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当前位置:文档库 › 2021年高一上学期物理周练1缺答案





1.下列说法正确的是( )





2.关于质点,下列说法中正确的是( )



C.研究运动员在3 000米长跑比赛中运动的快慢时,该运动员可看做质点D.欣赏芭蕾舞表演者的精彩表演时,可以把芭蕾舞表演者看做质点

3.红军长征途中一支100 m长的队伍匀速前进,通信兵从队尾赶到队前传达命令,然后立即返回,当通信兵回到队尾时,队伍已前进了200 m,在这个过程中,通信兵的位移大小是( )

A.400 m B.100 m

C.200 m D.300 m


化得越慢,乘坐轿车的人就会感到越舒适;加速度变化得越快,乘坐轿车的人就会感到越不舒适。若引入一个新物理量来表示加速度变化的快慢,则该物理量的单位应是( )

A .m/s

B .m/s 2

C .m/s 3

D .m 2/s

5.以下说法中正确的是( )

A .做匀变速直线运动的物体,t s 内通过的路程与位移的大小一定相等

B .质点一定是体积和质量极小的物体

C .速度的定义式和平均速度公式都是v =


Δt ,因此速度就是指平均速度 D .速度不变的运动是匀速直线运动

6.一质点沿直线Ox 方向做变速运动,它离开O 点的距离x 随时间t 变化的关系为x =(5+2t 3)m ,它的速度随时间t 变化的关系为v =6t 2m/s ,该质点在t =0到t =2 s 间的平均速度和t =2 s 到t =3 s 间的平均速度的大小分别为( )

A .12 m/s 39 m/s

B .8 m/s 38 m/s

C .12 m/s 19.5 m/s

D .8 m/s 13 m/s

7.一个朝着某方向做直线运动的物体,在时间t 内的平均速度是v ,紧接

着t 2内的平均速度是v


,则物体在这段时间内的平均速度是( )

A.v B.2


v C.



v D.




8.两位杂技演员,甲从高处自由落下的同时乙从蹦床上竖直跳起,结果两人同时落到蹦床上,若以演员自己为参考系,此过程中他们各自看到对方的运动情况是( )





9.如图所示,一小球分别以不同的初速度,从光滑斜面的底端A点向上做直线运动,所能到达的最高点位置分别为a、b、c,它们距斜面底端A点的距离分别为s1、s2、s3,对应到达最高点的时间分别为t1、t2、t3,则下列关系正确的是( )





























































10.汽车以20m/s的速度做匀速直线运动,刹车后的加速度大小为5 m/s2,那么开始刹车后2 s内与开始刹车后6 s内汽车通过的位移之比为( ) A.1∶1 B.1∶3

C.3∶4 D.4∶3


11.关于时刻和时间,下列说法中正确的是( )





12.科学研究表明,在太阳系的边缘可能还有一颗行星——幸神星。这颗可能存在的行星是太阳系现有的质量最大的行星,它的质量是木星质量的4倍,它的轨道与太阳的距离是地球与太阳的距离的几千倍。根据以上信息,下列说法正确的是( )






“长征三号丙”运载火箭,将第十二颗北斗导航卫星成功送入太空预定轨道。这标志着北斗卫星导航系统建设又迈出了坚实的一步,北斗卫星导航系统可以免费提供定位、测速和授时服务,定位精度10 m,测速精度0.2 m/s,以下说法正确的是( )





14.某质点以20 m/s的初速度竖直向上运动,其加速度保持不变,经2 s 到达最高点,上升高度为20 m,又经过2 s回到出发点时,速度大小仍为20 m/s,关于这一运动过程的下列说法中正确的是( )

A.质点运动的加速度大小为10 m/s2,方向竖直向下





15.以72 km/h的速度行驶的列车,临时需要在某中途车站停车,因此以大

小为0.4 m/s2的加速度减速进站,停车2 min,然后以0.5 m/s2的加速度匀加速出站,最后恢复原运行速度。试计算该列车此次因临时停车共耽误多长时间。

16.(选做题 7、8、9班必做)甲乙两辆汽车都从静止出发做加速直线运动,加速度方向一直不变,在第一段时间间隔内,两辆汽车的加速度大小不变,汽车乙的加速度大小是甲的两倍;在接下来的相同时间间隔内,汽车甲的加速度大小增加为原来的两倍,汽车乙的加速度减小为原来的一半.求甲乙两车各自在这两段时间间隔内走过的总路程之比.

