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Lesson One

Pre-class Work Read the text a third time. Learn the new words and expressions listed below.


accomplishment n. the act of finishing sth. completely and successfully; achievement

acquire v. to gain; to get for oneself by one's own work

arrogantly adv. behaving in a proud and self-important way

aspirin n. 阿司匹林(解热镇痛药)

assume v. to take as a fact; to suppose

available adj. able to be used or easily found

bachelor n. ~'s degree: the first university degree

beanpole n. (infml) a very tall and thin person

bull n. a male cow

certify v. to state that sth. is true or correct, esp. after some kind of test

civilized adj. educated and refined; having an advanced culture

client n. a person who pays for help or advice from a person or organization

continuity n. the state of being continuous

cyanide n. 氰化物

democratic adj. based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involved in making important decisions 民主的

disaster n. a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering. Here: a complete failure

drugstore n. (AmE) a shop which sells medicine (and a variety of other things)

enroll v. to officially arrange to join a school or university

expertise n. skill in a particular field

expose v. to enable sb. to see or experience new things or learn about new beliefs, ideas, etc.

faculty n. (AmE) all the teachers of a university or college

fragment n. a small piece of sth.

generate v. to produce

grind v. to crush into small pieces or powder by pressing between hard surfaces

hip n. the fleshy part of either side of the human body above the legs

humanity n. the qualities of being human

implicitly adv. in an implied way 含蓄地

inevitable adj. certain to happen and impossible to avoid

literal adj. in the basic meaning of a word

maintain v. to continue to have as before

Neanderthal n. an early type of human being who lived in Europe during the Stone Age

nevertheless adv. in spite of that; yet

peculiar adj. belonging only to a particular person; special; odd

penetrating adj. showing the ability to understand things clearly and deeply

pest n. (infml) an annoying person

pharmacy n. a shop where medicines are prepared and sold. Here: the study of preparing drugs or medicines philosophy n. the study of the nature and meaning of existence, reality, etc. 哲学

pill n. a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole

preside v. to lead; to be in charge

professional adj. relating to the work that a person does for an occupation, esp. work that requires special training

pursuit n. the act of trying to achieve sth. in a determined way

push-button adj. using computers or electronic equipment rather than traditional methods

qualified adj. having suitable knowledge or experience for a particular job

rear v. to care for a person or an animal until they are fully grown

resources n. possessions in the form of wealth, property, skills, etc. that you have 资源

savage n. an uncivilized human being

scroll n. Here: a certificate of an academic degree

semester n. one of the two periods into which the year is divided in American high schools and universities (=term in BrE) sensitive adj. able to understand or appreciate art, music or literature

shudder v. to shake uncontrollably for a moment

specialize v. to limit all or most of one's study to particular subjects 专修

species n. (infml) a type; a sort

specimen n. Here: a person who is unusual in some way and has a quality of a particular kind

spiritual adj. related to your spirit rather than to your body or mind

store v. to keep

suffice v. to be enough

Proper Names : Aristotle 亚里士多德Bach 巴赫Chaucer 乔叟Dante 但丁Einstein 爱因斯坦Hamlet 哈姆雷特Homer 荷马La Rochefoucauld 拉罗什富科Shakespeare 莎士比亚Virgil 维吉尔

Another School Year — What For

John Ciardi

Read the text once for the main idea. Do not refer to the notes, dictionaries or the glossary yet.

Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher. It was January of 1940 and I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City. Part of the student body was a beanpole with hair on top who came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked at me as if to say "All right, teach me something." Two weeks later we started Hamlet. Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips. "Look," he said, "I came here to be a pharmacist. Why do I have to read this stuff" And not having a book of his own to point to, he pointed to mine which was lying on the desk.

New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this specimen a number of things. I could have pointed out that he had enrolled, not in a drugstore-mechanics school, but in a college and that at the end of his course meant to reach for a scroll that read Bachelor of Science. It would not read: Qualified Pill-Grinding Technician. It would certify that he had specialized in pharmacy, but it would further certify that he had been exposed to some of the ideas mankind has generated within its history. That is to say, he had not entered a technical training school but a university and in universities students enroll for both training and education.

I could have told him all this, but it was fairly obvious he wasn't going to be around long enough for it to matter. Nevertheless, I was young and I had a high sense of duty and I tried to put it this way: "For the rest of your life," I said, "your days are going to average out to about twenty-four hours. They will be a little shorter when you are in love, and a little longer when you are out of love, but the average will tend to hold. For eight of these hours, more or less, you will be asleep." "Then for about eight hours of each working day you will, I hope, be usefully employed. Assume you have gone through pharmacy school —or engineering, or law school, or whatever —during those eight hours you will be using your professional skills. You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn't jump the fence, or that your client doesn't go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. These are all useful pursuits. They involve skills every man must respect, and they can all bring you basic satisfactions. Along with everything else, they will probably be what puts food on your table, supports your wife, and rears your children. They will be your income, and may it always suffice."

"But having finished the day's work, what do you do with those other eight hours Let's say you go home to your family. What sort of family are you raising Will the children ever be exposed to a reasonably penetrating idea at home Will you be presiding over a family that maintains some contact with the great democratic intellect Will there be a book in the house Will there be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering Will the kids ever get to hear Bach"

That is about what I said, but this particular pest was not interested. "Look," he said, "you professors raise your kids your way; I'll take care of my own. Me, I'm out to make money."

"I hope you make a lot of it," I told him, "because you're going to be badly stuck for something to do when you're not signing checks."

Fourteen years later I am still teaching, and I am here to tell you that the business of the college is not only to train you, but to put you in touch with what the best human minds have thought. If you have no time for Shakespeare, for a basic look at philosophy, for the continuity of the fine arts, for that lesson of man's development we call history —then you have no

business being in college. You are on your way to being that new species of mechanized savage, the push-button Neanderthal. Our colleges inevitably graduate a number of such life forms, but it cannot be said that they went to college; rather the college went through them — without making contact.

No one gets to be a human being unaided. There is not time enough in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs to know in order to be a civilized human.

Assume, for example, that you want to be a physicist. You pass the great stone halls of, say, M. I. T., and there cut into the stone are the names of the scientists. The chances are that few, if any, of you will leave your names to be cut into those stones. Yet any of you who managed to stay awake through part of a high school course in physics, knows more about physics than did many of those great scholars of the past. You know more because they left you what they knew, because you can start from what the past learned for you.

And as this is true of the techniques of mankind, so it is true of mankind's spiritual resources. Most of these resources, both technical and spiritual, are stored in books. Books are man's peculiar accomplishment. When you have read a book, you have added to your human experience. Read Homer and your mind includes a piece of Homer's mind. Through books you can acquire at least fragments of the mind and experience of Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare — the list is endless. For a great book is necessarily a gift; it offers you a life you have not the time to live yourself, and it takes you into a world you have not the time to travel in literal time. A civilized mind is, in essence, one that contains many such lives and many such worlds. If you are too much in a hurry, or too arrogantly proud of your own limitations, to accept as a gift to your humanity some pieces of the minds of Aristotle, or Chaucer, or Einstein, you are neither a developed human nor a useful citizen of a democracy.

I think it was La Rochefoucauld who said that most people would never fall in love if they hadn't read about it. He might have said that no one would ever manage to become human if they hadn't read about it.

I speak, I'm sure, for the faculty of the liberal arts college and for the faculties of the specialized schools as well, when I say that a university has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting you in touch, both as specialists and as humans, with those human minds your human mind needs to include. The faculty, by its very existence, says implicitly: "We have been aided by many people, and by many books, in our attempt to make ourselves some sort of storehouse of human experience. We are here to make available to you, as best we can, that expertise."

Lesson Two

alert adj. watchful and ready to meet danger

birch n. 桦树

bough n. a main branch of a tree

cabin n. a small roughly built house

chase v. to drive away; to cause to leave

creek n. a long narrow stream

crouch v. to lower the body close to the ground by bending the knees and back

cub n. a young meat-eating wild animal like bear, lion, tiger, wolf, etc.

detain v. to keep sb. from leaving during a certain time

dim v. to become less bright

doc n. (infml AmE) a doctor

drift v. to be driven along by wind

flake n. a very small flat thin piece that breaks away easily from sth. else; snow ~: 雪花

grasshopper n. 蚱蜢

howl n. a long loud cry, esp. made by wolves as in pain, anger, etc.

leap v. to jump high into the air

lick v. to move the tongue across the surface of sth. in order to eat it or clean it

mantle n. a loose outer sleeveless garment. Here it is used figuratively.

meadow n. a field with wild grass and flowers

mischievous adj. eager to have fun by playing harmless tricks

muzzle n. the nose and mouth of an animal such as a dog, a wolf or a horse

numb adj. unable to feel anything because of coldness

pace n. a single step in running or walking

partner n. sb. who does the same activity with you 伙伴

paw n. an animal's foot that has nails or claws

pierce v. to make a hole in or through (sth.) using sth. with a sharp point

pine n. 松树

poke v. to push or move sth. through a space or opening

puppy n. a young dog ("puppy-wool" here refers to the wool of the wolf cub)

realize v. to understand

restless adj. unwilling or unable to stay quiet and still

rifle n. a type of gun fired from the shoulder

rocket n. 火箭

rooster n. (AmE) a cock

rumble n. a deep continuous rolling sound

shack n. a small and not very strong building

shiver v. to shake, esp. from cold or fear

slash v. to make a long deep cut with sth. sharp like a knife

smother v. to cover thickly

snarl n. a low angry sound while showing the teeth

soaked adj. very wet with some liquid

spear v. 用鱼叉刺

spurt v. to come out quickly and suddenly in a thin, powerful stream

squat v. to sit with your knees bent under you, your bottom off the ground, and balancing on your feet 蹲;蹲坐squirrel n. a small animal with a long furry tail that climbs trees and eats nuts 松鼠

stir v. to move slightly

thicken v. to become thicker

thrill v. to feel very happy and excited

toll n. to take a ~: to have a very bad effect on sb. or sth.

trapper n. a person who catches wild animals for their fur

unchained adj. without a chain

whimper v. to make low crying sounds

wiggle v. (infml) to move in small movements from side to side, or up and down

wolf n. a wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groups

wool n. the soft thick hair of sheep and some goats (Here it refers to the hair of the wolf.)

