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科技英语_秦荻辉_科技英语语法习题以及答案练习 1


1. In this case the current(电流)exists for only half the cycle(周期).

2. In such a case there is no current flowing in the circuit(电路).

3. Sensitivity(灵敏度)is a measure of how small a signal(信号)a receiver(接收机)can

pick up and amplify(放大)to a level useful for communications.

4. ε may be as small a positive constant as you please.

5. Even so fundamental a dimension,量纲,as time was measured extremely crudely with sand

and water clocks hundreds of years ago.

6. Nonlinear distortion,非线性失真,can be caused by too large an input signal.

7. The method used is quite an effective one.

8. A series,级数,solution of this kind of problem allows as close a calculation of the error as needed.


1. Air has weight and occupies space.

2. In this way less collector dissipation(集电极功耗)results, and the efficiency increases.

3. We can go one step farther and take into account the nonzero

slope of the actual curves.

4. Try hard, and you will work the nut(螺母)loose.

5. The first step in analyzing a physical situation is to select those aspects of it which are essential and disregard the others.

6. This satellite was used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.

7. Some physical quantities require only a magnitude and a unit to

be completely specified. Thus it is sufficient to say that the mass of a man is 85 kg, that the area of a farm is 160 acres, that the frequency

of a sound wave is 660 cycles/sec, and that a light bulb consumes electric energy at the rate of 100 watts.

8. Geothermal energy, or energy from within the earth, can be used

to generate electricity.

o9.The current in a capacitor(电容器)leads(导前)the voltage by 90, or, the voltage lags

othe current by 90.

10. The message is a logical unit of user data, control data, or both.


1. By varying V only a few hundredths of a volt, the base current(基极电流)can be BE

changed significantly.

2. The standard meter is accurate to about two parts in one billion.

3. Cromatographic(层析的)techniques have been developed to detect

air pollutants at

concentrations(浓度)of one part per million or less.

4. The volume coefficient(体膨胀系数)of a solid is almost exactly

three times its linear


5. The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be

20 times what it is.

6. The wavelength of this musical note(音符)is

7.8 ft, over three

times longer than the

wavelength of the same note in air (2.5 ft).

7. This causes the collector current(集电极电流)to change by a

factor of approximately β.

8. This factor(因子)is now equal to 9, a reduction by a factor of 11.



2、电池是能提供(give)恒定电压(constant voltage)的一种器件(device)。


4、在计算机中,趋势(tendency)是以尽可能高的时钟速率(clock rate)运作(operate)。





9、这是一个太复杂的问题以至于我们在此不加讨论(go into)。



1. A 80-lb force must be used here.

2. This is a too large a signal.

3. Digital transmission(数字式传输)does not need to have as a high

S/N ratio(信噪比)

as analog(模拟)transmission.

4. To understand physics, good knowledge of mathematics is necessary.

5. This is a so sensitive instrument that it can measure slight

change in pressure.



练习 2


1. One of the most valuable ways of representing functions is by graphical representation(图


2. A number of conditions are classified as “occupational


3. Engineers may find the book of great value.

4. If you let your pencil drop to the floor, you can see gravity in action.

5. In this case the failure point(失效点)corresponds to a factor of safety of 1.

6. The topic of trouble-shooting(故障检修)will be discussed in Chapter 9.

7. Typical noise margins(噪声裕度)are usually better than the guaranteed value by about 75


8. Upon the application of an external force, we can cause the body to move.

9. We measure resistance(电阻)in ohms.

10. Direct current(直流电)flows only in one direction.

11. We can use this device to measure a slight change in pressure.

12. The history of two-way radfio communications in some ways parallels the development of commercial radio broadcasting.


1. When an electric current flows through a wire, the wire will get hot.

2. That statement(陈述)sounds natural.

3. The water in the middle pipe will stand lower and thus indicates

a lower pressure.

4. It takes a body(物体)precisely as long to fall from a height h as it does to rise that high.

5. We cannot exaggerate the danger of attempting a short circuit directly across a voltage



1. At this time the pulse(脉冲)is over.

2. The two equations below are of great importance.

3. In general, we can say, for any body anywhere, weight =

mass×acceleration(加速度)due to gravity(重力).

4. The temperatures on Jupiter(木星)and the planets beyond are extremely low.

5. The problem now is to determine the resultant(合力)of these forces.

6. With great telescopes astronomers can see stars and other things very far away.

7. The force between two charges(电荷)of 1 coul(库仑)each a distance of 1 m apart is 9

9×10 N(牛顿).

8. It all begin with the development 30 years ago of the







5、在这新的三章中,第一章介绍核能(nuclear energy)。









1. Current is measured with amperes.

o 2. In this case the wheel will rotate for 360.