-40641 9EC1 黁31988 7CF4 糴j21441 53C1 叁z38408 9608 阈P20186 4EDA 仚36007 8CA7 貧29478 7326 猦24929 6161 慡24482 5FA2 徢q20548 5044 偄


山西省晋中市和诚高中2018-2019学年高一英语上学期周练3 班级________ 考号________ 姓名________ 一、根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能正确填人相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(20x2=40分) There once was a very wealthy and curious king. This king had a huge rock _1_ in the middle of a road. Then he hid nearby to _2_ if anyone would try to remove this big rock from the road. The first people to pass by were some of the king’s_3_ businessmen. Rather than moving it, they _4_ walked around it. A few loudly said the King should be _5_ for not maintaining (维护) the roads. More people passed by without moving it. _6_ , a peasant came along. His arms were full of vegetables. When he got near the _7_, rather than simply _8_ around it as the others had, the peasant _9_ his load and tried to move the stone to the _10_ of the road. It took a lot of effort but he finally _11_. The peasant picked up his _12_ and was ready to go on his _13_ when he saw a _l4_ lying in the road where the rock had been. The peasant _15_ the purse. The purse was full of gold coins and a _16_ from the king. The king's note _17_ the gold was a _18_ for moving the rock from the road. The king showed the peasant what _19_ of us can understand: every obstacle (障碍) presents a chance to _20_ our condition. 1.A.placed B.hidden C. got D.buried 2.A.guess B.think C. see D.imagine 3.A.poorest B.wealthiest https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5a13788308.html,ziest D.smartest 4.A.simply B.happily C.slowly D.strangely 5.A.doubted B.careful C.hated D.responsible 6.A.Quickly B.Angrily C.Luckily D.Finally 7.A.rock B.road C.king D.businessmen 8.A.walking B.jumping C.running D.climbing 9.A.cut down B.put down C.broke down D.took down


曲线运动 一、曲线运动 (1)条件:质点所受合外力的方向(或加速度方向)跟它的速度方向不在同一直线上。 ①匀变速曲线运动:若做曲线运动的物体受的是恒力,即加速度大小、方向都不变的曲线运动,如平抛运动; ②变加速曲线运动:若做曲线运动的物体所受的是变力,加速度改变,如匀速圆周运动。 (2)特点: ①曲线运动的速度方向不断变化,故曲线运动一定是变速运动。 ②曲线运动轨迹上某点的切线方向表示该点的速度方向。 ③曲线运动的轨迹向合力所指一方弯曲,合力指向轨迹的凹侧。 ④当物体受到的合外力的方向与速度方向的夹角为锐角时,物体做曲线运动速率将增大;当物体受到的合外力的方向与速度方向的夹角为钝角时,物体做曲线运动的速率将减小;当物体受到的合外力的方向与速度方向的夹角为90度时,物体做曲线运动速率将不变。 2.运动的合成与分解(指位移、速度、加速度三个物理量的合成和分解) (1)合运动和分运动关系:等时性、等效性、独立性、矢量性、相关性 ①等时性:合运动所需时间和对应的每个分运动所需时间相等。 ②等效性:合运动的效果和各分运动的整体效果是相同的,合运动和分运动是等效替代关系,不能并存。 ③独立性:每个分运动都是独立的,不受其他运动的影响 ④矢量性:加速度、速度、位移都是矢量,其合成和分解遵循平行四边形定则 ⑤相关性:合运动的性质是由分运动性质决定的 (2)从已知的分运动来求合运动,叫做运动的合成;求已知运动的分运动,叫运动的分解。 ①物体的实际运动是合运动 ②速度、时间、位移、加速度要一一对应 ③如果分运动都在同一条直线上,需选取正方向,与正方向相同的量取正,相反的量取负,矢量运算简化为代数运算。如果分运动互成角度,运动合成要遵循平行四边形定则 3.小船渡河问题 一条宽度为L 的河流,水流速度为V s ,船在静水中的速度为V c (1)渡河时间最短: 设船上头斜向上游与河岸成任意角θ,这时船速在垂直于河岸方向的速度分量V 1=V c sin θ,渡河所需时间为:θsin c V L t = , sin90=1当船头与河岸垂直时,渡河时间最短,c V L t = m in (与水 速的大小无关) 渡河位移:222t v L s s += (2)渡河位移最短: ①当V c >V s 时V s = V c cos θ渡河位移最短L s =min ;渡河时间为θ sin v L t = 船头应指向河的上游,并与河岸成一定的角度θ=arccosV s /V c ②当V c >V s 时以V s 的矢尖为圆心,以V c 为半径画圆,当V 与圆相切时,α角最大,V c =V s cos θ,船头与河岸的夹角为:θ=arccosV c /V s 。 渡河的最小位移:L V V L s c s ==θcos


