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?C++ Source Reading Comprehension Part 1
int array(int n)
int i, j, no, num, max;
int *mtrx;
if(n%2 == 0) /*n是偶数,则加1使其变为奇数*/
mtrx=(int *)malloc(max+max); /*为魔方阵分配内存*/
mtrx[n/2]=1; /* 将1存入数组*/
i=0; /*自然数1所在行*/
j=n/2; /*自然数1所在列*/
for(num=2; num<=max; num++)
if((num-1)%n == 0) /*当前数是n的倍数*/
if(i<0) /*当前数在第0行*/
if(j>n-1) /*当前数在最后一列,即n-1列*/
no=i*n+j; /*找到当前数在数组中的存放位置*/
for(i=0; i{
for(j=0; j{
printf("%3d", mtrx[no]);
return 0;
int main()
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
array(n); /*调用array函数*/
return 0;

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MyProject.h"
#include "DAuditing.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
CDAuditing dialog
CDAuditing::CDAuditing(CWnd pParent =NULL)
: CDialog(CDAuditing::IDD, pParent)
NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
void CDAuditing::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDTMAN, m_EdtMan);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST1, m_Grid);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDTNOTEID, m_EdtNoteID);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTFIND, m_ButFind);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTDISCARD, m_ButDiscard);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTCHECK, m_ButCheck);
CDAuditing message handlers
void CDAuditing::OnOK()
TODO: Add extra validation here

void CDAuditing::OnCancel()
TODO: Add extra cleanup here

BOOL CDAuditing::OnInitDialog()
RxRecordset rst;

return TRUE; return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CDAuditing::Init()
void CDAuditing::OnButcheck()
TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

void CDAuditing::OnButdiscard()
TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

void CDAuditing::OnButfind()

C++ Source Reading Comprehension Part 2
ScrollPrintDoc.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "a1.h"
#include "ScrollPrintDoc.h"
#include "LSingleDocTemplate.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
BOOL CScrollPrintDoc::OnNewDocument()
if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
{ TRACE("~CScrollPrintDoc()\n");
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScrollPrintDoc, CDocument)
NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
CScrollPrintDoc diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CScrollPrintDoc::AssertValid() const
void CScrollPrintDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
#endif _DEBUG
CScrollPrintDoc serialization
void CScrollPrintDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
if (ar.IsStoring())
TODO: add storing code here
TODO: add loading code here
CScrollPrintDoc commands

C++ Source Reading Comprehension Part 3
218hear/ hear of/ hear from
Ⅰ. hear “听见”指听力,强调听的结果。如:
① I often hear Lucy sing in the next room.
Ⅱ. hear of “听说”强调间接听到有关某人的情况或得到消息。有时可用about 代替of,意义无多大的区别。如:
① We are all glad to hear of your success. 听到你成功的消息,我们都很高兴。
② Have you heard of her lately? 你最近听到她什么情况吗?
Ⅲ. hear from “接到……的来信(电话等)”如:
① Hope to hear from you soon. 希望你早点来信。
② We have not heard from him since he left. 自从他离开后,我们一直没有收到他的来信。
219hear/ listen
Ⅰ. hear “听到”强调听的结果。不一定是有意识的。如:
① Can you hear me? 你能听见我说话吗?
② I heard her voice but I didn’t bother to listen to what he was saying. 我听到了她的声音,但并不用心去听她说的是什么。
Ⅱ. listen “听”强调倾听的动作,当然未必能听到什么。是不及物动词