3. Compared with that algorithm, the algorithm presented in this paper(论文)has two advantages.

4. These are the sufficient and necessary conditions to the equation above.

5. These parameters must maintain constant during transformation(变换).

6. There seems to be three forces acting on the body.

____________________________________________________________________ ___________

练习 3


1. The energy contained in the pulse(脉冲)is this efficiency times the maximum attainable.

2. This measure is the key for the extremely low dc power(直流功


3. Everything electronic will be done digitally.

4. A rope transmits tension(张力)from one point to another unchanged.

5. Even if a student can follow every line of example in this book, that doesn?t mean that he or she can solve problems unaided.

6. Their electrical and magnetic properties, often paramount, are discussed in Chapters 14 and 15.

7. These forces act on the electrons able to move freely within the wire.

8. A method of timing(定时)accurate to millionths of a second is necessary.

9. The human body is made up of countless structures both large and small.

10. The acceleration(加速度)due to gravity(重力)is essentially constant.

11. Diffraction(绕射)and interference(干涉)are phenomena

characteristic of waves.

12. A surface so smooth that any irregularities(不平度)in it are

small relative to the wavelength of the light falling upon it behaves differently.

13. There are many problems, both technological and financial, that remain to be solved.

14. Gravitation(万有引力)is in every object, large or small.

15. Yet there are connections, neither series(串联的)nor parallel,

for which the above-mentioned phenomenon occurs.

16. Subject to certain generalizations(通则)which will be described later on, Coulom?s law in the form given above is restricted to point charges(点电荷).

17. Due to the nature of the definition of the radian(弧度), it is even common to express radians in terms of π.

18. Analogous to the eyelid, the camera shutter(快门)opens for a predetermined length of time to allow the rays to enter through the lens and expose the film.

19. Both m and n are therefore even(偶数的), contrary to our choice of m and n.

20. The force acts perpendicular to the surface of the earth.


1、这个信息量(quantity of information)近似地正比于可用的频率范围(range)。




5、在这种情况下,信号波形(signal waveform)能无失真地被传输(transmit)。





9、这方法能用来处理(handle)太复杂了以至于无法用目测法(by inspection)来解的




12、与普通的观念(common belief)相反,戈登(Gordon)博士并不是第一个使用该金




15、这是一根长为5米的直线(straight line)。

____________________________________________________________________ ___________

练习 4


1. Each structure of the body(人体)is in direct communication with the brain by means of its

own set of telephone wires, called nerves.

2. When food enters the stomach, its presence stimulates nerves, sending signals to centers in the brain.

3. Light is needed by the green plants to make them green and they cannot survive for long in

its absence.

4. This dip(倾斜)is referred to as the “Lamp dip,” after W. E. Lamp, who predicted its

occurrence on theoretical grounds.

5. Physics is the most quantitative of the sciences, and we must become accustomed to its

insistence upon accurate measurements and precise relationships if

we are to appreciate its results.

6. Thus far our discussion of the principles of mechanics has been concerned primarily with particles.

7. Our analysis of the various gate families(门电路系列)will be made in the next chapter.

8. From its definition as change in velocity divided by elapsed time, radial acceleration(径向

22加速度)is expressed in m/sec or cm/sec.

9. Since transformers are large, heavy, and expensive, their elimination from the circuit(电路)

results in considerable savings.

10. Each of these types of mechanical drives(传动装置)has specific features that often dictates its selection in a particular situation.


1. By the “most efficient” algorithm one norm ally means the fastest.

2. Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current affairs.

3. The term “strain”(应变)is a geometrical one.

4. The angle θ between T and the horizontal,水平线,is the same as that between either half 1

of the rope and the horizontal.

5. The design of the R–R bias(偏压)network for the emitter

follower(射极跟随器)parallels 21

that for the common-emitter amplifier(共发射极放大器).

6. Where there is too much of it, the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around us.

7. Although they follow the same basic pattern described above, television receivers will be

dealt with separately.

8. Although it is probably not the whole story, one effect of the hydrogen gas is to increase the

resistancece(电阻)between the electrode(电极)and the solution(溶液), increasing the inernal

resistance of the cell(电池).






5、负反馈(negative feedback)是电子学(electronics)中的一项重要技术,对它的论述





9、这些结果与实验结果相吻合(be in agreement with)。


____________________________________________________________________ ___________

练习 5


19 1. Such a glass rod the same size as the 1-Ω copper wire would have resistance of 10Ω.