第一章: 第一节: 1、“一江春水向东流”是水相对地面(岸)的运动,“地球的公转”是说地球相对太阳的运动,“钟表时、分、秒针都在运动”是说时、分、秒针相对钟表表面的运动,“太阳东升西落”是太阳相对地面的运动。 2、诗中描写船的运动,前两句诗写景,诗人在船上,卧看云动是以船为参考系。云与我俱东是说以两岸为参考系,云与船均向东运动,可认为云相对船不动。 3、x A =-0.44 m ,x B =0.36 m 第二节: 1.A .8点42分指时刻,8分钟指一段时间。 B .“早”指时刻,“等了很久”指一段时间。 C .“前3秒钟”、“最后3秒钟”、“第3秒钟”指一段时间,“3秒末”指时刻。 2.公里指的是路程,汽车的行驶路线一般不是直线。 3.(1)路程是100 m ,位移大小是100 m 。 (2)路程是800 m ,对起跑点和终点相同的运动员,位移大小为0;其他运动员起跑点各不相同而终点相同,他们的位移大小、方向也不同。 4.解答 第三节: 1.(1)1光年=365×24×3600×3.0×108 m=9.5×1015 m 。 (2)需要时间为 16 15 4.010 4.29.510?=?年 2.(1)前1 s 平均速度v 1=9 m/s 前2 s 平均速度v 2=8 m/s 前3 s 平均速度v 3=7 m/s 前4 s 平均速度v 4=6 m/s 全程的平均速度 v 5=5 m/s v 1最接近汽车关闭油门时的瞬时速度, v 1小于关闭油门时的瞬时速度。 (2)1 m/s ,0 3.(1) 24.9 m/s ,(2 )36.6 m/s ,(3)0 第四节: 1.电磁打点记时器引起的误差较大。因为电磁打点记时器打点瞬时要阻碍纸带的运动。 2.(1)纸带左端与重物相连。(2)A 点和右方邻近一点的距离Δx =7.0×10-3 m ,时间Δt=0.02 s ,Δt 很小,可以认为A 点速度v =x t ??=0.35 m/s 3.解(1)甲物体有一定的初速度,乙物体初速度为0。 (2)甲物体速度大小不变,乙物体先匀加速、匀速、最后匀减速运动。 (3)甲、乙物体运动方向都不改变。 4.纸带速度越大,相邻两点的距离也越大。纸带速度与相邻两点时间无关。 第五节: 1.100 km/h=27.8 m/s 2.A .汽车做匀速直线运动时。 B .列车启动慢慢到达最大速度50 m/s ,速度变化量较大,但加速时间较长,如经过2 min ,则加速度为0.42 m/s 2,比汽车启动时的加速度小。 C 、汽车向西行驶,汽车减速时加速度方向向东。 D .汽车启动加速到达最大速度的过程中,后一阶段加速度比前一阶段小,但速度却比前一阶段大。 3.A 的斜率最大,加速度最大。 a A =0.63 m/s 2,a B =0.083 m/s 2,a C =-0.25 m/s 2 a A 、a B 与速度方向相同,a C 与速度方向相反。 4.解答滑块通过第一个光电门的速度1 3.0/10/0.29 v cm s cm s == 滑块通过第二个光电门的速度2 3.0/27/0.11 v cm s cm s == 滑块加速度2 2710/3.57 v a cm s t ?-==? 第二章: 第一节: 1.(1)15,16,18,19,21,23,24; (2)如图所示; (3)可认为是一条直线。