① Listen! What do you hear what she is saying? 听!你听见她在说些什么?
② We listened attentively for a long time but heard nothing. 我们仔细地听了半天,但什么也没听到。
220heaven/ sky
Ⅰ. heaven “天、天国、天堂”与earth和 hell(地狱)相对。在文学语言中,它也可以指天空,常用算数形式。如:
① The commune members are fighting heaven and earth. 社员们在战天斗地。
② He looked at the starry heavens = He is looking at starry sky. 他瞧着布满星星的天空。
Ⅱ. sky “天、天空”,一般用作单数。但在文学语言中,有时也用算数形式(skies).如:
① There were no clouds in the sky. 天上没有云。
② Bitter sacrifice strengtnens bold resolve .Which dares to make sun and moon shine in new skies.
为有牺牲多斗志,敢教日月换新天。 (毛泽东)
221high/ tall
Ⅰ. high “高(的)”,普通用语。与low 相对。指块状物体的高度。主要指本身比一般同类东西较高,或指所处位置较高。如:
① That’s a very high mountain. 那是一座很高的山。
② He looked at the high ceiling. 他望着高高的天花板。
Ⅱ. tall “高的”,常与short相对,也指同类中较高的,尤其是表示高度远远超过宽度或直径。即指细长物体的高度。因此可以指人,也可指物。当指物时,往往可与high 通用。但不可指山,或大型建筑物。如:
① She is rather tall. 她相当高。
② We can see the tall (high) tower. 我们可以看到那个高塔。
222hill/ mountain
Ⅰ. hill “小山”通常比mountain 小。如:
① I went down the hill. 我从山上走下来。
② The house stands on the top of a hill. 房子在山顶上。
Ⅱ. mountain “高山”,比hill大。如:
① We made our way up the mountain. 我们登山。
② He was brought up in the mountain. 他在山里长大的。
223 help with / help…with.
Ⅰ. help with “帮助”后面直接跟名词。如:
① Jones will help with the concert. 琼斯将帮助搞音乐会。
② The children are helping with the housework. 孩子们正在帮助做家务。
Ⅱ. help …with. “帮助某人做某事”即help st with sth. 如:
① May I help you with your luggage? 我帮你拿行李好吗?
② My father used to help me with my lessons. 父亲过去常常帮助我做功课。
224human being/ man / person/ people
Ⅰ. human being “人类”,可数名词,算数为human beings. 意义较具体,以区别于动物、鬼神之类。如:
There were no sight of human beings on the island although there were monkeys, wild goats and snakes. 那个岛上虽然有猴子,野羊和蛇,但没有人居住过的痕迹。
Ⅱ. man “人类”,单数或复数均可。其前不用限定词。如:
Man must make the earth support more people. 人类必须使地球养活更

Ⅲ. person. “人”着重指个别而言。与animal相对。指男,女,老,少均可。如:
There are only three persons in the room. 房间里只有三个人。
Ⅳ. people “人”是集合名词。与enemy相对,有较强的感情色彩。指普通人时,可与person代换。其复数形式为“民族”之意。如:
① Most people think so 大多数人这样想。
② There are more than 50 peoples in our country. 我国有50多个民族。
225hanged / hung
Ⅰ. hanged 是hang用作“上吊;绞死”时的过去时和过去分词。
① The murderer was hanged this morning. 那个杀人犯今天上午被绞死。
② He hanged himself from a beam in the attic. 他在阁楼上悬梁自尽了。
Ⅱ. hung 是hang 用作“悬挂;下垂”等 意思时过去时和过去分词。如:
① She hung the Christmas decorations on the tree. 她把圣诞节的装饰品挂在树上。
② He hung his head in shame. 他羞耻得垂下脑袋。

C++ Source Reading Comprehension Part 4
TabDH.h: interface for the CTabDH class.
#if !defined(AFX_TABDH_H__A466B1CA_1B88_4C4F_A954_BB62286C6939__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_TABDH_H__A466B1CA_1B88_4C4F_A954_BB62286C6939__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "BaseTabCtrl1.h"
#include "DataDH.h"
class CTabDH : public CBaseTabCtrl
CTabDH(int s_n);
virtual ~CTabDH();
bool InitBaseInfo();
bool InitValues();
bool InitSelf();
bool InitList();
bool PrepareTables(CString &output, CString &input);
CString PrepareSQL();
void SetKey(int mark);
void SetTheBaseInfoFocus();
void SetTheFocus();
bool EnableBaseInfo(bool enabled);
int ShowBaseInfo(int show);
CDataDH m_dataDh;
afx_msg void OnSelchange(NMHDR pNMHDR, LRESULT pResult);
afx_msg void OnChaXun();
#endif !defined(AFX_TABDH_H__A466B1CA_1B88_4C4F_A954_BB62286C6939__INCLUDED_)