Text A Maheegun My Brother Eric Acland

The year I found Maheegun, spring was late in coming. That day, I was spearing fish with my grandfather when I heard the faint crying and found the shivering wolf cub.

As I bent down, he moved weakly toward me. I picked him up and put him inside my jacket. Little Maheegun gained strength after I got the first few drops of warm milk in him. He wiggled and soon he was full and warm.

My grandfather finally agreed to let me keep him. That year, which was my 14th, was the happiest of my life.

Not that we didn't have our troubles. Maheegun was the most mischievous wolf cub ever. He was curious too. Like looking into Grandma's sewing basket — which he upset, scattering thread and buttons all over the floor. At such times, she would chase him out with a broom and Maheegun would poke his head around the corner, waiting for things to quiet down.

That summer Maheegun and I became hunting partners. We hunted the grasshoppers that leaped about like little rockets. And in the fall, after the first snow our games took us to the nearest meadows in search of field mice. By then, Maheegun was half grown. Gone was the puppy-wool coat. In its place was a handsome black mantle.

The winter months that came soon after were the happiest I could remember. They belonged only to Maheegun and myself. Often we would make a fire in the bushes. Maheegun would lay his head between his front paws, with his eyes on me as I told him stories.

It all served to fog my mind with pleasure so that I forgot my Grandpa's repeated warnings, and one night left Maheegun unchained. The following morning in sailed Mrs. Yesno, wild with anger, who demanded Maheegun be shot because he had

killed her rooster. The next morning, my grandpa announced that we were going to take Maheegun to the north shack.

By the time we reached the lake where the trapper's shack stood, Maheegun seemed to have become restless. Often he would sit with his nose to the sky, turning his head this way and that as if to check the wind.

The warmth of the stove soon brought sleep to me. But something caused me to wake up with a start. I sat up, and in the moon-flooded cabin was my grandfather standing beside me. "Come and see, son," whispered my grandfather.

Outside the moon was full and the world looked all white with snow. He pointed to a rock that stood high at the edge of the lake. On the top was the clear outline of a great wolf sitting still, ears pointed, alert, listening.

"Maheegun," whispered my grandfather.

Slowly the wolf raised his muzzle. "Oooo-oo-wow-wowoo-oooo!"

The whole white world thrilled to that wild cry. Then after a while, from the distance came a softer call in reply. Maheegun stirred, with the deep rumble of pleasure in his throat. He slipped down the rock and headed out across the ice.

"He's gone," I said.

"Yes, he's gone to that young she-wolf." My grandfather slowly filled his pipe. "He will take her for life, hunt for her, protect her. This is the way the Creator planned life. No man can change it."

I tried to tell myself it was all for the best, but it was hard to lose my brother.

For the next two years I was as busy as a squirrel storing nuts for the winter. But once or twice when I heard wolf cries from distant hills, I would still wonder if Maheegun, in his battle for life, found time to remember me.

It was not long after that I found the answer.

Easter came early that year and during the holidays I went to visit my cousins.

My uncle was to bring me home in his truck. But he was detained by some urgent business. So I decided to come back home on my own.

A mile down the road I slipped into my snowshoes and turned into the bush. The strong sunshine had dimmed. I had not gone far before big flakes of snow began drifting down.

The snow thickened fast. I could not locate the tall pine that stood on the north slope of Little Mountain. I circled to my right and stumbled into a snow-filled creek bed. By then the snow had made a blanket of white darkness, but I knew only too well there should have been no creek there.

I tried to travel west but only to hit the creek again. I knew I had gone in a great circle and I was lost.

There was only one thing to do. Camp for the night and hope that by morning the storm would have blown itself out. I quickly made a bed of boughs and started a fire with the bark of an old dead birch. The first night I was comfortable enough. But when the first gray light came I realized that I was in deep trouble. The storm was even worse. Everything had been smothered by the fierce whiteness.

The light of another day still saw no end to the storm. I began to get confused. I couldn't recall whether it had been storming for three or four days.

Then came the clear dawn. A great white stillness had taken over and with it, biting cold. My supply of wood was almost gone. There must be more.

Slashing off green branches with my knife, I cut my hand and blood spurted freely from my wound. It was some time before the bleeding stopped. I wrapped my hand with a piece of cloth I tore off from my shirt. After some time, my fingers grew cold and numb, so I took the bandage off and threw it away.

How long I squatted over my dying fire I don't know. But then I saw the gray shadow between the trees. It was a timber wolf. He had followed the blood spots on the snow to the blood-soaked bandage.

"Yap... yap... yap... yoooo!" The howl seemed to freeze the world with fear.

It was the food cry. He was calling, "Come, brothers, I have found meat." And I was the meat!

Soon his hunting partner came to join him. Any time now, I thought, their teeth would pierce my bones.

Suddenly the world exploded in snarls. I was thrown against the branches of the shelter. But I felt no pain. And a great silence had come. Slowly I worked my way out of the snow and raised my head. There, about 50 feet away, crouched my two attackers with their tails between their legs. Then I heard a noise to my side and turned my head. There stood a giant black wolf. It was Maheegun, and he had driven off the others.

"Maheegun... Maheegun...," I sobbed, as I moved through the snow toward him. "My brother, my brother," I said, giving him my hand. He reached out and licked at the dried blood.

I got my little fire going again, and as I squatted by it, I started to cry. Maybe it was relief or weakness or both — I don't know.

Maheegun whimpered too.

Maheegun stayed with me through the long night, watching me with those big eyes. The cold and loss of blood were taking their toll.

The sun was midway across the sky when I noticed how restless Maheegun had become. He would run away a few paces —head up, listening — then run back to me. Then I heard. It was dogs. It was the searching party! I put the last of my birch bark on the fire and fanned it into life.

The sound of the dogs grew louder. Then the voices of men. Suddenly, as if by magic, the police dog team came up out of the creek bed, and a man came running toward my fire. It was my grandfather.

The old hunter stopped suddenly when he saw the wolf. He raised his rifle. "Don't shoot!" I screamed and ran toward him, falling through the snow. "It's Maheegun. Don't shoot!"

He lowered his rifle. Then I fell forward on my face, into the snow.

I woke up in my bedroom. It was quite some time before my eyes came into focus enough to see my grandfather sitting by my bed.

"You have slept three days," he said softly. "The doc says you will be all right in a week or two."

"And Maheegun" I asked weakly. "He should be fine. He is with his own kind."

Lesson Three

approval n. official permission

bond n. a written document in which a government or company promises to pay back money that it has borrowed, often with interest 债券

certainty n. the state of being certain

commit v. to do sth. wrong or illegal

contribution n. sth. you say or do in order to help make sth. successful 贡献

convict v. to find sb. guilty of a crime, esp. in a court of law

n. a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison

costly adj. having a high price; expensive

court n. a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury

current adj. belonging to the present time

decade n. a period of 10 years

deter v. to discourage; to persuade sb. not to do sth., by making him realize it will be difficult or will have unpleasant results

dismiss v. to ~a court case: to stop a court case before a result is reached

elite adj. considered to be the best of their kind 属于精英的,最好的

estimate n. a calculation of a quantity or number 估计

evidence n. the information used in a court of law to try to prove sth.

execute v. to kill sb. as a lawful punishment for a serious crime

feasible adj. able to be carried out or done

feature n. a typical part or quality

illustrate v. to show sth. by giving related examples

imprison v. to put in prison

inmate n. one who is kept in a prison

maximum adj. the largest number or amount

nonetheless adv. in spite of that; yet; nevertheless

nontraffic adj. not related to traffic

observation n. what one has noticed

offender n. sb. who is guilty of a crime; a criminal

offense n. an illegal action or a crime

per prep. for each

personnel n. all the people employed in a particular organization

precisely adv. exactly

prior adj. happening before

property n. belongings; possessions

prosecute v. to bring a criminal charge against sb. in a court of law

rate n. the speed at which sth. happens over a period of time

reality n. the real situation; the real state of affairs

reject v. to refuse to accept

Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯

severity n. the state of being severe

social adj. relating to society

solution n. a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation

statistics n. facts shown in numbers

teenage adj. aged between 13 and 19

theft n. the crime of stealing

tough adj. determined and strict

victim n. a person who suffers as a result of other people's criminal actions, etc.

violence n. the use of force to hurt other people physically

voter n. a person who has the legal right to vote, esp. in a political election

witness n. a person who tells in a court of law what he saw or what he knows about a crime

Proper Name Alcatraz 阿尔卡特拉兹(美国圣弗兰西斯科湾——即旧金山湾——的小岛,1933—1963年为一座联邦监狱所在地。)

Text A More Crime and Less Punishment Richard Moran

If you are looking for an explanation of why we don't get tough with criminals, you need only look at the numbers. Each year almost a third of the households in America are victims of violence or theft. This amounts to more than 41 million crimes, many more than we are able to punish. There are also too many criminals. The best estimates suggest that 36 million to 40 million people (16 to 18 percent of the U. S. population) have arrest records for nontraffic offenses. We already have 2. 4 million people under some form of correctional supervision, 412, 000 of them locked away in a prison cell. We don't have room for any more!