河北定州中学2016-2017学年第一学期高一英语周练试题(五) 一、选择题 1.Hot _______the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. A. although B. as C. while D. however 2.Mrs. Green stood up the 16-year-old boy, sayi ng that he shouldn’t have been punished. A. in honour of B. in terms of C. in the form of D. in defence of 3.When he was driving home, he was stopped by the policeman and was ________of speeding. A. charged B. blamed C. accused D. warned 4.—Ron, I congratulate you on your success. —Thanks, but the honor _____ to all the people here. A. is belonged B. belongs C. is belonging D. belonged 5. Only when ______ me ________ what trouble she was in. A. did she tell ; I realized B. she told ; I realized C. did she tell ; did I realize D. she told ; did I realize 6.— Traffic accidents are usually very hard to _____. — Sure enough, remember what we _____ the last one. It was troublesome. A. deal with; did with B. do with; dealt with C. deal with; do with D. do with; deal with 7.—Will you join us in the discussion? —Well, I won’t join you unless Wang Lin ________ too. A. will be asked B. is asked C. asked D. be asked 8.—What should I wear for the party, darling?

2021年高一(承智班)上学期周练(12.2)英语试题 含答案

2021年高一(承智班)上学期周练(12.2)英语试题含答案 一、单项选择题 1.John ________ Joan at least for ten years. A. has married B. has married with C. has got married to D. has been married to 2.Standing on the top of the hill, you will get a better _______ of the whole city. A. scene B. scenery C. sight D. view 3.How could I lie to her____ she lived for the truth, whether it was found in music or people? A. unless B. when C. while D. though 4. ---Your suitcase seems very heavy. Need any help? ----__________. A. That all depends! B. No, thanks. I can manage it myself. C. It’s a pleasure. D. It couldn’t be better. Thank you all the same. 5.The food at the dinner party didn’t seem ________.It was not worth the money. A. inviting B. amazing


高中新课程作业本物理必修1 答案与提示 第一章运动的描述 一、质点、参考系和坐标系 1.CD 2.B 3.C 4.云地面船岸 5.BC 6.D 7.A 8.2km-3km0 东59.C10.(1)2025152(2)东偏北45°方向作图略11.略 二、时间和位移 1.AC 2.AD 3.A 4.BC 5.BC 6.C 7.ACABOD 8.60m图略 9.6mx轴正方向4mx轴正方向20m10.C11.路程900m位移500m500m 12.中心点的路程和位移大小相等边缘上一点路程大于位移大小13.(1)路程(2)位移大小思考略 三、运动快慢的描述——速度 1.CD 2.B 3.C 4.3m/s53m/s2 5m/s 5.0 6.AC 7.CD 8.D 9.CD10.ABC11.路程为100m位移0平均速度为012.不同1463km是路程而非位移从地图上量出两地长度,再由比例尺算出直线距离约 1080km,v=1080/14≈71km/h 13.从图中量出车运动路程与车长的线段长,按比例算出实际位移为13 5m,v≈13 50 4m/s=33 8m/s121km/h>80km/h,超速 五、速度变化快慢的描述——加速度 1.C 2.BD 3.B 4.D 5.飞机火车小球 6.9 8m/s2竖直向下 7.D 8.AB9.1 50-1 510.C11.509m/s2-6m/s2与初速度方向相反 12.5 2m/s213.略 第一章复习题 1.A 2.D 3.CD 4.ACD 5.BD 6.D 7.ABC 8.D 9.A10.200m11.t20~t1和t2~t312.左0 30 8513.(1)第3秒末(2)40m向上 (3)5m向下(4)-35m125m14.路程为80m位移大小为10m,方向向左15.12m/s≤v 乙≤20 6m/s 第二章匀变速直线运动的研究 二、匀变速直线运动的速度与时间的关系 1.ABD 2.D 3.ACD 4.BCD 5.C 6.B 7.匀加速直线匀速直线匀减速直线向东向东向东 8.53-39.200m/s210.7 2s11.(1)如图所示 (2)2m/s2(3)2m/s2,相同(4)做匀减速直线运动 三、匀变速直线运动的位移与时间的关系 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.6 9s25 3m/s11.(1)8m(2)72m(3)有,求“面积” 12.(1)69 4s(2)2 9km(3)429 8s 四、匀变速直线运动的位移与速度的关系 1.AB 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.0 128 6.18 7.5 8.16 9.制动时速度(km/h)反应距离(m)制动距离(m)停车总距离(m)405 6813 612016 77288 710.(1)2 5×106m/s2(2)0 11m(3)0 128m11.(1)12m/s(2)180m 专题匀变速直线运动的规律的应用 1.D 2.ABC 3.D 4.BD 5.B 6.BD 7.AB