C++ Source Reading Comprehension Part 5
On the fifth night the gods and heroes assembled in the city of Rome. Their meeting-place was the Forum. The eternal city lay dormant around them, and Zeus, who had for the time recalled into existence the magnificent temple built in his honour, which used to adorn the incomparable centre of Roman might and splendour, sat in front of it, surrounded by the Flamines and the last Pontifex Maximus aided by the last Vestal Virgins. On the via sacra there was an unending flow of thronging Romans and Greeks, and Cicero was seen talking with great animation with Julius C?sar, while Augustus seemed to chide Tacitus with mild irony. Cornelius Scipio Africanus was deeply engaged in a conversation with Pericles, and Marcus Antistius Labeo discussed law with Plato. From afar the wind brought the sounds of the bells of the Vatican, at the hearing of which all co

nversation stopped; and when a few minutes later a choir intoned a hymn in a neighbouring church, the Pontifex and the Flamines veiled their heads in dumb resignation, and the Vestal Virgins looked up to Zeus as if imploring him for help. A pause followed. But soon the moon rose over the majestic Palatine hill; the Graces performed a soulful dance, and finally Zeus asked Caius Julius C?sar to entertain them[Pg 135] with his experiences during his third travel in England which, as he said, he had, in addition to his two landings during his mortal life, recently made after nearly two thousand years.
C?sar, standing near the house of the Senate of ancient Rome, thus addressed the divine Assembly:
"It is, O Jupiter and all the other gods and heroes, a singular pleasure and honour to me to address you on a topic so important and interesting. When I arrived in England for the third time (—I started from Dunkerque to avoid giving offence to the 112 scholars who have, each to his complete satisfaction, proved 112 different spots on the French coast between Boulogne and Calais wherefrom I am supposed to have started for England in my mortal time—) I was received by no wilder tribe than a few customs officials, who asked me whether I had any cigars in my toga. On my denying it, they searched me, and finding none they let me go. Two hours later I arrived in London, which I found ugly beyond words. I can understand that you, O Canova, cried on seeing it. What struck me most was its surprising silence, which contrasted very strongly with the noise of Rome, or Paris. I mentioned this to a casual acquaintance, who stared at me in despair, exclaiming: 'Silence, sir? Why, the noises of London drive half of us to madness. Here, take that (—he handed me a bunch of printed papers—) read it carefully and join us.' On looking into the papers I found that they contained a prospectus of a vast 'Society for the Abatement of Street-Noises in London.'
"This made me somewhat thoughtful. It was[Pg 136] quite clear to me that the unattractiveness of London is owing chiefly to its lack of animation, to its silence. I soon found out that silence is the dominating institution of that country. To talk is to infringe the principal law of their language. They want to see their language noiselessly, and not to hear it. Hence they constantly read printed language on wooden paper, in a wooden style, on wooden matters. This they call 'the daily Press.' I met one of the chief writers on their most popular paper, and he assured me that the editor solemnly warns each of his contributors not to indulge in any attempt at esprit or brilliancy of any sort; for, should he do so, the editor would be forced to dismiss him forthwith. All that the contributor is allowed to do is to make startling headlines, such as:
'Delicious puddings made out of wood.'
'New aqueducts full of milk for the people.'
'Discovery of wireless telegraphy among the ancient Egyptians.'
'Discovery of the pin

-cushion to Cleopatra's needles.'
'Trunk murder: a man assassinates his widow.'
That same editor, on my asking him why he allowed such crying stupidities in the headlines, and nothing but the most platitudinous stuff in the body of the article, gave me the following answer:
"'My dear sir, our public has nerves but no intellect. Hence we work for sudden, rapid shocks to their nerves, and no fatigue to their intellect. They not only do not think; they do not want to think. They are practically convinced that thinking[Pg 137] is the perdition of all common-sense. Just let me give you an example. There is among the younger writers one whose mind is singularly suggestive and nimble. He really has something to say, and can say it well. However, unfortunately, he says it in what are, apparently, contradictory and circuitous terms. This my readers cannot grasp; it fatigues them. They complain of that man's writings as being "heavy," "hard to follow." This is the consequence of the vogue of music halls. One may say that the popular University of this country, where the average man gets most of his ideas from, is the music hall. What, then, can we editors do better than imitate the style and substance of the music hall? Shocks to the nerves—and no fatigue to the intellect. Voilà!'
"On my way home I met Columbus. He told me, and no man ever spoke with more solid right, that he was the greatest benefactor to England. But for him, who by discovering the New World placed England in the very centre of the intelligent and wealthy nations, while formerly England was somewhere on the 'other end of all the world'; but for him, he said, England could never have had her unique leverage. 'You, C?sar,' he added, 'discovered England, as the Vikings discovered America; I did not discover it, I made it. But would you believe me that thousands and thousands of Englishmen have scarcely ever heard my name? They[Pg 138] constantly talk of their race as born to rule. But what would they have ruled without me? The ponds in Lincolnshire. You wonder at their tongue-tiedness. I will tell you what it means. The English are neither talkers nor thinkers; they are almost exclusively men of action; or used to be. They have no intellectual initiative. They have started neither the Renascence, nor the Great Discoveries of my time, nor the Reformation, or the three greatest factors in the formation of modern Europe. All this was first started by us Italians. We can both talk and think and create; but we are not good at actions. The English are good only at action. This is the be-all and end-all of their history. Have you ever seen their Parliament? Do not omit attending it. You will there learn something that no other Assembly can teach you. It rarely contains a great orator, for oratory is of little use in an Assembly with an iron party discipline, and with members every one of whom is amenable to no argument that has not had the august privilege of being born in his own mind. And

