展中产生的一个新的形势,包括网络媒体、手机媒体、数字电视、微信、微博等,利用数字技术、网 络技术,通过互联网、无线通信网、卫星等渠道,以及电脑、手机、PAD、数字电视机等终端,向用户提供信息和视音频服务。 CNNIC《报告》同时指出,近1/4用户使用网络直播,截至2017年6月,网络直播用户共 3.43亿,占网民总体的45.6%。新媒体的兴起给广大广播电视用户带来不仅是形式更是服务方式上的改变,使广大用户充分利用空余及碎片化时间,随时随地掌握信息,享受视音频服务。因此如何实现传统媒体与新媒体融合发展,是当前乃至未来需要共同探讨的课题。新媒体直播,是我们在传统媒体与新媒体融合发展上所作的重大突破,在保障内容资源的同时实现直播的及时性、移动性。 1 传统直播与新媒体直播 传统直播历时已久,直播技术成熟,突发事件、重大活动及各大 晚会的现场直播为广大电视观众呈现了完美的视觉盛宴,让人们不出

门便知天下事。传统直播主要依赖便携式卫星传输系统flyway或者卫星车将拍摄信号进行卫星传输,在现场定好机位架设摄像机(大型活动直播需要摇臂系统),将拍摄现场画面的SDI信号汇聚到现场切换台或者转播车后,通过卫星实时传回到台内卫星接收器,再接入播出总控矩阵,以实现直播。传统直播在拍摄设备尤其是传输方式上,对当 时的位置、天气有较强的依赖性,且操作复杂,使用及维护成本高。 具体如下。 1)建设、使用、维护成本高。卫星接收及相关音视频处理设备造 价高昂,大都千万以上;卫星租赁费用高,一般按小时计费,每小时 几千元,每次的直播活动加上前期调试、演练等都会有几小时,直播 下来总费用超过万元;后期的维护与保养需要长期投资,也是一笔不 小的费用。 2)卫星设备的使用经常受天气、位置的影响,导致无法连通,影 响正常直播。 传统直播的操作复杂性与电视终端的不可移动性,使直播在时间及空间上受到了限制,存在需要架设各种大型设备、不能回放的缺陷,缺乏灵活性。 随着新媒体的出现与发展,新媒体直播也迈进了历史的舞台,实现了在PC、手机、PAD、网络电视等终端的网络直播。它的出现为直 播提供了一种全新的手段,其结构简单、小巧便携、易维护、低成本,适用于在各种环境下移动新闻直播,可对重大赛事、会议等活动进行全方位、多角度的现场报道,并支持跨区域的多点应用,成为卫星转

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