2. Standard chains are made in width approximately 1.5 to 12 times the pitch(齿距).

3. The nodes(节点)are spaced a half-wavelength apart.

4. This is a microprocessor controlled communications system.

5. To reduce the skin effect(集肤效应), silver plate(涂敷)the conductor(导体).

6. Small transistorized equipment is often battery powered.

7. Transistors are temperature sensitive.

8. By calculating torques(力矩)about the inner end of the beam(柱子), we eliminate F and x

F, a convenient simplification. y

9. Upon making use of this equation, the exact frequencies found in the hydrogen spectrum are obtained —— a remarkable achievement.

10. The air pressure in an automobile tire drops in cold weather and increases in warm weather, an illustration of the above property.

11. The independent particle model of the nucleus is able to explain the origin of these magic numbers, a strong point in its favor.

12. When the applied force is less than F, the frictional force always equals the applied force. Otherwise, since F acts in the opposite direction to an applied force, objects would move backward when pushed weakly, something that does not, of course, occur.

13. At extremely low temperatures, near absolute zero, some conductors lose the last vestige(一

点点)of resistance, a phenomenon referred to as superconductivity(超


14. One of the principal applications of the diode(二极管)is in the production of a dc voltage

from an ac supply(交流电源), a process called rectification(整流).

15. The gain of electrons by an atom leads to the formation of a negative ion(离子).

16. This introduction requires some exposure to logic design principles, electronics, and programming.

17. The removal of enough heat from water may change it into ice.

18. The conversion of electrical energy to heat in a resistor(电阻器)is an irreversible process.

2 19. This dependence of wave energy on A is true for waves of all kinds.

20. To establish the variation of the force with distance, we could use an arrangement similar to that shown in Fig. 21-5.

21. The revolution of the earth around the sun causes the changes of the seasons.

22. It is important to recognize the influence of the physical setting on creativity.

23. The ratio of charge(电荷)to potential(电位)is called the capacitance(电容)of the body.

24. The need of a plant for water, soil and sunshine has to be obtained from its environment.

25. For clarity, the effect of gravitation on the ball?s motion is omitted from Fig. 8-2.



2、有一天,像我们太阳那么大小的小星星会变成白矮星(white dwarf star)。

3、矢量(vector)A 具有n倍矢量B的数值(magnitude)。




7、在这种情况下,磁显示器(magnetic display)往往变得在显示方面受限制(limit)了。




10、这时,我们只需关心(be concerned with)叫出(name)无机化合物(inorganic compound)


11、在这种情况下,任何介质材料(dielectric material)就会变成导体(conductor),这一

现象称为介质击穿(dielectric breakdown)。

12、我们假定(assume)电子速度并不太接近于(close to)光速,这一要求(requirement)






16、连续地(continued)使眼睛暴露(exposure)于强光(light of great intensity)会引起

(cause)视力的丧失(loss of sight)。


18、图1-5画出了向心力(centripetal)F对这些因素的依从关系(dependence)。 c


20、通过加热把冰转变(conversion)成水、把水转变成水蒸汽(water vapor)是物质状



1. The comparison of radio waves to water waves is made in this section.

2. In order to apply these laws of motion, we must take into detailed account all the various

forces acting in a given situation at any point in the path of a moving body, usually the difficult

and complicated procedure.

3. We may see the action(作用)of the acid(酸)at glass.

4. The choice of ln C for the constant of integration(积分常数)is reasonable.

5. Conductors permit the passage of charge in them.

6. AC can be changed into DC, this process is referred to as rectification(整流).

7. The addition(加)of impurities(杂质)on semiconductors will make

the conductivity(导

电率)change greatly.

8. Control engineers are usually interested in the response of a control system toward these


____________________________________________________________________ ___________

练习 6


1. The word radar comes from Radio Detection(探测)And Ranging(测距).

2. Arithmetic, the science of numbers, is the base of mathematics.

3. The quiescent dc power dissipation(静态直流功耗)in this case is typically 5 nW, an

extremely small figure.

4. Now define an ideal radiator(辐射体)as a “black” body, one that absorbs all incident

radiation(入射辐射)and reflects and transmits none of it.

5. The above analysis describes the steady-state condition of a circuit, the condition that

prevails after the circuit has been connected to the source(电源)for

a long time.

6. Five sensing channels(感官渠道), sight, hearing, smell, taste,

and touch, feeds inputs to the brain.

7. An American, Edison, invented the first electric lamp.

8. This chapter examines the properties of an important nonlinear(非线性的)device, the

diode rectifier(二极管整流器).

9. Two or more elements may combine chemically to form a compound, a new substance whose properties are different from those of the elements that compose it.

10. In this chapter, the process of measurement, the most fundamental operation in physics, is

discussed briefly.

11. An instrument for measuring electric resistance, the ommeter(欧姆表)is widely used in

electrical engineering.