The painful fact is that the more crime there is the less we are able to punish it. This is why the certainty and severity of punishment must go down when the crime rate goes up. Countries like Saudi Arabia can afford to give out harsh punishments precisely because they have so little crime. But can we afford to cut off the hands of those who committed more than 35 million property crimes each year Can we send them to prison Can we execute more than 22,000 murderers

We need to think about the relationship between punishment and crime in a new way. A decade of careful research has failed to provide clear and convincing evidence that the threat of punishment reduces crime. We think that punishment deters crime, but it just might be the other way around. It just might be that crime deters punishment: that there is so much crime that it simply cannot be punished.

This is the situation we find ourselves in today. Just as the decline in the number of high-school graduates has made it easier to gain admission to the college of one's choice, the gradual increase in the criminal population has made it more difficult to get into prison. While elite colleges and universities still have high standards of admissions, some of the most "exclusive" prisons now require about five prior serious crimes before an inmate is accepted into their correctional program. Our current crop of prisoners is an elite group, on the whole much more serious offenders than those who were once imprisoned in Alcatraz.

These features show that it makes little sense to blame the police, judges or correctional personnel for being soft on criminals. There is not much else they can do. The police can't find most criminals and those they do find are difficult and costly to convict. Those convicted can't all be sent to prison. The society demands that we do everything we can against crime. The practical reality is that there is very little the police, courts or prisons can do about the crime problem. The criminal justice system must then become as powerless as a parent who has charge of hundreds of teenage children and who is nonetheless expected to answer the TV message: "It's 10 o'clock! Do you know where your children are"

A few statistics from the Justice Department's recent "Report to the Nation on Crime and Justice" illustrate my point. Of every 100 serious crimes committed in America, only 33 are actually reported to the police. Of the 33 reported, about six lead to

arrest. Of the six arrested, only three are prosecuted and convicted. The others are rejected or dismissed due to evidence or witness problems or are sent elsewhere for medical treatment instead of punishment. Of the three convicted, only one is sent to prison. The other two are allowed to live in their community under supervision. Of the select few sent to prison, more than half receive a maximum sentence of five years. The average inmate, however, leaves prison in about two years. Most prisoners gain early release not because parole boards are too easy on crime, but because it is much cheaper to supervise a criminal in the community. And, of course, prison officials must make room for the new prisoners sent almost daily from the courts.

We could, of course, get tough with the people we already have in prison and keep them locked up for longer periods of time. Yet when measured against the lower crime rates this would probably produce, longer prison sentences are not worth the cost to state and local governments. Besides, those states that have tried to gain voters' approval for bonds to build new prisons often discover that the public is unwilling to pay for prison construction.

And if it were willing to pay, long prison sentences may not be effective in reducing crime. In 1981, 124,000 convicts were released from prison. If we had kept them in jail for an additional year, how many crimes would have been prevented While it is not possible to know the true amount of crime committed by people released from prison in any given year, we do know the extent to which those under parole are jailed again for major crime convictions. This number is a surprisingly low 6 percent (after three years it rises to only 11 percent). Even if released prisoners commit an average of two crimes each, this would amount to only 15,000 crimes prevented: a drop in the bucket when measured against the 41 million crimes committed each year.

More time spent in prison is also more expensive. The best estimates are that it costs an average of $13,000 to keep a person in prison for one year. If we had a place to keep the 124,000 released prisoners, it would have cost us $1.6 billion to prevent 15,000 crimes. This works out to more than $100,000 per crime prevented. But there is more. With the average cost of prison construction running around $50,000 per bed, it would cost more than $6 billion to build the necessary cells. The first-year operating cost would be $150,000 per crime prevented, worth it if the victim were you or me, but much too expensive to be feasible as a national policy.

Faced with the reality of the numbers, I will not be so foolish as to suggest a solution to the crime problem. My contribution to the public debate begins and ends with this simple observation: getting tough with criminals is not the answer.

Lesson Four

beneath prep. (fml) below; directly under

bloom v. to come into flowers

breast n. Here:the front part of a bird's body

bride n. a woman about to be married, or just married

bridegroom n. a man about to be married, or just married

bubble v. to make the sound like water boiling 发出汩汩的流水声

bud n. a young tightly rolled-up flower (or leaf) before it opens 花蕾;芽

butterfly n. 蝴蝶

chamberlain n. an important official in charge of housekeeping affairs in a king's court 内侍总管

chill v. to make sb. or sth. very cold

coral n. 珊瑚

crimson adj. having a deep purplish red colour

crystal n. a transparent natural mineral that looks like ice 水晶

cynic n. a person who sees little or no good in anything and shows this by making unkind and unfair remarks about people or things

daffodil n. 水仙花

daisy n. 雏菊

delicate adj. finely made; needing careful handling

dove n. a kind of small pigeon (鸽子)used as a sign of peace

ebb v. to flow away from the shore; to gradually decrease

ecstasy n. a very strong feeling of joy and happiness

emerald n. a bright green precious stone 绿宝石

fling (flung, flung) v. to move (oneself) quickly with a lot of force

flush n. a red appearance of the face

flutter v. to move (the wings) quickly and lightly up and down

foam n. 泡沫

frost n. ice that looks white and powdery and covers things outside when the temperature is very low

frown v. to move one's eyebrows together to show disapproval

girdle n. 女用腰带

grove n. a small group of trees in a garden

gutter n. a channel at the edge of a road next to the pavement where water collects and flows away

harp n. a large musical instrument with strings 竖琴

instrument n. musical ~: an object which is used for producing music

jewel n. a precious stone

lizard n. 蜥蜴

mermaiden (usu. mermaid) n. a woman in stories who has a fish's tail instead of legs

musician n. a person who plays on a musical instrument very well or as a job

nest n. a hollow place built or found by a bird as its home to hold its eggs in

nightingale n. a small bird that sings beautifully, esp. at night

nip v. to take off; to keep sth. from growing or development

opal n. a precious stone which looks like milky water with colours in it 蛋白石

outright adv. completely and at once

pang n. a sudden sharp pain

petal n. leaflike divisions of a flower 花瓣

pluck v. to pick

prince n. the son of a king or queen

ruby n. a red jewel 红宝石

sincerity n. the quality of being honest and true

soar v. to fly high up in the sky

soul n. the heart where people's deepest thoughts and feelings come from

stringed adj. ~instrument: a musical instrument with one or more strings 弦乐器

sunbeam n. a ray of sunlight

sun-dial n. an instrument used esp. in former times which shows the time according to where the shadow of a pointed metal falls when the sun shines on it 日规;日晷(仪)

thorn n. sharp pointed growth on a plant 刺;棘

tomb n. a grave; the place in the ground where a dead person is buried

topmost adj. highest

vein n. a tube that carries blood from any part of the body to the heart

violin n. a musical instrument 小提琴

wretched adj. very unhappy

Text A The Nightingale and the Rose Oscar Wilde

"She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses," cried the young Student, "but in all my garden there is no red rose."

From her nest in the oak tree the Nightingale heard him and she looked out through the leaves and wondered.

"No red rose in all my garden!" he cried, and his beautiful eyes filled with tears. "Ah, I have read all that the wise men have written, and all the secrets of philosophy are mine, yet for want of a red rose my life is made wretched."

"Here at last is a true lover," said the Nightingale. "Night after night have I sung of him, and now I see him.

"The Prince gives a ball tomorrow night," murmured the young Student, "and my love will be there. If I bring her a red rose she will dance with me till dawn. I shall hold her in my arms, and she will lean her head upon my shoulder. But there is no red rose in my garden, so I shall sit lonely and my heart will break."