2019-2020学年高一第一次周练(2019.8.18) 时间:90分钟分数:95分 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,填在答题卡上。 A While most high school students spend most of their time worrying about who likes who, and different relationships between their classmates, I choose to focus on my school lessons and sports. When I was young, my mother encouraged me to develop and keep friendship with boys in order to build strong relationships. But she told me not to risk a good friendship with a boy with the title of boyfriend. It's indeed a wise choice to stay friends with those of the opposite sex(异性). In my opinion, even though some high school relationship might continue after graduation, the probability of them lasting much longer is so slim (微小的) that there really is not a point to it. Firstly you have to think about such a question----whether it is possible to hurt both of you, or even hurt both of your future husbands or wives. My second point is that you still can date(约会) if you hope marriage could possibly follow. Except this, there really is not any other reason for dating. Some students desire relationships for a chance to be romantic (浪漫的). While these are nice to have, there are many more important things at this point in our lives. The titles of boyfriend and girlfriend put too much stress on a relationship between high school students. Just staying as common friends may be the best choice for us. I strongly advise we should deal with it in a proper way and follow our teachers’ advice if necessary. 21. The author writes this passage probably for_ to read. A. high school students B. school teachers C. parents and teachers D. married couples 22. Between the opposite sexes, the relationship of being good friends might be__ than that of being boy/girl friends. A. weaker B. safer C. slimmer D. stronger 23. How does the writer like the idea of dating among the students? A. Dating is a nice chance for students to be romantic. B. Studying is far more important than dating in school C. In high school dating can surely lead to future marriage D. Dating in high school is sure to hurt your future family 24. The underlined word "it" in the last paragraph might refer to_ . A. the title of boyfriend or girlfriend at school B. advice given by both teachers and parents C. the pressure from school lessons and sports D. the relationship between students of opposite sexes B “Let’s go Dutch, shall we?” Jim said after a dinner to his friends in a restaurant. What does Jim mean? Long ago, there was a kind of dinner called Dutch treat. At a Dutch treat, the invited guests were expected to pay for their own share of the food and drink. Now, Dutch treat means when friends go out to have fun, each person pays his or her own share. There are many other expressions related with “Dutch” in American English. However, most of them were first used in England in the 17th century. At that time, the British and the Dutch were war enemies. So when British people talked about something wrong or bad, they would like to use the word “Dutch”. A common expression heard a few years ago was in Dutch. A friend may tell you, “You are in Dutch. The teacher is angry with you. Be careful!” When a soldier took Dutch leave, he left the army without permission. Dutch courage is the false courage produced by the effects of drinking wine. When someone has just said something you do n’t believe is true, you can say “I am a Dutch-man.” There is one expression that did come from the Dutch. That is to talk like a Dutch uncle. The Dutch were known for the strict and serious way they educated their children. 25. What did people mean by sa ying “Let’s go Dutch”? A. The guests should leave first. B. Each person should pay his or her own bill C. The food should be better next time. D. People should go to another restaurant. 26. According to the passage, the British in the 17th century ______. A. first used the word "Dutch" B. were mistaken for Dutch people C. got along well with the Dutch people D. used the word "Dutch" for something bad