12. An electroacoustic transducer(电声传感器), the loudspeaker (扬声器) converts

audio-frequency power into acoustic power.

13. A portion of the output is returned to the input terminals, a condition referred to as voltage


14. The resistance of a wire is indirectly proportional to the cross section(横截面),a fact that

was verified experimentally by Ohm.

15. More important, we see how to use the Fourier transform to describe and analyze systems

and circuits.

16. What, you may wonder, does 54/74 stand for?

17. The Special Revision Units, it is hoped, constitute a valuable aid in the task of consolidation


18. A Boolean variable(布尔变量), say A, can take on(呈现)only two values.

o 19. The current in an inductor(电感器)lags(滞后)the voltage by 90 or, what is the same thing,

othe voltage leads(导前)the current 90.

20. This we know does not have a defined value(限定值), since r , 1.

21. Electrical inventors who followed Edison did not have to experiment with the substances

which, he had found, would not work.

22. We could apply these two vectors(矢量), which it will be noticed are in polar form(极坐

标形式), to any network characteristic(特性).


1、在该球的整个运动(motion)期间,使照相机快门(camera shutter)打开


2、为方便起见,一物体的惯性质量(inertial mass)和重力质量(gravitational mass)习


3、我们已知(be given)该速度是恒定的。


《专业英语阅读云写作》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 二、课程性质和目的 专业英语阅读与写作是电气工程及其自动化专业的专业英语课程,是将专业知识的学习与英语的学习有机地结合起来,在基础英语知识的基础上,侧重了专业英语的阅读与翻译技巧的训练。通过本课程的学习,使学生能够熟练阅读本专业外文教材,掌握专业英语翻译技巧和英文写作的基本要求,为从事相关工作打下坚实的基础。 三、课程教学的基本要求 1.熟悉一般科普类英语的文体,掌握科技英语浏览和阅读的基本技巧; 2.掌握科技词汇的一般构词和使用方法; 3.掌握英文正式书信和其他常用应用文的描述与写作方法; 4.掌握英文中图、表和曲线的描述与写作方法; 5.熟悉专业英语文体、阅读及翻译技巧。 6.熟悉专业英语文献的基本结构,如摘要、引用、时态、参考文献等,借鉴IEEE文献格式,掌握专业英语中写作的一般方法。 四、课程教学基本内容 1.科技英语阅读 电气工程及其自动化专业科技英语阅读包括三个阅读单元,每个单元由一篇核心阅读内容(CRT)和一篇补充阅读内容(SRT)构成。每个单元附有大量的阅读练习,包括科技词汇、语法、阅读理解和翻译等。每单元4学时。 (1) CRT:Stampede on the Superhighway SRT:The Complete Survival Guide to the Information Superhighway (2) CRT:Traffic Technology Drivers to clear the road SRT:Factors in the Development of Transportation (3) CRT:Once and Future Landfills SRT:Water Resource Management System


英语语法填空解题技巧与方法 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考察语法知识的运用能力,我们在解题时可遵循“三步走”浏览全文,了解大意;边读边填,先易后难;验证核查,清楚难点。 语法填空的考察形式分为两大类:无提示词填空类;提示性词填空类 一.无提示词类。即纯空格题。(只限一个单词) 纯空格填空题主要是填冠词(a/ an /the)、介词、代词、连接词(含从属连词和并列连词)等虚词.。 技巧1:在简单句和并列句中,若句子缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词。 技巧2:若两个句子(即两个主谓结构)之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填并列连词(连接并列的句子)或从属连词(连接定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句(以句子为单位) 1.I have ___________ interesting book. _________ is called “Frozen” 2.___________ he worked very hard, he still failed the test. 3.He was very tired after working for a whole day, ____________ he felt very happy. 4.Whether we will go to the park depends _____________ the weather. 二.提示性填空类。即用所给词的适当形式填空,(此类题填空不超过三个单词)。此类型的题一般考察动词的时态、语态、单复数;动词非谓语(to do / done/ doing); 词性的转换(形名副动);adj/ adv 的比较级和最高级。 注意:(一)、.判断要填的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。要从以下两点进行思考:(1). 若句子没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关 系时,所给动词就是谓语动词;若是谓语动词,就要考虑时态语态和单复数 1 . Friends can always _____________(trust),loved and respected. 2.People in the future _______________(know) and benefit from the technology. (2.)若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,所给动词就是非谓语动词。若是非谓 语动词就要确定是v-ing形式,-ed形式,还是不定式,确定的方法主要有: (1) 作主语,通常用v-ing 形式表示习惯或一般情况,(用不定式表示具体情况) (2) 作目的状语或在形容词后作状语,一般用不定式 (3) 作伴随状语,通常用分词,若与逻辑主语是主动关系,用现在分词(v-ing);若是被动关系,用过去分词(-ed) 1.We are supposed to work very hard _____________(go) to a good university.