"Here, indeed, is the true lover," said the Nightingale. Surely love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds and


"The musicians will play upon their stringed instruments," said the young Student, "and my love will dance to the sound of the harp and the violin. She will dance so lightly that her feet will not touch the floor. But with me she will not dance, for I have no red rose to give her," and he flung himself down on the grass, and buried his face in his hands, and wept.

"Why is he weeping" asked a green Lizard, as he ran past him with his tail in the air.

"Why, indeed" said a Butterfly, who was fluttering about after a sunbeam.

"Why, indeed" whispered a Daisy to his neighbor, in a soft, low voice.

"He is weeping for a red rose," said the Nightingale.

"For a red rose" they cried, "how very ridiculous!" and the little Lizard, who was something of a cynic, laughed outright. But the Nightingale understood the Student's sorrow, and sat silent in the Oak-tree.

Suddenly she spread her brown wings for flight, and soared into the air. She passed through the grove like a shadow and like a shadow she sailed across the garden.

In the centre of the grass-plot stood a beautiful Rose-tree, and when she saw it she flew over to it. "Give me a red rose," she cried, "and I will sing you my sweetest song."

But the Tree shook its head.

"My roses are white," it answered, "as white as the foam of the sea, and whiter than the snow upon the mountain. But go to my brother who grows round the old sun-dial, and perhaps he will give you what you want."

So the Nightingale flew over to the Rose-tree that was growing round the old sun-dial.

"Give me a red rose," she cried, "and I will sing you my sweetest song." But the Tree shook its head.

"My roses are yellow," it answered, "as yellow as the hair of the mermaiden, and yellower than the daffodil that blooms In the meadow. But go to my brother who grows beneath the Student's window, and perhaps he will give you what you want."

So the Nightingale flew over to the Rose-tree that was growing beneath the Student's window.

"Give me a red rose," she cried, "and I will sing you my sweetest song." But the Tree shook its head.

"My roses are red," it answered, "as red as the feet of the dove, and redder than the great fans of coral. But the winter has chilled my veins, and the frost has nipped my buds, and the storm has broken my branches, and I shall have no roses at all this year."

"One red rose is all that I want," cried the Nightingale, "only one red rose! Is there no way by which I can get it"

"There is a way," answered the Tree, "but it is so terrible that I dare not tell it to you."

"Tell it to me," said the Nightingale, "I am not afraid."

"If you want a red rose," said the Tree, "you must build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with your own heart's blood. You must sing to me with your breast against a thorn. All night long you must sing to me, and the thorn must pierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine."

"Death is a great price to pay for a red rose," cried the Nightingale, "and life is very dear to all. Yet love is better than life, and what is the heart of a bird compared to the heart of a man"

So she spread her brown wings for flight, and soared into the air. She swept over the garden like a shadow, and like a shadow she sailed through the grove.

The young Student was still lying on the grass, and the tears were not yet dry in his beautiful eyes. "Be happy," cried the Nightingale, "be happy, you shall have your red rose. I will build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with my own heart's blood. All that I ask of you in return is that you will be a true lover."

The Student looked up from the grass, and listened, but he could not understand what the Nightingale was saying to him. But the Oak-tree understood and felt sad, for he was very fond of the little Nightingale. "Sing me one last song," he whispered. "I shall feel lonely when you are gone."

So the Nightingale sang to the Oak-tree, and her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.

When she had finished her song, the Student got up.

"She has form," he said to himself, as he walked away. "That cannot be denied. But has she got feeling I am afraid not. In fact, like most artists, she is all style without any sincerity." And he went to his room, and lay down on his bed, and after a time, he fell asleep.

And when the Moon shone in the heaven, the Nightingale flew to the Rose-tree, and set her breast against the thorn. All night long she sang with her breast against the thorn, and the cold crystal Moon leaned down and listened. All night long she sang, and the thorn went deeper into her breast, and her life-blood ebbed away from her.

She sang first of the birth of love in the heart of a boy and a girl. And on the topmost spray of the Rose-tree there blossomed a marvelous rose, petal following petal, as song followed song.

But the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn. "Press closer, little Nightingale," cried the Tree, "or the Day will come before the rose is finished."

So the Nightingale pressed closer against the thorn, and louder and louder grew her song, for she sang of the birth of passion in the soul of a man and a maid.

And a delicate flush of pink came into the leaves of the rose, like the flush in the face of the bridegroom when he kisses the lips of the bride. But the thorn had not yet reached her heart so the rose's heart remained white.

And the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn. "Press closer, little Nightingale," cried the Tree, "or the Day will come before the rose is finished."

So the Nightingale pressed closer against the thorn, and the thorn touched her heart, and a fierce pang of pain shot through her. Bitter, bitter was the pain, and wilder and wilder grew her song, for she sang of the Love that is perfected by Death, of the Love that dies not in the tomb.

And the marvelous rose became crimson. Crimson was the girdle of petals, and crimson as ruby was the heart.

But the Nightingale's voice grew fainter and a film came over her eyes. Fainter and fainter grew her song, and she felt something choking her in her throat.

Then she gave one last burst of music. The white Moon heard it, and she forgot the dawn, and lingered on in the sky. The Red Rose heard it, and trembled all over with ecstasy, and opened its petals in the cold morning air.

"Look, look!" cried the Tree, "the rose is finished now." But the Nightingale made no answer, for she was lying dead in the long grass, with the thorn in her heart.

And at noon the Student opened his window and looked out.

"Why, what a wonderful piece of luck!" he cried, "here is the reddest rose I have ever seen." And he leaned down and plucked it.

Then he put on his hat, and ran up to the Professor's daughter with the rose in his hand.

"You said that you would dance with me if I brought you a red rose," cried the Student. "Here is the reddest rose in all the world. You will wear it tonight next your heart, and as we dance together it will tell you how I love you."

But the girl frowned.

"I am afraid it will not go with my dress," she answered, "and besides, the Chamberlain's nephew has sent me some jewels, and everybody knows that jewels cost more than flowers."

"Well, upon my word, you are very ungrateful," said the Student angrily; and he threw the rose into the street, where it fell into the gutter.

"What a silly thing Love is!" said the Student as he walked away. "In fact it is quite unpractical, and as in this age to be practical is everything, I shall go back to Philosophy."

So he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty book, and began to read.

Lesson Five

alcohol n. the pure colourless liquid present in wine or beer that can make one drunk, often used for medical purposes to clean things

blur v. to make difficult to see clearly

brow n. Here: eyebrow 眉毛

considerate adj. thoughtful of the rights or feelings of others

cover n. a piece of material, a cloth used on a bed to make it warmer; the ~s: 毯子;被子

dab v. to touch lightly or gently several times

demonstrate v. to show clearly

draining-board n. a sloping board next to the kitchen sink on which wet dishes are put to dry

greasy adj. covered with oil or fat

imply v. to suggest that sth. is true without saying this directly

indifference n. lack of interest or concern

mop v. to clean with a mop (拖把)

nozzle n. a short tube fitted to the end of a pipe to control or direct the stream of liquid 喷嘴

pinch v. to press tightly between-finger and thumb ~one's brows together: to frown

plunge v. to move suddenly forwards or downwards

racist n. a person who believes that people of his own race are better than others

refrigerator n. an icebox in which food or drinks can be kept at a low temperature

relax v. to feel calm and comfortable and stop worrying

rinse v. to wash sth. in clean water so as to take away soap

rummage v. to turn things over and look into all the corners while trying to find sth.

shallow adj. of little depth; opposite of "deep"

silverware n. things made of silver such as knives, forks and spoons

sink n. a large open container in a kitchen that you can fill with water and use for washing dishes, etc.

snap v. to say angrily; to move suddenly

spray v. to force out liquid in small drops under pressure

squeeze v. to press firmly inwards or from the opposite side 挤

stupid adj. silly or foolish

thoroughly adv. completely

unattached adj. not married or engaged; still single

undress v. to take one's clothes off

wrist n. the joint between the hand and the lower part of the arm

Proper Name Ann 安(女子名)

Text A Say Yes Tobias Wolff

They were doing the dishes, his wife washing while he dried. Unlike most men he knew, he really pitched in on the housework. A few months earlier he'd overheard a friend of his wife's congratulate her on having such a considerate husband. They talked about different things and somehow got on the subject of whether white people should marry black people. He said that all things considered, he thought it was a bad idea.

"Why" she asked.

Sometimes his wife got this look where she pinched her brows together and bit her lower lip. When he saw her like this he knew he should keep his mouth shut, but he never did. Actually it made him talk more. She had that look now.

"Why" she asked again, and stood there with her hand inside a bowl, just holding it above the water.

"Listen," he said, "I went to school with blacks, and I've worked with blacks and we've always gotten along just fine. I don't need you coming along now and implying that I'm a racist."

"I didn't imply anything," she said, "I just don't see what's wrong with a white person marrying a black person, that's all." "They don't come from the same culture. Why, they even have their own language. That's okay with me, I like hearing them talk." "But it's different. A person from their culture and a person from our culture could never really know each other." "Like you know me" his wife asked.

"Yes. Like I know you."

"But if they love each other," she said.