2014 -2015 学年度高一下学期周练卷(五) 姓名:_______________ 班级:________________ 学号:_______________ 一.短文改错。 请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 I used to feel I was the sun in my family. But when my cousin was born, everyone pays more attention to her. So I disliked her and couldn?t get along well with her. With time went on, I realized how ridiculous I have been at that time. I tried to find a proper time to apologize. When my cousin?s family came to my home a few day ago, I took my cousin to play outside. In the way to the playground, I bought much snacks for her. Then we began chat. When we talked about their childhood, suddenly, I said “sorry” gentle. She was silent, so I thought that she hadn?t heard me clearly. But after while she said: “Don?t say that. In my memory, you are always friendly.” 二.完形填空(1-20题) Once the king of India was ill and sent for his doctor. The doctor came, ___1__ him and said, “You will be well soon in a few days if you take a bull?s milk.” The king was ___2 _ , for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. “How is it __ _3__ ?” he asked. “Order Gulbo to get it for you,” answered the doctor. “He can do anything.” Gulbo was a person with great knowledge and was a(n) ___4___ to the doctor. So the doctor thought this would be a way of making him ___5__ . When the king told Gulbo what the doctor said and ____6____ him to get a bull?s milk, Gulbo _____7_____ understood what the doctor was trying to do. When he got home, he sat thinking how to get out of the ____8___ . His daughter, seeing him worried, asked what was the ____9____ . On hearing what the king had asked for, she said, “Don?t ____10___ , Father, I will help you.” The next day she took some old clothes, went to the bank of the river near the palace and chose a place ___11__ the king?s bedroom window. In the middle of the night, she started to do her washing. She made ___12___ much noise that the king could not sleep. The king got very angry and sent a guard to ____13___ what had happened. The soldier found the girl and led her to the king. “Why do you wash your clothes here at night?” said the king. The girl ____14___ to be afraid and said, “I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father ___15___ a baby, I was busy all day because of that. Then I found there were no clean __ 16 for th e baby, so I had to come and wash them now.” “What!” cried the king. “Are you trying to make a17 of me?” I have never heard of a man having a baby.” “Well, if the king himself orders someone to get a bull?s milk for him,18 can?t a man have a baby?” The king smiled and said, “You must be Gulbo?s19 . Go and tell your father that he may keep the bull?s milk to his20 . 1. A. checked B. tested C. judged D. examined 2. A. pleased B. surprised C. touched D. moved 3. A. possible B. impossible C. usual D. unusual 4. A. friend B. enemy C. neighbor D. patient 5. A. suffer B. benefit C. trap D. arrest 6. A. begged B. ordered C. decided D. demanded 7. A. suddenly B. certainly C. correctly D. directly 8. A. chance B. situation C. position D. difficulty 9. A. matter B. wrong C. thing D. problem 10. A. frighten B. worry C. doubt D. fear 11. A. above B. on C. below D. under 12. A. such B. that C. more D. so 13. A. find out B. get out C. take out D. bring out 14. A. began B. looked C. became D. pretended 15. A. gave birth to B. had birth in C. gave birth of D. had birth to 16. A. food B. clothes C. bowls D. bottles 17. A. trick B. joke C. friend D. fool 18 A. why B. how C. who D. what 19. A. girl B. daughter C. wife D. friend 20. A. daughter B. son C. sister D. baby 三.阅读理解(21-35题)