小学生语法专项练习题 名词练习 一.写出下列单数名词的复数形式 _______ 答案:1 oranges 2. Boxes 3. women 4. tomatoes 6. boys 7babies 9. Photos 10 classes 11. feet 12 houses 13 pens 14 cars 15 horses 16. radios 17 dishes 18 children 二.将下列单词的复数形式改成单数形式 ________ _________ 答案 1. doctor 2 city 3 piano 4. ear 5. church 6. leaf 7 tooth 8zoo 9brush 10 knife 12 pear 三.请从括号里选出正确的答案 1. Please give me__(two /two cups of )coffee. 2. There are a lot of___(sheep /sheeps ) on the farm. 3. I’d like some__ (bread / breads ) and___ (potato /potatoes). 4. Look! There is a ___(mouse /mice) in the corner. 5. He bought_____(a piece of /a piece ) paper. 6. “Where is___ (Woman’s / Women’s) Room?” asked Susan. 7. ____ (The girl’s/The girls’ ) hobby is drawing. 8. Aunt Lucy sent_____ (a child’s /a children’s ) book to me. 红色为答案 冠词练习 一.在空格内填上a或an


第一章测试 1 【判断题】(1分) 冠词在翻译的时候都不用译出。 A. 对 B. 错 2 【单选题】(1分) Inthiscase,thefailurepoint(失效点)correspondstoafactorofsafetyof1. 划线部分做什么成分? A. 定语 B. 状语 C. 谓语 D. 主语

3 【判断题】(1分) Einsteinputuptheprincipleofrelativity,validnotonlyinmechanicsbutinallphysics. 划线部分是形容词短语做后置定语 A. 错 B. 对 4 【单选题】(1分) 百万分之二十的英文表达是 A. 20partspermillions B. 20partpermillion C. 20partpermillions D. 20partspermillion

5 【单选题】(1分) 并列连接词and的用法有几种? A. 3 B. 4 C. 1 D. 2 6 【单选题】(1分) 这台电压表/伏特计如此灵敏,可以测量出电压的微小变化。 Thisissuch____sensitivevoltmeterthatitcanmeasuretheslightestchangesinvoltage. A. / B. a

C. the D. an 7 【单选题】(1分) 读者学会这些基本概念很重要,否则后面内容的讨论理解起来会有困难。Itisimportantforthereadertolearnthebasicconceptswell,____thediscussionoflatertopicswillbediffi culttounderstand. A. but B. for C. or D. and 8


韩山师范学院 2009 年专升本插班生考试试卷 英语 /英语(商贸英语)专业英语语法( A 卷 ) 号一二三四五分卷人 得分 (请将答案写在答题纸上) I. Choose the correct answer( 40% ) Directions: Complete the following sentences with one of the four items which marked A,B,C and D and then write down the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. *1. She was burdened with ________. A. support family B. the family ’s support C. family support D. family ’s support 2. He was not ______ to admit his mistakes in public. A. man enough B. enough man C. a man enough D. enough a man 3. That guy was ______ than I thought. A. as much of a fool B. enough of a fool C. fool enough D. less of a fool 4. ______ work has to be done before the plant goes into operation. A. Much B. Double C. A number of D. Neither 5. The students spent ______ their time working in the field. A. both B. most C. more D. half 6. _______ cases have been reported. A. Such few B. Such some C. Few such D. Some these 7. He has been staying at home _______ days. A. these all last few B. these last few all C. all these last few D. these last all few *8. He has been _______ only once. A. by plane B. by the plane C. on plane D. on the plane *9. Do you like these computers? I don’tlike _______. A. all them B. them all C. everyone D. any 10. Plastics industry is being asked to develop materials for _______ of new uses. A. a so wide variety B. so a wide variety C. a such wide variety D. such a wide variety 11. Chang and Wang have arrived, but _______ students in your class aren’there yet. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others 12. He is _____ of an artist. A. anybody B. anyone C. somebody D. something 13. His sister always keeps herself ______. A. clearly B. clean C. clear D. cleanly 14. I’d rather you _______ with him. A. didn ’tinterfere B. don’tinterfere C. should not interfere D. would not interfere *15. One minute too late is _____ in time ______ half an hour. A. not more?than? B. as?as? C. no more?than? D. less?than?