Oh boy, he thought. He said, "Don't take my word for it. Look at the statistics. Most of those marriages break up." "Statistics." She was piling dishes on the draining-board at a terrific rate. Many of them were still greasy. "All right," she said, "what about foreigners I suppose you think the same thing about two foreigners getting married."

"Yes," he said, "as a matter of fact I do. How can you understand someone who comes from a completely different background"

"Different," said his wife. "Not the same, like us."

"Yes, different," he snapped, angry with her for resorting to this trick of repeating his words so that they sounded hypocritical. "These are dirty," he said, and threw all the silverware back into the sink.

She stared down at it, her lips pressed tight together, then plunged her hands under the surface. "Oh!" she cried, and jumped back. She took her right hand by the wrist and held it up. Her thumb was bleeding.

"Don't move," he said. "Stay right there." He ran upstairs to the bathroom and rummaged in the medicine chest for alcohol, cotton, and a Band-Aid. When he came back down she was leaning against the refrigerator with her eyes closed, still holding her hand. He took the hand and dabbed at her thumb with the cotton. The bleeding had stopped. He squeezed it to see how

deep the wound was. "It's shallow," he said. "Tomorrow you won't even know it's there." He hoped that she appreciated how quickly he had come to her aid. He'd acted out of concern for her, he thought that it would be a nice gesture on her part not to start up that conversation again, as he was tired of it. "I'll finish up here," he said. "You go and relax."

"That's okay," she said. "I'll dry."

He began to wash the silverware again.

"So," she said, "you wouldn't have married me if I'd been black."

"For Christ's sake, Ann!"

"Well, that's what you said, didn't you"

"No, I did not. The whole question is ridiculous. If you had been black we probably wouldn't even have met. The only black girl I ever really knew was my partner in the debating club."

"But if we had met, and I'd been black"

"Then you probably would have been going out with a black guy." He picked up the rinsing nozzle and sprayed the silverware.

"Let's say I am black and unattached," she said, "and we meet and fall in love."

He glanced over at her. She was watching him and her eyes were bright. "Look," he said, taking a reasonable tone, "this is stupid. If you were black you wouldn't be you." As he said this he realized it was absolutely true. There was no possible way of arguing with the fact that she would not be herself if she were black.

"I know," she said, "but let's just say."

He took a deep breath. He had won the argument but he still felt cornered. "Say what" he asked.

"That I'm black, but still me, and we fall in love. Will you marry me" He though! about it.

"Well" she said. Her eyes were even brighter. "Will you marry me"

"I'm thinking," he said. "You won't, I can tell."

"Let's not move too fast on this," he said. "There are lots of things to consider. We don't want to do something we would regret for the rest of our lives." "No more considering. Yes or no." "Since you put it that way — "

"Yes or no." "Jesus, Ann. All right. No."

She said, "Thank you," and walked from the kitchen into the living room. A moment later he heard her turning the pages of a magazine. He knew that she was too angry to be actually reading it, but she didn't snap through the pages the way he would have done. She turned them slowly, as if she were studying every word. She was demonstrating her indifference to him, and it had the effect he knew she wanted it to have. It hurt him.

He had no choice but to demonstrate his indifference to her. Quietly, thoroughly, he washed the rest of the dishes. Then he dried them and put them away. He wiped the counters and the stove.

While he was at it, he decided, he might as well mop the floor. When he was done the kitchen looked new, the way it looked when they were first shown the house.

He picked up the garbage pail and went outside. The night was clear and he could see a few stars to the west, where the lights of the town didn't blur them out. On El Camino the traffic was steady and light, peaceful as a river. He felt ashamed that he had let his wife get him into a fight. In another thirty years or so they would both be dead. What would all that stuff matter then He thought of the years they had spent together, and how close they were, and how well they knew each other, and his throat tightened so that he could hardly breathe.

The house was dark when he came back inside. She was in the bathroom. He stood outside the door and called her name. "Ann, I'm really sorry," he said. "I'll make it up to you. I promise." "How" she said.

He knew that he had to come up with the right answer. He leaned against the door. "I'll marry you," he whispered.

"We'll see," she said. "Go on to bed. I'll be out in a minute."

He undressed and got under the covers. Finally he heard the bathroom door open and close.

"Turn off the light," she said from the hallway.

"What" "Turn off the light." He reached over and pulled the chain on the bedside lamp. The room went dark. "All right," he said. He lay there, but nothing happened. "All right," he said again. Then he heard a movement across the room. He sat up, but he couldn't see a thing. The room was silent. His heart pounded the way it had on their first night together, the way it still did when he woke at a noise in the darkness and waited to hear it again — the sound of someone moving through the house, a stranger.


第一单元 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其实。 学习英语的几种策略 学习英语决非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种: 1.不要以完全相同的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说“我对英语感兴趣”是“I’m interested in English”,而说“我精于法语”则是“I’m good at French”?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说“获悉消息或密秘”是“learnthenewsorsecret”,而“获悉某人的成功或到来”却是“learn of someone’s success or arrival”?这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后在反复地听。 你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的xx。 4.抓住机会说。的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT5 The Nightingale and the Rose 课文翻译

2014101018 第五单元 Translation of Text A 夜莺与玫瑰 1 “她说如果我给她带去红玫瑰,她愿意和我一起跳舞。”年轻的学生哭喊道,“但满院子都没有一朵红玫瑰。” 2 这番话给在老橡树上自己巢中的夜莺听见了,她通过橡树叶张望,心中诧异。 3 “在我的花园没有红玫瑰!”他哭着说,他美丽的大眼满含泪水:“啊,圣贤之书我已读完,哲学奥妙尽藏心中,然而缺少一朵红玫瑰却使我的生活瞬时暗淡!” 4 “终于有一位重感情的人了,”夜莺说,“我曾日日夜夜为他歌唱,现在我终于见到他了。” 5 “王子明晚将举行一个舞会,”年轻的学生喃喃道:“我的爱人也将前往我若为他采得红玫瑰,她将和我一直跳舞到天亮。我会揽她入怀,而她也会偎依在我的肩头。但在我的花园没有红玫瑰,因此我只能独自坐那儿黯然神伤,心痛无比。” 6 “他确实是一个重感情的人,”夜莺说。真爱是美好的,它价胜千金。 7 “乐师们将奏乐助兴,”年轻的学生道,“我的爱人将和着竖琴和小提琴声翩翩起舞。她的身姿是如此的轻盈宛似蜻蜓点水般。但他是不会和我一起跳的,因为我没有红玫瑰献给她。”于是他扑倒在草地上,双手捂着脸放声痛哭起来。 8 “他为什么哭泣呢?”一只绿色的蜥蜴翘着尾巴经过他身边时问道。 9 “是啊,到底为什么呢?”一只在阳光下挥动着翅膀的蝴蝶问道。 10 “到底为什么呢?”一朵雏菊用低沉的声音对他的邻居说道. 11 “他为一只红玫瑰哭泣。”夜莺说。 12 “为了一朵红玫瑰?”他们叫道,“太荒谬了!”那本来就有点愤世嫉俗的小蜥蜴肆无忌惮的笑道。但是夜莺了解男孩的悲痛,默默无声地坐在橡树上。 13 突然她张开自己棕色的双翼,向空中飞去。她犹如影子般穿越树林,又如影子般越过花园。 14 在草地的中心一棵美丽的红玫瑰树傲然屹立。她看到后立即向它飞去:“给


大学英语精读1课文翻译 Unit1 Some Strategies or Learning English 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说 "我对英语感兴趣"是"I'm interested in English",而说"我精于法语"则是"I'm good at French"?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说"获悉消息或秘密"是"learn the news or secret",而"获悉某人的成功或到来"却是"learn of someone's success or arrival"?这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后再反复地听。你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的东西。 4.抓住机会说。的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们随意交谈。或许练习讲英语最容易的方式是高声朗读,因为这在任何时间,任何地方,不需要搭档就可以做到。例如,你可以看着图片或身边的物件,试着对它们详加描述。你还可以复述日常情景。在商店里购物或在餐馆里吃完饭付过账后,假装这一切都发生在一个讲英语的国家,试着用英语把它表演出来。