人教版高一物理 专题一:运动的描述 【知识要点】 1.质点(A )(1)没有形状、大小,而具有质量的点。 (2)质点是一个理想化的物理模型,实际并不存在。 (3)一个物体能否看成质点,并不取决于这个物体的大小,而是看在所研究的问题中物体的形状、大小和物体上各部分运动情况的差异是否为可以忽略的次要因素,要具体问题具体分析。 2.参考系(A )(1)物体相对于其他物体的位置变化,叫做机械运动,简称运动。 (2)在描述一个物体运动时,选来作为标准的(即假定为不动的)另外的物体,叫做 参考系。 对参考系应明确以下几点: ①对同一运动物体,选取不同的物体作参考系时,对物体的观察结果往往不同的。 ②在研究实际问题时,选取参考系的基本原则是能对研究对象的运动情况的描述得到尽量的简化,能够使解题显得简捷。 ③因为今后我们主要讨论地面上的物体的运动,所以通常取地面作为参照系 3.路程和位移(A ) (1)位移是表示质点位置变化的物理量。路程是质点运动轨迹的长度。 (2)位移是矢量,可以用以初位置指向末位置的一条有向线段来表示。因此,位移的大小等于物体的初位置到末位置的直线距离。路程是标量,它是质点运动轨迹的长度。因此其大小与运动路径有关。 (3)一般情况下,运动物体的路程与位移大小是不同的。只有当质点做单一方向的直线运动时,路程与位移的大小才相等。图1-1中质点轨迹ACB 的长度是路程,AB 是位移S 。 B A B C 图1-1

(4)在研究机械运动时,位移才是能用来描述位置变化的物理量。路程不能用来表达物体的确切位置。比如说某人从O点起走了50m路,我们就说不出终了位置在何处。 4、速度、平均速度和瞬时速度(A) (1)表示物体运动快慢的物理量,它等于位移s跟发生这段位移所用时间t的比值。即v=s/t。速度是矢量,既有大小也有方向,其方向就是物体运动的方向。在国际单位制中,速度的单位是(m/s)米/秒。 (2)平均速度是描述作变速运动物体运动快慢的物理量。一个作变速运动的物体,如果在一段时间t内的位移为s, 则我们定义v=s/t为物体在这段时间(或这段位移)上的平均速度。平均速度也是矢量,其方向就是物体在这段时间内的位移的方向。 (3)瞬时速度是指运动物体在某一时刻(或某一位置)的速度。从物理含义上看,瞬时速 度指某一时刻附近极短时间内的平均速度。瞬时速度的大小叫瞬时速率,简称速率 5、匀速直线运动(A) (1)定义:物体在一条直线上运动,如果在相等的时间内位移相等,这种运动叫做匀速 直线运动。 根据匀速直线运动的特点,质点在相等时间内通过的位移相等,质点在相等时间内通过的路程相等,质点的运动方向相同,质点在相等时间内的位移大小和路程相等。 (2)匀速直线运动的x—t图象和v-t图象(A) (1)位移图象(s-t图象)就是以纵轴表示位移,以横轴表示时间而 作出的反映物体运动规律的数学图象,匀速直线运动的位移图线是通 过坐标原点的一条直线。 (2)匀速直线运动的v-t图象是一条平行于横轴(时间轴)的直线, 如图2-4-1所示。 由图可以得到速度的大小和方向,如v1=20m/s,v2=-10m/s,表明一个质点沿正方向以 20m/s的速度运动,另一个反方向以10m/s速度运动。 6、加速度(A) (1)加速度的定义:加速度是表示速度改变快慢的物理量,它等于速度的改变量跟发生这一 改变量所用时间的比值,定义式:a= 0 t V V t


次空课《万有引力》3高一物理第 ,下列说g某人造卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动,设地球半径为R,地面重力加速度为1. )( g/R A.人造卫星的最小周期为2πRg/2处的绕行速度为B.卫星在距地面高度R /4 R处的重力加速度为gC.卫星在距地面高度为 地球同步卫星的速率比近地卫星速率小,所以发射同步卫D. 星所需的发射速度较小D 答案的轨道相ca、、c、d是在地球大气层外的圆形轨道上运行的四颗人造卫星.其中2.a、b轨道在同一平面上.某时刻四颗卫星的运行方向、bcb、d在同一个圆轨道上,交于P,) 及位置如图所示.下列说法中正确的是( b的加速度a、c的加速度大小相等,且大于A.a 的角速度、c的角速度大小相等,且小于B.b 的线速度的线速度大小相等,且小于、cdC.a 点相撞的危险c存在在PD.a、A 答案22v4πMm2 A正确.、D错误,C==mrωmr=ma,可知B、=解析由Gm22 Trr 年在西昌卫星发射中心发射,实现“落月”的新阶段.已20133.“嫦娥三号”探月卫星于“嫦娥三号”探月卫星绕月球作圆周运.周期为T知月球绕地球作圆周运动的半径为r、11不计周围其他天体的影响.根据题目给出.,万有引力常量为r,周期为TG动的半径为22) (的条件,下列说法正确的是 .能求出“嫦娥三号”探月卫星的质量A .能求出地球的密度B.