since his mind brings forth none, he moves in a vicious circle!'
"'Would you not,' I asked Columbus, 'accompany me to the House of Commons?'
"'Readily,' said the great Genoese. And next day we repaired to the 'first club of the country.'
"The hall was curiously unfit for the business of a national Assembly. It is neither large, nor light[Pg 139] enough. The acoustics are fair, but superfluous. For, who cares very much what any member other than himself is saying? In the midst there is a porter's lodge, in which sits a gentleman in the attire of the eighteenth century. This, as behoves a conservative Roman, did not meet with my disapproval. The only objection I made was that in my opinion he ought to have been clothed in all the various costumes in use since Magna Charta. The English, and the rest of the little ones, in utter contrast to ourselves, constantly vary their dress. We preferred to vary our inner selves.
"The subject of discussion, or rather of a score or so of monologues, was one of which in my time I have had the amplest experience. They proposed to give weekly a certain sum of money to anyone of their citizens who on reaching his seventieth year had arrived at the end of his financial tether. In my day I had given away millions to the populace, and my imperial successors had gone even very much further. The common people was thereby demoralised as is everybody, even parents, who accepts, year in year out, free gifts from a third person or his children. Being demoralised, such a recipient of donations becomes inevitably the most cruel enemy of his donor. Nothing contributed more to the downfall of Rome. A nation must consist of free and financially independent citizens, or it loses its most precious asset. How frequently, O Pericles, have you said to me, how much you regretted having introduced the same injurious donations into Athens. But this is the melancholy truth of all history: one learns from history one thing only, to wit, that no statesman has ever learned anything from history.
[Pg 140]
"In the midst of my sad reflections I could yet not help being amused by the speech of one member of the governing party, who belonged to that formidable mixture of faddists, formalists, cocksure-ists, and moral precisians who have in this country an influence that we should not have given to the members of the most exalted among the Roman patricians. Much as they are laughed at, they yet have the power of striking dread into the public and instilling hesitation into the feeble nerves of statesmen. The name of the orator in question was, if I am right, Harold Gox. He said:
"'Mr Speaker, it is with a satisfaction and self-complacency new even to me that I beg to submit my remarks on a subject than which there is no greater one; a subject, sir, that has no predicate except that of immensity; an immensity, sir, that exceeds infinitude itself; and last not least, an infinitude vaster than all other infinitudes: a moral infinity. This coun