Unit1 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。 Some Strategies or Learning English 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说我对英语感兴趣是I'm 湩整敲瑳摥椠?湅汧獩屨,而说我精于法语则是???潧摯愠?牆湥档?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说获悉消息或秘密是汜慥湲琠敨渠睥?牯猠捥敲屴,而获悉某人的成功或到来却是汜慥湲漠?潳敭湯?环猠捵散獳漠?牡楲慶屬?这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后再反复地听。你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的东西。 4.抓住机会说。的确,在学校里必须用英语进行交流的场合并不多,但你还是可以找到练习讲英语的机会。例如,跟你的同班同学进行交谈可能就是得到一些练习的一种轻松愉快的方式。还可以找校园里以英语为母语的人跟他们随意交谈。或许练习讲英语最容易的方式是高声朗读,因为这在任何时间,任何地方,不需要搭档就可以做到。例如,你可以看着图片18 / 1 或身边的物件,试着对它们详加描述。你还可以复述日常情景。在商店里购物或在餐馆里吃完饭付过账后,假装这一切都发生在一个讲英语的国家,试着用英语把它表演出来。 5.广泛阅读。广泛阅读很重要,因为在我们的学习环境中,阅读是最重要、最可靠的语言输入来源。在选择阅读材料时,要找你认为有趣的、不需要过多依赖词典就能看懂的东西。开始时每天读一页是个好办法。接下去,你就会发现你每天可以读更多页,而且能对付难度更高的材料。6.经常写。写作是练习你已经学会的东西的好方法。除了老师布置的作文,你还可以找到自己要写的理由。有个笔友可以提供很好的动力;与某个跟你趣味相投但来自不同文化的人进行交流,你会学到很多东西。经常写作的其他方式还有记日记,写小故事或概述每天的新闻。 语言学习是一个积累的过程。从读和听中吸收尽量多的东西,然后再试着把学到的东西通过说和写加以运用,定会大有收益。 Unit2 弗朗西斯·奇切斯特在六十五岁时开始了只身环球航行。本文记述的就是这一冒险故事。 Sailing Round the Word 弗朗西斯·奇切斯特在独自驾船作环球航行之前,已有好几次让他的朋友们感到吃惊了。他曾试图作环球飞行,但没有成功。那是1931年。 好多年过去了。他放弃了飞行,开始航海。他领略到航海的巨大乐趣。奇切斯特在首届横渡大西洋单人航海比赛中夺魁时,已经五十八岁。他周游世界的宿愿重又被唤起,不过这一次他是要驾船环游。由于他患有肺癌,朋友们和医生们都认为他不该去,但奇切斯特决意实施自己的计划。

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT6 The Green Banana 课文翻译

2014101018 第六单元 Translation of Text A 青香蕉 1尽管这种事情在任何地方都可能发生,但我与青香蕉的邂逅却源自于巴西腹地一条险峻的山路上。我那老式吉普车正吃力地穿过景色优美的乡村,这时,水箱突然漏水了,而离我最近的汽车修理站也还要十英里。发动机过热迫使我在临近的村庄停了下来。村里有一个小商店和分布在四处的几座房子。有村民围过来看,三股细细的热水柱从水箱外壳上的小孔喷出来。“这容易解决,”一个人说到。他让一个小男孩跑去拿些青香蕉来。这个人还拍了拍我的肩膀,安慰我问题会解决的。“青香蕉。”他笑了,其余的人都这么说着。 2我和他们闲聊起来,心里却一直在想他们用这青香蕉怎么能修补好水箱。毫无疑问,提问会暴露我的无知,因此我开始赞叹眼前美丽的乡村景色。耸立在我们周围巨大的岩石群,很像里约热内卢著名的糖面包山。“看见那边那块高高的岩石了吗?”那人指着一块特别高而且细长的黑色石柱问我,“那块岩石标志着世界的中心。” 3我看着他,想知道他是否在和我开玩笑,但他却表情严肃,反过来认真地审视着我,似乎想确定我是否领会了他那句话的深刻含义。这种情况要求我必须表现出认同。他点头说:“绝对是中心。这儿的人都知道。” 4这时,小男孩抱着青香蕉回来了。那个男子把其中一根掰成两半,将其断口处按在水箱的外壳上。香蕉遇到炙热的金属融成了胶,立刻就堵住了漏洞。面对如此情景,我惊呆了,我当时的表情一定是傻傻的,所有的人都笑了起来。他们把我的水箱装满水,又让我带上一些香蕉,以防沿途中水箱再出问题。路上,我又用了一次青香蕉,一个小时后,我开着车到达了目的地。当地的一修理工笑着问我:“谁教你用青香蕉的?”我告诉了他那个村子的名字。“他们有没有指给你看标志世界中心的那块岩石?”他问道。我告诉他,他们指给我看了。“我祖父就是那儿的人,”他说,“那的确是中心。一直以来这儿的人都知道。” 5作为美国教育的产物,除了把青香蕉当作还没长熟的水果,我从来就没注意过它。但突然在那条山路上,当我需要它时,它正巧出现了。可是仔细想一想,其实青香蕉一直在那儿存在着。时间可以追溯到香蕉的最初的起源。那个村子里的人都知道它已经很多年了,我现在也因此认识它了。我开始珍视村民们的聪明才智和青香蕉的特殊潜能。曾有一段时间,我一直困惑于教育家们提出的“领悟的瞬间”,而现在我知道自己刚刚同时经历了两个这样的瞬间。 6我又用了一些时间来领会村民们认为那块标志着世界中心的岩石的重要性。开始时我怀疑他们的说法,因为我知道实际上世界的中心是位于新英格兰的某个


Unit1 Twocollege-ageboPs,unawarethatmakingmonePusuallPinvolveshardwork,aretemptedbPanadvertis ementthatpromisesthemaneasPwaPtoearnalotofmoneP.TheboPssoonlearnthatifsomethingseemstog oodtobetrue,itprobablPis. 一个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。男孩们很快就明白,如果事情看起来好得不像真的,那多半确实不是真的。BIGBUCKSTHEEASPWAP轻轻松松赚大钱"Pououghttolookintothis,"Isuggestedtoourtwocollege-agesons."ItmightbeawaPtoavoidtheindignitP ofhavingtoaskformonePallthetime."Ihandedthemsomemagazinesinaplasticbagsomeonebadhungon ourdoorknob.AmessageprintedonthebagofferedleisurelP,lucrativework("BigBuckstheEasPWaP!")o fdeliveringmoresuchbags. “你们该看看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。“你们若想避免因为老是向人讨钱而有失尊严的话,这兴许是一种办法。”我将挂在我们门把手上的、装在一个塑料袋里的几本杂志拿给他们。塑料袋上印着一条信息说,需要招聘人投递这样的袋子,这活儿既轻松又赚钱。(“轻轻松松赚大钱!”) "Idon'tmindtheindignitP,"theolderoneanswered.“我不在乎失不失尊严,”大儿子回答说。"Icanlivewithit,"hisbrotheragreed.“我可以忍受,”他的弟弟附和道。"Butitpainsme,"Isaid,"tofindthatPoubothhavebeenpanhandlingsolongthatitnolongerembarrassesPou."“看到你们俩伸手讨钱讨惯了一点也不感到尴尬的样子,真使我痛心,”我说。TheboPssaidthePwouldlookintothemagazine-deliverPthing.Pleased,Ilefttownonabusinesstrip.BPmi dnightIwascomfortablPsettledinahotelroomfarfromhome.Thephonerang.ItwasmPwife.Shewantedt oknowhowmPdaPhadgone.孩子们说他们可以考虑考虑投递杂志的事。我听了很高兴,便离城出差去了。午夜时分,我已远离家门,在一家旅馆的房间里舒舒服服住了下来。电话铃响了,是妻子打来的。她想知道我这一天过得可好。 "Great!"Ienthused."HowwasPourdaP?"Iinquired.“好极了!”我兴高采烈地说。“你过得怎么样?”我问道。 "Super!"Shesnapped."Justsuper!Andit'sonlPgettingstarted.Anothertruckjustpulledupoutfront."“棒极了!”她大声挖苦道。“真棒!而且这还仅仅是个开始。又一辆卡车刚在门前停下。”"Anothertruck?"“又一辆卡车?” "Thethirdonethisevening.ThefirstdeliveredfourthousandMontgomerPWards.Thesecondbroughtfour thousandSears,Roebucks.Idon'tknowwhatthisonehas,butI'msureitwillbefourthousandofsomething.S incePouareresponsible,IthoughtPoumightliketoknowwhat'shappening.“今晚第三辆了。第一辆运来了四千份蒙哥马利-沃德百货公司的广告;第二辆运来四千份西尔斯-罗伯克百货公司的广告。我不知道这一辆装的啥,但我肯定又是四千份什么的。既然这事是你促成的,我想你或许想了解事情的进展。” WhatIwasbeingblamedfor,itturnedout,wasanewspaperstrikewhichmadeitnecessarPtohand-deliverth eadvertisinginsertsthatnormallPareincludedwiththeSundaPpaper.ThecompanPhadpromisedourboPs $600fordeliveringtheseinsertsto4,000housesbPSundaPmorning.我之所以受到指责,事情原来是这样:由于发生了一起报业工人罢工,通常夹在星期日报纸里的广告插页,必须派人直接投送出去。公司答应给我们的孩子六百美金,任务是将这些广告插页在星期天早晨之前投递到四千户人家去。 "Pieceofcake!"ouroldercollegesonhadshouted.“不费吹灰之力!”我们上大学的大儿子嚷道。"SiGhundredbucks!"Hisbrotherhadechoed,"Andwecandothejobintwohours!"“六百块!”他的弟弟应声道,“我们两个钟点就能干完!” "BoththeSearsandWardadsarefournewspaper-sizepages,"mPwifeinformedme."TherearethirtP-twot housandpagesofadvertisingonourporch.Evenaswespeak,twobigguPsarecarrPingarmloadsofpaperup thewalk.Whatdowedoaboutallthis?"“西尔斯和沃德的广告通常都是报纸那么大的四页,”妻子告诉我说,“现在我们门廊上堆着三万二千页广告。就在我们说话的当儿,两个大个子正各抱着一大捆广告走过来。这么多广告,我们可怎么办?”"JusttelltheboPstogetbusP,"Iinstructed."TheP'recollegemen.TheP'lldowhatthePhavetodo."“你让孩子们快干,”我指示说。“他们都是大学生了。他们自己的事得由他们自己去做。”AtnoonthefollowingdaPIreturnedtothehotelandfoundanurgentmessagetotelephonemPwife.Hervoic