英语语法填空解题技巧 做英语语法填空的技巧

英语语法填空解题技巧做英语语法填空的技巧 英语语法填空被认为是一种障碍性阅读理解题型,那么你知道怎样做好英语语法填空吗?下面是小编为你整理的做英语语法填空的方法,希望大家喜欢! 做英语语法填空的技巧 技巧一:名词形式变化。 名词的形式变化主要有单数、复数、所有格的变化。 例:There are many students living at school,the (child) houses are all far from schoo1.由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,

所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child的复合变化形式 复数的所有格children’s。 技巧二:动词形式变化。 动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)。 例:A talk (give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.句中的is written是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是将来作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式to be given。

技巧三:代词形式变化。 代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。 例:The king decided to see the painter by (he).由介词by可以看出,横线处应填反身代词himself。 技巧四:形容词、副词比较级变化。 英语中大部分形容词和表方式的副词都有原级、比较级和最高级的变化。构成比较级和


大学英语语法试题及答案(2) 第 2 单元题目: 1.More people visit the Air and Space Museum honoring men and women who have pioneered flight and the exploration of space than _____ any other monument or museum in the entire country. A) visit B) to visit C) visited D) visiting 题目: 2.I work in a little room off the main entrance _____ museum, checking coats and other articles which people do not want to carry around as they tour the building. A) to B) of C) at D) for 题目: 3.What apparently had happened, three years ago, was that Kate _____ to a different building. A) went B) has gone C) had gone D) would go 题目: 4.She had waited at another museum for days and had spent all her money _____ to find Sidney. A) tried B) trying C) to try D) try 题目: 5.Without facts we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge _____ our thinking. A) which to be based B) which to base upon C) upon which to base D) to which to be based 题目: 6.Helen believes if a man robs her of five dollars it is the same as if he _____ a hundred. A) takes B) will take C) took D) has taken 题目: 7.He had a cottage which consists _____ three rooms, a bathroom and kitchen. A) of B) with C) in D) by 题目: 8.Behind him Paul could hear the angry man _____ to break the door open. A) trying B) to try C) tried D) try 题目: 9.Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure _____. A) than more on efficiency B) and more efficiency C) and more on efficiency D) than efficiency 题目: 10.The gardener is taking care of the place, no one _____ there at present. A) living B) lives C) lived D) to live 题目: 11.The City Bank will pa fifty pounds to _____ who helps the police to catch the man. A) someone B) nobody C) anyone D) somebody 题目: 12.When Paul Carson saw the big red American car coming towards him, he stopped his won car at the side, _____ room for it to pass. A) to make B) made C) making D) make 题目: 13.What bothers me is _____ I paid for all this stuff that we don't want anymore. A) what B) that C) which D) who 题目: 14.A hinge joint is _____ permits forward and backward movement of a door. A) the B) whose C) what D) those 题目:15.Garage sales in the United States serve many purposes _____ cleaning out unwanted items and making money. A) besides B) except for C) except D) apart from 题目: 16.This is _____ the most difficult job I have ever tackled. A) by rights B) by itself C) by oneself D) by far


V、练习参考答案 练习1 II、 1、an(人们对这课题的兴趣越来越浓。) 2、a (功率额定值是电阻器不会引起温度太大的上升而能安全地耗散的最大功率。) 3、an(其主要的缺点是增加了噪声。) 4、The; a(该设备的成功设计需要详细地了解性能指标。) 5、the; a; a(在氢原子的布尔模型中,一个电子绕一个质子以半径为R 的圆周运转。) 6、the(频率的单位是赫兹。) 7、a; a; an; the(如果在电路的两端加上电压的话,就会有电流在电路中流动。) 8、/; /(图5-1画出了Oersted的实验。) 9、an(这里我们应该使用一个18伏的电池。) 10、A; a; a(机器是能够传递力来完成某一确定目的的一种设备。) 11、The; /(水压机将在第14章加以考虑。) 12、The; the; the(研究处于运动中的流体,是力学中较为困难的分支之一,因为可能出现的现象是多种多样的。) 13、the; the [/](我们容易确定参数μ的值。) 14、/; the(根据式(2-1),我们得到以下的关系式。) 15、an(在这里必须使用一根S形管子。) 16、the; /(作者工作在位于阿林顿的得克萨斯大学。) 17、an(这是一只R位的变换器。) 18、An(这里必须使用一个“异”或门电路。XOR = Exclusive OR)III、 1. 2.We turn now to a discussion of local area networks. 3. optical spectrometer. 4. 5.The density of a substance is its mass per unit volume. 6.106 m. 7.