try, sir, was built up by morals and righteousness. Righteousness, I say, sir; and I will repeat it: righteousness. How did we come by our Empire? By righteousness. How did our colonists occupy vast continents? By righteousness. What was the guiding principle even of our national debt? Righteousness, in that we contracted it mainly by paying the foreigner to help us in beating our immoral enemies. Righteousness is the A and the Z of our glorious polity.
"'We cannot help being righteous; it is in us, over us, beside, beneath, and all through us. We have sometimes tried to be unrighteous; but, sir, we could not. It is not given to us, and we have only what is given to us.
[Pg 141]
"'Well then, sir, if that be so, as it undoubtedly is, beyond the shadow of a doubt; then I venture to say that any person that opposes the present bill of Old Age Pensions cannot but be an enemy of England, in that he is an enemy of righteousness.
"'What indeed, sir, can be fairer, juster, and more equitable than that they who have laboriously saved up a few sovereigns, should share them with those that have done everything in their power to have none?
"'Where there is nothing, there is death. Can a country introduce death as a regular constituent organ of its life? What in that case would righteousness do? She would blush green with shame, sir. Nothing would remain for her but to leave this country and to go to Germany or Turkey. Could we allow such a disaster? Would it not be necessary to hold or haul her back by ropes, strings, or any other instrument of our party machinery?
"'Just, pray, represent to yourself, sir, or to any other person, the actualities of the case. Here is a man of seventy. It is a noble feat of honourable perseverance to reach that age. It is, I make bold to submit, an evident proof of the favour and countenance of The Principle of All Righteousness that the man was allowed to proceed so far.
"'He has worked all such days of his long life as he did not spend in reverential contemplation of the works of the Almighty. Who can blame him for that?
"'I go much further: who can possibly blame him for having focussed his attention rather on the liquid than on the solid bodies of Creation?
[Pg 142]
"'Each man has his own way of saying prayers.
"'Now, after having thus spent a long life in what has at all times been considered the essence of life; or as the ancient Romans used to formulate it, after having acted upon the noble doctrine of ora et labora (pray and work), he finds himself landed, or rather stranded in the wilderness of penury. Sir, such a state of things is untenable, unbearable, and unrighteous.
"'I know full well that people who have never given righteousness the slightest chance persist in repeating the old fallacy, that a labourer ought to save up for a rainy day. But, pray, sir, is it not perfectly clear that this principle is of Egyptian origin, and comes therefore from a country where there is no rain?
"'In England, sir, t

here are 362 rainy days a year; therefore 3620 rainy days in ten years, 18,100 rainy days in fifty years. How shall, I ask you, that unfortunate labourer, or grocer, or author, save up for 18,100 days? That takes a capital of at least £25,000. Well, who has that capital? No one. The nation alone has it. Ergo, the nation must pay for the rain.
"'I have, sir, in my locker a great many shots like the preceding, but I will, out of modesty, not use them all. I will only dwell on one point. Sir, our opponents contend that the money needed for Old Age Pensions is not available unless it be taken from funds much more necessary for the public welfare. Now I ask, which are those funds? The answer I receive is that the nation needs more defensive measures against possible invasions on the part of a Continental power.
[Pg 143]
"'Sir, on hearing such nonsense one is painfully reminded of what Lord Bacon used to say: "Difficile est satiram non scribere."' (A voice from the Irish bench: 'Juvenal, and not Lord Bacon!') 'Well, Lord Percival, and not Lord Bacon, it amounts to the same.
"'An invasion? Sir, an invasion? How, for goodness' sake, do our opponents imagine such a thing to be possible? I know they say that Lord Roberts has declared an invasion of England a feasible thing. But has Lord Roberts ever invaded England? How can he know? How can anyone know?
"'They refer me to William the Conqueror. But, sir, is it not evident that William could not have done it had he not been the Conqueror? Being the Conqueror, he was bound to do it. Is there any such William amongst the Williams of the day? I looked them all up in the latest Who's Who—but not one of them came up to the requisite conditions.' (A voice: 'William Whiteley!') 'I hear, sir, the name of William Whiteley; and I reply that he is now too "Ltd." to undertake such a grand enterprise.
"'And more than anything else militating in my favour is the fact that the Germans do not so much as dream of doing this country the slightest harm. Look at the relationship between the Kaiser and the King; nephew and uncle. Who has ever heard that a nephew made war on an uncle? Take into consideration how the Kaiser behaved when lately visiting England. Did he not leave huge tips at Windsor? Did he not stroke children's cheeks? Did he not admire our houses? Who else has ever done that? He talked English all day long, and during part of the night. He read the Daily Telegraph and took[Pg 144] his tub every morning. Can there be stronger symptoms of his Anglophile soul?
"'A few weeks after he left England he went so far in his predilection of everything English that he even curtailed his moustaches.
"'His moustaches, sir, these the beacons of the German Empire, the hirsute hymn of Teutonia, her anchor, her lightning rod, her salvation!
"'To talk of such a man's hostile intentions against England is to accuse Dover Cliff, High Cliffe, or Northcliffe, or any other Cliff of base treachery. No, sir, there is no need

of new expenses for defence on land; and as to the sea, we have only to follow the Chief Admiral's advice and go to sleep. Our principal force consists of our power to sleep on land as well as on sea. Once asleep, we can spend nothing. In that way there remains plenty of money for the Old Age Pensions, that glorious corrective of misery, that ventilator of property, and distillator of other men's pockets. I have not a word to add; the subject itself talks to every person of sense in a thousand tongues.'