UNIT1 又一学年——为了什么? 约翰·切阿迪 1.给你们讲讲我刚当老师时候的一次失败经历吧。那是1940年的1月,我从研究生院 毕业不久,在堪萨斯城大学开始第一学期的教学工作。一个瘦高,长得就像顶上有毛的豆角架一样的男学生走进我的课堂,坐下,双臂交叉放在胸前,看着我,好像在说:“好吧,教我一些东西。”两周后我们开始学习《哈姆雷特》。三周后他双手叉腰走进我的办公室,“看,”他说,“我来这是学习当药剂师的。我为什么必须读这个?”由于没有随身带着自己的书,他就指着桌子上放着的我的那本。 2.虽然我是位新老师,我本来可以告诉这个家伙许多事情的。我本来可以指出,他考 入的不是制药技工培训学校而是大学,而且他在毕业时,应该得到一张写有理学学士而不是“合格的磨药工”的学位证书。这证书会证明他专修过药剂学,但它还能进一步证明他曾经接触过一些人类发展史上产生的思想。换句话说,他上的不是技能培训学校而是大学,在大学里学生既要得到培训又要接受教育。 3.我本来可以把这些话都告诉他,但是很明显,他不会待很长时间,说了也没用。 4.但是,由于我当时很年轻而且责任感也很强,我尽量把我的意思这样表达出来:“在 你的余生中,”我说,“平均每天24小时左右。谈恋爱时,你会觉得它有点短;失恋时,你会觉得它有点长。但平均每天24小时会保持不变。在其余的大约8个小时的时间里,你会处于睡眠状态。 5.“然后在每个工作日8个小时左右的时间里,我希望你会忙于一些有用的事情。假 设你毕业于一所药科大学——或工程大学,法学院,或者其他什么大学——在那8个小时时间里,你将用到你的专业技能。作为一个药剂师,你要确保氯化物没有和阿斯匹林混在一起;作为一个工程师,你要确保一切都在你的掌控之中;作为一个律师,你要保证你的当事人没有因为你的无能而被处以电刑。这些都是有用的工作,它们涉及到的技能每个人都必须尊重,而且它们都能给你带来基本的满足。无论你还干些什么,这些技能都很可能是你养家糊口的本领。它们会给你带来收入;但愿你的收入总能够用。” 6.“但完成一天的工作后,剩下的8小时你做什么呢?比如说你可以回家,和你的家 人待在一起。你所供养的是一个什么样的家庭呢?孩子们在家里能接触到一点还算是精辟的思想吗?你主持的家庭中有民主气息吗?家里有书吗?有那种一般敏感的人看了不会发怵的画吗?孩子们会听到巴赫的音乐吗?” 7.这差不多就是我所说的,但这个讨厌鬼不感兴趣。“看,”他说,“你们教授用你 们的方法培养孩子;我会以我自己的方式抚养我自己的孩子。我呀,我会尽一切努力挣钱的。” 8.“我希望你能赚很多,”我告诉他,“因为你在开支票的余暇会愁没事干的。” 9.14年后的今天,我仍然在教书,在此我要告诉你们,大学的职责并不只是在于培训 你,它还要使你接触人类思想的精髓。如果你没时间看莎士比亚的作品,没时间看哲学入门,没时间欣赏艺术的存续,也没时间学习我们称之为历史的人类发展的课


大学英语精读课文翻译 Unit 1 How to Improve Your Study Habits 你也许是个智力一般的普通学生。你在学校的学习成绩还不错,可你也许会觉得自己永远也成不了优等生。然而实际情况未必如此。你要是想取得更好的分数,也还是能做到的。是的,即使中等智力水平的学生,在不增加学习负担的情况下,也能成为优等生。其诀窍如下:1.仔细安排你的时间。把你每周要完成的任务一一列出来,然后制定一张时间表或时间分配图。先把用于吃饭、睡觉、开会、听课等这样一些非花不可的时间填上,然后再选定合适的固定时间用于学习。一定要留出足够的时间来完成正常的阅读和课外作业。当然,学习不应把作息表上的空余时间全都占去,还得给休息、业余爱好和娱乐活动留出一定的时间,这一点很重要。这张周作息表也许解决不了你所有的问题,但是它会使你比较清楚地了解你是怎样使用你的时间的。此外,它还能让你安排好各种活动,既有足够的时间工作,也有足够的时间娱乐。 2.寻找一个合适的地方学习。选定某个地方作为你的“学习区”。这可以是家里或者学校图书馆里的一张书桌或者一把椅子,但它应该是舒适的,而且不该有干扰。在你开始学习时,你应能够全神贯注于你的功课。 3.阅读之前先略读。这就是说,在你仔细阅读一篇文章之前,先把它从头至尾迅速浏览一遍。在预习材料时,你就对它的内容及其结构有了大致的了解。随后在你正式开始阅读时,你就能辨认出不太重要的材料,并且可以略去某些章节不读。略读不仅使你的阅读速度提高一倍,还有助于提高你的理解能力。< 4.充分利用课堂上的时间。上课时注意听讲意味着课后少花力气。要坐在能看得见、听得清的地方。要作笔记来帮助自己记住老师讲课的内容。 5.学习要有规律。课后要及早复习笔记。重温课堂上提到的要点,复习你仍然混淆不清的


UNIT 1 As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier. 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。 Some Strategies for Learning English Learning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort. 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there are various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them. 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary. 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2. Watch out for idiomatic ways of saying things. Have you ever wondered why we say, "I am interested in English", but "I am good at French"? And have you ever asked yourself why native English speakers say, "learn the news or secret", but "learn of someone's success or arrival"? These are all examples of idiomatic usage. In learning English, you must pay attention not only to the meaning of a word, but also to the way native speakers use it in their daily lives. 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说“我对英语感兴趣”是“I'm interested in English”,而说“我精于法语”则是“I'm good at French”?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说“获悉消息或秘密”是“learn the news or secret”,而“获悉某


大学英语精读第一册课 文翻译 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

第一单元 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其实。 学习英语的几种策略 学习英语决非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种: 1.不要以完全相同的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说“我对英语感兴趣”是“I’m interested in English”,而说“我精于法语”则是“I’m good at French”你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说“获悉消息或密秘”是“learn the news or secret”,而“获悉某人的成功或到来”却是“learn of someone’s success or arrival”这些都是惯用法的例子。在学习英语时,你不仅必须注意词义,还必须注意以英语为母语的人在日常生活中如何使用它。 3.每天听英语。经常听英语不仅会提高你的听力,而且有助你培养说的技能。除了专为课程准备的语言磁带外,你还可以听英语广播,看英语电视和英语电影。第一次听录好音的英语对话或语段,你也许不能听懂很多。先试着听懂大意,然后在反复地听。你会发现每次重复都会听懂更多的东西。