1.There is ____ old woman in the car. A./ B.the C.a D.an 2.We often go to the park ____ Sundays. A.on B.in C.at D.from 3.My book ____ on the desk. A.is B.am C.are D.be 4.Which language is ____ ,English, French or Chinese? A.difficult B.the difficult C.more difficult D.the most difficult 5.---- ____ book is this? ----It's Kate's. A.When B.Why C.Where D.Whose 6.----Can you write a letter in English? ----No, I ____. A.may not B.mustn't C.can't D.needn't 7.I ____ my homework when Mike came last night A.do B.was doing C.am doing D.have done 8.He began to ____ English three years ago. A.learn B.learns C.learned D.learning 9.Jim is a driver, ____ he? A.does B.doesn't C.is D.isn't 10.“What's wrong ____ you?”the doctor asked. A.from B.with C.for D.at 11.He is rich, ____ he isn't happy. A.or B.so C.and D.but 12.----Where is Alice? ----She ____ to the library. A.goes


2015/12/2 Wednesday
§5. 2 同位语从句
1、一般情况 (1)公式
§5. 2 同位语从句 The latter(后一)form has the advantage that it can be extended(扩展) to complex quantities .
+ 某些抽象名词 +
the this a/an O no
形容词 物主代词
从句中无词义、无 成分]
③ “动宾译法”:这时该“抽象名词” 来自于可带有宾语从句的及物动词。
§5. 2 同位语从句
(2)译法 ① “~ 这一 ……” 的
§5. 2 同位语从句 During the past several years, there has been an increasing [a growing] recognition [realization; awareness] within business(商务)and academic(学术的) circles(界)that certain nations have evolved(发展)into information societies .
The assumption that β = constant is often made to simplify analysis. R = r is the condition that power delivered(提供)by a given source is a maximum .
§5. 2 同位语从句 Here we have used the definition (定义)that acceleration(加速度)is the rate(速率)of change of velocity .
② 这一 ……:~ 以下的
§5. 2 同位语从句 The main theoretical development in this decade(十年)has been in the recognition that material properties should be included in analytical models . This is equivalent to a statement that everything is attracted by the earth.
This account for(解释)the observation(观察到的情况)that the resistivity of a metal increases with temperature .


高三英语语法填空专练 英语语法填空技巧与方法 1. 通读全文,把握大意。 既然是通过语篇在语境中考语法,那么,我们在解题前,应快速浏览短文,把握全文大意,这一步非常重要。 2. 结合语境,试填空格。 读懂短文之后,要结合短文所提供的特定的语言环境,从句子结构的完整性去分析思考空格所缺单词的词性,再根据句子的结构和意义,以及句子之间的逻辑关系来确定具体要填的单词和所给词的正确形式。具体来说,可按设题类型分为三类情况: A.纯空格试题的解题技巧: 首先,分析句子结构,确定填哪类词。然后,再根据句子的意思,确定具体填什么词;或根据两句间的逻辑关系确定具体用哪个连词。确定填哪类词有以下7个技巧: 技巧1:缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词或名词(多考代词)。如: [例1]I can send a message to Kenya whenever I want to, and ___38___ gets there almost in a second. (2007年茂名一模) 解析:and连接前后两个句子,and后面的句子缺主语,应填名词或代词;结合前一分句,不难推知,“马上可到达那里”的是the message,替代the message用代词it。 技巧2:名词前面,若没有限定词(冠词、限定词、不定代词),很可能是填限定词。 [例2]…the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to ___35___ small town some 20 kilometers away where there was a garage. (2007年广东高考)解析:因单数可数名词town前还没有限定词,应填限定语;根据句意,是指将车拉到离那里大约有20公里远的一个小镇上去修理,表示“一个”,用不定冠词,故填a。 技巧3:句子不缺主语、表语、动词后不缺宾语的情况下,名词或代词前面,一定是填介词。 [例3]… who should have the honour of receiving me ___33___ a guest in their house. 解析:因a guest在句中不作主语、表语、动词的宾语,前面一定是填介词,使其成为该介词的宾语;又由句意可知,他们“把我当作客人”来接待,表示“当作”,用介词as。技巧4:若两个或几个单词或短语之间没有连词,可能是填连词。 [例4]…all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me ___36___almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about. (2008年深圳一模) 解析:因melted me和gave me两个动宾短语之间没有连词,一定是填连词;并列关系,故填and。 技巧5:若两句(一个主谓关系算一个句子)之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填并列连词或从属连词。 [例5] He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, ___37___he felt very happy… 解析:因He was very tired…是一个句子,he felt very happy…也是一个句子,这两个句子之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填连词;根据逻辑,转折,故填but。技巧6:若结构较完整,空格后的谓语动词是原形,特别是与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,很可能是填情态动词或表示强调或倒装的助动词(do, does, did等)。 [例6]What is acceptable in one country ___31___be considered extremely rude in another. 解析:句中What is acceptable in one country是主语从句,空格后的be considered