C.能求出地球与月球之间的引力33rr21.可得出=D22TT2124πMm可知通过已知量只能估算中心天体的质量,因而可以估算出地mr由G=解析22Tr正错误,选项C”探月卫星的质量,选项A球和月球的质量,而不能算出“嫦娥三号”“嫦娥三号B错误.由于确.由于地球的半径未知,因而不能估算地球的密度,选项33rr12错误.=不能成立,选项D探月卫星和月球做圆周运动的中心天体不同,因而22TT21C 答案 已知卫.4. 如图所示,甲、乙两颗卫星在同一平面上绕地球做匀速圆周运动,公转方向相同,卫星乙都要运动到与卫星甲同居地球一侧且三TT,每经过最短时间5星甲的公转周期为) 者共线的位置上,则卫星乙的公转周期为( 89B.T A.T 98910D. C.T T 109A 答案 一人造地球卫星绕地球做匀速圆周运动,假如该卫星变轨后仍做匀速圆周运动,速度减小5.1) (为原来的,不考虑卫星质量的变化,则变轨前、后卫星的21 4∶A.向心加速度大小之比 为1 ∶.角速度大小之比为B28 ∶C.周期之比为12 D.轨道半径之比为1∶v E2211k2=.根据=解析根据Em v得v=,所以卫星变轨前、后的速度之比为k v1m2222vv1Mmr21G=m,得卫星变轨前、后的轨道半径之比为==,选项D错误;根据22 v4rrr12216arMm21G=ma,得卫星变轨前、后的向心加速度大小之比为==,选项A错误;根22 rar112. 3ω8Mmr212错误;rB=,得卫星变轨前、后的角速度大小之比为=据G=mω,选项32ω1rr12ω2π1T21,选项C正确.T根据=,得卫星变轨前、后的周期之比为== ωω8T12C 答案 日,神州十号与天宫一号成功实现自动交会对接.对接前神州十号与天宫6月136.2013年一号


高一英语周末练习(8) 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The yearly marathon (a long-distance running race of 42.195km) in my town usually occurs during a heat wave. My job was to follow behind the runners in an ambulance 1_____ any of them needed medical attention. “We’re supposed to stay behind the 2_____ runner, so take it slowly,” I said to the driver, Doug, as the race started. The front-runners started to 3______ and then my eyes were 4______ to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt. We knew we were already watching our “last runner”. Her 5_______ were so crippled(残废的)that it seemed almost 6______for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon. Doug and I 7______ in silence as she slowly moved forward. 8______, she was the only runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face when I watched with respect 9____ she pushed forward with great 10____ though the last miles. When the finishing line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the 11_____ crowds had gone home, 12_____, standing straight and ever so proud 13______ a lone man. He was 14______ one end of a ribbon(缎带)of crepe paper(绉纸) 15_______ to a post. She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering(飘动)behind her. I do not know this woman’s name, but that day she became a part of my 16______ –a part I often depend on. For her, it wasn’t about 17_____ the other runners or winning a prize, but about 18_____what she had set out to do, no matter 19______. When I think things are too difficult or I get those “I-just-can’t-do-it,” I think of the last runner. Then I realize how 20_____ the task before me really is. ( ) 1. A. so that B. in case C. even though D. only if ( ) 2. A. first B. best C. only D. last ( ) 3. A. run B. separate C. disappear D. compete ( ) 4. A. drawn B. thrown C. fixed D. caught ( ) 5. A. hands B. legs C. arms D. body

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