Unit 1 一个年轻人发现,在街上漫无目的的闲逛也会带来涉及法律上的麻烦。一种误解导致另一种误解,直到最终他必须在法庭上接受审判……. 法律小冲突 我平生只有一次陷入与法律的冲突。被捕与被带上法庭的整个经过在当时是一种令人极不愉快的经历,但现在这却成为一个好故事的素材。尤其令人恼怒的是我被捕及随后在法庭上受审期间的种种武断情形。事情发生在十二年前的二月,那是我中学毕业已经几个月了,但是要等到十月份才能上大学,所以当时我仍在家中。 一天上午,我来到离我住地不远的伦敦郊区的里士满,那是我正在找一份临时的工作,一边攒些钱去旅游。由于天体晴朗,有没有什么急事,我便悠然自得的看看窗店橱窗,逛逛公园,有时干脆停下来四处观望。一定是这种显然无所事事的样子使我倒了霉。 事情发生在十一点半左右,当我在当地图书馆谋之未成,刚从那里出来,就看见一个人从马路对面走过来,显然是想跟我说话。我愿意为他是要问我时间。想不到他说他是警察,要逮捕我。开始我还以为这是个玩笑。但紧接着又来了一个穿着警服的警察,这下我无可置疑了。 “为什么抓我?”我问。 “四处游荡,有作案嫌疑,”他说。 “做什么案?”我又问。 “偷东西,”他说。 “偷什么”我追问。 “牛奶瓶”他说,表情极端严肃。 “噢,” 事情是这样的,这一带经常发生小偷小摸的案件,尤其是从门前台阶上偷走牛奶瓶。 接着,我犯了个大错误,那是我才十九岁,留着一头乱蓬蓬的长发,自以为是六十年代“青年反主流文化”的一员。因此,我想对此表现出一副冷漠,满不在乎的态度,于是用一种很随便的无所谓的腔调说:“你们跟我多久了?”这样一来,我在他们眼里,我是惯于此种情形的,这又使他们确信我是一个彻头彻尾的坏蛋。 几分钟后来了一辆警车。 “坐到后面去,”他们说:“把手放在椅背上,不许乱动。”他俩分别坐在我的左右,这下可不是闹着玩的了。 在警察局,他们审问了我好几个小时。我继续装着老于世故,对此种事习以为常的样子。当他们问我一直在干什么事时,我告诉他们我在找工作。“啊哈”,这下我可看到他们在想,“无业游民”。 最后,我被正式指控,并得到通知下周一到里士满地方法院受审。他们这才让我走。 我本想在法庭上自我辩护,但是父亲一弄清事情原委后,就为我请了一位很不错的律师。就在那个星期一,我们带着各种证人出庭了,这其中包括我的中学英语教师作为我的平行见证人。但法庭没有传唤他作证。对我的“审判”并没有进行到那一步,才开庭十五分钟,法官就驳回了此案。我被无罪释放。可怜的警察毫无胜诉的机会。我的律师甚至成功的使警察承担了诉讼费。 这样,我没有留下任何犯罪记录。但当时,最令人震惊的是我被无罪释放所明显依赖的证据:我有标准的口音,有受人尊重的中产阶级父母来到法庭,有可靠的证人,还有,很明显我请得起很好的律师。想到这次指控的含混不清的特点,我敢断定,我如果出生在一个不同背景的家庭,并真失了业,则完全可能被判为有罪。当我的律师要求赔偿诉讼费时,他的辩词很显然的紧紧围绕着我“学习成绩优异”这一事实。 与此同时,在法庭外面,曾逮捕我的警察中的一个沮丧的想我的母亲抱怨说,又有一个小伙子要与警察做对了。他以责备的口气对我说:“我们抓你的时候,你本可以帮帮忙的。” 他这话是什么意思?也许是说我因该做出大发雷霆的样子,并说:“喂,你们知道是在和谁说话么?


Book 4-Unit 5 Text A The Telephone Anwar F. Accawi 1.When I was growing up in Magdaluna, a small Lebanese village in the terraced, rocky mountains east of Sidon, time didn't mean much to anybody, except maybe to those who were dying. In those days, there was no real need for a calendar or a watch to keep track of the hours, days, months, and years. We knew what to do and when to do it, just as the Iraqi geese knew when to fly north, driven by the hot wind that blew in from the desert. The only timepiece we had need of then was the sun. It rose and set, and the seasons rolled by and we sowed seed and harvested and ate and played and married our cousins and had babies who got whooping cough and chickenpox—and those children who survived grew up and married their cousins and had babies who got whooping cough and chickenpox. We lived and loved and toiled and died without ever needing to know what year it was, or even the time of day. 2.It wasn't that we had no system for keeping track of time and of the important events in our lives. But ours was a natural or, rather, a divine — calendar, because it was framed by acts of God: earthquakes and droughts and floods and locusts and pestilences. Simple as our calendar was, it worked just fine for us. 3.Take, for example, the birth date of Teta Im Khalil, the oldest woman in Magdaluna and all the surrounding villages. When I asked Grandma, "How old is Teta Im Khalil?" 4.Grandma had to think for a moment; then she said, "I've been told that Teta was born shortly after the big snow that caused the roof on the mayor's house to cave in." 5."And when was that?" I asked. 6."Oh, about the time we had the big earthquake that cracked the wall in the east room." 7.Well, that was enough for me. You couldn't be more accurate than that, now, could you? 8.And that's the way it was in our little village for as far back as anybody could remember. One of the most unusual of the dates was when a whirlwind struck during which fish and oranges fell from the sky. Incredible as it may sound, the story of the fish and oranges was true, because men who would not lie even to save their own souls told and retold that story until it was incorporated into Magdaluna's calendar. 9.The year of the fish-bearing whirlpool was not the last remarkable year. Many others followed in which strange and wonderful things happened. There was, for instance, the year of the drought, when the heavens were shut for months and the spring from which the entire village got its drinking water slowed to a trickle. The spring was about a mile from the village, in a ravine that opened at one end into a small, flat clearing covered with fine gray dust and hard, marble-sized goat droppings. In the year of the drought, that little clearing was always packed full of noisy kids with big brown eyes and sticky hands, and their mothers —sinewy, overworked young women with cracked, brown heels. The children ran around playing tag or hide-and-seek while the women talked, shooed flies, and awaited their turns to fill up their jars with drinking water to bring home to their napping men and wet babies. There were days when we had to wait from sunup until late afternoon just to fill a small clay jar with precious, cool water.


Unit1 The Dinner Party 晚宴 那个美国人没有参加这场争论,他只是注视着在座的其他客人。在他这样观察时,他发现女主人的脸上显出一种奇异的表情。她两眼盯着正前方,脸部肌肉在微微抽搐。她向站在座椅后面的印度男仆做了个手势,对他耳语了几句。男仆两眼睁得大大的,迅速地离开了餐室。 在座的客人中除了那位美国人以外谁也没注意到这一幕,也没有看到那个男仆把一碗牛奶放在紧靠门边的走廊上。 那个美国人突然醒悟过来。在印度,碗中的牛奶只有一个意思——引蛇的诱饵。他意识到餐室里一定有条眼镜蛇。 Unit2 Lessons from Jefferson 杰斐逊的遗训 杰斐逊的勇气和理想主义是以知识为基础的。他懂得的东西也许比同时代的任何人都要多。在农业、考古学和医学方面他都是专家。在人们普遍采用农作物轮作和土壤保持的做法之前一个世纪,他就这样做了。他还发明了一种比当时任何一种都好的耕犁。他影响了整个美国的建筑业,他还不断地制造出各种机械装置,使日常生活中需要做的许多工作变得更加容易。 在杰斐逊的众多才能中,有一种是最主要的:他首先是一位优秀的、不知疲倦的作家。目前正在第一次出版的他的全集将超过五十卷。他作为一个作家的才能很快便被发现了,所以,当1776年在费城要撰写《独立宣言》的时刻来到时,这一任务便落在了他肩上。数以百万计的人们读到他写的下列词句都激动不已:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:一切人生来就是平等的……” Unit3 My First Job 我的第一份工作 在我等着进大学期间,我在一份地方报纸上看到一则广告,说是在离我住处大约十英里的伦敦某郊区,有所学校要招聘一名教师。我因为手头很拮据,同时也想做点有用的事,于是便提出了申请,但在提出申请的同时我也担心,自己一无学位,二无教学经验,得到这份工作的可能性是微乎其微的。 然而,三天之后,却来了一封信,叫我到克罗伊登去面试。这一路去那儿原来还真麻烦:先乘火车到克罗伊顿车站,再乘十分钟的公共汽车,然后还要至少步行四分之一英里。结果,我在六月一个炎热的上午到了那儿,因为心情非常沮丧,竟不感到紧张了。 Unit4 The Professor and the Y o-Y o 教授与溜溜球 作为一个孩子,以后又作为一个成人,我一直对爱因斯坦的个性惊叹不已。他是我所认识的人中唯一能跟自己及周围世界达成妥协的人。他知道自己想要什么,而他想要的只是:在他作为一个人的能力范围之内理解宇宙的性质以及宇宙运行的逻辑和单纯。他知道有许多问题的答案超出了他智力所及的范围。但这并不使他感到灰心丧气。只要在能力许可的范围内取得最大的成功他就心满意足了。 在我们二十三年的友谊中,我从未见他表现出妒忌、虚荣、痛苦、愤怒、怨恨或个人野心。他好像对这些感情具有免疫能力似的。他毫无矫饰之心,虚荣之意。虽然他与世界上的许多要人通信,他用的却是有W水印字母的信笺,水印字母W——五分钱商店伍尔沃思的缩写。Unit5 The V illain in the Atmosphere 大气层中的恶棍 年复一年,海平面正在慢慢上升。它很可能继续上升,而在今后数百年间,会以更快的速度上升。在那些低洼的沿海地区(在这些地区居住着世界上很大一部分人口),海水会稳步向前推进,迫使人们向内陆退居。 最后,海水将会高出目前海平面两百英尺,一阵阵海浪将会拍打曼哈顿摩天大楼二十层楼的窗户。佛罗里达将会沉没在海浪之下,英伦三岛的大部分,人口稠密的尼罗河流域,还有中国、印度和俄罗斯的低洼地区也都将遭到同样的命运。 不仅许多城市将被淹没,而且世界上大部分盛产粮食的地区也将会失去。由于食品供应下降,到处都会出现饥荒,在这种压力下,社会结构有可能崩溃。 Unit6 The Making of a Surgeon 外科医师的成功之道 然而,在我做住院医生的最后一个月,睡眠已不再是个问题了。在有些情况下我仍然不能确定自己的决定是否正确,但我已学会把这看做一个外科医师经常会遇到的问题,一个永远也

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