技巧一:名词形式变化 名词的形式变化主要有单数、复数、所有格的变化。 例:There are many students living at school,the(child) houses are all far from schoo1. 由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child的复合变化形式—— 复数的所有格children’s。 技巧二:动词形式变化 动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)。 例:A talk(give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang. 句中的is written是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是“将来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式——to be given。 技巧三:代词形式变化 代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。 例:The king decided to see the painter by(he). 由介词by可以看出,横线处应填反身代词himself。 技巧四:形容词、副词比较级变化 英语中大部分形容词和表方式的副词都有原级、比较级和最高级的变化。构成比较级和最高级的方式,或通过加后缀一er和.est,或在词前Imore/less和most/least,且形容词的最高级还要冠以the。 例:I am— —(tall)than Liu Wen.He is the tallest students in my class. 此题后句交代了LiuWen是班上最高的学生,那“我”肯定比他矮,所以不能用taller,只能用表示程度不如的“less tall”。 技巧五:数词形式变化 数词的形式变化包括基数词、序数词,或加后缀一teen、ty的变化,甚至还有作分母用的序数词的单复数形式,以及one/two的特殊变化形式 once/twice 例:To my three sons I leave my seventeen horses.My eldest son shall take a half,my second son shall take a (three). 从上下文连续起来理解,这是一个分马的计划,大儿子分得a half,也就是“一半”或“二分之一”,那么二儿子应该得“三分之一”,所以要填入作分母的序数词“third”才能命中目标。


大学英语语法试题及答案(1) 第1单元 题目: 1.More people visit the Air and Space Museum honoring men and women who have pioneered flight and the exploration of space than _____ any other monument or museum in the entire country. A) visit B) to visit C) visited D) visiting 题目: 2.I work in a little room off the main entrance _____ museum, checking coats and other articles which people do not want to carry around as they tour the building. A) to B) of C) at D) for 题目: 3.What apparently had happened, three years ago, was that Kate _____ to a different building. A) went B) has gone C) had gone D) would go 题目: 4.She had waited at another museum for days and had spent all her money _____ to find Sidney. A) tried B) trying C) to try D) try 题目: 5.Without facts we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge _____ our thinking. A) which to be based B) which to base upon C) upon which to base D) to which to be based 题目: 6.Helen believes if a man robs her of five dollars it is the same as if he _____ a hundred. A) takes B) will take C) took D) has taken


科技英语语法考题 考试时间:120分钟 系班:________________学号:________________ 姓名: _____________ 得分: ___________ I、英译汉(每题3分) 1. One-time write of the desired data into an erased(插干净了的)PROM is all that is required to store information quickly and permanently. 2. Of the variety of aberrations(像差)the image(像)formed by a single lens is subject to, perhaps the most familiar is the presence of fringes(不重合)of color around whatever is being viewed. 3. Since transformers(变压器)are large, heavy, and expensive, their elimination from the circuit(电路)results in considerable savings. 4. Every element(元素)exhibits(显示)a unique line spectrum(线谱)when a sample of it is suitably excited(激励),and its presence in a substance of unknown composition (构成)can be ascertained(确定)by the appearance of its characteristic wavelengths(特征波长)in the spectrum of the substance. 5. The solution(溶液)of water and other materials in which the tissues(人体组织)are bathed is slightly salty, an interesting reminder(暗示)of the first living cells(细胞)which originated in the sea. 6. The ability of the modern computer to perform rapid calculations on large, complex problems has resulted in the recent development of computational techniques not considered in the past. 7. Attractive as these theories and explanations are, there is no direct evidence that the child has a special language learning capacity which is totally absent in the adult. 8. The second aspect(方面)to determine our progress is the application by all members of society of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work. 9. The two answers, of course, are identical(相同的), but how much more simply the energy principle(能量原理)leads to the final results! 10. Stereophonic(立体的)sound, or “stereo,” as it is usually called, refers to a sys tem of recording or sound transmission using multiple microphones(话筒)and loudspeakers(扬声器). 11. Broadly speaking, computer security is keeping anyone from doing things you do not want them to do to, with, on or from your computers or any peripheral(外部的)devices. 12. Not as familiar is the fact that any substance whatever will be influenced by the magnetic field, although to an extent which is extremely small compared with a substance like iron. 13. Each element (元素) when vaporized (汽化) has its own set of frequencies it is able to emit or absorb, in a pattern as characteristic of that element as a set of fingerprints is of an individual human. 14. In any one example, h will either be always odd (奇数的) or always even (偶数的), which is all that matters, so that ( - 1)h will always be uniquely (唯一地) determined. 15. Symbols used in assembly(汇编)language programs are made up of letters and digits(数 字), with the first character(字符)of the symbol a letter.

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